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Barns rätt till kunskap om sina rättigheter : En undersökande studie om lärares arbete med Barnkonventionen / Children's right to knowledge about their rights : An analyzing study on teachers work with the Convention on the Rights of the ChildOdinge, Amanda January 2012 (has links)
This examination paper is about how the Swedish school educates their pupils about the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The purpose is to see, through current literature and research, how the Convention on the Rights of the Child implements in the Swedish society, with main focus on the Swedish schools line of work. The purpose is also to get an insight in how the actual work with the Convention on the Rights of the Child can appear in different schools in Sweden, through interviews with selected teachers. The method used to complete the research was a qualitative interview study with four teachers, in two different communities in the middle and south of Sweden. The empirical results have been compared to current research and literature on the subject. The teachers that participated in the analyzing study works with the Convention on the Rights of the Child in different ways, through diverse projects and by mediate the schools basic values through their daily work. My conclusion is that the Convention on the Rights of the Child is an important part of the schools education program and the pupil’s knowledge about their own rights are significant to insist on. Furthermore, the values of the Convention on the Rights of the Child should be communicated through the schools daily work with the basic values that the curriculum emphasizes. When Sweden ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990, they also agreed to make the Convention commonly known by the population of Sweden. Nevertheless, the lack of knowledge among adults and children in Sweden is a reappearing problem which the UN:s Committee on the Rights of the Child continues to point out as an important part in Sweden’s attempt to actualize the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This makes the schools ongoing work to mediate the Convention on the Rights of the Child to their pupils even more important. Because if the children themselves has a lack of knowledge about their own rights, then who are the rights for? / Detta examensarbete handlar om hur arbetet med Barnkonventionen ser ut i den svenska skolan. Syftet med arbetet är att, utifrån aktuell litteratur och forskning, få en bild av hur Barnkonventionen implementeras i det svenska samhället, med fokus på skolans verksamhet. Syftet är dessutom att, genom intervjuer med utvalda lärare, få en inblick i hur arbetet med Barnkonventionen kan se ut på olika skolor i Sverige. Metoden som har använts för att genomföra undersökningen är en kvalitativ intervjustudie som är genomförd med fyra lärare i två olika kommuner i mellan respektive södra Sverige. Det empiriska resultatet har jämförts med aktuell forskning och litteratur på området. Lärarna som medverkat i den undersökande studien arbetar på olika sätt för att förmedla Barnkonventionen till sina elever, genom olika former av projekt och genom förmedling av skolans värdegrund i det vardagliga arbetet. Min slutsats är att Barnkonventionen är en viktig del i skolans arbete och elevernas kunskaper om sina egna rättigheter är viktiga att framhålla. Dessutom ska Barnkonventionens värderingar förmedlas genom skolans dagliga värdegrundsarbete. Genom att Sverige ratificerade Barnkonventionen år 1990, skrev man också under på att göra den allmänt känd hos landets befolkning. Trots det är den bristande kunskapen bland barn och vuxna i Sverige en återkommande punkt som FN:s barnrättskommitté tar upp när det kommer till Sveriges arbete med att förverkliga Barnkonventionen. Detta gör att skolans arbete med att förmedla Barnkonventionen till sina elever blir ännu viktigare. För om inte barnen själva har kunskaper om vilka rättigheter de har, vem är då rättigheterna till för?
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”Dom är precis som vi, fast bara lite mindre!” : En studie om barns lärande om Förenta nationernas konvention om barnets rättigheter i förskolan / “They are just like us, just a little smaller!” : A study on children´s learning about United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in preschoolEliasson, Simonne, Ljungsryd, Lina January 2022 (has links)
The aim for the study is to investigate whether or not personnel with pedagogical and managing responsibilities convey childrens rights in accordance with the documents governing the Swedish preschools and the convention on the rights of the child. The study’s research questions are as follows: according to personnel with pedagogical and managing responsibilities, what opportunities are made possible for children’s rights learning? How does personnel with pedagogical and managing responsibilities look upon their educational responsibility regarding children’s rights learning, and what aspects within the organization can affect this responsibility? A qualitative method is applied and six semi-structured interviews with personnel with pedagogical and managing responsibilities were conducted. Foucault’s perspective on power, in accordance with the interpretation of Axelsson and Qvarsebo (2017) is applied to the study. The theoretical framework will assist to illustrate the asymmetric relationships within the preschool. The result of the study indicates that preschoolteachers lack of knowledge in regard to the convention on the rights of the child affects if and how children are being thought about their rights. The study also concludes that preschoolteachers decisions concerning childrens perception abilities in relation to rights learning are centred around age presumptions. The study further demonstrates the significance of early rights learning situations starting in preschool this to facilitate children’s position as rights carrying citizens within their own right.
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Den offentliga sektorns åtagande för att stärka barns rättigheter : En studie om implementering av barnkonventionen som nationell lagstiftning / The commitment of the Swedish public sector to strengthen children’s rights : A study on the implementation of the Convention of the Rights of the Child into Swedish lawAhmed, Robin January 2023 (has links)
The present study investigated the incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into Swedish law through an examination of the juridical difficulties in the state and municipalities. The study employed three methods: Qualitative content analysis, juridical method, and a semi-structured interview. The results show that the incorporation alone is not sufficient but is a project that needs continuous efforts to have thorough effects on children’s rights. As the phrasing of the Convention is vague it results in difficulties in exercising the rights, especially regarding the best interest of the child. Furthermore, the Swedish law prohibits children under 18 years old to bring an action to court in certain issues such as migration cases. Additionally, as Sweden has not ratified the third optional protocol of the Convention regarding the right to seek justice from the Committee on the Rights of the Child in case of a violation of rights on a national level, this further limits children to exercise their rights. On the municipal level, dissemination of information and knowledge regarding the Convention, cooperation between municipal bodies and the government, commitment for change, and access to adequate resources are all important tools for the implementation.
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Barns rättigheter i förskoleundervisning : En studie om förskolans personals föreställningar kring barns rättigheter i förskolans verksamhet / Children’s rights in preschool education : A study on preschool staff's beliefs about children's rights in preschool activitiesDahlström, Elsa, Mosling, Miriam January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to contribute to increased knowledge about educators' perceptions of children's rights and how they perceive that it is worked with in preschool. The method used in the study is a semi-structured interview, in which six educators participated. In this essay, we will use the term pedagogues when we refer to those who work in children's groups, the term includes both trained preschool teachers and all other staff. The result shows that the educators have a desire to work and learn more about the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The study also shows that the work with children's rights is usually about what approach one has rather than knowledge and understanding. The teachers' ideas about the subject reflects an uncertainty, which can contribute to children in preschool not being aware of their rights. / Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till ökad kunskap om pedagogers föreställningar av barns rättigheter och hur de upplever att detta arbetas med i förskolan. Metoden som använts är semistrukturerad intervju, där det deltog sex pedagoger. I denna uppsats kommer vi att använda begreppet pedagoger när vi benämner de som arbetar i barngrupperna, i begreppet ingår såväl utbildade förskollärare som all övrig personal. Resultatet visar på att pedagogerna har en vilja att arbeta och lära sig mer om barnkonventionen. Studien visar även att arbetet med barns rättigheter till större delen handlar om vilket förhållningssätt man har snarare än kunskap och förståelse. Pedagogernas föreställningar kring ämnet speglar en osäkerhet vilket kan bidra till att barn i förskolan inte blir medvetna om sina rättigheter.
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Fostran till demokrati ochdelaktighet? : En kvalitativ studie om hur föreningararbetar med inkludering av unga ibeslutsprocesser / Fostering to democracy and participation? : A qualitative study on how sports clubswork with the inclusion of youth people in decision-making processesEngman, Alexander, Sehlin, Oskar January 2023 (has links)
The Swedish government issued a statement in 1999, which included that all sports should be conductedfrom a child's rights perspective. This, among other things, involved an ambition to increase children'sand young people's influence on and responsibility for their sporting activities. As sport has beenproblematized as being driven by adults, much emphasis has been placed on how sports clubs work toincrease children's and young people's opportunities to become involved in sports clubs themselves. Thepurpose of this study is to investigate in what ways sports clubs in Northern Sweden work with theinclusion of young people in decision-making processes. The approach we used to collect data wasthrough semi-structured interviews, where we interviewed eight chairpersons in sports clubs’ boards.Data was analyzed with thematic analysis. The results show that clubs are working to create basicconditions, which are described as being prepared to include young people, being attentive to whatchildren and young people want to do, or have opinions about, asking for their opinions, as well as usingmethods to allow children and young people to express themselves, whose opinions form the basis ofdecision-making processes. The results also show that sports clubs have established absolute conditions.This means that children and young people are included in decision-making processes and shareinfluence and responsibility with adults, by, for example, having young people on their board or havingincorporated youth sections, which often get the opportunity to run projects and activities bythemselves. On the other hand, the sports clubs argue for prioritizing the issues in which children andyoung people should be included based on the idea that they understand their responsibility as adultsand have a comprehensive view of the sports clubs’ major areas of responsibility such as finance, staff,and safety.
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"Det är aldrig till barns bästa att vara rädd" : En kvalitativ studie om familjerättens förhållningssätt till barnets bästa i umgängesutredningar där det återfinns våld / “It is Never in a Child's Best Interest to be Afraid” : A Qualitative Study on Family Laws Approach to the Best Interests of the Child in Visitation Investigations with Domestic ViolenceLindberg, Tova, Smith, Hanna Jade January 2023 (has links)
The study’s purpose was to investigate how Family Law appraises the Children´s Rights Conventions principle "the best interests of the child" when assessing visitation in cases with domestic violence, moreover, how the approaches can impact the children. Four family law caseworkers were interviewed through a combined interview and vignette study. The empiricism was analysed with a thematic analysis. Results indicated that the interviewees take the child's best interests into account by acknowledging their opinions. The results showed an inherent problem with a family-oriented stance in investigations. The child's relationship with parents is highly valued, which can be against the child's best interests. Ultimately, violence was seen as a serious risk factor in visitation proceedings, this contributes to negative consequences on the child. Despite that the Convention now is law, the results showed contradictions regarding what the best interest of the child is, therefore continued research is needed on the issue. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka familjerättens förhållningssätt till Barnkonventionens grundprincip om barnets bästa vid bedömningar av umgänge i ärenden där det förekommer våld i hemmet, samt vad förhållningssätten kan innebära för barnet. Fyra familjerättssekreterare intervjuades genom en kombinerad intervju- och vinjettstudie. Empirin analyserades med en tematisk analys. Studiens bärande resultat visade på att familjerättssekreterarna beaktar barnets bästa genom att låta barnet få komma till tals. Resultatet fann även ett inneboende problem med ett familjeorienterat synsätt i umgängesutredningar. Det framkom att barnets relation till båda föräldrarna värnas högt vilket kan strida mot barnets bästa. Slutligen fann studien att våld utgör en allvarlig riskfaktor i umgängesutredningar och bidrar till negativa konsekvenser för barnet. Trots att Barnkonventionen är lag påvisade resultatet motstridigheter om vad barnets bästa innebär, och därför behövs fortsatt forskning i frågan.
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Barn som ljuger får ingen ersättning : Ett barnrättsligt perspektiv på frihetsberövandelagens jämkningsregler / The Kids Aren't Alright : Compensation for Wrongful Incarceration When the Complainant Was Underaged during their ConfinementSjölin, Celeste January 2023 (has links)
This essay explores the rules of adjustment of compensation for wrongful imprisonment as applied to juveniles aged 15–18 from a child law perspective. The Law of Compensation for Wrongful Deprivation of Liberty[1] excludes claims where the complainant has contributed to causing the deprivation, for instance through false confessions or other suspicious behavior. There are no exceptions for those who exhibited such behavior while they were underage. There is also no other guidance or precedent for special treatment of such cases with regard to the level of responsibility for the damages, although children are generally awarded a somewhat larger sum than adults. This essay considers the rules of exclusion in light of child rights, material laws concerning children in the justice system, as well as tort law principles regarding participation in causing damages to oneself. The purpose is to investigate whether there would be cause to change the law to include separate rules for children. The essay finds that preferential treatment of children is the rule rather than the exception, both in the criminal justice system, in torts, as well as with regard to the ability to enter agreements. This is mainly motivated by children's inability to take responsibility for their actions. Adults, commonly the child's parents or other legal guardians, but also representatives of the state, are to varying degrees tasked with taking responsibility for children and to protect them not only from others – but from themselves. The essay also finds that the cause of the damage, the deprivation of liberty, is different when it occurs during childhood, because: · Children are officially not punished for their crimes; their deprivation of liberty is defined as receiving care. · The treatment children receive through the criminal justice system is more psychologically damaging to them than prison sentences are to adults and has far-reaching consequences regarding their development. · The state has greater responsibility for children than for adults. · The nature of the fundamental rights violated through the confinement are different, as children do not fully have the same freedom as adults, and because they have rights which adults do not have. After considering a range of legal and non-legal factors, it would be reasonable and consistent to regulate children's claims to compensation for wrongful deprivation of liberty more preferentially. The state has a responsibility for the welfare and healthy development of children in general, as well as a duty to ensure that children are not being deprived of their liberty unless it is necessary to do so, according to article 37 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which holds a status as Swedish law since January 2020.[2] Research has shown young age and life adversity to be clear risk factors for falsely confessing to a crime. This should merit some caution on the side of the state when handling confessions from young people; especially when adult family members or friends could be suspected of the same crime. The very unequal power balance between the child and the state in that context should be reflected in the rules of adjustment of compensation. Another important issue with the current legislation is that children are unable to apply for the compensation without the signature(s) of their legal guardian(s), which has not been compensated for with regard to prescription. This is the case for various damage claims of children against the state. Thus, children are offered a shorter time than adults to personally claim compensation. The essay also considers whether an individual could claim this type of preferential treatment more directly based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Results in this regard are inconclusive. Importantly, while there may be reasons both for and against any changes, it is clear from the seriousness of the subject matter that such reasons should be explored and considered by the lawmaker. [1] Lag (1998:714) om ersättning för felaktigt frihetsberövande (My translation. No official English translation appears to be available.)[2] Although originally ratified in 1989.
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"Jag är socionom, inte gränspolis" : - en studie om socialsekreterares uppfattningar om en så kallad "angiverilag", samt hur en sådan kan komma att påverka deras professionalitet / I'm a social worker, not a border policeman” : - a study of social workers' perceptions of a so-called "angiverilag", and howsuch a law may affect their professionalismSjömark, Ellen, Jarl, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka vad socialsekreterare anser om en eventuell “angiverilag”, samt hur socialsekreterare tror att den eventuella lagen kan komma att påverka deras professionalitet. Sex intervjuer genomfördes med socialsekreterare inom olika enheter inom svensk Socialtjänst. Därefter analyserades det insamlade empiriska materialet med hjälp av en tematisk analys. I studien använts professions- och rollteorin för att ge förklaring och förståelse kring de aspekter som socialsekreterarna lyfter i intervjuerna. Några av de slutgiltiga slutsatserna som kunnat dras av studien är att socialsekreterare har ett motstånd gällande den så kallade “angiverilagen”. Motståndet grundar sig i att socialsekreterarna anser att den eventuella lagen går emot professionella etiska principer, kommer resultera i ett minskat förtroende för Socialtjänsten samt att skuggsamhället kommer växa. Studiens slutsatser visar också på att socialsekreterare anser att den eventuella lagen kommer resultera i en negativ påverkan på deras professionella förhållningssätt, handlingsutrymme och autonomi.
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Barns rätt att hävda sina rättigheter i Sverige - En argumentationsanalys om barnkonventionens klagomålsmekanismMannheimer, Clara January 2015 (has links)
Abstrakt:Barnkonventionen var länge den enda av FN:s kärnkonventioner som inte hade någon klagomålsmekanism, men år 2014 trädde en sådan mekanism i kraft. Denna C-uppsats ämnar belysa diskursen kring barnkonventionens tredje tilläggsprotokoll, om en individuell klagorätt för barn. Detta görs med hjälp av metoden argumentationsanalys, genom fallet Sverige. I uppsat¬sen analyseras pro-argumenten i diskursen, om huruvida barn har rätt till en klagomålmekanism. Då bedöms även dessa pro-arguments rimlighet och hållbarhet. Teorierna som kopplas till metoden är: viljeteorin, intresseteorin, maktteorin, men detta görs även genom teoretiker såsom Freeman, Archard, Dworkin, Guggenheim, Hobbes och Locke. Dessa teorier har valts ut, för att de är de mest framträdande inom diskussionen om barns rättigheter. Flera av argu¬menten som trätt fram under bearbetningen av dokumenten, liknar varandra till stor del och stöttas av flertalet teorier och teoretiker. Detta resulterar i att argumentens hållbarhet och rim¬lighet stärks. / Abstract:The Convention on the Rights of the Child was for a long time the only of the UN's core con-ventions that had no communications proceeding, but in 2014 such a mechanism went into force. This essay aims to shed light on the debate surrounding the CRC Third Additional Protocol, individual complaints procedure for children. This is done by applying the method of argument analysis on the case of Sweden. The paper analyses the pro-arguments in the dis-course about whether children should have the right to a communications procedure or not, and if these pro-arguments have fairness and sustainability. The theories that are used in rela-tion to the method are: will-theory, interest theory, power theory, but also by theorists such as Freeman, Archard, Dworkin, Guggenheim, Hobbes and Locke. These theories have been se-lected because they are the most prominent in the discussion of children's rights. Many of the arguments that emerged during the processing of documents are similar to a large extent and are supported by the majority of theories and theorists. This makes these arguments plausibility strengthened.
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Misshandel av barn - En analys ur ett barnperspektiv respektive barnrättsperspektiv med särskilt fokus på rekvisitet smärta. / Assault of children - An analysis from a child perspective and a children’s rights perspective with particular focus on the prerequisite pain.Kullström, Angelica January 2024 (has links)
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