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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ska man klappa börsen med- eller mothårs? : En studie om momentum- och contrarianstrategiers effekt på den svenska marknaden. / Should you bet for or against the stock market?

Dotevall, Josef, Ekengren Landenmark, Kristoffer January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Ska man klappa börsen med- eller mothårs? Författare: Josef Dotevall och Kristoffer Ekengren Landenmark Handledare: Katarina Eriksson Bakgrund: De allra flesta med ett någorlunda intresse eller erfarenhet från den finansiella marknaden har hört talas om den effektiva marknadshypotesen. Den säger att det inte är möjligt att överavkasta marknaden över tid genom att systematiskt implementera investeringsstrategier. Samtidigt visar forskning om psykologiska faktorer på att individer på aktiemarknaden emellertid kan reagera irrationellt och att det därav går att överavkasta marknaden genom att dra nytta av de felaktiga prissättningar som kan uppstå på marknaden. Därför blir det intressant att testa huruvida en implementering av momentum- och contrarianstrategier vid investeringsbeslut kan leda till en överavkastning på indexet OMX Stockholm Mid Cap PI. Detta är även intressant för att ingen tidigare studie har testat dessa strategiers effekt på detta index. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka ifall det är möjligt att uppnå överavkastning på OMX Stockholm Mid Cap PI genom att implementera momentumoch contrarianstrategier som investeringsstrategier under perioden 2012 till 2021. Metod: En kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats tillämpades vid genomförandet av studien. Åtta fiktiva olika portföljer sattes samman, fyra contrarianportföljer och fyra momentumportföljer, med bolag som varit en del av indexet OMX Stockholm Mid Cap PI under perioden 2012–2021. Varje portföljkategori delades sedan in i olika urvalsoch innehavsperioder. Varje portfölj innehöll fem bolag åt gången. Sedermera utfördes statistiska tester för att analysera portföljernas avkastning och riskjusterade avkastning. Resultat: Tre av studiens åtta sammansatta portföljer uppvisade en avkastning som var signifikant högre än jämförelseindexet. Resterande fem portföljer uppvisade en avkastning som var signifikant lägre än index. Endast en av portföljerna hade en högre riskjusterad avkastning än jämförelseindexet. / Abstract Title: Should you bet for or against the stock market? Authors: Josef Dotevall och Kristoffer Ekengren Landenmark Supervisor: Katarina Eriksson Background: Almost everyone who has an interest in finance or have studied some form of finance has heard of the efficient market hypothesis. The efficient market hypothesis says that the market is priced correctly and that all actors on the market are rational. However, previous studies about psychological factors says that actors on the stock market sometimes act irrational, which makes it possible to reach excess returns. Therefore, it is interesting to test the momentum and contrarian strategies potential effects on the index OMX Stockholm Mid Cap PI when no previous study has explored these strategies effect on this specific index. Purpose: The study aims to analyse the possibility of reaching excess return on OMX Stockholm Mid Cap PI by implementing momentum and contrarian strategies as investment strategies in the period between 2012 and 2021. Methodology: The study has utilized a deductive and quantitative approach to complete the aim of the report. Eight fictive portfolios were put together, four contrarian portfolios and four momentum portfolios, containing stocks included in the OMXSPI Mid Cap. Each portfolio category then was divided into different selection and holding periods. Each portfolio always contained five companies at the same time. Then statistical tests were performed to analyse the portfolios returns and risk adjusted returns. Conclusion: Three of the eight portfolios showed a statistically significant excess return compared with the benchmark index. The other five portfolios showed a significantly lower return than the benchmark index. Only one portfolio performed a higher riskadjusted return than the benchmark based on the Sharpe ratio.

Generation Z:s investeringsbeteende i ingången av en lågkonjunktur : En kvantitativ studie om börspsykologiska faktorers påverkan på generation Z:s investeringsbeslut / Generation Z’s investment behavior at the onset of a recession : A quantitative study on the influence of psychological factors ongeneration Z’s investment decision

Boström, Hanna, Dahlström, Samuel January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Efter många år av högkonjunktur är den svenska ekonomin prognostiserad att föras in i en lågkonjunktur under 2023. Hög inflation hanteras med stigande räntor vilket påverkar investerare på flera sätt, men det finns också en rad börspsykologiska faktorer som kan ha en inverkan på investerare och deras beslut. En åldersgrupp som aldrig investerat under en lågkonjunktur är generation Z. Det är därför intressant att undersöka hur börspsykologiska faktorer påverkar generation Z:s investeringsbeslut under ingången av en lågkonjunktur. Syfte: Syftet med arbetet är därför att undersöka och åskådliggöra vilka börspsykologiska faktorer som har en påverkan på generation Z:s beslutsfattande i ingången av en lågkonjunktur.  Metod: Studien har antagit en kvantitativ insamlingsmetod med en deduktiv ansats, detta genom en genomgripande litteraturstudie följt av en enkätundersökning. Analysen har antagit ett deskriptivt förhållningssätt men har också bestått av enkel linjär regression. Slutsats: Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det finns tendenser av samtliga börspsykologiska biaser i generation Z. Av regressionsanalysen att döma går det dock endast att utläsa signifikanta samband mellan biaserna overconfidence, herding behaviour och anchoring bias mot generation Z:s investeringsbeslut under ingången av en lågkonjunktur.

Beating the Swedish Market : A dynamic approach to Value Investing using Modern Portfolio Theory

Karlsson, Viktor, Nygren, Emil January 2012 (has links)
Previous research has confirmed the existence of a value premium in a wide array of markets and using this value stock anomaly has yielded superior performance. This thesis investigates if one could take advantage of the existence of a value premium to deploy a dynamic investment strategy on the Swedish stock market (OMXS30) with focus on minimizing risk to achieve higher risk adjusted performance than the stock market index. The investment strategy implemented use Market-to-Book-Value to screen for both entry and exit signals and Modern Portfolio Theory, using the minimum-variance portfolio with short-selling constraints, to allocate assets within the portfolio. The investment strategy is evaluated using the Modigliani-Modigliani Risk Adjusted Performance measure. Conclusions from the thesis are that the strategy does outperform the Swedish stock market index, both in terms of nominal return and risk-adjusted performance. The suboptimal behaviour of investors where they overreact  to signals and unconsciously rely on heuristics is used to explain why this is possible. Market-to-Book-Value, using the first quartile as entry signal and third quartile as exit signal, is considered to be a successful key ratio to screen for value stocks.

Value and size investment strategies: evidence from the cross-section of returns in the South African equity market

Barnard, Kevin John January 2013 (has links)
Value and size related equity investment strategies are supported by a large body of empirical research that shows a persistent premium, both longitudinally and crosssectionally. However, the competing rational and behavioural finance explanations for the success of these strategies are a subject of debate. The rational explanation is that the premium earned on value shares or shares of small companies can be attributed to higher risk. Behaviouralists argue that such shares are not riskier and attribute the premium to cognitive errors and biases in human decision making. The purpose of this study is to determine, firstly, whether the value and size premium exist in South Africa during the period July 2006 to June 2012, which includes one of the worst equity market crises in history. Secondly, this study sets out to determine whether the premium earned on value and size strategies are adequately explained by the principles of rational finance theory. To provide evidence regarding the existence of the value premium and size effect, returns are analysed, cross-sectionally, on portfolios of shares sorted by value and size. For evidence of a rational explanation, returns are regressed on value and size variables, and the relative riskiness of value and small companies is analysed. The results show evidence of a value premium in portfolios of small companies, but not big companies. The size effect is found not to be statistically significant. While regressions do show significant relationships between value and size variables and returns, these variables are found not to be associated with higher levels of risk. The conclusion is that the evidence does not support a rational, risk based explanation of the returns

Active Portfolio Managers: Behaviours and Approaches : A qualitative study of behavioural approaches towards markets in active management of mutual funds in Sweden

Salame, David January 2017 (has links)
The field of behavioural finance remains to be a major criticizer to the efficient market hypothesis, claiming all humans of being rational. Some argues for the lack of behavioural aspects of investors being a main cause to the financial crisis of 2008, due to tendencies of them following same investment paths. Understanding investors’ sights and approaches is important as behavioural differences can contribute to further enhancements in the financial markets. This study examines the approaches towards the financial markets of managers of actively managed mutual funds in Sweden. By interviewing six managers of actively managed mutual funds, representative conclusions could be drawn, although, not statistically significant as for the lack of supporting numbers of significance. Representatively for the participants in this thesis, the overall estimation of the markets is considered to be efficient to some extent, but do occasionally indicate for having flaws, of which the managers are taken advantage of. Behaving rationally was found to be representative when deciding what and when to invest. Confidence have been proven to be a common attribute among the managers influencing their decisions and investments. You obtain less without confidence than you would have with it. Although, too much confidence can be damageable. There is no point of thinking of hindsight as afterthoughts does not change your past decision. / Beteendefinansiering som ämne är än idag en stor del av kritiken mot den effektiva marknadshypotesen som antar att alla människor är rationella i sitt beteende. Vissa påstår att de bristande beteendemässiga aspekterna är nästintill en huvudanledning till varför finanskrisen 2008 blev som det blev på grund av tendensen av att flertalet investerare följer samma spår. Att förstå hur investerare ser och angriper finansiella marknader är viktigt då det vidare kan möjliggöra för förbättringar på dem marknaderna. Denna studie undersöker förvaltares angreppssätt mot marknader för aktivt förvaltade fonder i Sverige. Genom att intervjua sex förvaltare för aktivt förvaltade fonder har representativa slutsatser kunnat dras, dock inte signifikanta, då metodologin brister i signifikanta siffror som stöd. Respondenternas syn på marknaden antas vara effektiv överlag, men som emellanåt indikerar för ineffektivitet. Att bete sig rationellt resulterade även det för att vara representativt gällande i vad och när man ska investera. Självförtroende i det man som förvaltare sysslar med på en daglig basis är viktigt att ha och är bevisat, dock inte med signifikant stöd av siffror, vara ett gemensamt attribut bland förvaltarna. Har man inte självförtroende som fondförvaltare kan det leda till brister, likt om man har för gott sådant. Det är heller ingen idé att tänka på vad man borde göra i efterhand då sådana eftersläpande tankar inte kan påverka dåtida beslut.

Insynshandel – där abnorm avkastning är abrupt! : En studie om den lagliga insynshandeln på företagen listade på First North / Insider trading - where abnormal return is abrupt! : A study of the legal insider trading on the companies listed on First North

Sapthawisukphon, Alexis, Darab, Haidar January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate whether executives can earn abnormal return by purchasing their own stocks and establish an understanding of possible aspects. Method: In order to observe if abnormal return exists on insider buy-transactions, a method triangulation with deductive approach has been made. An event study has been adopted to measure the transaction events. In addition, CAAR has been calculated with aid of a model. These values go through a significance test in order to support the hypothesis.  Theory: The study is grounded on the efficient market hypothesis, information asymmetry, behavioural finance and signalling. Furthermore, previous research has been adopted to support the study.  Conclusion: The results of the study show that executives for growth companies can profit from abnormal returns. / Syfte: Syftet med studien är att studera om personer i ledande ställning profiterar vid insynsförvärv av aktier samt skapa en djupare förståelse kring möjliga underliggande faktorer. Metod: För att studera om det uppstår abnorm avkastning vid insynsförvärv har en metodtriangulering med deduktiv ansats behandlats. Eventstudie har använts för att mäta transaktions händelserna. Vidare beräknas CAAR med hjälp av en modell. Dessa kommer sedan att signifikanstestas för att stödja hypoteserna.  Teori: Teorier som behandlas i denna studie är den effektiva marknadshypotesen, informationsasymmetrin, beteendebaserad finansiering och signaleringshypotesen. Vidare behandlas tidigare forskningar som ger stöd till studien. Slutsats: Resultaten för studien påvisar att personer i ledande ställning för tillväxtföretag kan profitera på abnorm avkastning.

A behavioural multi-criteria decision making framework for corporate climate change response

Chinoda, Muriel January 2013 (has links)
The understanding that humans are bounded in their rationality has been proven to manifest in complex decision making as a result of a limit in the amount of information available, the cognitive limitations of the mind and the amount of time available in which to make a decision. Because of this, humans have been known to appeal to heuristics and the rules of thumb (termed 'satisficing‘) when making decisions, resulting in biased probability judgments and not maximizing expected utility. Corporate application of bounded rationality is still very limited. This study builds on and advances the study and application of bounded rationality in corporate environments, using climate change response as a real-life situation, and in a circular fashion help explain some of the debates and paradoxes that agitate researchers from the climate change community. Using a mixed methods comparative case study of two organisations‘ responses to climate change, the study theorises that competitive market forces and the ability of organisations to learn from other organisations limits the levels of 'satisficing‘ in strategic decision making. Instead, the limited amount of information and the fear of the unknown cause organizations to approach the subject cautiously. A tactical interpretive climate change response framework emerges. / Business Management / D.B.L.

När krisen kommer : En kvalitativ studie om hur småsparare påverkas av börspsykologiska faktorer i kristider / When the Crisis Comes : A qualitative study about how individual investors are affected by psychological biases during times of crisis

Blücher Melin, William, Fajerson, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
Background: The 12th of March 2020 the Stockholm stock market fell close to eleven percent, the biggest decline on the market in modern time, as a result of the Covid-19 virus. Earlier studies have found that many individual investors make ill-considered decisions during sharp price falls which don't benefit their economic interest and that every new financial crisis offers new possibilities to expand the understanding about what underlying factors that are behind the crisis. Studies about psychological shortcomings have earlier been conducted, but not in connection with a stock market crash as a result of a pandemic, which means that there is not much research within the area. Therefore, there is an incentive to investigate which psychological biases individual investors were affected by during the corona crisis. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study how a number of Swedish individual investors acted on the stock market during the corona crisis and if it varies depending on how much capital they manage. Which of the psychological biases herd behaviour, the disposition effect, loss aversion and extrapolation bias the individual investors that were interviewed was affected by and how they reasoned during the sharp stock market decline in March 2020. Method: The thesis has been conducted by a qualitative method to fulfil its purpose. The data collection consists of 10 semi-structured interviews with Swedish individual investors and statistics from the stockbroker Avanza. An abductive approach has been adopted to be able to analyse the studied subject and reach a conclusion. Conclusion: The thesis finds that the actions of the investigated individual investors can be divided into three categories. The ones that sold all their stocks when the stock market declined rapidly, the ones that didn’t do anything and the ones that bought more stocks successively. There is no clear connection between managing more money and getting less affected by psychological biases. Furthermore, the respondents were partly affected by how much earlier experience they had, whereas the ones with less experience were to a greater extent affected by psychological biases.

Coronavirus-Related Sentiment and Stock Prices : Measuring Sentiment Effects on Swedish Stock Indices / Coronavirus-relaterat sentiment och aktiepriser : En studie av sentimenteffekter på svenska aktieindex

Piksina, Olga, Vernholmen, Patricia January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the effect of coronavirus-related sentiment on Swedish stock market returns during the coronavirus pandemic. We study returns on the large cap and small cap price indices OMXSLCPI and OMXSSCPI during the period January 2, 2020 – April 30, 2020. Coronavirus sentiment proxies are constructed from news articles clustered into topics using latent Dirichlet allocation and scored through sentiment analysis. The impact of the sentiment proxies on the stock indices is then measured using a dynamic multiple regression model. The results show that the proxies representing fundamental changes in our model — Swedish Politics and Economic Policy — have a strongly significant impact on the returns of both indices, which is consistent with financial theory. We also find that sentiment proxies Sport and Coronavirus Spread are statistically significant and impact Swedish stock prices. This implies that coronavirus-related news influenced market sentiment in Sweden during the research period and could be exploited to uncover arbitrage. Finally, the amount of sentiment-inducing news published daily is shown to have an impact on stock price volatility. / Denna studie undersöker den effekt coronavirus-relaterat sentiment haft på avkastningen på svenska aktieindex under coronaviruspandemin. Vi studerar avkastningen på large cap- och small cap-prisindexen OMXSLCPI och OMXSSCPI under perioden 2 januari 2020 – 30 april 2020. Proxier för coronavirus-sentiment konstrueras från nyhetsartiklar som klustrats i ämnen genom latent Dirichlet-allokering och poängsatts genom sentimentanalys. Sentimentproxiernas påverkan på aktieindexen mäts sedan med en dynamisk multipel regressionsmodell. Resultaten visar att proxierna som representerar fundamentala förändringar i vår modell — svensk politik och ekonomisk policy — har en starkt signifikant inverkan på avkastningen på båda indexen, vilket är konsekvent med finansiell teori. Vi finner även att sentimentproxierna sport och spridning av coronaviruset är statistiskt signifikanta i sin påverkan på svenska aktiepriser. Detta innebär att coronavirus-relaterade nyheter påverkade marknadssentiment i Sverige under undersökningsperioden och skulle kunna användas för att upptäcka arbitrage. Slutligen visas mängden sentimentframkallande nyheter publicerade per dag ha en inverkan på aktieprisvolatilitet.

A Three-Pronged Sustainability-Oriented Markowitz Model : Disruption in the fund selection process? / En tre-dimensionell hållbarhetsorienterad Markowitz modell

Louivion, Simon, Sikorski, Edward January 2019 (has links)
Since the term ESG was coined in 2005, the growth of sustainable investments has outpaced the overall asset management industry. A lot of research has been done with regards to the link between sustainability and financial performance, despite the fact that there is a lack of transparency in sustainability of listed companies. This thesis breaks down the word sustainability into two di↵erent categories, and in turn eleven di↵erent parameters. The result is the term Q score which represents a company’s sustainability. The purpose is to increase transparency in the fund selection process for asset managers. Further, a multiobjective optimization problem is solved to analyze the relationships between return, risk and sustainability. The main subject is that accommodating sustainability as a third parameter in addition to return and risk modifies the fund selection process. The result indicates that the relationships between sustainability, return and risk follow the ecient market hypothesis, implying that an investor would have to sacrifice risk and return in order to achieve higher sustainability. With that said, the results indicated that the sacrifice is relatively small, and that there are a number of sustainable portfolios that perform well. Moving on, the reporting of ESG company data is still lacking. For this reason, this master thesis acts as a precursor for any future development within the field. / Sedan termen ESG utvecklades år 2005, har tillväxten av hållbara investeringar vuxit snabbare än den generella förvaltningsindustrin. Mycket forskning har gjorts kring hållbarhet kopplat till finansiell avkastning, men trots detta saknas det fortfarande en transparens rådande hållbarhet av noterade bolag. Detta examensarbete bryter ned termen hållbarhet till två kategorier, vilket i sin tur bryts ner till elva kvantifierbara parametrar. Resultatet blir ett så kallat Q score, som är ett värde på ett företags hållbarhet. Syftet med arbetet är att öka transparensen av fonders hållbarhetsarbete. Vidare löses ett optimeringsproblem med tre parametrar för att undersöka förållandena mellan avkastning, risk och hållbarhet. Resultatet indikerar att dessa förhållanden följer hypotesen om effektiva marknader, vilket innebär att en investerare måste offra avkastning och risk för att uppnå en mer hållbar portfölj. Med det sagt, indikererar resultatet att en investerare inte behöver offra mycket inom avkastning för att uppnå en hållbar portfölj. Vidare kvarstår det mycket arbete inom rapporteringen av ESG data på företagsnivå. Av detta skäl anses detta examensarbete vara en föregångare innan datan utvecklas vidare.

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