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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förebyggande arbete mot narkotikaanvändning bland ungdomar : En kvalitativ intervjustudie utifrån ett samverkansperspektiv / Preventive work against drug use among young people : A qualitative interview study based on a collaboration perspective

Helge, Ewelina, Börjesson, Vilma January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to, through qualitative interviews, contribute to a deeper understanding of how collaboration between human-treating organizations, which work preventively against drug use among young people in X-municipality, continues in practice. Therefore, we also want to investigate how this collaboration is experienced within four human-treating organizations. These are the police, social services, field group and student health team at school in X-municipality. This was done with the help of nine qualitative interviews in semi-structured form. The results of the interview material were analyzed using organizational theory and previous research. From the results, we could see that collaboration is perceived as an important phenomenon where the organizations collaborate to some extent, but not as much as they would like. Where organizational factors such as regulations, personal interaction and different approaches to the social problem affect the extent to which cooperation takes place.

Geology of the Big Walker Mountain-Crockett Cove Area, Bland, Pulaski, and Wythe counties, Virginia

Webb, Fred January 1965 (has links)
The Big Walker Mountain-Crockett Cove area lies in the Valley and Ridge province of southwestern Virginia and is made up of Middle Cambrian-Lower Mississippian strata which are exposed in two separate northeast-trending strike belts. The area is bounded on the northwest by the northwestern limb of the Greendale syncline which has been overridden from the southeast by rocks of the Saltville block. The northeast-trending Saltville thrust probably dips less than 25° in the area near Bland, Virginia, where Middle Ordovician rocks are exposed in a fenster. The rocks exposed in the fenster are probably part of the northwest limb or near-trough portion of the Greendale syncline. The major structure of the Saltville block is the walker Mountain homocline which has subsidiary folds that plunge eastward into a much larger structure - the Blacksburg synclinorium - which is located just east of the area studied. The Saltville block is broken at its southern limit in most of the area by the Tract Mountain reverse fault which essentially parallels the trace of the Saltville fault. Stratigraphic displacement along the Tract Mountain fault decreases from a maximum of about 8,000 feet near its southwestern terminus where the Pulaski block overrides it from the south,to less than 1,000 feet nearly 18 miles away at the eastern border of the area studied. The Tract Mountain block, which is bounded on the northwest by the Tract Mountain fault, is made up of a series of northeast-trending folds which plunge eastward toward the Blacksburg synclinorium. Mapping of the Tract Mountain block and stratigraphic studies of two of its larger folds, the Crockett Cove anticline and the adjacent Queens Knob syncline, show that there is no appreciable thickness or lithologic change in Middle Cambrian-Lower Ordovician rocks between syncline and anticline. However, the basal Champlainian Series in the more southern fold, the Queens Knob syncline, has an aggregate thickness of about 4,400 feet, whereas the same interval near the crest of the Crockett Cove anticline is less than 2,000 feet thick. Most of the beds present near the trough of the syncline are markedly more clastic and less pure than the corresponding beds on the crest of the adjacent anticline which is less than 2.5 miles up structure to the north. Based on this evidence, it is concluded that the present structural axes are identical to axes of maximum and minimum differential subsidence of the sea floor during Middle Ordovician-Late Silurian time. The synclinal trough was the site of maximum subsidence and the anticlinal axis was the site of minimum subsidence. The date of inception of these two folds must correspond to the beginning of pronounced vertical movement of the sea floor which started in early Champlainian time. The anticline which must have at one time lay adjacent to and southeast of the Queens Knob syncline was probably eliminated as a large fault slice during movement along the Pulaski fault that strikes obliquely across the axis of the Queens Knob syncline, which is the southernmost structural element of the Tract Mountain block. The leading edge of the Pulaski block forms the southern border of the Big walker Mountain-Crockett Cove area.which contains approximately 160 square miles that was mapped on a scale of 2 inches to the mile. / Ph. D.

Identification of Potential Sources of Measurement Errors in an Isokinetic Dynamometer : Reliability Analysis of Shoulder Abduction and Flexion Data / Identifiering av potentiella källor till mätfel hos en isokinetisk dynamometer : Tillförlitlighetsanalys av axelabduktion och flexionsdata

Grannerud, Malena January 2022 (has links)
The evaluation of shoulder abduction and flexion strength is important in the rehabilitation after rotator cuff tear. The purpose of this work is to assess the intra and inter-rater reliability of measurement data from an isokinetic dynamometer used to evaluate shoulder abduction and flexion strength, with the aim to identify sources of measurement errors and suggest improvements. The measurement data was collected by a research group at Karolinska Institute and contained load and torque data from thirteen healthy subjects in the ages of 25 to 87 years. The measurements were carried out on two occasions, one week apart. Systematic differences between occasions are analyzed using the Shapiro Wilk test, the paired t-test, and Wilcoxon signed rank test. The agreement of the measurements is analyzed quantitatively using the coefficient of variation and the Bland Altman plot, and quantitively, using the intraclass correlation coefficient. A significant systematic difference in shoulder abduction and flexion load measurements was found, and the recommendation to prevent this is that components should be calibrated in a standardized way. The measurements showed varying reliability within and between measurement occasions and that after familiarization with the isokinetic dynamometer, repeatability improved. The findings indicate a need of a standardized protocol for patient education and placement. Measurements from the position sensor contributed to more random torque values. To improve the repeatability in measurements from the position sensor, axis of rotation should be kept aligned. An increasing variability in measurements with increasing load and torque was found. The recommendation is to use a preload for patients using more force in the movement, to make sure a preset speed is not exceeded, which contributes to more reliable measurements. / Utvärderingen av axelabduktion och flexionsstyrka är viktig i rehabiliteringen efter skada i axelleden. Syftet med det här arbetet är att bedöma intra- och interbedömartillförlitligheten hos mätdata från en isokinetisk dynamometer som används för att utvärdera axelabduktion och flexionsstyrka, med syftet att identifiera källor till mätfel och föreslå förbättringar. Mätdatat samlades in av en forskargrupp vid Karolinska Institutet och innehöll belastnings- och vridmomentdata från tretton friska försökspersoner i åldrarna 25 till 87 år. Mätningarna utfördes vid två tillfällen med en veckas mellanrum. Systematiska skillnader mellan tillfällena analyseras med Shapiro Wilk-testet, det parade t-testet och Wilcoxon signed rank test. Mätningarnas överensstämmelse analyseras kvantitativt med hjälp av variationskoefficienten och Bland Altman-diagrammet, samt kvalitativt med hjälp av intraklasskorrelationskoefficienten. En signifikant systematisk skillnad i axelabduktion och flexionsbelastningsmätningar hittades, och rekommendationen för att förhindra detta är att komponenter bör kalibreras på ett standardiserat sätt. Mätningarna visade på en varierande tillförlitlighet inom och mellan mättillfällen och att efter bekantskap med den isokinetiska dynamometern, förbättrades repeterbarheten. Slutsatserna indikerar ett behov av ett standardiserat protokoll för patientutbildning och placering. Mätningar från positionssensorn bidrog till mer slumpmässiga vridmomentvärden. För att förbättra repeterbarheten i mätningar från positionssensorn bör rotationsaxeln hållas i linje. En ökande variation mellan mättillfällen med ökande belastning och vridmoment hittades. Rekommendationen är att använda en förspänning för patienter som använder mer kraft i rörelsen, för att säkerställa att en förinställd hastighet inte överskrids, vilket bidrar till mer tillförlitliga mätningar.

”Vi kanske glömde ställa frågan till killarna…”- Skolkurativt stöd till killar med självskadebeteende: Definition, problembild och förståelse / “Perhaps we forgot to ask boys the question…” – School counsellor support for boys who harm themselves: Definition, view of the issue and knowledge

Kalici, Rudina, Wimarsson, Evelyn January 2014 (has links)
The main purpose for this study was to examine how boys with destructive and self-harming behaviour are perceived and comprehended by school counsellors and literature. The study assessed how boys who harm themselves are defined both in practice and in theory by using a social constructivist point of view and a gender perspective. The study was divided in two parts concerning gathering knowledge of the matter. The authors, using a method called qualitative semi-structured interviews, interviewed nine school counsellors. To acquire scientific knowledge, the authors implemented a literature review and researched books and journal articles regarding boys who self-harm. An essential discovery is that boys, who self-harm, have a tendency to be overlooked and excluded from the issue. This is mainly depending on how these boys often express their feelings by acting out their emotions in a physical manner. It is socially acceptable for boys to be extroverted, to be louder and use bigger gestures while girls are introvert and emotional human beings. This is depending on social expectations on each gender and the qualities and behaviour that are associated with being either male or female.

Renal Arterial Blood Flow Quantification by Breath-held Phase-velocity Encoded MRI

Wallin, Ashley Kay 14 May 2004 (has links)
Autosomal dominant polycystic disease (ADPKD) is the most common hereditary renal disease and is characterized by renal cyst growth and enlargement. Hypertension occurs early when renal function is normal and is characterized by decreased renal blood flow. Accordingly, the measurement of blood flow in the renal arteries can be a valuable tool in evaluating disease progression. In studies performed in conjunction with this work, blood flow was measured through the renal arteries using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In order to validate these in vivo measurements, a vascular phantom was created using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and also scanned using MRI under controlled steady flow conditions. Ranges of vessel diameters and flow velocities were used to simulate actual flow in a normal and diseased population of adults and children. With the vessel diameters studied in this experiment, minimization of field of view and an increase in spatial resolution is important in obtaining accurate data. However, a significant difference does not exist between the results when using the 160 or 200 mm FOV. An increase in the number of phase encodings provides improved results, although an increase in image acquisition time is observed. Velocity-encoding in all three orthogonal directions does not improve image data. This method of using MRI to measure flow through a vessel is shown to be both accurate and reproducible, and the protocol providing the most correct results is prescribed. Breath-hold phase-velocity encoded MRI proves to be an accurate and reproducible technique in capturing flow and has the potential to be used for the purpose of observing hemodynamic changes in the renal arteries with the progression of ADPKD.

Må bra på äldre dar : en studie av ett hälsofrämjande samverkansprojek / “Feel well in old age” : a study of a health promoting collaborating project

Brännström Forss, Birgitta January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att förstå den erfarenhet och kunskap om samverkan som deltagarna i Må bra på äldre dar - projektet fått i det hälsofrämjande samverkansprojektet. Studien fokuserar på framgångsfaktorer och hinder för samverkansprocessen, hur projektet påverkat maktförhållandena mellan de ideella och offentliga organisationerna, deltagarnas organisatoriska erfarenheter av samverkan, deras uppfattning av arbetsklimatet och upplevelse av KASAM i projektet. Forskning kring hälsofrämjande samverkan bland äldre är sparsam. En kvalitativ ansats användes med fokusgrupper som datainsamlingsmetod. 11 fokusgrupper genomfördes med 62 deltagare. Intervjuade var representanter för de deltagande organisationerna, äldre och blivande äldre som deltagit. Projektledarens svar på intervjufrågorna redovisades skriftligt. Analys av materialet genomfördes med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Nio teman framkom vid analys av framgångsfaktorerna: 1. Ledare, eldsjälar, mål, varaktighet, att lyssna mm, 2. offentliga organisationer har störst betydelse, men alla är viktiga, 3. människor möttes och skapade en process som gav flow, 4. delaktighet, 5. gränsöverskridande ett nytt sätt att arbeta, 6. människor och organisationer lärde sig av varandra, 7. nätverksbyggandet ökade i samhället, 8.helhet och sammanhang samt 9. positivt arbetsklimat och ingen stress. Nio teman framkom vid analys av de hinder de olika organisationerna upplevt inom projektet (de äldre och blivande äldre omfattades av fem av dem och projektledarens av sju): 1.bristande stöd och legitimitet, 2. bristande resurser och resursutnyttjande, 3. bristande organisatoriska förutsättningar, 4. ojämlik makt och ekonomiska förutsättningar, 5. otillräcklig förankring, 6. revir och konkurrens, 7. bristande delaktighet och tillit, 8. bristfälliga metoder och 9. stressande arbetsklimat. Deltagarna upplevde delaktighet inom projektet. Både offentliga och ideella företrädare upplevde inte att projektet påverkat de offentliga organisationernas arbetssätt. Projektets legitimitet minskade under projekttiden. Deltagare i projektet fick ny kunskap om att arbeta i samverkan, ny kompetens om att arbeta gränsöverskridande, om vikten av att bygga relationer och skapa nätverk. Projektets arbetsklimat uppfattades både som hälsosamt och stressande. Formuläret SOC 13 användes för att mäta deltagarnas KASAM. Resultatet visare en relativt hög känsla av sammanhang i projektet bland deltagarna. Studien visar på svårigheter att bedriva hälsofrämjande arbete bland äldre. Tecken finns att den offentliga sektorn inte är redo för detta paradigmskifte. Det finns dock mycket att vinna på att initiera hälsofrämjande arbete, social gemenskap utvecklas i ett demokratiarbete med empowerment som metod, ytterst för en hållbar utveckling. / The aim of this study is to understand the experience and knowledge of intersectoral collaboration of the participants in the health promotional project “Feel good in the old age”. The study focuses on successful factors and barriers in the collaboration process, how the project have affected the power between the non governmental and the public organisations, the participants organisational experiences of collaboration, their view of the working climate in the project and their experiences of SOC in the project. Research in intersectoral collaboration in health promotion among elderly is sparse. The methodology is a qualitative study with focus groups. 11 focus groups was made with 62 participants from the different organisations – non governmental and public- and old and people becoming elderly. The project leader wrote the answers before the focus groups were made. Content analysis was used. As successful factors nine themes appeared: 1. leaders, energizers, duration, listen, 2. the public organisations are the most important but all are valuable, 3.people met and created a process with flow, 4. participation, 5. working over boundaries is a new way of working, 6. people and organisations learned from each other, 7. building of networks increased in the society, 8. sense of coherence and 9. positive working climate and no stress. Nine themes appeared in the analysis of barriers (elderly and becoming elderly was grasping five of them and the project leader seven): 1. insufficient support and legitimacy, 2. insufficient resources and use of available resources, 3. insufficient organisational conditions, 4. unequal power and economical conditions, 5. insufficient anchoring, 6. preservations and competition, 7. insufficient participation and trust, 8. insufficient methods and 9. the work in the project was under stress. The participants experienced participation in the project. Both public and nongovernmental representatives did not think the project had influenced the public organisations. The legitimacy of the project decreased during the run. The participants got new knowledge in how to work in collaboration, new competence of how to work over the boundaries and of the importance of building relationships and networks. The working climate was seen as healthy and as with stress. The SOC 13 formula was used to measure the participant’s sense of coherence in the project. The score was relatively high. The study shows difficulties in intersectoral collaboration. There are some signs that the public sector is not yet ready to change the paradigm. There are though a lot to win to initiate health promotion. A social fellowship develops in a democracy process with empowerment as the method, farthest out to reach a sustainable development / <p>ISBN 91-7997-145-8</p>

Att bryta ett mönster : Äldre mäns upplevelser av att söka sig till och delta i en social gruppaktivitet, för att bryta eller lindra ensamhet och social isolering / To break a pattern : Older men's experiences of applying for and participating in a social group activity, to break or alleviate loneliness and social isolation

Frenkel, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Ofrivillig ensamhet som består under en längre tid kan ge långtgående negativa konsekvenser för individen, så som ökad risk att drabbas av både fysiska och psykiska sjukdomar och för tidig död. Forskning visar att det finns en påvisad ökning av ensamhet under den senare delen av ålderdomen. Studier visar att många ensamstående äldre män har ett begränsat socialt kontaktnät, vilket gör dem mer sårbara för ensamhet och social isolering. Flera sociala verksamheter som syftar till att främja äldres hälsa och motverka äldres ensamhet och isolering vittnar om låga deltagartal bland männen.  Syftet med studien var att undersöka den process som fått äldre män att söka sig till och delta i en organiserad social gruppaktivitet, för att bryta eller lindra ensamhet och social isolering. Målet var att öka kunskapen om vad som har möjliggjort ett deltagande, samt om det funnits omständigheter som har utgjort hinder för ett deltagande. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie och resultatet har tagits fram genom en kvalitativ analys. Studien har en abduktiv ansats där ett antal begrepp inom den symboliska interaktionismen har använts för att analysera resultatet. Åtta personer som är gäster inom den ideella organisationen Äldrekontakt har intervjuats via semistrukturerade intervjuer per telefon.  Resultatet sorterades in under möjliggörande samt hindrande faktorer. Under möjliggörande faktorer ryms tre huvudteman. Normbrytande personlighet belyser de individuella förutsättningar som möjliggjort ett deltagande, där intervjupersonernas egenskaper och beteende trotsar traditionella föreställningar om den starke och oberoende mannen. Temat drivkrafter handlar om de inre motiv som ligger bakom beslutet att söka sig till en social gruppaktiviteten, där längtan efter kontakt med andra människor och att ha något att se fram emot är starka drivkrafter. Temat yttre påverkan beskriver de yttre förutsättningar som bidragit till beslutet att söka sig till en social verksamhet, som att deltagarna har fått information om verksamheten och att de får skjuts till träffarna. Under hindrande faktorer har tre huvudteman tagits fram. Temat mansnormer som barriär visar att samhällets förväntningar om den starke och självständiga mannen gör det svårare för äldre män att erkänna eller identifiera ensamhetskänslor, vilket i sin tur hindrar dem från att söka sig till sociala verksamheter. Temat osäkerhet inför nya kontakter belyser en osäkerhet bland äldre män, inför att söka efter nya sociala kontakter. Temat hälsorelaterade hinder tar upp att en försämrad hälsa gör det svårare att ta sig iväg på sociala aktiviteter, vilket kan leda till en passivisering.  Resultatet visar på en motsättning mellan männens handlande och självinsikt. Även om männen på många sätt agerar på ett normbrytande sätt, framträder också ett maskulint ideal mellan raderna i männens berättelser. I en diskussion om resultatets betydelse diskuteras huruvida männen i studien är medvetna om att de bryter mot traditionella könsnormer eller inte. / Prolonged involuntary loneliness can have far-reaching negative consequences for individuals, such as increased risk of both physical and mental illness and premature death. According to research there is a proven increase in loneliness during the latter part of old age. Studies show that many single older men have limited social networks, which makes them more vulnerable to loneliness and social isolation. Several social interventions aimed at promoting the health of the elderly and counteracting loneliness and social isolation, have reported low participation rates among older men.   The purpose of this research was to investigate the process that led older men to apply for and participate in an organized social group activity, to break or alleviate loneliness and social isolation. The aim was to increase knowledge about what has made participation possible, and whether there have been circumstances that have constituted obstacles to participation. The research was conducted through qualitative methods, using an abductive approach where a number of concepts in symbolic interactionism were used to analyze results. Eight visitors from the non-profit organization ‘Äldrekontakt’ [Elderly Contact] were interviewed by telephone using semi-structured interviews. The results were sorted under ‘enabling’ and ‘hindering’ factors. Under enabling factors, there were three main themes. ‘Norm-breaking personality’ highlights the individual conditions that enabled participation, where the interviewees' characteristics and behavior defy traditional notions of ‘the strong and independent man’. The theme ‘driving forces’ refers to the inner motives behind the decision to apply for a social group activity, where desire for contact with other people and having something to look forward to, were strong driving forces. The theme ‘external influence’ describes the external conditions that contributed to the decision to apply for a social activity, such as participants receiving information about the activity or getting a lift to the meetings by volunteers.  Three main themes were developed for ‘hindering factors’. Firstly, the theme ‘male norms as a barrier’demonstrates that society's expectations of the strong and independent man make it more difficult for older men to acknowledge or identify feelings of loneliness, which also prevents them from participating in social activities. Secondly, the theme ‘insecurity in seeking new contacts’ highlights an insecurity among older men, in searching for new social contacts. Lastly, the theme ‘health-related obstacles’ addresses that deteriorating health makes it more difficult to partake in and access social activities, which can lead to becoming more passive. The results show a contradiction between the men's actions and self-insight. Although the men in many ways act in a norm-breaking way, a masculine ideal also emerges between the lines within the men's stories. In analyzing the significance of the results, it is discussed whether the men in the study are aware that they are breaking traditional gender norms or not.

”Det finns nog ett stort mörkertal, men jag vet inte.” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av hur enhetschefer och vård- och omsorgspersonal inom hemtjänst och särskilt boende konstruerar förståelsen av våld i nära relationer bland äldre. / "There probably are hidden numbers in the statistics, but I don’t know." : A qualitative study of how unit managers and care personnel construct their understanding of elder abuse in Swedish elderly care.

Johansson, Anna-Maria, Wilner, Jeanette January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to highlight and analyze how the understanding of elder abuse is phrased, enunciated and socially constructed by unit managers and care personnel in elderly care. Despite being globally recognized as a social problem, elder abuse is an under-researched field. The data collection consists of eight qualitative and semistructured interviews with unit manager and care personnel in swedish elderly care. The study has been analyzed by applying a theoretical framework consisting of social constructivism, ageism and role concepts. The results of the study shows that unit manager and care personnel has the tools and ambition to notice and perceive elder abuse. The results also shows that the lack of an coherent definition of elder abuse has an influence in how the phenomenon is constructed by care personnel.

Elevers motivation till lärande och utvecklande av förmågan ”allsidiga rörelser inom olika fysiska sammanhang”

Klockar, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka möjligheterna till att öka elevernas motivation till att lära sig obekanta rörelser. Den praktiska undervisningen har varit inspirerad av Parkour och planeringen av den intervention som genomfördes har skett med inspiration av diverse teorier om lärande. Dessa teorier var Antonovskys KASAM-begrepp, Vygotskijs sociokulturella perspektiv på lärande, samt den dynamiska systemteorin. För att kunna undersöka elevers motivation så har interventionen genomförts på en högstadieskola i Mellansverige, där två klasser från årskurs 9 deltagit i undersökningen. Båda klasserna besvarade enkäter innan genomförd intervention, samt efter den genomförd intervention. Mellan de båda enkäterna så har eleverna i en klass, studiens experimentgrupp, genomgått undervisning tillsammans med en interventionspedagog (hädanefter hänvisad till genom förkortningen IP). Den andra gruppen, studiens kontrollgrupp, har genomgått undervisning med deras ordinarie pedagog (hädanefter hänvisad till genom förkortningen OP).Det visade sig genom sammanställningen av enkäterna, att en grupp kom att höja sin motivationsnivå för deltagande i undervisningen, medan den andra gruppen kom att sänka sin motivationsgrad för deltagande i undervisningen. Resultatet diskuterades ur olika synvinklar, där är en aspekt som framkommer som kan ha spelat en mer central roll än övriga delar i att det blev den förändring mellan grupperna som det blev.

Fabians and 'Fabianism' : a cultural history, 1884-1914

Downing, Phoebe C. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a cultural history of the early Fabian Society, focusing on the decades between 1884, the Society’s inaugural year, and 1914. The canonical view is that ‘Fabianism,’ which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as the ‘doctrine and principles of the Fabian Society,’ is synonymous with State socialism and bureaucratic ‘efficiency.’ By bringing the methods of cultural history to bear on the Society’s founding members and decades, this thesis reveals that ‘Fabianism’ was in fact used as a dynamic metonymy, not a fixed doctrine, which signified a range of cultural, and even literary, meanings for British commentators in the 1890s and 1900s (Part 1). Further, by expanding the scope of traditional histories of the Fabian Society, which conventionally operate within political and economic sub-fields and focus on the Society’s ‘official’ literature, to include a close examination of the broader discursive context in which ‘Fabianism’ came into being, this thesis sets out to recover the symbolic aspects of the Fabians’ efforts to negotiate what ‘Fabianism’ meant to the English reading public. The Fabians’ conspicuous leadership in the modern education debates and the liberal fight for a ‘free stage,’ and their solidarity with the international political émigrés living in London at the turn of the twentieth century all contribute to this revised perspective on who the founding Fabians were, what they saw themselves as trying to achieve, and where the Fabian Society belonged—and was perceived to belong—in relation to British politics, culture, and society (Part 2). The original contribution of this thesis is the argument that the Fabians explicitly and implicitly evoked Matthew Arnold as a precursor in their efforts to articulate a kind of Fabian—latterly social-democratic—liberalism and a public vocation that balanced English liberties and the duty of the State to provide the ‘best’ for its citizens in education and in culture, as in politics.

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