Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bottom upp"" "subject:"bottom upu""
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工作犬計畫執行成效及關鍵因素分析─以A市為例 / Effectiveness and Crucial Affecting Factors Analysis for Working Dogs Program Execution in City A陳筠凡, Chen, Yun Fan Unknown Date (has links)
A市以「工作犬計畫」為推動流浪犬認養之策略,且短期內認養率升幅最高,率先達成零撲殺目標,故本文以此為個案,藉「由下而上」政策執行分析途徑,透過文獻分析、深度訪談、參與觀察、問卷調查及焦點團體訪談等研究方法,了解工作犬計畫之內容及執行過程、工作犬佔個人認養率之比例與後續飼養品質等情形,並剖析影響前述成效之關鍵,以供其他縣市參考。最後總結上述發現,對相關政策行動者提出建議,並就整體流浪犬政策議題提出未來研究思考方向。 / 英文文獻
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Involvement without Influence? : Theoretical and Organisational Premises for Women´s Empowerment in Development ProgrammesCortobius Fredriksson, Moa January 2011 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to discuss how the theoretical and organisational premises of the gender approaches of development programmes affect their possibilities to empower women and to enhance gender equality. This will be done through a study of the gender approaches of six development programmes for democratic and economic governance in the water and sanitation sector located in Angola, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay and Philippines respectively. The programmes strive towards the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals and are financed by the Spanish Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund. The programmes‟ gender approaches are defined as: the way the programmes interpret the concepts of women‟s empowerment and gender equality; the way they incorporate the concepts into their programme design and organisational structure, and; the activities and strategies implemented to enhance women‟s empowerment and gender equality in the programme areas. The analysis of the gender approaches of the programmes will be centred on the five theoretical assumptions which together state that a) a gender approach based on a collective postulation, with; b) adequate mechanisms for women‟s influence and; c) a purposeful involvement of men, backed-up by; d) adequate resource and responsibility allocation, and; e) a gender integrated design enabling evaluation and monitoring, is more probable to empower women. The main findings of the thesis are that: 1) all of the six gender approaches of the programmes are fundamentally individualistic and driven by efficiency rationales; 2) women‟s possible influence is generally limited and partial because of inadequate scope of participatory spaces; 3) men are not considered in any of the gender approaches; 4) the responsibility allocation for gender issues is the most important organisational feature for the implementation of the approaches, but it is weak in the majority of the programmes; 5) the integration of gender in the programme design and the funding mechanisms appear to not affect the implementation directly. Based on the results of the thesis it is concluded that both the theoretical and organisational premises of the gender approaches create small possibilities for the programmes to empower women and to enhance gender equality. The results also point to what appears to be fundamental structural weaknesses in the present gender interpretation, integration and implementation of international development agencies.
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L'apport des représentations des acteurs associatifs dans une perspective de développement durable / The contribution of associative actors in a perspective of sustainable developmentLandemaine, Mickael 08 February 2018 (has links)
La perspective d’un développement durable, si nous nous référons à l’accentuation de l’ensemble des phénomènes qu’il était supposé endiguer depuis son entrée en scène il y a une quarantaine d’années, semble devoir être à nouveau questionnée. Par la même, ceci nous invite à douter de la capacité des États et des entreprises à répondre seuls aux enjeux qu’il soulève. En ce sens, notre recherche, d’inspiration qualitative et interprétativiste, va s’intéresser à la diffusion récente de cette perspective auprès d’associations non nativement impliquées sur le sujet. Ceci afin d’étudier ce que les représentations et les préconisations de ces acteurs, concernant des enjeux qui dépassent le cadre de leur objet social, sont susceptibles de lui apporter. Nous plaçant dans le cadre des sciences de gestion, nous nous intéresserons dans le même temps aux dispositifs de gestion qui, au sein de ces organisations, exercent une influence sur leurs représentations et, par extension, sur leurs actions. Une double perspective théorique sera mobilisée pour cela. D'un côté, la théorie de la structuration développée par Anthony Giddens, qui nous permettra de conjuguer habilement des aspects à la fois très globaux, propres à des systèmes sociaux, et individuels. De l’autre, les travaux de Boaventura De Sousa Santos qui nous obligeront en permanence à faire un pas de côté par rapport à ce qui apparaît comme prédominant et devoir prédominer. / The perspective of sustainable development – if we refer to the accentuation of the phenomena that it was supposed to contain since its emergence forty years ago – seems to have to be questioned again. Thereby, invite us to doubt about the capability of states and companies to respond alone to the grand challenges it raises. In this sense, our qualitative and interpretative research will focus on the recent diffusion of this perspective among associations which are non-natively involved on the matter. This would serve to study what the representations and recommendations of these actors, concerning issues which go beyond their social purpose, are likely to bring to it. By placing ourselves in the context of management sciences, we will at the same time be interested in the management systems that, within these organizations, have an influence on their representations, and by extension on their actions. A double theoretical perspective will be mobilized to that purpose. On the one hand, the theory of structuration developed by Anthony Giddens, will allow us to skillfully combine aspects that are both very global, specific to social systems, and individual. On the other hand, the work of Boaventura De Sousa Santos, will require us to constantly step aside from what appears predominant and must prevail.
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Mellan varumärke och gemensamt raster : Skilda sätt att se verksamhetsidéer för pedagogisk verksamhet / Between trademark and shared perspective : Different ways of seeing verksamhetsidé within the Swedish educational contextThelin, Katina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore the ways in which verksamhetsidé is seen within the Swedish educational context. In Sweden, the concept verksamhetsidé is used for an idea or a set of ideas related to the practice of an organization, for instance a school or a school district. Although the importance of such shared ideas is often pointed out by practitioners as well as researchers within the field of school development, there is little consensus about their meaning. When it comes to questions about the actual function and character of such an idea, or set of ideas, little guidance is found in the literature. This thesis seeks to contribute to such knowledge. In order to describe variations in the ways such ideas are seen as well as in the ways working with such ideas are seen, a phenomenographic study was carried out. The empirical data consist of deep interviews with 14 school directors of education in one larger city in Sweden; each responsible for several schools and preschools in one district. As directors they were all involved in the process of developing a verksamhetsidé, to guide all educational activities in the area. Results suggest that verksamhetsidé can be seen as a trademark, as putty, as a compass, as a map, or as a shared perspective. Each of these conceptions is used as a label for a category of description, and together they constitute one of the study’s outcome spaces. When it comes to working with such ideas, another variation is found. This variation is described through the concepts of top-down implementation and bottom-up sensemaking. Moreover, the data suggest no correlation between a certain way of seeing a verksamhetsidé and a certain way of seeing how to work with it. / Människors sätt att se varierar. Samtidigt verkar det vara av betydelse att medarbetare i skolan och förskolan utvecklar gemensamma sätt att se åtminstone vissa aspekter av verksamheten. Att bygga upp och fördjupa förståelsen av en gemensam idé framställs i skolutvecklingsforskningen som en viktig aspekt av skolans och förskolans ledarskap. I den här avhandlingen beskrivs variationen i sättet att se verksamhetsidéer, och arbetet med sådana, som den framträder i en grupp skolchefer med övergripande ansvar för pedagogisk verksamhet. Variationen diskuteras sedan i relation till olika sätt att se skolutveckling och ledarskap, samtidigt som avsaknaden av koppling mellan specifika sätt att se verksamhetsidéer och specifika sätt att se arbete med sådana problematiseras. I den avslutande diskussionen framhålls särskilt betydelsen av att de som befinner sig i skolans eller förskolans praktik utvecklar kunskap om variationen och använder sig av den för att bygga upp ny kunskap med relevans för verksamheten och arbetet i den. Till grund för de resultat som presenteras ligger en intervjuundersökning genomförd i en större svensk stad, i vilken det vid tiden för studiens genomförande pågick ett arbete med att bygga upp en, för all pedagogisk verksamhet i staden, gemensam verksamhetsidé. / <p>The original ISBN number of this work ( 978-91-7063-520-5 ) has been replaced by a new one: 978-91-7063-571-7.</p>
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Efficient Hierarchical Clustering Techniques For Pattern ClassificationVijaya, P A 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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A comparison of the rate and accuracy of symbol location on visual displays using colour-coded alphabetic and categorisation strategies in Grade 1 to 3 childrenHerold, M.P. (Marina Patricia) 02 July 2012 (has links)
THIS THESIS IS IN THE EXAMINATION PROCESS The ability to locate symbols on a visual display forms an integral part of the effective use of AAC systems. Characteristics of display design and perceptual features of symbols have been shown to influence rate and accuracy of symbol location (Thistle&Wilkinson, 2009; Wilkinson, Carlin,&Jagaroo, 2006). The current study endeavoured to compare the use of two colour-coded organisational strategies (alphabetical order and subcategorisation) for their effectiveness in symbol location and to investigate if some bottom-up features influenced the performance of the participants in these tasks. 114 learners in Grade 1 to 3 in a mainstream school were randomly divided into two groups. Both of the groups were exposed to two visual search tests in alternating order. The tests involved searching for 36 visual targets amongst 81 coloured Picture Communication Symbols on a computer screen in one of two colour-coded organizational methods, namely alphabetical order or subcategorisation. The data from the research task was collected through computer logging of all mouse selections. Findings showed that locating symbols on a computer screen with a subcategorisation strategy was significantly faster and more accurate than with an alphabetical strategy for the Grade 1 to 3 participants. The differences between the rates and accuracy of target symbol location using the two strategies decreased significantly as grade increased. It was also found that although the tests in this study placed heavy top-down processing demands on the participants, there was still evidence of bottom-up factors influencing their performance. Implications for display design in AAC clinical practice were discussed. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC) / Unrestricted
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Formal Concept Analysis Methods for Description LogicsSertkaya, Baris 15 November 2007 (has links)
This work presents mainly two contributions to Description Logics (DLs) research by means of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) methods: supporting bottom-up construction of DL knowledge bases, and completing DL knowledge bases. Its contribution to FCA research is on the computational complexity of computing generators of closed sets.
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Municipalities as Enablers of Citizen-led Urban Initiatives : Possibilities and Constraints / Kommuner som möjliggörare av medborgardriven stadsutveckling : Möjligheter och hinderDanenberg, Rosa January 2015 (has links)
Municipal bottom-up urban development is growing into an increasingly common urban practice. However, bottom-up urban development differs considerably from conventional top-down planning. The discrepancy forms obstacles for the relationship between top-down and bottom-up actors. Yet, creating an enabling relationship is possible, although how it can be realized is rather underexamined. Therefore, the aim of this research is to contribute knowledge to how municipalities can enable citizen-led urban initiatives. Empirical research in Stockholm and Istanbul, based on four examples of citizen-led urban initiatives and one municipal representative, provided valuable insights. On the one hand, within the existing municipal framework, certain possibilities and constraints for municipal bottom-up urban development arise. However, aiming to creating a structural change that transforms the relationship, new urban governance arrangements need to be established at the local level. From a governance innovation perspective, implementing a neighborhood council and a municipal guide form feasibly possibilities. Especially its combination is found key to redeem most of the constraints while it has the potential to establish socially innovative urban development.
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Militär kreativitet : en militär konstform?Blomberg, Björn January 2021 (has links)
Kreativitet är en förmåga som Försvarsmakten önskar att militär personal behärskar och använder. Samtidigt saknas en tydlig beskrivning av vad militär kreativitet är, hur det ska tolkas och om det påverkas av yttre påverkansfaktorer. Trots vikten av att officerare ska kunna behärska kreativitet i en militär kontext, återfinns det inte en entydig sammanhållen definition av begreppet att förhålla sig till. Syftet med denna studie var att bidra till en djupare förståelse för militär kreativitet och de drivkrafter som påverkar kreativiteten i en militär kontext. De två frågeställningar som ligger till grund för studien var: Hur tolkas kreativitet i en militär kontext av yrkesofficerare i Försvarsmakten? Vilka drivkrafter hämmar alternativt stimulerar kreativitet i en militär kontext hos den enskilde yrkesofficeren? Frågeställningarna undersöktes genom intervjuer med yrkesofficerare i Försvarsmakten och analyserades i enlighet med en Grounded Theory-ansats. Studiens resultat visar att det finns en militär kreativitet som uppstår då militär personal befinner sig i en militär kontext och ständigt tänker nytt. Mer specifikt kan denna militära kreativitet definieras som: när militär personal på ett nytt och nyttigt eller generativt sätt skapar progression i en militär kontext. Denna studie bidrar således med att belysa progression som en viktig utgångspunkt för förståelsen av militär kreativitet. Studien visar också att den organisatoriska miljön har en central betydelse för den militära kreativiteten eftersom den stimulerar eller hämmar den militära personalen i sitt utövande. Studiens resultat pekar särskilt på att förekomsten av negativ korrigering, eller bestraffning, inom Försvarsmakten har en påtagligt hämmande effekt på militär kreativitet. / Creativity is an ability that the Swedish Armed Forces want their military personnel to master and use. At the same time, there is no clear description of what military creativity is, how it should be interpreted and whether it is influenced by external influencing factors. Despite the importance of officers being able to master creativity in a military context, there is no unambiguously coherent definition of the term to relate to. The purpose of this study was to contribute to a better understanding of military creativity and the driving forces that influence creativity in a military context. The two questions that form the basis of the study were: How is creativity interpreted in a military context by professional officers in the Armed Forces? What driving forces inhibit or stimulate creativity in a military context of the individual professional officer? The issues were examined through interviews with professional officers in the Swedish Armed Forces and analyzed in accordance with a Grounded Theory approach. The results of the study show that there is a military creativity that arises when military personnel are in a military context and constantly think new. More specifically, this military creativity can be defined as: when military personnel in a new and useful or generative way create progression in a military context. This study thus helps to shed light on progression as an important starting point for the understanding of military creativity. The study also shows that the organizational environment is central to military creativity because it stimulates or inhibits military personnel in their practice. The results of the study indicate in particular that the presence of negative correction, or punishment, within the Swedish Armed Forces has a significant inhibiting effect on military creativity.
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"Wir müssen kleine Brötchen backen": Německá zahraničně-kulturní a vzdělávací politika vůči Rusku v kontextu třetí vlády Angely Merkelové / "We have to bake small bagels now": German Russia-Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy in the context of the third Angela Merkel's governmentJiříček, Dalibor January 2021 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou zahraničně-kulturní a vzdělávací politiky SRN s důrazem na vzdělávací sektor ve vztahu k Rusku během třetí vlády Angely Merkelové. Pozornost je věnována především klíčovým změnám a definici normativních, institucionálních a koncepčních rovin. Úvodní část práce se věnuje základnímu uvedení do tématu, stanovení cílů, tezí a výzkumných otázek. Dále je zde popsána metodologie a kritické zhodnocení pramenů a literatury. První kapitola teoreticky vymezuje analytické koncepty soft-power, civilní mocnost, geo- ekonomická mocnost a "Wir müssen kleine Brötchen backen", které umožňují podrobněji popsat zkoumanou oblast. V této části je také definována zahraničně-kulturní politika a její hlavní instrumenty. Druhá kapitola představující empirickou část diplomové práce se podrobně věnuje vzdělávacímu sektoru zahraničně-kulturní a vzdělávací politiky SRN ve vztahu k Rusku v letech 2013 až 2017. Skrze klíčové programy a projekty jsou rozebírány cíle, tematické okruhy, programové, koncepční a částečně i finanční změny zkoumané politiky. Třetí kapitola se věnuje analýze a vyhodnocení těchto změn. Kromě toho je věnována pozornost i kontinuitě ve vybraných oblastech a efektivnosti autorem zavedeného konceptu "Wir müssen kleine Brötchen backen". Následuje závěr práce, který shrnuje...
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