Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bureaucratic.""
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Instructions for a Walk Off Line : stanley brouwn’s deviations from the norm as a strategy for arts bureaucracyPaardenkooper, Rosa Simone January 2023 (has links)
Instructions for a Walk Off Line engages in a reparative reading of Fluxus and Conceptual artworks, with a focus on the practice of stanley brouwn, to outline a set of strategies for contemporary artists to approach the role of bureaucracy in mediating their relationship with art institutions. This research starts from the observation that modern and contemporary art museums are increasingly invested in inviting underrepresented artists into their spaces without engaging in the necessary structural changes to meet their conditions for being included. Bureaucracy is one of those structural elements that maintains and perpetuates certain norms and excludes those who do not have proximity to them. In the approach to Fluxus and Conceptual works, this thesis relies on intermedia and queer theory to analyse how bureaucratic form, language, and function are appropriated and fused with artistic media to expose normative systems, destabilise them, and deviate from them. stanley brouwn’s Aantal stappen of meters in de richting van diverse steden in the collection of Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven is taken as an exemplary case, as brouwn is known to have a specific set of conditions for the display and dissemination of his work. Situating brouwn’s practice in relation to the strategies of appropriation, exposure, destabilisation and deviation, this research proposes his work and conditions as a relational practice of walking off line. The notion of the line, a recurring formal aspect in brouwn’s work, represents the norm that brouwn and his contemporaries deviate from. The museum staff and the audience are invited into this process through different instructions and conditions for the installation of, and engagement with the work. This thesis demonstrates that these instructions are not static but allow for interpretations and invite playfulness. The strategies in this research are offered in the same way; they are not presented as a single way of walking off line but invite a range of possibilities based on the needs and conditions relevant to the context of working with bureaucracy in the arts today.
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Peeling an Apple: Police Discretion from an Officer's Perspective in Terms of a Definition, Education, and the Process of RoutinizationBeech, Andrew Evan 09 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A dissertação apresentada leva em consideração o papel de protagonismo
que os burocratas de nível de rua assumem no processo de implementação de
programas federais de educação, em um estudo de caso em uma escola da rede
municipal de São Luís no Maranhão. Olhando especificamente para o Programa
Mais Educação e para a implementação do seu substituto, o Programa Novo Mais
Educação. Apesar de situados em momentos políticos diferentes, ambos têm como
objetivo o cumprimento de uma das metas do Plano Nacional de Educação, que
vigora até 2024, usando estratégias distintas. Este estudo surge na perspectiva de
contribuir para a análise da atuação dos atores que são responsáveis pela
implementação do programa na ponta, os burocratas de nível de rua, o que os
motiva, que valores os cercam e em quais condições de trabalho e atuação certas
escolhas e deliberações são feitas. Ao longo da investigação foi possível constatar
que a discricionariedade, neste caso, não só ocorre como assume papel protagonista
para que a implementação do programa federal de fato aconteça. Seja pela falta de
manuais orientadores que apoiem os burocratas de nível de rua, ou pelo
entendimento que estes atores têm do conceito de educação integral e como ele se
integra ao objetivo do programa em suas duas versões. / [en] The dissertation presented considers the leading role that street-level
bureaucrats assume in the process of implementing federal education programs, in
a case study at a school in the municipal network of São Luís in Maranhão. Looking
specifically at the Mais Educação Program and the implementation of its
replacement, the Novo Mais Educação Program. Although located at different
political moments, both aim to fulfill one of the goals of the National Education
Plan, which runs until 2024, using different strategies. This study arises from the
perspective of contributing to the analysis of the performance of these actors, what
motivates them, what values surround them and in what conditions of work and
performance certain choices and deliberations are made. Throughout the
investigation it was possible to verify that the discretion, in this case, not only
occurs but assumes a protagonist role for the implementation of the federal
program to happen. Whether due to the lack of guiding manuals that support streetlevel bureaucrats, or due to the understanding that these actors have of the concept
of comprehensive education and how it fits into the program s objective in its two
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[pt] Esta tese é composta por três capítulos. No primeiro, nós investigamos se o fornecimento de informações sobre resultados de pesquisas sobre a efetividade de políticas públicas faz com que líderes políticos implementem mudanças em políticas públicas. Para isso, nós usamos dois tipos de experimentos para medir: (1) demanda por pesquisas e (2) ações de políticas públicas em resposta ao fornecimento de pesquisas. Nós concluímos que formuladores de políticas públicas estão dispostos a pagar quantias relativamente altas para descobrir os resultados de avaliações de impacto, atualizam suas crenças sobre os impactos esperados de uma política pública na direção correta se informados sobre resultados de pesquisa, e pagam mais por tipos de estudos que subsequentemente afetam mais suas crenças. Da mesma forma, fornecer informações sobre resultados de pesquisas indicando impactos positivos e custo-efetivos de uma política pública aumenta a probabilidade de que prefeitos implementem esta política em seu próprio município em 10 pontos percentuais. No segundo capítulo, nós estudamos o papel que choques de receita desempenham em investimentos governamentais em capacidade fiscal. Usando um desenho de estudo de eventos em um modelo de diferenças-em-diferenças, analisamos os ajustes do orçamento municipal a um choque exógeno das receitas de transferências constitucionais. Na média, municípios aumentam a coleta de impostos, mas esse efeito desaparece em jurisdições com prefeitos de baixa escolaridade, que, em vez disso, tendem a cortar despesas. Mostramos que a contratação de trabalhadores da área fiscal é o principal mecanismo por trás do aumento de receitas tributárias. No terceiro capítulo, nós seguimos a teoria de hierarquias baseadas em conhecimento para estudar a organização interna de governos municipais no Brasil. Usando dados detalhados de empregados e empregadores, nós construímos hierarquias de burocratas dentro de municípios e mostramos que os padrões empíricos se correspondem às previsões teóricas. Nós, então, apresentamos evidências sugestivas ligando a estrutura organizacional em que burocratas operam com a produtividade do setor público. / [en] This thesis consists of three chapters. In the first one we investigate whether the provision of information about research findings regarding effectiveness of policies cause political leaders to enact policy change. To do so, we use two types of experiments to measure elected heads of government: (1) demand for research and (2) policy responses to supply of research. We find that policymakers are willing to pay relatively high amounts to learn the results of impact evaluations, update their posterior over the expected impact of a policy in the correct direction if informed of research findings, and pay more for types of studies that subsequently affect their beliefs more. Correspondingly, providing information about research findings indicating positive, cost-effective impact of a policy increases the probability that mayors implement the policy in their own municipality by 10 percentage points. In the second chapter, we study the role that revenue shocks play on government investment in fiscal capacity. Using a differencein - difference event-study design, we analyze local budget adjustments to an exogenous revenue shock in formula transfers to Brazilian municipalities. We find that positive revenue shocks translate into additional spending, while the adjustment after a negative shock depends on local characteristics. On average, municipalities increase tax collection, but this effect disappears in jurisdictions with low-educated mayors, which rather tend to cut expenditures. We show that hiring tax related workers is the main mechanism behind the increase in tax revenues. In the third chapter, we follow the theory of knowledge-based hierarchies to study the internal organization of municipal governments in Brazil. Using detailed matched employer-employee data, we construct bureaucrats hierarchies within municipalities and show that the empirical patterns match the theoretical predictions. We then present suggestive evidence linking the organization structure in which bureaucrats operate and public sector productivity.
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"Tillsammans för ungdomens bästa" : En kvalitativ studie om SSPF i Norrköpings kommun / "Together for the good of the youth" : A qualitative study of SSPF in Norrköping municipalityNorén, Elin, Schollin, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka förutsättningar för och möjligheter med, samt vilka utmaningar och utvecklingsområden samverkansparterna upplever i SSPF-samverkan i Norrköpings kommun. Vidare avsåg studien att undersöka om synen på samverkan skiljde sig mellan de samverkande aktörerna och vad det i så fall kunde få för konsekvenser. Empiriskt material har samlats in genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som hållits med en representant från vardera organisation, det vill säga från skola, socialtjänst, polis och fritid. Resultatet visar att SSPF är en vedertagen arbetsform som är väl etablerad i kommunen. Det framkom dock att det finns utmaningar i arbetet och därmed finns ett behov av utveckling. Den främsta utmaningen i samverkan var begränsad tillgång av resurser som medfört att de saknar möjlighet att arbeta på det sätt som det är tänkt. Det största utvecklingsområdet är således tillgången av resurser som avgör i vilken grad de kan bemöta hjälpbehovet som finns. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the conditions for and opportunities with, as well as the challenges and development areas experienced by the parties in the SSPF collaboration in Norrköping municipality. Furthermore, the study intended to investigate whether the view of collaboration differed between the collaborating parties and what consequences this could have. Empirical material has been collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews held with one representative from each organization. The results show that SSPF is an accepted working method that is well established in the municipality. However, it emerged that there are challenges in the work and thus there is a need for development. The main challenge was limited access to resources, which meant that they lacked the opportunity to work in the way intended. The biggest area for development is thus the availability of resources, which determines the extent to which they can meet the need for help.
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"It takes a lot for people to come forward": An Investigative Analysis of OSHA's Certification Expansion into the U Nonimmigrant VisaMarsh, Fallon Christine 05 1900 (has links)
Occurring across all professions and industries, noncitizen workers experience unfair and dangerous working conditions and are discouraged from seeking legal aid because of the fear of retaliation and deportation. In addressing these concerns, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a new certification expansion in support of U nonimmigrant status and T nonimmigrant status visa applications for noncitizen workers who comply with OSHA investigations. This research project sought to holistically understand the potential obstacles noncitizen-serving nonprofit organizations could face in response to the OSHA U-visa certification expansion. Being a new option for noncitizen workers and service providers alike, this research utilizes the perspective of several expert service providers regarding the implementation of the certification expansion and where hardships in its application could occur. Through the use of a national survey and audio-visual online semi-structured interviews, service providers described their trepidations with the OSHA U-visa expansion. The research findings showcased how the implementation of the certification expansion has affected the immigration sector in terms of its possible challenges in viability, networking-building, and capacity of those involved in the application process across all social and political levels. Based on feedback offered by participating service providers, recommendations and deliverables have been developed with the intention to address these challenges and seek betterment for noncitizen workers.
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Ethical decision making by registered nurses in a bureaucratic contextNevhutanda, Tshilidzi Rachel 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)
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Kompetens i samtal med barn. : En studie om kompetens- och verksamhetsutveckling för socialtjänstpersonal angående samtal med barn. / Competence in Speaking with Children. : A study about social workers and conversations with children.Claesson, Agnes, Friberg, Jonathan January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: I socialtjänstens utredning om barn är barnen en viktig informationskälla. I svensk lagstiftning beskrivs det att barnets bästa ska betraktas när åtgärder rör dem. Socialarbetare känner sig ibland osäkra inför samtal med barn. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken möjlighet socialarbetarna har gällande kompetensutveckling i att samtala med barn och behovet av verksamhets ut veck l ing för att förbättra samtal med barn. I studien ingår det två arbetsgrupper, socialarbetare som arbetar inom öppenvården och socialarbetare som arbetar med främst myndighetsutövning, mellan dessa grupper kommer det ske jämförelse för att se om det finns likheter och olikheter i upplevelsen av sin kompetens. Metod: Studien har genomförts med kvantitativ metod där datainsamlingen har bestått i online - enkäter. I studien är det totalt 10 av de totalt 13 tillfrågade kommunerna i Region Jönköpings län som har tackat ja till att vara med. Av tillfrågade 77 socialarbetare inom den sociala barnavården deltog 52 (65,7 procent) och av dessa arbetar 19 inom öppenvården och 33 arbetar med myndighetsutövning. Resultat: I studien framgår det att det finns förbättringsmöjligheter i samtal med barn för socialarbetare rörande utbildning och arbetsmaterial. I studien framgår det också att det inte finns några signifikanta skillnader mellan socialsekreterare och behandlare. Slutsats: Studien tyder på att socialarbetare är i behov av mer kunskap kring samtal med barn, samt att det finns områden som behöver förbättras för att känslan i samtalet med barnet ska bli mer positiv. / Background: Children are an important source of information in the investigations of the social services. Swedish law stipulates that the best interests of the child should be considered when measures concern them. Social workers sometimes feel insecure about speaking with children. The purpose of this study is to examine the opportunities of social workers for training in speaking with children, and the need for development of the organization in order to improve conversations with children. Two groups are included in the study, social workers that work with non-institutional care, and social workers that primarily work with the exercise of public authority. These groups will be compared to see whether there are similarities and differences in their perception of competence. Method: The study has been done by a quantitative method where data has been collected with online surveys. In total, 10 of the 13 municipalities in Jönköping County have participated in the study. Out of the 77 social workers in child welfare asked to participate, 52 (65.7 per cent) chose to do so, whereof 19 work with non-institutional care and 33 with the exercise of public authority. Results: The study shows that there is room for improvement of social workers’ conversations with children with regards to education and work material. The study also shows that there are no significant differences between different types of social workers. Conclusions: The study indicates that social workers need more knowledge of speaking with children, and that there are areas that need improvement for the conversation with the child to be perceived as more positive.
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The Modern Administrative State: Why We Have ‘Big Government’ and How to Run and Reform Bureaucratic OrganizationsSakaguchi, Sean Y 01 January 2016 (has links)
This work asserts that bureaucratic organization is not only an inevitable part of the modern administrative state, but that a high quality bureaucracy within a strongly empowered executive branch is an ideal mechanism for running government in the modern era. Beginning with a philosophical inquiry into the purpose of American government as we understand it today, this paper responds to criticisms of the role of expanded government and develops a framework for evaluating the quality of differing government structures. Following an evaluation of the current debate surrounding bureaucracies (from both proponents and critics), this thesis outlines the lessons and principles for structuring and managing an efficient bureaucracy. Finally, this paper concludes with two case studies – Puerto Rican bureaucratic failures and Japanese/Chinese national development – to consider the effects of compliance and non-compliance to the lessons outlined in this work. The inquiry finds that principles such as specialization, political autonomy, effective information systems, higher accountability standards, and managerial emphasis on policy implementation are all critical to superior bureaucratic governance.
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Det handlar om anknytning : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares resonemang om anknytningens betydelse för en gynnsam utvecklingEnochsson Pålebo, Mariah, Österberg, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to receive a rapt understanding of how child-welfare officer’s reasons about the meaning of attachment theory, from the child´s best, in placements of a child. The aim was also to examine the possibilities child-welfare officer´s feel they have to work with the child´s best and attachment in focus. The study has a qualitative approach and the empirical material is collected thru semi-structured interviews. The theoretical framework used is attachment theory, the child´s best and street-level bureaucracy. The result of the study shows that child-welfare officers have equivalent knowledge, experiences and thoughts about the meaning of attachment theory for a favorable development in foster children. The study concludes is that more knowledge about attachment theory is necessary and child-welfare officers demands methods to better assess attachment patterns in children. The child-welfare officers express frustration when they talk about matters in the "grey area" and situations where different perspectives clashes and the child´s best end up in the background. / Studiens syfte var att erhålla en fördjupad förståelse för hur socialsekreterare i den sociala barnavården resonerar om anknytningens betydelse, utifrån barnets bästa, vid familjehemsplacering av ett barn. Syftet var också att ta reda på vilka möjligheter socialsekreterare upplever sig ha att arbeta med barnets bästa och anknytning i fokus. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och materialet är insamlat genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Den teoretiska tolkningsram som används är anknytningsteori, barnets bästa samt gräsrotsbyråkrati. Studiens resultat visar att socialsekreterare har likvärdiga kunskaper, erfarenheter och tankar om anknytningens betydelse för en gynnsam utveckling hos familjehemsplacerade barn. Studiens slutsats är att mer kunskap om anknytningsteori är nödvändig och socialsekreterare efterfrågar metoder för att bättre kunna bedöma anknytningsmönster hos barn. Socialsekreterarna ger uttryck för frustration när de berättar om så kallade gråzonsärenden och situationer där olika perspektiv är i konflikt och barnets bästa hamnar i skymundan.
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