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Det ensamkommande barnet Ansvarstagande, mottagande & skyddsnät : En kvalitativ textanalys med inslag av en förvaltnings/implementeringsmodellFogelberg, Emma, Damberg, Elin January 2015 (has links)
Based on the Migration Board's statistics report, the number of children that has gone missing within a time interval of 4 years (2010-2014) comprises 1331 children in total, of whom 146 are girls and 1185 are boys. A rising interest about what has happened to those children created a fundamental platform for this thesis. By reading Åkerman’s report from 2012, and the book De förlorade barnen: en rapport by Mikkelsen and Wagner (2013) the curiosity grew deeper. The research questions that were established were divided into three parts. Their aim is to examine which organization or public authority has the main responsibility for asylum seeking children that arrives to Sweden by themselves, if the quality of the reception has changed since the municipalities took over the responsibility, and what is/has been publicly done to strengthen the protection concerning the individual child. The aim of this study is to authentically answer the research questions, using a qualitative text analysis and an implement model. The qualitative textual analysis is primarily based on reports from Gunnarsson (2008), the Cabinet Office (2011), and a report from the National Swedish Board of Health and Welfare published in 2012. Further reports and books are used in order to authenticate the legitimacy of the arguments and facts that is accounted for in this thesis. The implementation model that is used is an implement problem shaped by Pressman and Willdawsky. The model is used in order to force the problems that solemnly appear in this thesis. The conclusion establishes that within the distinctive reports it exists different views, but also similarities. The various texts establish that despite a set of rules and regulations there has been a considerable ambiguity among the involved parties, in who holds the greatest responsibility for the asylum-seeking children. Åkerman claims that when the children arrive in Sweden they stand without any form of social safety net, whereas Gunnarsson (2008), the Cabinet Office report (2011) and the National Swedish Board report (2012) refer to the laws (LMA, SoL).
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Camille Gutt et le gouvernement de Londres: aspects politiques, économiques et financiers de la participation belge à la Seconde Guerre mondialeCrombois, Jean-François January 1998 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Fausse marqueterie : Infärgning av mönster på fanérade skivor / Fausse marqueterie : Staining of patterns on vaneered boardsSthillert, Julia January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning I mitt examensarbete har jag undersökt olika metoder för att skapa färgade mönster i fanerade ytor. Jag har med praktiska tester och metoder undersökt olika kvalitéer i olika tillvägagångssätt samt jämfört för och nackdelar med respektive teknik. I tur och ordning undersöker jag olika träslags lämplighet för ändamålet, liksom olika infärgningsmedel, fiberbrytartekniker och metoder för infärgning. Med en tillbakablick i vår möbelhistoria har jag hämtat gamla tekniker för ytdekor i möbler med fokus på färg och faner och jämfört dessa med mer utvecklade samt moderna tekniker. I min undersökning har jag vägt praktiska, tekniska samt visuella fördelar. Genom att jämföra dessa tekniker och se vilken som uppnår flest fördelar, och med uteslutningsmetoden har jag kommit fram till att den metod som ger bäst resultat är vattenbets på björkfaner med mönster bränt med laserteknik och färgen applicerad genom att använda schablon samt stämpel med syntettyg. / Abstract In my thesis project I have investigated different methods for creating colored patterns in veneered surfaces. With practical tests and methods, I have studied different qualities in different approaches as well as compared to the pros and cons of each technique. In turn, I investigate the suitability of different wood types for the purpose, as well as different materials for staining, different fiber cutting techniques and different methods of applying the staining. With a look back in our furniture history, I have collected old surface decoration techniques, focusing on color and veneer, and compared these with more developed and modern techniques. In my survey, I have weighed practical, technical and visual aspects. Comparing these techniques helped me to conclude which alternative seemed the most suitable. I have come to the conclusion that the best-performing method is water based staining on birch veneers with laser cut patterns and the color applied by using stencils and stamps made with synthetic fabrics.
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Analýza a návrh náhrady konkrétního venkovního vedení distribuční sítě / Analysis and design of the replacement of the specific overhead line in distribution networkRačuch, Marek January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of the reconstruction of outdoor cables of low voltage distribution network in exchange for the cable line. It analyzes the important factors which are necessary for the preparation of the project documentation for the issue of the territorial consent. The thesis is divided into 4 main chapters. After the first chapter there is introduced chapter 2, which shows the differences between cable and outdoor cables with their advantages and disadvantages. Chapter 3 deals with the guiding principles for low-voltage cable design and the types of equipment needed for the proper operation of a particular distribution network while respecting the requirements of valid PNEs and ČSNs. Chapter 4 explains the chronology of the process leading to the formulation of a basic technical proposal, which is further addressed in Chapter 5, which deals with the complete formulation of the project documentation for the issue of territorial consent.
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Analýza účinků zkratového proudu v rozváděči / Analysis of effects of short-circuit current in switchgear cabinetProkop, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The work is focusing on dynamic effects of short-circuit currents, more precisely dynamic effects of short-circuit currents on switchgear cabinet (terminal box). The work was designated to a concrete construction type of two switchgear cabinets located on rotating machines via company Siemens Electric Machines Drásov s.r.o.. The switchgear cabinets are designed for non-explosive environment where the air is used as an insulating medium. The task was to determine how the device will behave during the three-phase short-circuit and three-phase short-circuit with earth/ground connection. The following programs were used for the calculations and simulations: Ansoft Maxwell 16.0, Ansoft Maxwell 2015 and ANSYS Workbench 16.0. By using these programs the effects of forces which acts on current paths in cabinet caused by the passage of short-circuit current were simulated, statically and also dynamically. Further the effects of pressure acting on cabinet frame during the arc short-circuit have been statically and dynamically simulated. All the results are summarized in the conclusion. Conclusion also contains the final evaluation of the functionality of both switchgear cabinets.
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Obrazy Hendricka van Balena ve sbírkách zemí českých. Inspirace pro van Balenovy figurální kompozice a jejich vliv na další umělecké generace. / Paintings of Hendrick van Balen in collections of Czech Lands. Inspiration for van Balen's figural compositions and his influens for next artistic generations.Nerudová, Magdalena January 2018 (has links)
Obrazy Hendricka van Balena ve sbírkách zemí českých. Inspirace pro van Balenovy figurální kompozice a jejich vliv na další umělecké generace. Abstract The diploma thesis fucuses on the paintings by Hendrick van Balen (1575-1632), which are found in Czech collections. The main point of this thesis is a figurative stint in cabinet painting, which was the domain of the Antwerp painter Hendrick van Balen. there will be also hightlighted Hendrick van Balen's collaboration with Jan Brueghel Older, who became a part of his work as the author of still life and nature in Balen's paintings. On specific works from the Czech collections will by pointed out the possible inspiration in the figures of rudolfinian masters Hans von Aachen and Josef Heintz and parallels in their work, and the influence on the cabinet painting of the 18th century painters, Johan Georg Platzer (1704-1761) and his follower Franz Christophr Jannecka (1703-1761). Keywords Hendrick van Balen, inspiration, Hans von Aachen, Josef Heintz, Johan George Platzer, Franz Christoph Janneck, cabinet painting, mythology, collections in Czech Lands, Jan Brueghel the Older, Jan Brueghel the Younger
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Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation des écoulements d’air et transferts thermiques dans un meuble frigorifique fermé / Experimental characterization and modeling of airflow and heat transfer in a closed refrigerated display cabinetChaomuang, Nattawut 16 September 2019 (has links)
L'utilisation des meubles frigorifiques de vente fermés a augmenté régulièrement dans les supermarchés en raison des économies d'énergie réalisées par rapport aux meubles ouverts. D’où la nécessité d'élargir les connaissances scientifiques à ce type de meuble. Pour l’instant la plupart des études de la littérature ont porté sur l'amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique après l'installation de portes, tandis que les études sur les mécanismes de transfert de chaleur dans les meubles frigorifiques fermés sont rares. De plus, il convient d’étudier également les circulations d’air car ils influencent les échanges de chaleur entre l’air et les produits, donc leur température. Cette thèse a pour objectif de mieux comprendre les phénomènes d’écoulement d’air et de transfert de chaleur dans les meubles frigorifiques fermés par la mise en œuvre d'approches expérimentales et numériques.Des investigations expérimentales ont été menées sur un meuble frigorifique fermé placé dans une cellule d’essai à température contrôlée. Quatre-vingts thermocouples calibrés répartis dans le meuble ont permis d’observer les évolutions spatio-temporelles des températures de l’air et du produit dans différentes conditions de fonctionnement. Nous avons fait varier la température de l'air ambiant (15, 19, 24 et 29 ° C), le volume occupé par le produit (meuble vide ou plus ou moins chargé de blocs de méthylcellulose) et la fréquence d'ouverture des portes (0 : fermé en permanence, 10, 20, 40, 60 Ouvertures Par Heure - OPH). Des expériences ont également été réalisées dans une configuration ouverte du meuble frigorifique (portes complètement retirées) afin de déterminer les avantages des portes sur les performances thermiques.Les résultats ont montré que lorsque les portes étaient fermées en permanence, les champs de température étaient similaires quels que soient la température ambiante et le pourcentage de volume occupé : la température la plus élevée se situe à l’avant de l'étagère supérieure alors que la température la plus basse est observée à l’arrière de l'étagère inférieure. Cette répartition change lorsque les portes sont périodiquement ou définitivement ouvertes : la position où la température est la plus élevée migre vers l’avant de l'étagère du milieu. Même pour une fréquence très élevée d’ouverture des portes (60 OPH), les températures de l’air et des produits dans le meuble fermé sont restées plus basses d’au moins 1,0 ° C par rapport au meuble sans portes.Des mesures de vitesse d'air par anémométrie à fil chaud au niveau du rideau d’air ont permis d'observer son allure générale tandis que les mesures effectuées dans le conduit arrière ont permis de quantifier la répartition du flux d'air à travers le plaque arrière perforée. L’utilisation d’une technique de vélocimétrie par image de particules (PIV) a permis de caractériser le rideau d’air avec une résolution et une précision spatiale supérieures. Les résultats ont notamment montré l’existence d’une zone de recirculation de l'air dans la partie supérieure du meuble où l’on observe également une infiltration d'air ambiant chaud par les fentes présentes autour des portes. Ceci induit une augmentation de la température du rideau d'air. Des simulations numériques bidimensionnelles d’écoulement (CFD) avec le modèle de turbulence k-ε ont permis de reproduire les principaux phénomènes d'écoulement observés par PIV et de voir leur influence sur la distribution de température dans le meuble.Enfin, un modèle simplifié des transferts de chaleur a été développé par une approche zonale en régime permanent et en régime transitoire ce qui permet respectivement de prévoir les températures moyennes de l’air et du produit et les fluctuations de température en fonction des cycles marche / arrêt du compresseur. Le modèle transitoire a été résolu avec une approche spectrale. L'influence de différents paramètres sur les niveaux de température et l'amortissement des fluctuations peut ainsi être identifiée. / The use of closed refrigerated display cabinets in supermarkets has been increased steadily because of the potential energy savings compared to open ones. This growing trend has contributed to the necessity to expand research in the field of retail refrigeration. Most studies in literature, however, focused on the improvements of energy efficiency after door installation while studies on the mechanism of heat transfer and airflow within closed display cabinets are still limited. In fact, the airflow pattern influences the heat exchange between air and products, thus, product temperature. This PhD thesis aims to gain an insight into the mechanism of airflow and heat transfer in closed refrigerated display cabinets by the implementation of experimental and numerical approaches.Experimental investigations were conducted in a closed refrigerated display cabinet (an integral type with a single band air curtain and two double-glazing doors) located in a controlled-temperature test room. Air/product temperatures and air velocity are the main parameters taken into investigations. Eighty calibrated thermocouples distributed throughout the cabinet made it possible to observe the spatial and temporal evolutions of the air and product temperatures under different operating conditions. These conditions were ambient air temperature (15, 19, 24 and 29 °C), product-occupied volume (unloaded, half-loaded and full-loaded with test packages made of methylcellulose), door-opening frequency (0 - permanently closed, 10, 20, 40, 60 Openings Per Hour - OPH) and opening duration (15s and 30s). An automatic door opening system was developed and allowed to apply the opening regime as prescribed in the standard test (EN ISO 23953-2, 2015). The experiment was also conducted in an open configuration of the cabinet (doors were completely removed) to determine the benefits of the doors on the temperature performance. The results showed that when the doors were permanently closed, the temperature distribution in the cabinet was similar whatever the ambient temperatures and occupied-volume percentages – the highest temperature position at the front-top shelf and the lowest temperature position at the rear-bottom shelf. The temperature distribution changed when the doors were periodically or permanently open – the front of the middle shelf became the highest temperature position while the lowest temperature position remained at the rear-bottom shelf. However, the air and product temperatures in the cabinet with doors remained lower despite a very high door-opening frequency (i.e. 60 OPH, product temperatures at least 1.0 °C lower), compared to the case without doors.Air velocity measurement using a hot-wire anemometer at the front of the cabinet from the discharge to the return air grilles allowed to observe the shape of the air curtain, while the measurement in the rear duct allowed to quantify the air flow distribution over the perforated back panel of different shelves. The use of a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique allowed the characterization of the air curtain with higher spatial resolution and accuracy. The result showed a zone of air recirculation at the upper part of the cabinet where warm ambient air infiltration through the door gaps was also observed, leading to an increase in the air curtain temperature. A 2D-CFD k-ε turbulence model was developed to reproduce the main flow phenomena observed by PIV so that its influence on the internal temperature distribution can be examined.Finally, a simplified heat transfer model was developed based on a zonal approach in both static and dynamic regimes which permits, respectively, the predictions of time-averaged air and product temperatures and temperature fluctuations according to the on/off cycle of the compressor regulation. The dynamic model was solved with a spectral approach, thus the influence of different parameters on the damping of the temperature fluctuations can be identified.
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Treasures of the University : an examination of the identification, presentation and responses to artefacts of significance at the University of St Andrews, from 1410 to the mid-19th century, with an additional consideration of the development of the portrait collection to the early 21st centuryRawson, Helen C. January 2010 (has links)
Since its foundation between 1410 and 1414 the University of St Andrews has acquired what can be considered to be ‘artefacts of significance’. This somewhat nebulous phrase is used to denote items that have, for a variety of reasons, been deemed to have some special import by the University, and have been displayed or otherwise presented in a context in which this status has been made apparent. The types of artefacts in which particular meaning has been vested during the centuries under consideration include items of silver and gold (including the maces, sacramental vessels of the Collegiate Church of St Salvator, collegiate plate and relics of the Silver Arrow archery competition); church and college furnishings; artworks (particularly portraits); sculpture; and ethnographic specimens and other items described in University records as ‘curiosities’ held in the University Library from c. 1700-1838. The identification of particular artefacts as significant for certain reasons in certain periods, and their presentation and display, may to some extent reflect the University's values, preoccupations and aspirations in these periods, and, to some degree, its identity. Consciously or subconsciously, the objects can be employed or operate as signifiers of meaning, representing or reflecting matters such as the status, authority and history of the University, its breadth of learning and its interest and influence in spheres from science, art and world cultures to national affairs. This thesis provides a comprehensive examination of the growth and development of the University's holdings of 'artefacts of significance' from its foundation to the mid-19th century, and in some cases (especially portraits) beyond this date. It also offers insights into how the University viewed and presented these items and what this reveals about the University of St Andrews, its identity, which changed and developed as the living institution evolved, and the impressions that it wished to project.
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Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach. Sammler – Stifter – Wissenschaftler / Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach. Collector - Donor - ScientistMeyerhöfer, Dietrich 28 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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