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Návrh a testování metody kruhové interpolace pro velké CNC stroje mobilními souřadnicovými přístroji / Method proposal and evaluation of circular accuracy tests of large machine tools with mobile measurement devicesStránský, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis offers a new approach to the measuring of circular interpolation applicable for measurement of large machine tools. In the thesis is proposed mathematical procedure of evaluation of this method, together with filtration of outlier measurements. Furthermore, there are designed and performed two experiments and in the conclusion of the thesis is composed methodology of measuring, which is using the proposed methodology of evaluation.
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Lärares arbetssätt med olika texttyper i svenskämnet, med inriktning mot årskurs 4-6Andic, Berna January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how four teachers in grades 4-6 work with genre pedagogy in the Swedish subject. In this study the focus will be on these two issues: How do the teachers work with text types in the Swedish subject? How do the teachers describe genre pedagogy? I have used the two different methods which are interviews and observations in order to conduct the survey. I have also used two different theories that are related to the genre pedagogy in this study, these theories are the socio-cultural perspective and the circle model. These theories have been used to analyze the empirical material in this study. The result of this study shows that all four teachers work with the four different types of texts which are fact text, story, fabel and instruction in teaching in the Swedish subject. Furthermore all the teachers work in the same way with these different text types in the teaching, this by working with the text types based on the four different phases that are in the circle model in the teaching. These different steps consist of knowledge acquisition of a subject, the study of the text type with focus on the purpose, structure and linguistic features of the text type, the class writing its own text within the chosen text type, which is followed by the students being allowed to write their own text within the chosen text type. This was reflected in the interviews and two of the observations. All teachers shared the same view that genre pedagogy is about a number of different genres. The texts that are written within a genre should consist of a specific structure, and language, depending on the purpose, situation and recipients of the texts, according to the teachers. This was evident in the interviews in this study.
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Driver traffic violation detection and driver risk calculation through real-time image processingSutherland, Fritz January 2017 (has links)
Road safety is a serious problem in many countries and affects the lives of many people. Improving road safety starts with the drivers, and the best way to make them change their habits is to offer incentives for better, safer driving styles. This project aims to make that possible by offering a means to calculate a quantified indicator of how safe a driver's habits are. This is done by developing an on-board, visual road-sign recognition system that can be coupled with a vehicle tracking system to determine how often a driver violates the rules of the road. The system detects stop signs, red traffic lights and speed limit signs, and outputs this data in a format that can be read by a vehicle tracking system, where it can be combined with speed information and sent to a central database where the driver safety rating can be calculated. Input to the system comes from a simple, standard dashboard mounted camera within the vehicle, which generates a continuous stream of images of the scene directly in front of the vehicle. The images are subjected to a number of cascaded detection sub-systems to determine if any of the target objects (road signs) appear within that video frame. The detection system software had to be optimized for minimum false positive detections, since those will unfairly punish the driver, and it also had to be optimized for speed to run on small hardware that can be installed in the vehicle. The first stage of the cascaded system consists of an image detector that detects circles within the image, since traffic lights and speed signs are circular and a stop sign can be approximated by a circle when the image is blurred or the resolution is lowered. The second stage is a neural network that is trained to recognize the target road sign in order to determine which road sign was found, or to eliminate other circular objects found in the image frame. The output of the neural network is then sent through an iterative filter with a majority voted output to eliminate detection 'jitter' and the occasional incorrect classifier output. Object tracking is applied to the 'good' detection outputs and used as an additional input for the detection phase on the next frame. In this way the continuity and robustness of the image detector are improved, since the object tracker indicates to it where the target object is most likely to appear in the next frame, based on the track it has been following through previous frames. In the final stage the detection system output is written to the chosen pins of the hardware output port, from where the detection output can be indicated to the user and also used as an input to the vehicle tracking system. To find the best detection approach, some methods found in literature were studied and the most likely candidates compared. The scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) and speeded up robust features (SURF) algorithms are too slow compared to the cascaded approach to be used for real-time detection on an in-vehicle hardware platform. In the cascaded approach used, different detection stage algorithms are tested and compared. The Hough circle transform is measured against blob detection on stop signs and speed limit signs. On traffic light state detection two approaches are tested and compared, one based on colour information and the other on direct neural network classification. To run the software in the user's vehicle, an appropriate hardware platform is chosen. A number of promising hardware platforms were studied and their specifications compared before the best candidate was selected and purchased for the project. The developed software was tested on the selected hardware in a vehicle during real public road driving for extended periods and under various conditions. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / MEng / Unrestricted
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Unit Circle Roots Based Sensor Array Signal ProcessingSmith, Jared P. 27 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Optimization and characterization of a centrally functionalized quartz crystal microbalance sensor surface for Norovirus detection : Optimering och karakterisering av en centralt funktionaliserad kvartskristall mikrovåg sensoryta för norovirus detektionSelvaratnam, Thevapriya January 2015 (has links)
In this study a biosensor based on real time quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) monitoring is optimized and characterized for the application in the Norosensor. This biosensor is aimed to recognise, capture and amplify Norovirus (NoV). In an initial step a simplified bioassay was developed that focuses on the latter parts of the assay which consists of DNA-guided probing and amplification of the captured virus and includes the development of an amplification model assay directly to the functionalised crystal surface. A padlock probe with matching sequence to the conjugated oligonucleotide on the quartz crystal surface is used as target in the model assay. Although a number of studies have been carried out based on padlock probe ligation and rolling circle amplification (RCA) based QCM sensing, these studies utilize the entire crystal surface to capture and amplify the biomolecule. In this research work the QCM monitoring is explored on a centrally functionalised electrode surface through conjugation only at the centre of the electrode for increased mass sensitivity. Thus, allowing capture and amplification of the padlock probe only at the centre of the quartz crystal. A 14mm diameter, thermoncompensated AT-cut, nonpolished quartz crystal with a 10mm diameter gold surface coating acting as electrode was utilized for QCM measurements. The detection system is based on mass binding and amplification on the QCM to produce a negative frequency shift in the fundamental frequency of the vibrating quartz crystal. The amplification products were additionally fluorescently labelled and fluorescent microscopy images were also obtained at the end of every experiment to verify the presence or absence of DNA capture and amplification. Experimental findings show that the current flow chamber with a 15ul capacity is able to detect a specific padlock probe concentration of 1nM on a conjugated region of ~2.5mm diameter. RCA amplified the mass with an average frequency shift of -80Hz in 60mins RCA incubation time. Further, the specificity and sensitivity of the QCM system was explored. However, the system has limitations where sensor binding of reaction proteins, such as DNA ligase and BSA, to some extent is observed. The storage stability of the functionalized self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on the QCM is also observed to deteriorate and thus, is of concern. Nevertheless the combination of RCA based amplification with QCM real-time monitoring has the potential for rapid and simple, low cost detection of the Norovirus. / I det här arbetet har vi optimerat och karateriserat en biosensor för detektion av Norovirus som orsakar häftiga utbrott av kräksjuka under vinterhalvåret vilket leder till både försämrad vård samt stora ekonomiska förluster för samhället. Målet inom EU projektet “Norosensor” är att utveckla ett snabbtest som kan tillämpas efter ett utbrott på till exempel en vårdavdelning och som ska mäta mängden virus i luften vilket kan fungera som riktlinje för om en avdelning är säker att användas eller ej. Tekniskt är målet med testet att fånga in viruspartiklar från luften som specifikt binds till sensorytan. Därefter ökar vi känsligheten från bundna partiklar genom en DNA-baserad amplifiering. Detta genererar specifik, viruskorrelerad massa som mäts med en kvartskristall mikrovågs sensor. När massan ökar minskar frekvenser vid vilken kristallen vibrerar och detta mäts i realtid. Det här arbetet har inte behandlat infångande eller inbindning av virus utan har fokuserat på den senare delen av protokollet som omfattar amplifieringen på sensorytan. En modell-assay har därför utvecklats där viruspartikeln istället representeras av en så kallad “padlock probe” (hänglås probe). Då sensorn är mycket känslig har först olika protokoll testats för effektiv rengöring av ytan med hjälp av ultraljud. I nästa steg har ytan funktionaliserats med thiol-modifierade syntetiska DNA molekyler som används för infångningen av målmolekylen på sensorytan (virus eller i detta fall padlock proben). Det har tidigare uppskattats att för att få maximal känslighet i massmätningen så är det fördelaktigt att binda viruset endast i mitten på en mycket liten yta av kristallen. Den här avhandlingen har därför fokuserat på att utveckla protokoll för detta där ytan först funtionaliserats i mitten innan resten av ytan blockats för att undvika ospecific inbindning. Resultaten visar att vi kan generera en centrerad funtionalisering och att vi får låg ospecifik binding. Protokollet består av flera biokemiska reakionssteg såsom (i) inbindning och lingering av padlock probe och (ii) amplifiering av den ligerade proben genom “rolling circle amplification”. För att kunna verifiera att vi fått amplifieringsprodukter på ytan har vi dels mätt frekvensändringen på grund av ökad massa men också märkt in dem med fluorescerande molekyler och detekterat dem i microskop. Under arbetets gång har ett flertal olika typer av kristaller testats. Det visade sig att om en polerad yta används (1μm grovhet) så migrerade molekylerna iväg från mitten när vi oscillerade kristallen medan vi fick bättre resultat om något grövre (3μm) ytor användes. Vi testade även ett flertal olika flödesceller av olika material och med olika reaktionsvolymer. Eftersom kristallen är mycket känslig så påverkar faktorer som flödeshastigheter och eventuella luftbubblor frekvensen. Vi optimerade därför detta och körde mätningarna vi6konstant flöde men med alternerande, låga hastigheter när vi tillsatte nya reagens eller inkuberade reaktionerna. Vi förvärmde även reaktionsmixarna för att minska ospeficika effekter och konstaterade att den funktionaliserade ytan påverkades av lagring över tid. I våra försök såg vi att protein såsom ligeringsenzymet och albumin, vilka har förhållandevis stor massa, hade effekter på frekvensen redan i sig genom att binda till ytan. Ytterligare optimeringar måste därför göras framöver för att minska denna inbinding bland annat genom bättre tvättsteg. Vi kunde dock påvisa linjär massökning med ökad amplifieringstid och har bevisad hög specificitet. Slutligen utvecklades ett litet mjukvaruprogram för att automatisera analysen och minska bruset. Sammanfattingsvis har vi lyckats utveckla ett enkelt och snabbt system för specifik massamplifering av Norovirus.
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Medan fröknarna dukar : En studie om syftet med samlingen som aktivitet / While the educators set the table : A study on the purpose of circle time as an activityBlom, Camilla, Vikner, Sofie January 2021 (has links)
Circle time is a permanent feature of most preschools' day-to-day operations. It is an old tradition that still lives on in the world of preschool and is received with mixed feelings from both educators and children, it is also an event where participation, inclusion and exclusion are three major concepts that constantly need to be addressed. When circle time works well it creates fantastic opportunities for teaching, participation and togetherness. When circle time works less well it often results in a power struggle between children and educators and the purpose of circle time is thereby lost. Through this study, we have had the opportunity to go in-depth with what happens during circle time, what the purpose of circle time is and who the circle time is for. We have found out how circle time is perceived by educators and how it is perceived from a child's perspective. Through observations, interviews and surveying, we have been able to perform a comprehensive study where many perspectives could be set against each other, and the study provides answers to most of the questions we have had before. / Samlingen är ett bestående inslag i de flesta förskolors dagliga verksamhet. Det är en gammal tradition som fortfarande lever kvar i förskolans värld och som tas emot med blandade känslor från både pedagoger och barn, där delaktighet, inkludering och exkludering är tre stora begrepp som ständigt behöver hanteras. När samlingen fungerar bra skapar den fantastiska möjligheter till undervisning, delaktighet och samhörighet. När samlingen fungerar mindre bra resulterar den ofta i en maktkamp mellan barn och pedagoger och syftet med samlingen går därmed förlorad. Genom den här studien har vi fått möjlighet att gå på djupet med vad som sker under en samling, vad syftet med samlingen är och vem samlingen är till för. Vi har tagit reda på hur samlingen upplevs av pedagoger samt hur den upplevs ur ett barns perspektiv. Genom observationer, intervjuer och enkätundersökning har vi kunnat utföra en omfattande studie där många perspektiv kunnat ställas mot varandra, och studien ger svar på de flesta frågor vi har haft tidigare.
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The management of people, processes and places in the virtual workplaceGeldenhuys, Ilse 06 June 2011 (has links)
The traditional workplace evolved over time, moving through different waves or phases of change. The phases, although prevalent in different stages in different countries, have been characterised by various technological developments. The virtual workplace evolved as part of the Information Age or Fifth Wave, bringing with it its own unique characteristics and requirements. These unique characteristics, such as the speed at which information is communicated, crossing of time and space boundaries, social networks and requirements, such as sustainable high speed internet connectivity, are evident in the relationship between people, processes and the virtual workplace. This study explored the manner in which virtual workers executed their activities through the use of technology, the type of business processes supporting them and the challenges experienced by them. The proposed framework for the management of people, processes and places in the virtual workplace was subsequently derived. The framework has as aim to represent the relationship between people, processes and places components in the virtual workplace and in doing so providing a management framework supporting the virtual workplace. The people, processes and places components have been incorporated in the management, technology and practice sections of the framework, thereby providing a framework based on the relationship between people, processes and places. This study also developed the Extended Hermeneutic Circle of Learning which was used as guideline for the research conducted as part of this thesis. The deeper understanding created through the use of this research guideline assisted in providing structure to the research, thus enabling the researcher to derive the proposed framework for the management of people, processes and placed in the virtual workplace. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Informatics / unrestricted
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Kom, sitt Kalle! : Förskollärares syn på undervisning vid samling i förskolanFindik, Askim, Williams, Dorothy January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine and dissect how circle time in preschools work as a tool for valuable teaching. Circle time is a part of children's daily routines, virtually everywhere in the world. Through daily congregation, children are given time to reflect and learn about their environments. Despite this, little research is done about the scholastic value of this phenomena. The study introduces three main research questions that lead to a qualitative study with a phenomenographic approach, based on interviews. We sought to answer how teachers would describe the function of circle time at preschools, how they interpret the concept of teaching within the world of preschool, and their opinions on circle time as an implement for verbalized edifying. Following research through reading and reviewing previous researchers’ papers, the study delves into an interview with seven preschool teachers. The results showed that teachers do indeed value circle time as a reliable tool for teaching. Through communication and different activities that connect to children's interests, teachers create interactive teaching moments. Our research showed that a mix of planned and spontaneous circle time gatherings were optimal, to keep children participating and fostering the feeling of democracy.
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Zlatý kruh fundraisingu / Golden Circle of FundraisingFreimann, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Fundraising is one of the most critical disciplines regarding the nongovernmental organization's market nowadays. Those who will master it are going to win the competition for the sustainability and freedom through the partnerships with the (major) donors. This thesis defines core of this process, it means the relationship between the NGO and it's fundraiser, and subsequently, between the fundraiser and any potential donor. Moreover, we are going to talk about the behavioral economy and couple of ways how we can use it in terms of Fundraising. Then the last part describes a bit from the Guerrilla marketing cuisine, as we can't do anything properly since we don't have any publicity about it.
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Dags för samling! En studie om samlingens form och genomförande i förskolanAndersson, Cecilia January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är en studie i hur samlingen iscensätts och skapas av de som deltar i den. Syftet är att utforska hur olika aktörer skapar samlingen utifrån hur dessa tar plats i samlingen. Fokus ligger på att finna de aktörer som formar samlingen, vilken betydelse förskollärarens roll har och hur hen framträder för att nå fram till sitt planerade syfte, samt om det finns gemensamma regler och på vilket sätt dessa upprätthålls. För att studera detta har jag utgått från Latours Actor -network- theory och dess tanke om att alla sociala grupperingar är skapade som ett nätverk av kopplingar där olika aktörer både mänskliga och ting agerar. Jag har även använt Goffmans teori om det sociala samspelet liknande en scen där människor spelar olika roller och agerar genom att föra sig på olika sätt. Här har även begreppen ritual, sårbarhet och frame varit viktiga verktyg. Som huvudsakligt material till studien har jag använt mig av ett antal observationer av samlingar på en förskola i Sverige. Studien har visat att samlingen i förskolan skapas av ett brett nät av aktörer i form av både förskollärare, barn och material som tillsammans skapar samlingen och dess form. Detta gör att varje samling skapar sitt eget unika nät, beroende av vilka som tar plats. Många samlingar har ritualiserade inslag så som sånger, rörelser och regler, men det finns även många sårbarheter i en samling där alla skall följa samma ramar. Desto tydligare ramarna uttrycks desto starkare blir dem, dock finns sårbarheten där och hotar eftersom ingen aktör är så stark att inte en annan kan ta över handlingen. Det är denna balansgång som förskolläraren ska hantera, men genom en skicklighet i att använda dramaturgin, inramningen och att tro på sin egen förmåga skapar hen förutsättningar för en trygg samling.
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