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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cirkulära affärsmodeller som ettverktyg för fördröjdmaterialanvändning : En kvalitativ studie av cirkulära möbelflöden på KTH / Circular business models as a tool for slowing resource usage : A qualitative study of circular furniture flows at KTH

Zetterberg, Edwina, Gerdbo, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Denna rapport är en kvalitativ undersökning av cirkulära möbelflöden som verktyg för fördröjd materialanvändning. Dagens konsumtions- och produktionsmönster är inte förenliga med målen hållbar utveckling. Genom att ersätta linjära affärsmodellerna med cirkulära affärsmodeller kan resurseffektivisering och materialbesparing åstadkommas. De har som mål att fördröja eller sluta materialcykeln vilket kräver olika insatser i designfasen som gör produkter lämpliga för återanvändning, materialåtervinning eller förlängd livscykel.  För närvarande pågår ett renoveringsprojekt av en K-märkt byggnad som tillhör CBH-skolan på KTH där även inventarierna kommer rustas upp. Möblerna kommer i första hand renoveras och återbrukas för att bli en del av ett cirkulärt möbelflöde vilket kräver implementering av cirkulära affärsmodeller. I denna studie undersöks hur återbruket av möblerna, specifikt mötesstolar, hanteras på KTH samt vilka hinder som finns i praktiken vid implementering av cirkulära affärsmodeller och återbruk. Studiens övergripande metoder för att besvara frågeställningarna består av litteraturstudier, intervjuer och inventering. Resultaten från dessa har analyserats och utvärderas i förhållande till befintliga cirkulära affärsmodeller.  Utifrån studien har det identifierats att det på KTH främst finns organisatoriska hinder på grund av avsaknaden av centraliserade beslut som främjar cirkulära möbelflöden. Det saknas ett helhetsgrepp som minskar incitamenten att styra mot ett cirkulärt flöde och det blir då enklare att agera efter linjära affärsmodeller. Dagens marknad är i mångt och mycket anpassad efter linjära affärsmodeller och det leder till att verksamheter riskerar att konkurrera ut sig själva i den cirkulära omställningen. Därför krävs en större acceptans för mer cirkulära användningsmönster och starkare incitament att få marknaden att ställa om. / This is a qualitative study about how circular furniture flow works as a tool to slow the use of material resources. Our modern ways of consumption are not aligned with sustainable development. The substitution of linear business models with circular business models can contribute to resource efficiency and material savings. The main goal of circular business models is to either slow or close the material cycle, and products need to be designed for reuse, recycling, or a prolonged life cycle.  There is an ongoing renovation of the listed building used by the school of CBH at KTH. Along with the renovation, the furniture is also being refurbished. The current furniture will primarily be renovated and reused with the goal of creating a circular furniture flow by implementing circular business models. This study examines how the refurbishment of chairs is handled at KTH by observing the main challenges for implementing circular business models. This has been done with the help of literature studies, qualitative interviews, and an inventory of chairs. The results have been analyzed and compared to existing circular business models.  Based on this study, the main challenges are identified as organizational due to the lack of centralized decisions in favor of circular furniture flows. There is a lack of a holistic approach that creates incentives to move the organization in a more circular direction and to obstruct the use of linear business models. The market is mostly adapted for linear business models, and businesses are at the risk of outcompeting themselves by adopting more circular approaches. Circular usage needs to be widely accepted with the help of stronger incentives to move in a more circular direction.

Evaluating the potential of circular food waste management : A focus on insect feed utilization / Utvärdeing av potentialen för cirkulär matavfallshantering : Fokus på insektsfoderanvändning

Eliasson, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
Approximately a third of all food produced globally is thrown away, causing both unnecessary environmental impact and unnecessary costs for producers and consumers. Food waste occurs in all steps in the supply chain, from primary production to retail stores, restaurants, and households. In Sweden, the most common treatments for food waste are biogas or incineration. However, these processes are located relatively far down the waste hierarchy. Therefore, alternative food waste management processes such as using food waste as feed would purposely be more efficient and enable a more circular food value chain. Using food waste as feed to insects has shown great potential and could reduce the environmental impact of the food value chain. Several previous studies have assessed the feasibility of using food waste as feed for insects. However, in order to actually implement it, it also needs to be economically feasible for all involved stakeholders in the value chain. Therefore, the aim of the report was to evaluate the feasibility of implementing a circular food waste management system through the utilization of food waste as feed for insects, with a focus on the economic aspect. The study’s method was mainly based on a Stakeholder Opinion Assessment, where relevant stakeholders along a potential value chain using food waste as feed to insects were consulted. Based on the interviews, the feasibility of implementing circular business models through the utilization of food waste as feed for insects was assessed. This was done by identifying drivers and barriers to implementing circular business models for each stakeholder, as well as by developing a circular business model canvas for a central stakeholder. Key stakeholders in a potential value chain enabling using food waste as feed to insects were identified as waste management companies, insect producers, feed producers, animal producers, and food industries. Insect producers were identified as a central stakeholder. Several drivers and barriers for implementing more circular business models using food waste as feed for insects were identified for these stakeholders. The largest driver was the organizational driver, as there was a large sustainability motivation amongst most actors to contribute to a more circular food value chain and provide a more sustainable protein production for feed or food. For several stakeholders, legislation was identified as a large barrier since it is considered complicated, hard to interpret, and not made for a circular industry. Another large barrier for almost all stakeholders was identified as the financial factor. Many actors considered the price of the product or service to be significant, and a large investment cost would be needed for some stakeholders. The developed circular business model canvas showed for instance that insect producers could provide different value propositions to different customer segments; a more sustainable food waste treatment to municipalities or food industries, or providing an alternative protein to customers or farmers. Several internal and external adoption factors can also support the transition toward the circular business model. For instance, to enable economic feasibility, automation is significant, as well as potentially a large-scale production, or a mix between large and small-scale production. Lastly, using food waste as feed to insects could be a significant part of the circular economy by closing the loop of the food value chain. However, preventing food waste should always be the highest priority. Future studies should investigate the potential risks associated with different substrates found in household food waste, as well as explore the potential impact on flavor in farmed animals due to insect-based feed. Moreover, interviewing more stakeholders would enhance generalizability. / Ungefär en tredjedel av all mat som produceras globalt slängs, vilket orsakar både onödig miljöpåverkan och onödiga kostnader för producenter och konsumenter. Matsvinn uppstår i alla steg i försörjningskedjan; från primärproduktion till butiker, restauranger och i hushåll. I Sverige är den vanligaste behandlingen av matavfall biogasproduktion eller förbränning. Dock är dessa processer placerade relativt långt ner i avfallshierarkin, och därför skulle alternativa processer, som att använda matavfall som foder till djur, vara mer effektivt och möjliggöra en mer cirkulär livsmedelsvärdekedja. Att använda matavfall som foder till insekter har visat sig ha stor potential och skulle kunna minska miljöpåverkan jämfört med alternativ matavfallshantering. Flera tidigare studier har undersökt möjligheten att använda matavfall som foder för insekter, men för att verkligen genomföra det måste det dessutom vara ekonomiskt genomförbart för alla inblandade intressenter i värdekedjan. Syftet med rapporten var därför att utvärdera genomförbarheten av att implementera ett cirkulärt hanteringssystem för matavfall genom att använda matavfall som foder för insekter, med fokus på den ekonomiska aspekten. Den främsta metoden som användes i studien var “Stakeholder Opinion Assessment”, där intervjuer skedde med relevanta intressenter längs en potentiell värdekedja som använder matavfall som foder till insekter. Baserat på intervjuerna utvärderades genomförbarheten av att implementera cirkulära affärsmodeller genom att använda matavfall som foder för insekter. Detta gjordes genom att identifiera drivkrafter och hinder för att implementera cirkulära affärsmodeller för varje intressent, samt genom att utveckla en cirkulär affärsmodellcanvas för en central intressent. Nyckelintressenter i en potentiell värdekedja som möjliggör användning av matavfall som foder till insekter identifierades som avfallshanteringsföretag, insektsproducenter, foderproducenter, djurproducenter och livsmedelsindustrier. Av dessa identifierades insektsproducenter som en central intressent. Flera drivkrafter och hinder för att implementera mer cirkulära affärsmodeller med matavfall som foder för insekter identifierades för dessa intressenter. Den största drivkraften visade sig vara den organisatoriska drivkraften, eftersom det fanns en stor hållbarhetsmotivation bland de flesta aktörer att bidra till en mer cirkulär livsmedelsvärdekedja, samt tillhandahålla en mer hållbar proteinproduktion för foder eller livsmedel. För flera intressenter identifierades lagstiftning som en stor barriär eftersom den anses vara komplicerad, svårtolkad och inte gjord för en cirkulär industri. En annan stor barriär för nästan alla intressenter identifierades som den finansiella faktorn. Många aktörer ansåg att priset på produkten eller tjänsten var betydande och en stor investeringskostnad skulle behövas för vissa intressenter. Cirkulära affärsmodellcanvasen visade exempelvis att insektsproducenter kan ge olika värdeerbjudanden till olika kundsegment; en mer hållbar hantering av matavfall till kommuner eller livsmedelsindustrier, eller erbjuda en alternativ proteinkälla till kunder eller bönder. Flera interna och externa adoptionsfaktorer kan också stödja övergången till den cirkulära affärsmodellen. Bland annat är automatisering och potentiellt en storskalig produktion, eller en blandning mellan stor- och småskalig produktion, viktigt för att möjliggöra ekonomisk genomförbarhet. Slutligen kan användningen av matavfall som foder till insekter vara en betydande del i en cirkulär ekonomi då det kan göra livsmedelsvärdekedjan mer cirkulär. Att förhindra matsvinn bör dock alltid ha högsta prioritet. Framtida studier bör undersöka de potentiella riskerna förknippade med olika substrat som kan finnas i hushållsmatavfall, samt undersöka om smaken på lantbruksdjur påverkas till följd av insektsbaserat foder. Att intervjua fler intressenter skulle dessutom öka generaliserbarheten.

How can we measure the technical, socio-economic, and environmental performance of circular business models and supply chain?

Venkatachalam, Jayasurya January 2021 (has links)
Circular business models can assist in reshaping and transitioning away from the current linear consumption pattern which can in turn allow us to achieve a circular economy. Businesses can change their operating model and consider a more sustainable alternative to their current production and consumption method. For businesses to assist in the transition of circular economy, the circular economy strategies can be integrated into their business models. Companies have already started to align goals and objectives to achieve this by measuring performance indicators. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used to effectively communicate and set targets to be achieved within different levels of an organization. KPIs can be used to monitor the progress of different aspects of sustainability including environment, economic and social. Due to this reason, many industries are shifting towards a circular business model to ensure better resource utilization and sustainable operations. For companies to evaluate their progress towards their set targets and goals, performance measurement is crucial. In this study, relevant existing circular KPIs have been identified which can be implemented by the case companies to measure the performance of their supply chain and entire business model. The technical, environmental, and socio-economic dimensions are focused on this study while identifying the Key Performance Indicators. A systematic literature review was initially performed during this study. Data achieved from literature was then compared with empirical data. The empirical data is based on interviews and surveys conducted with the case companies which were later compiled to develop the suitable indicators. / Cirkulära affärsmodeller kan hjälpa till att omforma och övergå från det nuvarande linjära konsumtionsmönstret, vilket i sin tur kan göra det möjligt för oss att uppnå en cirkulär ekonomi. Företag kan ändra sin driftsmodell och överväga ett mer hållbart alternativ till sin nuvarande produktions- och konsumtionsmetod. För att företag ska bistå vid övergången till cirkulär ekonomi kan strategierna för cirkulär ekonomi integreras i deras affärsmodeller. Företag har redan börjat anpassa sina mål för att uppnå detta genom att mäta prestationsindikatorer. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) används för att effektivt kommunicera och sätta upp mål som ska uppnås inom olika nivåer i en organisation. KPIs kan användas för att övervaka utvecklingen av olika aspekter av hållbarhet, inklusive miljö, ekonomisk och social. Av denna anledning övergår många branscher mot en cirkulär affärsmodell för att säkerställa bättre resursutnyttjande och hållbara operationer. Prestandamätning är avgörande för att företag ska kunna utvärdera sina framsteg i förhållande till sina uppsatta mål. I denna studie har relevanta befintliga cirkulära KPIs identifierats som kan implementeras av fallstudieföretagen för att mäta prestanda för deras försörjningskedja och hela affärsmodellen. Fokus för denna studie är de tekniska, miljömässiga och socioekonomiska dimensionerna samtidigt som de viktigaste prestationsindikatorerna identifieras. En systematisk litteraturöversikt utfördes initialt under denna studie. Data erhållen från litteraturen jämfördes därefter med empiriska data. De empiriska uppgifterna är baserade på intervjuer och undersökningar som gjorts med fallstudiebolagen som senare sammanställdes för att utveckla lämpliga indikatorer.

Svenska klädföretags resell-plattformar och det digitala produktpassets påverkan : Övergången från en linjär till cirkulär affärsmodell / Swedish clothing companies´resell platforms and the digital product passport's influence : The transition from a linear to a circular business model

Ekelund, Alice, Holmgren, Maja, Fredin, Emilia January 2024 (has links)
Övergången från en linjär till en cirkulär affärsmodell inom textilindustrin är av yttersta vikt för att göra branschen mer hållbar. År 2023 initierade EU-kommissionen därför ett förslag om att tillämpa Extended Producer Responsibility även på textilindustrin. Förslaget innebär att företaget som tillverkar de textila produkterna enligt lag ska vara ansvarigt för vad som händer med produkterna efter att de lämnat företaget. Flera företag har därför initierat en take-backstrategi och med denna en resell-plattform, med målet att förlänga livslängden på produkterna. Som en del av denna övergång finns också ett förslag om att implementera ett digitalt produktpass. Produktpasset är tänkt att fungera som en informationsbärare och möjliggöra för kunden att fatta ett välgrundat beslut och förhoppningsvis ett mer hållbart val. Förhoppningen är också att detta ska pressa företagen att bli mer transparenta och skapa en mer hållbar försörjningskedja. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka svenska modeföretags syn på en resell-plattform, vilka möjligheter och utmaningar de ser i denna samt vilka effekter det digitala produktpasset kan ha på resell-processen. Representanter från fem svenska klädföretag med fokus på olika produktkategorier har intervjuats angående resell-plattformarna och deras tankar kring det digitala produktpasset. Studien visar att utmaningar relaterade till resell-plattformen är kopplade till såväl lönsamhet som resurskrav gällande personal, kunskap och digitalisering. Den visar också att företagen är mycket beroende av kunden för att få en framgångsrik resell-plattform. Samtidigt skapar plattformen möjligheter för företagen att utveckla starkare relationer med kunderna samt skapa nya relationer med nya kundgrupper. Företagen upplever också att varumärket stärks genom att företaget tar mer ansvar och utvecklar sitt hållbarhetsarbete ytterligare. Vidare finner studien att det finns en generell osäkerhet kring de digitala produktpassen kopplat till utformning och praktisk användning och hur de kommer att påverka företagen, samt resell-plattformarna. Det finns också en allmän försiktighet där inget företag känner behov av att vara först ut med ett produktpass. Samtliga företag ställer sig dock positiva till produktpasset på branschnivå och vilka positiva effekter det kan ha på till exempel produktens livscykel och värdet på resell-produkter. Uppsatsen är skriven på svenska. / The transition from a linear to a circular business model in the textile industry is of utmost importance in order to make the industry more sustainable. In 2023 the European Commission therefore initiated a proposal to apply the Extended Producer Responsibility on the textile industry as well. This would mean that the companies producing the textile products are responsible, by law, for what happens with the products after they leave the company´s hands. Several companies have therefore initiated a Take Back Strategy and with this a resell platform, with the goal to prolong the life of the textile products. As a part of this transition there is also a suggestion from the EU to implement the Digital Product Passport. The passport is supposed to act as an information carrier and enabler for the customer to make an informed decision and hopefully a more sustainable choice. The hope is that this will pressure the companies to be more transparent and create a more sustainable supply chain. This study aims to investigate Swedish fashion companies ´ view on their resell-platform, what possibilities and challenges they see in this, and what possible effects the Digital Product Passport could have on the resell process. Representatives from four Swedish companies focused on different product categories have been interviewed regarding the resell platforms and their thoughts on the Digital Product Passport. The study finds that challenges related to the resell platform are connected to profitability as well as resource demanding in terms of personnel, knowledge, and digitalization. It also shows that the companies are very dependent on the customer in order to have a successful resell-platform. At the same time, the platform creates opportunities for the companies to develop stronger relationships with the customers as well as creating new relationships with new customer groups. The companies also find that the brand is strengthened by taking more responsibility and developing their sustainability work further. Further, the study finds that there is an insecurity regarding the Digital Product Passports and how they will affect the companies, and there is a general caution where no company feels the need to be the first one with a passport. However, all companies are positive about the passport and what positive effects it can have on e.g. the product life cycle and the value on resell products. This essay is written in Swedish.

Circular Business Models for Electric Vehicle Battery Second Life : Challenges, enablers, and preconditions from an ecosystem perspective

Toorajipour, Reza January 2023 (has links)
Sustainability has become a critical issue due to global warming, scarcity of resources, and the high costs of raw materials. It is vital to reconsider linear business models and value creation processes and transition towards circularity. The growth of the electric vehicles market is promising; however, it comes with a major downside. Soon there will be a considerable number of used batteries without the original capacity and potentially hazardous that cannot go to landfill due to environmental and economic reasons. In this regard, the use of electric vehicle batteries in second life (EVBSL) is suggested as a solution. EVBSL comes with benefits such as the extension of the battery life cycle, extracting value from the remaining capacity of the battery, reduction in the upfront costs of the electric vehicle, and create new revenue streams for the companies. And since various actors are involved in EVBSL, it is essential to study this phenomenon from an ecosystem perspective. Despite the recent focus of researchers on EVBSL, there are several gaps in the current literature on this topic. The first gap concerns the challenges and enablers of implementing circular business models (CBMs) for EVBSL. The second gap concerns the second life operations of electric vehicles (EV). There is a lack of research on the solutions that can guide the ecosystem actors to manage EVBSL-related activities. And the third gap concerns the limited research on the preconditions of circular business model innovation for the EVBSL that focuses on the transition from linear business models to CBMs. Therefore, this thesis aims to develop knowledge of the factors that influence the implementation of CBMs for EVBSL from an ecosystem perspective. This study intends to address these gaps by conducting qualitative research. An exploratory research design has been deemed adequate due to its flexibility and compatibility. This research draws on the existing literature on the second life of EV batteries, and circular business models. In total, 20 interviews and 15 workshops have been conducted covering 15 companies in the EVBSL ecosystem. Purposeful sampling was employed to select the EVBSL ecosystem actors with the aim of covering the key actors such as OEMs, battery manufacturer, recycling companies, remanufacturers, energy utility companies, material supplier for battery parts, construction and housing company, and public transportation companies. The collected data was analyzed via qualitative methods such as thematic analysis.  The results of this study have led to the identification of nine key challenges and seven key enablers. Moreover, two dimensions (i.e., time frame and responsible entity) are identified from the empirical data, through which companies can structurally categorize and work with the identified key challenges and enablers. Based on this, a guiding framework is suggested that could support firms in the EV battery ecosystem to establish and manage various configurations for second-life operations in a series of phases such as firm-level initiation, ecosystem construction, firm-level optimization, and ecosystem orchestration. Finally, the current linear business models (traditional sales of products and services, product maintenance and support, R&D, consultancy, and services), upcoming CBMs (regenerating, looping, and sharing), and the preconditions (for value creation, capture, and delivery) for the circular business model innovation are extracted.  This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge in several ways. It enhances the current literature on challenges and enablers of EVBSL by covering various actors in this ecosystem and extends the knowledge on the scope of these factors. Moreover, this study is the first one that suggests a guiding framework for the ecosystem actors through configurations for second-life operations while shedding light on the preconditions of circular business innovation for EVBSL. This study also provides interesting insights for practitioners and managers in the EVBSL ecosystem. / RECREATE project

Strategic targets and KPIs for improved value chain circularity and sustainability performance : A case study of a large manufacturing enterprise within the energy sector

Jansson, Jonas, Holmberg, Herman January 2022 (has links)
Global consumption levels currently extend far beyond what planet Earth in terms of natural resources can regenerate in a sustainable manor and will by 2050 reach levels corresponding to what it would require three Earths to sustain. This overexploitation and unsustainable management of the Earth’s resources in combination with the necessity of mitigating climate change and reaching net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 require action across all sectors, not least the manufacturing industry. This thesis covers how large manufacturing enterprises can implement and utilize strategic targets and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to align with the principles of a Circular Economy (CE), and as a result, improve sustainability and business performance. Based on a case study conducted at Siemens Energy (SE) involving a literature study, interview study, and focus groups, a carefully selected set of strategic circularity targets and KPIs are presented to measure, evaluate, and drive circularity performance within large manufacturing enterprises. Since the thesis’ ambition was to provide valuable insights beyond SE, strategic circularity targets and KPIs specifically directed at SE were further generalized to be universally relevant for academia and other large manufacturing enterprises. Enterprises within the given sector share several key characteristics such as extensive material resource flows and complex value chains, hence strategic targets and KPIs emphasize material efficiency through decreasing virgin material dependency, increasing recirculation rates, and transitioning towards circular business models. While suggested targets and KPIs are universally directed at large manufacturing enterprises, individual organizations are recommended to conduct internal investigations and analyzes to further tailor and adapt strategic targets and KPIs towards the specific enterprise. In addition to strategic targets and KPIs, the thesis also presents an overview of opportunities, benefits, risks, and potential impacts for large manufacturing enterprises aspiring to increase circular initiatives, highlighting key principles to manage risk and capitalize on opportunities. The findings conclude that the main opportunity enabled by CE is to leverage synergies which align environmental, economic, and strategic corporate incentives, with key benefits including aspects such as decarbonization and reduced environmental impact, increased revenues and cost savings, risk management, and new business opportunities. Risks associated with CE include rebound effects, organizational insufficiencies, lack of material quality and safety, as well as a low product performance, which further can lead to potential impacts mitigating the positive effects of CE, or at worst setbacks causing a net negative output from implemented circular measures. In summary, the opportunities and benefits associated with CE are many, but implemented circular measures require risk awareness and continuous management to ensure efficiency.

Le retour du commun au cœur de l’action collective : le cas de la Responsabilité Élargie du Producteur comme processus de responsabilisation et de co-régulation / The return of the Commons at the heart of collective action : the case of Extended Producer Responsibility as a process of responsibilization and co-regulation

Micheaux, Helen 24 November 2017 (has links)
Le modèle de production et de consommation linéaire, qui se résume à: extraire, produire, utiliser puis jeter, menace la préservation de nos ressources naturelles, alors même que les Déchets d’Équipements Électriques et Électroniques (DEEE) constituent des « mines urbaines » riches en métaux de valeur. Les politiques publiques classiques des années 70, fondées sur une approche régalienne, se sont révélées inefficaces pour stimuler des démarches innovantes et collectives.Dans cette thèse, nous étudions une approche alternative fondée sur un principe de responsabilisation des producteurs, encadrés par une forme de co-régulation entre acteurs publics et privés. Alors que la responsabilité est souvent associée à une logique individuelle, qu’est-ce qu’une responsabilité collective? Plus encore, pour faire de la responsabilisation une technique politique de gouvernement, quels processus et instruments s’agit-il de mobiliser pour rendre des acteurs collectivement responsables?À travers le cas de la filière des DEEE, cette thèse propose des principes de la co-régulation. Nous nous appuyons sur la littérature sur les communs, où ont été discutées les conditions d’une gestion et d’une gouvernance collectives. La thèse repose sur une approche exploratoire, qualitative et longitudinale. Une analyse comparative au niveau européen permet une mise en perspective des propositions théoriques. / The Linear Economy is structured on: extraction, production, product use and landfill. This model prevails although it is a threat to the preservation of natural resources. Whereas, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) constitute “Urban Mines” that are rich in valuable metals. Public policies from the 70s, based on regulatory constraints, have proved to be inefficient in instigating innovative and collective processes.In this thesis, we study an alternative approach based on the responsabilization of producers through co-regulated action between public and private actors. While responsibility is often linked to individualism, this work scrutinizes the substance of collective responsibility. Furthermore, in consideration of responsabilization as a mode of political governance, we examine the processes and the instruments which could be engaged to bestow collective responsibility on private actors.Through an exploratory, qualitative and longitudinal approach in the context of the WEEE sector, we propose new co-regulation principles. The research is based on the literature of the commons in which the conditions of a collective governance are discussed. The theoretical propositions are considered in the perspective of a comparative analysis at the European level.

Product-as-a-Service: An accelerator to create an environmentally sustainable closed loop supply chain : (Multiple interview study from a retailer’s perspective)

Tamerus, Saskia, Koers, Lisanne, Steffens, Solveigh January 2022 (has links)
Abstract  Purpose:  The purpose of the research was to define Product-Service-System (PSS) and Product-as-a- Service (PaaS), identify the challenges and match mitigations with them when closing the supply chain from a B2C retailer’s perspective. The following three research questions were defined:  RQ1: How are Product-Service-System and Product-as-a-Service defined and related to the environmental sustainability context?  RQ2: What are the challenges that B2C-retailers with a Product-as-a-Service model encounter in regard to closing their supply chain loop?  RQ3: How can the closed loop supply chain related challenges that B2C-retailers encounter be mitigated to unfold the environmentally sustainable potential of PaaS business models?  Methodology: A systematic literature review was used for defining PaaS and PSS with an environmentally sustainable focus. The second part of the research is based on a qualitative research method with the use of an interview study setup where 2 industry experts and 4 PaaS companies from the fashion, furniture, mobility and whitegoods industries were interviewed. The empirical data was collected using six semi-structured interviews over zoom.  Findings:  Both PSS and PaaS are focused on providing the product with a service. The biggest difference between PSS and PaaS is that the former is seen as a paradigm shift with regards to linear models whereas the latter is seen as a practical business model to transform a linear system. Based on the intended use, PSS and PaaS are both not inherently more sustainable than linear business models. The standardised definition was further used and integrated for the development of the framework which displays the challenges and mitigations of different levels for an environmentally sustainable PaaS model. The final framework displays 25 challenges. To those challenges, 24 mitigations could be connected. Furthermore, there were 16 challenges that had not been cross validated and a total of 19 challenges that could not be matched with any mitigation. Those unmatched challenges show the need for further research in this area.  Contributions/value:  The contribution that this thesis brings to existing literature is threefold. First, PSS and PaaS are defined and related to environmental sustainability, solving the fragmentation that was caused in prior research. Secondly, the challenges found widen the scope of existing knowledge about PSS and PaaS in a CLSC. Thirdly, mitigation horizons were elaborated on in this research, giving practical handlebars to managers for overcoming challenges in the B2C PaaS field and theoretical insights for matching challenges and mitigations. Additionally, this thesis points out possibilities for future research, with which we hope to motivate other researchers to shed light on under-researched areas.  Keywords:  Product-as-a-Service (PaaS) - Product-Service-System (PSS) - Servitization - B2C Retailer - Circular Economy - Circular Business Model - Environmental Sustainability - Challenges - Mitigations - Closed Loop Supply Chain

How circular business models can increase the use of 3R’s - a shift towards circular economy : Case study in Swedish stone material industry

Pedersen, Elsa, Eriksson, Alva January 2022 (has links)
Circular economy (CE) is today gaining a lot of attention, which means to improve resource efficiency through reusing, recycling, and reducing (3R). Increased CE is one step towards improved sustainable development. The aim in this study is to explain how circular economy can pursue sustainable development, by business model innovation. A qualitative study including a market analysis has been performed with 28 semi structured interviews. The context studied was the Swedish stone material industry (SSMI) through NCC and its division Industry, as case company. The participants were employees selected from the case company, competitors, customers, ordering parties, and independent actors.    The study highlights both barriers and opportunities for improving 3R’s on the SSMI. Strict regulations are seen as a strong obstacle whereas reduced climate impact is a great possibility. To contribute successfully to circular economy, a shift towards circular business models (CBM) is needed. Such strategical transformation can be accomplished through business model innovation, which this study shows difficult. A CBM is presented to the case company with for instance customer co-creation and developing new partnerships included. Shaping take-back services are also recommended to be implemented in the CBM. A conclusion is that business models and strategy interrelate, and both concepts are affected by regulations. This imply both positive and negative consequences of the market development, concerning circular economy. Lastly, a conclusion is that the triple bottom line mindset must be improved in the industry to pursue sustainable development. / Cirkulär ekonomi (CE) får idag mycket uppmärksamhet, och det innefattar ökande resurseffektivitet genom återanvändning, återvinning och reducering (3R). Ökning av CE är ett steg i ökad hållbar utveckling. Syftet med denna studie är att förklara hur cirkulär ekonomi kan främja hållbar utveckling, genom affärsmodellsinnovation. En kvalitativ studie har utförts genom en marknadsanalys med 28 semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det studerade sammanhanget var den svenska stenmaterialindustrin (SSMI) och fallföretaget har varit NCC och deras avdelning Industry. Deltagarna var utvalda anställda från fallföretaget, konkurrenter, kunder, beställare och oberoende aktörer.  Studien belyser både hinder och möjligheter för att öka de 3R’n på SSMI. Strikta regler visar sig vara ett starkt hinder medan reducerad klimatpåverkan är en stor möjlighet. För att framgångsrikt bidra till cirkulär ekonomi behövs ett skifte mot en cirkulär affärsmodell (CBM). Sådan strategisk förändring kan åstadkommas genom affärsmodellsinnovation vilket i denna studie har visats sig vara svårt. En CBM presenters till fallföretaget innehållande bland annat samskapande med kund och utveckling av nya partnerskap. Utformande av återtagstjänster är också rekommenderat för implementation i CBM. En slutsats är att affärsmodeller och strategi interagerar och båda koncepten påverkas av regleringar. Det kan medföra både positiva och negativa konsekvenser på marknadsutveckling beträffande cirkulär ekonomi. Slutligen så är en slutsats också att triple bottom line mindset måste förbättras i branschen för att främja hållbar utveckling.

Environmental Impact of an Electric Motor and Drive : Life Cycle Assessment and a study of a Circular Business Model

Westberg, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Electric motors are one of the biggest consumers of electricity in the world with a consumption of almost 45 % and it is predicted to increase. Since electric motors play an important role today and in the future, it is important that businesses take their responsibility to make them as sustainable as they can possibly be. Today’s product development models are often based on the idea that the customer buys the product and is responsible for the products use phase. This results in the manufacturer focusing on getting a competitive price for the customer by reducing the cost for manufacturing and delivery, which often is negative for the customer. The latter phases, use and end-of-life, are often the greatest contributors of costs and environmental impact. One way for businesses to take their responsibility is to have an environmental focus throughout their products life cycles, i.e., to apply a circular business model. This primarily means to focus on the main principles of circular economy: to reduce, reuse and recycle. ABB is a company in the electric motor and drive industry with ambitious commitments for 2030 which includes to have at least 80 % of their products and solutions covered by a circularity approach and achieve carbon neutrality across their own operations. This Master thesis studies the environmental impact of an ABB synchronous medium voltage motor and drive during their life cycle. This thesis also studies how a circular business model can affect the environmental impact the motor contribute with today. Assessing the environmental impact was done with a life cycle perspective in accordance to ISO 14044, using the world’s most used tool for these kinds of analyses, SimaPro. The results of the assessment showed that the total climate impact during the whole life cycle of the motor and drive is 4.38•106 kg CO2 eq. The use phase of the motor and drive was the biggest contributor, with almost 99 % of total climate impact. The electricity used in this phase and the long lifetime of these machines, in this case 20 years, contributes to the great impact. Important environmental impact categories identified from studying the motor and drive during their lifecycles are ionizing radiation, human toxicity (both non-cancer effects and cancer effects) and freshwater ecotoxicity. The results also showed that by only looking at the contribution of the components of the motor, the climate impact is 7.35•104 kg CO2 eq. A total of 43 % of the emissions comes from the stator and 30 % from the rotor. For the drive the total impact is in total 6.83•104 kg CO2 eq. The biggest contributor is the semiconductor, with 50 % of the total impact of the machine followed by the housing with 21 %. Answering research question two, regarding the circular business model, was done by interviewing key players at ABB and people with knowledge in the area as well by studying literature. Potential measures for a circular business model were for example increasing the efficiency of the motor, designing for refurbishment and recycling, partnerships and changing the motor application after use. Increased efficiency of the motor was identified as a very impactful measure since it can affect the use phase, which is the biggest contributor of climate impact. The identified measures impact the material and energy flows in different ways, most of them prevent extraction of new raw material. This study can be used for an indication of where the environmental hotspots are for a MV electric motor and drive. It can be concluded that a circular business model could bring benefits on material and energy flows such as reduced energy use in the use phase, decreased use of raw material in production and reduced use of fuel for transportation.

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