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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza konkurenčního prostředí serverhousingových společností v ČR / Analysis of the competitive environment of colocation companies in the Czech Republic

Šrámek, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with application of Competitive Intelligence methods in market environment of colocation datacenters in the Czech Republic. The main objective is to analyze competitive environment of colocation datacenters in the Czech Republic. In the theoretical part of this thesis Competitive Intelligence and analytical methods are described. Typical colocation services including cloud computing are described. In the following part the topic of datacenters, their basic types and classification are discussed. Two related topics of outsourcing and Service Level Agreement are also mentioned. The practical part of this thesis is divided into three areas. The first area deals with development of the world datacenter market and discusses trends in the industry. The second area deals with the description of the market structure and analysis of the wider competitive environment of colocation companies in the Czech Republic. This competitive environment was analyzed using Porter five forces analysis. The third thematic area is dedicated to competitive analysis of six colocation companies operating on the territory of Prague. These companies were analyzed with the use of competitive analysis method. In conclusion there are given relevant resources in terms of Competitive Intelligence for the colocation companies that were analyzed in the final part of thesis.

Biotechnology in Cincinnati: Clustering or Colocation?

Ferrand, Yann, Kelton, Christina M.L., Chen, Ke, Stafford, Howard A. 23 April 2009 (has links)
This research, conducted via interviews at 32 biotechnology firms, which provide rare information on actual firm interactions, elucidates the factors that influence the location and growth of the biotechnology sector in a typical American metropolitan area. Results indicate that most of the biotechnology firms within the Cincinnati region are there because of entrepreneurial ties with universities and research hospitals in the area, not because the region has specific advantages for biotechnology firms compared to other metropolitan areas of similar size. The authors find that interfirm linkages range from extremely weak to nonexistent. No specialized labor force exists to support biotechnology firms, nor are there specialized infrastructure and business services. No biotechnology-dedicated government office exists. In summary, the authors see more colocation than interactive clustering of biotechnology firms, implying that economic development efforts to enhance interfirm linkages are likely to be less effective than support for hospital and university research and education.

La conception d’un dictionnaire bilingue arabe/français/ français/arabe de verbes supports destinés à la traduction / Creating a bilingual Arabic / French, French / Arabic dictionnary of light verbs intended for translation

Aji, Hani 05 July 2019 (has links)
Ce travail vise à étudier les collocations à verbe support. Un phénomène qui a été introduit par Z. Harris (1964) et décrit par plusieurs chercheurs à la suite des travaux du laboratoire d’automatique documentaire et linguistique dirigés par M. Gross. L’un des principaux buts de ce travail est de savoir comment ces phénomènes sont construits et comment les modéliser et les anticiper. Il s’agira de donner les caractéristiques différenciant ce phénomène des autres constructions comme les locutions figées, en nous penchant sur sa charge sémantique considérée à tort comme vide de sens.Cette recherche est faite dans l’optique de créer un dictionnaire bilingue de verbes supports (arabe – français) (français – arabe). C’est en ce sens que cette recherche s’intéressera aussi à la traduction de ces verbes supports en arabe afin d’essayer de créer un nouveau type d’article dictionnairique spécialement conçu pour ces derniers. Pour créer cet article dictionnairique, nous chercherons à démontrer la possibilité de classer les noms prédicatifs et leurs verbes supports suivants des catégories. Les noms prédicatifs seront divisés suivant des catégories lexicales engendrées par une ontologie binaire construite avec quatre notions et dégageant onze catégories lexicales. Les verbes supports sont à leur tour divisés en catégories sémantiques de verbes supports « scénarios » suivants lesquelles ils sont classés et peuvent être anticipés. Ces scénarios répondront aux deux critères de la limitation en nombre de scénarios et de l’exhaustivité de l’application. / This work aims at studying light verb colocations. A phenomenon that was introduced by Z. Harris (1964) and described by several researchers following the lab work of automatic documentary and linguistics directed by M. Gross.One of the main goals of this work is to know how these phenomena are built and how to model them and anticipate them. It will cover the characteristics differentiating this phenomenon from the other constructions like idioms, by leaning on its semantic load considered wrongly as meaningless.This research is done with the aim of creating a bilingual dictionary of light verbs (Arabic - French) (French - Arabic). Therefore, this research will also focus on the translation of these Arabic verbs in order to try to create a new type of dictionary article specially designed for them.To create this dictionary article, we will try to demonstrate the possibility of classifying the predicative nouns and their following light verbs into categories. Predicative nouns will be divided into lexical categories generated by a binary ontology created with four notions and distinguishing eleven lexical categories.The light verbs will be divided into semantic categories of light verbs "scenarios" following which they are classified and can be anticipated. These scenarios will meet the two criteria of limiting the number of scenarios and entireness/exhaustiveness of the application.

Bessere Kundenorientierung bei der Entwicklung physischer Produkte - Nutzung agiler Vorgehensweisen kombiniert mit Additiven Fertigungsverfahren

Blattert, Philipp, Engeln, Werner 07 September 2021 (has links)
Viele Industrieunternehmen sind auf der Suche nach neuen Strategien für eine zukunftssichernde Produktentwicklung. Die Gründe dafür sind in den Herausforderungen zu suchen, die häufig in schnelle Änderungen von Kundenwünschen, der Verbreitung moderner Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien, kürzeren Technologielebenszyklen, Forderungen nach ökologischer Nachhaltigkeit wie auch in der weiteren zunehmenden Vernetzung der Wirtschaft zu suchen. Die heutige Entwicklungsumgebung in Unternehmen, mit meist starren Abteilungsstrukturen, wenig Kommunikation mit den Kunden und zwischen den Abteilungen im Unternehmen sowie der Auslieferung eines auf einem einmal erstellen Lastenheft basierenden Produkten wird den Anforderungen nicht mehr gerecht. In diesem Zusammenhang rücken agile Vorgehensweisen gepaart mit additiven Fertigungsverfahren für physische Produkte in den Fokus der Entwicklung.

Erdvinės metaforos Daiktavardinių frazių žodyne / Orientational metaphors in the dictionary of Lithuanian Nominal Phrases

Drūlienė, Viltė 04 August 2008 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe analizuojamos erdvinės metaforos iš Daiktavardinių frazių žodyno. Jame užfiksuoti statistiniu metodu iš Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos tekstyno atrinkti tipiškiausi žodžių junginiai (arba kolokacijos) ir frazės, kuriose pavartotas bent vienas daiktavardis. Laikomasi nuostatos, kad abstrakčiųjų daiktavardžių kolokacijos yra kalbinių metaforų išraiška. Teorinėje darbo dalyje aptariamos plačios ir įvairialypės kolokacijos ir metaforos sąvokos. Čia kalbinė metafora arba metaforinis pasakymas suprantamas kaip kognityviosios kalbotyros šalininkų aprašomos žmogaus sąmonėje egzistuojančios konceptualiosios metaforos kalbinė išraiška. Pasirinktos erdvinės metaforos – tai tos, kurių žodinėje rai�����koje randama įvairių erdvės elementų įvardijimų. Išsamesnei analizei darbo objektas susiaurintas iki vertikaliųjų metaforų, kuriomis metaforizuojamas objektas (reiškinys) projektuojama vertikalėje. Aprašius atrankos kriterijus ir problemas, sudarytas vertikaliųjų metaforų ir susijusių frazeologizmų sąrašas, tada junginiai suskirstyti į semantines grupes pagal nurodomą vietą vertikalėje ar judėjimą kuria nors jos kryptimi. Aptartos tipiškiausios kiekvienos grupės kolokacijos, sutelkiant dėmesį į vertikalumą žyminčius žodžius ir metaforizuojamus objektus išreiškiančius kolokatus. Apibendrinus dažniausias kolokacijas, duomenys sisteminti, nustatytos ryškiausios konceptualiosios metaforos, kurios rodo analizuotos lietuvių kalbos vartotojų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Present research paper deals with the specific group of conceptual metaphors, derived from the Dictionary of Lithuanian Nominal Phrases. The dictionary is compiled from collocations, automatically extracted from the Corpus of Present Day Lithuanian Language. All collocations contain at least one noun. The dictionary is a suitable source for the extraction of metaphors since it contains a lot of abstract noun collocations that in most cases are metaphorical. The paper presents theoretical approaches towards both issues under analysis, i.e. metaphors and collocations. The specific object of investigation, however, is conceptual, or dead, metaphor. It is defined here as a linguistic expression of a conceptual model of a world view. Following the cognitive approach it is assumed that human conceptual system, comprising cognition, language and memory, is metaphorical in nature. The metaphors under investigation contain nominations space or spacial elements in their linguistic expressions in general and specifically those, that deal with vertical scale and motion along a vertical dimension. After describing the identification criteria and procedures, the outcome of analysis is presented, i.e. the list of metaphorical phrases and idioms that are further subdivided according to the spacial dimensions, specifically the place or direction in the vertical scale. The most typical collocations of every group are discussed paying attention to the semantics of verticality. The most vivid... [to full text]

Reprodukovatelné experimenty s částečným zatížením v analýze agregace zátěže / Reproducible Partial-Load Experiments in Workload Colocation Analysis

Podzimek, Andrej January 2016 (has links)
Hardware concurrency is common in all contemporary computer systems. Efficient use of hardware resources requires parallel processing and sharing of hardware by multiple workloads. Striking a balance between the conflicting goals of keeping servers highly utilized and maintaining a predictable performance level requires an informed choice of performance isolation techniques. Despite a broad choice of resource isolation mechanisms in operating systems, such as pinning of workloads to disjoint sets of processors, little is known about their effects on overall system performance and power consumption, especially under partial load conditions common in practice. Performance and performance interference under partial processor load is analyzed only after the fact, based on historical data, rather than proactively tested. This dissertation contributes a systematic approach to experimental analysis of application performance under partial processor load and in workload colocation scenarios. We first present a software tool set called Showstopper, capable of achieving and sustaining a variety of partial processor load conditions. Based on arbitrary pre-existing computationally intensive workloads, Showstopper replays processor load traces using feedback control mechanisms to maintain the desired load. As opposed to...

Energiskattenedsättningen för datorhallar i Sverige i ljuset av EU:s regler om statliga stöd / Energy Tax Reduction for some Data Centers in Sweden in the light of EU State Aid Rules

Broström, Pernilla January 2023 (has links)
År 2017 infördes en energiskattenedsättning som kraftigt reducerade elpriset för vissa datacenter som uppfyllde i lagen uppställda villkor. Ett av målen med nedsättningen var att Sverige skulle locka till sig multinationella företag som verkar inom datacenterbranschen. Som exempel på sådana företag gavs bland annat Facebook, Google och Apple. Energiskattenedsättningen utsattes för kritik, bland annat då nedsättningen ansågs gynna amerikanska techjättar framför inhemska colocation-datacenter I juli 2023 slopades lagen, där ett argument var generellt ökande utgifter för el till följd av ukrainakriget. Nedsättningen har granskats av Riksrevisionen, som kom fram till att nedsättningen träffade fel på flera (politiska) sätt. I uppsatsen undersöks om det, på ett tydligt sätt, framgår huruvida Sverige brutit mot EU:s regler om statliga stöd vid införandet av energiskattenedsättningen samt genom resultatet av nedsättningen. Anledningen till att energiskattenedsättningen för datacenter inledningsvis utreddes var datacentrens internationella konkurrenssituation. Sveriges elkostnad för datacenter ansågs som ett hinder för att locka etableringar av datacenter till Sverige. För att kunna införa energiskattenedsättningen behövde dock EU:s regler om statliga stöd beaktas. Av hänsyn därtill gjordes vissa justeringar i den svenska lagstiftningen, för att sedan kunna införa energiskattenedsättningen med stöd i art. 44 GBER. Energiskattenedsättningen infördes i huvudsak i 11 kap. energiskattelagen. En del justeringar av nedsättningen genomfördes efterhand, så att fler datacenter skulle omfattas av nedsättningen. Samtidigt kom Skatteverket relativt tidigt med ett ställningstagande att colocation-datacenter inte omfattades av nedsättningen. Ställningstagandet medförde att färre datacenter kunde ta del av nedsättningen, trots justeringen som gjordes för att omfatta fler. Villkoren som måste uppfyllas i art. 44 GBER undersöks i uppsatsen i förhållande till svensk lag, förarbetsuttalanden och verkligt utfall. Det görs för att undersöka om reglerna om statliga stöd följts när energiskattenedsättningen infördes och var aktuell. Av denna utredning framgår inte med tydlighet att Sverige skulle ha brutit mot reglerna om statliga stöd. I stället framgår att hänsyn tagits till statsstödsreglerna genom att undersöka olika alternativ för nedsättningen, samt genom att anpassa den svenska regleringen för att uppnå villkoren i art. 44 GBER.

Implementation and Analysis of Co-Located Virtual Reality for Scientific Data Visualization

Jordan M McGraw (8803076) 07 May 2020 (has links)
<div>Advancements in virtual reality (VR) technologies have led to overwhelming critique and acclaim in recent years. Academic researchers have already begun to take advantage of these immersive technologies across all manner of settings. Using immersive technologies, educators are able to more easily interpret complex information with students and colleagues. Despite the advantages these technologies bring, some drawbacks still remain. One particular drawback is the difficulty of engaging in immersive environments with others in a shared physical space (i.e., with a shared virtual environment). A common strategy for improving collaborative data exploration has been to use technological substitutions to make distant users feel they are collaborating in the same space. This research, however, is focused on how virtual reality can be used to build upon real-world interactions which take place in the same physical space (i.e., collaborative, co-located, multi-user virtual reality).</div><div><br></div><div>In this study we address two primary dimensions of collaborative data visualization and analysis as follows: [1] we detail the implementation of a novel co-located VR hardware and software system, [2] we conduct a formal user experience study of the novel system using the NASA Task Load Index (Hart, 1986) and introduce the Modified User Experience Inventory, a new user study inventory based upon the Unified User Experience Inventory, (Tcha-Tokey, Christmann, Loup-Escande, Richir, 2016) to empirically observe the dependent measures of Workload, Presence, Engagement, Consequence, and Immersion. A total of 77 participants volunteered to join a demonstration of this technology at Purdue University. In groups ranging from two to four, participants shared a co-located virtual environment built to visualize point cloud measurements of exploded supernovae. This study is not experimental but observational. We found there to be moderately high levels of user experience and moderate levels of workload demand in our results. We describe the implementation of the software platform and present user reactions to the technology that was created. These are described in detail within this manuscript.</div>

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