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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Work Group Composition Effects on Leadership Styles in Aircraft Manufacturing Organizations.

Dunnagan, Monica Lynn 01 January 2014 (has links)
leadership styles homogeneous versus heterogeneous manufacturing leaders contractor workforce

Compétence juridictionnelle en matière de litiges internationaux sur les opérations électroniques de banque

Sultan, Nafea Bahr 30 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’examiner et d’analyser les conditions d’application des règles françaises et européennes de compétence dans le domaine des litiges nés des opérations bancaires électroniques. De manière générale, le tribunal saisi vérifie sa compétence en analysant le différend, en déterminant les éléments du rapport de droit, en caractérisant les parties en conflit, et en établissant que les exigences de chacune des règles sont satisfaites. Mais, dans le cadre des relations bancaires électroniques, la juridiction exerce sa fonction en tenant compte des facteurs technologiques qui affectent la conclusion et l’exécution et de la relation litigieuse,et en prenant en considération le poids réel et juridique de la banque et du client.Pour que les critères juridictionnels et leurs liens de rattachement soient applicables de manière correcte, logique et équitable, la juridiction se doit appréhender avec un oeil neuf, des notions et concepts aussi variés que l’accord électronique d’élection de for, l’autorité de la banque, l’étendue de la protection des consommateurs, le domicile et la résidence, la notion de l’obligation bancaire, ainsi que le lieu de la conclusion et de la prestation de service, le lieu où se produit le fait dommageable, et le dommage économique. / This thesis examines the possibility of applying of relevant French and European rules in the field of litigations arising from electronic banking. The seized court checks its jurisdiction by analyzing disputed subject, identifying the elements of legal relationship, characterizing the parties of the dispute, and establishing that requirements of each rule are met. Once the court exercises its function, it considers the technological factors that may affect the fulfilling way of the legal relationship and dispute over it, as well as taking into account the actual and legal weight of both bank and customer. So that, in order to practice relevant criteria and connecting links in correct, logical and fair way, it is necessary for the court to reconsider it sunderstanding of different aspects of disputed subject. In other words, the court should renew its view on several issues, such as the electronic agreement on jurisdiction, the authority of the bank, the extent of the protection of consumers, the domicile and residence, the concept of bank obligation, the place of signing and fulfilling the contract, the place where the service is provided, as well as the place of occurrence of harmful event and economic damage.

Les défis juridiques de la fonction publique en Roumanie : entre tradition et modernisation. Étude comparée à partir de l’exemple français / The Legal Challenges Faced by Romanian Civil Service : Between Tradition and Modernization. A Comparative Study Using the Example of France.

Condurache, Gabriela 09 February 2018 (has links)
Cette étude se propose d’analyser le système roumain de fonction publique à l’aune de l’exemple français, en partant non seulement des différences et des ressemblances qui caractérisent ces deux systèmes, mais aussi des principes traditionnels construits par les apports successifs des grands juristesdes deux États et de la jurisprudence administrative. Une analyse croisée, dont l’objectif vise non seulement à dégager les défis qui se posent à la modernisation de la jeune fonction publique roumaine postcommuniste, mais aussi à présenter certaines réflexions de nature à contribuer voire à éclaircir le positionnement des réformes de la fonction publique française, eu égard à son riche passé juridique etjurisprudentiel. En effet, la question qui se pose aujourd’hui comme hier, tant pour le système roumain que pour le système français, est de savoir si, au nom de cette modernisation qui est comprise souvent comme un rapprochement du droit du travail et des principes de New Public Management, il faut renoncer aux traditions statutaires. Il s’agirait par exemple de privilégier la contractualisation danstous les aspects du droit de la fonction publique (recrutement, déontologie, rémunération, formation ou carrière), ainsi que l’expérimentent des États comme l’Italie, l’Espagne, la Suisse ou la Suède. Le but est de contribuer à une réflexion générale sur le droit de la fonction publique qui aille au-delà du seulcas de la fonction publique roumaine, en faisant ressurgir du passé des questions scientifiques oubliées, qui semblent retrouver aujourd’hui tout leur intérêt. / This study analyses the Romanian civil service system as compared to the French system, focusing not only on their differences and similarities, but also on the traditional principles that have taken shape through case law and the continuing contributions of legal scholars from both countries. This crosscomparisonaims not only to identify the challenges faced in modernizing post-communist Romania’s relatively recent civil service system, but also to provide reflection capable of contributing to, and perhaps shedding light on, the status of the reforms of France’s civil service system, given its rich legal heritage and case law. Today, as in the past, the question remains that of whether, both in Franceand Romania, special statuses traditionally reserved for civil servants should be cast aside in order to bring this branch of the law into line with the principles of New Public Management and reconcile it with ordinary labor law. This would entail, for instance, establishing a contractual basis for every aspect of civil service law (hiring, ethics, pay, training, and career progression), in line withexperiments that have been undertaken in countries such as Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and Sweden. The aim is to contribute to the overall reflection on civil service law, beyond the specific case of the Romanian civil service, by returning forgotten avenues of reflection in legal scholarship – which nowseem more relevant than ever before – to the fore.

Managing timber procurement in Nordic purchasing sawmills

Helstad, Klara January 2006 (has links)
Procurement of sawlogs to purchasing sawmills represents a basic strategic business process. The properties of inbound sawlogs are decisive for the output of sawn products and the cost of raw material contributes substantially to the cost of the final product. Increasing customer orientation and new demands from powerful customers in the building and retail sectors entail new or accentuated demands on management of procurement. Managing raw material procurement and communicating needs to suppliers and logging machine operators are vital issues for sawmills in order to be competitive. The purpose of the thesis is to explore how purchasing sawmills manage procurement of sawlogs. The results are based on 46 in-depth interviews with people involved in the procurement process at seven softwood sawmills in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. The thesis identifies various types of supply uncertainties as well as process improvement and buffer activities that reduce uncertainties. However, the major obstacle in the procurement process is the power/dependence balance in the relationships with suppliers. Beyond doubt, it restricts the manageability of procurement and particularly bucking. The results suggest that there are a number of ways to improve management of procurement, which are currently not fully employed. The thesis provides four key strategic dimensions of the procurement process and suggests a general conceptual model of wood procurement to purchasing sawmills. Further research within the subject can usefully explore the link between procurement management and procurement strategy as well as the relation to other functions' strategies and the corporate strategy. The importance of the identified strategic dimensions of the procurement process needs to be quantified in order to provide normative suggestions.

Naturaleza, régimen jurídico y actividades de las sociedades cooperativas de transporte de mercancías por carretera

Mundo Guinot, Marta E. 07 September 2011 (has links)
El estudio abarca diferentes aspectos jurídicos de las sociedades cooperativas que desarrollan sus actividades económicas en el ámbito del transporte de mercancías por carretera. Como entidades cooperativas, participan de las características inherentes a este tipo societario, quedando sometidas a la normativa cooperativa aplicable en función de la distribución competencial entre el Estado y las Comunidades Autónomas. Como empresas que realizan actividades de transporte o auxiliares y complementarias del mismo, les es de aplicación, por un lado, la normativa de ordenación de los transportes terrestres y, por otro, el régimen del contrato de transporte terrestre de mercancías. Desde ambas perspectivas, surgen cuestiones variadas acerca de distintos aspectos de estas cooperativas, en sus diferentes modalidades: entre otras, respecto de la problemática resultante de la aplicación de la normativa cooperativa autonómica y la normativa estatal de transportes; de los requisitos previos para el ejercicio de las actividades de transporte; de la contratación del transporte en nombre propio y la asunción de la condición de porteador; de las relaciones jurídicas internas y de la actividad típica cooperativa desarrollada entre la entidad y sus socios; de las operaciones con terceros no socios; y de la responsabilidad jurídico privada y administrativa tanto de la entidad cooperativa como de sus miembros.

Darnus vystymasis ir demografinių procesų valdymo galimybės Lietuvoje / Sustainable development and possibilities to manage demographic processes in Lithuania

Bileišis, Mantas 29 January 2008 (has links)
Darbe yra analizuojama Lietuvos demografinė situacija ir kokią įtaką tai daro darnaus vystymosi politikos įgyvendinimui šalyje. Autorius prieina prie išvados, kad yra daug įvairių priežasčių, kodėl Lietuvoje įsivyravo nepalanki demografinė padėtis. Tačiau darnaus vystymosi požiūriu, spręsti problemą ar bent minimizuoti jos neigiamas pasekmes valstybei turi tapti svarbiausiu prioritetu. Šiuo požiūriu valstybė turi prisiimti visą atsakomybę dėl situacijos gerinimo ir vengti dėl padėties kaltinti visuomenės elgesį, kuris neatitinka darnaus vystymosi reikalavimų. Tokia pozicija negali duoti teigiamų rezultatų ir negali būti neveiklumo pateisinimas. Pripažindamas valstybės pagrindinį vaidmenį įgyvendinant darnaus vystymosi koncepcijos reikalavimus, autorius pastebi, kad tradicinis, teisinis-administracinis viešosios valdžios organizavimo modelis sukelia kliūčių sudaro labai daug kliūčių priimant adekvačius strateginius sprendimus ir juos įgyvendinant. Todėl siūloma įvesti keletą naujų viešojo valdymo procedūrų, kurios leistų tas kliūtis įveikti; tuo pačiu vengti keisti institucinę struktūrą, nes tokios reformos yra politiškai sudėtingos ir nepraktiškos. Nacionalinės darnaus vystymosi strategijos Visuomenės sveikatos skyriaus analizė paremia teiginius, kad dabartinės politinės priemonės nesudaro prielaidų įveikti demografinį iššūkį. / The paper is analyzing the demographical situation in Lithuania and what does it mean to the implementation of the sustainable development policies in the country. The author reaches the conclusion that there is a variety of reasons why the demographic situation in the country is complicated and hard to manage. Yet, solving the problem or at least minimizing the negative consequences of the ongoing depopulation is an absolute priority from the perspectives of sustainable development. In this respect the state must take all the responsibility for the situation as blaming the society for not behaving in a sustainable way is no excuse for inaction, neither is such a stance productive. In recognizing the central role of the state in the paradigm of sustainable development the author suggests that the traditional legal-administrative system of public governance acts as an impediment to reach adequate strategic decisions and later implement them. It is therefore suggested to introduce a different set of procedures to remedy the situation; however the institutional structure should be left intact, because such reforms are politically complicated and impractical. The analysis of the chapter of Public health of the Lithuanian National strategy for sustainable development supports the claims that current policies do not meet the countries demographical challenge.

Le concept d’aliénation de Rousseau à Marx : continuités et transformations / The concept of alienation from Rousseau to Marx : continuities and transformations

Foufas, Nikolaos 12 October 2015 (has links)
La présente étude s’interroge sur le concept d’aliénation, et plus spécifiquement sur sa genèse, son déploiement, son histoire particulière, ses configurations complexes, ses multiples transformations. Trois auteurs sont privilégiés : Rousseau, Hegel, Marx. La tentative d’examiner la notion d’aliénation dans sa forme rousseauiste, hégélienne et jeune-marxienne, a comme point de départ la critique d’Althusser selon laquelle ce concept relèverait d’une vision abstraite, métaphysique, de l’histoire et de l’activité des agents humains. D’après Althusser, l’aliénation est en effet l’expression humaniste d’une philosophie du retour aux origines et de la réunion avec une essence humaine qui se serait perdue. La philosophie de l'aliénation contractuelle (comme fondement de l’institution d’une communauté politique chez Rousseau), la mise en question de la positivité historique dans les écrits du jeune Hegel, et finalement la critique du travail aliéné forgée par le jeune Marx dans ses Manuscrits de 1844, ne seraient-elles toutes au fond que des variations autour d’une même conception essentialiste de l’histoire humaine ? S'écartant d'une telle disqualification indifférenciée, la thèse se propose de mettre en valeur la réflexion originale et singulière que chacun de ces trois auteurs élabore au sujet de l’aliénation, tout en essayant de mettre en lumière ce qu’ils partagent, malgré leurs différences. Car en parlant d'aliénation, il s'agit toujours d'interroger la perte mutilante d’un rapport à soi, à autrui et au monde socialement induite. Et il s'agit toujours aussi de concevoir des conditions historiques jugées dégradantes que l'on doit pouvoir dépasser. En d’autres termes, ce travail se propose de montrer non seulement que l’aliénation ne se réduit pas à une notion abstraite et naïvement humaniste, mais qu’elle forme également un repère incontournable, dès lors qu’elle prend au sérieux la tâche de penser l’impossibilité, pour certains groupes ou certaines classes sociales, de se réaliser et de s'épanouir, sur fond d'une privation durable de ce que peuvent apporter des rapports à soi, aux autres et au monde suffisamment riches et variés. / This study examines the concept of alienation, and focuses more specifically on its genesis, its deployment, its particular history, its complex configurations, its multiple transformations. Three authors are highlighted: Rousseau, Hegel, Marx. The attempt to examine the concept of alienation in the forms that Rousseau, Hegel and the young Marx give it, has as its starting point the criticism of Althusser according to whom this concept rises from an abstract, metaphysical vision of history and from the activity of human agents. According to Althusser, alienation is indeed the humanistic expression of a philosophy of the return to the origins and of a reunion with a human essence that might have been lost. The philosophy of contractual alienation (as the basis for the institution of a political community in Rousseau), the questioning of the historical positivity in the writings of the young Hegel, and finally the critique of alienated labor forged by the young Marx in his Manuscripts of 1844, would they basically all be variations around the same essentialist conception of human history? Diverging from such an undifferentiated disqualification, the thesis proposes to develop the original and singular reflection that each one of these three authors is developing on the subject of alienation, while trying to highlight what they share, despite their differences. Because, speaking of alienation, is always here to question the socially induced mutilating loss of a relation to oneself, to others and to the world. And it is also always a subject to conceive historical conditions considered degrading that must be overcome. In other words, this study intends to not only show that alienation cannot be reduced to an abstract and naively humanist concept, but that it also forms a key benchmark, since it takes seriously the task of thinking of the impossibility for certain groups or certain social classes to achieve self-realization and thrive, amid a sustained deprivation of what can be provided by sufficiently rich and varied relations to oneself, to others and to the world.

Anställningstypens betydelse för arbetsmotivationen : Självbestämd och icke självbestämd arbetsmotivation hos sjuksköterskor anställda av vårdgivare respektive bemanningsföretag / Types of Employment and Their Influence on Work Motivation : Self-Determined and Nonself-Determined Work Motivation Among Nurses Employed by Health Care Providers or Contract Employment Agencies

Mård, Olof, Sandberg, Jan-Henrik January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka graden och arten arbetsmotivation hos direktanställda och bemanningsanställda sjuksköterskor utifrån Self-Determination Theory. Data inhämtades genom en webbenkät som distribuerades till respondenterna genom e-post och sociala medier. Totalt inkom 384 svar. Arbetsmotivationen mättes genom mätverktyget WEIMS (Work Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Scale). En mixad ANOVA användes för att analysera data. Resultatet visade att bemanningsanställda sjuksköterskor hade högre arbetsmotivation än vad direktanställda sjuksköterskor hade. Detta överensstämde inte med hypotes 1. Resultatet visade att både direktanställda och bemanningsanställda sjuksköterskor hade högre självbestämd än icke självbestämd arbetsmotivation. Det överensstämde inte med hypotes 2. Då datainsamlingsfasen erbjöd vissa problem med att upptäcka och utesluta störande variabler, som till exempel sjuksköterskornas yrkesinriktning, kan det vara motiverat att replikera studien med bättre kontroll över dessa faktorer. / The aim of this study was to investigate the strength and type of work motivation among regular and contractual nurses using Self-Determination Theory. Data was collected through a web-based questionnaire which was distributed to the respondents through email and social media. Altogether 384 respondents replied. Work motivation was measured using WEIMS (Work Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Scale). Data was analyzed using a mixed-design ANOVA. The result showed that contractual nurses had higher work motivation compared to regular nurses. This was not in line with hypothesis 1. The result showed that both regular and contractual nurses had higher self-determined than nonself-determined work motivation. This was not in line with hypothesis 2. Due to some problems with the collection of data concerning the discovery and extinction of confounding variables, such as nurses’ professional orientation, it could be motivated to replicate the study under better control over those factors.

The Sanctioning Power of the Administration in the Public Procurement Scope: The Cases of Peru and Colombia / La Potestad Sancionadora de la Administración en el Ámbito Contractual: Los Casos de Perú y Colombia

Quintero Múnera, Andrés, Páez Ibáñez, María Alejandra 10 April 2018 (has links)
Initially the exercise of sanctioning powers is contextualized in the field of government procurement in Colombia, regulatory and jurisprudential development of this power and the procedure envisaged by the legislature for the imposition of sanctions is exposed when a violation or breach of it becomes apparent the contractor’s obligations, specifying the scope and gaps that the process involves. Then the consecration of the sanctioning power of the administration is presented in the Peruvian law, marking the differences with the model adopted by the Colombian law, to conclude with some perspectives on the subject. / Inicialmente se contextualiza el ejercicio de la potestad sancionadora en el ámbito de la contratación estatal en Colombia. Se expone el desarrollo normativo y jurisprudencial de esta facultad y el procedimiento que ha previsto el legislador para la imposición de sanciones cuando se evidencie una infracción o incumplimiento de las obligaciones del contratista, precisándose el alcance y los vacíos que el procedimiento comporta. En seguida, se presenta la consagración de la potestad sancionadora de la administración en el derecho peruano, marcando las diferencias con el modelo adoptado por la legislación colombiana, para concluir con algunas perspectivas sobre el tema.

Les défis juridiques de la fonction publique en Roumanie : entre tradition et modernisation. Étude comparée à partir de l’exemple français / The Legal Challenges Faced by Romanian Civil Service : Between Tradition and Modernization. A Comparative Study Using the Example of France.

Condurache, Gabriela 09 February 2017 (has links)
Cette étude se propose d’analyser le système roumain de fonction publique à l’aune de l’exemple français, en partant non seulement des différences et des ressemblances qui caractérisent ces deux systèmes, mais aussi des principes traditionnels construits par les apports successifs des grands juristesdes deux États et de la jurisprudence administrative. Une analyse croisée, dont l’objectif vise non seulement à dégager les défis qui se posent à la modernisation de la jeune fonction publique roumaine postcommuniste, mais aussi à présenter certaines réflexions de nature à contribuer voire à éclaircir le positionnement des réformes de la fonction publique française, eu égard à son riche passé juridique etjurisprudentiel. En effet, la question qui se pose aujourd’hui comme hier, tant pour le système roumain que pour le système français, est de savoir si, au nom de cette modernisation qui est comprise souvent comme un rapprochement du droit du travail et des principes de New Public Management, il faut renoncer aux traditions statutaires. Il s’agirait par exemple de privilégier la contractualisation danstous les aspects du droit de la fonction publique (recrutement, déontologie, rémunération, formation ou carrière), ainsi que l’expérimentent des États comme l’Italie, l’Espagne, la Suisse ou la Suède. Le but est de contribuer à une réflexion générale sur le droit de la fonction publique qui aille au-delà du seulcas de la fonction publique roumaine, en faisant ressurgir du passé des questions scientifiques oubliées, qui semblent retrouver aujourd’hui tout leur intérêt. / This study analyses the Romanian civil service system as compared to the French system, focusing not only on their differences and similarities, but also on the traditional principles that have taken shape through case law and the continuing contributions of legal scholars from both countries. This crosscomparisonaims not only to identify the challenges faced in modernizing post-communist Romania’s relatively recent civil service system, but also to provide reflection capable of contributing to, and perhaps shedding light on, the status of the reforms of France’s civil service system, given its rich legal heritage and case law. Today, as in the past, the question remains that of whether, both in Franceand Romania, special statuses traditionally reserved for civil servants should be cast aside in order to bring this branch of the law into line with the principles of New Public Management and reconcile it with ordinary labor law. This would entail, for instance, establishing a contractual basis for every aspect of civil service law (hiring, ethics, pay, training, and career progression), in line withexperiments that have been undertaken in countries such as Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and Sweden. The aim is to contribute to the overall reflection on civil service law, beyond the specific case of the Romanian civil service, by returning forgotten avenues of reflection in legal scholarship – which nowseem more relevant than ever before – to the fore.

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