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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análisis de la responsabilidad de las agencias de viajes frente al incumplimiento de los prestadores efectivos de los servicios turísticos

Pinto Guajardo, Juan Pablo January 2013 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / Las agencias de turismo responden directamente frente al turista por el cumplimiento de los prestadores finales del servicio, aunque éstos sean terceros respecto del contrato de viaje combinado. En el primer capítulo ahondaremos en la materialización normativa de esta premisa en el Derecho Comparado. En el segundo, conoceremos la realidad chilena y su estrecha relación con el Derecho del consumidor. Y en el tercer capítulo veremos como esto se manifiesta en nuestra justicia de policía local, ordinaria y constitucional.

La responsabilidad patrimonial de las sociedades concesionarias y de la administración del Estado frente al usuario lesionado en carreteras concesionadas

Pozo Fuentes, Carolina Teresa, Trujillo Córdova, Rafael Ignacio January 2014 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / Este trabajo pretende abandonar el punto de vista privatista que la jurisprudencia, y en general los autores civilistas, tienen respecto de la responsabilidad de las sociedades concesionarias, renunciar a las reglas generales de responsabilidad civil, las del Código Civil, y abordar el tema desde la naturaleza jurídica de la concesión, todo con una mirada unificadora respecto de la responsabilidad por falta de servicio en contra del Fisco y las Municipalidades, entendiendo que las garantías constitucionales, tal como ocurre en la legislación argentina, no son oponibles únicamente a los diversos órganos del Estado, sino que también a los entes privados, no centrándonos en 14 el victimario y la culpa, sino más bien, en la víctima y el daño, ello, pues si el daño que se provocó es el mismo, el sistema de responsabilidad aplicado debe ser el mismo. Éste es, la falta de servicio.

Responsabilidad contractual : proyecto de actualización del Repertorio de Legislación y Jurisprudencia del Código Civil y sus leyes complementarias

Baeza Salas, Nicolás Alfredo, Lema Albornoz, Nicolás Alfredo January 2014 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / No autorizada por el autor para ser publicada a texto completo / En el marco del proyecto de actualización del Repertorio de Legislación y Jurisprudencia del Código Civil, y en específico del Tomo V, “Contratos parte General”; la exhaustiva revisión de los dictámenes, tanto de las diferentes Cortes de Apelaciones, como de los veredictos esgrimidos por la Excelentísima Corte Suprema de Justicia, arrojó un sinnúmero de nuevas consideraciones y criterios en la aplicación de los distintas leyes e instituciones jurídicas. Es tarea de esta memoria estudiar y analizar adecuadamente la evolución de la jurisprudencia en materia de responsabilidad contractual desde la segunda mitad de la década de los noventa hasta nuestros días, de manera tal que los renovados argumentos esgrimidos por los Tribunales de Justicia orienten precisamente a todos aquellos que ejerzan la práctica jurídica. Para esto hemos dividido el amplio espectro de concepciones relacionados a la responsabilidad contractual en 15 diferentes tópicos, a saber: 1) Teoría de la imprevisión, 2) Responsabilidad profesional, 3) Cláusula exoneratoria de responsabilidad, 4) Riesgo, 5) Resolución, 6) Excepción de contrato no cumplido, 7) Intereses, 8) Intervención de terceros, 9) Culpa, 10) Caso fortuito, 11) Mora, 12) Reajustes, 13) Causalidad, 14) exigibilidad de la obligación y 15) Cúmulo de responsabilidad. Esta labor no es sino la fase final de un arduo proceso investigativo que incluyó, en una primera etapa, una búsqueda y recopilación de sentencias ligadas a los temas globales relacionados al área de contratos y obligaciones; y posteriormente un completo estudio, en la forma de fichas de análisis especializadas, que contiene una relación de los hechos y de la historia procesal de cada caso en particular.

Pour une promotion de la liberté contractuelle en droit OHADA des sociétés / For a promotion of contractual freedom in the OHADA company law

Betoe Bi Evie, Olivia 23 January 2014 (has links)
L'Acte uniforme sur le droit des sociétés commerciales présente une particularité. En effet, le principe de sécurité juridique s'y trouve consacré à travers l'article 2, lequel fait des dispositions de l'Acte uniforme autant de dispositions d'ordre public. Cependant, l'absence de définition légale d'une telle notion est susceptible de générer quelques difficultés en raison de sa nature de standard juridique, sauf à considérer que l'ordre public doive être davantage perçu comme une technique de mise en oeuvre du droit. Pourtant, force est de constater qu'il s'agit d'une notion qui concourt à remplir l'impératif de sécurité juridique poursuivi par le législateur OHADA au sein de l'Acte uniforme sur le droit des sociétés commerciales, assurant ainsi son attractivité économique. A ce propos, traiter de la question de la liberté contractuelle dans l'Acte uniforme sur le droit des sociétés commerciales conduit nécessairement à mettre en lumière le paradoxe qui résulte de la lecture positive que l'on peut avoir de l'ordre public à travers l'article 2 au regard des finalités poursuivies par le législateur OHADA. Car, en tentant de répondre à l'impératif de sécurité juridique et à l'exigence d'attractivité économique, c'est la garantie de l'exercice de la liberté contractuelle qui se trouve assurée par ricochet. Ce qui nous conduit à étudier in fine comment l'ordre public tel qu'édicté assure la protection de la liberté contractuelle, de sorte à ce qu'ordre public et liberté contractuelle deviennent des notions non plus à opposer, mais à concilier. / The Uniform Act on Commercial Companies is a special case. Indeed, the principle of legal certainty is recognized through the article 2, which makes the provisions of the Uniform Act as many public policy provisions. However, the lack of legal definition of such a concept is likely to cause some difficulties due to its nature of legal standard, except considering that public policy should rather be viewed as a law implementation technique. Though, it is clear this is a concept that helps to fulfill the requirement of legal certainty pursued by the OHADA legislator in the Uniform Act on Commercial Companies, ensuring thereby its economic attractiveness.In this regard, addressing the issue of contractual freedom in the Uniform Act on Commercial companies necessarily leads to highlight the paradox that results from the positive understanding that one can have of public order through the article 2 in view of the purposes persued by the OHADA legislator. Because, in attempting to meet the requirement of legal certainty and the requirement of economic attractiveness, it is the guarantee of the exercise of contractual freedom which is ensured by ricochet. In the end, this leads us to consider how the public policy as enacted ensures the protection of contractual freedom, so that public policy and contractual freedom become notions either to oppose, but to reconcile.

La clause de sortie des relations contractuelles : proposition de définition unitaire / The exit clause of contractual relations : proposal of unitary definition

Barthe, Benjamin 24 January 2013 (has links)
La théorie générale des obligations contractuelles ne traite de la rupture du contrat qu’au travers de la résolution. Elle n’évoque pas non plus la notion de durée du contrat. L’attention des juristes français est ainsi essentiellement portée sur la résolution pour inexécution et sur la résiliation unilatérale fautive du contrat à durée indéterminée. Une autre présentation, plus neutre, est possible : il s’agit d’étudier la sortie du contrat et, plus particulièrement, la possibilité offerte aux parties de prévoir la sortie anticipée de leurs relations contractuelles.Il est alors possible de se rendre compte que la pratique, face aux lacunes de la théorie générale, a su adapter l’existant afin de prendre en compte l’évolution du contrat depuis le début du XIXème siècle. De nombreuses clauses, qui permettent à un contractant de sortir de manière anticipée du contrat, se sont ainsi développées sous des appellations diverses et sont aujourd’hui présentes dans tous les contrats. L’analyse de la jurisprudence fait apparaître que le contentieux qui en résulte, non seulement porte sur des problèmes communs, mais tend à apporter des solutions communes ; à tout le moins perçoit-on la nécessité d’un traitement unitaire. L’étude, repoussant la distinction classique entre la résolution et la résiliation, recherche l’existence d’une unité, cherche à vérifier l’existence de la clause de sortie qui instituerait une faculté de sortir de manière anticipée d’une relation conclue pour une durée déterminée. Pour cela, la clause de sortie est appréhendée comme toute autre clause « autonome ».Dans un premier temps, il faut démontrer l’existence d’un objectif commun de validité. Il est question tout d’abord de faire ressortir la fonction commune des clauses, qui est de prémunir le titulaire de la faculté de sortie contre une atteinte à son intérêt. L’unité se poursuit dans la nature de la clause : issue d’un accord des parties, elle met en place un droit potestatif. Elle prend alors les traits d’une condition résolutoire « moderne », adaptation contemporaine de la modalité de l’obligation prévue par le Code civil.Dans un second temps, une fois qu’elles sont valablement prévues, les clauses de sortie doivent encore répondre à un objectif commun d’efficacité : la sortie s’exerce par acte unilatéral et obéit alors aux règles applicables à ce dernier. Au-delà de ce régime, on peut se rendre compte qu’il existe des modalités communes à toutes les clauses de sortie. Les effets des clauses de sortie, enfin, présentent ou doivent présenter une certaine unité, que la sortie mise en œuvre soit réussie ou qu’elle soit « manquée ». / The general theory of the contractual obligations treats breach of contract only through the “résolution”. It does not mention either the concept of duration of the contract. The attention of the French jurists is mainly focused on the cancellation for non-fulfilment and the offending termination of the agreement without any term. Another presentation, more neutral, is however possible, studying the exit of the contract and, more particularly, the opportunity given to the contracting parties to envisage the exit of their contractual relations.Then it is possible to realize that the practice, against the gaps of the general theory, knew to adapt existing concepts in order to take into consideration the evolution of the contract since the beginning of the 19th century. Thus many clauses, which make it possible to one of the contracting parties to leave the contract, developed under various names and are today present in all the contracts. The analysis of jurisprudence reveals that the litigations which result from it, not only relate to common problems, but also tend to bring common solutions ; at the very least, one perceives the need for a unit treatment. The study, pushing back the classical distinction between the “résolution” and the “résiliation”, seeks the existence of a unit, seeks to check the existence of the exit clause which would institute a faculty to leave in a way anticipated of a relation concluded for one limited duration. For that purpose, the exit clause is approached like any other “autonomous” clause.Initially, it is necessary to show the existence of a common objective of validity. It is question first of all of emphasizing the common function of the clauses, which is to secure the holder of the faculty of exit against a loss of interest. The unit continues in the nature of the clause: resulting from an agreement of the parties, it sets up a “potestative” right. It then takes the features of a “modern” “resolutive condition”, contemporary adaptation of the condition of the obligation envisaged by the Civil code.In the second time, once they are validly provided, the clauses of exit must meet a common aim of effectiveness : the exit is exerted by unilateral act and then obeys the rules applicable in this case. Beyond this mode, one can realize that there exist common conditions to all the clauses of exit. The effects of these clauses, finally, present or must present a certain unit, whether the exit put in work is successful or that it failed.

Gouvernance et efficience organisationnelle des réseaux de franchise / Governance and organizational efficiency of franchising networks

Chakroun Kammoun, Héla 20 December 2013 (has links)
La présente recherche propose un cadre intégrateur de la gouvernance des réseaux de franchise, mobilisant à la fois l'approche contractuelle et relationnelle. Elle cherche à examiner le degré de dépendance entre les mécanismes de gouvernance émanant de ces deux approches. L'étude empirique est mise en œuvre à travers une méthodologie de recherche à la fois qualitative et quantitative. L'étude qualitative nous a permis de développer des connaissances plus détaillées sur le fonctionnement des réseaux de franchise, de vérifier la véracité empirique de notre modèle conceptuel et de mettre au point notre questionnaire définitif. Les données recueillies auprès de 90 franchisés français, à l'aide d'une enquête électronique, ont fait l'objet d'une étude quantitative. Cette dernière nous a permis, dans un premier temps, de valider les échelles de mesures des variables latentes intégrées dans le modèle conceptuel, à travers une analyse exploratoire suivie d'une autre confirmatoire appliquant la Modélisation en Equations Structurelles (MES). La MES a été également mobilisée afin de confirmer, dans un second temps, la structure causale du modèle empirique. En termes de résultats, nous avons mis en évidence, du moins partiellement, l'existence de relations de dépendance entre les trois composantes de la gouvernance contractuelle à savoir : le système d'allocation des droits décisionnels, le système d'évaluation des performances et le système d'incitation. Plus particulièrement, les résultats statistiques confirment que le système d'incitation dépend significativement de l'allocation des droits décisionnels et du système d'évaluation des performances. S'agissant des relations de complémentarité entre la gouvernance contractuelle et la gouvernance relationnelle, les résultats statistiques semblent plus concluants en montrant que les normes relationnelles de la dyade franchiseur-franchisé, fondées sur la confiance, la coopération et l'harmonisation des conflits, dépendent significativement des trois mécanismes de la gouvernance contractuelle cités ci-dessus. Voulant affiner davantage notre analyse, cette recherche met également en évidence l'influence de cinq variables de contrôle sur la portée de certains mécanismes de gouvernance plus que d'autres. Pour conclure, cette recherche contribue, sur le plan théorique, à enrichir les travaux émergents sur le contrôle et la gouvernance des réseaux de franchise et, sur le plan professionnel, à fournir aux acteurs du commerce des éléments d'appréciation sur la capacité de la franchise à concilier contrôle, autonomie et normes relationnelle, ainsi que des recommandations aux franchiseurs afin de bien gérer leurs relations avec leurs franchisés et emporter leur adhésion. / This research provides an integrating framework for the governance of franchising networks involving both contractual and relational approach. It seeks to examine the degree of dependence between the governance mechanisms from these two approaches. The empirical study is implemented through both qualitative and quantitative methodology. The qualitative study, allowed us to develop more detailed operational knowledge of franchising networks, to check the empirical veracity of our conceptual model and to finalize our questionnaire for the quantitative study. The electronic survey data collected from 90 French franchisees have been the subject of the quantitative study. This later allowed us, firstly, to validate the measurement scales of latent variables included in the conceptual model, through an exploratory analysis followed by a confirmatory one applying the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The SEM was also leveraged to confirm, in a second step, the causal structure of the empirical model. In terms of results, we have highlighted, at least partially, the dependency between all three components of the contractual governance, namely: the allocation of decision rights system, performance measurement system and incentive system. In particular, statistical results confirm that the incentive system depends significantly on the allocation of decision rights and performance measurement system. Regarding complementarities between contractual and relational governance, statistical results seem to be more conclusive by showing that the relational norms of the franchisor-franchisee dyad, based on trust, cooperation and harmonization of conflict, depend significantly on the three contractual governance mechanisms cited above. Wishing to further refine our analysis, this research also highlights the influence of five control variables on the scope of certain governance mechanisms more than others. In conclusion, the contributions of this research are related, on the theoretical level, to the enrichment of the emerging work on control and governance of franchising networks, and on the professional level, to providing trade players with evidence on the ability of franchising to reconcile control, autonomy and relational norms, as well as recommendations to franchisors in order to manage effectively their relationships with their franchisees and gain their support.

Dinâmica dos Dispute Boards e perspectivas de utilização em contratos de construção no Brasil. / Dynamics of Dispute Boards and perspectives of its use on construction contracts in Brazil.

Fernandes, Michelle Cristina Santiago 09 May 2019 (has links)
Empreendimentos de construção apresentam potencial expressivo para o surgimento de conflitos, os quais, quando se tornam disputas, podem representar o comprometimento de prazos e resultados. O aumento da ocorrência mundial de desentendimentos em contratos de construção tem estimulado a criação de métodos de prevenção e de solução de disputas alternativos aos processos judiciais. Nesse contexto, destacam-se os Dispute Boards, que consistem em conselhos formados por profissionais experientes que acompanham a execução das obras, com a função de prevenir e solucionar conflitos por meio de recomendações e decisões ao longo da realização dos empreendimentos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar a dinâmica dos Dispute Boards e identificar as perspectivas de utilização do mecanismo na realidade brasileira. Por meio de uma revisão da literatura, são expostos conceitos, características, vantagens e o panorama internacional de implantação dos Dispute Boards em contratos de construção. No que diz respeito ao contexto nacional, o trabalho levanta as principais iniciativas de incentivo aos Dispute Boards no país e, a partir do estudo de caso da primeira adoção do método no Brasil, evidencia experiências e lições aprendidas. Com base em questionários aplicados a profissionais envolvidos com disputas no setor da construção, também são discutidos desafios, oportunidades e expectativas de crescimento dos Dispute Boards no curto, médio e longo prazo em contratos de construção no Brasil. / Construction projects have significant potential for the emergence of conflicts, which may become disputes and represent the commitment of deadlines and results. The increase of disagreements at construction projects worldwide has stimulated the creation of methods of prevention and solution of disputes, alternatively to standard legal proceedings. In this context, Dispute Boards stand out because they consist of councils formed by experienced professionals who monitor the execution of the works, by preventing and solving conflicts through recommendations and decisions during the construction phase. This work aims to present the dynamics of Dispute Boards and identify the perspectives of its use in the Brazilian outlook. Based on a literature review, concepts, characteristics, advantages and the international panorama of implementation of Dispute Boards in construction contracts are exposed. Regarding the national context, this research highlights the main initiatives to encourage Dispute Boards in the country and, by means of the case study of the first adoption of the method in Brazil, shows experiences and lessons learned. Through surveys applied to professionals involved with disputes in the construction industry, this work also discusses challenges, opportunities and growth expectations for Dispute Boards in the short, medium and long terms in Brazilian construction contracts.

Haftung für Erfüllungsgehilfen nach deutschem und chinesischem Recht

Hu, Jian 28 May 2019 (has links)
Diese rechtsvergleichende Arbeit behandelt die Haftung für Erfüllungsgehilfen. Dass § 278 BGB im chinesischen Recht keine wörtliche Erwähnung findet, veranlasst zum Nachdenken, wie und auf welcher gesetzlichen Grundlage chinesische Gerichte den Fällen begegnen, die im deutschen Recht mit dem Stichwort „Erfüllungsgehilfe“ verbunden sind. Hinsichtlich des deutschen Rechts sind vor allem die Grundgedanken sowie der historische Ursprung des § 278 BGB zu berücksichtigen, da eine genaue wissenschaftliche Untersuchung dieser Aspekte bei der praktischen Rechtsanwendung zu einem wertvollen Erkenntnisgewinn führen kann. Trotz der Vielschichtigkeit der Einzelfragen stellt vor allem die ausführliche Behandlung von tatbestandlichen Voraussetzungen der Erfüllungsgehilfenhaftung einen besonders elementaren Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit dar. Die Bedeutung einer derartig detaillierten Auseinandersetzung ergibt sich aus Sicht eines rechtsvergleichenden Betrachters insbesondere daraus, dass ebendiese für die Untersuchung von chinesischen Parallelvorschriften unerlässliche, instruktive Vergleichsmaßstäbe liefert. Mit Art. 121 CVG, der hinsichtlich der Zurechnung fremden Verhaltens zumindest äußerlich einige Gemeinsamkeiten zum § 278 BGB aufweist, können chinesische Gerichte in einigen Fallkonstellationen zu vergleichbaren Lösungen gelangen. Eine zu wortgetreue Anwendung bzw. die Vernachlässigung der dem Art. 121 CVG zugrundeliegenden Wertung birgt aber die Gefahr einer uferlosen Haftung seitens des Schuldners. Darüber hinaus spielt in diesem Zusammenhang die chinesische kollektivistische Volkstümlichkeit in Bezug auf die Verschuldenszurechnung eine nicht unwesentliche Rolle. Das Zurückgreifen auf derartig abstrakte und oft schwer fassbare Vorstellungen ist doch bedenklich. Außerdem ist das Zusammenwirken mit Art. 65 CVG und Art. 43 CAGZ erforderlich, um die Regelungslücke des missglückten Art. 121 CVG auszufüllen und eine Flexibilisierung der Rechtsanwendung zu sichern. / This comparative work focuses on the liability of the debtor for persons whom he uses to perform his obligation (as “vicarious agents”). The fact that Art. 278 of the German Civil Code (GCC) does not have a corresponding term in the Chinese law leads to wonder how and with which term Chinese courts deal with the cases that regularly connected with the keyword "vicarious agent" in German law. On the part of German law, the basic ideas and the historical origin of Art. 278 GCC that leads to fruitful knowledge gain both in academic research and in the practical application must be taken into account. Despite the complexity of individual questions, a detailed discussion of the prerequisites for the responsibility of the obligor for third parties also constitutes a particularly interesting subject of this work. For a comparative legal scholar from China, the significance of such a detailed examination is especially evident in providing instructive benchmarks for the research of Chinese parallel regulations. With Article 121 of Chinese Contract Law (CCL), which at least has some similarities with regard to the responsibility for the wrongdoing of those others, the Chinese courts can reach comparable solutions in some case constellations. However, a rigid understanding of Article 121 CCL or the neglecting of his basic concepts entails the risk of unlimited liability of the debtor. In addition, Chinese collectivistic values play a significant role in terms of fault attribution. Relying on such an abstract and often elusive concept is however debatable. To rectify the existing legal omission due to Article 121 CCL and ensure the flexibilization of the application of law is applying Article 65 CCL and Article 43 of General Principles of the Chinese Civil Law necessary.

Äldre inskrivningar i fastighetsregistret : Hur bolag hanterat förnyelsekravet och vad blev resultatet av förnyelselagen?

Wennberg, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Förnyelselagen innebär att sådana avtalsrättigheter som upprättats och skrivits in i fastighetsregistret innan 1 juli 1968 tagits bort ur registret om inte någon anmälan om förnyelse gjordes till Lantmäteriets Fastighetsinskrivning innan 31 december 2018. Syftet med lagen var att få ett mer aktuellt och tillförlitligt fastighetsregister genom att ta bort inaktuella eller missvisande inskrivningar ur registret. Att inaktuella eller missvisande inskrivningar finns kvar i fastighetsregistret medför olägenheter för såväl rättighetshavare, kommuner som för allmänheten som använder sig av fastighetsregistret för att finna aktuell och relevant information om fastigheter. Inaktuell information i fastighetsregistret medför bland annat merarbete och högre förrättningskostnader i samband med lantmäteriförrättningar. Lagen anses vara effektiv för att komma till rätta med problemet med inaktuella inskrivningar, samtidigt som det framförts oro över rättighetshavarnas utredningsarbete. Syftet med studien är att bidra till en bredare förståelse för hur lagen påverkat rättighetshavare samt att lägga grunden för vidare utredningar inom ämnet. Studien mål är att undersöka hur ett antal utvalda bolag arbetat inför förnyelselagens verkställande. Målet är vidare att klargöra om lagstiftningen, utifrån studiens omfattning, kan anses ha bidragit till ett mer tillförlitligt fastighetsregister som är bättre anpassat till aktuella förhållanden. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ metod. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes dels med utvalda bolag som är några av de rättighetshavarna för att se hur de arbetat och genomfört eventuella utredningar av inskrivna avtalsrättigheter inför förnyelselagens verkställande. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes även med representanter från Statliga Lantmäteriets divisioner Fastighetsbildning och Fastighetsinskrivning för att ta reda på vad Lantmäteriets roll varit i arbetet inför och efter förnyelselagen. Slutsatser som kan dras är bland annat att förnyelselagen kan anses ha medfört ett mer tillförlitligt fastighetsregister som är bättre anpassat till aktuella förhållanden samt att bolagen gjort utredningar av inskrivningar i den mån de ansett vara möjlig. / The Renewal Act means that such contractual rights that were registered in the real property register before 1 July 1968 have been removed from the registration if no notification of renewal was made to Lantmäteriet's Property Registration before December 31, 2018. The purpose of the Act is to obtain a more current and reliable real property register by removing outdated or misleading entries from the registry. The fact that outdated or misleading registrations which remains in the property register results in inconveniences for both right-holders, municipalities and the public who use the real estate register to find up-to-date and relevant information about properties. Outdated information in the real estate register entails, among other things, additional work and higher execution costs in cadastral procedures. The law is considered to be effective in overcoming the problem of outdated registered rights. The purpose of the study is to contribute to a broader understanding of how the law influenced rights holders and to lay the foundation for further investigations within the subject. The aim of the study is to investigate how a number of selected companies have worked for the implementation of the renewal act. The aim is also to clarify whether the legislation, based on the scope of the study, can be considered to have contributed to a more reliable property register that is better adapted to current conditions. The study is based on a qualitative method. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with selected companies, which are some of the biggest right-holders, to see how they worked and carried out any investigations of registered contract rights prior to the renewal law's implementation. Semi-structured interviews were also carried out with representatives from the Lantmäteriet's Real Estate formation and Real Estate Enrollment divisions to find out what Lantmäteriet's role was in the work before and after the Renewal Act. Conclusions that can be drawn are among other things that the Renewal Act can be considered to have resulted in a more reliable property register that is better adapted to current circumstances and that the companies have made investigations of enrollments to the extent that they are considered possible.

Contratos de longo prazo e dever de cooperação / Long term contracts and duty to cooperate

Schunck, Giuliana Bonanno 29 November 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende analisar as particularidades dos contratos de longo prazo que levam a exigir-se dos contratantes uma postura diferenciada quanto à cooperação que eles devem entre si, para que a execução do contrato ocorra de forma eficiente. Analisamos, também, o dever de cooperação decorrente da boa-fé objetiva, suas peculiaridades e forma de aplicação aos contratos de longo prazo, sempre considerando os novos paradigmas dos contratos, associados com o papel e a importância dos contratos à sociedade e à economia. De fato, as contratações duradouras possuem características que as distinguem das relações instantâneas, com especial destaque para seu caráter relacional e incompleto, que demonstram que a postura das partes deve ser mais próxima e leal e, por isso, a cooperação tem forte importância. A boa-fé objetiva determina o dever de cooperação por meio de sua função de criação de regras de conduta. Na prática, o dever de cooperação que deve ser mais intenso para os contratos de longo prazo se concretiza por meio dos deveres anexos de conduta, que só serão conhecidos e individualizados em cada contratação individualizada. Considerados tais aspectos que justificam a maior intensidade da cooperação nos contratos de longo prazo e demonstram como a cooperação se verificará por meio dos deveres anexos de conduta, analisamos os casos de descumprimento de tais deveres por meio do conceito da violação positiva do contrato, em oposição à mora ou inadimplemento, que se relacionam ao descumprimento da própria prestação e suas consequências às relações contratuais, especialmente às de longo prazo. / This thesis has the purpose of analyzing the particularities of the long term contracts that lead to require the contracting parties to adopt a different conduct concerning cooperation between them, so that the performance of the contract may occur in an efficient fashion. We also intend to analyze the cooperation duty arising out of the goodfaith principle, its characteristics and its application to the long term contracts, always taking into consideration the news standards of the Contract Law associated with the role of the contracts to the society and economy. Indeed, the long term contracts have certain particularities that make them different from the spot relationships, in special their relational character and incompleteness, which show that the parties conduct shall be loyal and faithful and, thus, cooperation has a very important task. The principle of good-faith sets forth the duty to cooperate by means of its function of creating conduct rules. In practical terms, the duty to cooperate which shall be more intense for long term contracts is observed by means of the implied or ancillary duties, which are only known and individualized in each particular and concrete contract. Bearing in mind such aspects that justify a more intense cooperation in long term contracts and demonstrate that cooperation will mean, in practice, the compliance with ancillary or implied duties, we analyze the cases of violation of the duty to cooperate in opposition to the breaches of the contract obligations themselves and the consequences of such violation to the contractual relationship, especially to the long term contracts.

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