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De säger att nätbutik är bekvämt / They say the online-store is convenientSundström, Malin January 2007 (has links)
The starting point of this dissertation is the increasing number of Swedish consumers who use the Internet forshopping. Convenience is said to be an important ground for this choice. However, there are few studies thatattempt to understand the true meaning of convenience. This study sets out to understand what convenienceentails for Internet shoppers, what characterizes a convenient Internet shopper, what charterizes a convenientonline product or service, and finally how different meanings of convenience can be explained in differentshopping situations. The purpose of this study is to deepen the understanding of consumers’ conveniencegrounds when shopping online. Qualitative data was collected from 24 respondents, 12 female and 12 male,living in the Swedish cities of Örnsköldsvik, Stockholm, Göteborg and Borås. Data collection was mainlyconducted by means of group interviews and additional personal interviews, questionnaries and shoppingexperiment observations. The study has its theoretical outlook based in convenience literature, and conveniencemotives when choosing a particular store, however, adjusted to better fit the phenomenon of onlineshopping.This theoretical approach emphasizes different dimensions of convenience and gives special insight intoremote shopping consumers. Results show that convenience is an important ground for Internet shopping.Convenience in this context, can be seen from a psychological and/or behavioural perspective. However,grounds for convenience entail efficiency and rationality reasons for all of the respondents included in thestudy. These results indicate that convenience is best understood by using a resource efficiency approach.When using this approach the study shows the importance among the respondents to save time and energy,both from a psychological as well as a physiological perspective. Another useful explanation in order tounderstand the meaning of convenience is to use consumers’ descriptions of themselves as planned orimpulsive. In most cases the respondents describe themselves as planned consumers, which in turn indicatethat the use of a resource efficency perspective is valuable.It is a great variety of products and services described as convenient, however the study pinpoints twoexceptions: home electronic devices and tickets. The study shows that one reason for the differences inconsumers’ convenience perceptions is how time is perceived. Another reason is how customer perceivespsychological or physiological energy. A third reason is how they perceive security and safety. Another importantresult is that convenience differs between women and men in the study. The female consumer givespriority to saving time and saving physical energy. The male consumer gives priority to timing. The study’s resultscan help online businesses to identify how their customers perceive convenience to better designcommunication, virtual store, information, payment and deliviery according to their wants and needs. Anotherpractical implication drawn from the findings is to use direct delivery when possible and offer home delivery. / <p>AKADEMISK AVHANDLING: För avläggande av ekonomie doktorsexamen i företagsekonomi som</p><p>med tillstånd av Handelshögskolans fakultetsnämnd vid Göteborgs</p><p>universitet framlägges till offentlig granskning fredagen den 5 oktober</p><p>2007, kl 10—12 i sal B33 vid Företagsekonomiska Institutionen,</p><p>Vasagatan 1, Göteborg.</p>
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Evaluation on the Effect of Store-diming Advertisement: Taking the "Yu-Bain-Dun" in 7-Eleven as the ExampleChien, Shih-Shiun 28 January 2003 (has links)
Most of the enterprises evaluate the effects of advertisement by analyzing the sales volume. However, there are plenty of elements which contributes to the sales volume, and advertisement is only one of them. Wherefore, how to precisely measure the effects of advertisement becomes the key issue. Besides, we have to mention that the manufacturer and the retailer have different strategic point of view on doing advertisement. Compared to manufacturer, retailer focuses more on regional market segmentation and emphasizes more on immediately. The attributions and advertisement cooperative strategies exist different interpretations between manufacturer and retailer.
Concerning about business model of the convenient store, making too much order of bento could cause the wastage due to the short shelf life. On the other hand, making less order of bento could lead to unsatisfaction of consumer demands, losing sales. There are many factors that affect making orders such as climate, regional business activity, advertisement, promotion and so on. This research aims to investigate how the series of bento advertisement affect consumers by checking advertisement contact percentage, memory recall and hurried consuming behavior in order to make the retail realize the consumers¡¦ wants and fulfill the demands.
The methodology in this study has been divided into two sections. The first section is mainly about the advertisement strategies of seven-eleven Taiwan. Three examples will be taken as case studies: ¡§citizen bento¡¨ represents the rational appealing, ¡§ railway obento¡¨ represents the perceptual appealing, and ¡§rice harvest¡¨ represents mixture of both rational and perceptual. In investigating the three former case studies, three elements are attempted to identify advertisement related-factors which are advertisement contact percentage, advertisement memory recall and how advertisement promote the consuming.
The second section is to evaluate how importance advertisement influence the ordering. It is intended that the research will enhance the understanding of different perceptions in creating new products and suggestion the advertisement strategies.
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A Lie Group Structure on Strict Groupstomasz@uci.agh.edu.pl 26 September 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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A study of Electronic Service Convenient, Electronic Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Intention - The case of on-line purchase 3C products.Chang, Yi-Chia 14 August 2007 (has links)
In recent years, the internet shopping development is quite developed, what every shopping website developed is quite ripe too, and 3C products occupy sizable rates in the internet shopping. So I want to study that 3C shopping website influences factor that influencing consumers¡¦ will to use the internet shopping.
This research base on demography and knowledge about 3C products to create the cause-effect model of electronic service convenient, electronic service quality, customer satisfaction, and purchase intention. Through statistics software, probe into the relationship, electronic service convenient, electronic service quality, customer satisfaction, and purchase intention in the internet. In order to have close look to on customer needs is essential.
Overall, the entire model fit is acceptable. It is pointed that the whole theory model of this study completes the standard of the fit test. To sum up, the results shows the indeed influential relationship among the four concepts.The customer satisfaction is the most important factor that negative effect purchase intention in the entire model. The second factor is electronic service quality. And electronic service convenient only leads a positive effect on purchase intention via electronic service quality and customer satisfaction. However, the effect is very small.
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Effectiveness on Education and Training of Store Staff in Convenient Franchise Chain StoresStudy of Critical Success Factors - Example of a Convenient StoreWang, Jhy-cheng 15 June 2009 (has links)
Since 2003, the density of convenient stores in Taiwan has surpassed it is in Japan and Taiwan has become one of the most competitive regions in the world. The business mode in modern convenient chain stores is established by a standard operating process to duplicate rapidly to form franchise in a short period of time and build up advantage of economies of scale. The advantage will then reduce the overall operating cost to increase the profit. In order to solve the problem of manpower shortage generated from the speeding expansion of stores, joining ¡§franchise¡¨ would become the ideal solution. The core development of known-how for the four major convenient chain stores, 7-ELEVEn, FamilyMart, HiLife, and OK, is based on business mode of franchise chain stores. As of the end of 2008, the total number of four major convenient chain stores has exceeded over nine thousand. The majority of them are franchise stores and the franchise rate reaches 87.5%. Therefore, how to establish a complete staff education training to ensure operating quality and maintain store competitiveness is one of the keys in the business strategy for main franchise branch. This paper uses a certain major convenient franchise store in Taiwan as the target, and focuses on the effectiveness on critical success factors of staff education and training in the convenient franchise store.
This paper adopts AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), exploring from the reference and an interview in depth with company supervisors from the case to conclude five evaluation indicators of critical success factors and twenty-six success factors to create AHP questionnaires. Then, twenty-five senior store supervisors and franchise store managers were required to process questionnaire interview and select the critical success factors.
The three top evaluation indicator of critical success factors in second layer of structure of the staff education and training in convenient franchise stores in order are: (1) staff attitude; (2) reward and punishment measures; and (3) training course planning. The top five critical success factors in the third layer of structure are: (1) the degree of learning requirement for part-time staff required by store manager; (2) vivid and lively teaching method; (3) degree of store learning atmosphere; (4) connection between learning effectiveness and franchise renewal; and (5) acceptance of store manager towards education training.
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RediClinic : an evaluation of a convenient care clinic in a shifting medical landscapeEdwards, Lauren Jean 17 February 2011 (has links)
This paper offers in-depth look at the convenient care/retail clinic industry in the context of today’s changing medical landscape with specific focus on Texas-based RediClinic. In addition to a detailed analysis of RediClinic, this paper proposes detailed advertising, marketing and social media recommendations that will aid RediClinic in bolstering its brand image and expanding its client base.
Every suggested tactic is framed within the rapidly changing healthcare environment present in America, and specific focus is given to the recent passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This paper attempts to aid RediClinic in understanding and leveraging its most important strengths: its strong position within the Texas market, and its service to those who are currently uninsured. / text
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民眾選擇醫院考慮因素之研究張文瑛, ZHANG, WEN-YING Unknown Date (has links)
初級資料。除聯合分析外,同時使用Thurstone′s Case V 抽取變數,多元尺度法描
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Surfing the Great British Jewish Web: Jewish History Resources OnlineDiemling, Maria, Holtschneider, Hannah 09 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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台灣ATM 在超商通路的經營策略闕文柄 Unknown Date (has links)
以日本為例,其為全世界每百萬人口ATM機器數量最高者,也是全球ATM裝設數量第二大的國家。自1999年開始,日本在零售通路ATM上,小自內容供應 (Content Provide),大到異業結盟 (Joint Venture) 等,都有關鍵性的創新經營和策略模式。在內容供應上,日本銀行業者與內容供應商 (Content Providers) 合作,在ATM上提供民生消費及流行資訊等零售市場小額售價服務,真正做到於超商據點中提供消費者零售金融 (Retail Banking) 的服務;而在經營策略上,為了降低營運成本負擔及提高資產使用效率原則,其金融機構逐漸發展出異業結盟和專業委外的經營型態 (Business Model) 的概念,捨棄以往自行擁有 (Exclusive Ownership) 轉而成為向專業ATM經營公司租賃, 一則增加資產使用率、降低營運成本 ,另一方面藉由專業資訊管理機制所發展出來科技整合,加強金融服務和零售通路的優勢結合,增加客戶使用的方便性,也進一步擴大對消費者的服務範圍,達到雙贏的結果。
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統一超商進入中國上海市場策略之探討 / Uni-president Shanghai CVS market entry strategies梁志毅, Liang, Sinclair C. Unknown Date (has links)
中國上海便利店市場之發展趨勢包括:(1) 密集開店,貼身競爭,以致大多數便利店不是虧損多年,便是薄利經營;(2) 上海便利店85%為本國國營企業,在大多數地區,便利店與超市只有面積大小、品種多少上的區別,並沒有明顯的功能差異;(3) 上海國民所得已將近一萬美元,新一代的中產階級崛起,他們要求好品質、好服務、有安全衛生保障的產品;(4)上海人口多元化顯著,有可能各種便利店包括土便利及洋便利同時存在,便利店可以“一業多態”的存在;(5) 在地法規限制、高成本、發展特許加盟上的困難、及物流系統不成熟皆為進入上海便利店市場的挑戰。
統一超商在台灣便利店市場之關鍵成功因素包括:(1)先佔優勢;(2) 成功的訂定目標客戶及自我定位;(3) 高密度展店及高市占率;(4) 完善的加盟制度;(5) 卡式管理及單店行銷結合;(6) 強大的後台系統; (7) 高效能的物流系統; (8) 靈活的行銷策略; (9) 完整的教育訓練。
從本文的分析中,我們得到: 統一超商進入上海便利店市場最適合採行「差異化集中策略」做為競爭策略。
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