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[pt] O ambiente dinâmico e em constante mudança exige que as
empresas sejam cada vez mais rápidas para responder
eficazmente aos desafios. A estratégia empresarial hoje se
preocupa em olhar para dentro da empresa, e verificar se
ela tem condições de mover-se rapidamente pra aproveitar
as oportunidades que o mercado oferece. A aprendizagem
organizacional e a criação de conhecimento são
determinantes para o sucesso da empresa nesse novo ambiente.
O presente estudo define doze fatores-chave que podem
estimular a aprendizagem e a criação de conhecimento dentro
das empresas. Em seguida, verifica como esses fatores-chave
são aplicados em quarenta empresas brasileiras de médio e
grande porte. Finalmente, relaciona o grau em que esses
fatores são aplicados e o desempenho de mercado das
empresas. / [en] A very dinamyc and constantly changing environment forces
companies to be faster and faster in responding
efficiently to market demands. Corporate strategy nowadays
is more worried about thecompany inside, to verify if it
has conditions and necessary skills to move quickly and
take advantage of market opportunities. Organizational
learning and knowledgde creation are key elements to
company sucess in this new environment. The present study
defines twelve factors which favors organizational learning
and knowmledge creation. After that, verifies how those key
factors are applied in fifty medium and big sized Brasilian
companies. Finally, it makes a correlation between the way
those factors are applied and the companies market
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Riscos corporativos em alianças estratégicas: o caso envolvendo a gestiona - pequena empresa e a PricewaterhouseCoopers / Corporate risks in strategic alliances: the case involving gestiona - small business and pricewaterhouse coopersSilva, Sidirley Fabiani da 16 November 2016 (has links)
Diante do aumento da concorrência e da complexidade dos projetos e especificidades dos serviços business-to-business, o empreendedor pode adotar estratégias corporativas para manter a competitividade e superar barreiras comerciais para atuar em novos mercados e acessar clientes de grande porte, por meio, por exemplo, de alianças estratégicas, ou seja, acordos de cooperação entre empresas para o compartilhamento de riscos e investimentos, complementaridade de competências e acesso a recursos, mercados e clientes não disponíveis de forma independente. No entanto, tais alianças, ao mesmo tempo que apresentam oportunidades como ampliação do mercado e do escopo de atuação, também implicam riscos corporativos para os agentes envolvidos, especialmente o pequeno empreendedor quando associado a uma empresa de grande porte. Este estudo tem como finalidade propor uma estrutura para analisar os principais riscos corporativos envolvidos no processo de formação e ao longo da aliança estratégica entre uma empresa de pequeno porte e uma empresa de grande porte. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo de caso único com base no processo de formação e desenvolvimento da aliança estratégica firmada entre a Gestiona, consultoria brasileira de pequeno porte que atua no setor de gestão da inovação para empresas fixadas em território nacional de todos os portes e setores, e a PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Sendo assim, este estudo identifica os elementos estruturais da aliança estratégica entre a Gestiona e a PwC, bem como os principais riscos corporativos, com forte ênfase para o relacionamento interpessoal, além de propor uma estrutura de riscos corporativos para análise de contextos correlatos. Por fim, também é objeto de investigação deste estudo o nível de maturidade dessa aliança estratégica. / Faced with increased competition and complexity of the projects and specificities of business-to-business services, the small entrepreneur can adopt corporate strategies to remain competitive and overcome trade barriers to operating in new markets and access large clients through, for example, strategic alliances, that is cooperation agreements between companies with risk-sharing objectives and investments, complementary skills and access to resources, markets and customers not available independently. However, such alliances, while presenting opportunities such as market expansion and scope of action, also imply corporate risks for the agents involved, especially the small entrepreneur when associated with a large company. This study aims to propose a structure to analyze the main corporate risks involved in the training process and throughout the strategic alliance between a small company and a large company. A single case study was carried out based on the training and development process of the strategic alliance signed between Gestiona, a small Brazilian consultancy that operates in the innovation management sector for companies established in national territory of all sizes and sectors, and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Thus, this study identifies the structural elements of the strategic alliance between Gestiona and PwC, as well as the main corporate risks, with a strong emphasis on interpersonal relationships, as well as proposing a corporate risk structure to analyze related contexts. Finally, the study also investigates the level of maturity of this strategic alliance.
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Intraempreendedorismo no Brasil: como executivas(os) lidam com as barreiras organizacionais para implementar suas iniciativas / Intrapreneurship in Brazil: how executives deal with organizational barriers to implement their initiativesCamila Batistella 09 November 2018 (has links)
Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de investigar a percepção de executivos (as) sêniores quanto a possibilidade de empreender dentro de uma organização contemporânea, pontuar as barreiras percebidas por eles (as) e apresentar os caminhos percorridos afim de superar tais barreiras. A percepção de executivos (as) brasileiros (as) quanto a possibilidade de empreender dentro de uma organização nem sempre é positivamente unânime. As barreiras enfrentadas, muitas vezes, os (as) fazem perecer diante deste desafio. E como os (as) bem-aventurados (as) executivos (as) superam estas barreiras é de fato uma questão que requer maior entendimento. Outros fatores que merecem luz são como o poder político e a diferenciação de gêneros dentro das organizações pode influenciar o Intraempreendedorismo. Os achados da pesquisa indicaram que: 3% dos entrevistados (as) não acreditam ser possível empreender dentro de uma organização, 17% acreditam que depende do tipo de organização e 80% acreditam ser possível. De acordo com os dados pesquisados, conclui-se que empreender numa organização depende de uma combinação entre o mindset empreendedor das pessoas, um ambiente favorável que estimule as pessoas a trazerem suas ideias para mesa, uma cultura organizacional que permita a experimentação (tolerância a erros) e que as iniciativas estejam alinhadas a estratégia corporativa. A pesquisa baseou-se no depoimento de 35 executivos (as) brasileiros (as) que tiveram destaque dentro de organizações de grande porte. Como estratégia de pesquisa foi adotada a pesquisa narrativa e para a coleta de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas individuais. A interpretação dos dados se deu por meio da análise de conteúdo categorial (Bardin, 1977). É fato que o empreendedorismo está na pauta das empresas e aquelas que não vencerem os obstáculos no desafio de criar um ambiente que estimule a inovação, e não conseguir reter e atrair os profissionais adequados a essa expectativa, poderão ser insustentáveis a longo prazo e até ter sua sobrevivência ameaçada. / This study was carried out with the objective of investigating the perception of senior executives as to the possibility of undertaking within a contemporary organization, to punctuate the barriers perceived by them and to present the paths covered in order to overcome such barriers. The perception of Brazilian executives as to the possibility of undertaking within an organization is not unanimous. The barriers faced often make them perish in the face of this challenge. In addition, how blessed executives overcome these barriers is in fact a question that requires further understanding. Other factors that merit light are how political power and gender differentiation within organizations can influence intrapreneurship. At the end, it was possible to find out that: 3% of respondents do not believe it is possible to undertake within an organization, 17% believe that it depends on the type of organization and 80% believe it is possible. Given the data, it is concluded that undertaking in an organization depends on a combination of the entrepreneurial mindset of the people, a favorable environment that stimulates people to bring their ideas to the table, an organizational culture that allows experimentation (tolerance to errors) and initiatives are aligned with corporate strategy. The research was based on the testimony of 35 Brazilian executives who were prominent in large organizations. As a research strategy, narrative research was adopted and individual semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. Data interpretation was made through categorical content analysis (Bardin, 1977). It is a fact that entrepreneurship is on the agenda of companies and those who do not overcome obstacles in the challenge of creating an environment that stimulates innovation, and is unable to retain and attract professionals to that expectation, may be unsustainable in the end and until their survival threatened
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台灣電子業研發策略改變之研究 / The changes of R&D Strategy:A case of electronics industry李益昌, Lee, Yih Chang Unknown Date (has links)
1. 在技術發展的重點上,一直以「產品技術」為重點,且有逐漸增加的趨勢。
2. 在關鍵技術來源方面,「模仿競爭者產品」的情況顯著的減少,「與國內研究機構合作開發」、「與國外廠商技術合作」的情形有顯著增加的趨勢。
3. 在主要技術專案之決策單位方面,隨著時間的演變,「由相關部門會議決定並呈報上級核准」、「由一特定委員會決定」以及「由特定部門決定」有顯著增加的趨勢。
4. 在技術專案的管理方式上,「由研發部門統籌管理」有逐漸式微的趨勢;而「成立委員會管理」、「矩陣式的新產品專案管理」等兩種情境,有隨時間演進而顯著增加的趨勢。可見,隨著時間的演進,企業常用的技術專案之管理方式,已漸漸走向整合協調各部門資源的管理模式。
5. 個案公司所進行的研究以應用研究為主(除了宏碁與聲寶有從事基礎研究),而研發經費佔營業額的比例約在3%左右,可見電子資訊業研發經費比例有較高的傾向。
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在公司策略影響下資訊作為對組織經營績效之影響-以壽險業為例姚志雄, Richard Yao, C. H. Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣汽車公司自創品牌策略之研究:以納智捷汽車為例 / Brand building strategy for Taiwan automobile company: An example of LUXGEN劉怡君, Liu, I-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
2011年11月,LUXGEN高層管理幹部出訪俄羅斯約莫兩週,計畫將以CKD的方式拓展歐亞市場;2011年12月,LUXGEN又於台北國際世貿車展發表了最新的轎車產品-Neora,以「Cross over」的思惟,欲切入競爭最激烈的轎車市場。LUXGEN的知名度與外銷市場規模,已透過創立初期積極參與的國際車展加速:於國內的銷售量迄今已晉升為國內第七名。
LUXGEN是裕隆集團第二次自創品牌,由董事長嚴凱泰承接創辦人的使命。本研究在於剖析裕隆集團自創品牌的歷史因素與動機,以及如何運用競爭優勢,以各項企業策略的角度支撐自有品牌LUXGEN。 / With the spirit of “contribution to the country by developing industry.” , Mr. Tjing-Ling Yen, founder of Yulon Group, was accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Vivian Wu Yen, established Yulon Motor Co. in 1953. The company engaged in the production of automobiles, and led relevant companies to boost Taiwan's auto-related industry which was a capital and technology intensive one.
In 1987, Yulon Group, led by the chairman of Mrs. Vivian Wu Yen, created the car brand-Feeling101, which was the first self-designed body of car in Taiwan. However, not well-planned brand strategy failed ultimately.
Since 2003, Mr. Kenneth K.T. Yen , chairman of Yulon Group ,with long term technical and R & D cooperation with NISSAN ,and been agency of Mitsubishi for years, has accumulated capabilities in car assembly, distribution , and operational management.
Supported by government policy for encouraging companies who build its own brand in 2005, Yulon launched his own car brand LUXGEN, and found LUXGEN automobile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as LUXGEN) in 2007, entering the automobile market with SUV and MPV cars focused on overseas markets and global distribution channels by taking full advantages of Taiwan`s excellent IT technology and alliance strategy.
Yulon Group not only positioned itself in an automobile manufacturer, but also put a lot of efforts on the value chain of the automotive industry by setting up subsidiaries, acquisitions, and technical cooperation etc. to expand its core competences and capabilities.
LUXGEN define the car as a “mobile value chain.” Unlike traditional sport utility vehicles (SUVs) for the promotion of family-groups , LUXGEN interpret the automobile features as technologic, life, fun , and innovative etc. creating a unique brand equity and customer value.
LUXGEN is the second own brand, by the founder, Mr. Kenneth K.T. Yen undertake the mission. This study is to clarify the historical factors and motivations of building own brand of Yulon Group, and analyze how Yulon use competitive advantages, its` own resources, group`s equities, and corporate strategy to support its own brand LUXGEN.
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Strategische Unternehmensführung landwirtschaftlicher Haupterwerbsbetriebe: Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel Nordrhein-Westfalens / Strategic management of agriculture farming: Analysis at the example of North-Rine WestfaliaInderhees, Philipp 26 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Creating a common business logic : A case study about strategic congruence and integrated control at Tekniska verken in Linköping ABThanhäuser, Marc, Lindblad, Emanuel January 2018 (has links)
Background – The energy sector is experiencing instability and energy companies must embrace more flexible structures and strategic initiatives to remain relevant. Purpose – To gain understanding about the challenges with implementing strategic congruence and integrated control in umbrella organizations and how their interplay can contribute to achieving a common business logic. Methodology – In the scope of a single case study, we conducted 20 interviews on corporate, business and functional level at Tekniska verken in Linköping AB. The ‘tentative model’ of Nilsson and Rapp (2005) was re-assessed to examine a common business logic. Findings – Our empirical findings indicated that the businesses of umbrella organizations can be diverse while simultaneously being congruent. When addressing strategic congruence, it is challenging because transparent communication and collaboration between business areas as well as optimizing organizational structures and designing clear responsibility areas is difficult to achieve. Regarding integrated control, it is not easy to realize because the corporate plan needs wide acceptance and breaking down complex content to the business areas is challenging. Not to mention that a common frame of reference regarding terminology and alike control standards requires high commitment.
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HÅLLBARA STRATEGIER FÖR SME-FÖRETAG I TJÄNSTESEKTORN : En kvalitativ studie om drivkrafter och utmaningar tillatt integrera hållbarhet i företagsstrategierHeimdahl Pettersson, Gustav, Thulin, Niclas January 2018 (has links)
Hållbarhetsfrågor är ett ämne vilket är ständigt aktuellt och aldrig varit mer aktuellt än idag. Med negativa klimatförändringar som konsekvens av mänskliga aktiviteter är det mer viktigt än någonsin att motverka detta och arbeta mot en bättre morgondag. Detta uppnås genom balanserade åtgärder av miljömässig, ekonomisk och social karaktär. Teori säger att små och medelstora tjänsteföretag bör involvera sig inom hållbarhet på en strategisk nivå, genom att inkludera hållbarhet som en del av företagets kärnverksamhet - integration av hållbarhet i företagets strategi. Denna studie studerar åtta små och medelstora tjänsteföretag i Umeå. Huruvida de integrerar hållbarhet i sin respektive företagsstrategi, samt vilka drivkrafter och utmaningar som ligger till grund för integrationen. Deltagande respondenter är anställda på företagen i chefspositioner, i vissa fall också delägare till företagen - samtliga innehar en position där de deltar i företagets strategiska arbete. Studiens tvådelade problemformulering lyder: “I vilken utsträckning integrerar svenska små och medelstora tjänsteföretag hållbarhet i sin företagsstrategi?” “Vilka drivkrafter respektive utmaningar har svenska små och medelstora tjänsteföretag till att integrera hållbarhet i sin företagsstrategi?” Resultaten visar att de studerade företagen integrerar hållbarhet i olika utsträckning. Detta har genererat tre olika kategorier för graden av integration, låg, medel och hög. Av de åtta studerade företagen innehar två företag en låg grad av integration, fyra företag kategoriseras till nivån medel och två av företagen en hög grad av integration. Vidare besvarades problemformulerings andra del genom en kartläggning av flertalet drivkrafter och utmaningar till denna integration. Fyra drivkrafter och fyra utmaningar har identifierats som de huvudsakliga faktorerna till att företagen integrerar eller inte integrerar hållbarhet i sin företagsstrategi. De fyra främsta utmaningarna till att integrera hållbarhet är; kunskap, finansiella incitament, knyta hållbarhet till kärnverksamhet och formulering & planering. Vidare identifierades följande fyra drivkrafter som de främsta; vara en god samhällsmedborgare, medarbetares välmående, företagets anseende och konkurrensfördelar. Slutsatserna presenteras i en modell för integration av hållbarhet i företagsstrategi för små och medelstora tjänsteföretag. Studien påvisar ett utrymme till att företag ska kunna integrera hållbarhet ytterligare. Detta kan leda till en högre ekonomisk lönsamhet för företaget själv och en ökad nytta för samhället.
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O impacto da melhoria de um processo operacional na lucratividade e competitividade: um estudo de caso na subsidiária brasileira de uma empresa do ramo de petróleoScheiner, Patrick 26 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Patrick Scheiner (patrick.scheiner@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-04-17T20:11:33Z
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Dissertação Patrick Scheiner - Completa - VF.pdf: 5216710 bytes, checksum: 937bed91bcd3cf2afad372e2b5b8ea01 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-01-26 / Since the end of the 90's, after a sequence of economic cycles in Brazil, the country witnesses the opening of the oil industry, linked to the discovery of the pre-salt and the immeasurable volume of natural reserves. This milestone may mark the beginning of one of the most important and diversified industrialization cycles in Brazil's economic history. Even in this industry, a market of giants, multinational corporations, big players with innovative and irreplaceable know how's, is a well known fact, especially within the professionals of this area, that many oil companies have numerous critical basic factors with urgent need of improvement. The main objective of this dissertation is to make initially a brief strategic and market analysis of the Brazilian subsidiary of an oil and gas multinational group specialized in drilling fluids technologies with presence in more than twenty countries. After immersion on this context, realize a detailed analysis of an specific process, at first glance without importance, that after being studied, monitored and mapped, could be adjusted, redesigned and implemented, bringing vast gains to the corporation regarding profitability and competitive edge. / Após uma sequência histórica de ciclos econômicos no Brasil, desde o final da década de 90, o país presencia a abertura do setor do Petróleo ligado à descoberta do pré-sal e o volume imensurável das reservas naturais. Esse marco pôde determinar o início de um dos mais relevantes e diversificados ciclos de industrialização na história econômica do Brasil. Mesmo nesse ramo de negócio, um mercado de gigantes, de multinacionais, de grandes players com estratégias inovadoras e múltiplos know-how's insubstituíveis, é fato conhecido, principalmente para os profissionais dessa seara, que muitas empresas de petróleo possuem inúmeros fatores críticos com urgente necessidade de melhoria. O objetivo principal desta dissertação é fazer inicialmente uma breve análise estratégica e mercadológica da subsidiária brasileira de um grupo multinacional do ramo de Petróleo e Gás especializado em tecnologia de fluidos de perfuração de poços de petróleo, com presença em mais de vinte países. Após imersão no contexto, realizar a análise detalhada de um processo em especial, a primeira vista sem importância, que ao ser estudado, monitorado e mapeado, pôde ser ajustado, redesenhado e implementado, apresentando ganhos substanciais para a corporação relacionados à competitividade e lucratividade.
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