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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Embodied Acts of Resistance: Portraits of Urban Breastfeeding Mothers

Veselka-Bush, Alexandra V. 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines how breastfeeding mothers develop distinct geographies due to the stigma, symbolic and structural violence they encounter while breastfeeding if different spaces. I utilize multiple in-depth semi-structured interviews, participant observation and photo elicitation to develop portraits of four urban mothers. My findings highlight the complexity of motherhood and demonstrate how distinct socio-spatial power dynamics situate and contextualize the experiences of breastfeeding mothers. I find that breastfeeding behaviors are influenced and maintained by broader social inequalities related to their social positions. Mothers seem caught in a paradoxical position, in which they must constantly discipline their bodies to maintain modesty while simultaneously ensuring their continued success breastfeeding. These issues are compounded by a mother's intersecting identities and their own social and cultural contexts.

Exploring everyday musical imagery : an experience-sampling study.

Sherriff, Bronwyn Nadine 21 June 2011 (has links)
Psychological research regarding mental imagery is heterogeneous in nature owing to its internal nature. Mental imagery involving music is most simply defined as hearing music in the mind’s ear. Musical imagery (MI) is an understudied phenomenon particularly by means of non-experimental methods. This study investigated four dimensions of everyday MI: namely it’s content, nature, constancy and associated corporeal manifestations (for instance, foot-tapping, humming and so forth), via experience-sampling methods. Stage one of data collection involved a cross-sectional survey (n = 87) whereby participants provided retrospective self-reports concerning MI, pertinent demographic information, and particulars concerning their musical history. Stage two – implemented subsequent to piloting – utilised iterative sampling to illuminate the dimensions and descriptive facets of MI during everyday activities. Each participant (n = 16; 8 musicians; 8 non-musicians) was selected based on specific inclusion criteria, following stage one participation, and were invited to complete 21 questionnaires over seven days, receiving three SMS prompts per day. In terms of prevalence, MI was consistently experienced by participants, regardless of their musical background although musicians reported higher rates of MI occurrences. There was a statistically significant association between MI and musical training/experience (χ² = 6.35; d.f. = 1; p = .012). Furthermore, odds ratios suggested that the musicians demonstrated an 85% likelihood of experiencing MI as compared to the non-musicians (OR 1.85; CI 1.14 – 2.99). Daily exposure to music appeared to be an equally significant factor relating to every day MI incidences, particularly given the finding that the majority of participant’s MI episodes were familiar and recently heard.

Percepção da imagem corporal, resiliência e estratégias de coping em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica / Perception of corporeal image, resilience and coping strategies in patients who underwent bariatric surgery.

Rezende, Fabiana Faria 06 May 2011 (has links)
O procedimento cirúrgico para obesidade mórbida, denominado cirurgia bariátrica, consiste no tratamento mais eficaz e duradouro para esta condição clínica. A cirurgia promove redução drástica do peso e diminuição das comorbidades, porém, o impacto que essas mudanças bruscas de peso causam na saúde psicológica do indivíduo deve ser considerado. Este trabalho objetivou realizar uma análise descritiva dos aspectos relacionados à imagem corporal, processo de resiliência e coping em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica. Foram participantes estudo 100 pacientes adultos, sendo 85% do sexo feminino, com idade entre 22 e 65 anos (M=40,58 ± 10,3). Os instrumentos para coleta de dados consistiram em: questionário de dados sociodemográficos e de condições clínicas; Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil; Self Repporting Questionnaire (SQR-20); Escala de Figuras de Silhuetas para adultos (EFS); Escala de Resiliência (ER); questionário complementar sobre resiliência; Inventário de Estratégias de Coping de Lazarus e Folkman (IECLF). Verificou-se que os dados antropométricos indicaram uma redução de peso estatisticamente significante (p<0,001); os índices médios de distorção e insatisfação com a imagem corporal foram -0,8 ± 6,48 Kg/m2 e - 7,54 ± 6,95 Kg/m2, respectivamente; o escore médio obtido na ER foi de 139,22 pontos (± 14,7); os domínios do IECLF utilizados em maior freqüência foram resolução de problemas, reavaliação positiva e suporte social, enquanto que as estratégias menos utilizadas estiveram nos domínios correspondentes ao afastamento e confronto. As orientações listadas como importantes pela amostra foram além das informações direcionadas às restrições alimentares impostas pela cirurgia, posto que, os indivíduos pesquisados também evocaram a necessidade de orientações psicológicas para melhor adaptação ao procedimento cirúrgico. Conclui-se que a amostra estudada apresentou insatisfação com a imagem corporal com o desejo de diminuir a silhueta; houve presença de distorção com tendência à subestimação da imagem corporal; a amostra apresentou adaptação psicossocial positiva frente aos eventos importantes da vida e foram utilizadas em maior quantidade estratégias adequadas para a resolução de problemas relacionados ao pós-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica. A combinação de instrumentos quantitativos e qualitativos desse estudo possibilitou uma visão ampla sobre os dados objetivos e subjetivos trazidos pelos participantes. Considera-se que a identificação de alterações referentes à imagem corporal, processo de resiliência e estratégias de coping pode contribuir com as intervenções dos profissionais da saúde, à medida que possibilita o rastreamento de comportamentos de risco e facilita a criação de ações preventivas às complicações de ordem psicossocial que podem comprometer de forma negativa o sucesso terapêutico esperado pela cirurgia bariátrica. / Bariatric Surgery is the most efficient and long-lasting treatment for morbid obesity. The procedure promotes drastic weight loss and reduction of comorbidities. Nevertheless, the impact of such sudden changes on the individuals psychological health must be considered. This work is a descriptive analysis of the aspects related to corporeal image, resilience and coping in patients who underwent Bariatric Surgery. A number of 100 adult patients took part in this study. 85% were females between 22 and 65 years old (M=40,58 ± 10,3). Instruments to collect data consisted of a questionnaire of clinical conditions and socio-demographic data; the Brazilian Criterion for Economic Classification; Self Repporting Questionnaire (SQR-20); Figure Rating Scales (FRS) for adults; The Resilience Scale (RS); a further questionnaire about resilience and the Folkman and Lazarus Coping Strategies Inventory (CSI). It was verified that the anthropometric data indicated statistically significant weight loss (p<0,001); the average rates of distortion and dissatisfaction with corporeal image were -0,8 ± 6,48 Kg/m2 and -7,54 ± 6,95 Kg/m2, respectively; the average score obtained in the RS was 139,22 points (± 14,7); domains of coping used more often were resolution of problems, positive reevaluation and social support, whereas the least used strategies were in the domains of withdrawal and confrontation. The guidelines listed as important by the sample were directed to information beyond the restrictions imposed by surgery, since the individuals surveyed also mentioned the need for psychological orientations to better fit the surgical procedure. It was concluded that the volunteers showed dissatisfaction with their corporeal image, wishing to reduce their silhouettes; there was some distortion with a tendency to underestimate corporeal image; volunteers showed positive psychosocial adaptation before lifes important events and more often used proper strategies to cope with post-op problems. The combination of quantitative and qualitative tools in this study provided a broad view of the objective and subjective data brought by participants. The combination of quantitative and qualitative tools in this study provided a broad view of the objective and subjective data brought by participants. It is considered that the identification of alterations related to corporeal image, the resilience process and coping strategies can contribute with health-care professionals as they permit the detection of risky behaviors and facilitate preventive actions against psychosocial complications that could affect negatively the therapeutic success expected in Bariatric Surgery.

Le travail de yoga en cours de danse contemporaine. Analyse anthropologique de l'expérience corporelle. / The yoga work in contemporary dance class. Anthropological analysis of the bodily experience.

Cazemajou, Anne 29 November 2010 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse au travail de yoga, tel qu’il est enseigné à des adultes amateurs dans le cadre de l’enseignement de la danse contemporaine de Toni D’Amelio, à l’école Peter Goss (Paris 10e). C’est la nature de l’expérience corporelle vécue par les élèves ainsi que les modalités de sa construction qui font l’objet de cette analyse. Ancrée dans une approche anthropologique, elle se caractérise par l’utilisation de la technique de l’entretien d’explicitation – méthodologie inédite dans la recherche en danse – pour interroger l’expérience subjective des acteurs.Les propos des élèves ont fait émerger le rôle central des consignes, ainsi que la manière dont ce travail de yoga s’articule autour d’un « dispositif savant », qui cristallise pour les élèves l’idée d’un savoir adéquat. Or, ce dispositif s’est avéré insuffisant pour expliquer la nature de l’expérience corporelle qu’il produit. L’étude met ainsi en évidence la manière dont ce dispositif est concrètement mis en œuvre et dont les consignes fonctionnent, dans la pratique, comme « embrayeurs d’action et de perception ». Enfin, l’analyse montre comment la parole de l’enseignante, à l’insu pour ainsi dire des élèves et d’elle-même, crée un véritable enchantement du dispositif. / This research focuses on the work of yoga, as taught to amateur adult pupils in the context of the contemporary dance teaching of Toni D’Amelio, at the Peter Goss school in Paris. It is the nature of this corporeal experience as lived by the pupils, as well as the modes of its construction, which form the subject of this analysis. Grounded in an anthropological approach, this analysis is characterized by the use of the explicitation interview to investigate the subjective experience of the pupils.The central role of the teacher’s instructions emerged from the pupils’ own words, as well as the way this yoga work is articulated around a scholarly “apparatus”, which crystallizes for the pupils the idea of an adequate knowledge. However, this “apparatus” proved insufficient to explain the nature of the corporeal experience it produces. The study thus underscores the way this “apparatus” is brought into play and the way the instructions function as triggers for action and perception. Finally, this analysis demonstrates how the speech act of the teacher, without either the pupils’ or her own knowledge, creates a real enchantment of the “apparatus”.

Le corps aux prises avec le sexe dans les sports mixtes de compétition / The hold of sex over the body in competitive mixed sports

Tetillon, Maxime 25 January 2017 (has links)
Fonctionnant comme une économie de la différence corporelle, le sport sépare en catégories d’âge, de sexe, de poids, de handicap et de niveau. Pourtant, bon nombre de pratiques compétitives dites « mixtes » réunissent, sur un même terrain, des joueurs habitués à évoluer séparément. À partir de l’exemple de la mixité homme-femme, cette thèse aborde la reformulation des différences ‒ réelles ou construites – au moment des pratiques mixtes. Il s’agit de montrer en quoi le sexe demeure (ou non) un facteur déterminant des rapports entre individus dans un espace où le corps est l’opérateur de la relation aux autres. Pour ce faire nous avons observé cinq disciplines réunissant les conditions de la mixité : le Flag, le Korfbal, le Tchoukball, le Touch, l’Ultimate. Ces cinq sports collectifs qui mettent tous les corps en confrontation les uns les autres, constituent un échantillon à la fois riche et varié pour interroger les enjeux de la relation entre partenaires et adversaires. À travers l’analyse de la distribution des rôles, du temps de jeu, des stratégies collectives et des interactions, cette thèse interroge le sexe – être homme ou femme – aux prises avec le corps, c'est-à-dire l’ensemble des caractéristiques que l’individu mobilise dans les activités sportives. Si ce travail donne à voir un ordre sexué toujours latent et des rites d’interactions corporels entre les sexes contribuant à renforcer la distinction homme-femme, il montre un aspect rarement observé, à savoir que cette distinction se fait évanescente à mesure que le niveau de pratique et l’enjeu sportif augmentent. Le corps perd alors sa symbolique sexuelle et sexuée, devenant un simple outil au service du jeu. / Working as an economy of corporeal differences, sport divides according to age, gender, weight, handicap and level. However, many “mixed” sports gather, on the same field, players who are used to compete separately. Stemming from the mixed male-female context in sports, this dissertation addresses the reformulation of differences ‒ either socially innate or elaborated ‒ when mixed sports practices occur. The purpose of this study aims at showing how sex remains (or not) a determining factor regarding how people interact with one another in a delimited space where the body is the operator through which the relationship with the other is built. Five mixed sporting disciplines reuniting these conditions were selected and examined for this research: Flag, Korfbal, Tchoukball, Touch and Ultimate. These five team sports, ipso facto, confront the players’ bodies with one another.Through the analysis of role distributions, play time, collective strategies and interactions, this dissertation questions sex ‒ being man or woman ‒ and its firm hold on the body, that is to say the set of characteristics which anyone mobilizes in sports practice. If this research shows a latent and enduring gender-related order as well as corporeal rites of interaction between the sexes that are participating to the reinforcement of the male-female distinction and divide, it also shows a rarely observed and scarcely documented phenomenon: as the level and the sporting stakes increase, the male-female distinction dissipates, if not disappears. The body finds itself emancipated from its sexualized as well as gendered symbolism to become a mere tool at the service of the game.

Sensing the self : pathways of perception between visible incisions and vaporous boundaries

Deer, Laraine, University of Western Sydney, Faculty of Performance, Fine Arts and Design January 1997 (has links)
The dialectic about body and 'self' osculates between material and conceptual paradigms. The breaking down of the poles between mind and body has stimulated a range of debates about subjectivity, desire, and knowledge. The body viewed as an anatomical specimen in the history of Western culture fails to acknowledge the corporeal other, it also does not acknowledge the way in which it has been constructed in a framework based on masculine desire and knowledge. This dissertation explores the profiles of the psychological 'body image' as a pathway to two different conceptual frameworks about the body. Firstly by using vision as a mode of investigating the relationship between the corporeal gendered 'self' and the anatomical other in Western culture. Then using the conceptual understanding of the 'body image' to extend beyond the limits of vision to a vaporous, more ethereal account of self. This concept blurs the edges of the corporeal self by using the olfactory as the basis for crossing the 'unseen' boundaries of body space and subjectivity. / Master of Arts (Hons) (Visual Arts)

The Penitential Psalms in sixteenth-century England : bodies and texts

Wyma, Katherine Cooper January 2013 (has links)
At the center of this thesis are seven psalms, commonly known as the Penitential Psalms. The Penitential Psalms were often used in connection to corporeal expressions of the sacrament, and though sacramental practices changed, they retained this association, and even became a catalyst for literary change and experimentation. In this thesis, I will show how these psalms were connected to the sacrament of penance throughout the medieval period, and well into the religiously tumultuous sixteenth century. This thesis explores four texts that take up the Penitential Psalms, adapting, refashioning, and reappropriating them to be used in different ways. The Introduction outlines the history of the Penitential Psalms and their interconnectedness with sacramental theology and practice; it further establishes the cultural and theoretical context within which the four examined texts must be considered. These sacramental ties with the Penitential Psalms are not found only in theological writings, but they also infused lay practice and experience, as I will show in Chapter One, where I examine the staunchly Protestant Actes and Monuments by John Foxe. Additionally, I argue that Foxe's accounts of Marian martyrs point to Psalm 51 both as a text of protest and memorialization. Chapter Two then moves to Sir Thomas Wyatt's A Paraphrase of the Penitential Psalms; there I examine the presence of the male body within the work, placing the text within the setting of a visual history that illustrates David's illicit desire for Bathsheba. With this tradition in mind, I examine trajectories of ocularity within the narrative, tracing the redirection of sexual desire. Anne Lock's Meditation of a Pentient Sinner is the center of Chapter Three. Meditation, when considered in relation to the dedicatory epistle, reveals connections to the standardized penitential process, and I argue that Lock presents a modified form of repentance to her reader. The final chapter looks at The Sidney Psalter's Penitential Psalms, which reveal an incoherent view of the penitential body merging with the body of the dead war-hero, Philip. It is within this penitential affect that the penitent displays and partitions his or her own body slipping into an otherness predicated by sin.

Educação e corporeidade: conflito e prazer no cotidiano dos professores.

Moraes, Nadeje Fidelis de 04 July 2007 (has links)
The objective of this work is study the teachers' corporeal awareness while educators in their human significance, with a body in which pain and pleasure are the base of the experience as subject. The study problematizes the body, searching the comprehension of the corporal image importance, and the contributions that the corporal experiences can offer for sensitize the corporeal awareness, distorted by the social impositions. Related to the theoreticalconceptual base, it was based in the phenomenological conception, and approached several authors that assist to recent study demands about the relationship between body and education as a renovation of the pedagogic praxis. The used methodology was the qualitative type, where the ethnographic research was used with participant observation. The empiric material was collected through the following instruments: participant observation, semi-structured interviews, field notes, pictures, depositions and corporal experiences. The studied population was a group of 12 teachers of the Elementary School, from 5th to 8th grades, and High School (equivalent to Brazilian Educational System), from a public state school. The field research was applied at the referred school from September 2005 to December 2006. From the analyses, it was confirmed that the corporeal awareness brings all the demands that involve the teachers' experiences, that the images they have of themselves reflect, in their educational actions, the pleasure and conflict lived by the teacher/educator in the daily school; they also echo their searches, anxieties and desires. It was evidenced that the schools can promote simple moments of corporal experiences that allow the teacher to have a high emotional response of the corporeal awareness and cause, with this, life to education through the lived corporeal awareness of the educators subjects of their history. / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar a corporeidade do professor como educador em sua significação humana, portador de um corpo no qual a dor e o prazer fundamentam sua experiência enquanto sujeito. O estudo incidiu em problematizar as questões do corpo, buscando a compreensão da importância da imagem corporal, e as contribuições que as vivências corporais podem oferecer para a sensibilização da corporeidade, distorcida pelas imposições sociais estabelecidas. Quanto à base teórico-conceitual, foi fundamentada na concepção fenomenológica e abordou diversos autores que atendem a demandas recentes de estudo sobre a relação corpo e educação, como uma renovação da práxis pedagógica. A metodologia utilizada foi do tipo qualitativa, em que se utilizou a pesquisa etnográfica com observação participante. O material empírico foi coletado por meio dos seguintes instrumentos: observação participante, entrevistas semi-estruturadas, notas de campo, fotografias, depoimentos e vivências corporais. A população observada foi um grupo de 12 professores do Ensino Fundamental de 5ª a 8ª série e Ensino Médio, lotados em uma escola pública estadual. A pesquisa de campo ocorreu no período de setembro/2005 a janeiro/2007, nas dependências da referida escola. De acordo com as análises feitas, as conclusões confirmam que a corporeidade traz em si todas as demandas que envolvem a vivência do professor, que a imagem que ele tem de si mesmo reflete, em suas ações educativas, o prazer e o conflito vivenciados pelo professor educador no cotidiano escolar, reflete também suas buscas, inquietações e desejos. Fica evidenciado que as instituições escolares podem oportunizar momentos simples de vivências corporais, que permitam ao professor a sensibilização da corporeidade e ocasionar, com isso, vida à educação através da corporeidade vivenciada dos educadores sujeitos de sua história.

'You are warmly invited' : exploring knowledge exchange seminars as sites of productive interactions and social networking

Tindal, Scott Robert January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines Knowledge Exchange (KE) seminars and the wider social, political, and economic environment in which they are situated Two-way interactive exchanges between academics and Non-Academic Professionals (NAPs) have been identified as an important factor in explaining why some academic research is used by NAPs, or not (Meagher et al, 2008; Mitton et al, 2007; Lavis et al, 2003; Hanney et al, 2003). Despite this, very little research has examined the social occasions where such exchanges occur. This thesis aims to fill this lacuna by examining the process of knowledge exchange through one specific type of intervention (Walter et al, 2003) – that of KE seminars. KE seminars are a common, almost canonical, strategy for academics wishing to engage with non-academic audiences, yet are relatively unexplored within the KE literature. If ‘sharing research findings with a non-academic audience’ is the sole purpose of KE seminars, then the goal could have been achieved more cheaply through a mail-shot of a briefing paper to a targeted audience (Percy-Smith et al, 2002). By comparison, KE seminars require a considerable investment in resources in terms of time and money. These factors make them theoretically and substantively interesting. This thesis explores the rationale for hosting and attending KE seminars, what benefits participants feel that they gain from attending, and provides insights into how best to facilitate those benefits. Conceptually this thesis draws on Spaapen and van Drooge (2011) & Molas-Gallart and Tang’s (2011) concept of ‘productive interactions.’ The thesis research examines what makes interactions between academics and NAPs ‘productive’ in the context of KE seminars, and the wider social network, economic and political environment in which those interactions emerge and are shaped. This thesis is based on a case study of the ESRC Centre for Population Change (CPC). The empirical evidence comes from 27 semi-structured interviews conducted with CPC academics & administrators (13), and NAPs who attended at least 1 CPC-organised KE seminar (14); and an online questionnaire of 48 CPC staff members (representing 75% of the Centre). The interviews were analysed thematically and the online questionnaire was analysed using Social Network Analysis (SNA). The research design was devised to collect data on the motivations, experiences, and understandings of interactions between academics and NAP within the CPC’s KE seminars. The social network analysis was designed to reveal the CPC’s KE social networks which are pertinent to understanding how the CPC engages with NAPs. This thesis documents ways in which KE seminars are sites of ‘knowledge interaction’ (Davies et al, 2008) where multiple actors from multiple organisations with different knowledges come together to engage in a topic of mutual interest. It finds that KE seminars are worthwhile for participants despite being resource-intensive because they fulfil multiple functions which cannot easily be replicated through non-dialogical and non-corporeal interventions. The academic research being presented on these social occasions is just one source of knowledge among many others (ibid). KE seminars are also opportunities for participants to create new informal contacts and strengthen existing ones. In other words, they help develop informal professional networks which is an important component for successful KE (Olmos-Peñuela, 2014b; Grimshaw et al, 2012; Kramer and Wells, 2005; Greenhalgh et al, 2004; Philip et al, 2003; Molas-Gallart et al, 2000). This thesis makes three original contributions. It shows: how KE seminars fill a number of functions that cannot easily be replicated by indirect forms of nonacademic engagement, which makes the investment of resources for hosting and attending them not only desirable but often necessary; how corporeal co-presence is important for facilitating productive interactions (Goffman, 1966; Urry, 2002; 2003); and the major factors which help facilitate ‘productive interactions’ within KE seminars. It is a contribution to the KE field generally, and will also be helpful to KE practitioners and academics that are tasked with organising and hosting KE seminars.

Consciência corporal e gênero: uma experiência com narrativas de alun@s

Dantas, Jacqueline Duarte 18 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T15:09:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 587657 bytes, checksum: 808f1d4e8118106a2598a7a7881f5d7e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research was made possible by the Graduate School of Education of the Federal University of Paraiba. The field research is related to Gender Studies. The thesis deals with the interpretation of questions related to the physical body and how it reflects culturally on gender among adolescents. The experiment was conducted in 2005 during Physical Education classes and focused on analyzing Corporeal Consciousness. The subject of Corporeal Consciousness has versatile uses related to studies in Education, and is a means to understanding gender relationships amongst adolescents. Corporeal Consciousness is imprinted in our bodies from before birth and continues on throughout our lifetimes. From a study group of 43 adolescents, 73 statements were analyzed. These autobiographical accounts were written by pre-university students of Collegial Imaculada Conceição in Natal (RN) regarding Physical Education activities in class. The project itself was called Know Yourself ( Conhecer-se ). For this dissertation I chose the autobiographic method called escrita de si (self written). The first chapter is about my own escrita de si experience including memories and recollections that mirror experiences undergone by referenced authors. These writers and I believe that a teacher s life is defined by their teaching methods and how those approaches intertwine with their students lives. This work presents reflections about body and gender, through analysis and categorization of previously mentioned gathered statements as well as discourse among other authors. Through this work, we can see an amplification of the pre-conceptual view of men and women s social roles that come from our bodies, senses, feelings and emotions. This thesis proposes ways to better view and relate to people and things around us, which would lead to education guided by love, as professed by Paulo Freire. / Esta pesquisa, vinculada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGE), da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), insere-se no campo de pesquisas relativas aos estudos de gênero. Propomos neste trabalho conhecer a dimensão interpretativa de questões relacionadas ao corpo e os seus reflexos culturais nas relações de gênero entre jovens, através da prática da Consciência Corporal, durante aulas de Educação Física e apontar como essa prática pedagógica, conteúdo primeiro da disciplina, pode contribuir para o entendimento da corporeidade e das relações de gênero entre adolescentes, mostrando-nos que a produção do conhecimento e as inevitáveis marcas do saber, desde o período da nossa gestação, vão sendo tatuadas no nosso corpo a todo instante e que ao mesmo tempo vão transmitindo mais saberes. Sob a ótica da pesquisa científica, foram analisados setenta e três relatos escritos em diversos momentos, de quarenta e três alunas/os pré-vestibulandas/os do Colégio Imaculada Conceição em Natal, RN, no ano de 2005, que se dispuseram a revelar uma escrita de si a partir das atividades vivenciadas durante a disciplina de Educação Física, no projeto intitulado Conhecer-se. Para esta dissertação elegemos o Método (Auto)Biográfico ou Escrita de Si , trazendo, inicialmente, uma escrita da pesquisadora, ou seja, as minhas memórias e lembranças, compartilhando de autoras/es que acreditam que a vida de educadoras e educadores estão imbricadas com suas práticas pedagógicas e hibridam-se as vidas de seu alunado. Apresentamos reflexões acerca de corpo e gênero num diálogo com outras/os autoras/ras e através dos relatos propriamente ditos, categorizados e analisados. Por fim, pudemos observar uma ampliação da visão pré-conceituosa dos papéis sociais entre homens e mulheres, partindo de uma consciência que vem, fundamentalmente, dos nossos corpos, dos nossos sentidos, sentimentos e emoções, com a proposta de melhor olhar a/o outra/o e as coisas que estão ao nosso redor, o que seria uma educação pautada no amor, como preconiza Paulo Freire.

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