Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deindustrialization"" "subject:"desindustrialization""
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Les infections sexuellement transmissibles (maladies vénériennes) et la santé publique au Congo. Contribution à l’histoire socio-épidémiologique des IST en milieux urbains (1885-1960)/ Sexually transmitted infections (venereal diseases) and public health in Congo. Contribution to the socio-epidemiological history of STI in urban areas.Munayeno Muvova, - - 09 July 2010 (has links)
La question des infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST) en Afrique a longtemps été
négligée par des chercheurs africains spécialistes en sciences sociales, en raison notamment du tabou
qui entoure la sexualité dans ce continent. Toutefois, les dernières décennies ont donné lieu à plusieurs
recherches menées principalement par les Européens africanistes sur ces pathologies grâce à
l’émergence de la pandémie actuelle du Sida. La plupart des travaux réalisés sont axés sur les facteurs
de risque, les mécanismes de diffusion, les croyances et les attitudes populaires face à ces maladies, les
politiques de lutte, etc. Mais les études historiques consacrées aux IST sont très rares. Celles qui
existent ont surtout mis en évidence la dimension démographique axée sur le problème de la dénatalité
en laissant dans l’ombre le contexte socio-historique et les conditions socio-épidémiologiques de
propagation de ces affections. Au moment où le Sida fait des ravages dans le monde et tout
particulièrement en Afrique subsaharienne, l’intérêt d’une réflexion historique sur les IST au Congo
n’est plus à démontrer.
Contrairement à une affirmation classiquement admise dans la littérature, selon laquelle la
lutte contre les IST au sein de la population congolaise fut un franc succès pour les autorités coloniales
surtout après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, cette thèse montre plutôt l’augmentation de la prévalence
des IST dans le temps. Les archives inédites et l’analyse des données révèlent que cette progression
continue est la conséquence de l'urbanisation accélerée et de la monétarisation de la société et de la sexualité entraînant des modes de vie propres à la société coloniale urbaine. Les villes issues de ce processus deviendront non seulement des espaces
d’acculturation et de modernité, mais aussi des lieux d’expansion de ces maladies. Le développement
de la prostitution et la multiplicité des partenaires sexuels, à travers les unions plus libres et
momentanées, sont les principaux facteurs explicatifs de cette observation.
On présente généralement de manière panégyrique l’oeuvre sanitaire coloniale de la Belgique
au Congo comme ‘‘modèle’’. Pourtant, aucune étude n’a déjà été menée pour examiner, de manière
chiffrée, les aspets liés aux différences de santé entre les Congolais et les Blancs. Cette
dissertation vient combler les lacunes existantes dans ce domaine. De ce point de vue, il en résulte de
fortes inégalités et des déséquilibres persistants de santé entre ces deux types de populations. Les Congolais beaucoup plus
nombreux, socialement défavorisés, ne bénéficient que d’une situation peu ou moins favorable ; tandis
que les Blancs, socialement plus favorisés, bénéficient en général d’une meilleure situation sanitaire.
Plusieurs indicateurs élaborés dans ce travail sont révélateurs de cette réalité coloniale, en termes
d’équipements sanitaires, d’accès et d’utilisation de soins et d’état de santé différencié./
The issue of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in Africa has long been neglected by
researchers African social scientists, particularly because of the taboo surrounding sexuality in Africa.
However, recent decades have resulted in several research conducted mainly by the European
Africanists on these diseases through the emergence of the current pandemic of AIDS. Most of studies
are focused on risk factors, distribution mechanisms, the popular attitudes about these infections,
control policies... But historical studies on STI are seldom examined. Those that exist are mainly
concerning the demographic dimension focuses on the problem of declining birth, leaving the socio-historical
and socio-epidemiological spread of such diseases. While AIDS is ravaging the world and
especially in sub-Saharan Africa, one thing to mention is that the interest of historical reflection on
STI in the Congo is obvious.
Contrary to an assertion conventionally accepted in the literature, that the fight against
gonorrhea and syphilis among the Congolese population was a success for the colonial authorities,
especially after the Second World War, our thesis shows rather the increasing prevalence of STI. The
archives and analysis of data indicates this continued progress is the result of special conditions of
industrialization and urbanization colonial that make people vulnerable. Cities from this historical
process will not only areas of acculturation and modernity, but also places for expansion of these
diseases. The development of prostitution and multiple sexual partners through free and temporary
unions are the main factors explaining this observation.
It has generally praises how the actions of Belgian colonial health in the Congo as 'model'.
However, no study has been conducted to establish or to compare quantitatively the health status
between Blacks (Congolese) and Withes (Europeans in majority). This essay shows the social health
inequalities among these two populations. The Congolese many in number, but more socially
disadvantaged have only less favorable conditions to health. While the white people, socially
privileged, generally have better health status. Several indicators developed in this study are revealing
of the colonial reality in terms of sanitation, access and use of care and health status differential.
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"En ohyra på samhällskroppen" : Kriminalitet, kontroll och modernisering i Sverige och Sundsvallsdistriktet under 1800- och det tidiga 1900-taletSvedin, Glenn January 2015 (has links)
This thesis presents an analysis of crime trends and social control during the dramatic transformation of Sweden's social landscape in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, set against the background of the modernization process in the country as a whole and the city of Sundsvall and environs in particular. What assumptions about crime were evident in public debate? How did crime levels vary from region to region, and what were the changes over time? What strategies did government and local authorities try for combating crime? Did the joint efforts by government, local communities, and the voluntary sector actually solve the problems that social change was believed to have caused?When it comes to theory, the interpretative framework is based on Anthony Giddens's argument about modernity and modernization, making particular use of a few central points about what the changes meant for the structuration of society. Giddens's ideas about changes in social control are refined with Michel Foucault's and David Garland's work on the increasingly disciplinary trend seen in the exercise of the law and public control. The analysis of modernity's ramifications for the transformation of both social structures and crime alike has also benefitted from Robert Putnam's and Travis Hirschi's insights into the importance of social capital and social bonds for a well-functioning, low-crime society.The process by which Sweden was transformed from an overwhelmingly agrarian country to an urban, industrial society left its mark on crime patterns. To the contemporary mind, industrialization, migration, and urbanization were the underlying causes of the high levels of serious crime in the society. The start of the nineteenth century had seen a rise in criminality, with both petty crime and lethal violence becoming more common. At the same time, there was a heated debate about the socio-economic problems that were such a strain on the structure of society. The analysis finds that there were large differences in prosecutions in the country and between cities. The Sundsvall area was among those that saw a dramatic change in crime in the course of becoming a major industrial region. At the same time, the thesis shows that there were plenty of cities in Sweden, however rapidly they grew, that had low crime rates. However, the widespread fear of industrialization, migration, and urbanization was often unfounded. For example, both lethal violence and public order offences reached their lowest recorded levels in the interwar period. By then, new cures were sought for the social and moral ills of society. The state's sphere of influence had expanded. New social reforms, including a modified crime policy, were launched. The state became even more assertive, and the same was true of civil society. Society would attend to the moral education of a number of different groups. Moral virtues were to be instilled in the workshy, alcoholic, or criminal, in order to produce disciplined and cultured citizens. The attention of social activists, the scientific community, civil servants, and local and national politicians shifted from crime per se to the far broader issue of asociality. Modernization gave the voluntary sector a significant role in the social organization of the day, shaping new forums for interpersonal relationships and strengthening social ties. The thesis makes the case that two distinct periods, each with its specific social structures and crime patterns, can be observed; one belonging to the nineteenth century, the other to the first four decades of the twentieth century.Finally, the similarities between the history of crime in Sweden and, for example, the US or the UK are highlighted. As in Britain and North America, the early industrialization period saw weakened social bonds, and a time of greater violence and disorder ensued. After a while however, the situation stabilized, and crime rates began to drop again. When industrial societies ceased to be 'frontier communities' at the forefront of modernization, and instead became more mature communities, crime levels fell as people's commitment to their communities was renewed.
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The legal framework related to the privatization and commercialization of remote sensing satellites in the United States and in Canada /Chouinard, Vicky. January 2006 (has links)
This Thesis deals with the national legal aspects of a particular space application: remote sensing by satellites, also referred to as earth observation systems. / Governments have been the leading providers and users of satellite imagery data since the advent of earth observation satellites (i.e. almost 40 years ago). However, this has changed, particularly in the United States, with several private companies having acquired and launched their own imaging satellite systems. This new trend towards commercialization and privatization of the remote sensing industry, which appeared firstly in the United States and which is now being extended to Canada, required a change in policy. The role played by the government policies and regulations in shaping the prospects for the emerging commercial remote sensing satellite firms is of critical importance. In this context, these policies and regulations will determine the conditions that will enable commercial firms to realize their competitive potential in both the domestic and international marketplace. / In this Thesis, a brief overview of the technical and historical legal backgrounds of remote sensing is provided. Then, the international legal framework of remote sensing is briefly analyzed. Finally, a thorough analysis of the policies, laws and regulations applicable within the United States and Canada is presented.
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180: Developing Countries' About-Face in the Uruguay RoundDunphy, Sarah Margaret 04 November 2013 (has links)
International trade ties the world together and is hypothetically fair and equal. In reality, it is highly asymmetrical and poses a significant challenge for developing countries. A massive sea change occurred in the international trade regime during the Uruguay Round of negotiations of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) from 1986 to 1994. Developing countries as a whole began to embrace liberal trade policies which seemed to be the only alternative to failing import substitution industrialization (ISI). An historical comparative account describing and explaining this transformation of developing countries’ attitudes toward the GATT is used in this dissertation to provide an alternative explanation for the transition of developing countries from having little interest in the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations to sharply changing course and adopting neo-liberal policies which supported the conclusion of the Round. Three theoretical approaches seek to explain why this change occurred, including: liberal trade theory (economic reforms), dependency theory (external forces) and constructivism (the role epistemic communities).
The Uruguay Round negotiations were dynamic and heavily influenced by two power-house developing economies, India and Brazil, who were initially opposed to the Round itself. Kenya found itself in a starkly different situation with minimal ability to participate or influence negotiations. These three countries constitute the study’s illustrative case studies. As negotiations progressed, India and Brazil changed course and agreed to the Round’s ‘single-undertaking’ and the ‘inequitable Grand Bargain’ between the developed and developing economies. This subsequently led to other developing countries following suit through a powerful demonstration effect in a trade-off between the inclusion of trade in services and intellectual property for reforms in agriculture and textiles & clothing. While economic reforms began to occur and attitudes began to change during the Uruguay Round itself, assessing developing countries during the Round found that no single theoretical approach can explain developing countries’ transformation; rather each had their own trajectory for their economic reforms. A multi-dimensional conclusion provides the most comprehensive account of this transformation of the global trade regime.
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中國大陸奇異果商品化研究-以紐西蘭為借鏡 / The research of commercialization of Chinese Kiwifruit-lessons from New Zealand experience毛舞雲 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於此,本研究以「公私協力八卦模型」作為結論,並建議中國大陸首先應擇定試點集中經營之區域,以便日後將商品化經驗複製於其他省份。在試點經營措施上,本論文建議以平台為依托進行整合;針對獼猴桃制訂相關法規,促使能夠引領產業整體發展的龍頭集團形成;建立誘因機制,讓龍頭集團的經營利潤回饋果農;並在品種培育、收購標準、資料庫管理等方式下,逐步形成標準化生產,再加上獼猴桃基金的保險機制,讓中國大陸獼猴桃逐步從產業化邁向商品化。 / Mihoutao originated from China but thrived in New Zealand under the name of “kiwifruit”; however, the price of kiwifruit is vastly higher than that of Mihoutao, and their taste and shape are of evident differences. As such, this thesis seeks to answer the question of “how to turn mihoutao into kiwifruit” by looking into the management and operation of New Zealand kiwifruit industry and providing lessons from such experience to the commercialization of China mihoutao.
This thesis adopts methodologies of material reading, data collecting, field works, and expert interviewing to reach the final conclusions and suggestions, and it is discovered that the government plays a key role in the process of agriculture industrialization. Therefore, the proposed suggestions are for “the government of China mihoutao province” to echo with my topic.
This thesis concludes with “Eight-trigram Model” to express the partnership with public and private sectors. Furthermore, it suggests China to construct the mihoutao commercialization mechanism on the regional basis as an experiment, which can be later duplicated in other provinces. More specifically about the measures, referring to New Zealand kiwifruit industry’s policies, mihoutao regulations, leading corporation, incentives, plant cultivation, scientific management via database, mihoutao fund are recommended. With all these policies in order, it is believed that a more institutionalized and commercialized mihoutao industry will be gradually shaped, and the Chinese “mihoutao” will also be commercialized as “kiwifruit” eventually.
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Vivienda obrera en Bilbao y el Bajo Nervión: las casas baratas, una nueva forma de alojamiento (1911-1936)Domingo Hernández, María del Mar 15 April 2005 (has links)
A finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX la provincia de Vizcaya despuntó en el contexto internacional como importe centro extractor de mineral de hierro y como relevante foco productor siderometalúrgico. Las explotaciones mineras se adueñaron de los Montes de Triano y las fábricas conquistaron las márgenes del Río Nervión, arrastrando tras de sí una densa marea humana. Alojar a esa población se convirtió en una cuestión de primer orden. Paralelamente, las instituciones estatales desbordadas por problemas similares en otros puntos de la geografía española, idearon y pusieron en práctica un complejo engranaje administrativo para erigir las primeras viviendas sociales.Así, las denominadas Casas Baratas fueron la respuesta oficial a la insuficiencia de vivienda obrera y Vizcaya fue una de las provincias donde mayor desarrollo tuvieron este tipo de propuestas constructivas. De este modo, la presente investigación comienza indagando sobre el origen de la problemática en Bilbao y la Cuenca del Bajo Nervión, para después repasar las medidas adoptadas por el Estado y la Diputación de Vizcaya en esta materia. Hecho esto, se da paso a un concienzudo repaso de las características principales de la edificación de Casas Baratas en toda la provincia de Vizcaya, descendiendo, posteriormente, a la realidad de Bilbao, Baracaldo, Sestao, Portugalete, Guecho y Erandio, haciendo hincapié en las inquietudes locales.El estudio finaliza con un ejercicio comparativo con las Casas Baratas de Barcelona, Sabadell y Tarrasa, estableciéndose similitudes y divergencias con el foco industrial más importante del momento en el panorama nacional. / At the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th Biscay was internationally considered an outstanding centre of iron extraction and a remarkable iron and steel production point. Mines took over the Triano mountains and factories conquered the Nervion river banks carrying a huge wave of population with them. Housing all these people became a prime objective. Likewise, Spanish institutions, overwhelmed by similar problems in other areas of the country, devised and put into practice a complex administrative mechanism to build the first state-subsidized houses.Thus, the so called Cheap Houses were the official answer to the working-class housing shortage and Biscay was one of the regions with a greater development of this kind of building solutions. This research begins with the investigation of the origin and source of the problem in Bilbao and in the Nervion river basin, to later go over the measures adopted by the government and by the provincial council in this matter. Having done this, there is a thorough review of the most relevant features of the Cheap Houses building system all over Biscay, to move then to the reality of life in Bilbao Barakaldo, Sestao, Portugalete, Geucho and Erandio, putting special emphasis on the local concerns.The research ends with a comparative study of the Cheap Houses built in Biscay in contrast to those built in Barcelona, Sabadell and Tarrasa, establishing similarities and differences with the most important industrial centre in that moment in Spain.
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Une croissance sans limite ? : vers une nouvelle géographie de l’élevage au Vietnam / An unlimited growth? : toward a new geography of livestock farming in VietnamCesaro, Jean-Daniel 02 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis les années 1990, le secteur de l’élevage au Vietnam subit des transformations rapides et profondes. Les productions de viande et de lait sont passées d’un système d’élevage familial intégré aux activités agricoles à un mode plus intensif et largement industrialisé. Les grandes exploitations capitalistiques se substituent progressivement à la petite paysannerie. Cette évolution soulève un certain nombre d’enjeux spatiaux. Le développement des villes, l’implantation des usines d’alimentation animale dans les campagnes, la relocalisation des bassins de production et l’essor de la production de maïs entrainent une réorganisation complète de la géographie de l’élevage au Vietnam. Cette dynamique spatiale est largement méconnue alors même qu’elle s’accélère depuis l’entrée du pays dans l’OMC en 2007. Cette thèse s’intéresse en particulier à trois districts – Thong Nhat, Mai Son et Ba Vi – dans lesquels l’élevage est une composante majeure du développement local. Les principaux résultats de cette thèse montrent que la concentration spatiale des systèmes d’élevage industriel dans un nombre réduit de régions est de fait organisée par un partenariat étroit entre autorités politiques et firmes privées qui privilégient les bénéfices économiques de cette industrialisation. Cependant, les autorités locales et les firmes impliquées peinent à prendre en compte les préjudices à moyen-terme de l’agglomération des systèmes de production sur la durabilité des anthroposystèmes. La gestion des milieux apparait laissée à la charge des communautés locales, et les fonctions de l’agriculture évoluent progressivement vers le recyclage des externalités du système d’élevage industriel. / Since the 1990’s, livestock sector in Vietnam has been deeply changing. Meat and milk productions are mouving from a mixed farming system towards a more intensive and industrialized production model. Concentrated animal feeding operations are progressively replacing small-scale livestock farming. This transition raises specific spatial issues. Expansion of urban areas, location of feed mills in rural areas, relocation of intensive production areas lead to a complete reorganization of the geography of livestock sector in Vietnam. This spatial dynamic is becoming an issue, especially since Vietnam has joined WTO in 2007. This thesis focuses on three districts – Thong Nhat, Mai Son et Ba Vì – where livestock plays a major role in local development. We show that spatial concentration of industrial production systems occurs in a limited number of regions. This dynamics appears to be organized by a close partnership between local authorities and private firms, with a focus on economic benefit. However, those stakeholders seem not to be in condition to manage all medium term impacts of this concentration on anthroposystem sustainability. Most of the challenges related to the Environmental management of industrial livestock systems remains in the hands of local communities. The role of agriculture progressively evolves towards the recycling of industrial livestock systems effluents.
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Tribe, politics and industry on the Zambian copperbeltHarries-Jones, Peter January 1970 (has links)
No description available.
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Brazil and Turkey, a comparative analysis of both countries' economic development and institutional design from the Great Depression to the early 21st centuryBrigant, Pierre-Louis 13 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Pierre-Louis Brigant (pl.brigant@gmail.com) on 2014-04-13T11:19:48Z
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MPGI Master Thesis PL Brigant 2014.pdf: 1702113 bytes, checksum: d9dab6251c2e288a255dabd58489ecb3 (MD5) / Rejected by Ana Luiza Holme (ana.holme@fgv.br), reason: Dear Pierre,
the number of the pages are incorrect, the right way is to count from the first page but only put the number at the table of contents page.
the quote e acknowledgements has to be before the abstrat.
and the abstract should be before the resumo in portuguese.
the blue line that you use right below the table of contents and etc. you shouldn't use, because it can't have that line in the thesis.
Ana Luiza Holme
3799-7760 on 2014-04-14T16:03:16Z (GMT) / Submitted by Pierre-Louis Brigant (pl.brigant@gmail.com) on 2014-04-14T20:48:31Z
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MPGI Master Thesis PL Brigant 2014.pdf: 1697416 bytes, checksum: bb8d3b79b9c9363a07282376b0d65239 (MD5) / Rejected by Ana Luiza Holme (ana.holme@fgv.br), reason: Dear Pierre,
according with the the Ata (document that atested your thesis approval), title of the thesis that you post in biblioteca digital is a little bit different from the one you presented, is has to be the same title that you presented. if was change the title, Prof. Manfredini has to come to the graduate office and write in the ata the new title.
below the title that was approve:
Ana Luiza Holme
3799-7760 on 2014-04-15T12:40:55Z (GMT) / Submitted by Pierre-Louis Brigant (pl.brigant@gmail.com) on 2014-04-15T14:12:00Z
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MPGI Master Thesis PL Brigant 2014.pdf: 1697426 bytes, checksum: e8df18a03d7bbd0d1a41bdab04adf5f1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Luiza Holme (ana.holme@fgv.br) on 2014-04-15T14:28:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
MPGI Master Thesis PL Brigant 2014.pdf: 1697426 bytes, checksum: e8df18a03d7bbd0d1a41bdab04adf5f1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-04-15T14:33:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MPGI Master Thesis PL Brigant 2014.pdf: 1697426 bytes, checksum: e8df18a03d7bbd0d1a41bdab04adf5f1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-03-13 / After experiencing strong economic growth in the first decade of the 21st century, Brazil and Turkey have been regarded as two of the most dynamic and promising emerging economies. Nevertheless, several signs of economic difficulties and political tensions have recently been reappearing simultaneously in both countries. We believe that these signs and their simultaneity in the two countries are better understood by taking a retrospective look into both countries’ economic history, which reveal to be surprisingly parallel. In a first part, a comprehensive comparison of Brazil and Turkey’s economic history is undertaken to show the numerous similarities in the economic policy challenges and choices that both countries went through from the turn of the Great Depression to the first decade of the 21st century. These common economic policy choices define a remarkably analogous development path characterized first by the adoption of the import-substitution industrialization (ISI) model in the context of the world recession in the 1930s, then by the intensification and final crisis of this model in the 1980s, and finally by two decades of stabilization and transition to a liberal economic model. In a second part, the development of economic and political institutions as well as the underlying political economy in both countries are analysed comparatively with a view to providing elements of explanation for the parallel observed in the first part. We contend that the institutional framework set up in both countries throughout this period also shared many fundamental characteristics and contributes to explain the comparable economic policy choices and economic performance. This study intends to give some helpful background to understand the current context in both countries. It is also an invitation to consider emerging economies in a broader historical and comparative perspective in order to better comprehend their institutional weaknesses and adopt a balanced view of their economic potential. / Apos uma década de rápido crescimento econômico na primeira década do século 21, Brasil e Turquia foram considerados duas das economias emergentes mais dinâmicas e promissoras. No entanto, vários sinais de dificuldades econômicas e tensões políticas reapareceram recentemente e simultaneamente nos dois países. Acreditamos que esses sinais e a sua simultaneidade podem ser entendidos melhor com um olhar retrospectivo sobre a história econômica dos dois países, que revela ser surpreendentemente paralela. Numa primeira parte, empreendemos uma comparação abrangente da história econômica brasileira e turca para mostrar as numerosas similaridades entre os desafios de política econômica que os dois países enfrentaram, assim como entre as respostas que eles lhes deram desde a virada da Grande Depressão até a primeira década do século 21. Essas escolhas de política econômica comuns dão forma a uma trajetória de desenvolvimento notavelmente análoga, caracterizada primeiro pela adoção do modelo de industrialização por substituição das importações (ISI) no contexto da recessão mundial dos anos 1930; depois pela intensificação e crise final desse modelo nos anos 1980; e finalmente por duas décadas de estabilização e transição para um modelo econômico mais liberal. Numa segunda parte, o desenvolvimento das instituições econômicas e políticas, assim como da economia política subjacente nos dois países, são analisados comparativamente a fim de prover alguns elementos de explicação do paralelo observado na primeira parte. Sustentamos que o marco institucional estabelecido nos dois países durante esse período também têm varias características fundamentais em comum e contribui a explicar as escolhas de política econômica e as performances econômicas comparáveis, detalhadas na primeira parte. Este estudo aborda elementos do contexto histórico úteis para compreender a situação econômica e política atual nos dois países. Potencialmente também constitui uma tentativa de considerar as economias emergentes numa perspectiva histórica e comparativa mais ampla para entender melhor as suas fraquezas institucionais e adotar um olhar mais equilibrado sobre seu potencial econômico.
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The development, character and effects of education in a technocratic ageMathibe, Isaac Ramoloko 11 1900 (has links)
Rapid industrialization, breakthroughs in science and technological development have ushered
in an era regarded as a technocratic age. The advent of a technocratic age has necessitated the
acquisition of technologically appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes, and consequently it
has become necessary to establish education systems that fulfil the demands set by technocratic
age principles.
Present-day education is typified by technocratic age imperatives which include meritocracy,
specialization, vocationalism, professionalism and scientism. Technocratic age education is
further characterized by mass education, free and compulsory education and greater bureaucratic
control of education. In technocratic age education systems, entrance examinations are used to
select learners for advanced education and training. It would appear that this takes place with
little regard for the learner's personal worth or meeting the learner's distinctive needs. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (History of Education)
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