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Influencers, ett fenomen med många ansikten : En kvalitativ studie om hur unga personer konstruerar influencersArnesson, Mattias, Burhan, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Influencer utnämndes, av Språkrådet och Språktidningen, som nyord 2016. Fenomenet har sedan dess befunnit sig i blickfånget för vetenskapliga studier, årsrapporter och för det mediala landskapet i Sverige. Tidigare studier har i huvudsak fokuserat på hur influencers inlägg påverkar följare på sociala medier som Instagram, Twitter och Facebook. Primärt har kvantitativa metoder använts för att undersöka faktorerna som avgör vilket material som sprids. De årliga rapporter som beskriver användningen av sociala medier har visat att det huvudsakligen är ungdomar som använder de digitala sociala tjänster där influencers vanligen figurerar. Denna studie ämnar därför att med kvalitativ ansats och diskurspsykologisk analysmetod undersöka hur ungdomar som bor i Sverige konstruerar fenomenet influencer. Vi hoppas att med vår studie skapa en förståelse för hur unga vuxna konstruerar influencers. Denna studie har genom kvalitativa intervjuer undersökt tio ungdomar från Uppsala och Stockholm som följer influencers på sociala medier. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med diskurspsykologisk utgångspunkt med avsikt att urskilja de språkliga resurser deltagarna använde sig av för att förstå fenomenet. Vi fann två etablerade tolkningsrepertoarer som intervjupersonerna använde för att förstå fenomenet influencer. Typisk influencer och egen influencer utkristalliserade sig under studiens analys och vi fann att moraliska aspekter avgjorde distinktionen mellan de två tolkningsrepertoarerna. Avslutningsvis fann vi även att majoriteten av deltagarna under intervjuerna uppvisade ett avståndstagande mot den typiska influencern.
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Vem är det framför skärmen? : En fördjupad textanalys om hur svenska politiker konstruerar jag-bilder på Twitter. / Who is it infront of the screen? : A qualitative textual analysis of how Swedish politicians construct various “self-images” on the medium Twitter.Åldal, Linda January 2014 (has links)
The trend of social media is a global hit and now both individuals, businesses, celebrities and politicianshave their own social media pages, which means that the visibility increases and focus lies on what'swritten and published by the person. Mediated communication are everywhere around us and affects theway we communicate with each other and also the way we look at ourselves and most importantly how weportray ourselves. The individual's perspective has become a relevant issue with the rapid moderndevelopment. One's cultural identity can be seen as a life-long project.The purpose of this paper is to do an in-depth text analysis to examine how Swedish politicians constituteand construct identities, with a focus on "the self" and the "mediatization self" on the micro-blog Twitter.The theoretical ground for this study is from a discourse analysis point of view that focus on ”the self” andthe ”meditization self”. Erving Goffmans theory about the self, frontstage and backstage has also beenpart of the theoretical ground among others. The method is based on a discourse psychology-analyze andthe material has been texts/ tweets from four different politicians. The result of the study has shown thatthe tweets can be divided into three different themes. “The political-self”, “The news-self” and “the privatevs the public-self”. The self-image can be seen as a construction based on what the audience expect fromthe person tweeting. A underlying theme has been found that can be connected to the self-image. Thetheme is called “the significant other” which means that the person who is tweeting takes on the role ofbeing “the significant other” and guides his/hers audience through the jungle of information that mediaprovides.
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"In an ideal world people wouldn’t be watching my videos" : En kvalitativ studie av YouTube-musiklärares syn på sin egen praktik / "In an ideal world people wouldn’t be watching my videos" : A study of YouTube music teachers’ views on their own teachingHagersjö Sandqvist, Elias January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur internetbaserade musiklärare konstruerar sin syn på videoundervisning. För att undersöka detta har fokusgrupper bestående av internetbaserade musiklärare använts som datainsamlingsmetod. Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsansats och en socialkonstruktionistisk ontologisk och epistemologisk utgångspunkt, och diskurspsykologi används som teoretiskt och analytiskt perspektiv. I resultatet synliggörs tolkningsrepertoarer där olika synsätt på videoundervisning uttrycks. Dessa tolkningsrepertoarer framställs ibland som motstridiga, så som framställningarna av videoundervisning som begränsande respektive som fördelaktigt. Detsamma gäller framställningarna av videoundervisning som något för många respektive som något för få. Däremot rådde samstämmighet i tolkningsrepertoaren som framställer videoundervisning som marknadsstyrt. Resultatet diskuteras i relation till tidigare forskning om instruktionsvideor, YouTube och musiklärares syn på undervisning. / The purpose of this study is to examine how internet-based music teachers construct their views towards video lessons. To examine this, focus groups consisting of internet-based music teachers were used as a method for data collection. The study has a qualitative research approach and a social constructionist ontological and epistemological view, and discourse psychology is used as a theoretical and analytical framework. The results shed light on interpretative repertoires where different views towards video lessons are expressed. Sometimes these interpretative repertoires are described as conflicting, such as the descriptions of video lessons as limiting or as beneficial. This is also true for the descriptions of video lessons as something for a large audience or video lessons as something for a small audience. Other interpretative repertoires are unanimous, such as the description of video lessons as market driven. The results are discussed in relation to previous research on instructional videos, YouTube and music teachers' views on teaching.
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Att nå ut till alla : Regionernas kommunikation med utrikesfödda under coronapandemin / To Reach Everyone : The Regional Councils’ Communication to Foreign-Born During the COVID-19 PandemicOlgarsson, Petra January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the research conducted in To Reach Everyone – The Regional Councils’ Communication to Foreign-Born During the COVID-19 Pandemic is to explore how communications officers on Swedish regional councils have thought and resonated about the strategies used to reach foreign-born during the COVID-19 pandemic. Discourse psychology is the main theoretical framework and is combined with a late modern view on crisis communication and the Discourse of Renewal Theory. The study can be placed in the field of strategic communication. The material consists of qualitative semi-structured interviews with six communications officers from different regional councils. The interviews were conducted in the spring of 2021. The results show that all of the six regional councils have taken foreign-born into consideration in their communication. Furthermore, six interpretative repertoires were identified: responsibility, resources, cooperation, wide selection of channels, constantly changing information and learning. The communications officers feel a huge responsibility to reach the entire population, however, often lack the resources needed. The main strategies to reach foreign-born has been cooperation with other actors and using a wide selection of channels in the communication efforts. The communications officers have been challenged by the constantly changing information and use their experiences for learning for future situations.
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Prestera mera! : En diskurspsykologisk studie i lärares förhållningssätt till prestationsångest hos elever i musikundervisning på gymnasie- och folkhögskola. / Perform, Achieve, Accomplish! : A discourse psychological study of music teachers’ views on performance anxiety among high school and folk high school music students.Tåhlin, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att belysa vilka olika diskursers som kommer till uttryck när musiklärare i gymnasie- och folkhögskolan talar om fenomenet prestationsångest hos elever och hur de arbetar med det i sin undervisning. Diskurspsykologi utgör den teoretiska grunden för studien och tillämpade datainsamlingsmetoden är fokusgrupper. Två fokusgruppsamtal genomfördes där lärare från olika skolor samtalade kring ämnet prestationsångest kopplat till musikundervisning. Samtalen spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades i sökandet efter tolkningsrepertoarer. I resultatet presenteras ett antal olika tolkningsrepertoarer kring lärarnas beskrivning av sin syn på prestationsångest och sitt arbete med att förebygga och hantera prestationsångest hos sina elever. Viss motsättning framkom mellan olika tolkningsrepertoarer, exempelvis synen på prestationsångest som något som kommer inifrån och prestationsångest som något som kommer utifrån. Som metoder för att förebygga och hantera prestationsångest lyfts bland annat ett analyserande och icke-värderande språkbruk, förberedelse och mental träning. I diskussionen lyfts de mest framträdande delarna av resultat och diskuteras i relation till presenterad litteratur och tidigare forskning inom området. En slutsats som dras är att arbete med prestationsångest konstrueras som komplext men mycket angeläget. / The purpose of the study is to illuminate the different discourses that are expressed when music teachers discuss the phenomena of music performance anxiety among students, and how they address the issue in their teaching. Discourse psychology is the theoretical framework of the study and focus group interviews were used as the method for data collection. Two different focus group interviews took place, where teachers from different schools discussed the topic of performance anxiety in music education. The conversations were recorded, transcribed and analyzed in the search for interpretative repertoires. The result presents a number of different interpretative repertoires that shows how the teachers describe their views on performance anxiety and their work to prevent and manage it with their students. Some degree of conflict is shown between different interpretative repertoires such as performance anxiety as something that comes from within and performance anxiety as something that is affected by external factors. An analytical and non-evaluating language, preparation and mental training are some examples of methods to prevent and manage performance anxiety that the teachers described. The most prominent aspects of the results are discussed in relation to literature and previous research within the field. One conclusion that is made is that performance anxiety is being constructed as a complex phenomenon, but one that is really important to address.
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Professionsmaktens framställning av fenomenet ADHD - en diskursanalysHedtjärn, Anita, Therése, Persson January 2016 (has links)
In the body of knowledge surrounding ADHD there is a power struggle regarding which interpretations and perspectives should prevail. Representatives from various scientific disciplines and professions write and publish articles about the diagnosis based on their respective points of view. These articles are the focus of this thesis. Among other things it can be seen in these examined articles that, the prevalence of ADHD is higher amongst established bodies of social care, and that there is a lack of knowledge regarding the diagnosis in social systems such as schools and social services. Our aim with this study is to highlight how professionals within the Swedish contemporary field of knowledge surrounding ADHD create significance and meaning of the phenomenon. Based on Jonathan Potters discourse analysis, we focus on how ADHD is described by professionals in contemporary Swedish articles about ADHD and also on how these descriptions become valid and credible in these texts. The approach used in our case has been article analysis, based on Potter's rhetorical toolbox that includes both theory and method in one. ADHD is widely presented in the articles with descriptions ranging from a cultural disease constructed by prevailing social climate to being a genetic abnormality. Using various rhetorical strategies it is possible to establish totally different groups of interpretative repertoires as all true. In this thesis, we also discuss the possible consequences of these various explanations and constructions within social work and society at large.
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KVINNA OCH CHEF : En diskurspsykologisk uppsats om hur kvinnor som är chefer framställer chefskapEmersson Vallqvist, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att studera hur kvinnor som är chefer framställer chefskapet och svara på frågeställningen på vilka sätt chefskapet konstrueras samt vilka villkor och förväntningar som finns utifrån kvinnornas konstruktioner. Totalt intervjuades sex kvinnliga chefer i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Utifrån intervjutranskriptioner identifierades tre tolkningsrepertoarer och tre subjektspositioner. Tolkningsrepertoarerna var; ”det professionella samspelet”, ”det kravfyllda chefskapet” och ”den manliga och det kvinnliga i chefskapet”. De identifierade subjektspositionerna var; ”chefen som kollega”, ”chefen som den ytterst ansvariga” och ”den elaka kvinnan”. Studien genomfördes med diskurspsykologisk och socialkonstruktionistiskt teori och metod. Studien resulterade i identifierandet av tre tolkningsrepertoarer och tre subjektspositioner inom vilka olika aspekter av hur chefskapet konstruerades redogjordes för samt hur dessa kan tolkas i förhållande till förväntningar och villkor. / The purpose of this paper is to study how female managers constructs leadership and to answer in what ways leadership can be constructed together with what conditions and expectations that exists based on the women´s constructs. Six female managers where interviewed in semi structured interviews. From the interview transcripts three interpretation repertoires and three subject positions where identified. The identified interpretation repertoires where; “the professional teamwork”, “the demanding leadership” and “the male and female in leadership”. The subject positions where; “The manager as a colleague”, “the manager as the ultimately responsible” and “the mean woman”. The study was conducted with discourse-psychological and social constructionistic theory and method. The result of the study showed the identification of three interpretation repertoires and three subject positions within which different aspects of how leadership was constructed and how they can be interpreted in relation to expectations and terms.
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Snapshots from Between : Non-binary identity construction on InstagramReichwaldt, Kai January 2018 (has links)
Though technically not a new phenomenon historically or geographically, non-binary identities arestarting to be more visible in Sweden, and have become a topic of both discussion concerninghuman rights and anti-discriminatory practices, but also mockery. In this thesis I wanted to have acloser look at how Swedish people identifying as neither wholly male nor female presentthemselves on social media in text and image, as well as how they describe the resistance they meetin regards to their identity and choices of presentation. Its theoretical basis lies in works of JudithButler, Jack Halberstam and Lee Edelman to examine which societal structures the subjects of thisstudy have to relate to. The source of my empirical material are ten Instagram accounts, which wereanalysed via an integrated discourse psychology/discourse theory approach. During the period ofmaterial collection, an incident in the shape of a public debate concerning trans questions had aconsiderable impact on the lives of the subjects of this study, consequentially making it a significanttheme of the thesis. The results show the difficulty of trying to hold a balance between or outsidethe gender and/or sex binary in a society which only recognizes male and female, as well as theconflicts of identity which can arise when one’s gender identity clashes with other importantpersonal values.
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Teknik och känsla : konstruktioner i samtal med lärare inom högre musikalisk utbildningKuuse, Anna-Karin January 2013 (has links)
Denna uppsats studerar användandet av språk kring konst och konstnärlighet i fråga om musik. Den problematiserar svårigheten att dela språk kring dessa be- grepp inom olika musikpedagogiska inriktningar; utbildning till lärare i musik, utbildning till musiker och utbildning till musikterapeut.Hur konstrueras mening i tal kring konst i musik, kring pedagogisk konsekvens av konstbegreppet i konstnärlig utbildning samt det statliga uppdraget att utbilda i musik. I de samtal som ligger till grund för studien, deltar verksamma pedagoger inom högre musikutbildning vid tre olika lärosäten. Diskussionen och förhand- lingarna mellan dessa pedagoger har analyserats med hjälp av diskursanalys med fokus på diskurspsykologi. De retoriska teman och positioner som de medver- kande agenterna har till hands inom diskursen är i föreliggande studie sedda som tecken på diskurs. Två diskurser framträder tydligt och diskuteras slutligen utifrån historiska diskurser och effekter för utbildningar med konstarten musik. / This is the thesis about the usage of language around art and artistic actions in the area of music. It want to problematize the difficulty of sharing language around these concepts within different parts of academic learning in music; education for teachers in music, education for musicians and education for music therapists. How do teachers in musical disciplines at three Swedish academies of music talk and construct meaning around art in music, around the pedagogic implementa- tions of the subject art in artistic education and the governmental issue with this artistic education that they are supposed to work inside. The discussions between these teachers are analyzed through a discourse analyses or rather discourse psy- chology. The rhetoric themes and the positions that the different agents are sup- posed to take inside the discourse are here seen as the signs of the discourse. Two discourses are clearly found and in the last part discussed in matter of historical discourse and implications for music education.
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Att prata i politik : En diskurspsykologisk undersökning av positionering i kommunfullmäktigeForss, Henrik, Asteberg, David January 2015 (has links)
Lokal politik har en viktig roll i samhället och dess faktakonstruktion kan ha en påverkan på individen. Lokalpolitikern konstruerar i sina anföranden beskrivningar av verkligheten som görs trovärdiga genom retoriskt arbete. Arbetet använder en diskurspsykologisk metod för att undersöka kommunpolitikers anförande i debatten rörande kommunens styrdokument, Inriktning, verksamhet och ekonomi (förkortat IVE) för åren 2015 till 2018. Studien kommer fram till att problem och lösningar görs till fakta genom användandet av offensiv och defensiv retorik. I konstruerandet av problemet finns också ett konstruerande av en politisk motståndare som föranlett problemet. Producerandet görs trovärdigt genom retoriska resurser som främst är av offensiv karaktär. I konstruerandet av lösningar positionerar kommunpolitiker sig nära lösningen och som kapabla och ansvarsfulla aktörer. I producerandet nyttjas retoriska resurser som främst är av defensiv karaktär. / Local government has an important role in society and their facts construction can have an impact on the individual citizen. In their speeches, local politicians construct descriptions of reality that are made credible by their rhetorical work. This study utilizes a discourse psychological method to investigate municipal politicians’ speech in the debate on the municipal policy regarding Orientation, Services and Economics (abbreviated IVE) for the years of 2015 throughout 2018. The study concludes that problems and solutions become facts through utilization of offensive and defensive rhetorical techniques. In the construction of the problem there is also a construction of the political opponent that has prompted the problem. The production is made credible through rhetorical resources of primarily offensive characteristics. In constructing the solution the municipal politicians position themselves close to the solution and as capable and responsible actors. In the production they use rhetorical resources that are mainly in defensive form.
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