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Envolvimento do núcleo accumbens e da amígdala na neurobiologia dos transtornos do comportamento disruptivo e do transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade: um estudo de conectividade funcional de repouso em crianças / Involvement of the nucleus accumbens and the amygdala in the neurobiology of disruptive behavior disorders and of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a resting-state functional connectivity study in childrenDias, Taciana Gontijo da Costa 09 November 2017 (has links)
Os transtornos do comportamento disruptivo (TDC), representados pelo transtorno de oposição desafiante e pelo transtorno de conduta, e o transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH) são transtornos intimamente relacionados. Teorias e estudos sugerem o envolvimento de regiões relacionadas ao processamento de emoções e de recompensas, entre elas a amígdala e o núcleo accumbens (NAcc), em ambos os transtornos. Avaliar as conexões cerebrais do NAcc e da amígdala nos TCD e no TDAH pode contribuir para a elucidação da neurobiologia dos transtornos e de comportamentos relacionados. O objetivo do presente estudo foi caracterizar a conectividade funcional do NAcc e da amígdala em crianças com TDAH e com TCD e avaliar a relação entre a conectividade funcional destas regiões e comportamentos atípicos característicos e comuns a ambos os transtornos. Neste estudo, crianças (idade média = 11,28 anos) classificadas como apresentando TCD (n=22), TDAH (n=25) ou desenvolvimento típico (DT; n=236) foram submetidas a sessão de ressonância magnética funcional de repouso. Foi avaliada a conectividade funcional de repouso de 2 regiões de interesse (NAcc e amígdala) ao restante do cérebro. Em uma abordagem categórica, os mapas de conectividade foram comparados entre os grupos. Além disto, em uma abordagem dimensional, conectividade funcional do NAcc e da amígdala foi correlacionada a pontuações em 3 dimensões de comportamento: desatenção/hiperatividade, agressividade e problemas de conduta, gerando 3 mapas de correlação (conectividade x comportamento) para cada região. Nesta etapa toda a amostra foi incluída (n=283). Os resultados da abordagem categórica mostraram algumas conexões específicas do TCD e do TDAH. As conexões do NAcc à insula posterior e ao precuneus diferenciaram os TCD do DT e do TDAH. A conexão entre amígdala e giro lingual diferenciou TDAH de DT e de TCD. O TDAH também exibiu conectividade atípica da amígadala com o giro pré-central e com o lóbulo parietal inferior, comparado a crianças com DT. Não foi encontrada conectividade funcional alterada do NAcc em crianças com TDAH ou da amígdala em crianças com TCD, comparadas a crianças com DT. A abordagem dimensional demonstrou um padrão diferente de resultados. Pontuações de desatenção/hiperatividade e agressividade estiveram associadas a conectividade do NAcc ao giro fusiforme e ao córtex pré-frontal dorso-medial. Desatenção/ hiperatividade esteve correlacionada com conectividade da amígdala ao lóbulo parietal inferior, ao giro temporal médio e ao sulco pré-central superior. Agressividade esteve correlacionada com conectividade da amígdala ao precuneus e ao giro frontal superior. Problemas de conduta estiveram correlacionados com a conectividade NAcc-giro frontal superior e com a conectividade da amígdala ao giro cingulado posterior, ao precuneus, ao córtex pré-frontal medial e ao giro lingual. Os resultados indicam, portanto, que existem conexões funcionais do NAcc e da amígdala especificamente associadas aos TCD ou ao TDAH e que comportamentos atípicos comuns a ambos os transtornos estão relacionados a alterações na conectividade funcional do NAcc e da amígdala. Concluindo, a abordagem dimensional pode complementar a abordagem categórica na avaliação da neurobiologia dos TCD e do TDAH / Disruptive behavior disorders (DBD), represented by oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are intrinsically related disorders. Theories and studies suggest the involvement of regions related to emotional and reward processing, among them the amygdala and the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), in both disorders. Evaluating brain connections of the NAcc and of the amygdala in DBD and in ADHD may contribute to elucidate the neurobiology of the disorders and of related behaviors. The objective of this study was to characterize functional connectivity of the NAcc and of the amygdala in children with ADHD and with DBD, and to evaluated the relationship between functional connectivity of those regions and atypical behaviors characteristic and common to both disorders. In this study, children (mean age= 11.28 years) classified as DBD (n=22), ADHD (n=25), or typical development (TD; n=236) underwent resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging session. Whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity of 2 regions of interest (NAcc and amygdala) was evaluated. In a categorical approach, connectivity maps were compared between groups. Furthermore, in a dimensional approach, functional connectivity of the NAcc and of the amygdala was correlated to scores in 3 behavior dimensions: inattention/hyperactivity, aggressiveness, and conduct problems, producing 3 correlation maps (connectivity vs. behavior) for each region. For this phase the entire sample was included (n=283). Results from the categorical approach showed some connections specific to DBD and to ADHD. NAcc connections to posterior insula and to precuneus differed DBD from TD and from ADHD. The connection between amygdala and lingual gyrus differed ADHD from TDC and from DBD. ADHD also exhibited atypical amygdala connectivity with precentral gyrus and with inferior parietal lobule, compared to children with TD. There was no altered NAcc functional connectivity in children with ADHD or altered amygdala functional connectivity in children with DBD, compared to children with TD. The dimensional approach showed a different pattern of results. Inattention/hyperactivity and aggression scores were associated with NAcc connectivity to fusiform gyrus and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex. Inattention/hyperactivity was correlated with amygdala connectivity to inferior parietal lobule, middle temporal gyrus, and superior precentral sulcus. Aggression was related with amygdala connectivity to precuneus and superior frontal gyrus. Conduct problems were correlated with NAcc-superior frontal gyrus connectivity, and with amygdala connectivity to posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus, medial prefrontal cortex, and lingual gyrus. Results indicate, therefore, that there are NAcc and amygdala functional connections specifically associated with DBD or with ADHD, and that atypical behaviors common to both disorders are related to changes in functional connectivity of the NAcc and of the amygdala. In conclusion, the dimensional approach may complement the categorical approach in evaluating the neurobiology of DBD and of ADHD
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Autonomous, connected, electric shared vehicles (ACES) and public finance: An explorative analysisAdler, Martin, Peer, Stefanie, Sinozic, Tanja January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
This paper discusses the implications of autonomous-connected-electric-shared vehicles (ACES) for public finance, which have so far been widely ignored in the literature. In OECD countries, 5-12% of federal and up to 30% of local tax revenues are currently collected from fuel and vehicle taxation. The diffusion of ACES will significantly reduce these important sources of government revenues and affect transport-related government expenditures, unless additional policies are introduced to align the new technological context with the tax revenue requirements. We argue that the realization of socioeconomic benefits of ACES depends on the implementation of tailored public finance policies, which can take advantage of the increase in data availability from the further digitalization of transportation systems. In particular, the introduction of road tolls in line with "user Pays" and "polluter Pays" principles will become more feasible for policy. Moreover, innovation in taxation schemes to fit the changing technological circumstances may alter the relative importance of levels of governance in transport policy making, likely shifting power towards local, in particular urban, governmental levels. We finally argue that, given the risk of path-dependencies and lock-in to sub-optimal public finance regimes if policies are implemented late, further research and near-term policy actions taken during the diffusion process of ACES are required.
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廠商進行突破性產品創新之影響因素—台灣製造業的實證分析 / The Determinants of Disruptive Innovation - An Empirical Study of Taiwan Manufacturing Industry何弘凱, Ho, Hong Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的為探討突破性創新之影響因素,採用兩階段法進行實證分析,第一階段探討產業特性、廠商特性與產品創新之關係;第二階段則探討廠商進行突破性創新之影響因素,包括產業特性、廠商特性與廠商創新策略,希望透過兩階段的比較,釐清外在環境與內在條件如何分別影響廠商進行產品創新與突破性創新之決策。本研究利用國科會企劃處2007年「台灣地區第二次產業創新活動調查研究」資料庫,選擇台灣地區製造業廠商為研究對象,第一階段採用Logit迴歸模型進行實證分析,第二階段則以Logit模型以及Heckman模型進行實證,希望透過Heckman二階段模型修正「樣本自我選擇偏誤」(self-selection bias)發生之可能性,實證結果發現:
三、具有以下創新策略的廠商較可能進行突破性創新:1.自有品牌廠商 2.有新產品的行銷活動 3.追求拓展產品線 4.與供應商協同創新 5.追求先行者優勢
四、與顧客協同創新、追求既有市場佔有率的廠商對於突破性創新有負向影響 / The main purpose of this research is to explore the factors or determinants of product innovation and disruptive innovation for the manufacturer firms in Taiwan. In this empirical studies, we use Logit model and Heckman selection model to demonstrate the factors affect a firm adopting product innovation and disruptive innovation separately. By analyzing the data from 2007 Taiwan Technological Innovation Survey, it shows:
1.The position of value added chain, firm size, market scope have positive correlation with product innovation. B2C firms has negative correlation with product innovation. Firm age and Hi-tech industry firms don’t have significant correlation with product innovation.
2. The position of value added chain, firm size have positive correlation with disruptive innovation.
3.Firms have innovation strategy as followed tend to adopt disruptive innovation:(i)Brand manufacturer (ii)Engage in marketing activity of the innovative product (iii)Pursue the extension of product line (iv)Collaborative innovation with suppliers (v)Pursue first mover advantage
4. Firms have innovation strategy as followed tend not to adopt disruptive innovation:(i)Collaborative with customers (ii)Pursue the market share of existing product
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從企業產權結構探討創新者的兩難 / The Discussion on the "Innovator's Dilemma" from the Ownership Structure of Enterprise李建宏, Lee, Chien Hung Unknown Date (has links)
「成功、成熟且領導中的既有企業為何失敗?」從Christensen 1997年發表書中定義創新者的兩難(The Innovator’s Dilemma) :「管理階層為企業成功所做出的理性而智慧的決策,正是促使企業失去領導地位的主因」,說明既有企業高階經理人將資源分配給主流高階市場,忽略新進企業從非主流市場進入的破壞性創新(disruptive innovation)的取代性,導致既有企業的產品逐漸被取代而失去領導地位。後續補充破壞式創新的文獻,認為除了資源依賴與分配外,動態能耐、組織文化是重要的補充研究構面,但仍缺乏相關企業產權議題構面的探討。
本研究以Milgrom(1992)及李仁芳(1993, 1999a,b)的企業產權理論,補充創新者兩難理論中對企業產權解釋的不足,在企業的管理權與所有權的過度分離下,會讓經理人自利的理性決策偏向企業短期收益,而損害長期股東權益,這樣讓破壞式創新對企業產生無法妥協的組織兩難衝突,才是導致企業無法存活在破壞式創新的浪潮中的原因之一。
研究發現企業所有權與管理權集中者容易為破壞式創新的適應者;相對的所有權與管理權分離者,容易成為破壞式創新的淘汰者。企業的產權結構差異影響了決策過程,造成不同策略選擇,是影響企業面對破壞式創新轉型成功的關鍵因素之一。在實務上,意涵企業平時的產權結構就應未來的技術發展做因應規劃,而在面對破壞式創新威脅時刻,更應積極透過股權結構再造的方式讓所有權與管裡權有某種程度的重疊,這是因應破壞式創新浪潮轉型的重要力量來源。 / Why successful, mature and leading incumbent companies fail? From the definition of “The Innovator’s Dilemma” in Christensen’s book (1997), what management makes rational and intelligent decision is the cause firms lose their leading position, which may explain that management level of established firms allocate resource on high margin market by following main customers and ignore low margin from “disruptive innovation” market by new entrant firms. In addition to resource dependence and allocation, the extant literature pertaining to disruptive innovation has been categorized into organizational structure, organizational culture and dynamic capability. However, the impact of enterprise ownership structure on disruptive innovation rarely has been studied.
This study tried to complement innovation dilemma theory with ownership theory. The over separation of ownership and management of corporation would contribute to self-interest management decision tending to short-term revenue rather than long term development of firms, which cause unbalanced organizational dilemma under disruptive innovation condition. It would be one of main reason that leading firms fail to transform in the wave of disruptive innovation.
In order to test the organizational dilemma theory, this study comprised multiple cases research method of 2 multinational film companies and 8 computer monitor manufacturers in Taiwan. Comparing two film makers, Kodak with Fujifilm, under digital camera technology replacement and 8 Taiwan CRT computer monitor manufacturers under LCD technology replacement their coping strategy and corresponding ownership structure.
One of major findings of this study is that integration of ownership and management would easily adapt to disruptive innovation wave. On the contrary, the separation of ownership and management would be eliminated from disruptive innovation wave. The ownership structure of enterprise influences decision making process and choice of coping strategy, which play major role in transforming firms successfully into disruptive innovation. In practice, the implication of this research is that ownership structure of firms is corresponding to future technology development. While facing the disruptive innovation emerging, the necessary of integration between ownership and management is critical by financial restructure, which would be main power to transform firms into new disruptive innovation.
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中國大陸電信業管理體制改革下之政企互動--中國電信的個案研究 / The Government-SOEs Relations under China's Telecommunication Industry Reform: A Case Study on China Telecom詹巧鈴 Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,在政府政策預期的方向上,找到規制與企業利益的平衡點,乃是微觀放鬆與宏觀加強管理體制下,企業的生存之道。個案中,自主性提升的「中國電信」,便是在制度規範中找到追求利益的空間,推出「小靈通」,並透過改革過程中未能徹底解決的產權問題,利用國家重視國有資產保值增值的弱點,以及斬不斷的政企裙帶關係,促成最終的管制放鬆。 / Under the situation without caring about subjectivities of businesses, the state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have been defined as the passive actors. China Telecom, however, depended upon “Xiao-ling-tong” (China’s PHS system) to break through the norms of Chinese government by using Disruptive Innovation Model and got the opportunity into the market. This volume in the light of Rational Choice Institutionalism got the subjectivities of SOEs back and discussed with how the managers in China Telecom considered the strategies of “Xiao-ling-tong” in the circumstance during China’s telecommunication industry reform. And would like to know how the government faced the changing of norms and interactions among the SOEs into the process of control and vice versa at the same time.
We found, fortunately, that getting the balancing act between government’s principles and SOEs’ interests is the way which could accord with expectations of government’s policy for businesses to exist. The cases showed the reason why China Telecom with added subjectivity can get its own rooms for profit in the norms is by using “Xiao-ling-tong” and through the property rights problems that couldn’t be resolved, by taking advantage of the fact that Chinese government cares about his properties perpetually or increasingly, and by utilizing the uninterrupted relationship between politics and commerce to push the deregulateon finally.
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父母控制、青少年自我概念與其情緒困擾及偏差行為關係之研究 / Relations among Parental Control and Adolescents' Self Concept, Emotional Disturbance and Disruptive Behavior梅淑鶯, May, Iris Unknown Date (has links)
(一)、 青少年知覺中等程度之父母心理控制與父母行為控制、中上程度之自我概念、低程度之情緒困擾與偏差行為。
(二)、 男、女生所知覺之父母心理控制、焦慮、及偏差行為,存在顯著差異。
(三)、 國、高中生所知覺之父母行為控制、自我概念、焦慮、憂鬱、憤怒、及偏差行為,存在顯著差異。
(四)、 青少年知覺之父母心理控制與其自我概念之間存在顯著負相關、父母行為控制與其自我概念之間存在顯著正相關;父母心理控制與父母行為控制之間存在顯著正相關。
(五)、 青少年自我概念與其焦慮、憂鬱、憤怒、及偏差行為之間,皆存在顯著負相關。
(六)、 青少年知覺之父母心理控制與其焦慮、憂鬱、憤怒、及偏差行為之間,皆存在顯著正相關。
(七)、 青少年知覺之父母行為控制與其焦慮、憂鬱、及憤怒之間,皆不存在顯著相關;青少年知覺之父母行為控制與其偏差行為之間,存在顯著負相關。
(八)、 「父母控制、青少年自我概念、與其情緒困擾及偏差行為間關係」理論模式,與由研究對象為觀察樣本所估計之模式達到適配。亦即將青少年自我概念納入模式後,青少年知覺之父母心理控制對其情緒困擾(焦慮、憂鬱、及憤怒)不再存在直接影響,僅透過青少年自我概念間接負向影響其情緒困擾與偏差行為;父母行為控制除了直接負向影響偏差行為之外,還透過青少年自我概念間接負向影響其情緒困擾與偏差行為。
本研究根據上述研究結果逕行討論,並提出建議,供後續相關研究與實務工作之參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether adolescent’s self concept is able to mediate between parental control and adolescent’s emotional disturbance as well as disruptive behavior. Parental control includes psychological control and behavioral control. Emotional disturbance is composed of anxiety, depression and anger.
A total of 967 secondary school students from grade 7 to grade 12 responded to the Parental Psychological Control Scale, Parental Monitoring Scale, Self Concept Scale, Anxiety Scale, Adolescent’s Depressive Scale, Anger Temperament Scale and Disruptive Behavior Scale to measure the parental psychological control, parental behavioral control, adolescent’s self concept, anxiety, depression, anger and disruptive behavior respectively. The data were conducted by descriptive statistics, T test, Pearson correlation, structural equation modeling. The major findings are as follows:
1. Adolescents perceived middle level of parental psychological control and behavioral control, upper middle level of self concept, and low level of emotional disturbance as well as disruptive behavior.
2. The parental psychological control, anxiety and disruptive behavior perceived by the male adolescents are significantly different from those perceived by the female adolescents.
3. The parental behavioral control, self concept, anxiety, depression, anger and disruptive behavior perceived by the junior high school students are significantly different from those perceived by the senior high school students.
4. Parental psychological control and behavioral control have the significantly negative and positive correlation with self concept respectively. Parental psychological control is positively correlated with behavioral control significantly.
5. Self concept is negatively correlated with emotional disturbance and disruptive behavior.
6. Parental psychological control is positively correlated with emotional disturbance and disruptive behavior.
7. Parental behavioral control is negatively correlated with disruptive behavior, however, have no significant correlation with emotional disturbance.
8. The SEM results showed that the proposed “model of relations among parental control and adolescents' self concept, emotional disturbance and disruptive behavior” fit the collected data well. That means when considering self concept in model, parental psychological control no longer affects emotional disturbance directly, but, negatively influences emotional disturbance and disruptive behavior via self concept indirectly. Parental behavior control owns the similar indirect influence like psychological control, besides, affects disruptive behavior directly.
In accordance with the findings, researcher raised several advices for parents and school for the sake of parental practices and education. Suggestions were also made for further research.
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電源供應器產業之突破式創新研究 / Study of Disruptive Innovation on the Power Supply Industry陳政婷, Chen, Cheng Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討電源供應器產業之突破式創新的可能性。透過文獻了解創新的涵意和學者對創新的分類,深入比較「維持性創新」(Sustaining Innovation)與其高階入侵(High-end encroachment),以及「突破式創新」(Disruptive Innovation)之三種低階入侵(Low-end encroachment)方式,分別為:即刻市場入侵(Immediate low-end encroachment)、邊緣市場入侵(Fringe-market low-end encroachment)、分離市場入侵( Detached-market low-end encroachment)。
本文藉由與產業專家的深入訪談得知目前既有企業對於新科技尚未開始準備,著實也驗證了Christensen(2005)提過主流企業常常因為過度著重現有技術,而忽略突破性科技的存在。最後,本文建議既有電源供應器產業應多留意突破性科技的入侵且適時跨入新科技,才能在突破性科技崛起時做好準備。 / The main purpose of this research is to examine the potential of disruptive innovation on the power supply industry. This article investigates the definitions and the classifications of innovation by various scholars. It identifies sustaining innovation with its high-end encroachment and disruptive innovation with its three approaches of low-end encroachment which are immediate, fringe-market, and detached-market.
This article reviews the power supply industry and its technology, applications, market status, supply chains and then investigates the wireless charging industry and its technologies, evolutions, standards, and market opportunities. To identify the potential of wireless charging becoming disruptive technology, the article refers to the three-step framework of Schmidt (2008) to assess the potential diffusion pattern. The primary attribute of the incumbent is the charging time whereas the primary attribute of new technology is its wireless convenience. The results classify wireless charging as a low-end detached-market encroachment. The current and new products initially sell to the two opposite ends of the market and the highest willingness to pay for each market in the beginning are different, which are “detached “from one another. Over time, charging time would be expected to improve and cost would be expected to decrease, wireless chargers will be more favorable to high-end users of the wired chargers, and eventually current market will be encroached by the new technology.
The interviews with incumbents present that current power supply firms have not initiated the development of wireless technology. Companies usually pursue sustaining innovations at the higher tiers of their markets because this is what has historically helped them succeed and they often missed the chances to disruptive innovation. (Christensen, 2005) The results suggest the established organizations to take more efforts to start looking into the disruptive technology so that established organizations will not be displaced by the new firms.
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Autonomous Systems in Society and War : Philosophical InquiriesJohansson, Linda January 2013 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis is to look at some philosophical issues surrounding autonomous systems in society and war. These issues can be divided into three main categories. The first, discussed in papers I and II, concerns ethical issues surrounding the use of autonomous systems – where the focus in this thesis is on military robots. The second issue, discussed in paper III, concerns how to make sure that advanced robots behave ethically adequate. The third issue, discussed in papers IV and V, has to do with agency and responsibility. Another issue, somewhat aside from the philosophical, has to do with coping with future technologies, and developing methods for dealing with potentially disruptive technologies. This is discussed in papers VI and VII. Paper I systemizes some ethical issues surrounding the use of UAVs in war, with the laws of war as a backdrop. It is suggested that the laws of war are too wide and might be interpreted differently depending on which normative moral theory is used. Paper II is about future, more advanced autonomous robots, and whether the use of such robots can undermine the justification for killing in war. The suggestion is that this justification is substantially undermined if robots are used to replace humans to a high extent. Papers I and II both suggest revisions or additions to the laws or war. Paper III provides a discussion on one normative moral theory – ethics of care – connected to care robots. The aim is twofold: first, to provide a plausible and ethically relevant interpretation of the key term care in ethics of care, and second, to discuss whether ethics of care may be a suitable theory to implement in care robots. Paper IV discusses robots connected to agency and responsibility, with a focus on consciousness. The paper has a functionalistic approach, and it is suggested that robots should be considered agents if they can behave as if they are, in a moral Turing test. Paper V is also about robots and agency, but with a focus on free will. The main question is whether robots can have free will in the same sense as we consider humans to have free will when holding them responsible for their actions in a court of law. It is argued that autonomy with respect to norms is crucial for the agency of robots. Paper VI investigates the assessment of socially disruptive technological change. The coevolution of society and potentially disruptive technolgies makes decision-guidance on such technologies difficult. Four basic principles are proposed for such decision guidance, involving interdisciplinary and participatory elements. Paper VII applies the results from paper VI – and a workshop – to autonomous systems, a potentially disruptive technology. A method for dealing with potentially disruptive technolgies is developed in the paper. / <p>QC 20130911</p>
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The psychotherapeutic worth of horse whispering for the aggressive childBronkhorst, Karin 30 June 2006 (has links)
This dissertation employs a case study research design and reviews literature from the field of animal assisted therapy (AAT) with an emphasis on equine facilitated psychotherapy (EFP), as a possible therapeutic alternative for treating inappropriate aggressive behaviour in a young boy. The research suggests that Horse Whispering can indeed be regarded as a viable therapeutic technique when intent on breaking the aggressive behaviour cycle. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.
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Voice over IP 2.0: an analysis of limits and potential of IP2IP telecommunicationHarder, Benjamin 23 April 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Gisele Isaura Hannickel (gisele.hannickel@fgv.br) on 2012-04-24T18:53:49Z
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120423 Master Thesis FGV.pdf: 3697873 bytes, checksum: f3ccbecacf430eaee0f0606f9daa9f36 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Eliene Soares da Silva (eliene.silva@fgv.br) on 2012-04-25T15:52:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
120423 Master Thesis FGV.pdf: 3697873 bytes, checksum: f3ccbecacf430eaee0f0606f9daa9f36 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-04-25T15:54:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
120423 Master Thesis FGV.pdf: 3697873 bytes, checksum: f3ccbecacf430eaee0f0606f9daa9f36 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-04-23 / Internet Telephony (VoIP) is changing the telecommunication industry. Oftentimes free, VoIP is becoming more and more popular amongst users. Large software companies have entered the market and heavily invest into it. In 2011, for instance, Microsoft bought Skype for 8.5bn USD. This trend increasingly impacts the incumbent telecommunication operators. They see their main source of revenue – classic telephony – under siege and disappear. The thesis at hand develops a most-likely scenario in order to determine how VoIP is evolving further and it predicts, based on a ten-year forecast, the impact it will have on the players in the telecommunication industry.The paper presents a model combining Rogers’ diffusion and Christensen’s innovation research. The model has the goal of explaining the past evolution of VoIP and to isolate the factors that determine the further diffusion of the innovation. Interviews with industry experts serve to assess how the identified factors are evolving.Two propositions are offered. First, VoIP operators are becoming more important in international, corporate, and mobile telephony. End-to-end VoIP (IP2IP) will exhibit strong growth rates and increasingly cannibalize the telephony revenues of the classic operators. Second, fix-net telephony in SMEs and at home will continue to be dominated by the incumbents. Yet, as prices for telephony fall towards zero also they will implement IP2IP in order to save costs. By 2022, up to 90% of the calls will be IP2IP. The author recommends the incumbents and VoIP operators to proactively face the change, to rethink their business strategies, and to even be open for cooperation.
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