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金融科技關鍵因素權重評比之研究 / Study of Weighting Assessment on Key Factors of Financial Technology吳泊綝, Wu, Pau Lin Unknown Date (has links)
不同群組的問卷對象之調查結果顯示,專家群組認為「提升消費者信賴程度」(0.1112) 以及「擴增消費者體驗」(0.0586)為前二重要的影響因子;學生群組認為「提升消費者信賴程度」(0.0630)、以及「使用者身份加密機制」(0.0575)為前二重要的影響因子。專家以及學生群組皆認為「提升消費者信賴程度」為金融科技發展中相對重要的影響因子。 / Financial technology is the current trend of the advanced countries such as Europe and the United States. Due to the progress of information technology, the current financial industry that faces the external competitors are no longer confined to the traditional financial industry, the new technology industry also joined the financial services. Disruptive Innovation is accelerating fermentation. The rise of the emerging business model of financial technology involves various different aspects and key success factors. The relative weight between these and the key factors is the subject of the relevant industries and government departments that are worthy of further study.
The purpose of this study is to explore the weight analysis of the key factors of Taiwan's financial science and technology, and to establish a hierarchical structure through the collection and compilation of related literature. The main level structure includes four aspects: government-oriented indicators, industry-oriented indicators, customer orientation, and technical safety Index. Through the four indicators of the integration of the sub-level of the influencing factors, and also through the hierarchical analysis of research and analysis, it is sorted out the impact of the weight of the factors.
Through the market survey, the questionnaire will be divided into two categories, including experts and student groups. It is found that regardless of the expert or student groups, both of them think that "technical safety indicators" is the most important financial technology development Key indicators. In the whole questionnaire, the key factors are ranked as follows: "Enhancing the degree of consumer trust" (0.0864), "Relaxation and adjustment of regulations" (0.0563), "User identity encryption mechanism" (0.0523)," the threat of the software " (0.0488), and "the zombie virus threat " (0.0475).
The results of the questionnaires of the different groups show that the group of experts considered " Enhancing the degree of consumer trust" (0.1112) and the "Expanded Consumer Experience" (0.0586) as the first two influencing factors; the student groups consider " Consumer trust" (0.0630), and the" user identity encryption mechanism" (0.0575) for the first two important factors. Experts and students consider that "Enhancing the degree of consumer trust" for the development of financial technology is a relatively important factor.
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Bilindustrins förmåga att hantera förändringar i affärsmodellerna : Hur den uppkopplade bilen påverkar bilindustrins affärsmodellerEkman, Björn January 2017 (has links)
The development of IT has enabled the Internet of Things. Internet of Things is connected devices that communicate with each other and generate data that can then be used for different purposes. The number of connected devices is estimated to 20.4 billion by year 2020. The technology allows the automotive industry to connect its vehicles, which is called Internet of Vehicles, an application of the Internet of Things and intelligent cars. The amount of scientific literature that addresses the economic aspects related to the Internet of Things is scarce and need to be investigated further. The connected car is a disruptive technology that is expected to affect the automotive industry and their business models radically in the next few years and nobody really knows how the industry may look like the next 10-15 years. This type of disruptive technology requires companies to have the competence to implement innovative business models. The study focuses on the connected car from a business perspective and makes no insight into technical aspects or security challenges. The purpose of the study is to create an under-standing of the challenges facing the automotive business models with the introduction of the Internet of Things, which gives the automotive industry the opportunity to connect their cars to a greater extent than before. The study's results show that the value proposition and the channels are the most important parts to focus on in the business model. In order for companies to capitalize on the connection, it is extremely important that the customers understand the value of the connection and that the companies properly manage the information derived from the connected cars. Today, companies offer services or increased value in existing business models to strengthen their brand. The respondents share the opinion that the traditional business models will not change radically as long as the ownership of the car stay the same. Ownership and autonomous cars are the factors that are expected to affect the automotive industry the most. According to the respondents in the study, in order to deal with disruptive innovations in the industry, courage, adaptability, prospects and innovative thinking are required. / IT-utvecklingen har möjliggjort sakernas internet, Internet of Things. Internet of Things är uppkopplade enheter som kommunicerar med varandra och genererar data som sedan kan användas i olika syften. Antalet anslutna enheter beräknas att uppgå till 20,4 miljarder år 2020. Tekniken ger bilindustrin möjligheten att koppla upp sina fordon vilket benämns som Internet of Vehicles, en applikation av Internet of Things och intelligenta bilar. Vetenskaplig litteratur som tar upp de ekonomiska aspekterna i relation till Internet of Things är begränsad och behöver undersökas i större utsträckning. Den uppkopplade bilen är en disruptiv teknologi som förväntas påverka bilindustrin och deras affärsmodeller radikalt inom de närmaste åren och det är ingen som riktigt vet hur industrin kan komma att se ut de närmsta 10-15 åren. Denna typ av disruptiv teknologi kräver att företagen har kompetensen att implementera innovativa affärsmodeller. Studien fokuserar på den uppkopplade bilen ur ett affärsperspektiv och gör ingen fördjupning i tekniska aspekter eller säkerhetsutmaningar. Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för vilka utmaningar bilindustrins affärsmodeller står inför med introduktionen av Internet of Things som ger industrin möjligheten att koppla upp sina bilar i en större omfattning än tidigare. Studiens resultat visar att värdeerbjudandet och kanalerna är de viktigaste delarna att fokusera på i affärsmodellen. För att företagen ska kunna kapitalisera på uppkopplingen är det viktigt att kunderna förstår värdet av uppkoppling och att företagen förvaltar informationen från de uppkopplade bilarna på rätt sätt. Idag erbjuder företagen tjänster eller utökat värde i befintlig affärsmodell för att stärka sitt varumärke. Respondenterna delar uppfattningen om att de traditionella affärsmodellerna inte kommer förändras radikalt så länge ägandet av bilen inte gör en helomvändning. Ägandeskapet och autonoma bilar är de faktorer som förväntas påverka industrin störst. Respondenterna i studien nämner fyra viktiga egenskaper för att kunna hantera disruptiva innovationer i branschen, mod, anpassningsbarhet, framtidsutsikt och nytänkande.
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The k-hop connected dominating set problem: approximation algorithms and hardness results / O problema do conjunto dominante conexo com k-saltos: aproximação e complexidadeRafael Santos Coelho 13 June 2017 (has links)
Let G be a connected graph and k be a positive integer. A vertex subset D of G is a k-hop connected dominating set if the subgraph of G induced by D is connected, and for every vertex v in G, there is a vertex u in D such that the distance between v and u in G is at most k. We study the problem of finding a minimum k-hop connected dominating set of a graph (Mink-CDS). We prove that Mink-CDS is NP-hard on planar bipartite graphs of maximum degree 4. We also prove that Mink-CDS is APX-complete on bipartite graphs of maximum degree 4. We present inapproximability thresholds for Mink-CDS on bipar- tite and on (1, 2)-split graphs. Interestingly, one of these thresholds is a parameter of the input graph which is not a function of its number of vertices. We also discuss the complex- ity of computing this graph parameter. On the positive side, we show an approximation algorithm for Mink-CDS. When k = 1, we present two new approximation algorithms for the weighted version of the problem, one of them restricted to graphs with a poly- nomially bounded number of minimal separators. Finally, also for the weighted variant of the problem where k = 1, we discuss an integer linear programming formulation and conduct a polyhedral study of its associated polytope. / Seja G um grafo conexo e k um inteiro positivo. Um subconjunto D de vértices de G é um conjunto dominante conexo de k-saltos se o subgrafo de G induzido por D é conexo e se, para todo vértice v em G, existe um vértice u em D a uma distância não maior do que k de v. Estudamos neste trabalho o problema de se encontrar um conjunto dominante conexo de k-saltos com cardinalidade mínima (Mink-CDS). Provamos que Mink-CDS é NP-difícil em grafos planares bipartidos com grau máximo 4. Mostramos que Mink-CDS é APX-completo em grafos bipartidos com grau máximo 4. Apresentamos limiares de inaproximabilidade para Mink-CDS para grafos bipartidos e (1, 2)-split, sendo que um desses é expresso em função de um parâmetro independente da ordem do grafo. Também discutimos a complexidade computacional do problema de se computar tal parâmetro. No lado positivo, propomos um algoritmo de aproximação para Mink-CDS cuja razão de aproximação é melhor do que a que se conhecia para esse problema. Finalmente, quando k = 1, apresentamos dois novos algoritmos de aproximação para a versão do problema com pesos nos vértices, sendo que um deles restrito a classes de grafos com um número polinomial de separadores minimais. Além disso, discutimos uma formulação de programação linear inteira para essa versão do problema e provamos resultados poliédricos a respeito de algumas das desigualdades que constituem o politopo associado à formulação.
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Les comportements perturbateurs, la relation maître-élève et la valeur perçue d’un cours au collégialPellerin, Érika 09 1900 (has links)
Il existe de nombreuses recherches portant sur la gestion de classe et les comportements d’indiscipline au primaire et au secondaire. Plusieurs de ces études indiquent que la relation maître-élève et la valeur accordée à un cours auraient un impact sur les comportements adoptés par ceux-ci en classe. Cependant, peu d’études ont été effectuées à ce sujet dans le contexte de l’enseignement collégial, propre au Québec. La présente étude visait donc à mieux documenter les liens entre la relation maître-élève et les comportements perturbateurs en classe au collégial, en prenant en compte le rôle potentiellement médiateur de la valeur que les élèves accordent au cours en question. Pour ce faire, 371 étudiants du collégial ont rempli un questionnaire mesurant la qualité de la relation maître-élève (positive et négative), la valeur accordée au cours (utilité et intérêt) et les comportements perturbateurs en classe. L’analyse des régressions linéaires indique que la qualité de la relation maître-élève et l’intérêt ont bien un lien avec les comportements perturbateurs des étudiants de niveau collégial. Les étudiants qui perçoivent positivement leur relation avec l’enseignant rapportent moins de comportements perturbateurs tandis que la perception d’une relation négative avec l’enseignant est associée à une plus grande fréquence de ces comportements. De plus, les résultats révèlent que le lien entre la relation maître-élève et les comportements perturbateurs est médié par la valeur accordée au cours. Plus précisément, la relation maître-élève positive n’a pas d’effet direct sur les comportements perturbateurs, mais plutôt sur l’intérêt des étudiants. En retour, l’intérêt est associé à moins de comportements perturbateurs. La relation maître-élève négative, quant à elle, conserve son lien avec les comportements perturbateurs tout en réduisant l’intérêt que les étudiants portent pour le cours. Ces résultats montrent que si la relation maître-élève possède des liens significatifs, directs et indirects, sur le comportement des étudiants du collégial, la capacité des enseignants à susciter et à maintenir l’intérêt des étudiants joue elle aussi un rôle primordial dans la prévention des comportements perturbateurs en classe. / There are numerous researches on classroom management and disruptive behaviors in elementary and high school. Several of these studies indicate that the relationship between teacher and students and the perceived value of a task or subject have an impact on the behaviors adopted by students in the classroom. However, few studies have been carried out on this subject in the context of college, specific to Quebec. The present study therefore aimed to better document the links between the teacher-student relationship and disruptive behavior in college class, by considering the potentially mediating role of the value that students place on the course in question. Thus, 371 college students completed a questionnaire made up of three self-reported item scales measuring the quality of the teacher-student relationship (positive and negative), the value given to the course (utility and interest) and disruptive behaviors in class. The analysis of linear regressions indicates that the quality of the teacher-student relationship and interest do indeed have a link with the disruptive behaviors of college students. Students who perceive their relationship with the teacher positively report less disruptive behavior while the perception of a negative relationship with the teacher is associated with a higher frequency of disruptive behavior. Furthermore, the results reveal that the link between the teacher-student relationship and disruptive behaviors is mediated by the perceived value of the course. Specifically, the positive teacher-student relationship does not have a direct effect on disruptive behavior, but rather on the interest of the students. In turn, interest is associated with less disruptive behavior. The negative teacher-student relationship, on the other hand, maintains its link with disruptive behavior while reducing students' interest in the course. These results show that while the teacher-student relationship has significant direct and indirect links to the behavior of college students, the ability of teachers to arouse and maintain student interest also plays a key role in preventing disruptive behavior in the classroom.
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Sharing Isn't Caring? : A Qualitative Study Focused on How Industry Incumbents Can Successfully Compete with Sharing Economy BusinessesAspebo, Philip, Kriegel, Luisa January 2021 (has links)
Sharing economy businesses have increasingly began to inhibit the competitive landscape of many different industries. Their growth can be primary connected to general digitalization developments. At its core, the sharing economy concept is built around efficiently using excess resources. In this thesis, it is argued that sharing economy businesses should be considered disruptive innovations, partly because they present incumbent firms with significant challenges. While the sharing economy business concept facilitates effective peer-to-peer exchange, and in the process provides new possibilities of employment, customer-centric innovation and market development, it can also be tied to a decreasing demand for goods and services offered by incumbents in the same marketplace. Examples of businesses built around the sharing economy concept include – but are not limited to – Airbnb, Vrbo, Uber, Lyft, Zilok, and Hygglo. Prior to the beginning of this research project, very little research regarding potential strategic countermeasures for incumbent firms to employ against sharing economy competitors had been conducted. As a result, this thesis serves the purpose of investigating the impact of sharing economy businesses from the perspective of incumbents and theorizing about potential responses. In order to facilitate this purpose, the hospitality industry was chosen as a representative of an industry that has experienced sharing economy business entrances and sharing economy business competition to a researchable extent. Through this thesis and its accompanying qualitative data collection process, several challenges that are presented to incumbents as a result of sharing economy business entrances were identified. Additionally, a focus was placed on evaluating both tried and prospective strategic measures, using existing theory and insights from the data collection to discover the key aspects needed for the development of potential responses to sharing economy businesses. A similar process was undertaken regarding business models, as the crucial and core elements of a perceived successful business model needed to be identified. The findings generated by the data collection process were then analyzed using a thematic analysis, centered on the themes of: Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry; Current Trends in the Hospitality Sector; Fundamentals of a Successful Hotel Business; and Future Strategy Suggestions and Industry Prospects. After conducting the three identification and analyzation stages, the findings were discussed in the penultimate chapter of the thesis, where the findings’ relation to existing theory was explored. Following the discussion, the possibility to answer the main research question of this thesis appeared. After discussing our findings, our analysis, and the connection to existing theory, we were able to conclude that incumbent firms can successfully compete with sharing economy businesses. Specifically, they could ensure this through strategic changes and business model innovations built around efficiently exploiting the incumbents’ internal strengths and advantages that are currently not easily imitable by sharing economy businesses. As such, they should look to create, deliver, and communicate unique value to its customers, and suggestions on how this could be achieved by both incumbent hospitality managers and others are provided.
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Popularizing implants : Exploring conditions for eliciting user adoption of digital implants through developers, enthusiasts and usersEricsson Duffy, Mikael January 2020 (has links)
Digital implants have become a new frontier for body hackers, technology enthusiasts and disruptive innovation developers, who seek to service this technology for themselves and to new users. This thesis has explored conditions for future user adoption of human body augmentation with digital implants. The conditions explored were mainly self-beneficial health optimization through technology, self-quantification or convenience scenarios. Applying Diffusion Of Innovation theory, Value-based Acceptance Model and research through design methods were used. The process consisted of quantitative and qualitative data gathering and analysis, using interviews, surveys and iterative prototyping with evaluation. The results show mixed user attitude towards implant usage, mainly depending on users' need for added benefits, whether the user is a technology enthusiast actively using technology for self-beneficial gain or a casual everyday consumer of technology. Certain conditions could affect adoption of implants into mainstream usage, mainly data privacy, regulation, convenience, self-quantification or health management. In order for implants to succeed as a mainstream technology, there needs to be proper secure infrastructure, easy installation and coordinated services that offer individual benefits of health or convenience, with a high consumer confidence in supported services, installation / removal and devices. Several companies are working on offering such a service, in order to evaluate such a proposition, iterative prototypes were created to evaluate a health management scenario as a streamlined consumer service, using a service design blueprint and a related interactive smartphone application prototype.
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Factors Influencing the Adoption of Cloud Computing: A Mixed-Methods ApproachWalterbusch, Marc 01 August 2016 (has links)
Cloud computing is a technology that has gained increasing attention because of its considerable benefits, which include reduced costs, reduced complexity and increased flexibility. To obtain these benefits, cloud computing utilizes existing technologies, such as grid computing, virtualization and web services, for online delivery of scalable information technology (IT) services, frequently on the basis of a pay-per-use pricing model. In 2008, the Gartner Group predicted that cloud computing would reach the mainstream within two to five years. However, in their latest hype cycle for emerging technologies, they stated that cloud computing had not yet reached the plateau of productivity but rather was still in the trough of disillusionment. The reason for this situation may be that cloud computing continues to face skepticism because of various concerns regarding, e.g., data privacy and security. In particular, (enterprise) customers transfer (sensitive) data to cloud computing providers, and the end-user rents the right to use cloud computing services via a web browser with minimal need to interact or even without the necessity of interacting directly with a sales assistant. These two aspects result in a strong unilateral dependency and require a high degree of trust in the provider. Additionally, publicity regarding the PRISM program has brought these aspects to the forefront of public interest. Consequently, specific requirements regarding, e.g., security, privacy, accountability, and auditability, must be met to fulfill the expectations of business partners and to build long-term business relationships. Thus, overcoming information asymmetry, enhancing transparency and eradicating behavioral uncertainty is of high importance to build trust between cloud computing providers and their (prospective) customers. Therefore, although most research to date has focused on technical aspects and aimed to improve the actual security of cloud computing services, there is also an urgent need to understand the factors that affect the adoption of cloud computing services from the points of view of both private users and companies. If cloud computing is to reach its full potential, a clear understanding of the factors that influence its adoption is mandatory to improve both present and future cloud computing services. Motivated by these considerations, the aim of this doctoral thesis is to explore, describe, analyze and explain the factors that influence the adoption of cloud computing using various qualitative and quantitative research methods, i.e., by employing a mixed-methods analysis. As a first step, a serious game is conducted to explore various factors that influence the adoption of cloud computing services. Based on these initial findings, the factors explored during the serious game and some additional factors are described and analyzed in detail. These factors include the cloud computing market, costs, trust, affectedness, shadow IT, and sustainability. Furthermore, the factor of information asymmetry, especially regarding bridging the information asymmetry with various information presentation methods, is explained. Following these findings, a research agenda, which contains a recommended research design and lists the theories that are relevant in the context of the adoption of cloud computing, is proposed. Subsequently, a synthesis of the research findings in terms of their implications for practice and research, including limitations, are discussed.
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Defining Patient Burden: Experiences of Living Kidney DonorsNottingham, Kelly L. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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ChatGPT som socialt disruptiv teknologi : En fallstudie om studierektorers inställning till ChatGPT och dess påverkan på utbildningBack, Hampus, Fischer, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
Teknologiutvecklingen av stora språkmodeller har på senaste tiden blivit uppmärksammad genom lanseringen av OpenAI:s ChatGPT. Det har förekommit diskussioner om vad detta innebär för samhället i stort men också hur utbildningen på lärosäten påverkas. Syftet med denna studie var att studera hur stor påverkan dessa verktyg har på utbildningen på Uppsala universitet. Fem studierektorer från olika institutioner har intervjuats. Datan analyserades sedan med hjälp av teorin för socialt disruptiva teknologier för att undersöka hur stor påverkansgraden är. Resultatet visar att det främst är examinationer som har påverkats, där vissa studierektorer har behövt ta bort eller kommer att ta bort hemuppgifter som konsekvens av ChatGPT. Skillnader i förändringsarbetet finns mellan olika institutioner, vilket tycks delvis grunda sig i brist på riktlinjer, men även i utbildningsstruktur och personligt engagemang. Det går dock inte att fastslå några systematiska skillnader mellan universitetets olika delar. Vidare har det diskuterats bredare frågor om studenternas lärande och hur man som studierektor kan förhålla sig till utvecklingen. / The technology development of large language models has recently received attention through the launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. There have been discussions of what this means for society overall, but also how the education at universities is affected. The purpose of this study was to study how much impact these tools have on education at Uppsala University. Five directors of studies from different departments have been interviewed. The data was then analyzed using the theory of socially disruptive technologies to investigate the degree of impact. The result shows that it is mainly examinations that have been affected, where some principals have had to remove or will remove homework assignments as a consequence of ChatGPT. Differences in change management exist between different institutions, which seem to be partly due to the lack of guidelines, but also due to educational structure and personal commitment. However, no systematic differences can be determined between the different parts of the university. Furthermore, there have been discussions about broader questions about the students' learning and how one should relate to the development as a director of studies.
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The Rise of the Quantum Computing Industry – Identifying the key barriers of adoption of QC-technology as a serviceNguyen, Kent, Borg, Johan January 2023 (has links)
The future is here. New digital, disruptive innovations are changing and affecting industries across society. And the emerging Quantum Computing (QC) industry is not an exception. Billions of dollars have been invested by actors such as governments, large enterprises like IBM and AWS, and by smaller to medium firms towards achieving a fully working QC-technology. Therefore, firms who are looking to adopt it must address the barriers that come with it. This thesis therefore explores what barriers, with the objective on key ones, that exist when firms are adopting QC-technology as a service into their business strategy. The geographical scope of this study is the European and North American industries. The applied method is qualitative and based on the methodology of grounded theory where six semi-structured interviews are carried out with key experts in the field . Furthermore, the analytical PESTLE-framework was used to systemically code and categorize the barriers found from the interviews to analyze the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors connected to the research question. By using key experts from different parts of the industry and this framework, it resulted in a holistic view of the industry’s barriers. The findings of this study are that the QC-industry is still in its early era with 34 barriers of adoption identified and eight of them deemed to be the key ones because of their significance and frequency of mentions. The eight key barriers are QC-technology is costly, impatient investors, funding issues, lack of consistent revenue streams, lack of awareness from top management, insufficient ecosystem, lack of skilled labor and immature technology. The most important minor barriers of the other 26 include lack of standardization and benchmarks, lack of collaboration between certain geographical parties, misinformation from vendors and not using external advisors. Nonetheless, the QC-technology is on the up-rise and is projected to affect industries across the world. Firms in these industries must therefore learn to adopt to the dynamic changes that come with what the QC industry brings. Therefore again, it is the intention of this thesis to explore the key barriers and mitigation strategies to overcome them. / Framtiden är här. Nya digitala, disruptiva innovationer håller just nu på att förändra och påverka industrier över hela samhället. Den växande kvantdatorindustrin är inte ett undantagsfall. Flertalet miljarder dollar med målet att uppnå en fullt funktionell kvantdator har investerats av aktörer som stater, stora företag som IBM och AWS samt små till medelstora företag. Därför bör företag som kommer att påverkas av effekterna adressera barriärerna som finns. Den här uppsatsen undersöker därför vilka barriärer, med fokus på de essentiella, som existerar för företag när de ska adaptera kvantdatorteknologi som en service i deras affärsstrategi. Den geografiska omfattningen berör den nordamerikanska samt den europeiska marknaden. Metodiken som användes var ”Grounded theory”- metodologin där sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer utfördes med nyckelexperter i industrin. Fortsättningsvis så användes PESTLE-ramverket för att systematiskt koda samt kategorisera de identifierade barriärerna utifrån politiska-, ekonomiska-, sociala- , teknologiska-, legala- samt miljöaspekterna. Genom att ha erhållit data från nyckelexperter från olika delar av industrin samt använt ramverket så gav det en holistisk bild av industrins barriärer. Resultatet av studien är att kvantdatorindustrin är i ett tidigt skede med 34 barriärer identifierade och åtta av dem som anses vara de mest essentiella på grund av deras signifikans samt frekvens av omnämnanden. De åtta nyckelbarriärerna inkluderar att kvantdatorteknologin är dyr att investera i, otåliga finansiella investerare, finansieringsproblem, brist på konsistenta intäktsflöden, brist på medvetenhet av ledningen, bristfällande ekosystem, brist på kompetent personal och icke-mogen teknologi. De viktigaste mindre barriärerna utav de 26 inkluderar brist på standardisering samt riktmärken, brist på samarbete mellan vissa geografiska områden, felaktig information från industrin till köparna, samt att inte ta hjälp av externa rådgivare. Vidare, så är kvantdatorteknologin samt industrin i helhet i en uppgång och förväntat att förändra industrier över hela världen. Företagen i dessa industrier bör därför lära sig redan idag att adaptera sig till de dynamiska förändringarna som kvantdator industrin medför. Därför är syftet för det här examensarbetet att utforska nyckelbarriärerna och strategierna som i syfte för att överkomma dem.
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