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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Vår saga ska vara en bro av glasspinnar"-En studie om dialogen mellan barnet och pedagogen i ett utforskande av naturvetenskap och teknisk perpsektiv.

Weman, Susanne January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur pedagoger kommunicerar med barn och är medforskare när barn undersöker olika fenomen och vill få svar på frågor om naturvetenskap och teknik. Vilka frågor ställer barnen i ett utforskande samt på vilket sätt bemöter pedagogen frågorna så att det sker ett lärande? Det som framkom i min studie är att barn är intresserad av naturvetenskap och teknik samt att nyfikenhetsfrågorna finns där när pedagogen är med som en medforskare kring objektet. Forskningen påtalar om förhållningsätt där pedagogen i barnets omgivning följer upp barnets frågor och intresse för att få ett lustfyllt lärande. Genom att låta barn få vara små forskare får de redskap att resonera, identifiera problem för att sedan testa och söka svar, samt hitta nya frågor att utforska kring. Det som också mina tankar riktades mot i undersökningen är vilken kunskapssyn och barnsyn man har som pedagog när man reflekterar kring barns, men också sitt eget lärande? Hur man är som pedagog är en stor och avgörande roll när man tillämpar ett undersökande arbetssätt. Finns man där som medupptäckare och har öppna och nyfikna ögon och ställer de rätta frågorna får man barn som börjar se sig själv som någon som både kan söka kunskap och lösa problem. Detta är källan till ett lustfyllt lärande. Jag har i studien observerat två förskolor som jag har analyserat som visar betydelsen av medforskande pedagoger i ett lärande objekt. / <p>Godkännande datum: 2016-10-28</p>

Vliv hudby na rozvoj osobnosti a využití muzikoterapeutických technik a prvků v pedagogické praxi / Influence of Music in Personal Development and use of music therapy elements and technics in educational practice

Počtová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The thesis on "Influence of music in personal development and use of music therapy elements in educational practice" describes the music impact on human being and connection of musical and non musical realms of life of man and the world. This existing connectedness is a basis for searching for possibilities how to use the music in educational practice to support self understanding, personal and social development. The whole thesis consists of five theoretical and one empirical chapter. In the first chapter few key attributes of education that may support a young man in growing into authentic, integrated and social personality are described. One's own experience and reflective dialogue are considered the main means of this kind of educational process. Later some characteristics of art philetics and personal and social skills training are described for they bring inspiration for use of music and musical experience in educational practice. The second chapter sets forth the outlines and main characteristics of music therapy, music education and music philetics which can coincide with each other. The third chapter describes the music itself, its origin, qualities, meaning and certain effects that music brings into human life. The fourth chapter deals with impacts of music on man, his body, mental life, cognitive...

Högläsning i förskolan : Hur påverkas barns litteracitetsförmåga? / Reading aloud in preschool : Does it effect children’s literacy development?

Clewemar Andersson, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka vad tidigare forskning sagt och vad som sägs om litteraturens betydelse och användningsområden i förskolans verksamhet. Frågeställningarna är: Vilken betydelse har litteraturen och högläsningen för barns utveckling av språket?, Hur kan vuxna påverka barnens literacyutveckling? och Hur kan boksamtal utformas i förskolan?   Ett av de återkommande begrepp som beskriver barns lärande och utveckling av skriftspråket är litteracitet, eller engelskans literacy. Begreppet inkluderar både sociala och kulturella aspekter på lärande inom skriftspråkande, men också symboler, tecken, bilder och berättande. Samspelet, interaktionen, med människor i barnets omgivning är viktig i utvecklingen och lärandet och det är något som därför kan koppla litteracitetsutvecklingen till det sociokulturella perspektivet.   Denna systematiska litteraturstudie visar att man på flera håll i världen använder litteraturen för högläsning, men utan att se den som ett verktyg för att öka barnens literacyförmågor. Analysen bygger på fyra studier som på olika sätt beskriver arbetet med barns litteracitet genom intervjuer och observationer. Materialet är hämtat från studier gjorda i Sverige, Australien, Amerika och Storbritannien.   Resultatet visar att det finns stora kunskaper och erfarenheter kring arbetet med barn och literacy, som tyvärr inte framkommer i den dagliga verksamheten. Prioriteringen och planeringen av arbete med litteratur på olika sätt behöver komma fram och vara bland de viktigaste punkterna i förskolans arbete. Man kan ana att resultatet skulle förbättras om arbetet gjordes på en högre kvalitativ nivå än vad som nu är fallet.

Att bygga broar - Dialog och samverkan i styrkedjan för elevens bästa. : En kvalitativ studie om hur arbetet med att skapa förutsättningar för inkluderande lärmiljö fungerar i två kommuner. / Building bridges - Dialogue and interaction between actors in the steering chain for the student´s best : A qualitative study on how the work on creating conditions for inclusive learning environments works in two municipalities

Andersson, Maria, Långh, Theodolinda January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur arbetet med att skapa förutsättningar för inkluderande lärmiljöer fungerar i två kommuner. Fokus ligger på dialog och samverkan som sker mellan aktörerna på de olika nivåerna i styrkedjan: bildningsnämnder, bildningsförvaltningar, rektorer och specialpedagoger. Ramfaktorteorin används som teoretisk analysram. I ramfaktorteorin speglas faktorer på olika nivåer i samhället och hur dessa samspelar och/eller påverkar varandra. Ramfaktorteorin kopplas samman med styrkedjan genom makro-,meso- och mikronivå där aktörer och deras roller/funktioner också samspelar och/ eller påverkar varandra. Två teoretiska begrepp används också: tillit för att förstå relationer mellan aktörer och dialog som blir en viktig förutsättning för att kunna skapa en samverkanskultur. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats. Underlag till det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom intervjuer med olika aktörer i styrkedjan. Specialpedagogerna intervjuades i fokusgrupper. Efter transkriberingarna kategoriserades det empiriska materialet och därefter påbörjades arbetet med resultat och analys. Studien har tagit hänsyn till de fyra forskningsetiska principerna:informationskravet,samtyckeskravet,konfidentialitetskravet och nyttjandekravet. Resultatet visar att det inte finns någon tydlig rutin för dialog och samverkan mellan nämnd och specialpedagoger. Det finns inte heller någon struktur för nätverk/kanaler där alla aktörer i styrkedjan involveras samtidigt. De nätverk som finns sträcker sig oftast endast en eller två nivåer upp eller ner. Resultatet ger en bild av att det administrativa, organisations- och resursrelaterande ramar som påverkar förutsättningar för arbetet med inkluderande lärmiljöer. Konsekvenser för barn och elever kan bli att de inte får tillgång till den undervisning de har rätt till utifrån sina olika förutsättningar.

AMOR E REVELAÇÃO NA PEDAGOGIA DIALÓGICA: DIÁLOGO ENTRE PAULO FREIRE E JUAN LUIS SEGUNDO / Love and revelation in teaching dialagica: dialogue between Paulo Freire and Juan Luis Segundo

Silva, Noêmia dos Santos 13 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:20:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Noemia dos Santos Silva.pdf: 2287942 bytes, checksum: 442365e07a59662e701c2195da8c5871 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-13 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This research implies an interdisciplinary approach, because it analyzes the pedagogy of an educator and a theologian thus involving different knowledge areas, such as education and theology. This study allows a deepening of teaching and theological knowledge about the theme of love, dialog and revelation. The objective this study is to deepen the relationship between theology and education and education and theology identifying the contribution of Paulo Freire and Juan Luis According to deepening the theme of love and dialog. Paulo Freire believed that the world could be transformed by problematizing education dialogical. THE dialog is based on elements as faith, love, humility, trust and hope that also part of Christian theology. Working-with the hypothesis that Freire based its pedagogy in Christian theology to deepen the pedagogy dialogical. In the thought of Juan Luis According to the disclosure is a pedagogical process of learning to learn to humans. Working-with the hypothesis that Juan Luis Second based his theology also in education. In this way there is the possibility of a comparison between the authors.(AU) / Esta pesquisa implica em uma abordagem interdisciplinar, pois analisa a pedagogia de um educador e um teólogo envolvendo assim diferentes áreas do conhecimento, tais como educação e teologia. Este estudo possibilita um aprofundamento dos conhecimentos pedagógicos e teológicos acerca da temática do amor, diálogo e revelação. O objetivo com esta pesquisa é de aprofundar a relação entre teologia e educação e educação e teologia identificando a contribuição de Paulo Freire e Juan Luis Segundo no aprofundamento do tema do amor e do diálogo. Paulo Freire acreditava que o mundo poderia ser transformado através da educação problematizadora dialógica. O diálogo se fundamenta em elementos constitutivos como fé, amor, humildade, confiança e esperança que também fazem parte da teologia cristã. Trabalha-se com a hipótese que Freire fundamentou sua pedagogia na teologia cristã para aprofundar a pedagogia dialógica. No pensamento de Juan Luis Segundo a revelação é um processo pedagógico de aprender a aprender a ser humano. Trabalha-se com a hipótese que Juan Luis Segundo fundamentou sua teologia também na educação. Desta forma há a possibilidade de comparação entre os autores.(AU)

Smíšená manželství a možnosti dialogu v rodině / Interfaith couples and possibilities of dialog in the family

KRAUSOVÁ, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The object of this paper is to present the issue of interfaith couples and introduce in the possibilities and principles of conducting interreligious dialogue of married couples with each other, with their environment and their children. The first topic is the individual. The topic of the individual is developed in three successive areas: human being as person, the dialogical nature of person and individual care of one?s own spirituality. The second part focuses on interreligious dialogue as such. The final part is devoted to the topic of dialogue in marriage generally and dialogue of interfaith couples.

Mezináboženský dialog a bioetika / Interreligious dialogue and bioethics

RODKOVÁ, Iveta January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of interreligious dialogue and bioethics. The thesis analyses ethical context of specific biomedical issues, namely euthanasia, abortion, assisted reproduction and embryonic stem cells research viewed through the eyes of three world monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam). Sacred books, published documents and further available sources are used to explain the approach of those religions to the bioethical issues (answering the questions of why and how these religions approach the issues). The aim of the theoretical piece of work is to show observed differences and similarities. At the beginning of the thesis there is a general description of the religions in the context of medical ethics. It briefly characterizes religious beliefs and shows documents which these ethical beliefs are based on. The work shows differences but also common features of monotheistic religions. After the religions are discussed in general there is a chapter focused exclusively on interreligious dialogue. The thesis stresses out the importance of an open discussion between religions which leads to unity and reconciliation. Interreligious dialogue represents openness to unknown and willingness to a discussion. It is not possible not to mention a project called Global Ethic by a Swiss professor of theology Hans Küng, who is thoroughly interested in an interreligious dialogue mentioned above. Further chapters of the diploma thesis deal with specific bioethical questions and with the approach of Judaism, Christianity and Islam to these questions. Firstly, the thesis focuses on the issue of euthanasia followed by abortions, assisted reproduction and finally by embryonic stem cells research. The knowledge gained by studying the available sources shows that out of the listed bioethical issues world religions are mostly uniform in the opinion on euthanasia. All the monotheistic religions refer to untouchability and sanctity of human life from its beginning to natural death. It is only God who is a creator and possessor of all creation. That is why euthanasia and assisted suicide is seen negatively and at a distance as an act which does not belong to the hands of man. In 2005 the representatives of the three monotheistic religions in the Czech Republic signed a document in which they express their common negative attitude to the issue of euthanasia. Contrary to the opinion expressing agreement on the end of human life, which is seen by all the religions as the moment of natural death, there is a non-uniform opinion on its beginning. The differences in opinions of Christians, Jews and Muslims on the beginning of human life shape their attitude to abortions, assisted reproductions and also to embryonic stem cells research. In Christianity human life begins at the moment of conception and therefore from ethical point of view it has the most controversial attitude to such medical techniques. The life of the mother is valued in the same way as the life of the fetus. In Judaism an embryo has got lower status than an unborn child, therefore this religion has a slightly more benevolent attitude than Christianity. However, certain boundaries which are discussed below must be followed. In Islam the point crucial for the questions of abortion, assisted reproduction and embryonic cell stems research is when a soul is breathed into a fetus. It is only after this moment when embryo gains the status of a human person and therefore becomes untouchable. Islam and Judaism have a less strict attitude to the bioethical issues (except for euthanasia) than Christianity. The diploma thesis presents a review of opinions and values of certain monotheistic religions on bioethics issues with the concentration on interreligious dialogue. It brings an overview of similarities and differences in ethical opinions.

Deíticos e anáforas pronominais em diálogos / Deixis and pronominal anaphora in dialogs

Freitas, Sergio Antonio Andrade de January 1993 (has links)
A proposta deste trabalho é implementar um conjunto de elementos do diálogo a decorrer entre dois agentes humanos. As anáforas pronominais e certos pronomes déiticos (eu, você, sua, seu, meu, minha), que eventualmente surgirem durante o diálogo, são resolvidas. Basicamente, este trabalho está dividido em quatro partes: 1. Estudo introdutório da Discourse Representation Theory (DRT) [KAM88, KAM90]. A DRT é um formalismo para a representação do discurso que utiliza modelos na avaliação semântica das estruturas representacionais. Neste estudo são considerados somente os aspectos representacionais, dando enfoque à representação de sentenças simples. 2. Um estudo baseado em [HIR81, CAR87] sobre: tipos de ambigüidades, o que são anáforas, tipos de anáforas etc, visa fornecer ao leitor um conhecimento mínimo sobre o aspecto lingüístico do tratamento das anáforas. Dentro do estudo realizado sobre anáforas destacam-se os seguintes tipos: coespecificação pessoal e colocação em coesão léxica, que são os tipos previstos na implementação. Estes dois tipos de anáforas são enquadrados nos seguintes grupos: coespecificação pessoal no grupo das anáforas pronominais e colocação em coesão léxica no grupo das anáforas nominais. 3. Considerando que a DRT somente representa o discurso, sem contudo resolver as anafóras que surgem no discurso, incorporou-se a Teoria do Foco [SID79, COR92] como ferramenta para a resolução das anáforas pronominais. A Teoria do Foco trabalha com as informações temáticas das sentenças, de maneira a reduzir o universo dos possíveis antecedentes para uma anáfora e prover um conjunto de regras que permita um caminhamento inteligente, dentro deste universo. O algoritmo de focalização aqui utilizado e o proposto por Sophie Cormack [COR92], que foi por sua vez baseado no algoritmo original de Candace Sidner [SID79]. 4. E por último a implementação, que foi realizada em C-Prolog [PER87], onde as principais funções são: (a) Um gerador de DRSs. (b) Algoritmo de focalização. (c) Integração do algoritmo de focalização e do gerador de DRSs. Descrevendo de maneira geral o funcionamento da implementação: as falas (conjunto de sentenças) de cada interlocutor são lidas através do teclado, as sentenças de cada fala são analisadas individualmente pelo analisador sintático, que gera uma árvore de derivação sintática. A árvore gerada é então repassada ao gerador de DRSs, que irá reduzi-la a referentes e condições. Eventualmente, se surgirem anáforas pronominais, é chamado o algoritmo de focalização. Caso surjam pronomes deíticos a resolução é realizada pelo gerador de DRSs. / The proposal of this work is to implement a set of dialog elements expressed by two human agents. The pronominal anaphora and some deixis pronoums (in portuguese: I, you, your, my) that eventually appear during the dialog are resolved. Basically, this work is divided in four parts: 1. An introdutory study of the Discourse Representation Theory (DRT) [KAM88, KAM90]. The DRT is a formalism for discourse representation that uses models for semantic evaluation of the representation structures. This study considers only the representational aspects, looking for single sentences. 2. A study based on [HIR81, CAR87] about: some kinds of ambiguity, what anaphora are, kinds of anaphora etc. This study intends to give the reader the minimal knowledge about the linguistic aspects of anaphora. In this study, we point out two types of anaphora: personal coespecification and lexical placement, this two were the ones that we used in the system. Those two types are in the following groups: personal coespecification in the pronominal anaphora and lexical placement in the nominal anaphora. 3. Considering that DRT only represent the discourse without resolving the anaphora, we used the Focus Theory [SID79, COR92] as a tool for pronominal anaphora resolution. The Focus Theory works on the thematic informations of the sentences. It reduces the universe of the possible antecedents and give some rules to walk throught this universe. We used the focalization algorithm presented by Sophie Cormack [COR92] which is based on the original version of Candace Sidner [SID79]. 4. Finally, the system was implemented in C-Prolog [PER87], and its main functions are: (a) a DRS generator, (b) a focalization algorithm, (c) the integration of the focalization algorithm and the DRS generator. Basically, what the system does is: the discourse of the agent is read in the keyboard, and each sentence of the discourse is analised by the sintatic analyser, generating a parsing tree. Then the DRS generator reduces this tree into referents and DRS-conditions. Eventually, the focalization algorithm will be called when the sentence contain some pronominal anaphora. The deixis resolution is made by the DRS-generator.

Deíticos e anáforas pronominais em diálogos / Deixis and pronominal anaphora in dialogs

Freitas, Sergio Antonio Andrade de January 1993 (has links)
A proposta deste trabalho é implementar um conjunto de elementos do diálogo a decorrer entre dois agentes humanos. As anáforas pronominais e certos pronomes déiticos (eu, você, sua, seu, meu, minha), que eventualmente surgirem durante o diálogo, são resolvidas. Basicamente, este trabalho está dividido em quatro partes: 1. Estudo introdutório da Discourse Representation Theory (DRT) [KAM88, KAM90]. A DRT é um formalismo para a representação do discurso que utiliza modelos na avaliação semântica das estruturas representacionais. Neste estudo são considerados somente os aspectos representacionais, dando enfoque à representação de sentenças simples. 2. Um estudo baseado em [HIR81, CAR87] sobre: tipos de ambigüidades, o que são anáforas, tipos de anáforas etc, visa fornecer ao leitor um conhecimento mínimo sobre o aspecto lingüístico do tratamento das anáforas. Dentro do estudo realizado sobre anáforas destacam-se os seguintes tipos: coespecificação pessoal e colocação em coesão léxica, que são os tipos previstos na implementação. Estes dois tipos de anáforas são enquadrados nos seguintes grupos: coespecificação pessoal no grupo das anáforas pronominais e colocação em coesão léxica no grupo das anáforas nominais. 3. Considerando que a DRT somente representa o discurso, sem contudo resolver as anafóras que surgem no discurso, incorporou-se a Teoria do Foco [SID79, COR92] como ferramenta para a resolução das anáforas pronominais. A Teoria do Foco trabalha com as informações temáticas das sentenças, de maneira a reduzir o universo dos possíveis antecedentes para uma anáfora e prover um conjunto de regras que permita um caminhamento inteligente, dentro deste universo. O algoritmo de focalização aqui utilizado e o proposto por Sophie Cormack [COR92], que foi por sua vez baseado no algoritmo original de Candace Sidner [SID79]. 4. E por último a implementação, que foi realizada em C-Prolog [PER87], onde as principais funções são: (a) Um gerador de DRSs. (b) Algoritmo de focalização. (c) Integração do algoritmo de focalização e do gerador de DRSs. Descrevendo de maneira geral o funcionamento da implementação: as falas (conjunto de sentenças) de cada interlocutor são lidas através do teclado, as sentenças de cada fala são analisadas individualmente pelo analisador sintático, que gera uma árvore de derivação sintática. A árvore gerada é então repassada ao gerador de DRSs, que irá reduzi-la a referentes e condições. Eventualmente, se surgirem anáforas pronominais, é chamado o algoritmo de focalização. Caso surjam pronomes deíticos a resolução é realizada pelo gerador de DRSs. / The proposal of this work is to implement a set of dialog elements expressed by two human agents. The pronominal anaphora and some deixis pronoums (in portuguese: I, you, your, my) that eventually appear during the dialog are resolved. Basically, this work is divided in four parts: 1. An introdutory study of the Discourse Representation Theory (DRT) [KAM88, KAM90]. The DRT is a formalism for discourse representation that uses models for semantic evaluation of the representation structures. This study considers only the representational aspects, looking for single sentences. 2. A study based on [HIR81, CAR87] about: some kinds of ambiguity, what anaphora are, kinds of anaphora etc. This study intends to give the reader the minimal knowledge about the linguistic aspects of anaphora. In this study, we point out two types of anaphora: personal coespecification and lexical placement, this two were the ones that we used in the system. Those two types are in the following groups: personal coespecification in the pronominal anaphora and lexical placement in the nominal anaphora. 3. Considering that DRT only represent the discourse without resolving the anaphora, we used the Focus Theory [SID79, COR92] as a tool for pronominal anaphora resolution. The Focus Theory works on the thematic informations of the sentences. It reduces the universe of the possible antecedents and give some rules to walk throught this universe. We used the focalization algorithm presented by Sophie Cormack [COR92] which is based on the original version of Candace Sidner [SID79]. 4. Finally, the system was implemented in C-Prolog [PER87], and its main functions are: (a) a DRS generator, (b) a focalization algorithm, (c) the integration of the focalization algorithm and the DRS generator. Basically, what the system does is: the discourse of the agent is read in the keyboard, and each sentence of the discourse is analised by the sintatic analyser, generating a parsing tree. Then the DRS generator reduces this tree into referents and DRS-conditions. Eventually, the focalization algorithm will be called when the sentence contain some pronominal anaphora. The deixis resolution is made by the DRS-generator.

"Läs högt för barnen!” : En kvalitativ studie om fyra lärares tankar och arbetssätt kring högläsning.

Lovén, Cathrine, Muñoz, Nicole January 2018 (has links)
Högläsning är ett vanligt förekommande arbetssätt inom skolan. Vi har därför gjort en kvalitativ intervju- och observationsstudie vars syfte är att ta reda på hur fyra lärare i grundskolan (årskurs 4–6) arbetar med och förhåller sig till högläsning. Vår studie visar att lärarna är eniga om att högläsning är positivt för elevers språkutveckling. Dels för att eleverna ökar sitt ordförråd, dels för att högläsning stimulerar förmågor som kreativitet och fantasi när de får möta olika genrer. Något som lärarna uppmärksammade var att det var extra viktigt att högläsa för sina elever eftersom det finns många barn som inte får ”högläsningsstunder” i exempelvis hemmet. Det framgår även i vår studie att tre 2 av fyra lärare arbetar med att inkludera eleverna när läraren högläser. Endast en av lärarna läste ur boken utan att föra någon form av samspel eller dialog med eleverna. Tidigare forskning visar främst att högläsning är för barn i yngre åldrar, dock så väljer även lärare i äldre årskurser att läsa högt för dem.

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