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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett säljsamtal via webbutik : Visma SPCS

Hajderovic, Ajna January 2007 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to study how the structures of a sell dialog, via a web shop, should be designed in order to support and inspire the customer. To get the answer to this question I use a qualitative and quantitative method. The qualitative method is applied in connection with different interviews. The quantitative method is used to analyze different answers given from those who are interviewed. I also use the deductive method due to my interest of studying how reality can relate to the theories with the choice of the subject. Moreover, this thesis is structured by three main perspectives; company, customers and techniques. The theoretical part of the thesis includes definitions and theories about electronic business, customers’ behaviour and technique, UML (Unified Modelling Language), which is a visual syntax for visualising, specifying, constructing and documenting system engineering, and UP (Unified Process), which is a method that complements UML. Furthermore, the empirical part of the thesis includes interviews with Chris Jangelöv and Patrik Cardell (Visma Spcs), who are representing the companys’ perspective on a sell dialog via a web shop. For the customers’ perspective on the subject, I collect and outline the interviews from Visma Spcs customers. Moreover, I review the interview with David Nadel, where he discusses the UML and UP techniques and also electronic business in general. As for the results, I come to the conclusion that a web shop should be structured from a customer´s perspective and his/her inquiries concerning the products and services. UML and UP, however, are techniques that focus on the structuring of data and processes without taking the developing dialogue with the customer into serious account. These techniques do not address issues of why a web shop is used as it is, UML and UP only apply what a web shop can look like and how it could be used. Therefore, I argue that there is a lack of connection between the UML and UP techniques and the real live user and actual use. I also reached the conclusion that there should be three main building blocks when structuring a sell dialog via a web shop. These are; structure, information and navigation.

Gilla, tagga, kommentera! : En kvalitativ studie av social interaktion och relationsskapande i tre statliga museers Instagram-konton / Like, tag, comment! : A qualitative study of how three Swedish museums use Instagram as a tool for social interaction and building of relationship with the audience

Billing, Maja January 2018 (has links)
This essay examines how three public, Swedish museums use Instagram as a tool for encouraging social interaction and for the building of relationship with the audience. The three examined museums are Livrustkammaren, Världskulturmuseet and Moderna Museet Malmö. By using the method netnography the study has collected posts and comments from the three museums during a limited period of time (2 months). The results present both differences and similarities between the three museums’ use of Instagram. All of the museums have some degree of interaction with users on Instagram, but Livrustkammaren stands out as a museum with more interaction than the others. With the help of Erving Goffman’s theories about social interaction, Anders Persson’s interpretation of these and theories about online relationship strategies presented by Kelleher/Millerand Smith, the essay provides insight into how museums can use Instagram as a communicative tool if the museums want to increase the social interaction and improve and maintain the relationship with the audience. According to the results of this study, some of the more successful strategies are: using humour as a way of connecting with the audience and using a ”conversational human voice”, i.e. a more personal voice. The essay opens up for further studies of how museums can work with Instagram as a tool for communicating with the audience.

Att mötas människa till människa : En kvalitativ studie om hur medarbetare i ideella organisationer uppfattar mötet med nyanlända / To meet face to face : A qualitative study on how employees in NGO’s perceive the meeting with immigrants

Bäck, Katarina January 2018 (has links)
In the light of the increasing globalization and immigration to Sweden, this thesis examines how the employees at Swedish NGO’s perceive the intercultural dialog with immigrants. The NGO’s are recognized as an important part in the ongoing work of integration. At the same time the employees often have a very limited formal education within the communication field and the NGO’s often lack a communications officer and a communications section. These employees are the ones that in their daily work meet the immigrants and are expected to help the immigrants integrate, meet swedes and learn the language. Using theories within the field of intercultural communication and intercultural communication competence, this thesis has examined how three employees at three NGO’s in Lund perceive the intercultural dialog with immigrants. The conclusions drawn are that the dialog is not perceived as intercultural at all, but as interpersonal, with more emphasis placed on the personality and no importance at all on cultural differences. Knowledge of Swedish and to have enough time to communicate are perceived as of great importance for the dialog. The context in which the dialogs take place seems to be crucial for how the dialog is perceived.

Frågor i interaktion med elever : En studie av lärares stöttning av språklig utveckling i årskurs 5 och 6 / Questions in interaction with pupils : A study of teachers’ support for linguistic development in grade 5 and 6

Elgaard, Adam January 2017 (has links)
Oral ability is a fundamental part of children’s literacy development, as is observed in the Swedish curriculum with its requirement that teaching should help pupils to develop a multifaceted oral ability. The teacher is responsible for supporting this development in various ways. The aim of the study is therefore to ascertain how teachers use questions in their interaction with pupils and how the subsequent conversation creates the conditions for developing oral skills. Systematic observation combined with transcriptions of audio recordings was applied to analyse question types and dialogue as used by two teachers in compulsory school. The observations were made in grade 5 and 6 during lessons in civics, geography and Swedish. The results of the study show that closed questions with open, guiding questions occurred most frequently. The ensuing dialogue was usually short, but when support was given it created conditions for the development of oral skills in the pupils. The results underline the importance of teachers reflecting on which questions to ask in the classroom and how the interaction regarding questions supports the development of pupils’ oral abilities.

”Att sträcka sig bortom det lokala och bjuda in världen” : – Om förskolepedagogers arbete med hållbar utveckling. / ”To stretch beyond the local and invite the world” : - About Preschool teachers' work on sustainable development.

Granberg, Josefin, Fougstedt, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Föreliggande studie syftade till att synliggöra hur pedagoger inom förskolan beskriver sitt arbete med hållbar utveckling och hur resonemangen utvecklas över tid. Som teoretisk ut- gångspunkt i studien användes socialkonstruktionismen som sätter fokus på dialog och sam- spel, vilka var faktorer som användes i analysen. Den representerade urvalsgruppen var ett arbetslag med tre pedagoger i en mindre kommun i Norrbotten. Som metod användes kvalita- tiva gruppintervjuer som genomfördes vid tre separata tillfällen. I studiens slutskede fick pe- dagogerna möjlighet att opponera på resultat och resultatdiskussion så att de tolkningar som utförts stämmer överens med pedagogernas tankar. I studien har en avgränsning inom området hållbar utveckling gjorts genom att fokusera på vatten som naturresurs. Studiens resultat visar på att dialog och samspel är centralt i det praktiska arbetet med hållbar utveckling. Dessutom förändras pedagogernas utsagor över tid så att perspektivet på hållbar utveckling i större ut- sträckning relateras till hela verksamheten. / Ex jobb i samverkan

Philosophia perennis / Perennial philosophy

Šotola, Jan January 2017 (has links)
My diploma thesis researches the concept of perennial philosophy (philosophia perennis, theologia prisca) and its development in the history of different cultures of the World. As I claim, the concept of Perennialism presents a useful means of understanding of different cultures distanced from us in time and space, including the history of the culture of ours. Perennialism shows, that Wisdom is not an exclusive property of just one civilization, but a common heritage of the Humankind as a whole. Further, it points to mutually beneficial influence of different cultures of the Globe. Throughout the paper, my focus lies on the development of philosophia perennis in the Islamic civilization, particularly on Sufism. Before being demolished by the rise of nationalism, the Sufist philosophy enabled a peaceful coexistence and dialog between different cultures and religions. The development of Perennialism is further studied in the philosophy of european Renaissance, where it was first tolerated by the Catholic Church, later to be abandoned, unfortunately (with few exceptions), during the Reformation and the Thirty Years' War. In the current pedagogical practice, the conception of philosophia perennis may become means of highlighting the common grounds of different cultures in the times of culminating...

Specialpedagogiska aktiviteter inom folkhögskolans allmänna kurs

Egard, Eva January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka och beskriva hur specialpedagogik och ett urval specialpedagogiska aktiviteter används och kommer till uttryck inom allmän kurs på två folkhögskolor. Syftet var också att beskriva vad som karaktäriserar arbetet med allmän kurs på dessa folkhögskolor. En kvalitativ forskningsansats användes och en fallstudie genomfördes. I fallstudien ingick observationer i skolornas lärmiljö, intervjuer med undervisande personal och intervjuer med rektorer. Studien visade att arbetet med allmän kurs på dessa folkhögskolor hade en inkluderande karaktär. Personalen undervisade och visade omsorg om både personer i och utan behov av stöd, och gjorde även en hel del specialpedagogiska aktiviteter (utan att benämna dem som specialpedagogiska) för att stödja deltagares deltagande och lärande i aktiviteterna på folkhögskolorna. Utmaningarna för personalen var stora, det handlade exempelvis om att bemöta ett uppfattat ökat stödbehov, motivera till studier, läs och skrivsvårigheter och att lyckas vara både lärare och livsvägledare till deltagare. Förtroendefulla relationer och dialog framträdde som nyckelfaktorer för arbetet på allmän kurs.

Kommunikation : Samling - ett pedagogiskt medvetet kommunikationstillfälle? / Communication : Gathering – a Pedagogically Communicative Opportunity?

Viktorsson, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie har gjorts inom temat språk och berättande. Där syftet var att ta reda på pedagogens medvetenhet om kommunikationens betydelse under samlingssituationerna. Det empiriska materialet i studien har samlats in genom intervjuer av förskollärare på fyra olika förskolor. Jag använde intervjuer som metod för att syftet var att ta reda på pedagogens förhållningssätt kring kommunikation. Resultatet av studien visar på att pedagogerna har en stor medvetenhet när det kommer till hur de använder kommunikationen i bemötandet av barnen. De är medvetna om att kommunikationen har betydelse för barns utveckling och lärande. Pedagogerna belyser att varje individ kommunicerar individuellt och att det är förskollärarnas uppgift att tolka dem. Samlingen är en aktivitet i verksamheten där pedagogerna alltid har en tanke bakom hur de kommunicerar med barngruppen. / This survey is within the theme of language and narrative. The aim was to find out how the pedagogues awereness on the communication’s meaning during various gathering situations. The empirical material used in this study has been collected through interviews of preschool-teachers from four preschools. I used interviews as the chosen method, due to the aim being, finding out the pedagogues approach on communication. The results of the survey, show that the pedagogues have great awareness when it comes to how they use communication when treating children. They are therefore very aware that communication has a very big role in children’s developement and learning. The pedagogues mention the significancy of the individual ways to communicate and it being up to the preschool-teachers to translate the children’s different ways to communicate. Gathering with the children in preschool is an activity, that shows that the pedagogues always think about how they communicate with the children.

Five-Factor Model as a Predictor for Spoken Dialog Systems

Carter, Teresa G. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Human behavior varies widely as does the design of spoken dialog systems (SDS). The search for predictors to match a user’s preference and efficiency for a specific dialog interface type in an SDS was the focus of this research. By using personality as described by the Five-Factor Method (FFM) and the Wizard of Oz technique for delivering three system initiatives of the SDS, participants interacted with each of the SDS initiatives in scheduling an airline flight. The three system initiatives were constructed as strict system, which did not allow the user control of the interaction; mixed system, which allowed the user some control of the interaction but with a system override; and user system, which allowed the user control of the interaction. In order to eliminate gender bias in using the FFM as the instrument, participants were matched in gender and age. Participants were 18 years old to 70 years old, passed a hearing test, had no disability that prohibited the use of the SDS, and were native English speakers. Participants completed an adult consent form, a 50-question personality assessment as described by the FFM, and the interaction with the SDS. Participants also completed a system preference indication form at the end of the interaction. Observations for efficiency were recorded on paper by the researcher. Although the findings did not show a definitive predictor for a SDS due to the small population sample, by using a multinomial regression approach to the statistical analysis, odds ratios of the data helped draw conclusions that support certain personality factors as important roles in a user’s preference and efficiency in choosing and using a SDS. This gives an area for future research. Also, the presumption that preference and efficiency always match was not supported by the results from two of the three systems. An additional area for future research was discovered in the gender data. Although not an initial part of the research, the data shows promise in predicting preference and efficiency for certain SDS. Future research is indicated.

"God man, en god person tänkte jag" : En studie om hur ensamkommande flyktingar upplevt relationen med god man / "Guardian, a good person I thought"

Christensson, Jenny, Linder, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om hur ensamkommande flyktingbarn upplevt relationen till god man. I den allmänna debatten framkommer att god mans utförande av uppdraget skiftar kvalitetsmässigt. Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur ensamkommande upplevt relationen till god man. Deltagarna i studien är sex ungdomar över 18 år med uppehållstillstånd som kommit till Sverige som ensamkommande barn. Fokusgrupppintervjuer har använts som datainsamlingsmetod, och materialet har analyserats genom kodning och tematisering. Teoretiska utgångspunkter är Antonovskys teori KASAM och Freires syn på kunskap och dialog. Studiens resultat visar att deltagare som verkar haft en nära relation med god man också verkar upplevt att god man varit ett stöd och skapat känsla av sammanhang, i större utsträckning än deltagare som inte verkar ha haft en nära relation. En tolkning är att god mans förhållningssätt kan ha påverkat vilken typ av relation som utvecklats. Samtliga deltagare önskade att de fått vara mer delaktiga i god mans uppdrag och beslut. Slutsatsen är att vilken typ av relation deltagarna upplever att de haft med god man verkar central för på vilket sätt de upplevt att god man gett stöd och förståelse för sitt sammanhang. Socialpedagogiken skulle kunna spela en betydande roll inom området god man för ensamkommande genom att tillföra kunskap om relationsskapande, integration, och stöd till självständighet.

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