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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lauseiden virrassa:peruskoulun yhdeksäsluokkalaiset lauseiden tulkitsijoina

Paukkunen, U.-M. (Ulla-Maaria) 04 October 2011 (has links)
Abstract This work studies how ninth grade students of Finnish secondary school interpret sentences using the tools offered by school grammar. My research maps out the ability of students to analyse the content and structure of the sentences. The study is also part of text skills research. Both reading and writing are part of text skills. In order to acquire these, knowledge of language and grammar are required. The material used for the research has been the written tests and interviews of ninth grade secondary school students. I have combined the material acquired by a written test and interviews and I will use them as complimentary forms of material. The written test was taken by hundred students and twenty students were interviewed. The analysis of the material shows that ninth grade secondary school students are able to analyse sentences both in a syntactic and semantic form. They are able to use the knowledge they have learned at school in their interpretations. They however base their interpretations on the general contextual knowledge of the world. Their natural sense of language is also clearly combined into thinking about the semantic and syntactic structure of the sentences. The study also reveals how different models of grammar and researchers have offered different kinds of solutions to sentence analysis and that there are no simple answers to these problems. This diversity and duality is also apparent in pedagogic grammar. The research puts an emphasis on the dialogic approach in teaching and learning of knowledge of language. In order for the student to be able to use the acquired knowledge of language, he or she should be able to use it by application and discussion. This way he or she would learn to analyse and separate texts and would be habituated into a critical reader. / Tiivistelmä Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani sitä, miten peruskoulun yhdeksännen luokan oppilaat tulkitsevat lauseita koulukieliopin tarjoamien välineiden avulla. Tutkimukseni kartoittaa oppilaiden kykyä analysoida lauseiden sisältöjä ja rakenteita. Liitän aiheen myös osaksi tekstitaitojen tutkimusta. Tekstitaitoihin kuuluvat sekä hyvä kirjoitus- että lukutaito. Näiden saavuttaminen puolestaan edellyttää sekä kielen että kieliopin tuntemusta. Tutkimusaineistona ovat peruskoulun yhdeksäsluokkalaisten tekemät kirjalliset testit ja heidän haastattelut. Olen yhdistänyt kirjallisen testin ja haastattelun avulla kerätyn aineiston ja käytän niitä toisiaan täydentävinä aineistomuotoina. Kirjallisen testin on tehnyt 100 oppilasta ja haastatteluun on osallistunut 20 oppilasta. Aineistoni analyysi osoittaa, että peruskoulun yhdeksännen luokan oppilaat kykenevät analysoimaan lauseita sekä syntaktisesti että semanttisesti. He osaavat käyttää koulussa oppimaansa tietoa hyväksi tulkinnoissaan. Oppilaat kuitenkin nojautuvat tulkinnoissaan yleiseen kontekstuaaliseen tietoonsa maailmasta. Lisäksi heidän luontainen kielitajunsa yhdistyy selkeästi lauseiden semantiikasta ja syntaktisesta rakenteesta lähtevään pohdiskeluun. Tutkimukseni tuo esiin myös sen, miten eri kielioppimallit ja tutkijat ovat päätyneet erilaisiin ratkaisuihin lauseiden analyysissa ja miten yksiselitteisiä vastauksia lauseanalyysin ongelmiin ei ole. Tämä kirjavuus ja kaksijakoisuus näkyvät myös pedagogisessa kieliopissa. Tutkimuksessani korostuu keskusteleva ote kielitiedon opettamisessa ja oppimisessa. Jotta oppilas pystyisi parhaiten hyödyntämään oppimaansa kielitietoa, hänen pitäisi saada käyttää sitä soveltaen ja keskustellen. Näin hän itse oppisi analysoimaan ja erittelemään tekstejä ja harjaantuisi kriittiseksi lukijaksi.

Undervisningsmetoder för andraspråkselever : – en systematisk litteraturstudie om andraspråksinlärning

Canovic, Melisa, Yodsuwan, Pranpriya January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsen innehåller en systematisk litteraturstudie där grunden för undersökningen utgörs av nationella och internationella vetenskapliga artiklar. Syftet med litteraturstudien är att undersöka vilka metoder som läraren kan tillämpa för att stödja elever i sin andraspråksinlärning och om användningen av modersmålet kan främja respektive hämma inlärningen. Resultatet i vår studie visar på att det finns ett flertal användbara metoder som läraren kan tillämpa i undervisningen för andraspråkselever. Modersmålet har också visat sig vara betydelsefullt främst för kunskapsutvecklingen och identitetsskapandet. Uppsatsen är riktad mot elever i tidigare skolår, mer specifikt årskurserna 4–6.

Sources de la variabilité interannuelle de la langue d'eau froide Atlantique / Sources of the Atlantic cold tongue interannual variability

Planton, Yann 10 November 2015 (has links)
La langue d'eau froide Atlantique est un refroidissement saisonnier qui affecte les eaux superficielles au sud de l'équateur entre les côtes africaines et 30°W environ, pendant la " saison froide " (entre mai et octobre). Ce phénomène se produit tous les ans, mais son intensité, sa durée, ainsi que son extension spatiale sont très variables d'une année sur l'autre. En dépit du couplage très marqué qui lie la langue d'eau froide et les premiers stades de la mousson africaine, les causes de cette variabilité interannuelle sont peu connues. Cette thèse a pour objectif de combler cette lacune en améliorant notre compréhension des processus océaniques contrôlant la variabilité interannuelle de la langue d'eau froide. Cette étude se focalise sur les événements " intenses" de la langue d'eau froide, correspondant à des refroidissements anormalement forts (faibles), précédés par des anomalies négatives (positives) de vent zonal. On se focalise ainsi sur les événements dits " canoniques ", les plus nombreux, et potentiellement similaires en terme de mécanisme. Cette classification, appliquée à une dizaine de réanalyses, permet de retenir, avec une robustesse certaine, cinq années dans chacune des classes. Ces événements sont étudiés grâce à des simulations numériques réalistes. L'utilisation de bilans de chaleur nous a permis d'accéder aux processus physiques qui contrôlent la formation des événements froids et chauds. Le mélange vertical à la base de la couche de mélange apparaît comme le processus fondamental de la variabilité interannuelle de la langue d'eau froide. Lors des événements froids, il accroît le refroidissement entre mars et juillet, alors que son rôle reste discret lors des événements chauds. Au milieu de l'été boréal, les anomalies de mélange vertical sont contrebalancées par des anomalies d'advection horizontale de signes opposés. Ainsi les événements froids comme chauds sont atténués en fin de saison. Cette thèse montre qu'il est plus pertinent de s'intéresser au flux d'énergie cinétique qui est plus directement lié à l'activation du mélange vertical, qu'à la tension de vent en surface. Le flux d'énergie cinétique semble d'autant plus pertinent qu'il joue aussi un rôle majeur lors des événements intenses " non-canoniques ", i.e. événements froids (chauds), précédés par des anomalies positives (négatives) de vent zonal. Enfin, la modulation de la vitesse verticale induite par le vent tend à ajuster i) la profondeur de la couche de mélange, ii) la pente de la thermocline, et iii) le cisaillement vertical de courant zonal. Ce sont des paramètres clés du mélange vertical et donc du taux de refroidissement. La vitesse verticale joue donc un rôle indirect dans l'établissement et la variabilité interannuelle de la langue d'eau froide. / The Atlantic cold tongue is a seasonal cooling of the sea surface temperature south of the Equator between the African coasts and around 30°W during the " cold season " (from May to October). The cooling occurs every year but its intensity, duration and spatial extent vary strongly from one year to another. In spite of the very strong coupling between the Atlantic cold tongue and the West African monsoon, the origin of the Atlantic cold tongue variability is not well described. This thesis aims at filling this gap by improving our understanding of the oceanic processes controlling the variability of the Atlantic cold tongue. This study focuses on " intense " Atlantic cold tongue events, defined by abnormally strong (weak) cooling, preceded by negative (positive) zonal wind anomalies. Thus " canonical " being studied, that are the most frequent and probably similar in terms of mechanisms. This classification is applied to ten reanalyses and allows to select with good confidence, five events in each group. These events are studied through realistic simulations. The use of on-line heat budget allows to identify the physical processes that control the formation of cold and warm events. Vertical mixing at the base of the mixed-layer is the fundamental process controlling the interannual variability of the cold tongue. During cold events, it increases the cooling between March and July, while it remains weak during warm events. During boreal summer, vertical mixing anomalies are balanced by horizontal advection anomalies of opposite sign. So cold and warm events are weakened at the end of the season. This thesis highlights that it is more appropriate to focus on the wind energy flux because it is more directly related to the activation of vertical mixing, rather than on the surface wind stress. The wind energy flux is relevant since it is also shown to play a major role during intense " non-canonical " events, i.e. cold (warm) events preceded by positive (negative) zonal wind anomalies. Finally, the modulation of the vertical velocity induced by the wind tends to adjust i) the mixed-layer depth, ii) the intensity of the thermocline, and iii) the vertical shear of the zonal current. These are key parameters of vertical mixing and therefore the cooling rate. Thus, vertical velocity plays an indirect role in the establishment and interannual variability of the Atlantic cold tongue.

Developing multilingual literacies in Sweden and Australia : Opportunities and challenges in mother tongue instruction and multilingual study guidance in Sweden and community language education in Australia

Reath Warren, Anne January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to learn about opportunities for and challenges to the development of multilingual literacies in three forms of education in Sweden and Australia that teach or draw on immigrant languages.  In Sweden mother tongue instruction and multilingual study guidance are in focus and in Australia, a community language school. Taking an ecological approach to the research sites, the thesis investigates how language ideologies, organization of the form of education and language practices impact on the development of multilingual literacies. A range of linguistic ethnographic data including 75 lesson observations, 48 interviews, field notes and photographs has been analyzed against the theoretical backdrop of the continua of biliteracy (Hornberger, 1989; Hornberger &amp; Skilton-Sylvester, 2000), heteroglossia (Bakhtin, 1981) and emerging theories of translanguaging (García &amp; Li, 2014) to investigate the questions. The thesis ties together the results of four interlocking case studies investigating the above-mentioned forms of education. Study I analyses the syllabus for mother tongue instruction in Sweden and finds that while aligning with the overall values of the curriculum for the compulsory school, a hidden curriculum constrains implementation. In Study II, multilingual practices during multilingual study guidance in Sweden are analysed, and demonstrate how translanguaging helps recently arrived students reach the learning goals of subjects in the Swedish curriculum. In study III, systematic analysis of indexicals reveals contrasting language narratives about language and language development in and around a Vietnamese community language school in Australia. Study IV focuses on mother tongue instruction in Sweden and through analysis of audio-recordings of lessons, interviews and field notes, finds three dimensions of linguistic diversity infuse the subject.  Opportunities for the development of multilingual literacies are created when there is equal access to spaces for developing literacies in different immigrant languages, within which language ideologies that recognize and build on the heteroglossic diversity of students’ linguistic repertoires dynamically inform the organization of education and classroom practices. Challenges are created when monoglossic ideologies restrict access to or ignore linguistic diversity and when there is a lack of dynamic engagement with implementation and organization. Basing organization, and classroom strategies around the linguistic reality of the students and the genres they need, benefits the development of multilingual literacies in both settings and can help students become resourceful language users (Pennycook, 2012b, 2014). / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

The influence of interfaces on the understanding of Mathematics in secondary schools in Afghanistan

Mojadadi, Abdul Rahman January 2010 (has links)
Masters of Science / The focus of this research is to establish whether there is a difference in the way the genders perceive the visualization of mathematics, with specific reference to set theory. The influence of the computing experience of students on their perceptions was also investigated. Interfaces were created for the teaching of set theory for learners in the first class of secondary school. Since the mother tongue of most the pupils is Dari the interface was made available in both Dari and English. The interfaces were used to gather the data for the research / South Africa

Mutter- und fremdsprachliche Leser im Kindes- und Jugendalter und der Stellenwert des Lesens in diesen Lebensabschnitten

Naude, Nadia 11 February 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study consists of two major parts: in the first place, the goal is to show to which extent the reading behavioral patterns as well as the reading methods of children and the youth have changed and developed during the past few decades. In the second place, the focus of the study shifts to the educational situation in which German as a foreign language is being taught. Important differences between mother tongue and foreign language education are pointed out and guidelines are given concerning the usage of reading as an important skill in the process of mastering German successfully. The activity of “reading” has been an integral part of the human composition and lifestyle since the earliest days of known human existence. The reading of a vastly different range of literature enriches a person’s life in a variety of ways and influences a person’s thoughts and deeds greatly to a positive extent. The reading of different types of literature can lead to the acquirement of new knowledge as well as the development of existing knowledge, new or unknown facts and information can be discovered and reading can also be utilized for the means of pure relaxation. Quite a large number of factors have contributed during the course of the last few decades to a negative development and decline in the reading patterns as well as the reading methods of the society in general – for example, the new innovations in technology, especially the increasing usage of the computer, as well as the hustled and hurried human lifestyle in which time as a very valuable and precious commodity has become extremely limited. Mainly due to above-mentioned factors a definite decline in the reading activities of children and the youth can be observed and therefore this distressing trend forms one of the major focus points of this mini-dissertation. One of the most important and influential role players in the process of establishing an early liking and love for reading is undeniably and obviously the parental home, as well as the parents’ reading behavior and habits. Another and equally important role player in the development of desired reading behavior of children and the youth are the schools and/or other educational institutions. Consequently another focus point of this study will therefore be the reading methods, which are applied in the teaching situation and the reader in a foreign language situation, as well as the reading process which takes place during the learning of a foreign language (such as German) will specifically be taken into consideration. The latter is especially important in the South African context, because German in this country is mainly being taught as a foreign language. Reading as one of the four main skills (reading; listening; speaking; writing) required in the process of learning a new (foreign) language has been a subject of scientific research since the beginning of the 20th century. In the past few decades a variety of studies in the fields of sociology, didactics and linguistics have been undertaken and the diverse theories that have resulted from these studies are a prominent fact. The interest in the reading habits of children and the youth has been rekindled during the recent decade or two and in-depth studies have indicated to which extent learners’ reading skills not only influence their ability to master a foreign language, but also contribute to the learning of other study material as well. Studies that were undertaken in Germany were mainly being made use of during the research process of this mini-dissertation, in view of the fact that the focus of the material is of course German as a foreign language. The method of research, which was applied in this mini-dissertation, is mainly a literature study and analysis. Several theories concerning the reading habits and reading behavior and/or –disposition of children and the youth towards the various forms of literature, the sociology of different reading types and the importance of the development of reading skills in especially the teaching of German as a foreign language are being investigated, analysed, discussed and compared in the various chapters. Relevant and timely information has been obtained from a comprehensive range of literary sources. Books, magazine articles, reference books as well as the internet (especially concerning the results of the most recent studies being done in German schools) have been used extensively to gather relevant information, which have consequently been compiled in such a way that for example teachers could consult and utilise this mini-dissertation in a practical and useful manner, wherever applicable. / Dissertation (MA (German))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Modern European Languages / unrestricted

The flutist's embouchure and tone : respectives and influences

Tolsma, Pierre Henri 28 September 2010 (has links)
A well formed embouchure and a good tone quality are vital for any flutist. This study is a detailed guide that includes general information, influences and perspectives on/about embouchure and tone for the flutist. Information is provided on how to form a proper embouchure, the relation between embouchure and tone, the purpose of the embouchure and the role of different body parts in a) forming a proper embouchure and b) manipulating the embouchure whilst playing. The anatomy of the human body and its relation to embouchure and tone is discussed. Pictures of the different muscles involved in flute playing, muscles of expression and the anatomy of body parts that influence embouchure and tone, are presented. Flute teachers‟, performers‟ and students‟ perspectives on aspects relating to embouchure and tone, are provided. Diseases, medical conditions, medicine, physical attributes and infections that can influence embouchure and tone are investigated. A discussion of the influences that flute options have on embouchure and tone is included. These options include open- or closed-hole, B or C footjoint, materials, wall thickness, split E or E ring, open- or closed-G#, pads, headjoint design and flute scales. There is also a short discussion about embouchure on big flutes. AFRIKAANS : 'n Goed gevormde embouchure en „n goeie klankkwaliteit is van kardinale belang vir enige fluitspeler. Die studie is „n gedetaileerde gids, en bevat algemene inligting, invloede en perspektiewe op/oor embouchure en klank, vir die fluitspeler. Informasie oor hoe om 'n goeie embouchure te vorm, die verband tussen embouchure en klank, die doel van die embouchure sowel as die rol wat verskillende liggaamsdele speel in a) die vorming van die embouchure en b) die gebruik van die embouchure tydens spel, word voorsien. Die anatomie van die menslike liggaam wat verband hou met embouchure en klank, word bespreek. Prente van verskillende spiere betrokke tydens fluitspel, spiere van ekspressie en die anatomie van die liggaamsdele wat 'n invloed het op embouchure en klank, word voorgestel. Fluit onderwysers, voordraers en studente se perspektiewe rondom aspekte wat verband hou met embouchure en klank, word voorsien. Siektes, mediese toestande, medisyne, fisiese eienskappe en infeksies wat embouchure en klank kan beïnvloed, word ondersoek. 'n Bespreking van die invloede wat fluitopsies op embouchure en klank het, is ingesluit. Hierdie opsies sluit in oop- of geslote-opening, B of C voetstuk, materiale, buis dikte, gesplete E of E ring, oop- of geslote-G#, kussings, kopstuk ontwerp en fluittoonlere. 'n Kort bespreking in verband met embouchure op groot fluite word ook ingesluit. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Music / unrestricted

Flerspråkiga elevers läsutveckling i den integrerade undervisningen : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare jobbar med andraspråkselevers läsutveckling / Multilingual pupils' reading development in the integrated education : A qualitative study on how teachers work with second language learners' reading development

Österlund, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
This study focuses on providing a better understanding of the methods and approaches in the learning of reading development that favors multilingual pupils in the integrated teaching. The study is aimed more specifically on finding out how teachers work to develop reading comprehension among pupils with a mother tongue other than Swedish. Finally the study seeks to answers what teachers think the difficulties are for these pupils in their's reading development. To answer the questions, qualitative interviews were conducted with six teachers. The results of the interviews turn out to support the previous research and theory described in the essay. The interviews also show that native language teachers and Swedish as second language teachers have a great significance for reading comprehension among multilingual pupils. However, these teachers can’t be fully utilized due to limited resources. / Studiens fokuserar på att ge ökad förståelse för metoder och arbetssätt i undervisningen gällande läsutveckling som gynnar flerspråkiga elever i den integrerade undervisningen. Studien riktar sig mer specifikt åt att ta reda på hur lärare arbetar med att utveckla läsförståelsen hos elever med annat modersmål än svenska. Vidare söker studien svar på vad lärare anser att dessa elever har svårigheter med i sin läsutveckling. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med sex pedagoger. Resultaten av intervjuerna visar sig ha mycket gemensamt med tidigare forskning. Av intervjuerna framgår också att modersmålslärare och svenska som andraspråkslärare har stor betydelse för läsförståelsen hos flerspråkiga elever. Samtidigt upplever pedagogerna att dessa lärare inte kan utnyttjas fullt ut på grund av begränsade resurser.

Překlad německého odborného textu ve vysokoškolské jazykové výuce / Translation of a German Professional Text Used at University Level Foreign Language Teaching

Michňová, Iva January 2011 (has links)
Nowadays knowing professional language is an essential part of professional success and career growth for university graduates majoring in non-philological studies. The aim of this dissertation is to contribute to further enhancement and efficiency of foreign language teaching at university level. Based on the theoretical background and confirmation of hypotheses, the paper describes and explains why it is appropriate to include, in addition to training of basic language skills (passive: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, active: speaking and writing) an extra fifth skill: translating into the mother tongue. Undoubtedly, the translating skill helps to improve receptive and productive skills necessary for working with academic text and to facilitate better use of information sources; at the same time, this skill is desirable in corporate practice and in academia. This paper deals with methods of foreign language teaching from both diachronic and synchronous perspectives, with emphasis on the application of translation. It analyses the role of translation in teaching using a specific example; it provides analysis of professional style and some features of professional text; it justifies the importance of translation into the mother tongue; it deals with selected problems of the theory, practice and didactics of translation. The research part is based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of students' translations. It confirms the hypotheses that students have difficulty in translating into the mother tongue and in using various sources of information, and that guidance on how to proceed in translating has a positive influence on them. The research part is followed by some suggestions for specific methodologies and exercises that may be used to integrate translating into professional language teaching at university level, namely for graduates majoring in non-philological studies. The suggestions are based on the author's research results; naturally, they are focused on eliminating possible inaccuracies and mistakes, and also on developing desirable skills.

Modersmålsundervisning : Det gemensamma ansvaret för hela organisationen i grundskolan / Mother Tongue Education : The shared responsibility for the entire organization in elementary schools

Vithlani, Sharmila January 2018 (has links)
Bristande kunskaper om modersmålsundervisning och dess organisering bland grundskolelärare kan ge fel uppfattningar om ämnets innehåll. Denna studie utgick ifrån olika ledningsaktörers professionella ansvar att utveckla grundskolelärarnas existerande kunskaper om hur (vi) modersmålslärare arbetar och är organiserade. Ett professionellt ansvar, som samtliga pedagogiska aktörer i grundskolan bör ha. Studien tog del av föreställningar om modersmålsundervisning som framträdde hos anställda på ledningsnivå och fördjupades vidare på vilket sätt och varför dessa föreställningar kunde vara betydelsefulla för grundskolans kvalitativa utvecklingsarbete. Föreställningar som framträdde hos ledningsaktörerna om grundskolelärarnas existerande kunskaper om modersmålsundervisning och dess organisering sågs i relation till olika kunskapssyn: vetenskaplig kunskap, tyst kunskap och vardagskunskap utifrån erfarenheter. Dessa tre olika kunskapssyner hade tillägnats och var en del av den praxisgemenskapen inom skolans verksamhet som synliggjordes genom aktiv deltagande i samspel med andra. Detta har gjorts från individnivå genom interaktion med andra till ett större kollektiv d.v.s. organisationsnivå. Den tysta kunskapen behöver artikuleras och ledningsaktörerna behöver skapa mötesforum för detta. Studien visade en lärande process där den utgick ifrån ledningsaktörernas synpunkter kring grundskolelärarnas bristande kunskaper om ämnet modersmål och dess organisering. Dessa synpunkter sattes i relation till ett utvecklingsarbete där det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet blev en levande process. Denna lärande process kan leda till ett förbättringsarbete inom grundskolans verksamhet som i sin tur kan skapa likvärdiga förutsättningar inom utbildning för elever som har ett annat modersmål än svenska.

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