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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den mangfaldiga och mangkulturella medvetenheten En studie om gymnasieskolans forutsattningar och historieundervisningens mojligheter att utveckla elevers demokratiska kompetens

Hernández Guerrero, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this examination paper is the study of the teaching of history in today’s society that is characterized by multiculturalism and diversity. It starts with an interest in understanding how multiculturalism and diversity are treated in the secondary schools in Sweden. The study begun as an inductive work and has been achieved via analysis of teaching contents, perspectives and working methods. The data for this study was obtained through semi-structured interviews and a survey. The main method used for analysis is the inductive qualitative method Grounded Theory (GT). The qualitative method, Critical discourse analysis, (CDA) has also been used to analyze the political aspects of history curriculum. In order to understand the role of the teaching of history in our society - the different levels of historical consciousness, the acquisition of skills and abilities, the perspective in history’s teaching as well as the perception or influence of multiculturalism and diversity - this study has taken into consideration the participation of different people with different education levels. An interesting phenomenon has been noticed during the course of this study: a special relationship to diversity and multiculturalism found in young students enrolled in a high school program that combine courses of history with other courses related to history. I define this phenomenon as awareness of diversity and multiculturalism. The used survey confirms the occurrence of this phenomenon. The result indicates that the young individuals who have followed a certain combination of subjects, have positive attitudes toward diversity and multiculturalism, equivalent to teachers with master and PhD’s degree who have the mission to teach democracy as their profession. Finally, the study focused on analyzing how contents and didactics strategies in history-teaching can influence the development of consciousness about diversity and multiculturalism. This study has a political and a didactical dimension, the discussion of both those dimensions is done by using Gert Biesta’s concepts qualification, socialization, subjectification, and James A. Banks’s five-dimensional typology about multicultural education.

Le capital social comme outil d’intervention : accès et mobilisation dans une école secondaire en milieu défavorisé et multiethnique

Vidal, Marjorie 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

An Historical Review of Higher Education in Nigeria from 1960-1985 with Emphasis on Curriculum Development

Odueze, Simon Amanze 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to review higher education in Nigeria from 1960-1985 with emphasis on curriculum development, to identify the changes that took place during that period, and to utilize those changes to evaluate the current state of Nigerian higher education. In order to fulfill the purpose of this study, answers were sought for six research questions. Chapter 1 includes a statement of the problem, purpose of this study, research questions, background, and significance of the study. Chapter 2 presents information on the methods of gathering and analyzing data. Chapter 3 is a review of the background literature. Chapter 4 presents information on higher education and curriculum development 1960-1985, and Chapter 5 covers the Nigeria National Curriculum Conference of 1969. The findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the study are presented in Chapter 6.

La rénovation de l'enseignement du français dans les universités en Ukraine : une analyse didactique contextualisée / The renewal of French teaching in Ukrainian universities : a didactic analysis in context / Оновлення викладання французької мови в університетах в Україні : дидактичний контекстуалізований аналіз

Vilpoux, Claire 03 October 2013 (has links)
Depuis les années 1990, l’Ukraine s’est lancée dans un processus de réformes touchant tous les secteurs de lasociété. Dans les universités, de nouvelles approches pédagogiques pour l’ « amélioration » de l’enseignement dufrançais ont été mises en place. Dans ce mouvement, un projet de rénovation a été développé par l’Attaché deCoopération Pour le Français et une vingtaine de départements et filières de français. Quels ont été les impacts decette rénovation au sein des universités ukrainiennes? À partir d’une enquête de terrain, mettant en lumière lespratiques d’enseignement et les représentations sociolinguistiques des acteurs de l’enseignement-apprentissagedu français, cette recherche tente de mieux comprendre les diverses dynamiques à l’oeuvre. Elle se pencheessentiellement sur les transformations de l’enseignement supérieur et la diffusion de la langue française. Aprèsune explicitation de la démarche épistémologique et méthodologique retenue, une problématisation du contexteukrainien est proposée autour de la question du plurilinguisme au sein de la société et au sein du système éducatif.L’attention est portée ensuite sur le développement de l’enseignement du français. Ce travail de contextualisationpermet, d’une part, de dégager les éventuelles tensions qui entourent et constituent la rénovation del’enseignement du français, et, d’autre part, d’envisager des pistes sociodidactiques répondant mieux aux besoinsdes universités ukrainiennes / Since the 1990s, Ukraine was involved in a process of reform in all sectors of the society. Universities put intopractice new pedagogical approaches to “improve” French teaching. As a result, a renewal of French teaching wasdeveloped by the Attaché of Cooperation for the development of French language and twenty branch departments.Which were the impacts of this renewal of French teaching in the Ukrainian universities? In the scope of a fieldstudy, we observed and reviewed teaching practices and sociolinguistic representations of the actors in theteaching and learning French language. By this way, we strive to better understand the various dynamics whichcontribute to the development of teaching and learning French language in Ukrainian universities. This study willfocus mainly on the transformations of higher education and the diffusion of French language. First, we will explainthe epistemological and methodological framework. Then, we will question the Ukrainian context in order tounderstand specifities related to plurilinguism in society and in the educational system. On the one hand, we willidentify the possible tensions already existing or emerging from this renewal. On the other hand, we will considerhow teaching French could be contextualized in Ukrainian universities in order to answer the needs of Ukrainianuniversities / В 1990 році Україна почала процес реформ в усіх сферах суспільства. В університетах, були введені новіпедагогічні підходи для « покращення» викладання французької мови. З цією метою, Аташе з питаньспівробітництва в галузі французької мови Посольства Франції в Україні спільно з двадцятьмафранцузькими кафедрами було розроблено проект оновлення викладання французької мови. Якими булинаслідки цього проекту в українських вузах? На базі проведеного анкетування, ми проаналізували процесвикладання, а також соціолінгвістичного відображення учасників процесу викладання та вивченняфранцузької мови, прагнучи краще зрозуміти динаміку процесів, які відбуваються. В цій роботі спершуйдеться про перетворення вищої освіти та поширення французької мови в Україні. Після описуепістемологічного та методологічного підходів, використаних у дослідженні, особливості українськогоконтексту примушують нас зосередитися навколо питань плюрилінгвізму у суспільстві та в системі освіти.Далі увага фокусується на розвитку викладання французької мови. З одного боку, ця робота допомагаєпроаналізувати ці питання у контексті, виявити можливі труднощі, які виникають у процесі oновленнявикладання французької мови, а з іншого боку, розглянути соціодидактичні підходи, які найкращевідповідають потребам українських ВУЗів

Globalisation, justice et éducation : le cas des politiques universitaires / Globalization, justice and education : the issue of higher education policies

Martin, Justine 12 December 2011 (has links)
Comment établir une juste répartition de l’accès aux connaissances entre les Etats et envisager ce que pourraient être des politiques universitaires équitables, à l’échelle globale ? C’est ce qu’entend montrer ce travail qui, tout en présentant l’origine historique de la situation d’inégalités qui caractérise le monde académique contemporain, engage une réflexion sur les modalités d’application des principes usuels de la justice distributive à l’échelle globale, dans un contexte où dorénavant la croissance et les échanges se fondent sur la production de biens immatériels. En s’appuyant sur la théorie des « biens publics globaux », il est ainsi possible de redéfinir les modalités de la coopération universitaire pour la faire sortir de la logique de l’aide qui a, depuis l’époque coloniale jusqu’à nos jours, caractérisé les relations académiques internationales. / How can we establish a fair distribution of access to knowledge between the states and consider what might be fair higher education policies, on a global scale ? That is what intends to demonstrate this work, presenting the historical roots of the inequalities that characterize the contemporary academic world and initiating a reflection about the application of usual principles of distributive justice on the global scale, in a context of increasing production of intangible goods. The general theory of "global public goods" makes possible the redefinition of academic cooperation, in order to depart from the logic of assistance that, since colonial times to the present day, characterized international academic relations.

Universités et universitaires en leurs territoires : quelles implications pour quelles missions ? : étude comparée des cas de Syracuse University et de l'université Paris Nanterre / Universities and academics in their territories : what engagements for which missions? : comparative approach of two case study Syracuse University and Paris Nanterre University

Vergnaud, Camille 30 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse met en question la place du territoire dans les missions universitaires à partir de deux cas d’étude Syracuse University (État de New York, États-Unis) et Paris Nanterre (France). L’analyse propose le concept d’implication universitaire et interroge alors les positionnements et actions volontairement entrepris par des universités ou des universitaires envers et avec des acteurs non académiques pour apporter une contribution à la société dans le cadre de leurs missions et activités universitaires. L’approche comparée met en regard deux universités qui portent une posture d’université engagée comme levier de différenciation et d’attractivité institutionnelle en fonction de leurs modèles nationaux respectifs. L’analyse de la mise en œuvre de cette posture d’implication met en lumière les contrastes de moyens d’action des deux établissements, tout en distinguant des logiques de territorialisation communes : le territoire de l’université est à la fois cadre d’inscription, terrain d’investissement et enjeu de transformation et de délimitation. L’échelon des enseignants-chercheurs est enfin étudié dans ses rapports avec l’institution de rattachement, mettant en lumière à la fois les types d’incitations adressées par les universités à leurs membres pour les intégrer à leurs projets et politiques d’implication territoriale, et les stratégies des enseignants-chercheurs à l’égard de leur établissement. / This thesis deals with the place of the territory in university missions using two case studies: Syracuse University (New York State, United States) and Paris Nanterre (France). Based on the concept of university engagement, the analysis questions the positions and actions voluntarily undertaken by universities or academics to contribute to society issues. The comparative approach looks at two universities that are using their commitment as an argument to be more attractive according to their respective national models. The leaders of the two universities promote a renewed theorization of the university's missions and its territorial functions. The analysis of the implementation of this posture of engagement highlights the different means of action of the two institutions, while distinguishing similar territorial logics: the territory of the university is at the same time a frame of action, a land of investment, and an asset to be changed and defined the way the universities want it to be. The faculty level is also studied in its relations with the institution, highlighting at the same time various types of incentives addressed by the universities to their members to integrate them in their projects, and the faculty strategies towards their institution.

Ensino fundamental de nove anos no município de  São Paulo: um estudo de caso / Nine years elementary school in São Paulo city: a study case.

Klein, Sylvie Bonifacio 23 May 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa foi motivada pela alteração da organização da educação básica por meio das Leis federais nº.11.114/05, que alterou a idade obrigatória de ingresso no ensino fundamental para seis anos de idade, e nº.11/274/06, que ampliou a duração do ensino fundamental para nove anos. Tinha-se como objetivo analisar a implementação do ensino fundamental de nove anos na rede municipal de São Paulo. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma turma de 1º ano do ensino fundamental de nove anos, em escola da rede municipal, visando articular as orientações e normatizações da política nacional, sua adequação em nível municipal e sua realização no cotidiano da escola. Como forma de contextualizar o objeto de pesquisa abordou-se aspectos históricos da ampliação do ensino fundamental e buscou-se referências sobre a etapa até então responsável pelo atendimento das crianças de seis anos: a educação infantil. Foram levantados exemplos de experiências de ensino fundamental de nove anos anteriores à alteração nacional, bem como a relação das mudanças estudadas com o financiamento da educação básica. Foi feito levantamento documental sobre o tema nas normatizações nacionais, estaduais de São Paulo e municipais, a fim de subsidiar as análises dos dados da pesquisa de campo. O estudo realizado permite afirmar que a maioria das crianças de seis anos, até a alteraçãoda legislação, estava matriculada em alguma instituição, sendo a etapa da educação infantil a que concentrava a maioria das matrículas. Durante o 1º semestre de 2010, foi feita observação em uma turma de 1º ano de escola da rede municipal e realizadas entrevistas com os sujeitos envolvidos com a mudança: professoras, crianças, mães e representante da equipe gestora da escola. Partindo do referencial teórico do campo da educação infantil e considerando a necessidade da consolidação de uma pedagogia da infância, os dados revelaram que não houve a reestruturação do ensino fundamental a partir do ensino fundamental de nove anos, mas sim a antecipação de práticas de alfabetização antes realizadas na 1ª série do ensino fundamental com oito anos de duração. Também não houve espaço para participação das crianças e dos adultos envolvidos na definição da política e sua implementação. / The motivation of this research was the change of the organization of basic education by the federal lows nº. 11.114/05 that changed the mandatory age of entry into the elementary school at the age of six, and nº.11/274/06 that enlarged the duration of elementary school to nine years. This research aimed to analyze the implementation of the nine years elementary school in São Paulos public education system. In order to achieve this aim a study case was performed with a 1st year class of the new elementary school organization, in a public school, aiming to verify the integration of national policies guidelines and norms, yours adequacy at municipal level and its achievement in the school routine. In order to contextualize the research subject it deals with the historical feature of elementary schools enlargement and with kindergarten, which has been responsible for six years of childrens education. Examples of nine years elementary school organization that happened before the national change were collected, as well as the relation between these changes and basic education funding. A documentary research was made about the subject in a national level, state level and municipal level in order to support the data analyses collected in field work. The research data allows us to declare that most of the six years old children, until the change of national low, were enrolled in some kind of institution, most of them in kindergartens. The observation of a public schools 1st year class was performed in the first semester of the year 2010, as well as interviews with those who were involved with the change: teachers, children, mothers and directors of the school. Using the childhood education field as the theoretical basis and considering the need of a childhood pedagogy, the data shows that a reconstruction of the elementary school considering its enlargement did not happened, instead earlier literacy practices of the 1st grade of the eight years elementary school were anticipated. The data also shows that children and adults involved of this new model did not have the chance to participate in the definition and implementations process.

A implementação da Lei 10.639/2003 e seus desdobramentos no município de Ribeirão Preto - SP / The implementation of Law 10.639/2003 and its unfoldings in the municipality of Ribeirão Preto SP

Nunes, Sandra Maria Maciel 15 May 2018 (has links)
NUNES, S. M. M. A implementação da Lei 10.639/2003 e seus desdobramentos no município de Ribeirão Preto - SP. 2018. 286 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2018. Esta pesquisa tem como tema a Educação e a educação das relações étnico-raciais e seu objetivo é identificar e analisar as ações desenvolvidas pela Secretaria Municipal da Educação (SME) de Ribeirão Preto, direcionadas à institucionalização da Lei 10.639/2003. A metodologia utilizada foi de abordagem qualitativa, se apresentando como um estudo analítico-descritivo. Os procedimentos metodológicos empregados para a coleta de dados foram a pesquisa bibliográfica, a análise documental e as entrevistas semiestruturada. Os documentos pesquisados foram às legislações e publicações da Secretaria Municipal de Ribeirão Preto, relacionadas à institucionalização da Lei 10.639/2003 e nossa busca por documentos se deu em diferentes arquivos situados no município de Ribeirão Preto - SP e no Portal da Prefeitura Municipal de Ribeirão Preto (PMRP). Após a coleta de dados, optamos por apresenta-los de maneira cronológica, a fim de facilitar a organização e possibilitar um entendimento temporal das ações empreendidas pela SME. Analisamos as ações levando em consideração as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a educação das Relações Étnico-Raciais e para o Ensino de História e Cultura Afro-brasileira e Africana, bem como o Plano Nacional de Implementação das Diretrizes Curriculares, publicado em 2009. Desta forma identificamos três momentos, nos quais foram realizadas ações para a implementação da Lei no município de Ribeirão Preto. As ações desenvolvidas foram: regulamentação da Lei; formação docente; aquisição, produção e distribuição de materiais didáticos e paradidáticos. / NUNES, S. M. M. The implementation of Law 10.639/2003 and its unfoldings in the municipality of Ribeirão Preto SP. 2018. 286 f. Dissertation (Masters) Filosofy, Science and Letters School of Ribeirao Preto, São Paulo University, Ribeirao Preto, 2018. This research has as a theme the Education and the ethnic-racial relations and its purpose is identify and analyse the actions developted by Municipal Secretary of Education of Ribeirão Preto, aimed at intitutionalization of Law 10.639/2003. The methodology used was the qualitative approach, presented as an analitycal-descriptive study. The methodological procedures appointed for the data colletion were bibliographic research, documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews. The documents searched were the legislations and publications of the Municipal Secretary of Ribeirão Preto, related to the institucionalization of Law 10.639/2003 and our search in documents was in different files sited in the municipality of Ribeirao Preto - SP and in the Portal da Prefeitura Municipal de Ribeirão Preto (PMRP). After the colection of the datas, we chose to presente them in cronological way, in order to facilitate the organization and to allow the temporal understanding of the actions undertaken by the Municipal Scretary of Education of Ribeirão Preto. We analyse the actions taking in account the National Curricular Guideline for the education of ethnic-racial relations and for the teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture, as well as the National Plan for the implementation of Curricular Guidelines published in 2009. Thus, we identified three moments, in which actions were carried out for the implematation of the Law in the municipality of Ribeirão Preto. The actions developed were: regulation of the Law; the actions developed were teacher training; acquisition, production and distribution of didactic materials.

Projeto Mineiro de Desenvolvimento Profissional de Educadores - PDP: um estudo da forma??o continuada de professores / Minas Gerais Program for Professional Development of Educators - PDP: a study of continued education of teachers.

Figueiredo, Jacqueline de Sousa Batista 21 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jacqueline de Souza Batista Figueiredo.pdf: 1518585 bytes, checksum: 1d5ab47171d45b57cc94d96058ce2e6b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-21 / This work follows the line of research University, Teaching and Education of Teachers . It analyzes the implications of implementing the implantation of public policy in Minas Gerais with the Program of Professional Development of Educators (PDP) and the configuration of the curriculum in Schools-Reference under the jurisdiction of the Regional Superintendence of Education in Po?os de Caldes, Minas Gerais. This policy considers teachers as constructors and re-constructors during the course of their education and profession with the objective of developing activities with pedagogical accompaniment and support for implanting new curricular proposals conjecturing the Common Basic Curriculum (CBC) In the light of this scenario the investigation tried to respond to the following question: What are the advances and obstacles present in the implantation of the Program for the Professional Development of Educators (PDP) being implanted by the State of Minas Gerais? It utilized bibliographical and documentary research; data for analysis was obtained at the end of 2006 by means of semi-structured interviews. Seven professors participated in these: four Coordinators of the Group of Professional Development and three Representatives of the Area. The study revealed that the professors attribute great value to the program for professional development and improvement of performance in SEEMGking teaching quality, and that the encounters held in the schools favored the practice of dialogic reflection. However, they questioned the type of presentation and the time of the implementation of the program, as well as the bureaucracy, the availability of funds and the assessment that do not correspond to facilitating the program s proposal. They revealed beliefs, worries and conflicts that ought to be considered by the creators of the program for bringing into effect the intended changes in the Minas Gerais educational system, keeping in mind the investment and confidence deposited by the State Department of Education in this modality of improving the quality of service. / Este trabalho, inserido na linha de pesquisa Universidade, Doc?ncia e Forma??o de Professores , analisa as implica??es da implementa??o da pol?tica p?blica mineira com o Programa de Desenvolvimento Profissional de Educadores (PDP) e a configura??o do curr?culo nas Escolas-Refer?ncia sob a jurisdi??o da Superintend?ncia Regional de Ensino de Po?os de Caldas-MG. Essa pol?tica considera o professor construtor e reconstrutor de seu percurso formativo e profissional com o objetivo de desenvolver atividades com acompanhamento e suporte pedag?gico para a implanta??o das novas propostas curriculares a conjectura do Curr?culo B?sico Comum (CBC). Diante desse cen?rio, a investiga??o procurou responder ? seguinte quest?o: Que avan?os e obst?culos est?o presentes na implanta??o do Programa de Desenvolvimento Profissional de Educadores (PDP) implantado pelo Estado de Minas Gerais? Utilizou-se a pesquisa bibliogr?fica e a documental, sendo que os dados para an?lise foram obtidos no final de ano de 2006 por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Delas participaram sete professores: quatro Coordenadores de Grupo de Desenvolvimento Profissional e tr?s Representantes de ?rea. A pesquisa revelou que os professores atribu?ram um grande valor ao programa para o desenvolvimento profissional e aperfei?oamento do desempenho na busca da qualidade de ensino, e que os encontros realizados nas escolas favoreceram uma pr?tica reflexiva dial?gica. No entanto, questionam a forma de apresenta??o e o tempo de implementa??o do programa, assim como a burocracia, a disponibilidade de verbas e a avalia??o que n?o correspondeu ? flexibiliza??o da proposta do programa. Revelaram cren?as, anseios e conflitos que devem ser considerados pelos gestores do programa para efetiva??o das mudan?as pretendidas no sistema educacional mineiro, tendo em vista o investimento e a confian?a depositada pela Secretaria Estadual de Educa??o nesta modalidade de capacita??o em servi?o.


Baranoski, Maria Cristina Rauch 06 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Eunice Novais (enovais@uepg.br) on 2017-08-17T20:47:35Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Maria Cristina R Baranoski.pdf: 2101027 bytes, checksum: da2c1f4c2498c0a4a6b51227e3f9e854 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-17T20:47:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Maria Cristina R Baranoski.pdf: 2101027 bytes, checksum: da2c1f4c2498c0a4a6b51227e3f9e854 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-06 / A afetividade é o componente do vínculo familiar que marca a repersonalização do direito de família, abre a possibilidade do reconhecimento da união de pessoas do mesmo sexo como família, com direito a pater/maternidade. Mas, ainda há a imagem da formação da família tradicional patriarcal, deixando as demais configurações invisibilizadas. Partindo da ideia do direito fundamental da criança à convivência familiar e considerando a família e a escola como integrantes do sistema de garantias dos direitos da criança e do adolescente, a pesquisa tem por objeto as relações cotidianas que a escola, enquanto ator do sistema de garantias dos direitos da criança e do adolescente, estabelece com a família homoparental. A hipótese que orientou a pesquisa é de que no contexto escolar a família homoparental é uma realidade invisível. O objetivo geral consiste em analisar a forma pela qual, escolas do sistema estadual de ensino Núcleo Regional de Educação/Ponta Grossa - Estado do Paraná, trabalham as demandas da família homoparental, considerando o cotidiano escolar e as políticas públicas da educação. A pesquisa tem caráter qualitativo, realizada a partir do método hipotético dedutivo. A metodologia utilizada é o estudo de caso. O percurso metodológico se deu com a pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e de campo. Na pesquisa de campo foi utilizada a abordagem bola de neve visando localizar experiências da família homoparental e a relação com a escola, no Núcleo Regional de Educação de Ponta Grossa. Os dados de campo foram coletados na forma de: observação; entrevista semiestruturada; documentos institucionais da escola, como o Projeto Político Pedagógico, os Planos de Educação, a partir das categorias da pesquisa. Com a analise de conteúdo se fez a análise e interpretação dos dados. A analise de conteúdo do material coletado foi realizada considerando as categorias: escola; família; diversidade; família homoparental; sistema de garantias dos direitos da criança e do adolescente; educação para a diversidade; estigma; estereótipo; preconceito; discriminação; visibilidade/invisibilidade; exclusão. Os resultados obtidos confirmam a hipótese da invisibilidade da família homoparental nos documentos e no cotidiano escolar, demonstrando os desafios que ainda se apresentam às crianças e suas famílias no sentido de garantir o direito de acesso e permanência da criança na escola, livre de quaisquer formas de violência originada do preconceito e exclusão. Demonstraram que a escola não conhece o histórico das suas crianças, especialmente a sua configuração familiar, tem dificuldades para entender as configurações familiares contemporâneas, e, reproduz padrões sociais hegemônicos. A falta de práticas inclusivas na escola para a acolhida e reconhecimento da família homoparental traz como consequência a falta de cumprimento, pela escola, da sua função de proteger plenamente o direito da criança à convivência familiar e comunitária e à educação, confirmando a hipótese que orientou a pesquisa, de que no contexto escolar a família homoparental é uma realidade invisível. invisibilidade/visibilidade. / The affectivity is the component of the family bond that marks the new personalization of the Family Law and it opens the possibility of the recognition of the union of people of the same sex like family, with the paternity / maternity right. But there is still the image of the formation of the traditional patriarchal family, leaving this way the other settings invisible. Starting from the idea of the fundamental right of the child to the familiar living and considering the family and the school as members of the system of guarantees of the rights of the child and the adolescent, the research aims to observe the daily relations established by the school, as performer of the system of guarantees of the rights of the child and the adolescent, with the same-sex parents family. The hypothesis that guided the research is that in the school context the same-sex family is an invisible reality. The general aim is to analyze the way in which the schools of the state education system NRE / Ponta Grossa - State of Paraná work the demands of the same-sex family considering the school routine and the public policies of education. The research has a qualitative character, based on the hypothetical deductive method. The methodology used is the case study. The methodological course was the bibliographical, documental and the field research. In the field research the snowball approach was used to identify experiences of the same-sex parents family and its relation with the school, in the Regional Center of Education of Ponta Grossa-PR. The field data were collected through the: observation from; a semi structured interview; school documents such as the political pedagogical project, education plans, from the categories of the research. The interpretation and date analyses was done through the content analysis. The content analysis of the collected material was carried out considering the categories: school; family; diversity; same-sex parents family; system of guarantees for the rights of child and adolescents; education for diversity; stigma; stereotype; prejudice; discrimination; visibility / invisibility; exclusion. The results confirm the hypothesis of the invisibility of the same-sex parents family both in part of the legislation, or in the documents and in the school daily routine, demonstrating the challenges that are still present to the children and their families in order to guarantee the right of access and permanence of the child in the school. free from any form of violence originated from the prejudice and the exclusion. The research results showed that school does not know the history of its children, especially its family configuration and it has difficulty in understanding the contemporary family configurations, and it reproduces the hegemonic social patterns. The lack of inclusive practices in the school for the acceptance and recognition of the same-sex parents family results in a failure by the school in fulfilling its function of fully protecting the right of the child to familiar and community living as well as to education, confirming the hypothesis that guided the research, that in the school context same-sex parents family is an invisible reality.

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