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Análise de custo-efetividade do tratamento da hepatite C crônica genótipo 1: comparação da adição do boceprevir a terapia padrão (interferon-α peguilado e ribavirina) / Cost-effectiveness analysis of treatment of genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C: comparison of boceprevir addition to standard of care (pegylated interferon alfa plus ribavirin).Maia, Sarah Cristina Oliveira Machado 30 March 2015 (has links)
A hepatite C afeta cerca de 150 milhões de pessoas no mundo e é a razão mais comum de transplantes de fígado. A erradicação viral, por meio de tratamento medicamentoso, é a única intervenção que pode deter a progressão da doença, reduzir a mortalidade e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Em 2011, foi aprovado o boceprevir, um inibidor de protease, que passou a ser adicionado à terapia padrão dupla (interferon peguilado e ribavirina) pelo Protocolo Clínico brasileiro para tratamento de Hepatite C genótipo 1 em pacientes com grau de fibrose maior que F2. Devido ao alto custo de aquisição deste medicamento e à produção cada vez maior de novas tecnologias para essa área terapêutica, foi proposta essa pesquisa que tem como objetivo analisar o custo-efetividade da terapia tripla em relação à terapia dupla, no tratamento da hepatite C crônica genótipo 1 em pacientes virgens de tratamento para todos os graus de fibrose. Para tanto, foi construído um modelo de Markov com 15 estados de saúde representando a história natural da Hepatite C crônica. O modelo seguiu uma coorte hipotética pela vida toda, em que os custos foram expressos em Reais e os desfechos em anos de vida ganhos. A perspectiva adotada foi a do SUS. A RCEI calculada, com taxa de desconto de 5% para custos e desfechos, foi R$ 201.504,92 por ano de vida ganho. Considerando um limiar de custo efetividade de 3 vezes o valor do PIB per capita, segundo recomendação da OMS, a adição do boceprevir não foi custo-efetiva no tratamento de pacientes virgens em todos os graus de fibrose. Pela análise de sensibilidade, nenhuma variável teve grande impacto na RCEI, exceto quando a taxa de desconto aplicada em desfechos foi zerada, em que a terapia tripla passou a ser custo-efetiva. / The Hepatitis C virus affects around 150 million of people worldwide and it is the most common reason for liver transplantation. Viral eradication, by drug treatment, is the only therapeutic intervention that may halt the disease progression, reduce HCV-related mortality and improve the quality of life of infected patients. Boceprevir, a protease inhibitor, was approved in 2011, being to be added to standard of care (peguilated interferon-α and ribavirin) by the Brazilian Protocol of treatment of genotype 1 Hepatitis C, in patients with degree of fibrosis greater than F2. Due to the high cost of acquisition of this drug and the increasing production of new technologies in this therapeutic area, the aim of this work was develop a cost-effectiveness analysis, comparing the triple therapy with the standard of care (double therapy) for treatment of genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C in treatment-naïve patients of all degrees of fibrosis. It was constructed a Markov Model with 15 health states representing the natural history of chronic Hepatitis C. The model followed a hypothetic cohort by lifetime, where costs were expressed in Reais and outcomes in life-years gained, under the perspective of Brazilian public health system. The calculated ICER, with discount rate of 5% to costs and outcomes, was R$201.504, 92 by life-years gained. Considering three times GDP per capita for cost-effectiveness threshold, according WHO recommendation, boceprevir was not cost-effective, when considered treatment-naïve patients of all degrees of fibrosis. By sensitivity analysis, none of the variables had a big impact in the ICER, except when it was stopped applying the discount rate in outcomes, in which the triple therapy became cost-effective.
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Política nacional de gestão de tecnologias em saúde: um estudo de caso da Comissão Nacional de Incorporação de Tecnologias no SUS / National policy on health technology management: a case study of the National Committee for Health Technology Incorporation (CONITEC)Yuba, Tania Yuka 04 February 2019 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A Avaliação da Tecnologia em Saúde (ATS) tem por objetivo informar aos formuladores de políticas sobre as implicações do desenvolvimento, da difusão e do uso de tecnologias nos sistemas de saúde. A ATS, enquanto produção de conhecimento e política de saúde, disseminou-se nos países desenvolvidos e, mais tardiamente, nos países em desenvolvimento. No contexto brasileiro, foi publicada em 2009 a Política Nacional de Gestão de Tecnologias em Saúde (PNGTS) e, em 2011, foi criada a Comissão de Nacional Incorporação de Tecnologias no SUS (CONITEC). Os estudos realizados sobre a PNGTS têm focado na descrição dos relatórios de recomendação da CONITEC e na análise de aspectos metodológicos, porém, não abordaram a implementação dessa política de saúde. OBJETIVO: Compreender o processo de implementação da Política Nacional de Gestão de Tecnologias em Saúde (PNGTS), utilizando a CONITEC como estudo de caso. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo de caso único para o aprofundamento da compreensão do processo de implementação da PNGTS. A primeira etapa da pesquisa constituiu-se da análise de documentos formais (arcabouço legal e relatórios de recomendação da CONITEC do período de 2012 a 2016) para elaboração de estatísticas descritivas. Já a segunda etapa compôs-se da realização e da análise qualitativa de entrevistas com atores-chave. Todas as entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas, inseridas no programa NVivo 12 e analisadas utilizando a abordagem temática. Os quadros teóricos utilizados para a análise qualitativa foram o de formação de agenda de Kingdon e a análise de implementação. Por fim, a terceira etapa objetivou a interpretação das informações quantitativas e qualitativas. RESULTADOS: O arcabouço legal estabeleceu um fluxo estruturado e definiu as evidências científicas exigidas para o processo de incorporação, alteração e exclusão de tecnologias no SUS. Foram analisados 199 relatórios de recomendação da CONITEC. O número anual de relatórios aumentou ao longo do período de estudo, com o pico em 2013 (n=54). Nos anos seguintes observou-se uma leve queda em 2014 (n=41), 2015 (n=44) e 2016 (n=31). O número anual de novas tecnologias incorporadas em 2013 (n=24) foi semelhante ao observado para 2014 (n=24) e 2015 (n=22), diminuindo em 2016 (n=13). O tipo de tecnologia mais frequentemente avaliada foi \"medicamentos\" (68,3%), seguido por \"procedimentos\" (20,1%). Dentre os 101 relatórios em que a tecnologia foi recomendada para incorporação: 83 (82,2%) referiram-se a demandas internas; 13 (12,9%), a demandas externas; 5 (4,9%), a demandas mistas. Desses, 88 (87,1%) não incluíram uma avaliação econômica em saúde completa, nem o cálculo da razão de custo-efetividade incremental. Em relação às 83 demandas internas, apenas 8 (9,6%) apresentaram um relatório completo de ATS; em contrapartida, dentre as 13 demandas externas, 10 (76,9%) apresentaram um relatório completo de ATS. Houve dificuldades relacionadas ao cumprimento das recomendações contidas nas normas da CONITEC, de modo que foram observadas diferenças relevantes entre as demandas internas e as externas quanto ao uso de evidências científicas (avaliação econômica em saúde) e às decisões favoráveis à incorporação da tecnologia no SUS. Na segunda etapa, a análise qualitativa identificou uma série de desafios para a implementação da CONITEC, notadamente: falta de estabilidade político-institucional, dificuldades para o desenvolvimento de estudos de avaliação econômica em saúde (pela indisponibilidade de dados clínicos e econômicos), além de limitações técnicas dos recursos humanos para lidar com os dados econômicos. A diferença entre as demandas internas e externas pode ser explicada pela legitimidade que as demandas internas possuem dentro do governo e pela necessidade de regulação das demandas externas. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de avaliação econômica em saúde na gestão de tecnologias no SUS ainda é incipiente, pois existem dificuldades estruturais e político-institucionais para o desenvolvimento e uso das evidências científicas. Outros critérios, para além dos que constam no arcabouço legal, são utilizados nos processos de incorporação da CONITEC / INTRODUCTION: Health Technology Assessment (HTA) aims to inform policy makers about the implications of the development, diffusion and use of technologies in health systems. HTA, as knowledge production and as health policy, has spread around the developed countries and, later, around developing countries. In the Brazilian context, the National Policy on Health Technology Management (PNGTS, in the Portuguese acronym) was published in 2009 and, in 2011, the National Committee for Health Technology Incorporation into the Brazilian public health system (CONITEC, in the Portuguese acronym) was created. Studies on the PNGTS have been observed to focus on the description of CONITEC\'s recommendation reports and on the analysis of methodological aspects, but have failed to address the implementation of this health policy. OBJECTIVE: To understand the process of implementation of the National Policy on Health Technology Management (PNGTS, in the Portuguese acronym), using CONITEC as a case study. METHODS: This is a single-case study to understand the PNGTS implementation process. The first phase of the research consisted in a quantitative analysis of formal documents (legal framework and CONITEC\'s recommendation reports) to produce descriptive statistics. In the second phase, interviews with stakeholders were carried out and qualitatively analyzed. All interviews were recorded, transcribed, uploaded to NVivo 12 and analyzed using the thematic analysis approach. The theoretical frameworks used for the qualitative analysis were Kingdon\'s agenda-setting and implementation analysis. Finally, the third phase aimed to interpret the quantitative and the qualitative information. RESULTS: The legal framework established a structured process and defined the scientific evidence required for the incorporation, alteration or exclusion of health technologies into or from the SUS (the Brazilian health system). A total of 199 CONITEC\'s recommendation reports were analyzed. The annual number of reports increased over the study period, peaking in 2013 (n = 54). In the following years, a slight decrease was observed: 2014 (n = 41), 2015 (n = 44) and 2016 (n = 31). The annual number of new technologies incorporated in 2013 (n = 24) was similar to that observed in 2014 (n = 24) and 2015 (n = 22), decreasing in 2016 (n = 13). The most frequently evaluated type of technology was \"medicines\" (68.3%), followed by \"procedures\" (20.1%). Of the 101 reports in which the technology was recommended for incorporation, 83 (82.2%) referred to internal demands, 13 (12.9%) to external demands, and 5 (4.9%) to mixed demands. Of these, 88 (87.1%) did not include either a full health economic evaluation or the calculation of the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). Regarding the 83 internal demands, only 8 (9.6%) presented a full HTA report; on the other hand, among the 13 external demands, 10 (76.9%) presented a complete HTA report. There were difficulties related to compliance with the recommendations contained in CONITEC\'s legal framework, so that relevant differences were observed between internal and external demands regarding the use of scientific evidence (health economic evaluation) and positive recommendations for incorporation into the SUS. In the second stage, the qualitative analysis identified a series of challenges for CONITEC\'s implementation, such as: lack of political-institutional stability, difficulties in the development of health economic evaluation studies, lack of clinical and economic data, and technical limitations for human resources to deal with economic data. The difference between internal and external demands can be explained by the legitimacy that internal demands have within the government and, on the other hand, by the need to regulate external demands. CONCLUSION: The use of health economic evaluation in the management of technologies in the SUS is still incipient, because there are structural and political-institutional difficulties for the development and use of scientific evidence. Other criteria than those contained in the legal framework are used in CONITEC\'s incorporation process
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Análise de custo-efetividade de programa para diagnóstico de mutação germinativa em genes BRCA1/2 e de estratégias preventivas para pacientes com câncer de ovário e seus familiares de primeiro grau / Cost-effectiveness analysis of a program for BRCA1/2 germline mutation diagnosis and preventive strategies for ovarian cancer patients and their first-degree relativesRamos, Marcelo Cristiano de Azevedo 23 February 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Diversas sociedades profissionais recomendam a realização de testes genéticos para mulheres que desenvolveram câncer de ovário, a fim de identificar portadores de mutação germinativa em genes BRCA1/2 e oferecer terapia redutora de risco. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar análise de custo-efetividade de programa para diagnóstico de mutação germinativa em genes BRCA1/2 e de estratégias preventivas para pacientes com o diagnóstico de câncer de ovário e seus familiares de primeiro grau. METODOLOGIA: O estudo realizou análise de custo-efetividade mediante desenvolvimento de modelo de decisão de Markov e perspectiva do Sistema Único de Saúde. As estratégias comparadas refletiram a adoção de teste genético e estratégias preventivas para pacientes e familiares ou o acompanhamento proposto atualmente. A razão de custo-efetividade incremental foi expressa em termos de custo por caso evitado de neoplasia maligna. A análise de sensibilidade foi realizada de forma determinística univariada. RESULTADOS: Demonstrou-se incremento em efetividade e em custos com a realização de testes genéticos e a adoção de medidas profiláticas para pacientes e familiares. A razão de custo-efetividade incremental foi calculada em R$ 14.224,40 e em R$ 908,58, respectivamente, por caso evitado em pacientes com o diagnóstico prévio de câncer de ovário e em seus familiares de primeiro grau. Estes valores foram considerados inferiores ao limiar de custo-efetividade selecionado no estudo (de R$ 7.543,50 a R$ 23.786,70). DISCUSSÃO: O programa analisado pode ser considerado como estratégia custo-efetiva para a realidade nacional, sobretudo no que tange aos familiares de primeiro grau de pacientes com o diagnóstico de câncer de ovário. Outras publicações demonstraram conclusões similares para o tema em diversos países. CONCLUSÃO: Um possível desdobramento deste trabalho poderia ser representado pela realização de uma análise de impacto orçamentário da incorporação do programa como política de saúde no país / INTRODUCTION: Several professional societies recommend performing genetic tests for women who have developed ovarian cancer in order to identify BRCA1/2 germline-mutation carriers and offer risk-reducing therapy. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis of a BRCA1/2 germline mutation diagnosis program and preventive strategies for patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer and their first degree relatives. METHODS: The study performed a cost-effectiveness analysis through the development of a Markov decision model and the perspective of the Unified Health System. The compared strategies reflected the adoption of genetic testing and preventive strategies for patients and their relatives or the usual follow-up. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was expressed in terms of cost per avoided case of cancer. Sensitivity analysis was performed in a univariate and deterministic manner. RESULTS: There has been an increase in effectiveness and in costs with genetic testing and the adoption of prophylactic measures for patients and their relatives. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was calculated at R$ 14,224.40 and R$ 908.58, respectively, for avoided cases in patients with prior diagnosis of ovarian cancer and their first-degree relatives. These values were considered lower than the cost-effectiveness threshold selected in the study (from R$ 7,543.50 to R$ 23,786.70). DISCUSSION: The analyzed program can be considered as a cost-effective strategy for the national reality, especially in relation to the first-degree relatives of patients with ovarian cancer. Other publications have shown similar conclusions for the subject in several countries. CONCLUSION: A possible development of this work could be represented by a budget impact analysis of the incorporation of the program as health policy in Brazil
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Estudos para avaliação de custo-efetividade do tratamento do transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade com metilfenidato de liberação imediata no BrasilMaia, Carlos Renato Moreira January 2014 (has links)
Introdução O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH) tem sido muito estudado, mas informações econômicas referentes ao seu tratamento com o metilfenidato de liberação imediata (MFD-LI) ainda necessitam ser exploradas. Grande parte da população mundial, principalmente aqueles que vivem em países em desenvolvimento, utiliza essa formulação como principal escolha para o tratamento do TDAH. Esses países, por sua condição financeira, necessitam informações de análises econômicas para administrar de forma eficiente os recursos públicos destinados aos setores da saúde. Objetivos Avaliar a eficácia do MFD-LI através de estudos com tempo superior a 12 semanas, e realizar uma análise econômica para o tratamento do TDAH com MFD-LI para crianças e adolescentes brasileiros. Método O estudo foi planejado em cinco etapas: 1) estimativa de custo do não tratamento do TDAH para o Brasil, e estimativa de economia com tratamento com MFD-LI; 2) revisão sistemática da literatura nas principais bases de dados internacionais onde se buscaram estudos abertos com tratamento do TDAH com MFD-LI por tempo igual ou superior a 12 semanas; também foram feitas metanálises e uma metaregressão 3) estudo naturalístico para obterem-se dados de uma amostra brasileira referentes a probabilidades de uso e sucesso com tratamento com MFD-LI por 12 semanas, e estimar os utilities desses indivíduos; 4) painel Delphi com especialistas em TDAH no Brasil; 5) estudo de custo-efetividade para o tratamento do TDAH com MFD-LI no Brasil, utilizando um Modelo de Markov. A perspectiva adotada será a do sistema público de saúde brasileiro como pagador. Resultados Os resultados principais encontrados para cada uma das etapas foram: 1) a estimativa de custos anuais com o TDAH não tratado no Brasil foi de R$ 1.594 bilhões/ano, e da quantia que poderia ser economizada se tratado, R$ 1 bilhão/ano. 2) na revisão sistemática da literatura, de 4.498 resumos, sete foram incluídos para compor a metanálise. O tempo de tratamento variou entre 13 e 104 semanas. O efeito agregado para desatenção e hiperatividade medida pelos pais, respectivamente, foi 0.96 (95%CI 0.60 - 1.32) e 1.12 (95%CI 0.85 - 1.39), e pelos professores 0.98 (95%CI 0.09 - 1.86) e 1.25 (95% CI 0.7 - 1.81). A metaregressão não mostrou associação entre as variáveis idade, qualidade do artigo e tempo de tratamento com heterogeneidade. 3) no estudo naturalístico, de 171 pacientes avaliados, 73 forneceram informações para o baseline, e 56 para a 12a semana de tratamento com MFD-LI. Os utilities para um paciente com TDAH não tratado (baseline) foram 0.69 (crianças) e 0.66 (adolescentes), e estimaram-se ganhos entre 0.09 a 0.10 utilities/mês, se tratados adequadamente. 4) no painel Delphi, de 26 especialistas, 14 responderam o questionário online, e foi estimado que a probabilidade dos pacientes não tratados se manterem sintomáticos na 12a semana seria de 91%, e 9% a probabilidade de melhora espontânea; 5) no estudo de custo-efetividade, para o caso base, estimou-se que o Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) seja I$9,103/QALY (Quality Adjusted Life Years) para crianças e I$11,883/QALY para adolescentes em um horizonte temporal de 06 anos. Para os cenários mais desfavoráveis, os ICERS mais elevados foram I$95,164/QALY para 50% de sucesso com o tratamento, e I$15,000/QALY para 70% de adesão em um horizonte temporal de 06 anos. Conclusões O MFD-LI é um tratamento eficaz para crianças e adolescentes, por um período superior a 12 semanas. Entretanto, o Brasil pode estar aumentando os custos referentes à saúde por não estar fornecendo um tratamento eficaz e economicamente acessível para o TDAH. O tratamento mostrou ser uma opção custo-efetiva para crianças e adolescentes brasileiros, mesmo em cenários desfavoráveis para o tratamento. / Introduction Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a well-known psychiatric disorder, but some economical aspects of the treatment with Methylphenidate Immediate-release (MPH -IR) still need to be explored. A large number of people around the world, most living in Low-Middle Income Countries (LMIC), use this formulation as the first choice for ADHD treatment. These countries, due to their financial condition, need information from health economic analyzes to efficiently manage the public resources allocated to the health sector. Objective To study the efficacy of MPH-IR reviewing studies conducted for more than 12 weeks long, and to perform an economic analysis for the treatment of ADHD with MPH-IR for Brazilian children. Method The study was planned in a five stages process: 1) to estimate the cost of untreated ADHD for Brazil, and to estimate the savings if MPH-IR were adequately provided; 2) systematic review of the literature to identify papers published where young patients with ADHD were treated with MPH-IR for more than 12 weeks, and to perform a meta-analysis and a meta-regression; 3) to conduct a naturalistic study with a Brazilian sample to collect the probabilities of use and success with the MPH-IR treatment for 12 weeks, and to estimate the utilities; 4) to perform a Delphi panel with ADHD Brazilian experts; 5) to conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis for the treatment of ADHD with MPH-IR in Brazil, using a Markov model. The perspective is the one of the Brazilian public health system as the payer. Results The main findings for each step were: 1) the estimated annual expenditures with untreated ADHD in Brazil were R$1.594billon/year, and the estimated amount that could be saved was R$1billion/year; 2) in the systematic review, from 4,498 abstracts, 7 studies were selected. The length of treatment ranged from 13 to 104 weeks. The aggregate effects for inattention and hyperactivity, according to parents evaluations were respectively 0.96 (95%CI 0.60 - 1.32) and 1.12 (95%CI 0.85 - 1.39), and for teachers 0.98 (95%CI 0.09 - 1.86) e 1.25 (95% CI 0.7 - 1.81). There was no evidence of association between heterogeneity and the variables, age, paper quality and length of treatment; 3) in the naturalistic study, from 171 patients assessed, 73 provided information in the baseline, and 56 in the 12th week of MPH-IR treatment. Utilities for an untreated ADHD patient (baseline) were 0.69 (children) and 0.66 (adolescents), and it was estimated a gain ranging from 0.09 to 0.10 utilities/month if subjects were properly treated; 4) in the Delphi Panel, 26 experts were addressed and 14 filled in the online questionnaire. It was estimated the probability of untreated patients to remain symptomatic on the 12th week to be 91%, and the probability of spontaneous improvement, 9%; 5) in the cost-effectiveness analysis, for the base case, it was estimated an Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) of I$9,103/QALY (Quality Adjusted Life Years) for children and I$11,883/QALY for adolescents, in a time horizon of 6 years. The worst case scenarios were also tested, and the highest ICER were I$95,164/QALY when patient reached 50 % of success with the treatment, and I$15,000/QALY if only 70% of use was observed in a time horizon of 6 years. Conclusions MPH-IR is an efficacious treatment for ADHD children and adolescents for periods longer than 12 weeks. However, Brazil may be probably wasting money due to not provide an efficient and affordable treatment for ADHD such as the MPH-IR. The treatment proved to be cost-effective for children and adolescents living in Brazil, even when the worst case scenarios were tested.
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Managing relationships, learning and demands in protected areas : a social systems analysis.Nkhata, Bimo Abraham. January 2007 (has links)
This thesis seeks to contribute to the improved understanding of social systems analysis in management effectiveness research on protected areas. It develops and applies propositions for incorporating the analysis of social systems into management effectiveness research. The propositions are designed as theoretical constructs which represent some aspects of social reality in protected area management. They signify an organized way of thinking about the social domain of protected area management. It is argued that an analysis of management effectiveness must recognize the need to take into account the inherent interactive nature of the connections among three variables, relationships, learning and demands. It is suggested that the three variables do not exist in isolation, but are interconnected and exert influence on each other. The interactions among the variables provide this study with a conceptual structure for analyzing the social domain of protected area management. The thesis conceives the management of relationships as a behavioral process in which protected area management agencies influence the decisions and actions of other parties, and vice versa, over a period of time in order to advance shared interests. The effectiveness of relationship management depends on integrated learning, a collective process of managing information in a timely manner so as to enhance the responsiveness of social actors involved with protected areas. Demand management is viewed as a social process in which protected area management agencies develop timely and defensible responses to current and emerging demands from stakeholders. The management of demands is expressed through relationship management and integrated learning. Important in this context is the capability of social actors to cope with complexity, change and surprises. The thesis should be seen as a theoretical premise that focuses on the learning competence of social actors by aligning and fostering their ability to respond timely to the ever-changing demands on protected areas through the effective management of relationships. It should be viewed as making a contribution to the move in protected area management towards developing learning organizations and institutions through a systems approach. This should be interpreted as enhancing learning about the human dimensions of protected area management. And more specifically, effective learning generates timely responses in the management of demands and relationships. The implications of failure to respond quickly enough are epitomized in a number of South African examples such as rivers that stop flowing and conflicts over resource use. The thesis makes a contribution to management effectiveness research by examining in some important ways why research should not be determined solely by biophysical components, but should be extended to the broader social issues that define the nature and quality of management. It is argued that a deep appreciation of management effectiveness requires an understanding of relationships, learning and demands to provide a foundation for systemic social analyses. The thesis illustrates why a behavioral approach to relationships theory provides a foundation for resilient social relationships in collaborative processes. It shows why the establishment and maintenance of an integrated learning system take place in a complex context which links elements of governance learning and management learning. It also evinces why protected area management agencies have to incorporate mental models into adaptive management of demands. These insights imply that the opportunities for effective protected area management are largely contingent on systemic insights into the underlying social structures and processes responsible for emergent problems. By exposing the insights, research on management effectiveness is poised to take new direction. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.
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Web 2.0時代社群網站經營效能之評估:以政府部門與社會企業為例之比較分析 / An Evaluation of Social Media Operational Effectiveness in Web 2.0 Era: An Example Comparing Government and Social Enterprise卓筱涵, Cho, Hsiao Han Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0 概念的開放、即時、互動、同步、多元的資訊傳遞方式創造出更多的群體價值。社群網站讓組織與使用者的互動更加密切,公眾接觸的概念興起,本研究政府部門的臺北市立動物園與社會企業網路媒體社企流個案,均為良好的公眾接觸個案。越來越多組織應用社群網站的程度,依據在於長期來看,社群網站創造多少效果。因此本研究從資訊系統層面、使用者層面與組織管理層面的文獻檢閱,探討社群網站對於各部門組織的重要性、目標與效果。加入Web 2.0的特性所建立效能衡量架構,檢視社群網站對兩研究個案所帶來的效果與經營策略。
研究發現,資訊系統層面顯著提升資訊系統滿意度,但對於使用者忠誠度與顧客關係目標無顯著關係;資訊品質對使用者態度沒有顯著關係。在第三部門意指使用者認同其理念,社群網站的介面和管理相對不重要。在政府機關,系統品質對於資訊系統滿意度以及使用者忠誠度皆有顯著影響,顯示政府在Web 2.0時代,社群網站管理者已能掌握資訊傳播的系統品質。使用者層面的公眾接觸與社會影響均具有顯著關係,其中公眾接觸構面的涉入與共同創造為最良好的解釋變項。在社會影響構面,在描述性統計評價最低,但與使用者態度有顯著關係,其中公眾形象為良好的解釋變項。使用者態度的顧客關係目標,資訊傳播最容易達成,實際行動與深化關係相對較難。組織管理層面,發現社企流為有機式組織,可以快速應變環境變化,待改善者為組際間合作。而動物園優勢為機關長官支持與跨組室推動,待改善為上級機關仍不熟悉Web 2.0,難掌握民意溝通管道。
從研究發現可以歸納出各部門均可適用的社群網站經營核心,包括「社群」、「內容」、「管道」。實務建議包括鎖定粉絲專頁的目標族群、虛實整合、提升公眾接觸、加強人際網絡建立、深化關係等。經營策略包括精美圖片、回應使用者問題、提供穩定與精彩的資訊內容、配合時事話題、異業合作等。 / In recent years, Web 2.0 has been the buzz word for the field of e-governance due to its openness, immediacy, and interactivity, which facilitate a more collective and effective networking life of the population. In this thesis, author reviews the literature from information system design, civil engagement, and organizational management to research on the importance, objective, and effectiveness of social media usage and its impact on non-profit organizations. Author selects two cases, Taipei City Zoo (the first sector) and Social Enterprise Insights (the third sector), to investigate and compare them to answer questions concerning the objective and effectiveness of utilizing social media.
In this research, a mixed-method approach is adopted to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. An on-line questionnaire was administrated to users of both Facebook Fan Pages and in-depth interviews with organizational staffs. According to literature reviews, the research framework contains two dimensions: information system (system, information and service quality) and civic engagement and social influence on users. Author uses multiple regression to analyze users’ subjective responses.
Findings are as follows. First, information system dimension contributes to merely information system satisfaction and information quality is no significant. Second, users’ dimension is significant, but social influence is the worst in descriptive statistics. Third, compared to deeper engagement and take action, communication of information is easy to obtain. Forth, in the organizational management dimension, SEI is an organic organization to adapt the changing environment. Manager support and cross- unit execution cause good-use of social media in the zoo.
From this research, practical advices to social media “page masters” contains three main parts. First, the keys to manage social media are community, contents, and channels of communication. Second, the managing goals are focusing on target group, integrating virtual with real world, promoting civic engagement and establishing interpersonal network. Finally, the strategies are utilizing eye-catching pictures, promptly responding to users’ questions, and stable provision of interesting contents.
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The development and validation of an assessment framework for measuring the organisational effectiveness of a metropolitan municipality in South AfricaOlivier, Benjamin Hugh 12 1900 (has links)
The aim of this quantitative study was to develop and validate a model to measure the organisational effectiveness of a metropolitan municipality in South Africa. The literature review phase explored the concept of organisational effectiveness and the assessment thereof in both the Public and Private Sectors.
The literature review indicated that there is a clear distinction between business performance (operational and financial performance) and the larger concept of organisational effectiveness, and also that the measurement of organisational effectiveness in the Public Sector differed from the measurement thereof in the Private Sector. The literature review also indicated that measures of Public Sector effectiveness could not be directly applied to measure the effectiveness of Private Sector organisations.
From the literature review a proposed theoretical model for measuring the organisational effectiveness of a metropolitan municipality in South Africa
was proposed. This proposed model included organisational and behavioural variables contained in traditional approaches to organisational effectiveness, variables that were identified in previous organisational effectiveness studies, as well as variables contained in existing assessment models of organisational effectiveness. This model was then validated during the empirical phase by conducting a survey of an existing metropolitan municipality in South Africa (n = 6514) and exposing the results of the survey to Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).
The confirmatory factor analysis conducted as part of SEM subsequently identified three main and 10 secondary statistically significant organisational and behavioural variables that could be used to measure the effectiveness of a metropolitan municipality in South Africa. The three main variables identified were (1) Healthy Systems, (2) Goal Achievement and (3) Service
Delivery, while the 10 secondary variables identified were (1) Diversity, (2) Training & Development, (3) Rewards & Recognition, (4) Management Practices, (5) Internal Functioning, (6) Work Environment, (7) Interpersonal Relations, (8) Workforce Equity, (9) Customer Satisfaction and (10) Vision & Mission. It was thus recommended that metropolitan municipalities in South Africa could use this validated model as an assessment framework to measure their current organisational effectiveness, to identify aspects which need to be rectified to improve effectiveness, and to compare and benchmark their municipality in order to learn from other metropolitan municipalities to improve their effectiveness. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Admin. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Desenvolvimento e assist?ncia social : uma avalia??o da efetividade da pol?tica de assist?ncia social nos munic?pios de Ass? e Mossor? (2004 -2008)Coelho, Maria Ivonete Soares 26 August 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-26 / Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte / This thesis, whose title is DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE: AN EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION IN SOCIAL ASSISTENCE POLICY IN THE CITIES OF ASS? AND MOSSOR?/RN (2004/2008), has as main aim to evaluate effectiveness in Social Assistance Policy in the cities of Assu and Mossor?/RN, from 2004 to 2008, identifying its impacts and effects in life of its users. The methodological process for the research was composed by: a) Literature review on this theme, development of public policies; social public policies, public policy evaluation and Social Assistance Policy in Brazil; b) Documental research from Municipal Management of Social Development and Municipal Counsels of Social Assistance in the cities of Assu and Mossor?/RN about the object of this study and empirical field; c) Field Research constituted by the realization of Focal Groups with Social Assistance users and semistructured interviews with municipal managers from Ass? and Mossor?. It was also taken into account participant observations in events and activities related to Social Assistance previously mentioned, considering field management and also the response to users demands. Articulating the themes of Development and Public Social Policy in Social Assistance was the theoretical purpose for this thesis. To achieve this purpose, it was performed two theoretical displacements related, at the same time, to the notion of development and to the concept of Social Assistance, which means to comprehend development as social change and improvement in users life quality, expressed in the expansion of their capacities and liberties (SEN, 1993, 2000), and the Social Assistance as an element for development. Such displacements provide a view of Public policy and Social Policies and evaluate National Policy of Social Assistance achieved in those cities. As product, this thesis presents a methodological purpose for effectiveness evaluation in Public Policy, taking into account expansion of capacities and liberties, concluding that Social Assistance Policy in Ass? and Mossor?/RN, even in lesser extent had its impact and caused effective results in the life of their users and provided an expansion of their capacities and liberties, improving life quality and empowered agent condition for those subjects. The results show that this Policy has been proved to be effective, and consequently, it was considered, in this thesis, to be also an element and an allied for development / A tese intitulada DESENVOLVIMENTO E ASSIST?NCIA SOCIAL: UMA AVALIA??O DA EFETIVIDADE DA POL?TICA DE ASSIST?NCIA SOCIAL NOS MUNIC?PIOS DE ASS? E MOSSOR?/RN, (2004-2008) teve como objetivo geral avaliar a efetividade da Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social nos munic?pios de Ass? e Mossor?/RN, no per?odo de 2004 a 2008, a partir da identifica??o de seus efeitos/impactos na vida de seus usu?rios. O processo metodol?gico da pesquisa constou de: a) Revis?o de Literatura sobre a tem?tica, Desenvolvimento, Pol?ticas P?blicas, Pol?ticas Sociais P?blicas, Avalia??o de Pol?ticas P?blicas e Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social no Brasil; b) Pesquisa Documental junto ao Minist?rio de Desenvolvimento Social e Secretarias/Ger?ncias Municipais de Desenvolvimento Social e Conselhos Municipais de Assist?ncia Social, dos munic?pios de Ass? e Mossor?/RN acerca do objeto de estudo e do campo emp?rico; c) Pesquisa de Campo que se constituiu da realiza??o de Grupos Focais com usu?rios da Assist?ncia Social e de entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores municipais da Assist?ncia Social, de Ass? e Mossor?/RN. Utilizou-se, ainda, de observa??es participantes em atividades e eventos relacionados ? Assist?ncia Social nos munic?pios citados, tanto no campo da gest?o, quanto no atendimento ?s demandas dos usu?rios. Articular os temas do Desenvolvimento e da Pol?tica Social P?blica de Assist?ncia Social constituiu-se no prop?sito te?rico da tese. Para essa articula??o, realizou-se, inicialmente, dois deslocamentos te?ricos tanto relativos ? no??o de Desenvolvimento, quanto ao conceito da Assist?ncia Social, o que significou compreender o Desenvolvimento enquanto mudan?a social e melhoria da qualidade de vida das pessoas, expressos na expans?o de suas capacidades e liberdades (SEN, 1993, 2000), e a Assist?ncia Social enquanto um elemento do Desenvolvimento. Tais deslocamentos possibilitaram pensar as Pol?ticas P?blicas e Sociais P?blicas e avaliar a Pol?tica Nacional de Assist?ncia Social realizada nos munic?pios pesquisados. Como produto, a tese apresenta a proposta metodol?gica de Avalia??o de Efetividade de Pol?ticas P?blicas pela Expans?o de Capacidades e Liberdades, concluindo que a Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social realizada nos munic?pios de Ass? e Mossor?/RN, por menor que fosse a escala/grau de seus impactos, causaram efetiva??es na vida de seus usu?rios e contribu?ram para ampliar suas capacidades e liberdades, melhorando a qualidade de vida e potencializando a condi??o de agentes desses sujeitos. Como resultado, constatou-se que essa Pol?tica apresentou efetividade e, por isso, considera-se nesta tese que ela ? um elemento e uma aliada do Desenvolvimento
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Estudos para avaliação de custo-efetividade do tratamento do transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade com metilfenidato de liberação imediata no BrasilMaia, Carlos Renato Moreira January 2014 (has links)
Introdução O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH) tem sido muito estudado, mas informações econômicas referentes ao seu tratamento com o metilfenidato de liberação imediata (MFD-LI) ainda necessitam ser exploradas. Grande parte da população mundial, principalmente aqueles que vivem em países em desenvolvimento, utiliza essa formulação como principal escolha para o tratamento do TDAH. Esses países, por sua condição financeira, necessitam informações de análises econômicas para administrar de forma eficiente os recursos públicos destinados aos setores da saúde. Objetivos Avaliar a eficácia do MFD-LI através de estudos com tempo superior a 12 semanas, e realizar uma análise econômica para o tratamento do TDAH com MFD-LI para crianças e adolescentes brasileiros. Método O estudo foi planejado em cinco etapas: 1) estimativa de custo do não tratamento do TDAH para o Brasil, e estimativa de economia com tratamento com MFD-LI; 2) revisão sistemática da literatura nas principais bases de dados internacionais onde se buscaram estudos abertos com tratamento do TDAH com MFD-LI por tempo igual ou superior a 12 semanas; também foram feitas metanálises e uma metaregressão 3) estudo naturalístico para obterem-se dados de uma amostra brasileira referentes a probabilidades de uso e sucesso com tratamento com MFD-LI por 12 semanas, e estimar os utilities desses indivíduos; 4) painel Delphi com especialistas em TDAH no Brasil; 5) estudo de custo-efetividade para o tratamento do TDAH com MFD-LI no Brasil, utilizando um Modelo de Markov. A perspectiva adotada será a do sistema público de saúde brasileiro como pagador. Resultados Os resultados principais encontrados para cada uma das etapas foram: 1) a estimativa de custos anuais com o TDAH não tratado no Brasil foi de R$ 1.594 bilhões/ano, e da quantia que poderia ser economizada se tratado, R$ 1 bilhão/ano. 2) na revisão sistemática da literatura, de 4.498 resumos, sete foram incluídos para compor a metanálise. O tempo de tratamento variou entre 13 e 104 semanas. O efeito agregado para desatenção e hiperatividade medida pelos pais, respectivamente, foi 0.96 (95%CI 0.60 - 1.32) e 1.12 (95%CI 0.85 - 1.39), e pelos professores 0.98 (95%CI 0.09 - 1.86) e 1.25 (95% CI 0.7 - 1.81). A metaregressão não mostrou associação entre as variáveis idade, qualidade do artigo e tempo de tratamento com heterogeneidade. 3) no estudo naturalístico, de 171 pacientes avaliados, 73 forneceram informações para o baseline, e 56 para a 12a semana de tratamento com MFD-LI. Os utilities para um paciente com TDAH não tratado (baseline) foram 0.69 (crianças) e 0.66 (adolescentes), e estimaram-se ganhos entre 0.09 a 0.10 utilities/mês, se tratados adequadamente. 4) no painel Delphi, de 26 especialistas, 14 responderam o questionário online, e foi estimado que a probabilidade dos pacientes não tratados se manterem sintomáticos na 12a semana seria de 91%, e 9% a probabilidade de melhora espontânea; 5) no estudo de custo-efetividade, para o caso base, estimou-se que o Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) seja I$9,103/QALY (Quality Adjusted Life Years) para crianças e I$11,883/QALY para adolescentes em um horizonte temporal de 06 anos. Para os cenários mais desfavoráveis, os ICERS mais elevados foram I$95,164/QALY para 50% de sucesso com o tratamento, e I$15,000/QALY para 70% de adesão em um horizonte temporal de 06 anos. Conclusões O MFD-LI é um tratamento eficaz para crianças e adolescentes, por um período superior a 12 semanas. Entretanto, o Brasil pode estar aumentando os custos referentes à saúde por não estar fornecendo um tratamento eficaz e economicamente acessível para o TDAH. O tratamento mostrou ser uma opção custo-efetiva para crianças e adolescentes brasileiros, mesmo em cenários desfavoráveis para o tratamento. / Introduction Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a well-known psychiatric disorder, but some economical aspects of the treatment with Methylphenidate Immediate-release (MPH -IR) still need to be explored. A large number of people around the world, most living in Low-Middle Income Countries (LMIC), use this formulation as the first choice for ADHD treatment. These countries, due to their financial condition, need information from health economic analyzes to efficiently manage the public resources allocated to the health sector. Objective To study the efficacy of MPH-IR reviewing studies conducted for more than 12 weeks long, and to perform an economic analysis for the treatment of ADHD with MPH-IR for Brazilian children. Method The study was planned in a five stages process: 1) to estimate the cost of untreated ADHD for Brazil, and to estimate the savings if MPH-IR were adequately provided; 2) systematic review of the literature to identify papers published where young patients with ADHD were treated with MPH-IR for more than 12 weeks, and to perform a meta-analysis and a meta-regression; 3) to conduct a naturalistic study with a Brazilian sample to collect the probabilities of use and success with the MPH-IR treatment for 12 weeks, and to estimate the utilities; 4) to perform a Delphi panel with ADHD Brazilian experts; 5) to conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis for the treatment of ADHD with MPH-IR in Brazil, using a Markov model. The perspective is the one of the Brazilian public health system as the payer. Results The main findings for each step were: 1) the estimated annual expenditures with untreated ADHD in Brazil were R$1.594billon/year, and the estimated amount that could be saved was R$1billion/year; 2) in the systematic review, from 4,498 abstracts, 7 studies were selected. The length of treatment ranged from 13 to 104 weeks. The aggregate effects for inattention and hyperactivity, according to parents evaluations were respectively 0.96 (95%CI 0.60 - 1.32) and 1.12 (95%CI 0.85 - 1.39), and for teachers 0.98 (95%CI 0.09 - 1.86) e 1.25 (95% CI 0.7 - 1.81). There was no evidence of association between heterogeneity and the variables, age, paper quality and length of treatment; 3) in the naturalistic study, from 171 patients assessed, 73 provided information in the baseline, and 56 in the 12th week of MPH-IR treatment. Utilities for an untreated ADHD patient (baseline) were 0.69 (children) and 0.66 (adolescents), and it was estimated a gain ranging from 0.09 to 0.10 utilities/month if subjects were properly treated; 4) in the Delphi Panel, 26 experts were addressed and 14 filled in the online questionnaire. It was estimated the probability of untreated patients to remain symptomatic on the 12th week to be 91%, and the probability of spontaneous improvement, 9%; 5) in the cost-effectiveness analysis, for the base case, it was estimated an Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) of I$9,103/QALY (Quality Adjusted Life Years) for children and I$11,883/QALY for adolescents, in a time horizon of 6 years. The worst case scenarios were also tested, and the highest ICER were I$95,164/QALY when patient reached 50 % of success with the treatment, and I$15,000/QALY if only 70% of use was observed in a time horizon of 6 years. Conclusions MPH-IR is an efficacious treatment for ADHD children and adolescents for periods longer than 12 weeks. However, Brazil may be probably wasting money due to not provide an efficient and affordable treatment for ADHD such as the MPH-IR. The treatment proved to be cost-effective for children and adolescents living in Brazil, even when the worst case scenarios were tested.
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Análise de custo-efetividade do tratamento da hepatite C crônica genótipo 1: comparação da adição do boceprevir a terapia padrão (interferon-α peguilado e ribavirina) / Cost-effectiveness analysis of treatment of genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C: comparison of boceprevir addition to standard of care (pegylated interferon alfa plus ribavirin).Sarah Cristina Oliveira Machado Maia 30 March 2015 (has links)
A hepatite C afeta cerca de 150 milhões de pessoas no mundo e é a razão mais comum de transplantes de fígado. A erradicação viral, por meio de tratamento medicamentoso, é a única intervenção que pode deter a progressão da doença, reduzir a mortalidade e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Em 2011, foi aprovado o boceprevir, um inibidor de protease, que passou a ser adicionado à terapia padrão dupla (interferon peguilado e ribavirina) pelo Protocolo Clínico brasileiro para tratamento de Hepatite C genótipo 1 em pacientes com grau de fibrose maior que F2. Devido ao alto custo de aquisição deste medicamento e à produção cada vez maior de novas tecnologias para essa área terapêutica, foi proposta essa pesquisa que tem como objetivo analisar o custo-efetividade da terapia tripla em relação à terapia dupla, no tratamento da hepatite C crônica genótipo 1 em pacientes virgens de tratamento para todos os graus de fibrose. Para tanto, foi construído um modelo de Markov com 15 estados de saúde representando a história natural da Hepatite C crônica. O modelo seguiu uma coorte hipotética pela vida toda, em que os custos foram expressos em Reais e os desfechos em anos de vida ganhos. A perspectiva adotada foi a do SUS. A RCEI calculada, com taxa de desconto de 5% para custos e desfechos, foi R$ 201.504,92 por ano de vida ganho. Considerando um limiar de custo efetividade de 3 vezes o valor do PIB per capita, segundo recomendação da OMS, a adição do boceprevir não foi custo-efetiva no tratamento de pacientes virgens em todos os graus de fibrose. Pela análise de sensibilidade, nenhuma variável teve grande impacto na RCEI, exceto quando a taxa de desconto aplicada em desfechos foi zerada, em que a terapia tripla passou a ser custo-efetiva. / The Hepatitis C virus affects around 150 million of people worldwide and it is the most common reason for liver transplantation. Viral eradication, by drug treatment, is the only therapeutic intervention that may halt the disease progression, reduce HCV-related mortality and improve the quality of life of infected patients. Boceprevir, a protease inhibitor, was approved in 2011, being to be added to standard of care (peguilated interferon-α and ribavirin) by the Brazilian Protocol of treatment of genotype 1 Hepatitis C, in patients with degree of fibrosis greater than F2. Due to the high cost of acquisition of this drug and the increasing production of new technologies in this therapeutic area, the aim of this work was develop a cost-effectiveness analysis, comparing the triple therapy with the standard of care (double therapy) for treatment of genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C in treatment-naïve patients of all degrees of fibrosis. It was constructed a Markov Model with 15 health states representing the natural history of chronic Hepatitis C. The model followed a hypothetic cohort by lifetime, where costs were expressed in Reais and outcomes in life-years gained, under the perspective of Brazilian public health system. The calculated ICER, with discount rate of 5% to costs and outcomes, was R$201.504, 92 by life-years gained. Considering three times GDP per capita for cost-effectiveness threshold, according WHO recommendation, boceprevir was not cost-effective, when considered treatment-naïve patients of all degrees of fibrosis. By sensitivity analysis, none of the variables had a big impact in the ICER, except when it was stopped applying the discount rate in outcomes, in which the triple therapy became cost-effective.
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