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Interplay of excitation transport and atomic motion in flexible Rydberg aggregatesLeonhardt, Karsten 18 October 2016 (has links)
Strong resonant dipole-dipole interactions in flexible Rydberg aggregates enable the formation of excitons, many-body states which collectively share excitation between atoms. Exciting the most energetic exciton of a linear Rydberg chain whose outer two atoms on one end are closely spaced causes the initiation of an exciton pulse for which electronic excitation and diatomic proximity propagate directed through the chain. The emerging transport of excitation is largely adiabatic and is enabled by the interplay between atomic motion and dynamical variation of the exciton.
Here, we demonstrate the coherent splitting of such pulses into two modes, which induce strongly different atomic motion, leading to clear signatures of nonadiabatic effects in atomic density profiles. The mechanism exploits local nonadiabatic effects at a conical intersection, turning them from a decoherence source into an asset. The conical intersection is a consequence of the exciton pulses moving along a linear Rydberg chain and approaching an additional linear, perpendicularly aligned Rydberg chain. The intersection provides a sensitive knob controlling the propagation direction and coherence properties of exciton pulses.
We demonstrate that this scenario can be exploited as an exciton switch, controlling direction and coherence properties of the joint pulse on the second of the chains.
Initially, we demonstrate the pulse splitting on planar aggregates with atomic motion one-dimensionally constrained and employing isotropic interactions. Subsequently, we confirm the splitting mechanism for a fully realistic scenario in which all spatial restrictions are removed and the full anisotropy of the dipole-dipole interactions is taken into account. Our results enable the experimental observation of non-adiabatic electronic dynamics and entanglement transport with Rydberg atoms. The conical intersection crossings are clearly evident, both in atomic mean position information and excited state spectra of the Rydberg system. This suggests flexible Rydberg aggregates as a test-bench for quantum chemical effects in experiments on much inflated length scales. The fundamental ideas discussed here have general implications for excitons on a dynamic network.
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Émergence du bruit dans les systèmes ouverts classiques et quantiques / Appearance of noise in classical and quantum open systemsDeschamps, Julien 22 March 2013 (has links)
Nous nous intéressons dans cette thèse à certains modèles mathématiques permettant une description de systèmes ouverts classiques et quantiques. Dans l'étude de ces systèmes en interaction avec un environnement, nous montrons que la dynamique induite par l'environnement sur le système donne lieu à l'apparition de bruits. Dans une première partie de la thèse, dédiée aux systèmes classiques, le modèle décrit est le schéma d'interactions répétées. Etant à la fois hamiltonien et markovien, ce modèle en temps discret permet d'implémenter facilement la dissipation dans des systèmes physiques. Nous expliquons comment le mettre en place pour des systèmes physiques avant d'en étudier la limite en temps continu. Nous montrons la convergence Lp et presque sûre de l'évolution de certains systèmes vers la solution d'une équation différentielle stochastique, à travers l'étude de la limite de la perturbation d'un schéma d'Euler stochastique. Dans une seconde partie de la thèse sur les systèmes quantiques, nous nous intéressons dans un premier temps aux actions d'environnements quantiques sur des systèmes quantiques aboutissant à des bruits classiques. A cette fin, nous introduisons certains opérateurs unitaires appelés « classiques », que nous caractérisons à l'aide de variables aléatoires dites obtuses. Nous mettons en valeur comment ces variables classiques apparaissent naturellement dans ce cadre quantique à travers des 3-tenseurs possédant des symétries particulières. Nous prouvons notamment que ces 3-tenseurs sont exactement ceux diagonalisables dans une base orthonormée. Dans un second temps, nous étudions la limite en temps continu d'une variante des interactions répétées quantiques dans le cas particulier d'un système biparti, c'est-à-dire composé de deux systèmes isolés sans interaction entre eux. Nous montrons qu'à la limite du temps continu, une interaction entre ces sous-systèmes apparaît explicitement sous forme d'un hamiltonien d'interaction; cette interaction résulte de l'action de l'environnement et de l'intrication qu'il crée / This dissertation is dedicated to some mathematical models describing classical and quantum open systems. In the study of these systems interacting with an environment, we particularly show that the dynamics induced by the environment leads to the appearance of noises. In a first part of this thesis, devoted to classical open systems, the repeated interaction scheme is developed. This discrete-time model, being Hamiltonian and Markovian at the same time, has the advantage to easily implement the dissipation in physical systems. We explain how to set this scheme up in some physical examples. Then, we investigate the continuous-time limit of these repeated interactions. We show the Lp and almost sure convergences of the evolution of the system to the solution of a stochastic differential equation, by studying the limit of a perturbed Stochastic Euler Scheme. In a second part of this dissertation on quantum systems, we characterize in a first work classical actions of a quantum environment on a quantum system. In this study, we introduce some “classical” unitary operators representing these actions and we highlight a strong link between them and some random variables, called obtuse random variables. We explain how these random variables are naturally connected to some 3-tensors having some particular symmetries. We particularly show that these 3 tensors are exactly the ones that are diagonalizable in some orthonormal basis. In a second work of this part, we study the continuous-time limit of a variant of the repeated interaction scheme in a case of a bipartite system, that is, a system made of two isolated systems not interaction together. We prove that an explicit Hamiltonian interaction between them appears at the limit. This interaction is due to the action of the environment and the entanglement between the two systems that it creates
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Entropie d’intrication de régions squelettiquesVigeant, Alex 04 1900 (has links)
Ces vingts dernières années ont vu le concept d’intrication quantique prendre une place
importante dans l’étude des systèmes quantiques à N corps rencontrés par exemple en théorie
de la matière condensée. L’entropie d’intrication est une mesure de l’intrication entre deux
parties formant un système dans un état quantique pur. L’étude de cette entropie permet
d’obtenir des informations cruciales sur les systèmes considérés.
Dans ce mémoire, nous étudions l’entropie d’intrication de régions dites squelettiques,
pour un réseau harmonique bidimensionnel correspondant à une version discrète de la théorie
d’un champ scalaire relativiste sans masse. Une région squelettique ne possède pas de volume,
en opposition à une région dite pleine. Au sein d’un réseau à deux dimensions, il s’agira d’une
chaîne finie de sites. Nous montrons que le comportement de l’entropie d’intrication d’une
région unidimensionnelle diffère de celui de l’entropie d’une région pleine (à deux dimensions).
En particulier, nous montrons qu’il apparaît de nouveaux termes universels associés à ces
nouveaux comportements pour des régions squelettiques. Notre étude est principalement
menée à l’aide de calculs numériques, bien que certains résultats soient obtenus de manière
semi-analytique. / In the last twenty years, the concept of entanglement entropy has taken an important place
in the study of N-body quantum systems seen in condensed matter, among others. Entanglement
entropy is an entanglement measure between two parts forming a system in a pure
quantum state. The study of this entropy allows one to obtain crucial information about
N-body quantum systems.
In this master’s thesis, we will study the entanglement entropy of so-called skeletal regions,
for a harmonic two-dimensional lattice corresponding to a discrete version of a massless
relativistic scalar field theory. A skeletal region doesn’t possess a volume, unlike a region said
to be full. In the case of a two-dimensional lattice, the skeletal region is defined by a finite
chain of sites. We show that the behaviour of entanglement entropy of an unidimensional
region differs from the case of a full region (which is two-dimensional). In particular, we show
the appearance of new universal coefficients linked to skeletal regions. Our study consists
mainly of numerical calculations, although some results are obtained in a semi-analytical
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Hamiltoniens locaux et information quantique en dimensions réduitesBoudreault, Christian 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse exploite les liens profonds entre la physique des systèmes quantiques
locaux, les propriétés non locales de leurs états fondamentaux et le contenu en information
de ces états. Les deux premiers chapitres sont consacrés à l’application des
systèmes quantiques locaux pour les fins d’une tâche informationnelle précise, soit le
calcul quantique. Au terme d’un bref survol de la théorie, nous proposons un patron
pour le calcul quantique universel et évolutif pouvant être réalisé sur une grande
variété de plateformes physiques, et démontrons qu’il est particulièrement résilient
face à un bruit anisotrope. Les quatre derniers chapitres sont pour leur part consacrés
à l’approche informationnelle des systèmes quantiques à corps multiples. Nous
décrivons les principales propriétés des corrélations et de l’intrication dans les états
fondamentaux des systèmes de dimensions réduites les plus courants, en distinguant
systèmes non critiques et systèmes critiques. Nous montrons que ces propriétés sont
fortement modifiées par la présence de frustration géométrique dans les chaînes de
spins. Enfin, nous réalisons une analyse exhaustive des corrélations et de l’intrication
dans les états fondamentaux de deux théories quantiques de champs non triviales. / This thesis exploits the deep connections between the physics of local quantum
systems, the nonlocal features in their ground states, and the information content of
these states. The first two chapters are dedicated to the application of local quantum
systems for the purpose of a definite information-theoretical task, namely quantum
computation. After a brief survey of the theory, we propose a scheme for scalable
universal quantum computation that, we argue, could be implemented on a wide
variety of physical platforms, and show that it is particularly resilient to anisotropic
noise. The last four chapters are dedicated to the information-theoretical approach
of many-body quantum systems. We describe the main properties of correlations and
entanglement in the ground states of the most common low-dimensional many-body
systems, distinguishing between noncritical systems and critical ones. We show how
these properties can be dramatically modified by the presence of geometric frustration
in spin chains. Finally, we perform an intensive study of correlations and
entanglement in the ground states of two nontrivial one-dimensional quantum field
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Adapting digital forensics processes for quantum computing : Insights from established industry guidelines supplemented by qualitative interviewsSvenblad, Tobias January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores the evolving landscape of digital forensics in the context of quantum computing advancements, which challenge the foundational integrity of digital evidence. The focus is on the globally recognized digital forensic guidelines, NIST SP 800-86 and ISO/IEC 27037:2012, and their capacity to safeguard evidence against the unique capabilities of quantum systems. This thesis identifies vulnerabilities within existing forensic models through a comprehensive document analysis and expert interviews and proposes strategic modifications to enhance their robustness. Key findings suggest that traditional digital forensic methodologies, while robust under current technological standards, must address quantum data’s multi-state, entanglement, and no-cloning properties, which can fundamentally alter digital evidence. The thesis advocates for a paradigm shift in forensic processes to incorporate quantum-resistant techniques that ensure the integrity and admissibility of evidence. Additionally, it highlights the necessity for ongoing education and collaborative research to effectively adapt digital forensics to this new technological era. This research contributes to the theoretical framework and practical applications of digital forensics, aiming to future-proof forensic practices against the disruptive nature of quantum computing.
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Wellenleiterquantenelektrodynamik mit MehrniveausystemenMartens, Christoph 18 January 2016 (has links)
Mit dem Begriff Wellenleiterquantenelektrodynamik (WQED) wird gemeinhin die Physik des quantisierten und in eindimensionalen Wellenleitern geführten Lichtes in Wechselwirkung mit einzelnen Emittern bezeichnet. In dieser Arbeit untersuche ich Effekte der WQED für einzelne Dreiniveausysteme (3NS) bzw. Paare von Zweiniveausystemen (2NS), die in den Wellenleiter eingebettet sind. Hierzu bediene ich mich hauptsächlich numerischer Methoden und betrachte die Modellsysteme im Rahmen der Drehwellennäherung. Ich untersuche die Dynamik der Streuung einzelner Photonen an einzelnen, in den Wellenleiter eingebetteten 3NS. Dabei analysiere ich den Einfluss dunkler bzw. nahezu dunkler Zustände der 3NS auf die Streuung und zeige, wie sich mit Hilfe stationärer elektrischer Treibfelder gezielt auf die Streuung einwirken lässt. Ich quantifiziere Verschränkung zwischen dem Lichtfeld im Wellenleiter und den Emittern mit Hilfe der Schmidt-Zerlegung und untersuche den Einfluss der Form der Einhüllenden eines Einzelphotonpulses auf die Ausbeute der Verschränkungserzeugung bei der Streuung des Photons an einem einzelnen Lambda-System im Wellenleiter. Hier zeigt sich, dass die Breite der Einhüllenden im k-Raum und die Emissionszeiten der beiden Übergänge des 3NS die maßgeblichen Parameter darstellen. Abschließend ergründe ich die Emissionsdynamik zweier im Abstand L in den Wellenleiter eingebetteter 2NS. Diese Dynamik wird insbesondere durch kavitätsartige und polaritonische Zustände des Systems aus Wellenleiter und Emitter ausschlaggebend beeinflusst. Bei der kollektiven Emission der 2NS treten - abhängig vom Abstand L - Sub- bzw. Superradianz auf. Dabei nimmt die Intensität dieser Effekte mit längerem Abstand L zu. Diese Eigenart lässt sich auf die Eindimensionalität des Wellenleiters zurückführen. / The field of waveguide quantum electrodynamics (WQED) deals with the physics of quantised light in one-dimensional (1D) waveguides coupled to single emitters. In this thesis, I investigate WQED effects for single three-level systems (3LS) and pairs of two-level systems (2LS), respectively, which are embedded in the waveguide. To this end, I utilise numerical techniques and consider all model systems within the rotating wave approximation. I investigate the dynamics of single-photon scattering by single, embedded 3LS. In doing so, I analyse the influence of dark and almost-dark states of the 3LS on the scattering dynamics. I also show, how stationary electrical driving fields can control the outcome of the scattering. I quantify entanglement between the waveguide''s light field and single emitters by utilising the Schmidt decomposition. I apply this formalism to a lambda-system embedded in a 1D waveguide and study the generation of entanglement by scattering single-photon pulses with different envelopes on the emitter. I show that this entanglement generation is mainly determined by the photon''s width in k-space and the 3LS''s emission times. Finally, I explore the emission dynamics of a pair of 2LS embedded by a distance L into the waveguide. These dynamics are primarily governed by bound states in the continuum and by polaritonic atom-photon bound-states. For collective emission processes of the two 2LS, sub- and superradiance appear and depend strongly on the 2LS''s distance: the effects increase for larger L. This is an exclusive property of the 1D nature of the waveguide.
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Triply-Resonant Cavity-Enhanced Spontaneous Parametric Down-ConversionAhlrichs, Andreas 22 July 2019 (has links)
Die verlässliche Erzeugung einzelner Photonen mit wohldefinierten Eigenschaften in allen Freiheitsgraden ist entscheidend für die Entwicklung photonischer Quantentechnologien. Derzeit basieren die wichtigsten Einzelphotonenquellen auf dem Prozess der spontanen parameterischen Fluoreszenz (SPF), bei dem ein Pumpphoton in einem nichtlinearen Medium spontan in ein Paar aus Signal und Idlerphotonen zerfällt. Resonator-überhöhte SPF, also das Plazieren des nichtlinearen Mediums in einem optischen Resonator, ist ein weit verbreitetes Verfahren, um Einzelphotonenquellen mit erhöhter Helligkeit und angepassten spektralen Eigenschaften zu konstruieren. Das Anpassen der spektralen Eigenschaften durch gezielte Auswahl der Resonatoreigenschaften ist besonders für hybride Quantentechnologienvon Bedeutung, welche darauf abzielen, unterschiedliche Quntensysteme so zu kombinieren, dass sich deren Vorteile ergänzen. Diese Arbeit stellt eine umfassende theoretische und experimentelle Analyse der dreifach resonanten SPF vor. Das aus der Literatur bekannte theoretische Modell wird diesbezüglich verbessert, dass der Einfluss sämtlicher Eigenschaften des Resonators auf die wichtigen experimentellen Größen (z.B. die Erzeugungsrate) gezielt ausgewertet werden kann. Dieses verbesserte und hoch genaue Modell stellt eine wichtige Grundlage für die Entwicklung und Optimierung neuartiger Photonenpaarquellen dar. Im experimentellen Teil dieser Arbeit wird der Aufbau und die Charakterisierung einer dreifach resonanten Photonenpaarquellen präsentiert. Die neu entwickelte digitale Regelelektronik sowie ein hochstabiler, schmalbandiger Monochromator welcher auf monolitischen, polarisationsunabhängigen Fabry-Pérot Resonatoren basiert, werden vorgestellt. Indem diese temperaturstabilisierten Resonatoren als Spetrumanalysator verwendet werden, wird zum ersten Mal die Frequenzkammstruktur des Spektrums der erzeugten Signal- und Idlerphotonen nachgewiesen. Des Weiteren wird der Einfluss der Pumpresonanz auf die Korrelationsfunktion und die Zweiphotoneninterferenz von Signal- und Idlerphotonen simuliert und vermessen. Abschließend werden Experimente aus dem Bereich der hybriden Quantennetzwerke präsentiert, in welchen Quantenfrequenzkonversion verwendet wird um die erzeugten Signalphotonen in das Telekommunikationsband zu transferieren. Dabei wird nachgewiesen, dass das temporale Wellenpaket durch die Konversion nicht beeinflusst wird und aufgezeigt, wie Quantennetzwerke von kommerziellen Telekommunikationstechnologien profitieren können. / The consistent generation of single photons with well-defined properties in all degrees of freedom is crucial for the development of photonic quantum technologies. Today, the most prominent sources of single photons are based on the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) where a pump photon spontaneously decays into a pair of signal and idler photons inside a nonlinear medium. Cavity-enhanced SPDC, i.e., placing the nonlinear medium inside an optical cavity, is widely used to build photon-pair sources with increased brightness and tailored spectral properties. This spectral tailoring by selective adjustment of the cavity parameters is of particular importance for hybrid quantum technologies which seek to combine dissimilar quantum systems in a way that their advantages complement each other. This thesis provides a comprehensive theoretical and experimental analysis of triply-resonant cavity-enhanced SPDC. We improve the theoretical model found in the literature such that the influence of all resonator properties on the important experimental parameters (e.g., the generation rate) can be analyzed in detail. This convenient and highly accurate model of cavity-enhanced SPDC represents an important basis for the design and optimization of novel photonpair sources. The experimental part of this thesis presents the setup and characterization of a triply-resonant photon-pair source. We describe the digital control system used to operate this source over days without manual intervention, and we present a highly stable, narrow-linewidth monochromator based on cascaded, polarization-independent monolithic Fabry-Pérot cavities. Utilizing these temperature-stabilized cavities as a spectrum analyzer, we verify, for the first time, the frequency comb spectral structure of photons generated by cavity-enhanced SPDC. We further simulate and measure the impact of the pump resonance on the temporal wave-packets and the two-photon interference of signal and idler photons. Finally, we present a series of experiments in the context of hybrid quantum networks where we employ quantum frequency conversion (QFC) to transfer the generated signal photons into the telecommunication band. We verify the preservation of the temporal wave-packet upon QFC and highlight how quantum networks can benefit from advanced commercial telecommunication technologies.
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Aspects hors de l'équilibre de systèmes quantiques unidimensionnels fortement corrélés / Nonequilibrium aspects in strongly correlated one-dimensional quatum systemsCollura, Mario 23 February 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous avons répondu à certaines questions ouverts dans le domaine de la dynamique hors équilibre des systèmes quantiques unidimensionnels fermés. Durant ces dernières années, les avancées dans les techniques expérimentales ont revitalisé la recherche théorique en physique de la matière condensée et dans l'optique quantique. Nous avons traité trois sujets différents et en utilisant des techniques à la fois numériques et analytiques. Dans le cadre des techniques numériques, nous avons utilisé des méthodes de diagonalisation exacte, l'algorithme du groupe de renormalisation de la matrice densité en fonction du temps (t-DMRG) et l'algorithme de Lanczos. Au début, nous avons étudié la dynamique quantique adiabatique d'un système quantique près d'un point critique. Nous avons démontré que la présence d'un potentiel de confinement modifie fortement les propriétés d'échelle de la dynamique des observables en proximité du point critique quantique. La densité d'excitations moyenne et l'excès d'énergie, après le croisement du point critique, suivent une loi algébrique en fonction de la vitesse de la trempe avec un exposant qui dépend des propriétés spatio-temporelles du potentiel. Ensuite, nous avons étudié le comportement de bosons ultra-froids dans un réseau optique incliné. En commençant par l'hamiltonien de Bose-Hubbard, dans la limite de Hard-Core bosons, nous avons développé une théorie hydrodynamique qui reproduit exactement l'évolution temporelle d'une partie des observables du système. En particulier, nous avons observé qu'une partie de bosons reste piégée, et oscille avec une fréquence qui dépend de la pente du potentiel, au contraire, une autre partie est expulsée hors de la rampe. Nous avons également analysé la dynamique du modèle de Bose-Hubbard en utilisant l'algorithme t-DMRG et l'algorithme de Lanczos. De cette façon, nous avons mis en évidence le rôle de la non-intégrabilité du modèle dans son comportement dynamique. Enfin, nous avons abordé le problème de la thermalisation dans un système quantique étendu. À partir de considérations générales, nous avons introduit la notion de profil de température hors équilibre dans une chaîne des bosons à coeur dure. Nous avons analysé la dynamique du profil de temperature et, notamment, ses propriétés d'échelle / In this thesis we have addressed some open questions on the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of closed one-dimensional quantum systems. In recent years, advances in experimental techniques have revitalized the theoretical research in condensed matter physics and quantum optics. We have treated three different subjects using both numerical and analytical techniques. As far as the numerical techniques are concerned, we have used essentially exact diagonalization methods, the adaptive time-dependent density-matrix renormalization-group algorithm (t-DMRG) and the Lanczos algorithm. At first, we studied the adiabatic quantum dynamics of a quantum system close to a critical point. We have demonstrated that the presence of a confining potential strongly affects the scaling properties of the dynamical observables near the quantum critical point. The mean excitation density and the energy excess, after the crossing of the critical point, follow an algebraic law as a function of the sweeping rate with an exponent that depends on the space-time properties of the potential. After that, we have studied the behavior of ultra-cold bosons in a tilted optical lattice. Starting with the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, in the limit of Hard-Core bosons, we have developed a hydrodynamic theory that exactly reproduces the temporal evolution of some of the observables of the system. In particular, it was observed that part of the boson density remains trapped, and oscillates with a frequency that depends on the slope of the potential, whereas the remaining packet part is expelled out of the ramp. We have also analyzed the dynamics of the Bose-Hubbard model using the tDMRG algorithm and the Lanczos algorithm. In this way we have highlighted the role of the non-integrability of the model on its dynamical behavior. Finally, we have addressed the issue of thermalization in an extended quantum system. Starting from quite general considerations, we have introduced the notion of out-of-equilibrium temperature profile in a chain of Hard-Core bosons. We have analyzed the dynamics of the temperature profile and especially its scaling properties
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Biology and conservation of the Cape (South African) fur seal Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus (Pinnipedia: Otariidae) from the Eastern Cape Coast of South AfricaStewardson, Carolyn Louise, carolyn.stewardson@anu.edu.au January 2002 (has links)
[For the Abstract, please see the PDF files below, namely "front.pdf"] CONTENTS. Chapter 1 Introduction. Chapter 2 Gross and microscopic visceral anatomy of the male Cape fur seal with reference to organ size and growth. Chapter 3 Age determination and growth in the male Cape fur seal: part one, external body. Chapter 4 Age determination and growth in the male Cape fur seal: part two, skull. Chapter 5 Age determination and growth in the male Cape fur seal: part three, baculum. Chapter 6 Suture age as an indicator of physiological age in the male Cape fur seal. Chapter 7 Sexual dimorphism in the adult Cape fur seal: standard body length and skull morphology. Chapter 8 Reproduction in the male Cape fur seal: age at puberty and annual cycle of the testis. Chapter 9 Diet and foraging behaviour of the Cape fur seal. Chapter 10(a) The Impact of the fur seal industry on the distribution and abundance of Cape fur seals. Chapter 10(b) South African Airforce wildlife rescue: Cape fur seal pups washed from Black Rocks, Algoa Bay, during heavy seas, December 1976. Chapter 11(a) Operational interactions between Cape fur seals and fisheries: part one, trawl fishing. Chapter 11(b) Operational interactions between Cape fur seals and fisheries: part two, squid jigging and line fishing. Chapter 11(c) Operational interactions between Cape fur seals and fisheries: part three, entanglement in man-made debris. Chapter 12 Concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni & Zn) and organochlorine contaminants (PCBs, DDT, DDE & DDD) in the blubber of Cape fur seals. Chapter 13 Endoparasites of the Cape fur seal. Chapter 14(a) Preliminary investigations of shark predation on Cape fur seals. Chapter 14(b) Aggressive behaviour of an adult male Cape fur seal towards a great white shark Carcharodon carcharias. Chapter 15 Conclusions and future directions.
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Juxtaposing Sonare and Videre Midst Curricular Spaces: Negotiating Muslim, Female Identities in the Discursive Spaces of Schooling and Visual Media CulturesWatt, Diane P. 09 May 2011 (has links)
Muslims have the starring role in the mass media’s curriculum on otherness, which circulates in-between local and global contexts to powerfully constitute subjectivities. This study inquires into what it is like to be a female, Muslim student in Ontario, in this post 9/11 discursive context. Seven young Muslim women share stories of their high schooling experiences and their sense of identity in interviews and focus group sessions. They also respond to images of Muslim females in the print media, offering perspectives on the intersections of visual media discourses with their lived experience. This interdisciplinary project draws from cultural studies, postcolonial feminist theory, and post-reconceptualist curriculum theorizing. Working with auto/ethno/graphy, my own subjectivity is also brought into the study to trouble researcher-as-knower and acknowledge that personal histories are implicated in larger social, cultural, and historical processes. Using bricolage, I compose a hybrid text with multiple layers of meaning by juxtapositing theory, image, and narrative, leaving spaces for the reader’s own biography to become entangled with what is emerging in the text. Issues raised include veiling obsession, Islamophobia, absences in the school curriculum, and mass media as curriculum. Muslim females navigate a complex discursive terrain and their identity negotiations are varied. These include creating Muslim spaces in their schools, wearing hijab to assert their Muslim identity, and downplaying their religious identity at school. I argue for the need to engage students and teacher candidates in complicated conversations on difference via auto/ethno/graphy, pedagogies of tension, and epistemologies of doubt. Educators and researchers might also consider the possibilities of linking visual media literacy with social justice issues.
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