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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrationen och arbetets marknad : Hur jämställdhet, arbete och annat "svenskt" görs av arbetsförmedlare och privata aktörer / The Market of Integration and Labour : How gender equality, labour and other ”Swedish” phenomena are constructed by employment service officials and private actors

Larsson, Jennie K January 2015 (has links)
Avhandlingen belyser vad som hänt i svensk integrationspolitik sedan etableringsreformen genomfördes 2010 och ansvaret för flyktingmottagandet överfördes till Arbetsförmedlingen. Utöver förändringen som Arbetsförmedlingens ansvar innebar medförde reformen också ökad marknadsorientering, införande av valfrihetssystem, villkorad aktiveringspolitik samt andra genomgripande organisatoriska förändringar. I fokus står aktörer som på olika sätt har makt att påverka hur integrationspolitiken görs i praktiken. Studien analyserar vad som händer när privata företag bedriver arbetsförmedlande verksamheter där ersättningen kopplas till uppnådda resultat. Vidare analyseras betydelsen av ”svenskhet” i görandet av integrationspolitik. Avhandlingen är etnografisk och det empiriska materialet består av intervjuer och observationer med individer som arbetar på arbetsförmedlingskontor, som etableringslotsar samt samhällskommunikatörer på utbildningsföretag. Genom att syntetisera teorier om gatubyråkratier med en intersektionell ansats visar avhandlingen att görandet av integrationspolitik också är ett görande av ojämlikheter som grundas i stereotypa bilder av ”svenskhet” och ”invandrarskap”. Studien visar vidare hur föreställningen om Sverige som jämställd nation påverkar hur politiken görs. I analysen framkommer att de strategier som arbetsförmedlarna utvecklar för att hantera de krav som ställs på dem, i form av aktivering och resultat, inte leder till att de nyanlända kommer närmare arbetsmarknaden. Studien visar även att privata företag prioriterar resultat, lönsamhet och satsar på de nyanlända som de lättast kan nå resultat med. / This dissertation examines how Swedish integration politics have been affected by the Establishment Reform 2010 and the transfer of responsibility for refugee reception to the Swedish Employment Service. In addition to the changes wrought by the transfer of responsibility, the reform also brought an increase in market orientation, the implementation of systems of choice, a conditional activation policy and other fundamental organizational changes. The focus is on actors who, in different ways, have the power to influence how integration policy work is done in practice. The study analyzes what happens when private companies run employment service activities where financial support is contingent upon results, as well as the significance of “Swedishness” in the shaping of integration policy. The dissertation is an ethnographic one, and the empirical materials consist of interviews with and observations of individuals who work as employment service officials, establishment pilots, and civic orientation guides. By synthesizing theories on street-level bureaucracies with an intersectional approach, the dissertation shows that the making of integration policy is also a making of inequalities which are based on stereotypical images of “Swedishness” and “immigranthood”. Moreover, the study shows how policy-making is influenced by the perception of Sweden being a gender-equal nation. The analysis makes it clear that the strategies developed by the employment service officials, in order to live up to the requirements imposed upon them regarding activation and results, do not lead to newly arrived immigrants getting closer to entering the labour market. The study also shows that private companies prioritize results and profitability, and focus on the new arrivals with whom they can easiest attain results.

Lärande genom estetiska lärprocesser : Konstnärlighet som metod i Waldorfskolan - en etnografisk fältstudie

Rehn, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
In this essay we study the practice of teaching and learning through aesthetic learning processes in a Waldorf School. Through an ethnographic field study three Waldorf teachers have been interviewed about their views regarding in what ways aesthetic learning processes are present in their teaching and how learning through these processes is being carried out practically. For the study a specific class has been observed during three days in a Waldorf School in Stockholm to examine how the aesthetic learning processes are being performed in practice. Through the study we have reached the conclusion that in this particular Waldorf School teaching is being performed artistically and through aesthetic approaches and perspectives. This way of teaching is being carried out not only in the aesthetic subjects but also in the theoretic. The results of the study show that aesthetic learning processes are present in almost all of the subjects in this Waldorf School.

Att vara brandman : En analys av hur brandmän skapar, befäster och utvecklar yrkesidentitet genom social interaktion / To be a firefighter : An analysis of how firefighters create, confirm, and develop professional identity through social interaction

Johansson, Emmy January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to perform a rhetorical analysis of how a professional identity is constructed through deliberation. The object of study is firefighters, as they have a strong sense of community. Using rhetorical ethnographic method, the research question is to investigate how firefighters create, confirm, and develop professional identity through social interactions. Recordings and transcriptions of their internal communication were made, in search of recurring themes and perspectives. The theory of this work is based on Aristotle’s practical definition of rhetoric as deliberation, further developed by Burke’s theory of identification. In addition, Perelmans understanding of auditorium and Wolrath-Söderbergs theory of topos form the basis of the theoretical perspectives. The results show that the recurring themes and perspectives in the firefighter’s conversations depict what it means to 1) work as a firefighter, and 2) live as a firefighter. The conclusion is that the day-to-day tasks and other shared interests constitute meeting points for discussion, where the firefighters construct their professional identity through social strategies, such as identification and disassociation, proximity and distance in the communication.

"Äntligen kan jag se mig själv i helkroppsspegeln" : En etnografisk innehållsanalys av dags- och kvällstidningars gestaltning av berättelser om viktresor / "I can finally see myself in the full-length mirror"

Fagerholm, Ebba, Halldén, Ella January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att förstå gestaltningen av fenomenet hälsobudskap i svensk dags- och kvällspress. Detta undersöks genom att analysera berättelser om viktresor för att ta reda på hur personerna gestaltas före och efter viktnedgången. Studien bygger på 20 artiklar som har valts ut och analyserats genom en etnografisk innehållsanalys. Till grund för tolkningarna har två teorier tillämpats, vilka är stigmatisering och hälsoism. Utifrån teorierna har ett analysschema utformats för att urskilja framgående kategorier i artiklarna. Resultatet visar att kategorierna som tillhör hälsoism är mest framträdande, i synnerhet lycka och framgång och individuellt ansvar. Detta resultat tyder på att den smalare kroppen är kopplad till positiva attribut till skillnad mot den större kroppen. De mest identifierbara kategorierna inom stigmatiseringsteorin är negativa attribut och självdiskriminering, vilket kopplas till gestaltningen av personerna innan viktnedgången. Innan viktresan skildrar artiklarna personernas viktstatus som något de vill förändra, där bakgrunden till detta ofta är dålig självkänsla. Därmed är missnöjet till kroppen ofta relaterat till det psykiska måendet snarare än utseendet, vilket har formats i stigmat om övervikt. Det förekommer skillnader i gestaltningen av personerna innan och efter viktresan där fördelarna visar på att det vardagliga livet har underlättats efter viktnedgången. Majoriteten av artiklarna formar gestaltningar om att personerna lever ett mer harmoniskt liv efter viktresan där träning och hälsa har blivit en del av vardagen. Enbart tre artiklar gestaltas med negativa efterföljder som visar att personen mår sämre efter viktnedgången. Slutsatsen som kan dras i studien är att människokroppen gestaltas olika beroende på kroppsvikt; den smala kroppsformen har en mer positiv gestaltning än den överviktiga. / The aim of this study is to understand the framing of the phenomenon of health messages in Swedish daily and evening press. This is achieved by analyzing stories about weight loss journeys to find out how the people are framed before and after weight loss. The study is based on 20 articles that have been selected and analyzed through an ethnographic content analysis. In the basis for interpretations, two theories have been applied, which are stigmatization and healthism. Based on the theories an analysis scheme has been designed to distinguish prominent categories in the articles. The result shows that the categories belonging to healthism are most prominent, especially success and happiness and individual responsibility, which indicates that the slimmer body is linked to positive attributes in contrast to the larger body. The most identifiable categories within the stigmatization theory are negative attributes and self-discrimination, which is linked to the framing of the person before weight loss. Before weight loss, the articles frame the weight status of the people as something they want to change, the background of it is often based on poor self-esteem. Thus, dissatisfaction with the body is related to psychological well-being rather than appearance, which has been formed in the stigma of being overweight. There are differences in the framing of the people before and after the weight journey where the benefits show that everyday life has become easier. Most of the articles form representations that the people live a more harmonious life after weight loss where exercise and health have become a part of everyday life. Only three articles are presented with negative consequences of the weight loss, which show that the person felt worse after losing weight. The conclusion that can be drawn in the study is that the human body is framed differently depending on body weight; a slim body shape has a more positive framing than a larger body.

Skriftbruk i vardagsliv och i sfi-utbildning : En studie av fem kurdiska sfi-studerandes skriftbrukshistoria och skriftpraktiker / Literacy in Everyday Life and in the Swedish for Immigrants Programme : The Literacy History and Literacy Practices of Five Kurdish L2 Learners of Swedish

Norlund Shaswar, Annika January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the literacy practices in literacy history, in everyday life and in Swedish tuition for immigrants (sfi) of five Kurdish adults. The study analyses connections and dividing lines between literacy practices of the sociotextual domains of everyday life and literacy practices of the sociotextual domain of sfi. It also explores the interaction between literacy history and present literacy practices. Further, there is a focus on the connections between identification, learning and literacy practices. The methodological approach is inspired by ethnography, employing individual semi-structured interviews and classroom observation. Video documentation, audio recordings and field notes are used for documentation. Theoretically the study is influenced by the research field New Literacy Studies where literacies are conceived of assets of socially and culturally grounded practices. The interviews are analysed from two perspectives: focusing on content and on linguistic discursive practices. In the analysis of interviews and observations, a number of interacting aspects of literacy events and literacy practices are also researched, such as purpose, time, place, participants, verbal language and artefacts. A lack of connection between the participants’ notions of who they are and the identities offered to them in sfi impairs the conditions of their active participation in the literacy practices, and consequently also impairs their learning. Identities connected to literacy history are of importance in this process. To exemplify this, the professional career they had in Kurdistan is still of central importance for two of the participants of the study. This complicates their identification as sfi-students and their engaging in the literacy practices of the sfi-education. If sfi teachers know which identities from everyday life are important to their sfi students and try to find connections between the sfi teaching and these identities, the chances improve of the students accepting the identities which they are offered in the literacy events. Then it will also be more probable that the students’ participation in the literacy events in sfi will lead to deep learning. In the sfi classrooms, the participants take part in literacy events of everyday life. There are three types of overlap between the literacy practices of sfi and of everyday life. (1) Literacy events from other sociotextual domains take place in the sfi-classrooms, but without recontextualization into sfi. (2) Literacy events based in sociotextual domains of everyday life are recontextualized into sfi. (3) Literacy events belong to more than one sociotextual domain. In spite of these three types of overlap there are complications when it comes to students starting out from literacy practices of everyday life when they take part in the literacy practices of sfi. It is not possible to transmit literacy practices in their totality, from one sociotextual domain to another. The literacy practices are situated in a specific sociotextual domain and will undergo a transformation as they are based in a different sociotextual domain. On the other hand, it is possible for sfi students to make use of everyday micro practices (e.g. cooperation and non-linear reading) when they take part in the literacy practices of sfi.

El Sistema : Musik som ett verktyg för social utveckling / El Sistema : Music as a tool for social development

Pettersson, Ulrika January 2014 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur musikundervisningen i El Sistema fungerar som ett socialt verktyg med utgångspunkt från en nyetablerad El Sistema-skola i en förort till Stockholm. Min utgångspunkt har varit att undersöka El  Sistemas arbetssätt som ett verktyg för social utveckling i samhället. För att kunna göra detta har jag försökt sätta mig in i de bakomliggande idéerna till El Sistema och förutsättningarna för undervisningen. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där observationer med låg struktur, deltagande observationer och en semistrukturerad intervju har används.  Undersökningen är gjord på en nyetablerad så kallad växtplats inom El Sistema, Sverige,  i en mångkulturell förort till Stockholm. De metoder jag har använt mig av har varit deltagande observationer av musiklärare i den dagliga musikundervisningen på en nyetablerad El Sistema-skola samt av så kallades VänsDays, musikträffar med fika för El Sistema-familjer på onsdagar samt en semi-strukturerad intervju med en El Sistema-pedagog. Litteraturgenomgången innehåller en historisk översikt om El Sistema, musik i skolan och musikpedagogisk idéhistoria. Vidare ingår också litteratur om didaktik, musikundervisning och interkulturell kompetens. El Sistema påtalar vikten av tid, kontinuitet och kontakt som tre nyckelfaktorer för framgångsrik undervisning. Musikundervisning i grupp, samspel och körsång samt att bygga upp en god föräldrakontakt är av stor betydelse för både den sociala och musikaliska utvecklingen i ett integrationssyfte.  Några faktorer som skiljer El Sistema från den traditionella kommunala Musik- och Kulturskolan har också berörts.   Resultatet av studien visar vid en analys med Varköys syfteskategorier att musikundervisning inom El Sistema framför allt fokuserar på  idén om musikens fostrande funktion. I undervisningen finns även idén om musik som medel för bildning och idén om musik som skapande individ tydligt representerad i studiens empiri. Musikundervisning i El Sistema ses som ett medel till något snarare än som ett mål i sig självt samtidigt som det finns en tydlig målsättning att nå en hög musikalisk nivå. / The overall aim of this study is to investigate how music education in El Sistema works as a social tool, based on a newly established El Sistema -school in a suburb of Stockholm. My starting point was to investigate the El Sistema approach as a tool for social development in the community. To do this I have tried to put myself in the underlying ideas to El Sistema and conditions for teaching. The study is based on a qualitative research method in which observations with low structure, participant observation and a semi-structured interview has been used. The survey was conducted on a newly established so-called nucléo, (center of education) within El Sistema, Sweden, in a multicultural suburb of Stockholm. The methods I have used have been participating observations of music teachers in their daily music instruction at a newly established El Sistema-school and so-called VänsDays, music meetings and refreshments for El Sistema-families on Wednesdays and a semi-structured qualitative interview with an El Sistema-teacher. The literature review provides a historical overview of El Sistema, music in schools and music educational history of ideas. Furthermore, it also includes literature on didactics, music education and intercultural competence. El Sistema comments on the importance of time, continuity and contact as three key factors for successful teaching. Music education in group interaction and choral singing and to build a good parental contact is of great importance for both social and musical development of an integration order. What separates El Sistema from the traditional communal Music and Arts School has also been affected. The result of analysis performed by Varköy´s purpose categories to music education within El Sistema mainly focuses on ​​the idea of ​​music's educational function. In teaching, there is also the idea of ​​music as means of formation and the idea of ​​music as a creative individual clearly represented in the study's empirical data. Music education in El Sistema is seen as a mean to something rather than as an aim in itself. At the same time there is a clear objective to achieve a high musical level.

En resa i betygsskalan : en studie av hur medieelever beskriver att bli betygssatta i de medie-estetiska ämnena

Lovisa, Hammar January 2014 (has links)
Min tanke bakom undersökningen är att betygsättning och olika former av bedömningssätt är frågor lärare måste ta ställning till i utövandet av sin yrkesroll, från ett makt- och elevperspektiv. Som lärare har man makten att öppna respektive stänga dörrar för elever, då betyg blir avgörande för elevernas vidare utbildning. Mina frågeställningar är: Vad berättar medieelever om sina upplevelser av att bli betygsatta i media- estetiska ämnen? Hur beskriver medieelever att betygsättning inverkar på deras självbild? Mina informanter går i årskurs 3 på en medieinriktning, på ett estetiskt gymnasieprogram. Med dem gör jag intervjuer där de reflekterar kring att få betyg i media-estetiska ämnen. Denna uppsats använder sig av etnografiska metoder grundat på intervjuer och diskurs som analysverktyg och teori. Min strävan är att förstå hur betygssättning inverkar på mina informanters liv och hur den tillslut fungerar i en större samhällskontext. Studien visade att lärarna har en inflytelserik roll när det kommer till hur eleverna känner sig efter bedömningssituationen. Resultatet i undersökningen visar att det är svårt att definiera vad "rättvisa bedömningar" verkligen innebär och att det är individuellt hur eleven uppfattar kommunikationen med läraren. Man kan se att kommunikationen mellan lärare och elev är grundkärnan i hur bedömningen framförs och tas emot. Det krävs yrkeskompetenta lärare som är tydliga med kunskapskraven och att samtal med elever förs på ett konstruktivt vis. Sammanfattningsvis så behövs forskning inom detta område och resurser på ett politiskt plan. Min gestaltning är en förlängning av min etnografiska undersökning. Där samtalar elever som går olika estetinriktningar - musik, media, florist, musikal och teater, med varandra om vad de tycker om att bli betygsatta i ett estetiskt ämne och vad de tycker generellt om betyg. Detta resulterade i porträttfotografier som sedan ställdes ut på Vårutställningen på Konstfack 2014. / My thought behind the investigation is that grading and different forms of grading are questions that teachers have to deal with in their profession, from a power and pupil perspective. As a teacher you have the power to open respectively close doors for pupils, and then grades becomes decisive for the pupils further education. My issues are: What do media pupils tell about their experiences of being graded? How do media pupils describe the impact of the grading on their self image? My informants are studying at 3rd grade at a media orientation on an esthetical program. With them I do interviews where they reflect on being graded in media esthetical subjects. This essay uses ethnographical methods based on interviews and discourse as an analytical tool and theory. My aim is to understand how grading impacts on my informants’ life and how it finally works in a bigger social context. The study showed that the teachers have an influential role when it comes to how the pupils feel after the grading situation. The result in the investigation shows that it is difficult to define what a "fair grading" really implies and that it is individual how the pupil understands the communication with the teacher. In that way you can see that the communication between the teacher and the pupil is the core in how the grading is being brought up. It demands professionally skilled teachers that are clear with the requirements of knowledge and that conversations with the pupils are being held in a constructive way. To sum up, this calls for research within this subject and resources on a political level. My interpretation is a prolongation of my ethnographical investigation. There the pupils studying on different esthetical orientations – music, media, florist, musical and theatre, are discussing with each other about what they think about being graded in an esthetical subject and generally what they think about grading. This resulted in a number of portrait photographs later being exhibited on the spring exhibition at Konstfack in 2014.

Strokekedjan från början till slut : En etnografisk studie om farlighet och tid i en akut vårdkedja / An ethnographic study of decisionmaking during handling of acute stroke patients

Ståhl, Sally January 2012 (has links)
Varje år drabbas 30 000 svenskar av stroke, vilket innebär stora personliga omställningar och stora kostnader för samhället. Den mest effektiva behandlingen, trombolys, måste ges så snart som möjligt för att ha god effekt.  Samtidigt som det är av största vikt att ta reda på om patienten har några differentialdiagnoser som gör behandlingen riskfylld. Den här studien undersöker hur strokekedjan går till och vilka faktorer som påverkar beslutsfattandet. Studien är baserad på etnografiska fältstudier på fyra svenska sjukhus och materialet är analyserat med metoder från sammansatta kognitiva system och målorienterad design. Resultaten visar att trots olika organiserade strokekedjor på de olika sjukhusen är processerna desamma och direkt kommunikation är mest framgångsrik för att effektivt sprida information mellan dem. Neurologjouren är viktig roll som, liksom resten av aktörerna i strokekedjan, ständigt balanserar sitt beslutsfattande mellan effektivitet och grundlighet. Kombinationen av analyser ger resultat både på system- och individnivå. Möjligheter för förbättrade strokekedjor ges i termer av logistiska, tekniska och organisatoriska förslag. / 30 000 people in Sweden get a stroke every year. This leads to large personal adaptions as well as high costs for the society. The most efficient treatment, thrombolysis, must be given as soon as possible to have a good effect. At the same time it is very important to find out if the patient has any differential diagnosis that can make the treatment hazardous. This study investigates how the course ov events around acute stroke patients take place and important factors for the decision making. The studiy is based on ethnographic field studys on four swedish hospitals. The material is analysed with methods from joint cognitive systems and goal-oriented design. The results show that in spite of different organisation of the course  of events around acute stroke patients are the processes and direct communication most successful for effective spread of information between the processes. The neurologist on call is an important roll who, as well as the rest of the participants in the course of events, balances the decision making between efficiency and thoroughness. The combination of analysis gives results on both system- and individual levels. Possibilites for improvents are given in three categories: logistic, technological and organizational.

Situated Accounts from Within a Stigmatized Area : An Ethnographic Study on Local Views and Experiences Relating to Urban Developments in Molenbeek, Brussels / Situerade beskrivningar från ett stigmatiserat område : En etnografisk studie av lokala upplevelser och perspektiv på stadsutveckling i Molenbeek, Bryssel

van der Saag, Emma January 2023 (has links)
This study tried to counter the stigmatized narratives in Molenbeek and nuance the stigma bybringing to the forefront the experiences and views of the local inhabitants through storytellingand an ethnographic approach. I have interviewed both inhabitants of Molenbeek and a plannerfrom the municipality of Molenbeek to understand both the discourse of the inhabitants andthat of the planners at the municipal level about current urban development projects in andaround Molenbeek. With the empirical tale, I was able to present both discourses as if theywere discussing together to see where they differ or agree. I used the theory of territorial stigmaof Wacquant et al. (2014) to analyze to what extent the situation in Molenbeek can be explainedwith the theory of territorial stigma. I found that territorial stigma seems to fit the currentsituation of Molenbeek and its stigmatized inhabitants to a certain extent but underestimatesthe feeling of community between inhabitants. This study has shown that the urban and socialsituation in Molenbeek is much more complex than the stigma and stereotypes narrated. Futureresearch should look into the discourse of developers and their relation to territorial stigma.Finally, I hope this study will inspire urban planners to engage in storytelling and to be criticalof their own story realm. By listening to other stories and including them in their planningprocess they will be able to create more inclusive and richer spaces, which should be the goalof every urban development project.

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