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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Food recalls in the Food Supply Chain : A qualitative study of different product flows in a retail context

Lindberg, Emma, Sohlin, Therese January 2021 (has links)
The issue of food scandals originating from unsafe food has in recent years caught the attention of the public. Consequently, the number of food recalls has increased, and food retailers and food producers are getting questioned regarding their ability to provide consumers with safe food products. Thus, because the primary responsibility to deal with this problem is the food business operators who have real control over the products within the Food Supply Chain (FSC). Even though food safety has received more interest from academic researchers and practitioners in the latter years, we could identify that previous literature still lacks research on food recalls. In addition, prior research interprets food recalls as generalizable within the FSC and does not have its various product flows in mind. In order to fill the research gap, this study seeks to gain a deeper understanding of food recalls in the context of the different product flows within the FSC from a retailer perspective. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate how the occurrence and the consequences of food recall differ across various product flows within the FSC by focusing on four elements. The elements include the challenges within the FSC to ensure food quality, the reasons behind food recall, the types of food recall, and the consequences they infer. The current study had finally answered the following research question: “How do the occurrence and the consequences of food recalls differ across various product flows within the FSC?” In order to answer the research question and address the purpose of the thesis, a qualitative study was conducted by focusing on Swedish food retailers and conducting interviews with responsible Purchasers within each of the product flows, and additionally, Quality Assurance Managers. The sample of the semi-structured interviews was selected based on the position and experience of food recalls within the retailers. This to assure that the interviewees possessed sufficient insights regarding the studied field to fulfill the purpose of the study and answer its research question. From the gathered data, several themes were derived through the thematic analysis, and the analysis and discussion regarding the elements led us to a conclusion. The result confirmed that the various product flows, and in some cases, even specific products within the flows, need to be taken into consideration when the occurrence and the consequences of food recalls are addressed within the FSC. This is because the different product flows include different products with different characteristics making them more or less complex to handle along the chain and when carrying out food recalls. Even though previous theories assume a general approach, the findings still confirmed the theories regarding the challenges within the FSC to ensure food quality, the reasons behind recalls, the types of recalls, and the consequences the recalls can infer. However, the main differences found between our study and prior research regarding the FSC were that supply chain-related reasons are more commonly related to food reclaims and that environmental consequences are considered an additional consequence of food recalls.


Shimamura Fagle, Tor January 2023 (has links)
The dairy industry is a complex system that involves many stakeholders and processes, from production to distribution. To measure and improve the performance of this system, a comprehensive and reliable Performance Measurement System (PMS) is needed. A PMS is a tool that helps to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain operations. One of the components of a PMS is the key performance indicators (KPIs), which reflect the performance of specific aspects of the supply chain. This thesis explores how KPIs can be used to enhance logistics performance in the dairy industry. The research is based on a single case study of a global company that operates in the dairy sector, which faces challenges such as high competition, customer demand variability, and food waste. The research uses a mix of literature review, interviews, and data analysis to identify and evaluate the relevant KPIs for logistics performance, as well as their interrelationships and impacts. The research applies the interpretive structural modeling (ISM) method to develop a hierarchical model of the KPIs and their causal relationships. The interpretive structural model of the indicators shows that the current indicators commonly used in the dairy industry today are not suitable for measuring performance, the indicators do not affect the current performance significantly but rather reflect the. This paper proposes a methodology for qualitatively evaluating performance measures, based on the integration of the ISM approach, the MICMAC analysis, and the seven criteria of a KPI. The ISM approach is a technique for identifying and analyzing the interrelationships among elements of a complex system. By applying this methodology, organizations and researchers can assess the suitability and importance of a set of KPIs. / Mejeriindustrin är ett komplext system som involverar många intressenter och processer, från produktion till distribution. För att mäta och förbättra systemets prestanda behövs ett heltäckande och tillförlitligt system för prestationsmätning (PMS). Ett PMS är ett verktyg som hjälper till att utvärdera effektiviteten i leveranskedjans verksamhet. En av komponenterna i ett PMS är nyckeltal (KPI:er), som är mått som återspeglar prestandan för specifika aspekter av leveranskedjan. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur KPI:er kan användas för att förbättra logistiken inom mejeriindustrin. Forskningen baseras på en fallstudie av ett globalt företag som är verksamt inom mejerisektorn, som står inför utmaningar som hög konkurrens, varierande kundefterfrågan och matsvinn. Forskningen använder en blandning av litteraturstudier, intervjuer och dataanalys för att identifiera och utvärdera relevanta KPI:er för logistikprestanda, samt deras inbördes relationer och påverkan. Forskningen tillämpar metoden ISM (Interpretive Structural Modeling) för att utveckla en hierarkisk modell av KPI:erna och deras orsakssamband. Den tolkande strukturella modellen av indikatorerna visar att de nuvarande indikatorerna som vanligtvis används i mejeriindustrin idag inte är lämpliga för att mäta prestanda, indikatorerna påverkar inte den nuvarande prestationen avsevärt utan återspeglar snarare resultaten. I denna rapport föreslås en metod för att utvärdera prestationsmått på ett kvalitativt sätt, baserat på integrationen av ISM-metoden, MICMAC-analysen och de sju kriterierna för en KPI. ISM-metoden är en teknik för att identifiera och analysera de inbördes relationerna mellan olika delar i ett komplext system. Genom att tillämpa denna metod kan organisationer och akademiker utvärdera lämpligheten och vikten av en uppsättning eller en KPI.

Key Factors in Driving Sustainability Initiatives in the Supply Chain : A multiple case study of manufacturing companies / Nyckelfaktorer för att driva hållbarhetsinitiativ i försörjningskedjan : En fallstudie av tillverkningsbolag

The manufacturing industry is accountable for a significant amount of carbon emissions released, and manufacturers experience pressure from stakeholders to address the sustainability issues and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. However, the lack of verified frameworks to achieve a sustainable supply chain makes it difficult to revisit their supply chain strategies. This study benchmarks how manufacturing companies in Sweden achieve sustainability in their supply chains by examining the a priori and post-implementation factors required, as well as how the sustainability initiatives are structured. The study is a multiple case study, which started with a literature review to gain a relevant understanding of the research problem. Semi-structured interviews were held with seven case companies in different sectors in the manufacturing industry and with two environmental consultants. The findings prove that manufacturing companies achieve sustainability in their supply chains by combining a priori and post-implementation factors with aspects regarding the structure of the initiatives. Top management commitment and management providing the necessary means to drive the initiative are crucial a priori factors. Moreover, the findings demonstrate to define ownership of the tasks in the initiative and that top management should integrate sustainability in the business model and have a budget for sustainability initiatives. Prioritizing the activities with the largest value creation is important, where a materiality analysis facilitates. Training employees and management on sustainability, and encouraging the employees to find green improvements are necessary. Post implementation, adopting a circular process is critical, while also ensuring sufficient resources throughout the initiatives. Moreover, the findings highlight strict governance with clearly defined ownership over time, the more decentralized the better. A cross-functional organization is advantageous for achieving the above-mentioned factors. The reason for pursuing an initiative must be defined to enable clear goals. Backcasting and a materiality analysis are useful tools to create measurable goals accordingly, and the goals should be scientifically approved by the Science Based Target initiative. In the execution, using previous experiences on internal and external platforms aid the case companies with their goal conflict prioritization. Lastly, frequent follow ups are critical, where the follow-up process should follow international standards. It is necessary to have a defined process for follow ups and have traceable follow ups to view the progress. / Tillverkningsindustrin står för en betydande mängd av världens koldioxidutsläpp, och tillverkningsbolag blir alltmer pressade av intressenter att ta itu med hållbarhetsfrågorna och bidra till FN:s globala mål för hållbar utveckling. Bristen på verifierade ramverk för att uppnå en hållbar försörjningskedja försvårar för företag att se över deras hållbarhetsstrategier. Denna benchmarkingstudie om hur tillverkningsföretag i Sverige uppnår hållbarhet i sina försörjningskedjor undersöker de faktorer som krävs innan och efter en implementering av ett hållbarhetsinitiativ, samt hur initiativen är strukturerade. Fallstudien började med en litteraturundersökning för att få relevant förståelse och kunskap om forskningsproblemet. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sju fallföretag inom olika sektorer i tillverkningsindustrin och med två miljökonsulter. Resultaten visar att tillverkningsföretag uppnår hållbarhet genom att kombinera kritiska faktorer innan och efter utförandet, samt att följa aspekter som rör initiativens struktur. Engagemang från högsta ledningen som ger nödvändiga medel för att driva initiativet är avgörande innan implementeringen. Dessutom visar resultaten att fallföretagen och högsta ledningen bör integrera hållbarhet i affärsmodellen och ha en budget för hållbarhetsinitiativ. Att prioritera aktiviteter med störst värdeskapande är viktigt, där en väsentlighetsanalys underlättar. Det är nödvändigt att utbilda medarbetarna och ledningen inom hållbarhet och uppmuntra de anställda att hitta miljöförbättringar. Efter implementeringen är det avgörande att arbeta i en cirkulär process, samtidigt som det säkerställs tillräckligt med resurser genom hela initiativet. Dessutom visar resultaten att en strikt styrning med tydligt definierat ägarskap över tid är essentiellt, och ju mer decentraliserat desto bättre. En tvärfunktionell organisation är fördelaktig för att uppnå ovan nämnda faktorer. Anledningen till att driva ett initiativ måste definieras för att möjliggöra tydliga mål. Backcasting och väsentlighetsanalyser är användbara verktyg för att skapa mätbara mål utifrån, samt att målen bör vara vetenskapligt godkända i enlighet med Science Based Target initiative. Under genomförandet anser fallföretagen att det är viktigt att beakta tidigare erfarenheter av att driva hållbarhetsinitiativ, då det underlättar målkonfliktprioriteringen. Slutligen är frekventa uppföljningar kritiska, där uppföljningsprocessen bör följa en internationell standard. Det är även nödvändigt att ha en definierad och spårbar process för uppföljningen för att tydligt se framstegen.

Medarbetares anpassningsförmåga till digital transformation inom försörjningskedja : En analys av ledningens beslut / Employee adaptability to digital transformation in supply chain management : An analysis of management decisions

Riihimäki, Linnea, Mainit, Limuel January 2024 (has links)
Att studera digital transformation inom en försörjningskedja ger en grundläggande förståelse för hur IT-verktyg kan omvandla operativa verksamhetsprocesser till att identifiera möjligheter och utmaningar för en verksamhet. Dock antyder tidigare studier att tillvägagångssättet för hur en verksamhet uppnår digital transformation fortfarande är ett forskningsämne som har en del kunskapsluckor, speciellt för hur ledningen uppmuntrar förändringar inom verksamheten. Genom att studera hur medarbetare påverkas av ledningens beslut inom försörjningskedjan presenterar denna forskning nya insikter rörande medarbetarnas förhållningssätt gentemot digitala förändringar. För att förklara vikten av detta används Alters Ramverk till att analysera ett IT-beroende arbetssystem samt hur digitala förändringar påverkar olika roller och verksamhetsprocesser för en verksamhet. Inte nog med det, används bland annat även IT-verksamhetsanpassning i samband med den resursbaserade vyn till att identifiera hur verksamheten kan utnyttja sina resurser och kompetenser till att förbättra verksamhetsprocesserna. Genom att göra en kvalitativ forskningsansats på medarbetarnas påverkan på operativ, taktisk och strategisk nivå ger denna forskning en god överblick för hur en verksamhet kan utvecklas och förbättras. Datainsamlingen som samlats in visar på att det är brist på IT-stöd och IT-verktyg som används, vilket hindrar takten för verksamheten att genomgå en digital transformation. Slutsatsen är att ledningen har en stor påverkan på medarbetarnas värderingar, inställningar och arbetsprocess. / Studying digital transformation in Supply Chain Management provides a comprehensive understanding of how IT-tools can transform operational business processes to identify opportunities and challenges for an organization. However, previous studies suggest that the approach to how an organization achieves digital transformation is still a research topic that has some knowledge gaps, especially on how management encourages changes within the organization. By studying how employees are affected by management decisions in supply chain management, this research presents new insights into employee attitudes towards digital change. In order to explain the importance of this, the Alters Framework is used to analyze an IT-dependent work system and how digital changes affect different roles and business processes of an organization. Not only that, but also Business IT-alignment in combination with Resource-Based View Theory is used to identify how the organization can use its resources and competencies to improve business processes. By taking a qualitative research approach to the impact of employees at operational, tactical and strategic levels, this research provides a good overview of how an organization can be developed and improved. The data collected shows that there is a lack of the IT-support and IT-tools used, which hinders the pace of the business to undergo a digital transformation. The conclusion is that management has a significant impact on employees' values, attitudes and business process.

Causes of the bullwhip effect : A study of the bullwhip effect in the Volvo Group Service Market Logistics’ supply chain

Dahlin, Klara, Säfström, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
The bullwhip effect is defined as an upstream amplification of demand variability and has received interest within multinational companies for decades. As early as in the 1950’s, Forrester (1958) discussed what is today known as the bullwhip effect, which has a negative impact on the customer service, costs, and inventory investment in a supply chain (Lee et al., 1997). Even though the bullwhip effect has been noticed in various industries, the consequences, in form of decreased availability and increased costs the further up the supply chain the bullwhip goes, still remain. The employees at Volvo Group Service Market Logistics suspect that their supply chain has been affected by the bullwhip effect and want to know if it is correct and subsequently know why it has occurred. Therefore, this master’s thesis highlights the root causes of the bullwhip effect and presents strategies to mitigate it. To understand how the bullwhip effect affected the Volvo Group Service Market Logistics’ supply chain, the purpose was formulated as follow: The purpose of this study is to identify events in the Volvo Group Service Market Logistics’ supply chain where the bullwhip effect has occurred, its root causes, and how to reduce or eliminate the bullwhip effects.  The studied flow was from the Central Distribution Center (CDC) in Ghent, to the Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in Brazil, to the Dealers associated to the RDC in Brazil, and the customers. Data was collected from each node and events were studied to find bullwhip events. After sorting out the part numbers that passed the criteria for bullwhip events, the amount of data had to be reduced even more. A couple of different conditions were applied which resulted in four suitable bullwhip events. Thereafter, the authors conducted interviews with Logistics Managers at each node of the supply chain to find the root causes of the bullwhip effect in each studied event.  Among the several found root causes, lack of information transparency was the most frequent occurring root cause, found in three out of four studied bullwhip events. Insufficient communication and lack of information sharing cause bullwhip effects, and the authors found that improved communication both between and within the nodes will contribute to better planning, and consequently avoided bullwhip effects. Other root causes found were issues with the ordering system, lack of learning and experience, neglected lead times, fear of empty stock, price fluctuations, and phase-out of the spare part.  To reduce or eliminate the bullwhip effect, the focus was on mitigating the root causes since the root causes create opportunities for the bullwhip effect to occur. Four suggestions were given with suitable mitigation strategies found in the literature, where the four suggestions were sales campaigns, prepare for boosts, keep track of manually placed orders, and ordering system and Logistics Manager behavioural issues. The suggestions could then be connected to the different found root causes. The stated suggestions and mitigation strategies focused on mitigating the root causes in a long-term perspective and consequently the bullwhip effect itself.

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