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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett sätt att leva - en livsstil : En kvalitativ studie om hur familjehemsföräldrar ser på sitt uppdrag

Valentinsson, Sandra, Henningsson, Eleonor January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med vår studie var att få en inblick i hur familjehemsföräldrar ser på sitt uppdrag utifrån följande frågeställningar:</p><ul><li>Vilka motiv och förväntningar finns till att vilja bli familjehem?</li><li>Hur har uppdraget som familjehem påverkat relationerna i familjen?</li><li>Har familjehemmen avlastning eller behov av det?</li><li>Vilken syn har familjehemmen på handledning?</li><li>Hur resonerar familjehemmen kring den ekonomiska ersättningen?</li></ul><p>Studien genomfördes med utgångspunkt i kvalitativa intervjuer, där vi tillsammans intervjuade 9 olika familjehem knutna till Kristianstads kommun. I 7 av intervjuerna medverkade båda familjehemsföräldrarna, i 2 intervjuer medverkade den ena familjehemsföräldern; sammanlagt 16 respondenter.</p><p>Intervjuerna transkriberades, analyserades och presenterades sedan på två olika sätt. Utifrån meningskategorisering presenterades resultatet dels i idealtyper samt tematiskt utifrån citat.</p><p>Familjehemsföräldrarna i vår studie har en samsyn som par i hur de ser på sitt uppdrag, och att de arbetar väl tillsammans. I vår studie fann vi 5 olika idealtyper, som illustrerar hur de ser på olika frågor. Många av familjehemmen ansåg att uppdraget som familjehem hade blivit ett sätt att leva, en livsstil. Det fanns även familjehem som såg uppdraget som en profession, där de placerade barnen samtidigt var en del i familjen. Familjehemmen i vår studie hade åtagit sig uppdraget som familjehem med anledning av personlig erfarenhet och kontakt med andra familjehem i sin närhet. Familjehemmen var överens om att behovet av handledning var störst i början av ett uppdrag. Synen på avlastning skilde sig åt mellan familjehemmen. Familjehemmen såg det som en självklarhet att få ekonomisk ersättning för sitt uppdrag.</p> / <p>The purpose of our study was to investigate how foster-parents regard their task based on the following:</p><ul><li>Which motives and expectations do foster-parents have to become a foster-home?</li><li>How does the task as foster-home influence the relations of the family?</li><li>Do the foster-homes have any need of alleviance from their task? </li><li>Do the foster-homes have any need of guidance in their task?</li><li>How do foster-parents think regarding the financial part of their task?</li></ul><p>The study was carried out from the basis of qualitative interviews, in which we together interviewed 9 different foster-homes connected to the council of Kristianstad. In 7 of the interviews, both foster-parents participated, in 2 interviews one of the foster-parents participated; in total 16 responders. The interviews were transcribed, analysed and thereafter presented in two different ways. From coding categories, the result was presented both in idealtypes and thematically from quotes.</p><p>The foster-parents in our study appear to have a common view as couples in how they regard their task, and that they work well together. In our study we found 5 different idealtypes, who illustrate how they regard various issues. The foster-homes felt that their task had become a way of living, a life style. There were also foster-homes that viewed their task as a profession, where the placed children at the same time were a part of the family.</p><p>The foster-homes in our study had taken on the task as foster-home because of personal experiences and contact with other foster-homes in their vicinity. Regarding their view of guidance, the foster-parents agreed that they were in need of guidance mostly in the beginning of a task. The opinions are somewhat varied among foster-parents, regarding alliviance. The foster-parents think that the financial part of their task comes natural.</p>

Ett sätt att leva - en livsstil : En kvalitativ studie om hur familjehemsföräldrar ser på sitt uppdrag

Valentinsson, Sandra, Henningsson, Eleonor January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie var att få en inblick i hur familjehemsföräldrar ser på sitt uppdrag utifrån följande frågeställningar: Vilka motiv och förväntningar finns till att vilja bli familjehem? Hur har uppdraget som familjehem påverkat relationerna i familjen? Har familjehemmen avlastning eller behov av det? Vilken syn har familjehemmen på handledning? Hur resonerar familjehemmen kring den ekonomiska ersättningen? Studien genomfördes med utgångspunkt i kvalitativa intervjuer, där vi tillsammans intervjuade 9 olika familjehem knutna till Kristianstads kommun. I 7 av intervjuerna medverkade båda familjehemsföräldrarna, i 2 intervjuer medverkade den ena familjehemsföräldern; sammanlagt 16 respondenter. Intervjuerna transkriberades, analyserades och presenterades sedan på två olika sätt. Utifrån meningskategorisering presenterades resultatet dels i idealtyper samt tematiskt utifrån citat. Familjehemsföräldrarna i vår studie har en samsyn som par i hur de ser på sitt uppdrag, och att de arbetar väl tillsammans. I vår studie fann vi 5 olika idealtyper, som illustrerar hur de ser på olika frågor. Många av familjehemmen ansåg att uppdraget som familjehem hade blivit ett sätt att leva, en livsstil. Det fanns även familjehem som såg uppdraget som en profession, där de placerade barnen samtidigt var en del i familjen. Familjehemmen i vår studie hade åtagit sig uppdraget som familjehem med anledning av personlig erfarenhet och kontakt med andra familjehem i sin närhet. Familjehemmen var överens om att behovet av handledning var störst i början av ett uppdrag. Synen på avlastning skilde sig åt mellan familjehemmen. Familjehemmen såg det som en självklarhet att få ekonomisk ersättning för sitt uppdrag. / The purpose of our study was to investigate how foster-parents regard their task based on the following: Which motives and expectations do foster-parents have to become a foster-home? How does the task as foster-home influence the relations of the family? Do the foster-homes have any need of alleviance from their task? Do the foster-homes have any need of guidance in their task? How do foster-parents think regarding the financial part of their task? The study was carried out from the basis of qualitative interviews, in which we together interviewed 9 different foster-homes connected to the council of Kristianstad. In 7 of the interviews, both foster-parents participated, in 2 interviews one of the foster-parents participated; in total 16 responders. The interviews were transcribed, analysed and thereafter presented in two different ways. From coding categories, the result was presented both in idealtypes and thematically from quotes. The foster-parents in our study appear to have a common view as couples in how they regard their task, and that they work well together. In our study we found 5 different idealtypes, who illustrate how they regard various issues. The foster-homes felt that their task had become a way of living, a life style. There were also foster-homes that viewed their task as a profession, where the placed children at the same time were a part of the family. The foster-homes in our study had taken on the task as foster-home because of personal experiences and contact with other foster-homes in their vicinity. Regarding their view of guidance, the foster-parents agreed that they were in need of guidance mostly in the beginning of a task. The opinions are somewhat varied among foster-parents, regarding alliviance. The foster-parents think that the financial part of their task comes natural.

Varje familjehem är unikt : En kvalitativ studie av familjehemsföräldrars stressfaktorer, stärkande faktorer och behov av stöd från socialtjänsten / Every foster family is unique : A qualitative study of foster parents' stressors, strengthening factors and needs of support from the social services

Branchetti Hallberg, Cajsa, Mellström, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

"Det är viktigt att vara en pratbar vuxen" : En kvalitativ studie om familjehemsföräldrars samtal om sexualitet med det placerade barnet / “It’s important to be a talkable adult” : A qualitative study on foster parents’ perspectives and understandings of conversations about sexuality with foster children

Lindholm, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Barn inom samhällets barn- och ungdomsvård, däribland familjehemsplacerade barn, är mer utsatta för sexuella risker än andra. Familjehemsföräldrar har således en viktig roll att kunna möta de placerade barnen och på olika sätt samtala om sexualitet. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer och tematisk analys undersöker denna studie fyra familjehemsföräldrars förhållningssätt till och förståelse av samtal om sexualitet med det placerade barnet. Den teoretiska analysen utgår från ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv och kombineras med teori om sexuella script, teori om sexuella värdehierarkier samt systemperspektivet. Resultatet visade att underlättande strategier såsom platsen och situationen var av stor betydelse för samtal om sexualitet. Familjehemsföräldrarna ville i samtal om sexualitet förmedla öppenhet och tillgänglighet gentemot barnet. I samtal om sexualitet var familjehemsföräldrarna särskilt angelägna om att förmedla kunskap om samtycke och egna och andras gränser, bland annat eftersom en del placerade barn inte har fått lära sig om detta i sina ursprungliga familjer. Vidare visar resultatet att de placerade barnens sexualitet var nära sammanbunden med risker. Genomgående uttryckte familjehemsföräldrarna en balansgång i samtal om sexualitet som handlar om porr, risker och ursprungliga föräldrar. I samtalen om porr skapades en balansgång mellan viljan att vara en motvikt till porren och risken för att skuldbelägga ungdomen som konsumerade den. I samtal om risker uttryckte familjehemsföräldrarna en balansgång mellan viljan att samtala om risker, och oro för att skrämma barnet. En ytterligare balansgång uppstod när familjehemsföräldrarna ville förmedla ett annat sexuellt script än det som barnen lärt sig från sina ursprungliga föräldrar, med risk att påverka barnen negativt.

Mentorsfamiljer som stöd till familjehemsföräldrar : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om familjehemsföräldrars upplevelser av projektet Mentorsfamiljer / Mentoring families as support for foster carers : A qualitative interview study about foster carers experience of the project Mentoring families

Bechara, Isabelle, Saliba, Patricia January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to examine how foster carers involved in the project Mentoring families experience the project overall, the support they receive and how they describe that the project has been put into practice. The data was collected by using qualitative interviews with six participants in the project, two mentoring families and four linked foster carers. The results have been analysed through a thematic analysis and then interpreted via the theoretic ideas about social support from peers. The study finds that foster carers have a positive experience of the project and that the support they receive is something they consider to be valuable for the role as foster carers. Another finding is that the project seems to be able to contribute to increased support. The results also show that the mentoring families have an important role for the possibility of putting the project into practice. The results indicate that some of the functions within the project were not implemented as fully as others, such as the network and planned sleepovers. Apart from these findings the study presents plausible risks about the project Mentoring families concerning the support given by non-professionals. / Mentorsfamiljer

Goda möjligheter inom rimliga proportioner : Socialsekreterares erfarenheter av stöd till familjehemsföräldrar vid sammanbrott

Conrad Jonäll, Amalia, Liljeblom, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Studien syftade till att undersöka hur socialsekreterare beskriver familjehemsföräldrars behov av stöd vid sammanbrott samt vilka möjligheter de uppfattar sig ha att möta stödbehovet. Sju socialsekreterare deltog i studien och data samlades in genom en fokusgruppsdiskussion och tre enskilda intervjuer. Studiens teoretiska ansats var teorin om gräsrotsbyråkrati samt begreppet handlingsutrymme. Resultatet visade att de intervjuade socialsekreterarna upplevde en svårighet att prata om sammanbrottet utan att se till placeringen i sin helhet. Det blev också tydligt att ämnet var ovanligt för socialsekreterarna att reflektera över. Stödjande samtal uppfattades vara det främsta stödbehovet och socialsekreterarna beskrev en för familjehemsföräldrarna känslomässig process i samband med ett sammanbrott, vilken de bemötte med tid för återhämtning samt “ett lyssnande öra”. Organisatoriska förutsättningar i form av arbetets organisering och dess kultur, ledningens insyn och förtroende, hög arbetsbelastning samt geografiskt långa avstånd var aspekter vilka möjliggjorde eller begränsade socialsekreterarna. / The aim of the study was to examine how social workers describe foster parents’ need of support in the event of a placement breakdown and which opportunities the social workers perceived having to meet the parents’ needs. A focus group and three individual interviews were made, including totally seven social workers in the study. The theoretical approach was the theory of street-level bureaucracy with focus on the concept of discretion. The social workers described a difficulty to talk about placement breakdown without seeing the placement as a whole. It became obvious that identifying foster parents’ needs during or after a placement breakdown was not perceived as part of the social workers’ work tasks. Although, they expressed that foster parents’ may need support in this situation. The social workers described an emotional process for foster parents, which they responded to with listening as well as “giving time for recovery”. Organizational conditions affecting the work were discussed in terms of workplace culture and organization, the management’s insight and trust, a high workload and geographically long distance which enabled or limited the social workers.

Familjehemsföräldrars perspektiv på sammanbrott i familjehemsvård : En allmän litteraturöversikt / Foster parents perspectives on disruption in family foster care : A literature review

Lindblom, Victoria, Rytkö Wrangell, Marianne January 2021 (has links)
Familjehemsvård är den vanligaste placeringsformen i Sverige för barn som inte kan bo med sin familj. När sammanbrott sker berörs de närmast involverade. Syftet var att genom en allmän litteraturöversikt undersöka familjehemsföräldrars perspektiv på sammanbrott i familjehemsvård. 10 vetenskapliga artiklar låg till grund för resultatet som analyserades med hjälp av sorg- och kristeori samt salutogenetiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visade att sammanbrott väcker olika känslor som sorg, förlust, lättnad och ångest. Familjehemsföräldrar kände sig misslyckade och upplevde sig ha svikit barnet. Dessa känslor kunde även leda till en identitetskris hos familjehemsföräldrarna. Vidare uppmärksammades att relationen till, och kommunikationen med, socialtjänsten påverkade upplevelsen av sammanbrott. Brister i samverkan med socialtjänsten kunde negativt påverka stödet till familjehemsföräldrarna. / In Sweden, family foster care is the most common form of placement for children who cannot live with their families. Disruptions in placements can occur and affect those most immediately involved. The purpose of this literature review was to explore foster parents’ perspectives on placement breakdown. The result was based on 10 scientific articles that were analyzed through bereavement theory and salutogenic perspective. Results show that placement disruption awakens emotions such as sorrow, loss, relief and anxiety. Foster parents’ experienced failure and felt that they had betrayed the child. These feelings could also lead to an identity crisis for the foster parents. Further observations indicated that the relationship to, and communication with, social services affected foster parents’ perceptions of disruption. The shortcomings in collaboration with social services could influence the support offered to foster parents in a negative way.

"Det räcker inte med ett stort hjärta" : En kvalitativ studie om att vara familjehemsföräldrar / "It's not enough to have a big heart" : A qualitative study about being foster parents

Petersson, Lovisa, Frennesson, Jonna January 2023 (has links)
The study aims to examine foster parents’ experiences of foster care, focusing on the difficulties they may encounter and their experiences in the interactions and support from social services. Research shows that foster parents bear a significant responsibility for the lives and well-being of the children under their care. They often describe their parenting experiences as one characterized by powerlessness, and they perceive the support provided by social services as inadequate. Ensuring that foster parents receive the necessary support to provide stable and service care for the child is crucial for a successful placement. Considering this issue, the purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of the assignment and how foster parents experience the contact with social services. A qualitative method has been used and eight foster parents were interviewed using semi structured interviews. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis and presented and analyzed using Foucault’s theory of pastoral power and previous research. The results indicate that foster parents face different types of difficulties, especially when it comes to the contact with social services and the biological network of the placed children. The contact and support received from social services appears to be crucial for succeeding as foster parents, but it occurs to often be insufficient and lacking. The result also indicates that most foster parents’ experience difficulties related to the lack of decision making as well as the interactions between the placed child and its biological parents. However, lack of support emerges as the most challenging aspect of foster care according to the foster parents in this study because it makes it even harder to manage and handle the other difficulties and dilemmas that comes with the assignment. Therefore, this study emphasizes the significance of effective and supportive social services to ensure successful experiences for foster parents.

"Både glädje och sorg" : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av att vara familjehemsförälder. / "Both joy and sorrow" : A qualitative study about the experience of being a foster parent.

Stenholm, Felicia, Ryberg, Olivia January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this qualitative study is to examine foster parents’ experiences and view on their perceived challenges with the task, their resources to manage the task and how they achieve well being in their everyday life as a foster parent. The study has been carried out through qualitative semi-structured interviews with eight foster parents. The results were then analyzed through Antonovsky’s salutogenic perspective with the concept sense of coherence (SOC) and generalized resistance resources (GRRs), along with previous research. The study’s result shows that perceived challenges with the task are among other things the constant change of social workers, having an “open foster home” for birth parents and the lack of knowledge of foster parenting when taking on the task. Resources to manage the task are good support from the social services, daily recovery from the task, practical experiences and one’s own personal qualities such as adaptability and understanding. Well being in everyday life as a foster parent can be achieved through involvement in the foster kids life, as well as being able to have one’s own interests. Furthermore the study’s result indicates that the motive to help and support children in need is strongly connected to achieve well being in the role as a foster parent.

Familjehemsplacerade barns skolgång : En kvalitativ studie / Foster Children's schooling

Bosman, Annemieke January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to get a greater understanding for how the people surrounding children in foster care support these foster children in their education. In order to learn more about that, I had to understand these individuals own opinion on education for foster-children. Do the people that stand close to a child in foster care think that foster children have the same abilities to learn in school as other children? And is it fair to require the same investment as we ask from other children? And how does the way professionals and foster parents inform each other and work togeter influence this process? The study was conducted through six semi-structured interviews. The perspective of four different foster parents, a teacher and a social worker were examined in this qualitative study. To help understand why some people have better chances in life than others and how a foster family can make a difference in that for a child, I have used Pierre Bourdieu's Cultural Theory. The theory helps understand that a foster child is in a very low social position in society, especially at the beginning of the placement, and has to work itself up to get acces to more symbolical resources. The results of the study show that support from people around the foster child is a very important factor for a child to succeed in school. Every one of the individuals I have interviewed was aware of that fact. The main obstacle people experience is that information about the child is not always shared and they do not alwas know how other organizations function. The factor that is most favorable is a positive work relation between the professionals, foster parents and the child.

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