Spelling suggestions: "subject:"feedback"" "subject:"feedback""
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Dimensionnement d’un actionneur pour organe de pilotage à entraînement direct avec redondance passive magnétique / Design of an active flight control direct drive actuator with a passive magnetic redundancyAllias, Jean-François 30 November 2015 (has links)
Ce manuscrit de thèse, intitulé " Dimensionnement d’un actionneur pour organe de pilotage à entraînement direct avec redondance passive magnétique ", s’inscrit dans un projet ANR du nom de TEMOP pour, TEchnologie Mécatronique pour Organe de Pilotage, en lien avec la société UTC Aerospace de Figeac. L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer une solution de machine électrique permettant de générer le retour d’effort actif d’un mini-manche latéral d’aéronef, dans le but d’améliorer les sensations haptiques des pilotes. Cette machine doit être assez performantes pour générer des efforts massiques importants, tout en tenant dans un encombrement réduit et en limitant l’échauffement. Un cahier des charges précis rédigé par l’industriel donne les contraintes à respecter et impose une redondance triplex sur chaque axe de tangage et de roulis. Nous avons opté pour une solution comportant un duplex actif associé à un simplex passif. Sur chaque axe, deux machines électriques actives seront montées en parallèle et une solution à retour d’effort passif magnétique a été développée. Pour ce faire, nous avons divisé notre thèse en deux parties distinctes. La première partie du manuscrit traite du dimensionnement de la machine active appelée DARM pour Double Airgap Rotative Machine. Il s’agit d’une machine synchrone à aimants permanents en configuration Halbach, comportant deux entrefers et à débattement limité. La stratégie de dimensionnement est basée sur une optimisation locale et analytique sous contraintes non-linéaires. La première partie développe les contraintes sous forme analytiques. Puis, un modèle magnétique est créé de manière à connaître le couple que la structure développe en fonction des différentes variables d’optimisation. Ce modèle a été validé par éléments finis grâce aux logiciels ANSYS et JMAG. Une optimisation permet d’aboutir aux dimensions de l’actionneur satisfaisant au cahier des charges. Puis, dans le but de vérifier les températures atteintes dans chaque zones, un modèle thermique global, utilisant des résistances thermiques équivalentes a été établi et validé par simulations. Ainsi, on vérifie que la structure optimisée n’atteint pas des températures critiques. Enfin, nous validerons nos calculs par des mesures expérimentales. Un chapitre du manuscrit est dédié au dimensionnement de la partie passive. Nous avons imaginé un système innovant qui couple une fonction de ressort et d’amortisseur. La fonction de ressort s’appuie sur le phénomène de répulsion entre deux aimants permanents, alors que la fonction d’amortisseur est créée par un système de freinage passif par courants de Foucault. La stratégie de dimensionnement est divisée en deux partie. Les dimensions du système de ressort sont préalablement choisies grâce à une optimisation paramétrique locale couplant le logiciel MATLAB au logiciel de simulations par éléments finis FEMM. Lorsque ces dimensions sont fixées, le système d’amortisseur est dimensionné par une optimisation locale analytique où la fonction objectif a pour vocation de maximiser le couple de freinage. Nous nous sommes donc entachés à développer un modèle qui permet de calculer ce couple. Sur cette base, un prototype a été élaboré, sur lequel des mesures expérimentales ont permis de valider le concept. / This thesis manuscript titles "Dimensionnement d’un actionneur pour organe de pilotage à entraînement direct avec redondance passive magnétique ", which means " Design of an active flight control direct drive actuator with a passive magnetic redundancy ", is seen against an ANR project named TEMOP for, " TEchnologie Mécatronique pour Organe de Pilotage ", and is in connection with the UTC Aerospace industry in Figeac in France. The objective of this thesis is to develop a solution of electrical machine, which permits to create an active force feed-back for an aircraft side-stick, in order to improve the haptic sensations of the pilot. This machine have to be enough powerful to create high forces per unit of mass. We also need to respect the overall dimensions and to decrease the heating as much as possible. A precise set of specifications, redacted by UTC Aerospace, gives the constraints and impose to have a triple redundancy on each axis of pitch and roll. We chose to develop a duplex active redundancy with an added simplex passive actuator. Our full system have 6 machines : 4 are actives and 2 are passives. Our thesis is divided in two main parts. The first part of the manuscript deals with the design of the active machine called DARM for " Double Airgap Rotative Machine ". It is a synchronous permanent magnet machine, with a Halbach pattern, with two airgaps and a non-entire arc. The design method is based on an analytical optimization process under a set of non-linear constraints. Each of them are traduced mathematically and an electromagnetic 2D model is developed, in order to give the theoretical torque reached, in function of the variables of the problem. This model has been validated with FEM simulations with the ANSYS and JMAG softwares. An optimization is realized to give the dimensions of the DARM. Then, in order to verify the temperatures, we developed a global thermal model, based on an equivalent electric circuit. It permits to verify that the temperatures reached in the structure, are under the limits given by the set of specifications. This model is verified by FEM simulations using ANSYS. Finally, we will validate our models with experimental measures. However, a chapter is dedicated to the design of the passive actuator. We imagined an innovative system, which have two different utilities. The first one is a function of spring, the second is a function of shock absorber. The spring is based on the repulsion phenomenon between two magnets. The shock absorber is created with a system of Eddy currents breaker. The design method is divided in two. In the first time, we design the spring with a parametric optimization using the FEMM software coupled to the MATLAB software. When the dimensions of the spring are known, we design the shock absorber with an analytical optimization process which use an electromagnetic torque model developed in this part. A prototype has been built in order to verify the models.
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Analýza talent managementu ve vybrané organizaci (případová studie) / Analysis of talent management in a selected organization (case study)Martiník, Karel January 2020 (has links)
OF DIPLOMA THESIS Analysis of talent management in the company Karma s.r.o. The diploma thesis deals with the topic "Analysis of talent management in a selected organization", while the research took place in the company Karma, s.r.o. The aim of the work is to identify talent management in this company with the determination of recommended steps to improve the current situation, respectively. elimination of deficiencies. Due to the fact that this company providing communication and information services focuses on IT specialists, the connection of talent management in this company is crucial, among other things, in connection with the current state of the labor market and the current shortage of IT specialists. The research questions of this thesis are the following: How does talent management work in Karma? What recommendations can be given to Karma to improve the functioning of talent management? The research took place both in the form of a questionnaire survey and in the form of interviews. Ten respondents from the Human Resources Management Department took part in the questionnaire survey, and eleven respondents across the company were interviewed. The research was conducted through interviews mainly by middle management and project managers focusing on IT projects with longer experience...
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Hur ska svenskläraren kommentera elevtexter? En inblick i hur sakprosetexter kan kommenteras konstruktivtRedell, Katrina January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande arbete är att få en inblick i hur svenskläraren kan och bör arbeta med respons på elevers sakprosetexter i svenskämnet för att eleven ska ha så stor nytta av responsen som möjligt. Förutom en överblick av den forskning som gjorts i ämnet har en enkätundersökning om gymnasieelevers uppfattning, tankar och känslor i ämnet sammanställts. Resultaten pekar bl.a. på att eleverna har en alltför stor fokusering på formsidorna av språket som skulle kunna avhjälpas med mer kommentarer på innehållet.
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Réactions du chef de PME après utilisation d'un système d'évaluation multi-source / Reactions of the SMEs' owner after use of a multisource feedback systemBrassard, Nancy January 2009 (has links)
Résumé : Dans une ère de concurrence économique accrue, les organisations éprouvent de plus en plus le besoin de mesurer le rendement de leurs employés, y compris celui de leurs dirigeants. À cette fin, l'évaluation demeure un outil de gestion privilégié. Au nombre des systèmes d'évaluation existants, le feed-back multi-source (FMS) — ou feed-back 360°— est en progression. Malheureusement, on ne connaît pas encore très bien l'incidence de ce type de système, la littérature étant plutôt muette sur ce qu'il donne concrètement et, particulièrement, sur la réaction des évalués subséquemment à l'obtention de leur rapport d'évaluation. Il ressort néanmoins de certaines études que les dirigeants, et surtout, les chefs se sentent laissés à eux-mêmes quant à l'évaluation de leurs compétences. Il y a quelques années, à la demande du Groupement des chefs d'entreprise du Québec (GCEQ), un instrument de type multi-source a été conçu par le Laboratoire de recherche sur la performance des entreprises (LaRePe), afin de mesurer spécifiquement la performance des chefs d'entreprise comme leader. À ce stade-ci, les promoteurs désirent mieux comprendre l'incidence de l'utilisation de leur outil : le PDG-Leadership. Pour combler les lacunes de la littérature, et aussi pour répondre au besoin du GCEQ, la présente thèse porte sur la réaction des chefs à la suite de la réception de leur rapport d'évaluation. L'objet de la recherche est double : il s'agit d'examiner les variables qui influencent le fait que les évalués entreprennent des actions à la suite de leur feed-back (considération théorique) et, d'autre part, de connaître davantage ces actions entreprises bref, ce que le système de feed-back multi-source XFMS) donne vraiment (considération pratique). Afin de mener à bien la recherche, une résidence a été réalisée. Elle a fourni le contexte pour élaborer un questionnaire d'enquête s'appliquant particulièrement aux chefs d'entreprise. L'enquête a permis de rejoindre 351 dirigeants ayant été évalués au moins une fois par l'entremise du PDG-Leadership. De ce nombre, 87 répondants, membres du Groupement se sont manifestés. Le cadre conceptuel utilisé consiste en une adaptation du modèle proposé par Smither, London et Reilly (2005a). comporte sept variables, desquelles ont été tirées cinq hypothèses de recherche. Quatre hypothèses ont été rejetées alors qu'une autre ne s'est avérée supportée que pour le groupe constitué des femmes faisant partie de l'échantillon. De plus, il est intéressant de constater que ce n'est pas le feed-back (rapport) qui déclenche l'acceptation puis les actions, mais une attitude personnelle représentée par la possibilité d'un changement perçue (V4). Chez les chefs, il ne se produit donc pas de réaction en chaîne comme le suppose le modèle théorique utilisé. Il semble que ce soit plutôt la possibilité de changement perçu qui est à la base du fait d'entreprendre des actions, laquelle s'apparente au sentiment d'auto-efficacité défini par Bandura (2007). Les données recueillies auront aussi servies à générer de nouvelles connaissances et à faire ressortir une liste de 112 actions que les chefs disent avoir engagées à la suite de l'obtention de leur rapport d'évaluation. Cette liste a permis de faire une catégorisation des actions posées. Les actions qu'ils entreprennent sont toutefois davantage dirigées vers l'amélioration de l'organisation que vers leur propre amélioration. Il s'agit là, d'une des contributions de la présente thèse.||Abstract : In a context of intense economic competition, organizations are increasingly using instruments of performance evaluation. The multi-source feedback or 360 [degrees] is one of those. The literature seems still silent on what type of evaluation is really about the reaction it generates among evaluated. In response to a request from the Groupement des chefs d'entreprise du Québec (GCEQ), a System of multi-source assessment was designed by the Laboratoire de recherche sur la performance des entreprises (LaRePe). The PDG-Leadership, specifically used to measure the skills of managers of SMLs as a leader. After some years of use, developers want to better understand its impact in order to improve it and make it even better. To address these theoretical and practical considérations, a survey was conducted among 87 business leaders from Quebec who had already been assessed using this tool. This research bas the purpose, the validation of a preliminary model proposed by Smither, London, and Reilly, 2005a, to examine the variables that influence that evaluated undertake actions as a result of their feedback and the other, to know these actions, in short, that the System of feed-back multi-source (FMS) really. From the analysis of data collected, a list of 112 shares was established. In turn, this led to a categorization of actions taken. Although the FMS system is effective, it should be noted that entrepreneurs seem to react differently from other catégories assessed.
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Rôle de l'apprentissage moteur à long terme dans la récupération motrice chez les patients hémiparétiquesCirstea, Carmen Mihaela January 2004 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Systém controllingu v konkrétním podniku / System Controlling in a particular FirmPoštolková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The thesis specialize on the logistic activities, regarding using of the controlling in the sphere of logistics. The goal is to analyze what role should subserve the controlling of the company theoretically and compare this teoretical view in the company Intersnack Inc., the logistics department and according to the following facts suggest possible improvements in the department.
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Hodnocení žáků na 1.stupni základní školy / Evaluation of pupils at a primary schoolBrunátová, Pavla January 2018 (has links)
The presented thesis focuses on the problem of evaluation of pupils at primary school using teacher's action research. The target of the thesis is to determine the influence of analytical feed-back on the self-evaluation of pupils in the 1st to 4th grade. First part of the thesis contains the theory of problem of evaluation, feed-back and self-evaluation, as well as findings from evolutionary psychology. The second part summarizes results obtained from the action research that were aimed on capturing of the evolution of self-evaluation during the individual grades. Conclusions include confirmation that systematic performance of a proper analytical feed-back by the teacher leads to the development and improvement of the self- evaluation skill. Influence of the feedback on self-evaluation is also evaluated. Thesis confirms importance of partnership approach in education.
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契合度與產品知識對品牌策略效果之影響 / The Effects of Fitness and Product Knowledge on Branding Strategy張茂嵩, Chang, Derek Mao-Song Unknown Date (has links)
本研究經由前測,選擇Nokia及Nike作為母品牌,根據契合度的高、中、低,Nokia的延伸產品依序為PDA、隨身聽、臉部保養品;Nike的延伸產品依序為牛仔褲、防曬乳液、牙膏。並以模擬的18張彩色平面廣告施測於1035位大學生,進行3 (品牌策略:品牌延伸、品牌傘、新創品牌) x 3 (契合度:高、中、低) x 2 (產品知識:高、低) 的實驗。
整體而言,企業推出新產品時,採用品牌傘策略的效果較佳,是一個兼具品牌延伸及新創品牌兩策略優點的品牌策略,但在契合度與產品知識的調節作用之下,品牌傘策略的適用範圍有所限制,在延伸產品與母品牌為高契合度、低契合度時,以及當消費者為低產品知識者時,品牌傘策略並非最佳策略。行銷人員可視不同情境採用不同的品牌策略。 / The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of three kinds of branding strategies: brand extension strategy, umbrella branding strategy, and new brand strategy. Basing on the moderate effect of fitness and consumer’s product knowledge, the influence of these three strategies on the consumer reliability and the consumer acceptability will be evaluated. The feedback of the original brand’s perceived qualities brought by brand extension strategy and umbrella branding strategy are also taken into consideration.
Nokia and Nike were selected as original brands. When dividing fitness into high, medium, and low level, PDAs, walkmans, and skincare products were selected as Nokia’s extended products by this order. Jeans, sun blocks, and toothpastes were also chosen as Nike’s extended products. A 3 (branding strategies: brand extension strategy, umbrella branding strategy, new brand strategy) x 3 (fitness: high, medium, low) x 2 (product knowledge: high, low) experimental design collected data from 1035 college students through 18 color printed advertisements.
The main effect of brand strategy suggested that the umbrella branding strategy is prior to the new brand strategy in consumer reliability, and it is also prior to the brand extension strategy in consumer acceptability. Under the moderate effect of fitness, it is suggested to apply brand extension strategy while extending brands to the products with high fitness, to adopt the umbrella branding strategy as extending brands to those having medium fitness, and to utilize new brand strategy when the fitness is at low level. When moderate effect of product knowledge is discussed, it is suggested to apply umbrella branding strategy instead of brand extension strategy or new brand strategy whenever consumers’ product knowledge is at high level. Furthermore, if consumers’ product knowledge is low, utilizing brand extension strategy, instead of new brand strategy, will lead to high consumer reliability. As for the feedbacks to perceived quality of the original brands, when extending brands to the products with low fitness, adopting the extending brand strategy tends to damage more to the original brands than adopting the umbrella branding strategy. If extending brands to the products with medium fitness, utilizing the extending brand strategy would decrease the perceived quality of original brands, but applying the umbrella branding strategy would not affect it. When extending brand to the products with high fitness, both the brand extension strategy and the umbrella branding strategy do not have a significant difference.
To sum up, adopting the umbrella branding strategy will lead to better results because of its integrating advantages both in the brand extension strategy and the new brand strategy. Under the moderate effect of fitness and product knowledge, the range of implementation for the umbrella branding strategy will be limited. It is not the best branding strategy when extended products are at high or low fitness, and when consumers have poor product knowledge. Consequently, marketers have to apply different brand strategies depending on different scenarios.
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New opportunities provided by the Swedish electricity meter reformWallin, Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
The reduction of the impact of energy consumption is a priority issue and a major challenge that concerns every country in the world. This is a complex task that needs to be tackled from several angles in the search for areas where optimizations and savings can be made. In Sweden an electricity meter reading reform was fully implemented by 1st July 2009, including 5.2 million customers, and this created new set of circumstances in the Swedish electricity market. The main purpose of this thesis work has been to investigate the possibilities of increasing the use of remote meter readings. Two research questions have been: “How can the electricity market benefit from remote collected meter readings?” and “Where do barriers appear when utilizing meter readings?”. The work started in 2000/2001 to study Internet based applications that visualize electricity consumption patterns. Over these years the daily internet users have increased from approximately 40 % to 73 % and new markets for web-based applications have evolved. These solutions can be important in the forthcoming years as energy portals that hold new energy services. Experiences from new installations indicate that at least interested customers do submit information concerning building and household properties through internet. Still, it is challenging to enable the majority of customers to take part in these new solutions. It may therefore be important to remind customers on a regular basis in order maintain the frequency using the application and to make it habitual. Further the introduction of demand-based pricing allows electricity distribution utilities to achieve a stronger correlation between peak loads in the distribution network area and their revenues.
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The utilisation of a 360° leadership assessment questionnaire as part of a leadership development model and processVan Wyk, Juanita 20 June 2008 (has links)
The immense changes in the economic environment caused by globalization and technology have forced organizations from around the world to transform in order to adapt, survive, and succeed in the changing world of the new millennium. These changes are not only in the external elements of the organization – its products, activities, or structures – but also in its intrinsic way of operating – its values, mind-set, even its primary purpose. Organizations must learn faster and adapt to the rapid change in the new environment or they will not survive (De Vries, 2001; Ellis&Pennington, 2004). According to Senge (1990b), learning organizations demand a new view of leadership. In a learning organization, leaders are designers, stewards, and teachers. They are responsible for the building of organizations where employees continually expand their capabilities to understand complexity, clarify vision, and improve shared mental models – that is, the leaders are responsible for learning. Leaders in learning organizations must help employees see the big picture, with its underlying trends, forces, and potential surprises. They need to think systematically and be able to foresee how internal and external factors might benefit or destroy the organization (Senge 1990b). Autocratic leadership behaviour, focused on exercising top-down control is more successful in stable environments. Transformational leadership behaviour focused on giving inspiration through the marshalling of ideas, creativity, and the initiative of its employees, is more successful in competitive, changing environments (Cockerill, Schroder&Hunt, 1998). The focus of this research has been on the measurement of leadership behaviour as part of the implementation of a holistic model and process in an organization that has to function in a competitive, changing environment. A 360° leadership assessment questionnaire has been used to conduct the research. A set of fifteen transformational leadership competencies have been identified by the organization where the research was conducted as the leadership competencies that will enable the organizations’ leaders to be effective, successful leaders in a dynamic, changing and competitive business environment. Based on the identified set of leadership competencies, a 360° Leadership Assessment Questionnaire (LAQ) was developed and validated. The LAQ was used to measure leadership behaviour in the organization under research annually over a period of three years as part of the implementation of a holistic model and process for leadership development. The objectives of this research were the following: <ul><li>To measure leadership behaviour by means of a 360° leadership assessment questionnaire as part of the implementation of a holistic model for leadership development;</li> <li>To track the overall changes in leadership behaviour over a period of three years in order to determine if the implementation of a holistic model and process had a positive impact on leadership behaviour over a extended period of time;</li> <li>To analyse and describe the trends and patterns in leadership behaviour based on the results of the 360° leadership assessment questionnaire conducted over a period of three years;</li> <li>To describe the elements and implementation of a holistic model and process for leadership development.</li></ul> The quantitative statistical analysis of the 360° leadership assessment data indicated statistically significant differences in nine of the fifteen transformational leadership competencies that were measured in the 360° Leadership Assessment Questionnaire. All the ratings showing statistically significant differences were identified, interpreted and discussed. The following trends and patterns were identified, based on the statistical analysis of the research data: <ul> <li>Top Management (M2-3) received consistently higher ratings than the other management levels;</li> <li>Middle Managers (M5-6) received significantly lower ratings than the other management levels in terms of integrity, purpose building, information capacity, conceptual ability, business acumen and empowering;</li> <li>Female leaders received significantly lower ratings than male leaders in terms of information capacity, people development and empowering. Although females were rated higher than their male counterparts by their supervisors, all the other rater groups rated female leaders lower than male leaders on these competencies;</li> <li>Leaders in the age group 25-40 years received the highest ratings on business acumen and visionary thinking;</li> <li>Leaders in the age group 41 – 50 years were rated the highest by all the rater groups on conceptual ability;</li> <li>African (Black) leaders were rated significantly higher on visionary thinking in years 1, 2 and 3 than leaders from other race groups.</li></ul> The company overall results indicated an improvement in most of the competencies, except for integrity and self-responsibility which stayed the same. Motivational capacity is the only competency where there has been an improvement in year 2 and a decline in year 3. The competencies on which leaders received the lowest ratings are motivational capacity, people development, visionary thinking and empowerment. The overall trend on the overall 360° leadership assessment results over a period of three years clearly indicates an improvement in all the competencies, except for motivational capacity, integrity and self-responsibility. These trends and patterns were utilised to determine what type of development interventions and programmes are needed in the organization to facilitate leadership development in the context of the Holistic Model for Leadership Development. The improvement in the overall 360° leadership assessment results also indicates the implementation of a holistic model and process for leadership development has led to an improvement of the overall leadership capability of the organization where the research was conducted. / Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Psychology / unrestricted
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