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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳明業, Chen, Ming-Yeh Unknown Date (has links)
自「金融控股公司法」通過後,台灣共出現了14家金融控股公司。為了因應未來市場之劇烈競爭與組織規模之擴大,各家金控公司這幾年來除了透過購併與重組等活動以擴大金控之資產規模及業務範圍、禮聘外商銀行或國內金控之高階經理人以迅速提昇其競爭優勢外,也開始仿效外商銀行行之有年之儲備主管制度,自行招募並培養自己的儲備幹部。 本研究運用質化研究中之個案研究方法,以花旗集團、中國信託金控、台新金控、中華開發金控及建華金控等旗下子銀行已經實施儲備幹部制度達一年以上之金融機構為研究之個案,並以在2004年進入該金融機構服務之儲備幹部為該個案之受訪者,進行實際訪談,以瞭解儲備幹部在各家金融機構中之定位、其儲備幹部制度之設計內容、實行執行之方式、各家制度之差異,以及該制度可以成功執行之關鍵與可能潛藏之問題。 本研究結果發現,從公司之規劃及儲備幹部之實際運作中,可以歸納出幾項儲備幹部就組織而言所應具有之意義與價值為:培育組織內未來之中、高階經理人,培養迅速適應不同專業之彈性與能力,強化網絡關係之橫向聯繫,及激勵組織鬥志。而儲備幹部制度能在組織中順利推動之關鍵因素則包括有:公司對於儲備幹部之角色需有明確之定位、組織文化之認同、主管之認知與重視程度、公平的競爭環境與薪資福利、人數之控制、儲備幹部本身之正確認知。此外,以目前金融機構執行儲備幹部制度之情形,其所可能潛藏之問題則有:儲備幹部之流動率容易因同業之挖腳而提高、儲備幹部之「陣亡率」容易較一般新進行員為高、儲備幹部之整體素質將因人數與家數的增多而被稀釋、組織高層不易有長期推動儲備幹部制度之決心、儲備幹部制度內容未能隨著組織之變化而進行適當之調整,以及組織在後續的培訓上未能正確的以人才發展之角度進行。


郭育信, Kuo, Yu-hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的在探討金融控股公司於進行交叉銷售時教育訓練體系之規劃研究。在總體環境與個體環境產生變革之促使下,金融業跨業兼營各類商品將會逐漸成為未來趨勢,本文希望以目前國內實際從事金融商品交叉銷售之金融保險業為研究範圍,並以負責規劃相關教育訓練活動之執行者及受訓者為研究對象,透過人員問卷查詢與訪談,及報章雜誌等相關文獻之探討,進一步分析交叉銷售時訓練體系規劃可行架構,期能對新興之金融控股公司進行交叉銷售活動時有所助益。 研究中首先透過金融業傳統教育訓練體系之分析,分別探討產物保險,人壽保險,銀行與證券公司之訓練體系,發現企業教育訓練方式將隨產業急遽變化而轉變。次則分析金融控股公司設立對金融產業之影響,包括商品,客層區隔與交叉銷售通路,而以花旗銀行為例。繼而以訪談及問卷查詢彙整結果,發現金融控股公司成立後,進行交叉銷售對企業訓練單位及受訓員工皆產生影響。最後綜合本研究結果,提出對業者進行交叉銷售訓練模式與相關實務執行之建議。期望透過本研究,能對從事交叉銷售訓練之金融控股公司或非金融控股公司與相關人員有所助益,且使其教育訓練模式之效益極大化。 / Under the pressure of changes from macro and micro environments, cross selling of various products and services among different financial industries become a trend in the near future The purpose of this paper is to analyze the establishment of training system for the cross selling demand in financial holding company. The analysis covers the financial insurance industry with practical cross-selling experience of financial products, and targets persons who are responsible to plan related training activities and trainees. The analysis method is through questionnaire survey and interview, as well as investigation of media reporting, to further analyze the possible framework of cross selling training system, with an aim to benefit those booming financial holding companies while they implement cross selling activities. Propose certain recommendations for the booming financial holding companies while they implement the cross selling activities. The study begins with analysis of traditional training system of the financial industry, including property insurance, life insurance, banks and security companies, and discovers the training methods shall change with the rapid change of the industry. Followed by analysis of the impact of financial holding companies to industry, including products, customer segmentation, and cross-selling, taking CITI CORP. as example. Then consolidates result collected from the interview and survey, finds out that after the financial holding company set up, cross selling has impacted both training persons and trainees. Lastly this paper proposes recommendations for companies doing cross selling training and practical execution, expecting to benefit both financial holding companies and non-holding companies, related persons who work on cross selling training, and to maximize the effectiveness of training models.


田蕙綸, Tien, Hui-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用資料包絡分析法探討被併購標的銀行於購併前後是否能增加效率,以及具有何種特徵之銀行較易成為金控公司併購之對象。 研究結果發現標的銀行於購併之後,雖能促進效率,但結果並不顯著,顯示合併之後效率提升是綜合標的銀行之高資產品質、高獲利能力、低利率風險及分行數少才使購併後效率提升。在標的銀行的特徵方面顯示當銀行處於非遞減規模報酬、財務上呈現弱點,但銀行資本結構較佳、利率風險較低時,容易成為金控公司購併的對象。 / This paper tried to apply Data Develop Analyis (DEA) to examine whether M&A could promote the targeted banks’ efficiency and the criterions when financial holding companies choose the targeted bank. The experical resoults suggested that although the targeted banks denoted higher efficiency gains, however, the gains do not achieve statiscally signicant level. The results implied that the higher efficiency gains might come from the targeted banks’ high quality assets, greater profitability, lower interest risk and less number of branches. On the other hand, the banks operated under non-decreasing return to scale, financially vulnerable banks, better capital structure, and lower interest risks were more likely to be the acquisition targets.

金控證券商法人部客戶服務品質評估與分析 / The Study on Service Quality of a Financial Holding Security Company's Institutional Department

蔡麗玲, Tsai, Li Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本論文利用研究服務品質的「缺口模型」(PZB Model或Gap Model),篩選近半年內某一月成交量超過新台幣伍千萬元以上之A金控證券商公司法人部客戶。利用SERVQUAL量表以選擇題式問卷對特定族群做訪談來收集資料,以期找出台灣證券市場中,成交重心客戶群對證券商五大服務構面(即有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性、關懷性)之22個量表項目的重視程度。研究結論發現,投資者的「期望服務水準」與「認知服務水準」間確實具有顯著差異。其次,從服務缺口分析來看,二項最需要改善的項目分別屬於「關懷性」與「可靠性」二構面。 此外,從服務缺口差距較小(服務品質較高)的項目來看,「有形性」問項,對投資者的期望相對來說都最低。因此,對於「有形性」構面,管理者可以在其他缺口較大的項目改進到一定的服務水準之後,再來考慮提升其服務品質。進一步將服務構面與證券商交易頻率進行迴歸分析。結果發現,服務品質與投資者和證券商交易頻率之間有顯著關係,而各構面中,只有「信任性」達顯著水準,故可推論若金控證券商在信任性構面因素表現愈好,則投資者和證券商再次交易的意願愈強烈。 最後,由單因數變異數分析,探討各人口統計變數與服務品質構面的影響,發現性別、與證券商交易頻率、同時與多少家證券商交易等因素,對金控證券商服務品質的評估有顯著差異。 / This study aims to analyze service quality of a financial holding security company’s institutional department. Using PZB Model and SERVQUAL scale presented to measure customer satisfaction of the study. SERVQUAL scale is used to evaluate service quality, which is defined as “perceived service quality” is the difference between customers “perceptions” and “expectations.” The research used these two elements to evaluate service quality and customers satisfaction, and to take perception-minus- expectations measurement of service quality as an improving index. This study proposed the five dimensions including tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The analyzed result revealed that there were obvious differences between service expectation and perceived service performance, and had to improve two dimensions: “empathy” and “reliability.” In addition, customers had more satisfactions with “tangibility,” means managers should improve firstly other service dimensions with less satisfactions. Meanwhile, according to the regression analysis, this study showed there had a significant difference between service quality and transaction frequencies with security companies. If financial holding security company can improved the “reliability,” the investors would have more willingness to deal with. Finally, according to One-Way ANOVA analysis, this study showed that there were also some obvious difference between the population statistic variables (gender, transaction frequencies and numbers of security companies), service expectation, perceived service performance and overall satisfaction of maintenance.

金融控股公司發展與綜效分析 / The development and synergy analysis of Financial Holding Company

陳瑞輝, Chen Jui Hui Unknown Date (has links)
近二十年來,臺灣積極推動金融自由化及國際化,臺灣銀行業於1991年陸續開放16家新銀行設立以來,競爭加劇。同時,臺灣正式加入WTO後,臺灣金融機構面臨來自國際間跨國金融業嚴峻的挑戰,然而銀行體系普遍所面臨的問題,包括銀行家數過多、規模過小、同質性過高、逾放比過高等現象,都是主管機關在近年來希望能進行金融改革的重要課題。正當此際,為了迎接國際強大的金融集團競爭挑戰,政府必需盡速解決國內的金融問題,加速整合金融機構,因此早在2001年6月27日即通過《金融六法》,其中《金融控股公司法》對臺灣金融業的影響甚巨,其立法目的是希望臺灣金融體制朝向“股權集中化、組織大型化、經營多角化、監理透明化”方向發展,以提升金融機構的競爭力及國際化。 《金融控股公司法》通過至今已有十四家金融控股公司成立,重整了金融版圖,也影響銀行的經營模式。本研究透過搜集先進國家的金融制度發展及臺灣目前金融市場概況來研究金融控股制度對銀行業經營所產生之影響。 跨業經營已是國際間金融業整合之趨勢,因此,金融控股公司法的設立將付予臺灣金融機構進行整合、轉型的機制,讓其更具競爭力,只是是否每一金融控股公司均能成功經營,恐怕短期間業者仍要面臨階段性的調整壓力,並非一蹴可及;再則,在該法設立後,金融監理一元化將更形重要,否則當金融機構跨業經營形成金融巨人後,未來發生弊端時,就會變成金融怪獸,所引爆的金融危機,將更為迅速且嚴重,連鎖反應將更為擴大。究竟金融控股公司的設立,能否為臺灣的金融業帶來生機?以及政府應在准許業界設立金融控股公司的同時,要如何建立專業、獨立與有效率的監理機制,以避免增加業者的管理成本,並提升金融業的競爭力?是本文的研究目的。 本研究以質化研究中之個案分析法為研究方法,針對個案公司之總體策略進行研究,以策略形態分析法進行。因我國金控公司成立年代尚短,金控公司中子公司業別、轉投資事業與策略聯盟等總體策略的完整性與代表性皆具足較少,在個案選擇上來源有限。富邦金控(Fubon Financial Co., Ltd)在子公司業別、轉投資事業與策略聯盟等總體策略的完整性與代表性較其他金控公司相對完整,且經營績效表現亦佳,故以個案分析法綜合上述資料分析歸納出本研究之結論。 研究結果顯示,金融控股公司制度為近代世界金融體制之新潮流,全球金融商品已進入國際化,多元化的時代,傳統銀行的金融商品已無法滿足顧客之需求,因此銀行經營多元化已為一種趨勢,在金控公司體制下的銀行可藉交叉行銷金控子公司之各項金融商品提供顧客「一次購足」的服務,且能有效運用資源,降低成本,因此較單獨經營之銀行更具範疇經濟的效果及優勢。所以許多銀行選擇加入金控公司,也間接加速了銀行合併。 / Taiwan has been actively promoting financial liberalization and internationalization in the last two decades, and the competition is intensified when 16 new banks were set up since 1991. After Taiwan enters WTO formally, all the financial institutions face severe challenge from international banks, moreover, the domestic banking system has been facing problems such as over banking, small business scale, similar business nature, high NPL ratio, etc, and these are the problems that the government must solve as quick as possible. Taiwan government passed "Six Laws on Finance" on June 27th 2001, in order to improve the competitiveness and internationalization of the financial institutions in the following four aspects, "centralization of ownership, organization maximization, business diversification and transparent supervision". Cross business operating is becoming the main driver of international financial industry integration nowadays. The Financial Holding Company Law can help Taiwan financial institutions to merge and transform to become more competitive. At the same time, supervising authority should also review the guidelines and standards to cope with the fast changing financial habitat. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of the Financial Holding Company model to the Taiwan financial industry and the measures that authority should take to have better monitoring and supervising over financial institutions in the effective and cost saving way. The case analytic approach in this research is studied with the qualitative method and analyzed by shape tactics. Fubon Financial Holding Company is more representative with better performance, so we choose it as an example in our case study. The study result shows that financial holding company model is a new trend of the modern banking system. Traditional financial products can no longer meet customers’ needs and the global financial products nowadays must be internationalized and diversified, that’s why diversification of business is also a main theme of the banking industry now. Under the Financial Holding Company model banks can cross sell products from subsidiaries of holding companies. By providing this “one stop shopping” service banks can allocate resources more efficiently and lower cost, so a lot of banks choose to join to become Financial Holding Company and which accelerated the merger of banks indirectly.

我國金控公司子公司組合與雙引擎策略對金控績效與風險影響之分析 / The Impact of Subsidiary Combination and Dual-Engine Strategies on Financial Holding Companies’ Performance and Risk

徐士閎, Hsu, Shi Hong Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討我國金控公司在不同子公司組合以及考量雙引擎策略下,對各種績效指標以及風險指標影響。資料取樣我國2002年至2013年間15家金控公司之季度資料,在考量過去關於金融機構及金控公司多角化經營與子公司組合有關文獻後,選取適當控制變數搭配「以銀行搭配壽險為主」之虛擬變數進行分析,並以虛擬變數及三種集中率進行穩健度測試及並觀察不同面向影響;接著於雙引擎分析當中,試圖發展用於測量雙引擎策略程度之兩種平衡率變數,並且考量交叉項的效果,分別加入模型中進行分析分析。研究結果分為複迴歸、追蹤資料模型,以及關於落後一期自變數對當期應變數之延伸分析。   在複迴歸及追蹤資料模型進行橫斷面及縱斷面之實證研究結果指出,金控投入的資源越分散(資產多角化程度越高)或是越集中(集中率越高)皆未能顯著提昇金控績效或降低風險;然而若考慮雙引擎策略時,則能顯著提昇EPS、P/B Ratio或RBC,同時,不論資產面或營收面建立的平衡率變數,皆可觀察出金控旗下兩大子公司在收益傾向越相等的情況下,具顯著改善金控整體獲利能力、投資人評價或是降低破產風險的情況。   本研究對於各個金控公司前一期的自變數對當期應變數進行延伸分析,實證結果支持了本研究對於投入到產出存在時間落差的假設,亦即以資產平衡率而言,較屬於以資源「投入」概念觀察雙引擎策略程度,因此需要隔一段時間才能展現對於績效與風險的影響;而收益平衡率則偏向以當期「產出」的概念觀察雙引擎變數,此時用於衡量下一期之績效指標將會傾向不顯著,但對於風險方面則傾向能夠顯著降低破產風險。 / This study investigates the relationship of different subsidiary combination and dual-engine strategies on financial holding companies’ performance and risk. Using quarterly data for 15financial holding companies(FHCs)in the R.O.C for the period 2002Q1–2013Q4 and controlling for the size, size growth, equity ratio and diversification. In order to analysis the issue, we choose “the top-two subsidiaries are bank and life insurance” as a dummy variables, asset and revenue balance ratio as dual-engine variables. Also, the paper introduces several relevant variables to implement the robust tests. These relevant variables are “the FHC has subsidiary of life insurance”, three concentration ratios and two interaction variables. Our empirical finding can be divided into three parts: multiple regression, panel data and one-period lagged data analysis.   In multiple regression and panel data, we find evidence that both higher diversification and concentration in subsidiary resource have an ambiguities relation for the performance and risk of financial holding companies. However, considering dual-engine strategies can significantly improve the EPS, P/B Ratio and RBC in empirical results. Also, both asset and revenue balance ratios have significant effect to improve the earning power, the valuation of investors and the insolvency risk.   This paper also use the one time lagged data to conduct the extension study. The findings support the assumption of ours that FHCs exist time-lag between input and output. The asset balance ratio is more like the input concept and the revenue balance ratio is rather more like the output concept when we discuss the dual-engine strategies. In other words, there need more time to show the impact of performance and risk indicators when we use the asset balance ratio. However, output variable has insignificant relation to the performance indicators and significant effect to the risk indicator when we use the revenue balance ratio.


陳凌雯, Chen,Lin-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著金融控股公司法的實施,國內的金融機構紛紛朝金融控股公司的型態發展。然而,金控銀行的經營效率是否如預期般的有明顯的改善? 隸屬於金控集團的銀行其生產力是否優於無金控背景銀行?其生產力差異源自於哪些因素?。本研究採DEA模型,衡量金融控股公司與非金融控股公司效率差異,並透過差額變數分析(Slack Variable Analysis),使相對無效率銀行瞭解其缺失所在,進而尋求改進之道,將過多的投入量減少及過少的產出量增加;再利用Tobit迴歸模型,探討銀行之資本適足率、逾放比率、市場佔有率、風險水準、成本收益指標與經營效率之關係。 研究發現「金融控股公司」的平均總效率、技術效率值均高於「非金融控股公司」 。且不論是「金融控股公司」或「非金融控股公司」相對上都需減少固定資產及增加非利息收入,因而全體樣本銀行不僅需裁減人員還需廣增存款以外的利息收入或費用,以免在存款減少下引發資金不足的營運危機。


張靜萍, Chang, Jin-Pin Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於美國、日本先後引進金融控股公司法制從事金融改革,我國政府亦為增進金融機構經營效能及國際競爭力,於2001年開始陸續通過「金融機構合併法」、「金融控股公司法」等,並准許銀行、保險及證券三大金融業務得跨業經營,鼓勵同業及異業合併,期能發揮金融機構業務經營與組織整合綜效。金融控股公司為追求其成立目標之整合綜效,以組織整合方案以因應,已成為多變的競爭環境必然之趨勢。 本研究以金融控股公司為追求組織整合綜效,配合旗下子公司之核心事業與發展專業分工組織整合,對應調整內部控制與內部稽核之影響。透過○○金融控股公司之案例,論述組織整合後之內部控制與內部稽核並進行分析,作為日後金融控股公司組織整合時,於內部控制與內部稽核制度面之參考,避免產生不必要之問題,俾利於強化整合綜效。 本研究由探討為追求組織整合綜效目標成立金融控股公司出發,再論述現行金融控股公司之組織及組織整合與內部控制、內部稽核之關係,配合○○金融控股公司組織整合案例,進而論述金融控股公司組織整合後之內部控制及稽核制度,提出金融控股公司組織整合實務上所面臨之矛盾現象與建議解決方案,最後以內部稽核角度推演金融控股公司組織架構之未來發展,就本研究所探討金融控股公司組織整合發展過程,對其內部控制及稽核制度所產生之問題與影響,由研究過程中歸納彙整各項法規後,作成結論並對我國金融控股公司與金融監理單位提供建議。 此外,本研究由金融控股公司成立後,檢視現行內部控制及稽核作業規範,配合實務案例之組織整合過程,指出組織整合過程所面臨實務之問題,說明內部稽核未來發展所面臨之挑戰。推論過程均以案例公司之實務問題與解決方案,並據以為結論之依據,因此,並未對於整合綜效建立指標或實證研究,建議留為以後研究方向參考。

台灣金融控股公司換股比率影響因素之研究 / The determining factors of stock for stock exchange ratio for Taiwan financial holding companies

楊翊羚, Yang, Yi Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討金控公司合併換股比率之決定因素,變數包含財務與非財務因素。依財務變數選用標準之不同,區分為一般財務指標模型與五構面指標模型,兩模型之非財務變數皆相同。截至民國100年12月31日,樣本共43家。一般財務指標模型包含八項財務變數,五構面指標模型則包含七項財務變數,由中央存款保險公司金融預警系統中資本適足性、資產品質、管理績效、營利性、流動性等五個構面中捕捉。一般財務指標模型中共有每股淨值、員工平均年齡、員工學歷程度、董監事持股比率、服務據點等五個變數達到影響換股比率之顯著結果,截距項係數的不顯著結果,顯示主併與被併公司在併購價格中未有顯著溢價或折價之收付;五構面指標模型則有財務槓桿、貝里比率、每人營收淨額、稅前純益占實收資本比率、稅後淨利率、員工平均年齡、員工人數、服務據點八項變數達到顯著結果。五構面模型解釋能力較一般財務指標模型高,但截距項呈現顯著負值,顯示可能有併購溢價或其他為五構面所遺漏的變數未被納入。 / The objective of this study is to discuss the determinants of the stock exchange ratios for mergers of the financial holding companies in Taiwan. All factors are divided into two parts, financial and non-financial. There are two models used in this study, the common financial index model and the five-perspective index model, depending on the choosing standard in financial factors. Financial factors in the common financial index model are widely used in financial statement analysis, while in five-perspective index model they’re chosen based upon five critical elements of CAMEL ratings system, a method of evaluating the health of credit unions. All non-financial factors used are indifferent between the two models. Choosing the study sample which has been a member of financial holding company until December 2011 and using ordinary least square (OLS) method, the empirical investigations suggest that in the common financial index model there are five factors have significantly positive effects on the exchange ratio, which are book value per share, average employees’ ages, the educational background of employees, corporate ownership and service locations. The intercepts in this model are not statistically significant in the regressions, implying that there are not any premiums or discounts after incorporating the impact of the financial and non-financial factors. In the five-perspective index model there are eight factors have significantly positive effects on the exchange ratio, which are financial leverage, Berry ratio, net sales revenue per employee, the proportion of capital of the pretax income, net profit margin, average ages of employees, number of employees and service locations. In summary, the interpretation power of the five-perspective index model is greater than the common financial index model. But the fact that the intercepts in this model are statistically significant, implying that there might be some other factors which have been omitted.

金融控股公司之經營規範與個案探討--以中華開發金融控股公司為例 / The running regulation of the bank holding company

蔡俊明, Tsai, Jimmy Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 由於跨業經營已是國際間金融業整合之趨勢,因此,我國金融控股公司法的設立將付予國內金融機構進行整合、轉型的機制,讓其更具競爭力,只是是否每一金融集團均能成功轉換,恐怕短期問業者仍要面臨階段性的調整壓力,並非一蹴可及;再則,在該法設立後,金融監理一元化將更形重要,否則當金融機構跨業經營形成金融巨人後,未來發生弊端時,就會變成金融怪獸,所引爆的金融危機,將更為迅速且嚴重,連鎖反應將更為擴大。故本研究以我國金融控股公司之經營規範為主題,並以中華開發為個案探討藉以論述金融控股公司之因應策略。 究竟金融控股公司的設立,能否為國內的金融業帶來生機?以及政府應在准許業界設立金融控股公司的同時,要如何建立專業、獨立與有效率的監理機制,以避免增加業者的管理成本,並提升金融業的競爭力?此乃本論文之研究目的。 本研究亦提出在我國加入世界貿易組織(WTO)後,銀行業必然面臨與先進國家相互角逐金融市場之局面,故宜及早檢討其經營策略,俾掌握業務與客戶群,再造一個具有競爭力的經營體系;本研究並提出相關之建議。 摘要 鑒於美國、日本、韓國、歐盟之金融服務現代化改革中,均已朝向金融百貨化方式發展,並以金融控股公司作為發展跨業經營之主要型態,以利防火牆之設計及風險之區隔,並提高聯屬公司專業化經營效率。金融控股法是重整金融體質的法源,它能加快金融業走向大型化和國際化的腳步,進而提升我國金融業的國際競爭力。故政府為配合此一國際金融發展趨勢及符合國內現行體制與實務之需要,已於民國九十年六月二十七日通過金融控股公司法。因此,銀行、保險、證券等金融機構均得選擇以金融控股公司型態,以提高跨業經營之效率,並加速金融市場之整合。 同時在金融市場陸續開放後,金融機構所面對的風險愈趨複雜化,為因應金融環境的變遷,我國監理機關及監理制度規劃上亦宜有所興革。因為目前不同金融業問彼此互動頻繁,關聯度亦相對提高,近年來世界各國如英、美、日及韓等國,為強化金融主管機關合併監理功能,皆已完成對金融監理機構的整合。有鑑於此,我國必須積極落實金融監理機制的再造工程,推動金融監理一元化,以建立金融監理的整合體制。 第一章說明本研究的動機在於省思「金融控股公司法」之設立,能否付予國內金融機構進行整合、轉型的機制,但未來「金融監理一元化制度」將更形重要。本論文之研究目的在於探討究竟金融控股公司的設立,能否為國內的金融業帶來生機?以及政府應在准許業界設立金融控股公司的同時,要如何建立專業、獨立與有效率的監理機制,以維護社會公益,並提升金融業的競爭力?第二章論述金融控股公司之經濟意義和功能,以及弊病;第三章回顧先進國家跨業經營之沿革與規範;第四章說明我國金融控股公司法之監理規範;第五章:個案探討一以中華開發金融控股公司為例;第六章:結論與建議。 / Abstract Because it is the trend to cross running business within the integration of the international banks, our government set up “the Law of Bank Holding Company”for the local banks to enter into integration and transformation to improve their competition。But it is essential to establish the independent supervisory system to prevent the defaults in advance。Otherwise, its exposure will be serious and its contagious effect is more extensive。 Will Bank Holding Company bring the new era for the local banks ? How will the government set up the independent, professional, and effective supervisory system ? The above topics are the studying purposes of the essay。 The essay also indicates that our banks will have a fierce competition with international banks after we are allowed to enter WTO, and submits suggestions to set up well-run Bank Holding Company -----

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