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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tolknings- och tillämpningsproblem med ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna : En analys av undantagsreglerna

Timén, Henrik January 2009 (has links)
<p>Den 1 januari 2009 trädde reglerna om begränsningar i avdragsrätten för ränta på internt finansierade förvärv av delägarrätter inom en intressegemenskap i kraft. Dessa regler benämns ofta som ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna och återfinns i 24 kapitlet 10a-10e §§ inkomstskattelagen. Reglerna är ett avsteg från den generella avdragsrätten för ränteutgifter som finns i Sverige.</p><p>Syftet med lagstiftningen är att förhindra skatteplanering genom ränteupplägg inom intressegemenskaper, där de affärsmässiga motiven är klart underordnade det övergripande syftet att uppnå skattefördelar. För att ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna inte skulle få en alltför generell omfattning och onödigt försvåra affärsmässigt motiverade verksamheter införde lagstiftaren två undantagsregler, den så kallade tioprocentsregeln och den så kallade ventilen. Blir någon av undantagsreglerna tillämpliga får det företag som betalar ränta göra avdrag för denna i Sverige.</p><p>Tioprocentsregeln är den första undantagsregeln. Tioprocentsregeln är en objektiv regel som blir tillämplig om det kan fastställas att inkomsten som motsvarar ränteutgiften blir beskattad till minst tio procent enligt lagstiftningen i den stat där mottagaren av inkomsten hör hemma. Ventilen är den andra undantagsregeln. Ventilen är en subjektiv regel som blir tillämplig om såväl förvärvet som den skuld som ligger till grund för förvärvet är huvudsakligen affärsmässigt motiverade.</p><p>Vid första anblicken av undantagsreglerna kan de verka tydligt utformade, varför de inte borde vara svåra att tillämpa. I praktiken uppkommer emellertid en rad tolknings- och tillämpningsproblem med undantagsreglerna. Uppsatsen har identifierat flera situationer där affärsmässigt motiverade transaktioner riskerar att omfattas av ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna beroende på hur undantagsreglerna skall tolkas och tillämpas.</p><p>Uppsatsen syftar därför till att klargöra hur undantagsreglerna i 24 kapitlet 10d-10e §§ inkomstskattelagen skall tolkas och tillämpas. Vidare skall uppsatsen identifiera de tolknings- och tillämpningsproblem som riskerar att uppkomma kring undantagsreglerna och analysera vilka konsekvenser dessa kan få för berörda företag.</p>

Hemstatshinder inom EG-rätten : Med inriktning på de svenska personaloptionsreglernas förenlighet med EG-rätten / Home state obstacles in EC law : With focus on the Swedish employee stock option legislation’s compliance with EC law

Dahlin, Daniel, Kvicklund, Maria January 2005 (has links)
<p>I uppsatsen utreds de svenska personaloptionsreglernas förenlighet med EG-rätten. I 10 kap. 11 § 2 st. 2 p. IL framgår att då en i Sverige obegränsat skattskyldig person upphör att vara bosatt eller att stadigvarande vistas i Sverige likställs flytten med att personaloptionen utnyttjas och skall därför beskattas. Beskattning sker av ännu inte realiserade tillgångar med anledning av utflyttningen. Den typen av beskattning som följer av personaloptionsreglerna är ett exempel på en så kallad exit-skatt.</p><p>Första steget i utredningen består i att bestämma huruvida personaloptionsreglerna kan utgöra ett otillåtet hinder för den fria rörligheten för arbetstagare och kapital inom unionen. Då hindret uppställs av hemvistlandet är det enligt vår terminologi att ses som ett hemstatshinder då det kan avskräcka landets medborgare eller bosatta från att utnyttja rätten till fri rörlighet. Vi har kommit till slutsatsen att de svenska personaloptionsreglerna utgör ett otillåtet hemstatshinder för den fria rörligheten för arbetstagare och kapital.</p><p>Andra steget utgörs av att utreda huruvida de svenska personaloptionsreglerna kan rättfärdigas genom fördraget eller rule of reason-testet. Vad det gäller fördragets bestämmelser om avsteg från principen om fri rörlighet i artiklarna 39 och 58 EG anser vi inte att dessa kan berättiga exit-skatt-bestämmelsen i personaloptionsreglerna. Under rule of reason-testet prövas rättfärdigandegrunderna skattesystemets inre sammanhang, effektiv skattekontroll och behovet av att förhindra skatteflykt i förhållande till personaloptionsreglerna. Med hänsyn till praxis från EGD och analysen i uppsatsen synes personaloptionsreglerna inte kunna rättfärdigas genom dessa.</p><p>Då vi anser att bestämmelsen i 10 kap. 11 § 2 st. 2 p. IL inte kan berättigas vare sig genom fördraget eller rule of reason-testet utgör regeln således ett otillåtet hemstatshinder för den fria rörligheten för arbetstagare och kapital. Konsekvensen av att ett hinder anses otillåtet är att regeln inte får tillämpas av medlemsstaten.</p> / <p>The aim of the thesis is to analyse the Swedish employee stock option legislation’s compliance with EC law. Chapter 10 section 11 subsection 2 of the Swedish income tax act states that when a person subject to unlimited tax liability ceases to be domiciled or permanently resident in Sweden, the change of residence is deemed equal to the redemption of the employee stock options and shall therefore be taxed. Due to the emigration, not yet realized assets are taxed. The kind of taxation present in the Swedish employee stock option legislation is an example of an exit tax.</p><p>The first part of our analysis consists of determining whether the Swedish employee stock option legislation may constitute an unlawful obstacle for the free movement of workers and capital within the internal market. According to our terminology, an obstacle put up by the home state, capable of deterring citizens or residents of that country from exercising their right to free movement is considered a home state obstacle. We have reached the conclusion that the Swedish employee stock option legislation constitutes an unlawful home state obstacle for the free movement of workers and capital.</p><p>The second part of this study consists of investigating whether the Swedish employee stock option legislation can be justified under the EC treaty or under the rule of reason test. Concerning the possibilities stated in articles 39 and 58 EC to depart from the principle of free movement, we would like to suggest that the exit taxation provision found in the Swedish employee stock option legislation cannot be justified through neither of them. The rule of reason justification grounds coherence of the tax system, effectiveness of fiscal supervision and the need to prevent tax avoidance are tried in relation to the Swedish employee stock option legislation. By reference to case law from the ECJ and the analysis in the thesis, none of the three seems to be able to justify the Swedish employee stock option legislation.</p><p>The Swedish employee stock option legislation cannot, according to our analysis, be justified neither through the treaty nor the rule of reason test. In our opinion, it therefore constitutes an unlawful home state obstacle for the free movement of workers and capital. The consequence of an unlawful obstacle is that the member state may not apply that rule.</p>

Fast driftställe enligt OECD:s modellavtal i ljuset av elektronisk handel / Permanent Establishment According to the OECD Model Tax Convention in the Light of Electronic Commerce

Hoang, Quang January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the concept of permanent establishment, as defined in Article 5 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital, is applicable to electronic commerce and if so whether the current definition is able to appropriately deal with the challenges of electronic commerce.</p><p>In 2003, the OECD added a new section to the Commentary on the Model Tax Convention on Article 5. The new section is a clarification on the application of the permanent establishment definition in electronic commerce.</p><p>The current definition of permanent establishment in the Model Tax Convention relies on the physical presence of a foreign corporation as the threshold for source taxation. While the current definition, <em>prima facie</em>, might be applicable on electronic commerce, the highly mobile nature of electronic commerce might affect the current revenue distribution equilibrium between states.</p>

Tax Obstacles for Cross-border Pensions in EU : A case study on pension related cases and their impact on national tax provisions

Ovsepian, Gajane January 2005 (has links)
<p>Ever since the barriers between the Member States have diminished, more and more European Union (EU) citizens have chosen to work in a different State than their home state. Problems have occurred because of this cross border activity when workers have chosen to keep their pension funds taken in the home state, while working in the second State. These problems are caused by the national tax systems but also of the different tax rules that Member States have on pensions. Generally, most Member States’ pension systems are divided into three pillars. The first pillar is the social security scheme. The second one is the occupational scheme while the third pillar is the individual pension scheme. Together, the second and third pillars are recognized as supplementary pensions, since they supplement the pension incomes that arising from the first pillar.</p><p>This thesis concerns the taxation of national persons who are covered by some type of occupational or private pension scheme. Most of the States do not allow deduction for premiums paid to these pensions that are taken with insurance companies established outside their territory. In a number of cases the ECJ has ruled that tax legislations that do not allow deductions of premiums or in some way prohibit the free movement shall be seen as discriminatory. The famous Bachmann case has been the only exception, where the ECJ ruled that the Belgian discriminatory rules could be justified in order to preserve the cohesion of the national tax system. The cohesion principle can be invoked if there exist a direct link between the deduction of contributions and the liability to tax the sums that will be paid to the beneficiary. Even though other justification grounds such as the effectiveness of fiscal control, the preservation of the tax base and the preservation of the tax neutrality has been invoked by Member States in various cases, the ECJ has not accepted them. Up to this point it is only Belgium that has succeeded to get the ECJ on its side. Conclusions can be drawn that the EC Treaty’s fundamental rights cannot be set aside by the Member States’ wish to preserve various tax protections, except when it is considered to be an absolute necessity, which has proven to be very seldom.</p><p>Conclusion have been drawn that the ECJ has, through its judgments, had an immense impact on the national tax rules. Even though direct taxes are considered to be a part of a nation’s sovereignty, the ECJ has in an indirect way interfered with this sovereignty by invoking the EC Treaty’s free movement rules. The Court has thereby indicated that the Member States cannot freely construct their tax rules since they have to be consistent with the EC Treaty rules.</p><p>Conclusions have also been drawn that the ECJ’s rulings are important for the strengthening of the supplementary pensions. EU citizens should be able to move freely between Member States and should keep their supplementary pensions in the State where they have been taken out and should not worry about ending their current pension funds in order to conclude new contracts in the State where they work, in order to be allowed deductions of contributions.</p> / <p>När gränserna mellan medlemsstaterna bortskaffades resulterade det i att alltmera av den Europeiska Unionens (EU) medborgare valde att arbeta i ett annat land än där de har sin hemvist. Problem har skapats av den gränsöverskridande aktiviteten då arbe-tare har valt att behålla sina pensioner från sina hemviststater. Dessa problem har i sin tur skapats av de nationella skattesystemen men även på grund av de olika skatte-regler som medlemsstaterna har på pensioner. Generellt sätt har de flesta medlemssta-ter pensionssystem som är uppdelade i tre olika pelare. Den offentliga pensionen tillhör den första pelaren. Andra pelaren utgörs av tjänstepensioner medan den tredje består av privata pensioner. Tillsammans anses andra och tredje pelaren vara supple-mentära pensioner, då de kompletterar de pensionsinkomster som uppstår av den första pelaren.</p><p>Uppsatsen behandlar beskattningen hos fysiska personer som täcks av något slag av tjänste- eller privat pension. Många stater medger inte avdrag för premier som betalas in för dessa pensioner till ett försäkringsbolag etablerat utanför dess territorium. I ett antal rättsfall har EG-domstolen dömt att skatteregler som inte medger avdrag för premier eller på något sätt förhindrar den fria rörligheten ska anses diskriminerande. Undantaget har varit den berömda Bachmann målet där EG-domstolen ansåg att de belgiska diskriminerande reglerna kunde rättfärdigas för att behålla koherensen i det nationella skattesystemet. Koherensprincipen innebär att det måste finnas en direkt länk mellan avdragsrätten som medges till premier och skatteplikten som senare tas ut på det utfallande beloppet. Fastän andra rättfärdigande grunder som effektivitet i skattekontroll, skydd för nationella skatteintäkter och skydd för skatteneutralitet har framlagts av medlemsstaterna i diverse rättsfall, har EG-domstolen ogiltigförklarat samtliga grunder. Fram till idag är det endast Belgien som har lyckats att få EG-domstolen på sin sida. Slutsatser kan dras att EG-fördragets fundamentala rättigheter inte får sättas åsido av medlemsstaternas önskan att bevara diverse skatteskydd, förutom då det anses vara ytterst nödvändigt, vilket har visat sig vara väldigt sällan.</p><p>I uppsatsen konkluderas att EG-domstolen har via sina domar haft en stark påverkan på de nationella skattereglerna. Trots att direkta skatter anses vara en nations suveränitet har EG-domstolen på ett indirekt sätt påträngt denna suveränitet genom att åberopa EG-fördragets frihetsregler. Domstolen har således indikerat att medlemsstater inte kan fritt konstruera sina skatteregler då de måste vara förenliga med EG-fördragets regler.</p><p>I uppsatsen konkluderas även att EG-domstolens domar är viktiga för förstärkningen av de supplementära pensionerna. EU medborgare skall kunna röra sig fritt bland medlemsstater och samtidigt kunna behålla sina supplementära pensioner där de har tecknats och inte behöva avsluta sina pensioner och teckna nya i den staten där han arbetar för att vara berättigad till skatteavdrag på betalda premier.</p>

La refonte de l'abus de marché en droit financier européen / The market abuse recast in European financial law

Darmon Kestenberg, Géraldine 10 December 2014 (has links)
À la suite de scandales financiers notoires, et au vu de l’évolution des marchés financiers et des nouvelles technologies, l’Union européenne vient renforcer le cadre législatif européen des abus de marché, au nom de l’intégrité des marchés. Loin de constituer un simple regroupement d’infractions boursières, le concept d’abus de marché pourrait être analysé comme une véritable notion juridique. Dès lors, l’essai d’une définition générique de l’abus de marché permettrait d’en clarifier le domaine et d’en guider sa mise en œuvre. L’étude du sens de la notion d’abus de marché permettrait d’éviter les révisions successives de la norme nationale et européenne afin de conférer à l’abus de marché des règles propices à l’intégrité et à l’efficience du marché. Une fois la notion d’abus de marché définie avec précision, sa lutte préventive ou répressive ne pourra être que renforcée. Pour autant, la nouvelle coexistence de la répression administrative et de la répression criminelle de l’abus de marché en droit financier européen conduit à s’interroger sur l’application du principe non bis in idem en la matière. Afin de rendre effective cette refonte, il est ainsi primordial que le droit de la responsabilité civile vienne soutenir le droit de la répression de l’abus de marché. Finalement, pour maintenir la place financière européenne comme une place concurrentielle, il est essentiel que la refonte de l’abus de marché ne se fasse pas de manière déséquilibrée en faveur de l’impératif d’intégrité et au détriment de l’efficience du marché. On ne doit pas omettre que le droit des abus de marché est un droit économique au service de l’efficience du marché. / Following notorious financial scandals, and looking at the evolution of the financial markets and the new technologies, the European Union has reinforced the market abuse's European legal framework in the name of markets integrity. Far from being a mere grouping of financial offenses, the concept of market abuse could be analyzed as a real legal construct. Henceforth, testing a generic definition of the market abuse would allow clarifying its scope and guiding its implementation. Studying the meaning of the market abuse notion would avoid the successive revision of the national and European norm in order to provide the market abuse rules suitable to the market integrity and efficiency. Once the market abuse notion precisely defined, its preventive or repressive fighting could only be reinforced. However, the new coexistence of the administrative and criminal repressions of the market abuse in European financial law leads to some interrogations regarding the non bis idem principle application. In order to make the recast efficient, it is mandatory for the civil responsibility law to sustain the market abuse repressive law. Eventually, in order to maintain the European financial market competitiveness, it is essential that the market abuse recast is not unbalanced in favor of the integrity requirement and against the market efficiency. We shall not forget that the market abuse law is an economic law serving the market efficiency.

Governança republicana como vetor para a interpretação das normas de direito financeiro / Republican governance as a vetor for the interpretation of financial law norms

Guilherme Bueno de Camargo 07 May 2010 (has links)
O mundo corporativo desenvolveu mecanismos para atenuar os conflitos de agência, decorrentes das divergências entre os interesses dos acionistas e dos gestores profissionais. A adoção de práticas de governança corporativa nas sociedades empresariais, em que o capital está pulverizado entre milhares de acionistas que não participam da gestão do negócio, impõe aos gestores um comportamento ético, pautado pela boa-fé, pela transparência, pela prestação de contas, pela eficiência e pela responsabilidade pelos atos de gestão. De outro lado, permite que os acionistas acompanhem e participem do estabelecimento das diretrizes da administração do empreendimento, sempre sob o pressuposto de que o gestor age em nome dos interesses dos proprietários da empresa. No regime republicano estabelecido pela Constituição Federal de 1988 os cidadãos são os titulares da res publica, cabendo ao gestor público a administração da coisa pública em prol dos interesses da sociedade. A gestão dos recursos públicos, regulada pelo Direito Financeiro, deve seguir rigorosamente a lógica republicana, mas neste ponto é possível identificar potenciais conflitos de agência entre os gestores públicos e os cidadãos. Com o objetivo de garantir a melhor aplicação dos escassos recursos financeiros arrecadados junto à sociedade, a Constituição Federal institucionalizou um complexo sistema de preservação do interesse público na gestão financeira estatal, sistema esse descrito neste trabalho, aqui denominado de governança republicana. Esse complexo, constituído de normas e princípios constitucionais, normas infraconstitucionais, mecanismos de controle e planejamento, além de formas de participação social, formam um sistema institucional de proteção à boa aplicação dos recursos financeiros do Estado e devem servir aos aplicadores do direito como vetor para a interpretação das normas de Direito Financeiro. / The corporate world developed mechanisms to lessen agency conflicts due to divergences between shareholders and professional managers interests. The adoption of corporate governing practices in corporate businesses (where the capital is spread out among thousands of shareholders, who do not participate in the administration of the business) requires an ethical behavior from the managers; this ethical behavior should be guided by good-faith, transparency, accountability, efficiency and responsibility for the administrative actions. On the other hand, it allows the shareholders to accompany and to participate in the establishment of guidelines for the administration of the enterprise, always under the presupposition that the manager acts on behalf of the interests of the company owner. Under the republican regime, established by the 1988 Federal Constitution, the citizens are the holders of the republic; thus, it is the responsibility of the public administrator to manage the public thing on behalf of the interests of society. The administration of the public resources, which is regulated by the Financial Law, must strictly follow the republican logic, but in this sense it is possible to identify potentials agency conflicts between public administrators and citizens. With the objective of ensuring the best application of the scarce financial resources collected from society, the Federal Constitution institutionalized a complex system of preservation of the public interest in the state financial administration, and this system is described in this work and is here denominated of Republican governance. This complex (which is constituted of norms and constitutional principles, infra-constitutional norms, planning and control mechanisms, besides forms of social participation) forms an institutional protection system for the good application of the State financial resources and it should also be useful to those who apply the law as a vector for the interpretation of Financial Law norms.

La responsabilité financière des gestionnaires publics / The financial responsibility of stakeholders in public management

Gaullier-Camus, Florent 06 December 2018 (has links)
La responsabilité financière des acteurs de la gestion publique s’appréhende traditionnellement à travers le prisme du principe de séparation des ordonnateurs et des comptables publics. Strictement différenciée entre la responsabilité des comptables devant les juridictions des comptes et la responsabilité des autres gestionnaires publics devant la Cour de discipline budgétaire et financière, son analyse globalisée semblait manquer de pertinence. Depuis les années 2000, le droit public financier a cependant connu des évolutions majeures, principalement issues de la LOLF, de la loi du 28 décembre 2011 et du GBCP. Cette modernisation du cadre juridique de la gestion publique semble renouveler l’approche conceptuelle de la responsabilité financière. Constatant un rapprochement progressif de ceux qui exécutent les opérations financières publiques, de leurs juges, mais aussi des mécanismes du contrôle juridictionnel de l’argent public, cette recherche se propose de défendre une conception unitaire et autonome de la responsabilité financière. / The financial responsibility of stakeholders in public management is traditionally understood through the principle of the separation of authorizing officers and public accountants. Strictly differentiated between the responsibility of accountants before the French court of auditors (Cour des comptes) and the responsibility of other public managers before the Budget and Finance Disciplinary Court (CDBF), its global analysis seemed to lack relevance. However, public financial law has undergone major developments since the 2000s, mainly originating from the Institutional Act on Finance Laws (LOLF), the Law of December 28, 2011 and the Public Budgetary and Accounting Management (GBCP). Such modernisation of the judicial framework in public management seems to be renewing the conceptual approach to financial responsibility. Noting a gradual rapprochement of those who implement financial public transactions, their judges, and the mechanisms of the judicial control of public money, this research proposes to support a unitary and autonomous conception of financial responsibility system.

Le droit financier français peut-il être amené à disparaître ? / Is the french financial law likely to disappear ?

Darras, Vincent 14 December 2011 (has links)
La crise européenne des dettes souveraines est l'occasion de constater l'instauration de nouveaux rapports entre puissances publiques nationales et marchés financiers. A la fois acteur et arbitre de la confrontation des forces du marché, l'Etat se trouve pris dans une logique concurrentielle, libérale et internationaliste qui menace sa capacité à rester la principale source d'édiction de la réglementation financière. Dans un contexte de globalisation et d'autonomisation de la sphère financière, ainsi qu'en raison des impératifs d'efficience et de compétitivité économique qui pèsent sur le droit financier, la notion même de " droit financier français " perd progressivement de son sens. Le renforcement impressionnant de l'action européenne en la matière, l'importation systématique des solutions juridiques anglo-américaines, ou encore la délégation croissante de l'édiction des normes aux experts, menacent le maintien d'un droit financier véritablement français, distinct des autres réglementations nationales. Sans doute, la régulation a vocation à changer d'échelle de manière durable et irréversible, pour accompagner l'intégration internationale des marchés financiers et épouser leur nouvelle dimension régionale, voire mondiale. Plus généralement, les modalités contemporaines de production de la norme financière disqualifient l'appareil étatique comme une source pertinente d'édiction des règles, qui sont toujours plus fines, expertes et évolutives, sans avoir pour autant perdu leur dimension politique. Tel est le dilemme fondamental de la régulation financière moderne, vouée à réconcilier la pertinence économique avec la légitimité démocratique. / The current European sovereign debts crisis is a good opportunity to observe the brand new balance of powers between national public authorities and financial markets. Both an actor and an arbitrator of the interaction between market forces, the State is increasingly following a competitive, liberal and internationalist approach to regulation that threatens its ability to remain the main source of enactment of financial rules. In a context of globalization and empowerment of the financial sphere, and under the economic imperatives of efficiency and competitiveness, the very notion of "French financial law" is losing its significance. The recent and impressive strengthening of the European financial legislation, the systematic importation of Anglo-American legal solutions, as well as the increasing delegation of the law-making to experts, all contribute to threaten the survival of a truly French financial law, distinct from other national regulations. Clearly, financial regulation is on the verge of a new international scaling to sustain the integration of financial markets and adapt to their regional, not to say global, dimension. More broadly, the modern methods of financial law-making tend to discredit the State as a relevant source to enact financial rules, themselves increasingly precise, expert and adaptive, while still quite political. Such is the key dilemma of modern financial regulation, bound to reconcile economic relevance and democratic legitimacy.

Requisitórios: precatórios e requisição de pequeno valor: um tema de direito financeiro / Payments of money owed by public treasury by virtue of a court decision, writ of execution against public treasury and writ of execution of a small amount of money agains public treasury as seen by public financial law.

Faim Filho, Eurípedes Gomes 20 May 2014 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado estuda os requisitórios: precatórios e requisições de pequeno valor, sob o prisma do Direito Financeiro. Com esse objetivo se estuda o desenvolvimento dos requisitórios e suas regras atuais, tanto em termos de determinações constitucionais, quanto nas questões orçamentárias, da dívida pública e do controle das finanças públicas, questionando também a forma como se dá a execução contra a Fazenda Pública por quantia certa em outros países do mundo. / This doctoral thesis studies, through the prism of Financial Law, the payments of money owed by the Federal Treasury, by State Treasury, by Federal District Treasury, or by Municipal Treasury, by virtue of a court decision (writ of execution against Public Treasury or writ of execution of a small amount of money against Public Treasury). For this purpose we study the development of payments of court decisions and its current rules, both in terms of constitutional provisions, budget issues, public debt and internal and external audit of public money used to pay court decisions, also questioning how this payment is done by Public Treasury in other countries.

Aspectos jurídicos da compensação financeira pela exploração de recursos minerais - CFEM / Legal aspects of financial compensation for the exploitation of mineral resources - CFEM

Silveira, Renata Abrantes da 29 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renata Abrantes da Silveira.pdf: 1052725 bytes, checksum: 0f1e6967436e266962dcb6a3a126c988 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-29 / The objective of this dissertation is to discuss the scope the statement prescribed by § 1 of Article 20 of the Federal Constitution, which ensured the States, the Federal District and municipalities, as well as the direct administration offices of the Union, under the law, a participation in the outcome of the exploitation of mineral resources in its territory or financial compensation for such exploitation. The aim is to define the institutions known as Financial Compensation for the Exploration of Minerals - CFEM, Public Participation in the result of exploitation of mineral resources and the called Royalty, seeking to trace the legal law and the legal regime that is to be applied to each institute. It examines the laws that regulated the infra constitutional statement mentioned above, and set up the financial burden called Financial Compensation for Exploiting Mineral Resources - CFEM. Thus, it was as defined positive law system as an object of study, demonstrating, however, essential to address the integration of various sub-legal, as the subsystem of Environmental Law, the Mining Law, the Financial Law, Tax Law, among others. Finally, we conclude that the infraconstitutional legislature established an real participation by the exploitation of mineral resources, asset of original patrimonial revenue, Institute of Financial Law. However, by constitutional mandate, these revenues are distributed directly to federal entities, therefore for them this is transferred revenue / O objetivo da presente dissertação consiste em discutir o alcance do enunciado prescrito pelo §1º, do artigo 20 da Constituição Federal que assegurou aos Estados, ao Distrito Federal e aos Municípios, bem como a órgãos da administração direta da União, nos termos da lei, uma participação no resultado da exploração desses recursos minerais no respectivo território ou uma compensação financeira por essa exploração. Busca-se definir os institutos conhecidos como Compensação Financeira sobre a Exploração Minerária CFEM, a Participação no resultado da exploração dos recursos minerais e o denominado Royalty, procurando demarcar a natureza jurídica, bem como, o regime jurídico que deverá ser aplicado a cada instituto. Procura analisar as legislações infraconstitucionais que regulamentaram o enunciado constitucional já mencionado, e que instituiu o encargo financeiro denominado de Compensação Financeira pela Exploração de Recursos Minerais CFEM. Para tanto, foi delimitado o sistema do direito positivo como objeto de estudo, demonstrando-se, porém, indispensável abordar a integração de diversos subsistemas jurídicos, como o subsistema do Direito Ambiental, do Direito Minerário, do Direito Financeiro, do Direito Tributário, dentre outros. Por fim, concluímos que o legislador infraconstitucional instituiu uma verdadeira participação pela exploração dos recursos minerários, receita originária patrimonial da União, instituto do Direito Financeiro. Porém, por determinação constitucional, essas receitas são distribuídas diretamente aos entes federados, tratando-se, para estes, de receita transferida

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