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Språkvalet i engelskundervisningen : En studie om lärares språkval i engelskundervisningen i årskurs 4–6 / A study on teachers' choice of language in English teaching in grades 4–6Wessling Reisenhofer, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
Lärare reflekterar ofta kring vilket språk av svenska och engelska som ska användas mest i engelskundervisningen. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka lärares val av språk i engelskundervisningen samt vad de ser för konsekvenser med att använda svenska respektive engelska under engelsklektionerna. Syftet är också att undersöka hur elever tänker kring språkvalet som lärare gör när de har engelska. I denna studie genomfördes tre semistrukturerade intervjuer med lärare, verksamma eller har varit verksamma i engelska i årskurs 4–6, samt en enkät, utdelad som en survey till elever i årskurs 6 (12 år) och besvarades av 20 elever. Slutsatsen av denna studie visar att lärare vill använda den mängden engelska som är möjligt, men att svenskan behöver användas som ett hjälpmedel, främst till svaga elever i engelska. Konsekvenser med att använda engelskan visar enligt resultatet att svaga elever får svårigheter att förstå vad som ska göras under engelsklektioner. Konsekvenser med att använda svenskan blir enligt lärare att eleverna tappar en del engelska och att de inte får öva på sina språkliga strategier. Majoriteten av eleverna i studien har bekräftat att de är nöjda med lärares språkval på engelsklektionerna. Många elever föredrar också att både svenskan och engelskan används. / Teachers often reflect on which language of Swedish and English should be used mostly in English teaching. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate teachers' choice of language in English teaching and what they see as consequences of using Swedish and English respectively during English lessons. The purpose is also to investigate how students think about the language choice that teachers make when they have English. In this study, three semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers working or have been working in English in grades 4–6, as well as a questionnaire, distributed as a survey to students in grade 6 (12 years old) and answered by 20 students. The conclusion of this study shows that teachers want to use as much English as possible, but that Swedish needs to be used as an aid, mainly for weak students in English. Consequences of using English shows according to the results that weak students have difficulties in understanding what to do during English lessons. According to teachers, negative consequences of using Swedish are that the students lose some English and that they do not get to practice their linguistic strategies. The majority of the students in the study have confirmed that they are satisfied with the teachers' choice of language in the English lessons. Many students also prefer that both Swedish and English are used.
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Promoting Multilingualism as a Resource in Education : A Minor Field Study on a Senior Secondary School in The GambiaMalmström, Melinda January 2023 (has links)
AbstractThe study aims to explore how students’ linguistic resources are used for learning in a school in Gambia. The study is a field study and was conducted at a Senior Secondary School during January and February 2023. As a postcolonial country, Gambia is a culturally and linguistically highly diverse country with English as the official language and several native languages, also called local languages. Despite this fact, English is the only language of instruction. The local languages are used as the main means of daily communication, while English is used in communication with the authorities and as a language of instruction. The students, in other words, do not learn to read and write in their first language, which is one of the local languages.The theoretical framework for the study is Janks’ theory of critical literacy (2010) which emphasizes the concepts of domination, access, diversity, and design. The method is a qualitative research method with an ethnographic approach, based on interviews with both students and teachers, as well as participant observation and documentation of lessons in several school subjects. The material consists of audio-recorded interviews and field notes from the lesson observations. The results show that the majority of the study’s participants expressed advantages in using all their common linguistic resources in school. However, one teacher considers that he, as a state school employee, is obliged to use only English as the language of instruction and sees no reason to question it. Also, according to one student’s opinion, it is right to use English as a common language, and not to use the local languages as a support for students’ understanding.The result from the classroom observations shows that there is a gap between the students’ requesting more language support in teaching and the teachers’ use of multilingualism as a resource for learning. Only occasional examples and no systematic use of local languages were observed during lessons for promoting learning and multilingual development. Despite this, there were teachers, who, although they were obliged through the curriculum to only use the English language, chose to include students' linguistic resources, interests, and earlier experiences in the curriculum. One conclusion of the study is that the issue of linguistic and cultural diversity in the classroom) is not easy to solve, due to the complex language situation in Gambia. Another conclusion is that teachers, through their choice of a didactic design based on students’ linguistic resources, interests, and earlier experiences, can support students’ access to the curriculum and contribute to a more equitable education. Keywords: Access to the Curriculum, Didactic Design, First Language, Language of Instruction, Language Domination, Linguistic and Cultural Diversity, Multilingualism
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Teacher perceptions of ESL target language use in grades 4-6 in Swedish Schools / Lärares syn på målspråksanvändning av engelska iårskurserna 4-6 i svenska skolorMårtensson, Nora, Sjödin, Ella January 2024 (has links)
A monolingual target language (TL) teaching norm has been promoted in second language learning over recent decades. Despite this, international studies indicate substantial variation in how and why teachers use the TL. This study investigates the extent of TL use during English lessons in Swedish classrooms in primary school, and how the choice of language correlates with teachers’ beliefs regarding second language learning (SLL) and the inclusion of the first language (L1). This study discusses the teachers’ didactic considerations and implementations of languages during their English lessons, and the teachers’ view on how the students are affected by the use of the TL in the classroom. Semi-structured interviews are carried out with three certified primary school English teachers. The interview data from this study show that the teachers’ main perception of TL use is that it should be used as much as possible. However, they all occasionally include the use of L1 in order to aid comprehension and prevent students’ anxiety. All three teachers emphasized the importance of a safe learning environment, especially when learning a new language. Even though the teachers agreed that the knowledge criterias for the subject of English in primary school do not place high demands on the students’ abilities in English, they as teachers place higher demands. The reason being that Swedish students’ level of English is higher than ever before and in turn teachers’ expectations are higher.
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Lärarmetoder och strategier för att främja kunskapsutveckling hos flerspråkiga elever i NO-ämnen / Teaching methods and strategies to promote knowledge development among multilingual students in science subjectsAli, Mona January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the methods and strategies that teachers use to support language and knowledge development among multilingual students in science subjects in grades 4–6. The study also aims to understand how multilingualism can be utilized as an asset in education and to identify the challenges teachers face in their daily work. To collect data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with five teachers who have experience teaching in multilingual environments. The study is grounded in sociocultural theory, which frames the focus on classroom interactions and learning processes. The results show that teachers employ various methods to address the linguistic needs of multilingual students. However, teachers experience challenges related to the effective integration of these methods into their teaching. In summary, teachers emphasize the need to adapt teaching to the individual needs and linguistic backgrounds of students. They also highlight the importance of improving teachers' skills to effectively support multilingual students. The study demonstrates that with the right support and resources, multilingualism can serve as a strengthening resource in the classroom, contributing to a more inclusive and effective learning environment. / Syftet med denna studie är att utforska de metoder och strategier som lärare använder för att stödja språk- och kunskapsutveckling hos flerspråkiga elever i NO-ämnen i årskurs 4–6. Studien syftar även till att förstå hur flerspråkighet kan användas som en tillgång i utbildningen och identifiera de hinder som lärare möter i sitt dagliga arbete. För att samla in data har semistrukturerade intervjuer använts, där deltagarna bestod av fem lärare med erfarenhet av undervisning i flerspråkiga miljöer. Studien är förankrad i en sociokulturell teori, vilket ramar in fokus på interaktioner och lärandeprocesser i klassrummet. Resultaten visar att lärare använder olika metoder för att möta de språkliga behoven hos flerspråkiga elever. Lärarna upplever dock utmaningar relaterade till effektiv integration av dessa metoder i undervisningen. Sammanfattningsvis betonar lärarna behovet av att anpassa undervisning efter elevernas individuella behov och språkliga bakgrund. De framhåller även vikten av att förbättra lärarnas kompetens för att effektivt stödja flerspråkiga elever. Studien visar att med rätt stöd och resurser kan flerspråkighet fungera som en stärkande resurs i klassrummet som bidrar till en mer inkluderande och effektiv lärmiljö.
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Le rapport à l'écrit en français et en anglais d'étudiants francophones universitaires issus d'un milieu francophone minoritaireMurray, Brigitte January 2016 (has links)
Il est bien documenté que les élèves de l’élémentaire et du secondaire évoluant en milieu francophone minoritaire éprouvent plus de difficultés à apprendre à écrire en français que les élèves vivant en milieu francophone majoritaire. Ce constat a également été établi pour le postsecondaire. Ces difficultés d’apprentissage pourraient être attribuables à certains aspects de leur rapport à l’écrit, soit de la relation qu’ils entretiennent avec les écrits (les documents lus et écrits) ainsi qu’avec leurs processus. Nous nous sommes intéressée au rapport à l’écrit d’étudiants francophones universitaires issus d’un milieu francophone minoritaire canadien. Nous avons posé chaque question non seulement pour le français, mais également pour l’anglais parce que ces derniers sont exposés régulièrement à ces deux langues. Par ailleurs, il est opportun de connaître les caractéristiques du rapport à l’écrit de cette population étudiante parce qu’elles peuvent différer de celles présentes chez des francophones issus d’un milieu francophone majoritaire. Pour recueillir nos données, nous avons demandé à des étudiants francophones qui font des études de baccalauréat en français dans une université bilingue de l’est de l’Ontario de remplir un questionnaire écrit et de participer à un entretien individuel semi dirigé. Nous avons cherché à décrire le rapport à l’écrit à la fois en français et en anglais, et ce, dans une perspective de groupe et dans une perspective individuelle. Les résultats ont montré des caractéristiques semblables et différentes quant aux représentations, aux sentiments, aux émotions, aux pratiques et aux types d’investissement, et ce, autant pour le français que pour l’anglais. En outre, tous les participants reconnaissent que leur bilinguisme français anglais leur procure un grand nombre d’avantages. Cette étude revêt un caractère unique parce qu’elle porte sur le rapport à l’écrit à la fois en français et en anglais des participants et qu’elle contribue à une meilleure connaissance des facteurs qui se révèlent être favorables ou défavorables au développement des compétences rédactionnelles en français des étudiants francophones universitaires issus d’un milieu francophone minoritaire canadien.
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Fossilization : a case study of an adult learnerDe Wit, Veronica Diane 06 1900 (has links)
Linguistic fossilization is a prevalent phenomenon in adult ESLA and presents a perpetual
pedagogical challenge to teachers. Despite controversy about the theoretical concept, research is
increasingly showing that persistent erroneousness cannot be attributed to single causal factors.
This single case study examines controversial aspects surrounding the concept and formulates
criteria for identifying fossilization. The study investigates the conversational output of an
independent adult learner over a period of nine months and presents a holistic exploration of
causal influences. The findings substantiate that fossilization arises from changing combinations
of factors, and that such combinations are unique to the situation of each adult learner. The key
to the successful treatment of fossilized errors may lie in identifying their roots, which can be
achieved by analyzing output and through discussion with learners in order to gain insight into
their experience of the learning process. Results also suggest that a critical perspective on the
theoretical construct is needed in order to investigate the phenomenon in adult second language acquisition. / Linguistics / M.A. (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL))
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Error analysis: investigating the writing of ESL Namibian learnersMungungu, Saara Sirkka 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigated common English language errors made by Oshiwambo, Afrikaans and Silozi First Language speakers. The study examined errors in a corpus of 360 essays written by 180 participants. Errors were identified and classified into various categories. The four most common errors committed by the participants were tenses, prepositions, articles and spelling. The study is important to educators and study material developers who should become aware of the kind of errors that their target learners make, so that they are in a better position to put appropriate intervention strategies into place. For learners, error analysis is important as it shows the areas of difficulty in their writing. The limitations and some pedagogical implications for future study are included at the end of this research paper. / English Studies / M. A. (TESOL)
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The simultaneous acquisition of a second and third languageBruce, Marian Elsie 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigates whether it is possible and necessary to acquire a second and third
language simultaneously in our present multicultural, multilingual South Africa with its
eleven official languages.
The qualitative, descriptive empirical research was executed for the duration of the first
school term within a multiracial grade four class at Richmond Primary School in KwaZulu
Natal. Afrikaans and Zulu were taught in separate periods, simultaneously, for the exact
number oflessons per week, with the exact same content, method and teacher.
The success ofthe research, rested on maintaining absolute reality within the normal daily
routine of the school day, in order to see if it is possible to acquire two languages
The very positive outcomes of this research cannot be generalized, but rather indicate
possible tendencies that it is indeed possible to acquire two languages simultaneously. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (with specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)
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Tlumočnické aktivity ve výuce cizích jazyků / Interpreting activities in Foreign Language TeachingDohnalová, Karolina January 2014 (has links)
(in English): The thesis describes how has translation been used in foreign language teaching, which is closely associated with the attitude towards the use of a first language during a second language lesson. In particular, it focuses on translation exercises that use interpreting as the main objective, and pre-translation exercises that use individual skills needed during the interpreting process. The aim of the present work is to demonstrate that these methods can be useful in different types and levels of courses (interpreting as a method) and it does not have to be limited on the education of future interpreters (interpreting as the main objective). The practical part outlines the current situation in some institution in Prague which specialize in adult teaching.
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Considerações sobre o ensino de língua portuguesa para surdosBizio, Lucimar 29 August 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-08-29 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This study discusses issues concerning pedagogical perspectives of Portuguese
language teaching aiming at deaf people. In order to offer a critical view of steady tendencies
in the field, namely those which focus the mother tongue, L1 and L2, this thesis presents an
overview of the history of educational approaches directed to the deaf and discusses the
Brazilian state of the art in that field and comments some studies which emphasizes the deafs
It is worth keeping in mind that the so called bilingual approach defines the Sign
Language as L1 and the writing in Portuguese as L2. The present study approaches the deaf
person writing ability from a theoretical perspective which tries to explain their productions
and difficulties as effects of the functioning of language and not as cognitive deficits. The
discussion developed here was guided by propositions from the Brazilian Interactionism,
proposed and advanced by Cláudia Lemos and other authors as well as the theoretical
developments put forward by the research group Language Pathology and Clinic, headed by
Maria Francisca Lier-DeVitto and Lúcia Arantes / Este trabalho tece considerações sobre as práticas pedagógicas, no ensino de língua
portuguesa, voltadas às pessoas surdas. Para encaminhar a reflexão sobre o tema em questão
foi necessário desnaturalizar termos que circulam livremente no campo dos estudos sobre a
surdez. Entre eles, destaca-se o de língua materna, L1 e L2, uma vez que, na abordagem
bilingüísta, entende-se a Língua de Sinais como L1, enquanto a escrita do português é
considerada como segunda língua L.2.
A escrita do surdo neste projeto sempre foi vista por uma perspectiva teórica que
entendesse as dificuldades apresentadas por esses sujeitos, como efeitos possíveis do
funcionamento da língua e não apenas como déficit. Para cumprir a meta proposta foi
necessário empreender uma discussão sobre a aquisição da linguagem, sobre as concepções de
escrita e também sobre a problemática relação do surdo com a escrita. O ponto de partida foi
uma apresentação da literatura brasileira sobre o assunto, seguida por um panorama sobre a
história da educação dos surdos.
Foram abordadas as possibilidades de contribuição do diálogo com a Lingüística e
também com a Psicanálise, com vistas a considerar a singularidade do surdo. Neste trabalho
está em questão a relação singular do sujeito surdo com a linguagem, que movimentou as
discussões sobre a língua materna do surdo, o que é L1 e L2 e a entrada do surdo no universo
da escrita.
A discussão aqui encaminhada foi iluminada pelo Interacionismo Brasileiro, proposto
por Cláudia Lemos, por outros autores filiados à sua proposta e pelos desdobramentos
teóricos presentes nos trabalhos do grupo de pesquisa Aquisição, Patologias e Clínica de
Linguagem, coordenado por Maria Francisca Lier-DeVitto
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