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Taipuuko suomalainen oppikirja ruotsinsuomalaiseen äidinkielenopetukseen? : Sisällönanalyysi oppikirjasta ruotsalaisen peruskoulun äidinkielen kurssisuunnitelmaa vasten tarkasteltuna / Does a Finnish textbook suit the Swedish curriculum and course plan for the mother tongue instruction in Finnish?Halonen, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää voiko Suomessa julkaistua oppikirjaa perustellusti käyttää ruotsalaisessa suomi äidinkielenä -opetuksessa, ruotsalaisen peruskoulun opetussuunnitelman äidinkielen kurssisuunnitelman keskeisiä sisältöjä vasten tarkasteltuna, kun kirja on tarkoitettu alun perin käytettäväksi Suomessa ruotsinkielisten koulujen suomi toisena kotimaisena kielenä -oppiaineessa, äidinkielenomaisen suomen oppimäärässä. Tutkimuksen taustalla on Ruotsissa julkaistun suomen kielen oppimateriaalin, joka olisi suunnattu ruotsalaisen kurssisuunitelman ”suomi ensimmäisenä kielenä” oppiaineeseen, vähäisyys. Äidinkielenopettajat Ruotsissa käyttävät ruotsalaisen materiaalin vähäisyyden vuoksi Suomessa julkaistua opetusmateriaalia. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen kehys perustuu sosiokulttuurisen oppimiskäsityksen teorialle, ja sitä kehittävälle systeemis-funktionaaliselle kieliteorialle, tai genrepedagogiikalle. Opetuksen, ja sen myötä myös oppimateriaalin tehtävien ja käsiteltävien tekstien on oltava näiden näkemysten mukaan sellaisia, että ne ovat oppijan lähikehityksen vyöhykkeellä. Tutkielman menetelmänä oli oppikirjatutkimuksen alalla yleinen sisällöntutkimus, ja tässä tutkielmassa sisällöntutkimuksen kohteena oli nimenomaan oppikirja pedagogisena, ei ideologisena artefaktina. Oppikirjassa ei ole mukana ruotsinsuomalaista näkökulmaa, eikä se mainitse ruotsissa puhuttua suomea, joten tutkimuksessa on rajattu nämä kurssisuunnitelman kohdat tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle. Tutkimuksen perusteella on todettavissa, että suomessa julkaistua suomen kielen opetusmateriaalia voidaan käyttää äidinkielenopetuksessa, mutta tietyin varauksin. Maiden välisten opetussuunnitelmien painotuserojen vuoksi käsitellyssä oppikirjassa oli vain vähän kaunokirjallisuuteen liittyviä sisältöjä ja tehtäviä, kaunokirjallisuuden ollessa kuitenkin yksi keskeinen osa ruotsalaista kurssisuunnitelmaa. / Målet med denna studie var att undersöka om det går att använda en finsk lärobok i modersmålsundervisning i finska i Sverige i enlighet med den svenska kursplanen. Boken är publicerad i Finland och riktad mot undervisning i finlandssvenska skolor i ämnet finska som det andra inhemska språket, den modersmålsinriktade lärokursen (mofi). Det saknas lämpliga läroböcker och -material som är utformade för modersmålsundervisning i Sverige med de elever som studerar finska enligt kursplanen ”finska som modersmål”. På grund av bristen har modersmålslärare i Sverige använt sig av läromedel från Finland i undervisningen. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i studien är den sociokulturella teorin om lärande, som utvecklas vidare i systemisk-funktionell grammatik, eller genrepedagogik. Enligt denna syn på lärande ska läroböcker, -medel och uppgifter vara anpassade så att eleven befinner sig i sin proximala utvecklingszon. Undersökningen grundar sig vidare på innehållsanalysens metoder och betraktar boken som pedagogisk artefakt, inte ideologisk. Boken har inte det sverigefinska perspektivet och nämner inte finskan man talar i Sverige, och därför har jag valt att lämna ut kursplanens delar som berör sverigefinsk kultur. Med den gällande svenska kursplan i modersmål - finska och dess centralt innehåll, visar studien att man kan använda boken i modersmålsundervisningen även i Sverige, men på vissa villkor: På grund av de tyngdpunkter som den finska läroplanen i Finland har, uppvisar läroboken vissa brister, till exempel beträffande genrer: skönlitteratur saknas i stort sett helt i boken. / The goal of this study was to analyse whether it is arguable to use a textbook in Finnish mother tongue instruction in Sweden when the book itself is originally published in Finland and aimed to be used by Swedish speakers in language instruction within a subject called “Finnish as a second national language” in Finland. There is a lack of suitable textbooks and material that are designed for the Sweden Finnish mother tongue instruction with learners that are studying Finnish in Sweden following the course plan of “Finnish as a first language”. Due to the lack of suitable Swedish-made material, mother tongue teachers in Sweden have used material published in Finland. The theoretical basis of this study is found in the sociocultural perspective of learning and the systemic-functional language theory or genre-based pedagogy. According to these theories, the used material, textbooks and exercises should be on the learners’ zone of proximal development. The analysis in this study follows the methods of content analysis, and the study focuses on the book as a pedagogical rather than ideological artefact. The textbook analysed in this study does not contain the Sweden Finnish perspective, and does not mention the Finnish spoken in Sweden, and therefore the parts of the Swedish course plan that are related to the perspective are left out of this study. With the current Swedish course plan for Finnish, and its core contents, the textbook in question may be used in mother tongue instruction, with some reservations. The book lacks few genres that are present in the Swedish course plan’s core contents, such as fictional literary genres other than short stories. The lack of specific genres is due to the different emphasises that the curricula of the two countries’ school systems have.
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The influence of English as a language of learning and teaching on high school learners' academic performance in Mathematics in Vhembe DistrictMakhuvha, Livhuhani Cathrine 05 1900 (has links)
Department of Curriculum Studies / DEd ( Curriculum Studies) / See the attached abstract below
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Apports de la vidéo et du portfolio numérique pour l’apprentissage de la production orale d’élèves du secondaire en classe de français langue d’enseignementPaquet, Maxime 09 1900 (has links)
Enseigner la communication orale implique pour les enseignants de tenir compte de différents paramètres pour que les élèves puissent réaliser des apprentissages solides et durables. À cet égard, nous pouvons identifier entre autres la prise en compte des distinctions entre l’oral et l’écrit, le stress généré par les situations de prise de parole ou la particularité liée au caractère volatil de l’oral. Bien que différents moyens et outils aient été proposés et validés pour permettre aux élèves de développer adéquatement cette compétence, il subsiste des défis liés, entre autres, à l’aspect métacognitif de l’apprentissage. Certes, les modèles didactiques accordent dans leur structure une place aux activités réflexives, mais comment peut-on accompagner adéquatement les élèves pour que ces activités leur permettent d’en tirer le plein potentiel ? Cette étude propose donc d’explorer l’utilisation d’un outil favorisant justement la mise en œuvre d’activités réflexives, soit le portfolio numérique d’apprentissage, d’en décrire et d’en analyser les apports au regard du développement de la compétence en production orale d’élèves de 3e secondaire en classe de français, langue d’enseignement. Pour atteindre cet objectif général de recherche, nous nous sommes appuyé sur un cadre théorique présentant d’abord des éléments généraux autour de l’enseignement-apprentissage de l’oral puis de l’utilisation du portfolio d’apprentissage au secondaire. Trois éléments complémentaires viennent compléter le cadre théorique : l’autoévaluation, l’engagement affectif et l’autorégulation des apprentissages. Pour répondre aux objectifs spécifiques de recherche découlant de ces concepts, une méthodologie qualitative et interprétative à caractère exploratoire a été élaborée et a inclus la participation de 77 élèves de 3e secondaire.
Puisqu’il s’agit d’une thèse par articles, chaque objectif spécifique de recherche fait l’objet d’un article. Dans le premier article, nous décrivons et analysons l’apport du portfolio numérique d’apprentissage sur l’autoévaluation de la compétence en production orale d’élèves du secondaire. Nos résultats montrent que l’utilisation des outils réflexifs associés au portfolio, notamment grâce à la vidéo, permet une meilleure identification des forces et défis en production orale. Dans le second article, décrivons et analysons l’apport de cet outil sur l’engagement affectif des élèves. À la lumière des résultats obtenus, le portfolio d’apprentissage offre une plus-value en ce qui a trait à la diminution du stress des élèves par rapport à la réalisation des productions orales. Dans le dernier article, nous élargissons notre description et notre analyse des apports de l’outil à l’utilisation de stratégies d’autorégulation dans un contexte d’apprentissage de la production orale. Les données analysées montrent que certains processus d’autorégulation, tels que la planification stratégique et l’enregistrement de soi, bénéficient de la démarche associée à la réalisation d’un portfolio numérique d’apprentissage. En conclusion, une synthèse et une analyse de l’ensemble des résultats au regard de la littérature, et des recommandations sont proposées afin d’offrir des pistes d’action et de formation pour les acteurs du milieu scolaire, en particulier les enseignants de français au secondaire. / Teaching oral communication implies that teachers are aware of different parameters so that students can acquire solid and durable learning skills. In this regard, we can identify amongst other things, the taking into account of the distinctions between oral and written production and the stress induced by having to deliver speeches or by the volatile aspect of this form of communication. Although different methods and tools have been suggested and validated in order to allow students to adequately develop this competency, there remain associated challenges such as the metacognitive aspect of learning. Certainly, the didactic models offer in their structure a place for reflexive activities but how can we adequately accompany students so that these activities allow them to grasp their full potential? Therefore, this study proposes to explore the use of a tool that fosters precise implementation of reflexive activities, the digital learning portfolio, and to describe the contributions regarding the development of the oral production competency of Grade 9 students in the French Language of Instruction class. To attain this general research objective, we relied on a theoretical framework primarily presenting general elements regarding oral teaching and learning and secondly, the use of learning portfolios in high school. Three complementary elements complete this theoretical framework: self-evaluation, emotional commitment and self-regulated learning. To meet the specific research objectives arising from these concepts, a qualifying and interpretative method, exploratory in nature, has been developed that includes 77 Grade 9 students.
Since this is a thesis of articles, every specific research objective is a subject of an article. In the first article, we have described the contribution of the digital learning portfolio on self-evaluation of high school students in the competency of oral production. Our results show that reflexive tools associated to the portfolio, especially thanks to video, allow for a better identification of strengths and weaknesses in oral production. In the second article, we have described the contribution of this tool on the emotional commitment of students. In light of obtained results, the learning portfolio offers an added value in terms of stress reduction associated with the development of oral production work. In the last article, we have expanded our description of contributions of tools in the use of strategies to self-regulate in the context of learning through oral production. The analyzed data illustrates that certain self-regulating processes, such as planning strategies and self-recording, benefit from the steps associated in the development of a digital learning portfolio. In conclusion, a synthesis and analysis of all the results regarding the literature and recommendations are proposed in order to offer courses of action and training for the professionals in a school environment, particularly French high school teachers.
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Engelskundervisning – med eller utan stöd av förstaspråket? : En fokusgruppsintervjustudie om elevers uppfattningar om och upplevelser av användning av svenska språket i engelskundervisningenPerfekt, Axel, Tage-Hansen, Leo January 2022 (has links)
Föreliggande studie har undersökt hur elever i årskurs 4 och 5 i den svenska grundskolan upplever användandet av svenska i undervisningen av engelska, samt hur användandet av svenska relaterar till eventuell foreign language anxietyhos eleverna. De forskningsfrågor som har besvarats är: 1) Hur upplever elever användandet av svenska i engelskundervisningen, utifrån deras nivå av behärskning av målspråket? samt 2) Hur relaterar användandet av svenska i engelskundervisningen till elevernas foreign language anxiety, utifrån deras nivå av behärskning av målspråket?Empiriskt material samlades in genom fokusgruppsintervjuer med 18 elever i årskurs 4 och 5. Eleverna från varje klass grupperades i tre grupper med tre elever i varje grupp efter deras nivå av behärskning av engelska. Sociokulturell teori om lärande och barndomssociologi har utgjort de teoretiska grunderna för studien. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med tematisk analys, där centrala teman i elevernas intervjusvar analyserades. De viktigaste resultaten från undersökningen kretsar kring elevernas uppfattningar om det svenska språkets roll i undervisningen för deras förståelse och delaktighet, där den största delen av de intervjuade eleverna uppger hur de anser användandet av svenska är en förutsättning för både förståelse och delaktighet. De uppgav även att en undervisning som exkluderar svenska bidrar till svårigheter med att förstå lektionsinnehållet, vilket hindrar ett aktivt deltagande och en oro för att andra ska döma dem för deras svårigheter med att förstå. En mindre grupp elever med god behärskning skildrade emellertid hur de betraktar användandet av svenska som ett hinder för förståelse och deltagande, och att behovet av att ibland uttrycka sin förståelse på svenska kan utgöra en källa till oro. Implikationerna av resultatet kretsar kring vikten av att lärare är medvetna om konsekvenserna av sina didaktiska val, och de svårigheter som finns med att tillgodose individuella behov hos en elevgrupp när elevernas olika behov står i motsats till varandra. / The current study examines how pupils in the years 4 and 5 in Swedish compulsory school view the use of Swedish in the teaching of English, as well as how it relates to experiences of foreign language anxiety. The research questions we have aimed to answer are: 1) How do pupils experience the use of Swedish in the teaching of English, with regard to their proficiency in the target language? and 2) How does the use of Swedish in the teaching of English relate to foreign language anxiety with the students, with regard to their proficiency in the target language? Empirical data was collected with semi-structured focus group interviews with 18 pupils in the years 4 and 5 of the Swedish compulsory school. The respondents from each class were grouped in three groups of three pupils in each group, with regards to their proficiency in English. With socio-cultural theory of learning and sociology of childhood as the theoretical foundation, a thematic analysis was implemented on the collected empirical material, where central themes from the interviews were highlighted and analyzed. Important results from our study include how a large part of the interviewed pupils expressed a view of Swedish as a necessity for both their understanding and their active participation during classes. They also expressed how an education of English which excludes Swedish hinders their understanding of the lesson content, which in turn creates a barrier for participation and a risk of being negatively judged by others. A small group of pupils with greater proficiency did, however, express a view of how the use of Swedish could act as a hindrance for participation, and how the need to at times express their understanding in Swedish could be a source of anxiety. The implications of our results focus on the need for teachers to be mindful of the consequences of their didactical choices, and on the difficulties which can arise when trying to fulfill the individual needs of a group of pupils when their needs at times are incompatible.
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The Development of Phonation-type Contrasts in Plosives: Cross-linguistic PerspectivesKong, Eun Jong 10 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Language and cultural diversity, globalisation, inclusion and the resultant phenomenon of first time literacy acquisition in a second languageSnelgar, Elizabeth Claire Gien 11 1900 (has links)
Prevailing research presents evidence that links language proficiency to fundamental literacy
acquisition. However, when language and literacy acquisition are simultaneous, as is the case with
young (4-6 years) English language learners (ELL’s), who acquire literacy in a language not spoken at
home in B.C. Canada, the research is limited. The aim of the study was to explore and compare the
language and literacy profiles (LLP) of ELL’s and monolingual learners. The normative processes as
elucidated in the theoretical frameworks of Bronfenbrenner’s ecosystemic model, Vygotsky’s
sociocultural model and the Critical Theory (CT) model informed the comparative framework. In
addition, the second language acquisition (SLA) theoretical frameworks purported by Chomsky,
Vygotsky and Krashen are elaborated upon. A causal comparative approach to the mixed model
research design and a complementary mixed methods approach is applied to the study. The study
interactively investigated the cultural and linguistic diversity (CALD) of ELL’s and sought statistically
significant differences between the language and literature profiles (LLP) of 25 ELL’s and his/her
parent - whose home language is other than English during first time literacy acquisition - and 25
monolingual learners and his/her parent (selected via a simple, purposive, random sample strategy)
when English is the language medium used in the inclusive classroom. The qualitative findings
delineated the LLP of the ELL’s with regard to CALD, biographic and background details; the
quantitative findings, delineated the at risk educationally vulnerable minority by virtue of their
limited English proficiency (LEP) and limited emergent literacy and language profile (LLP). The
identification of the at risk educationally vulnerable minority, informed the proposed theoretical
framework for the study, namely, namely, LLP - Semiotic Scaffolding-From Theory to Practice and
the attendant curriculum. Findings are discussed comparatively with the classic and current
theoretical frameworks pertaining to child development, language acquisition for both first and
second language acquisition (SLA) in addition to globalisation, inclusive education and social justice.
The implication of the findings for policy makers, curriculum planners, schools, teachers, classrooms,
parents and the learners are discussed. Opportunities for further research are noted. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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Language and cultural diversity, globalisation, inclusion and the resultant phenomenon of first time literacy acquisition in a second languageSnelgar, Elizabeth Claire Gien 11 1900 (has links)
Prevailing research presents evidence that links language proficiency to fundamental literacy
acquisition. However, when language and literacy acquisition are simultaneous, as is the case with
young (4-6 years) English language learners (ELL’s), who acquire literacy in a language not spoken at
home in B.C. Canada, the research is limited. The aim of the study was to explore and compare the
language and literacy profiles (LLP) of ELL’s and monolingual learners. The normative processes as
elucidated in the theoretical frameworks of Bronfenbrenner’s ecosystemic model, Vygotsky’s
sociocultural model and the Critical Theory (CT) model informed the comparative framework. In
addition, the second language acquisition (SLA) theoretical frameworks purported by Chomsky,
Vygotsky and Krashen are elaborated upon. A causal comparative approach to the mixed model
research design and a complementary mixed methods approach is applied to the study. The study
interactively investigated the cultural and linguistic diversity (CALD) of ELL’s and sought statistically
significant differences between the language and literature profiles (LLP) of 25 ELL’s and his/her
parent - whose home language is other than English during first time literacy acquisition - and 25
monolingual learners and his/her parent (selected via a simple, purposive, random sample strategy)
when English is the language medium used in the inclusive classroom. The qualitative findings
delineated the LLP of the ELL’s with regard to CALD, biographic and background details; the
quantitative findings, delineated the at risk educationally vulnerable minority by virtue of their
limited English proficiency (LEP) and limited emergent literacy and language profile (LLP). The
identification of the at risk educationally vulnerable minority, informed the proposed theoretical
framework for the study, namely, namely, LLP - Semiotic Scaffolding-From Theory to Practice and
the attendant curriculum. Findings are discussed comparatively with the classic and current
theoretical frameworks pertaining to child development, language acquisition for both first and
second language acquisition (SLA) in addition to globalisation, inclusive education and social justice.
The implication of the findings for policy makers, curriculum planners, schools, teachers, classrooms,
parents and the learners are discussed. Opportunities for further research are noted. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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Semiotic anomalies in English, as second language learners of immigrant parents acquire first time literacySnelgar, Elizabeth Claire Gien 11 1900 (has links)
Research has shown that literacy acquisition and the ultimate realisation of literacy, comprehension
of the written text requires more than the ability to decode individual words. This study brings
together a synthesis of current research on early language acquisition, language structure,
vocabulary development and its intrinsic underpinning of comprehension in monolinguals thereby
providing a theoretical framework for a comparative study of limited English proficient learners
(LEP’s)/English language learners (ELLs) acquiring first time literacy with the attendant vocabulary
deficits and age appropriate decoding skills. A quantitative and qualitative study examines the
statistical differences between reading, vocabulary, rapid automatic naming (RAN/decoding) and
comprehension when a learner born of foreign parents acquires first time literacy in a language
other than the language spoken at home. The study isolates and specifies an at risk educational
minority through the identification of a hidden comprehension deficit (HCD).
In summarising the main findings from the literature review and the empirical investigation, an “at
risk educational minority” was identified and isolated through the identification of the HCD. The
envisioned outcome was achieved and the hypothesis accepted. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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Semiotic anomalies in English, as second language learners of immigrant parents acquire first time literacySnelgar, Elizabeth Claire Gien 11 1900 (has links)
Research has shown that literacy acquisition and the ultimate realisation of literacy, comprehension
of the written text requires more than the ability to decode individual words. This study brings
together a synthesis of current research on early language acquisition, language structure,
vocabulary development and its intrinsic underpinning of comprehension in monolinguals thereby
providing a theoretical framework for a comparative study of limited English proficient learners
(LEP’s)/English language learners (ELLs) acquiring first time literacy with the attendant vocabulary
deficits and age appropriate decoding skills. A quantitative and qualitative study examines the
statistical differences between reading, vocabulary, rapid automatic naming (RAN/decoding) and
comprehension when a learner born of foreign parents acquires first time literacy in a language
other than the language spoken at home. The study isolates and specifies an at risk educational
minority through the identification of a hidden comprehension deficit (HCD).
In summarising the main findings from the literature review and the empirical investigation, an “at
risk educational minority” was identified and isolated through the identification of the HCD. The
envisioned outcome was achieved and the hypothesis accepted. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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A model for a non-native ELT teacher education programmeKasule, Daniel 30 June 2003 (has links)
The problem this study addresses is the continuing ineffective teaching of English as a Second Language (ESL) despite the popularity of in-service (INSET) programmes. As a means of situational analysis, ethnographic approaches were used to investigate the INSET participants in the four-year degree programme at the University of Botswana. Responses to one inventory containing second language teaching activities showed that the activities respondents know to characterize ESL classrooms do not facilitate much verbal teacher-pupil/pupil-pupil interaction. Responses to another inventory containing idealised course content showed evidence of needs the preparation programme was ignoring. This confirmed one of two study hypotheses that: there are specific second language teaching needs being ignored by preparation programmes for primary school language teachers. Document analysis verified the assumptions about what classroom English Language Teaching (ELT) was expected to achieve. However, lesson observation revealed that the products of the programme still taught and perceived English as a mental exercise, with the following results: the lessons were complicated, uninspiring, unenjoyable, restrictive, and ineffective. Questionnaire and interview results confirmed the second study hypothesis that: the confidence of non-native English-speaking teachers (non-NESTs) with regard to competence in English, which affects the effectiveness and efficiency of their teaching, is low.
As a solution a model specifying the essential programme components for preparing ELT specialists in the primary school is proposed. The proposed model is however not prescriptive and the proposed content is neither exhaustive nor limiting, but only broadly suggestive of the content of each instructional component. It is hoped that the product of the proposed model will become not only a well-educated person in the arts but also a highly proficient and self-confident person in ELT. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)
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