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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bus stop attributes and perception of safety : case study Huston Tillotson University

Gomez Sanchez, Ana Julita 17 February 2011 (has links)
This professional report examines the degree to which the perception of safety shapes travel behavior in Austin, Texas, using Huston Tillotson University (HT) students as our case study. Focus groups are used to explore and identify what elements of the public transit experience are considered safe and unsafe. The report explores what “frightens” HT participants away from using the bus. A quantitative study is then used to measure environmental variables and their relation to bus stops and perceptions of safety. Austin crime data are used to locate bus stop crimes and develop a real context for bus riders’ perceptions of crime. After describing the conditions of bus stops based on physical, environmental, and criminal attributes, the study develops scenarios for the study areas. This report closes by summarizing the empirical findings and gives design and policy recommendations for transportation planners, agencies, and policy makers. / text

Carbon Finance Schemes in Indonesia / Empirical Evidence of their Impact and Institutional Requirements / Kohlenstoff-Finanzierungsprogramme in Indonesien / Empirische Untersuchung ihrer Auswirkungen und institutioneller Rahmenbedingungen

Seeberg-Elverfeldt, Christina 30 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Quality of Life in Pediatric Patients with Intestinal Failure on Home Parenteral Nutrition

Carricato, Megan 06 January 2011 (has links)
Introduction: Medical advances have resulted in reduced mortality of pediatric patients with Intestinal Failure. Consequently, more patients go home on parenteral nutrition (PN) for extended durations. This time-consuming and complicated therapy necessitates persistent vigilance in monitoring and response to potential life-threatening side effects. These issues may impact quality of life (QOL) for patients, caregivers and families. Methods: This observational, cross-sectional, mixed-methods analysis of multidimensional QOL used a quantitative battery assessment and a qualitative focus group. Questionnaire results were compared to published norms, published small bowel transplant (SBTx), and institutional SBTx patients. Results: Home PN proxy assessments scored children lower than published norms but similar to SBTx. The child self-reports were similar to both normative and SBTx populations, except lower general and overall health. Generic questionnaires did not capture disease-specific issues. Conclusion: QOL is compromised in children on home PN and caregivers compared to norms but is similar to SBTx.

Det finns inga tjejbestämmare : Att förstå kön som position i förskolans vardagsrutiner och lek / There are no girl decision-makers : Understanding gender as a position in pre-school practices

Eidevald, Christian January 2009 (has links)
Previous research studies have shown that in their address and behaviour towards girls and boys, pre-school staff apply stereotyped gender concepts, thus reinforcing rather than challenging stereotypes. The present thesis therefore focuses on which of children’s positions that are accepted or that face resistance from the staff. In this way, children’s gender-based "identity-formation" can be critically analyzed based on different possible descriptions of how it is to be a girl or a boy, and what unaware assumptions about gender representations that in this way may be made in different ways by both children and adults. The theoretical point of departure is feminist poststructuralism; and the analysis focuses on variations found between the groups of girls and boys, as well as within these groups, and within individuals. The empirical data consists of video-taped sessions from two teams working with children aged 3-5, and focus groups interviews with the adult. Then different "readings" of the empirical material have been conducted based on different assumptions (discourses); i.e. assuming that girls and boys "really" are different or equal, different behaviours will appear as more or less obvious and natural. By showing that several different discourses are present at the same time, gender-based "identity-formation" is described as a very complex process. The analyzed situations show that girls and boys in pre-school are defined and treated in stereotyped ways, however, there is a large hidden variation of how different girls and different boys positions themselves in different contexts. Pre-school teachers thus work actively to distinguish between girls and boys based on how they are being perceived as either girls or boys. Teachers’ expectations then become decisive of how different children are addressed and treated in different situations. To conclude, the pedagogical consequences of this are discussed with regard to gender equality work in which also alternative discourses are formulated. / Studier har visat att förskolans personal bemöter flickor och pojkar utifrån stereotypa föreställningar om kön och snarare förstärker än utmanar dessa. Därför är fokus i denna avhandling att se vilka positioner hos flickor och pojkar som accepteras och vilka som möter motstånd i förskolan. På så sätt analyseras barns könsmässiga "identitetsskapande" kritiskt utifrån på vilka olika sätt det är möjligt att vara flicka och pojke och vilka omedvetna antaganden om kön och genus som görs av barn och vuxna. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är feministisk poststrukturalism och i analysen är variationen mellan grupperna flickor och pojkar, variationen inom grupperna samt variationen inom individer i fokus. Utifrån empirin, som består av videoinspelade sekvenser från två arbetslag med barn i åldrarna 3-5 år och fokusgruppssamtal med de vuxna, görs olika "läsningar" utifrån olika antaganden (diskurser): Beroende på om antagandet är att flickor och pojkar "egentligen" är olika eller lika, kommer olika bemötanden att framstå som mer eller mindre självklara. Genom att visa att flera olika diskurser är verksamma samtidigt beskrivs det könsmässiga "identitetsskapandet" som mycket komplext. De analyserade situationerna visar att flickor och pojkar i förskolan definieras och bemöts stereotypt men att detta döljer en stor variation av hur olika flickor och olika pojkar positionerar sig i olika sammanhang. Förskollärarna arbetar på detta sätt aktivt med att skilja på flickor och pojkar utifrån att de betraktas som antingen flickor eller pojkar. Förväntningarna blir sedan avgörande för hur olika barn bemöts i olika situationer. En diskussion förs avslutningsvis kring vad detta kan ge för pedagogiska konsekvenser för ett jämställdhetsarbete, där även alternativa diskurser och handlingsmönster skrivs fram.

Quality of Life in Pediatric Patients with Intestinal Failure on Home Parenteral Nutrition

Carricato, Megan 06 January 2011 (has links)
Introduction: Medical advances have resulted in reduced mortality of pediatric patients with Intestinal Failure. Consequently, more patients go home on parenteral nutrition (PN) for extended durations. This time-consuming and complicated therapy necessitates persistent vigilance in monitoring and response to potential life-threatening side effects. These issues may impact quality of life (QOL) for patients, caregivers and families. Methods: This observational, cross-sectional, mixed-methods analysis of multidimensional QOL used a quantitative battery assessment and a qualitative focus group. Questionnaire results were compared to published norms, published small bowel transplant (SBTx), and institutional SBTx patients. Results: Home PN proxy assessments scored children lower than published norms but similar to SBTx. The child self-reports were similar to both normative and SBTx populations, except lower general and overall health. Generic questionnaires did not capture disease-specific issues. Conclusion: QOL is compromised in children on home PN and caregivers compared to norms but is similar to SBTx.

Lust och olust : elevers erfarenheter i textilslöjd

Westerlund, Stina January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to investigate and analyse students’ expressions of pleasure and displeasure and how these are manifested in actions in the teaching of textile sloyd in lower secondary education. The study’s focus is on students’ expressions of pleasure and displeasure in social action in the working processes of textile sloyd and on how these expressions can be related to learning. The empirical material consists of observations, video and audio recordings, individual interviews and focus group interviews, where video and audio recordings were used as stimulated recall. In all, 32 lessons in textile sloyd and 49 students aged 14-15 years were observed at four different schools. Theoretically, the thesis is based on Mead’s practical intersubjectivity and on Dewey’s theory of experience-based learning and dependence on emotions and actions. Pleasure and displeasure constitute valuating partial aspects of emotions. Based on a socio-cultural perspective, emotions are regarded as practices which arise from different predispositions’ dependence on the social context. The study’s analytical approach is hermeneutical. Critical incidents regarding students’ expressions of pleasure and displeasure in social action found in observations and video and audio recordings were analysed in terms of Mead’s concept of gestures. The events were combined with what the students describe as critical incidents of pleasure and displeasure in the interviews and focus group talks. The material was then thematised. Several situations were then subjected to deeper analysis based on sociality and a change in perspective and related to different concepts of learning. The result of the thesis shows a tripartite semantic structure where students’ pleasure and displeasure in textile sloyd are mainly based on textile sloyd’s specific educational community, students’ relationship to the sloyd object and their experience of the working process. Social interaction, humour and mutual acknowledgement proved to be of importance for the function of pleasure and displeasure in the students’ working processes. The students’ experience of pleasure and displeasure depended on their control of the work, the characteristics of different craft techniques and their awareness of time. Pleasure and displeasure in textile sloyd found an expression in four overarching emotional practices with decisive importance for the students’ opportunities for learning: the repudiating, insecure, accepting and incorporating emotional practice. The study also provides an insight into how different cultural factors enable a certain scope for pleasure and displeasure. In this connection, social changes in relation to objects are discussed, as are changes in sociality and emotionality. Based on the pair of concepts of authenticity and ephemerality and closeness and intensity, cultural changes are visualised that are conceivably important for the students’ experiences of pleasure and displeasure in textile sloyd.

African constructions of parenting : exploring conceptions of early attachment with isiZulu-speaking community caregivers.

Miles, Abigail C. January 2013 (has links)
John Bowlby made a profound contribution to the field of early parenting with his theory of attachment. He suggested that attachment theory has universal applicability. However, it has been argued that attachment theory is based upon a Western worldview, and as such, lacks applicability in cross-cultural contexts. In light of this objection, this study aimed to examine the relevancy of attachment theory within the South African context. In order to do this, a qualitative research design, employing focus groups, was set up to explore isiZulu-speaking mothers’ constructions of infant-caregiver relationships. Participants were recruited from two Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in KwaZulu-Natal. Each participant partook in three focus groups. The focus group data was analyzed using a form of thematic analysis. The group discussion provided support for attachment theory in the South African context. However, there appeared to be some cultural variations in the ways in which the attachment relationship is carried out within this context. In particular, it appeared that isiZulu-speaking mothers employ physical touch and a rapid response style with their infants. Furthermore, evidence emerged to suggest that there are certain barriers to the attachment relationship in South Africa. Finally, this research study showed that urbanization has had an important impact on parenting. As such, from this research, it can be concluded that attachment interventions are useful in South Africa, yet these may need to occur alongside other interventions. There is also room for further research to explore understandings of attachment within broader population groups, including fathers and grandmothers. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2013.

Må bra på äldre dar : en studie av ett hälsofrämjande samverkansprojek / “Feel well in old age” : a study of a health promoting collaborating project

Brännström Forss, Birgitta January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att förstå den erfarenhet och kunskap om samverkan som deltagarna i Må bra på äldre dar - projektet fått i det hälsofrämjande samverkansprojektet. Studien fokuserar på framgångsfaktorer och hinder för samverkansprocessen, hur projektet påverkat maktförhållandena mellan de ideella och offentliga organisationerna, deltagarnas organisatoriska erfarenheter av samverkan, deras uppfattning av arbetsklimatet och upplevelse av KASAM i projektet. Forskning kring hälsofrämjande samverkan bland äldre är sparsam. En kvalitativ ansats användes med fokusgrupper som datainsamlingsmetod. 11 fokusgrupper genomfördes med 62 deltagare. Intervjuade var representanter för de deltagande organisationerna, äldre och blivande äldre som deltagit. Projektledarens svar på intervjufrågorna redovisades skriftligt. Analys av materialet genomfördes med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Nio teman framkom vid analys av framgångsfaktorerna: 1. Ledare, eldsjälar, mål, varaktighet, att lyssna mm, 2. offentliga organisationer har störst betydelse, men alla är viktiga, 3. människor möttes och skapade en process som gav flow, 4. delaktighet, 5. gränsöverskridande ett nytt sätt att arbeta, 6. människor och organisationer lärde sig av varandra, 7. nätverksbyggandet ökade i samhället, 8.helhet och sammanhang samt 9. positivt arbetsklimat och ingen stress. Nio teman framkom vid analys av de hinder de olika organisationerna upplevt inom projektet (de äldre och blivande äldre omfattades av fem av dem och projektledarens av sju): 1.bristande stöd och legitimitet, 2. bristande resurser och resursutnyttjande, 3. bristande organisatoriska förutsättningar, 4. ojämlik makt och ekonomiska förutsättningar, 5. otillräcklig förankring, 6. revir och konkurrens, 7. bristande delaktighet och tillit, 8. bristfälliga metoder och 9. stressande arbetsklimat. Deltagarna upplevde delaktighet inom projektet. Både offentliga och ideella företrädare upplevde inte att projektet påverkat de offentliga organisationernas arbetssätt. Projektets legitimitet minskade under projekttiden. Deltagare i projektet fick ny kunskap om att arbeta i samverkan, ny kompetens om att arbeta gränsöverskridande, om vikten av att bygga relationer och skapa nätverk. Projektets arbetsklimat uppfattades både som hälsosamt och stressande. Formuläret SOC 13 användes för att mäta deltagarnas KASAM. Resultatet visare en relativt hög känsla av sammanhang i projektet bland deltagarna. Studien visar på svårigheter att bedriva hälsofrämjande arbete bland äldre. Tecken finns att den offentliga sektorn inte är redo för detta paradigmskifte. Det finns dock mycket att vinna på att initiera hälsofrämjande arbete, social gemenskap utvecklas i ett demokratiarbete med empowerment som metod, ytterst för en hållbar utveckling. / The aim of this study is to understand the experience and knowledge of intersectoral collaboration of the participants in the health promotional project “Feel good in the old age”. The study focuses on successful factors and barriers in the collaboration process, how the project have affected the power between the non governmental and the public organisations, the participants organisational experiences of collaboration, their view of the working climate in the project and their experiences of SOC in the project. Research in intersectoral collaboration in health promotion among elderly is sparse. The methodology is a qualitative study with focus groups. 11 focus groups was made with 62 participants from the different organisations – non governmental and public- and old and people becoming elderly. The project leader wrote the answers before the focus groups were made. Content analysis was used. As successful factors nine themes appeared: 1. leaders, energizers, duration, listen, 2. the public organisations are the most important but all are valuable, 3.people met and created a process with flow, 4. participation, 5. working over boundaries is a new way of working, 6. people and organisations learned from each other, 7. building of networks increased in the society, 8. sense of coherence and 9. positive working climate and no stress. Nine themes appeared in the analysis of barriers (elderly and becoming elderly was grasping five of them and the project leader seven): 1. insufficient support and legitimacy, 2. insufficient resources and use of available resources, 3. insufficient organisational conditions, 4. unequal power and economical conditions, 5. insufficient anchoring, 6. preservations and competition, 7. insufficient participation and trust, 8. insufficient methods and 9. the work in the project was under stress. The participants experienced participation in the project. Both public and nongovernmental representatives did not think the project had influenced the public organisations. The legitimacy of the project decreased during the run. The participants got new knowledge in how to work in collaboration, new competence of how to work over the boundaries and of the importance of building relationships and networks. The working climate was seen as healthy and as with stress. The SOC 13 formula was used to measure the participant’s sense of coherence in the project. The score was relatively high. The study shows difficulties in intersectoral collaboration. There are some signs that the public sector is not yet ready to change the paradigm. There are though a lot to win to initiate health promotion. A social fellowship develops in a democracy process with empowerment as the method, farthest out to reach a sustainable development / <p>ISBN 91-7997-145-8</p>

Testing the application of a community resilience assessment: a case study of the Town of Huntsville, Ontario

Davis, Heather 16 November 2011 (has links)
This research explored the application of a resilience assessment (RA) template in an Ontario community to facilitate sustainable community planning. Research and application of sustainable community planning that incorporates management of social and ecological resilience is relatively young territory that requires improved understanding and extension. The research goals were to critically examine the performance of the process used to perform the RA. This inquiry was considered a knowledge-generating evaluation that combined applied research and evaluation research to contribute to theoretical understanding and action. The RA template was field-tested using a single in-depth case study - the Town of Huntsville, Ontario. A mixture of qualitative methods was used to pilot and evaluate the RA, including: key informant interviews, online group discussions, focus groups, and secondary literature review. The process used to perform the RA was evaluated against four criteria that focused on the adequacy of data collection, participant diversity, participant empowerment, and utility for other communities. This research illuminated obstacles and shortcomings within the Resilience Alliance 2010 RA workbook and offered recommendations to improve the utility of the RA for communities and participants. The RA template tested in this thesis could be adapted for application in other communities, including small urban and rural communities and larger municipalities. The RA template would benefit from additional case study research.

Professional development for the integration of biotechnology education

Garrett, Stephen Thomas January 2009 (has links)
Views on the nature and relevance of science education have changed significantly over recent decades. This has serious implications for the way in which science is taught in secondary schools, particularly with respect to teaching emerging topics such as biotechnology, which have a socio-scientific dimension and also require novel laboratory skills. It is apparent in current literature that there is a lack of adequate teacher professional development opportunities in biotechnology education and that a significant need exists for researchers to develop a carefully crafted and well supported professional development design which will positively impact on the way in which teachers engage with contemporary science. This study used a retrospective case study methodology to document the recent evolution of modern biotechnology education as part of the changing nature of science education; examine the adoption and implementation processes for biotechnology education by three secondary schools; and to propose an evidence based biotechnology professional development model for science educators. Data were gathered from documents, one-on-one interviews and focus group discussions. Analysis of these data has led to the proposal of a biotechnology professional development model which considers all of the key components of science professional development that are outlined in the literature, as well as the additional components which were articulated by the educators studied. This research is timely and pertinent to the needs of contemporary science education because of its recognition of the need for a professional development model in biotechnology education that recognizes and addresses the content knowledge, practical skills, pedagogical knowledge and curriculum management components.

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