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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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EDUARDO MOREIRA FERNANDES 07 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] Contexto: Várias mudanças de código aplicadas ao evoluir funcionalidades visam melhorar atributos internos de qualidade como coesão. Tais mudanças são as refatorações. Refatorações não dirigidas podem piorar, e não melhorar, atributos internos. Porém, o saber atual é insuficiente para gerir atributos internos durante a evolução do sistema. Objetivo: Nosso primeiro objetivo é entender como refatorações afetam atributos internos ao evoluir sistemas, mitigando limitações de escopo de estudos anteriores. Nosso segundo objetivo é atender uma carência por evidência quantitativa sobre como gerir atributos internos críticos via refatorações ao evoluir sistemas. Um atributo interno é crítico se sua medição assume valores anômalos. Baixa coesão é um exemplo de atributo crítico. Método: O primeiro estudo estende uma avaliação quantitativa da relação entre refatorações e cinco atributos internos: acoplamento, coesão, complexidade, herança e tamanho. Incluímos novas análises e resolvemos ameaças à validade da literatura. O segundo estudo contém estudos de caso qualitativos baseados em grupo focal. Em dois casos industriais, promovemos discussões sobre o quanto (e por que) atributos críticos são relevante ao evoluir funcionalidades. Por fim, cruzamos os achados dos dois estudos para discutir como gerir atributos críticos via refatoração ao evoluir funcionalidades. Resultados: Aproximadamente 64 por cento das refatorações melhoram ou não afetam os atributos internos. Desenvolvedores parecem refatorar até melhorar os atributos mais relevantes, ignorando outros atributos internos possivelmente críticos. Baixa coesão e alta complexidade são percebidos como relevantes e tornam mais difícil evoluir funcionalidades. Alto acoplamento, herança larga e tamanho largo são percebidos como irrelevantes ao implementar funcionalidades especialmente complexas, por exemplo. Ao cruzar dados entre estudos, discutimos como refatorações podem melhorar atributos internos, inclusive atributos críticos. Conclusões: Os achados dos nossos estudos podem apoiar a gestão de atributos críticos relevantes aos desenvolvedores, mas também preservar outros atributos que podem se tornar críticos. / [en] Context: Several software changes applied while evolving software features aim at improving internal quality attributes, e.g. cohesion. These changes are the refactorings. Non-assisted refactorings might worsen, rather than improve, internal attributes. However, current knowledge is insufficient for managing internal attributes during software evolution. Objective: Our first objective is assessing how refactorings affect internal attributes during software evolution by filling gaps of past work on study scope. Our second objective is filling gaps of qualitative evidence on how to manage critical internal attributes via refactorings while evolving features. An internal attribute is critical when its measurement has anomalous values. Low cohesion is an example of critical attribute. Method: Our first study extends a large quantitative assessment of the relationship between refactorings and five internal attributes: cohesion, complexity, coupling, inheritance, and size. We include a more detailed statistical analysis and address major threats to validity of past work. Our second study is a qualitative case study based on focus group. We selected two industry cases to promote discussions on how much (and why) critical attributes are relevant while evolving features. Finally, we crossed the findings from both conducted studies aimed at discussing how critical attributes can be addressed via refactoring when evolving features. Results: About 64 per cent of refactorings either improve or keep the internal attributes unaffected. Developers seem to perform refactorings until the most relevant internal attributes are improved, thereby neglecting other internal attributes that may be critical. Low cohesion and high complexity are perceived as relevant because they often make evolving features harder than usual. High coupling, large inheritance, and large size are perceived as irrelevant when developers implement especially complex features. By crossing the findings from both studies, we discuss how refactorings can improve internal attributes, especially the critical ones. Conclusions: The findings of our studies can support managing critical attributes that developers typically find relevant, while preserving other attributes that may become critical.

"Det viktigaste är hur man har det runtomkring sig, och det bemötande man får" – En intervjustudie ur ett genusperspektiv om livsvillkorens betydelse för gymnasieungdomars psykiska hälsa

Landstedt, Evelina January 2005 (has links)
Det finns ett genusmönster i ungdomars psykiska hälsa där unga tjejers situation är sämre än unga killars. Bakgrunden till denna studie är att det saknas kunskap om hur detta mönster är relaterat till ungdomars livsvillkor. Uppsatsens syfte är att, ur ett genusperspektiv, synliggöra och öka kunskapen om livsvillkorens betydelse för gymnasieungdomars psykiska hälsa. Genus utgör uppsatsens centrala analytiska begrepp. Studien bygger på fokusgruppsintervjuer med gymnasieungdomar om vilka faktorer som de anser vara betydelsefulla för psykisk hälsa. Materialet är analyserat enligt metoden för innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att för ungdomarna betydelsefulla livsvillkor är: Krav i form av prestationer, utseende, ansvar, relationer och bemötande samt utsatthet för sexuella trakasserier och våld. Det finns könsskillnader i erfarenheterna av dessa livsvillkor. Den genusteoretiska analysen synliggör hur såväl materiella/reella levnadsförhållanden som diskursiva aspekter av genusordningen bidrar till genusmönstren i psykisk hälsa. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga slutsatser är: a) ungdomarna anser att livsvillkor som krav, relationer, sexuella trakasserier och våld har betydelse för psykisk hälsa; b) innebörden och erfarenheterna av dessa är genusrelaterade; samt c) framtida folkhälsovetenskapliga forskning inom fältet bör uppmärksamma de livsvillkor ungdomarna har betonat, anlägga ett genusperspektiv i studier av dem samt utveckla sina metoder. Detta i syfte att skapa kunskap utifrån vilken hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbete kan utformas. / Title: ”The most important thing is how the environment surrounding me is, and how I am treated” – A gender perspective based interview study on the importance of the living conditions for the mental health of adolescentsThere is a consistent gender pattern in the mental health among adolescents, where young women report more of mental ill-health than young men do. The background to this study is the lack of knowledge about the relation between this pattern and the living conditions of adolescents. From a gender perspective, this study aims to shed light on, and increase the knowledge about, the relevance of living conditions for the mental health among adolescents. Gender is the main analytical concept. The study is based on focus group interviews with senior high school adolescents, discussing what factors determine mental health. The main factors are, according to the interviews: demands concerning achievements, physical appearance and responsibility, relations, social contact and exposure of sexual harassment and violence. The experiences of these living conditions among female and male adolescents differ. The gender-theoretical analysis shows how both factual and discursive aspects of the gender structure contribute to gender patterns in mental health. The main conclusions are: a) Adolescents believe that living conditions like demands, relations, sexual harassment and violence influence mental health; b) the meaning and experience from these conditions are gendered; and c) future public health research in this field should consider these living conditions, use a gender perspective when analysing them and refine the methods. The purpose for this should be an increase in knowledge, from where health-promoting and preventive measures could be taken.

Acceptans av text-till-bild genererat material i ett kommersiellt sammanhang : En studie om perspektiv på användande och bilder genererade med DALL·E 2

Fredstam, Niklas, von Rosen, Lukas January 2023 (has links)
Tools using artificial intelligence are being developed at a rapid pace. One of these tools is the text-to-image generator DALL·E 2 which has been developed by OPEN-AI and is meant to generate images solely through text input. One of the problems with tools like these is that they are not as good at generating material as AI generators for speech or text are. As DALL·E 2 has been made available to be used for commercial purposes there is a need to evaluate whether the tool is good enough to be used for that purpose. The study was conducted through 3 focus groups with a total of 15 participants. The participants were 20 to 25 years old. During the focus groups, already generated images were discussed and they were allowed to test use of the tool themselves. The theoretical framework Technology Acceptance Model 2(TAM-2) was used to analyze the qualitative data according to its already established determining factors. The result of the study presents area of usage as a new extending factor for the perceived usefulness when using TAM-2 in a qualitative study. The conclusion is drawn that visual material created by DALL·E is not seen as accepted for use in a commercial purpose but its application within certain areas of usage could raise the perceived usefulness, and thereby acceptance. / Verktyg som bygger på artificiell intelligens utvecklas i snabb takt. Ett av dessa verktyg är text-till-bild-generatorn DALL·E 2 som utvecklats av OPEN-AI och är menat att generera bilder utifrån text. Ett problem med verktyg som DALL-E 2 är att de inte är lika bra på att skapa visuellt material som generatorer är för ljud eller text. I och med att verktygen börjat göras tillgängliga kommersiellt så finns det ett behov att undersöka huruvida verktygen är tillräckligt bra för att kunna användas till det. Studien genomfördes med tre fokusgrupper med totalt 15 deltagare. Deltagarna hade en ålder mellan 20 och 25 och man diskuterade acceptans till tidigare genererat bildmaterial samt upplevelsen av att använda verktyget själva. Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM-2) användes som teoretiskt ramverk för analys av den kvalitativa datan och för påverkande faktorer. Resultatet presenterar sammanhang som en ny påverkande faktor för den uppfattade användbarheten i användningen av TAM-2 i kvalitativa studier. Slutsatsen dras att bildmaterial skapat av DALL·E 2 inte anses accepterat för användning i ett kommersiellt sammanhang men tillämpning i specifika sammanhang skulle kunna höja den uppfattade användbarheten och därmed acceptansen.

Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av hälsosamtal med 70-åringar i primärvården : En empirisk studie / District nurses' experiences of health dialogues with 70-year-olds in primary care. : An empirical study

Cordes Pettersson, Siri, Wagner Heide, Ylva January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjukvården står inför utmaningar då andelen äldre personer i befolkningen ökar och det är därför av största vikt att främja hälsosamt åldrande. Distriktssköterskan spelar en viktig roll i det hälsofrämjande och sjukdomsförebyggande arbetet då många sjukdomar kan förebyggas genom hälsosamma levnadsvanor. Riktade hälsosamtal är en metod för att främja hälsa och friskt åldrande. Motiverande samtal användes som teoretisk förankring i arbetet.    Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka distriktssköterskors erfarenheter och upplevelser av hälsosamtal med 70-åringar i primärvården. Metod: Kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer användes. Tre fokusgruppsintervjuer genomfördes med totalt 14 deltagare. Manifest innehållsanalys genomfördes enligt Graneheim och Lundman med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Distriktssköterskorna erfor att hälsosamtalet underlättades av specifika verktyg då hälsokurvan gav ökad medvetenhet om hälsorisker och förutbestämd samtalsteknik var fördelaktigt för samtalet. Det framkom utmaningar med hälsosamtalets genomförande på grund av motstånd, språk och åldersrelaterade faktorer. Organisatoriska förutsättningar i form av tillräckligt med tid, stöd och samverkan var nödvändiga för hälsosamtalets genomförande. Slutsats: Hälsosamtal med 70-åringar har god potential för upptäckt och förebyggande av hjärt- och kärlsjukdom och diabetes typ 2. Metoden behöver anpassas för åldersgruppen och organisatoriska förutsättningar är betydande för att hälsosamtalet ska ge ändamålsenlig effekt. Hälsosamtal med 70-åringar är ett sätt att använda resurser effektivt för att säkerställa hållbar hälso- och sjukvård. / Background: Healthcare faces challenges with the growing elderly population, necessitating a focus on promoting healthy aging. District nurses play a significant role in health promotion and disease prevention. Targeted health dialogues are a method for promoting health and healthy aging. Motivational interviewing was used as the theoretical framework in the study.   Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate district nurses' experiences of health dialogues with 70-year-olds in primary care. Method: A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews was utilized. Three focus group interviews were conducted involving a total of 14 participants. Content analysis was performed according to Graneheim and Lundman with an inductive approach. Results: District nurses experienced that the health dialogues were facilitated by specific tools, the health curve increased awareness of health risks and a predetermined conversational technique was beneficial for the conversation. Challenges arose due to resistance, language and age-related factors. Organizational conditions such as sufficient time, support and cooperation were necessary for the implementation of health dialogues. Conclusion: Health dialogues with 70-year-olds have potential for detection and prevention of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. The method needs to be adapted for the age group, and organizational conditions are necessary. Health dialogues with 70-year-olds are a way to use resources efficiently to ensure sustainable healthcare.

Lärarstudenters tankar kring att jobba med rörelse i skolan : En kvalitativ studie

Alvarsson, Anette, Edwall, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
Två av tio barn och ungdomar når rekommendationen för fysisk aktivitet och den fysiskaaktiviteten minskar med ökande ålder. Då barn och ungdomar spenderar mycket tid i skolanfinns det möjlighet att genom tidiga insatser redan under skolgången lägga grunden förelevernas aktiva vanor. En skolmiljö som främjar fysisk aktivitet kombinerat med aktiv lek ochfritid ger förutsättningar för en hälsosam utveckling och uppväxt för barn och ungdomar. Syftetmed studien var att undersöka lärarstudenters tankar kring att jobba med rörelse i skolan.Frågeställningarna var därför; vad ser de för utmaningar med att jobba med rörelse i skolan, vadhar de för idéer och strategier för att öka rörelse i skolan och vad får de lära sig om rörelse undersin utbildning till lärare. Datainsamlingen omfattade tre semistrukturerade intervjuer med tvåfokusgrupper och en enskild intervju. Totalt intervjuades elva lärarstudenter. Materialetanalyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Studien resulterade i tre kategorier: Informationkring rörelsens roll i skolan efterfrågas, Rörelse i skolan ger olika effekter och Strategier för attöka rörelse kräver flexibilitet. Slutsatsen var att lärarstudenterna ser positivt på att jobba medrörelse i skolan men de efterfrågar kunskap om hur och när rörelse ska appliceras för att det skagagna eleverna på bästa möjliga sätt.

Psykisk hälsa, psykisk ohälsa och relaterat stigma : En kvalitativ studie utifrån ungdomars perspektiv

Hermann, Veronica January 2022 (has links)
Adolescent mental health problems are a well-recognized and frequently discussed societal problem in Sweden. However, few studies concerning adolescents’ own views on mental health concepts and associated stigma have been conducted. This thesis, including two sub-studies, investigated Swedish adolescents’ views of mental health concepts, mental health problems and perceptions about stigma. A total of 32 adolescents on the Swedish island Gotland were interviewed either in focus groups or individually. In sub-study I on mental health concepts, adolescents described mental well-being as a condition with emotional well-being and good psychological and social function, which they termed to feel well. Mental health problems were described as a spectrum of conditions, caused by several factors. All kinds of mental health problems were termed to feel unwell or to not feel well. Both the presence of mental well-being and symptoms of mental health problems were suggested to be considered when assessing young peoples’ mental health. Sub-study II explored adolescents’ perceptions of the prevalence of mental health problems and related stigma among young people. The adolescents perceived mental health problems as a natural part of their lives and explained the increase by current living condition factors, e.g. pressure related to school or social media and improved openness about mental health problems. Stigmatisation of young people with mental health problems were recognised to be caused by prejudice, triggered by lack of knowledge. The adolescents wished for a future without stereotypic gender norms and stigma of mental health problems. In conclusion, findings of the thesis suggest that adolescents’ descriptions of mental health concepts encompass a broad range of conditions, from normal challenges that can cause distress to severe disabling mental health problems. Furthermore, adolescents acknowledge the simultaneous presence of mental wellbeing and mental health problems, as well as stigma consisting of negative preconceptions, stereotyping and discrimination. The results highlight that adolescents have a complex contextual understanding of mental health problems, but use the terms to feel well or unwell, of which adults need to be aware. Additionally, taking rumour spreading seriously and actively addressing stereotypic gender norms could be important to improve adolescents’ mental health. / <p>Licentiatseminariet kan även följas via Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/69890471140 Lösenord: Ungdomar</p><p>Ingen opponent utan tre medlemmar i betygsnämnd: Docent Fredrik Söderqvist, Örebro universitet (Ordförande i betygsnämnden); Professor Christina Dalman, Karolinska Institutet; Professor Karin Enskär, Uppsala universitet.</p><p></p><p></p>

Product Physical Interface Design Characteristics for Older Adults with Hand Use Limitations

Yen, Wei-Ting 20 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Experiences of eating microwaved frozen vegetables among young adults : A focus group interview with an intervention / Erfarenheter av att äta mikrouppvärmda frysta grönsaker hos unga vuxna : En fokusgrupps intervju med en intervention

Jansson, Gabriella January 2021 (has links)
Background: In Sweden and Europe adults fail to reach the recommendations for fruit and vegetable intake. Additionally in Sweden, young adults have the worst overall diets. Frozen vegetables have shown to take less time to cook, are less expensive and might be healthier than fresh vegetables.  Aim: The aim of this study was to explore by interviews how 18-30-year-old individuals experience eating microwaved frozen vegetables. Method: This study was a focus group interview with an intervention. The study recruited 13 individuals who microwaved frozen vegetables for a week. Three virtual focus group interviews were conducted.  Results: Five categories were found which described how the participants perceived eating frozen vegetables. 1) The idea of eating frozen vegetables, 2) The attributes of frozen vegetables, 3) Prefer other/different, 4) The microwave oven routine as a whole, and 5) Vegetables in relation to meals. Many enjoyed eating microwaved frozen vegetables although other vegetables and cooking methods were preferred. The advantages and disadvantages discussed by the participants resulted in four categories. 1) The cooking, 2) At the dinner table, 3) Experiences of frozen vegetables as a product, and 4) The importance of cost.  Many advantages were found in category one and three, but an overall downside was the lack of variation. Conclusion: It is important when designing methods to increase individuals vegetable intake that the method is simple, not time-consuming, flexible and have variation. The microwave oven fulfils most of these criteria, however it might not be for everyday use and individuals who enjoy cooking. / Bakgrund: Vuxna i Sverige och Europa når inte upp till rekommendationerna för frukt och grönsaksintag. Dessutom har unga vuxna den sämsta övergripande kosten i Sverige. Frysta grönsaker har visat sig ta mindre tid att tillaga, är inte lika dyra och kan vara hälsosammare än färska grönsaker.  Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka via intervjuer hur 18-30 åriga individer upplever att äta mikrovågsuppvärmda frysta grönsaker.  Metod: Den här studien är fokusgruppstudie med en intervention. Studien rekryterade 13 individer som mikrovågsugns värmde frysta grönsaker i en vecka. Sedan utfördes tre virtuella fokusgrupper.  Resultat: Fem kategorier hittades som beskriver hur deltagarna upplevde att äta frysta grönsaker. 1) Föreställningen av att äta frysta grönsaker, 2) Frysta grönsakers egenskaper, 3) Föredrar annat, 4) Mikrovågsugnrutinen som helhet, och 5) Grönsaker i relation till måltider. Många av deltagarna tyckte det var trevligt att äta mikrovågsugnsuppvärmda frysta grönsaker även om dem föredrog andra grönsaker och tillagningsmetoder. Fördelarna och nackdelarna deltagarna diskuterade resulterade i fyra kategorier. 1) Matlagningen, 2) Vid matbordet, 3) Erfarenheter av frysta grönsaker som produkt, och 4) Vikten av kostnad. Många fördelar hittades i kategori ett och tre men en gemensam nackdel som deltagarna upplevde var en avsaknad av variation.  Slutsats: Det är viktigt vid design av metoder som ska öka individers grönsaksintag att metoden är lätt, icke tids konsumerade, flexibel och har variation. Mikrovågsugns rutinen uppfyller de flesta av kriterierna, men den kanske inte är till för daglig användning och för individer som gillar att laga mat.


[pt] O objetivo deste estudo é buscar entendimentos acerca do que acontece no rico ambiente de sala de aula, mais especificamente, da sala de aula de inglês de uma escola municipal do Rio de Janeiro na qual trabalho. Nesta busca, tive como intenção trabalhar para entender o objetivo de alunos irem à escola e às aulas de inglês na referida escola municipal. O presente trabalho se insere nas áreas da Linguística Aplicada Contemporânea (RAJAGOPALAN, 2006), e da Prática Exploratória (ALLWRIGHT, 1991-2006), sendo assim, a arquitetura teórica ilustra a importância da pesquisa com base na prática docente cotidiana, na qual uma aula por mim ministrada proporcionou a oportunidade de gerar dados e a possibilidade de produzir a presente pesquisa. Os dados analisados são as respostas dos alunos obtidas a partir de duas Atividades Reflexivas de Potencial Exploratório (ARPE), nas quais foi questionado o propósito dos alunos irem à escola e às aulas de inglês e a partir da entrevista semi-estruturada desenvolvida com o grupo focal. Nesse cenário, além do Sistema de Avaliatividade (MARTIN e WHITE, 2005), que desempenha papel de destaque no processo de análise dos dados, tive a oportunidade de desenvolver, com a reunião de grupo focal (ANGROSINO, 2009), uma tarefa na qual pude revisitar dados gerados dois anos atrás, o que possibilitou a mim e aos alunos refletir acerca das emoções e crenças vividas naquele ano. Os entendimentos situados mostram o afeto na relação entre alunos e entre alunos e a professora, assim como avaliações de afeto, julgamento e apreciação que permearam o meu discurso como professora-moderadora e o dos alunos durante a reunião de grupo focal. / [en] This study aims at understanding what happens in the enriched classroom environment, specifically in an English classroom of a public school in Rio de Janeiro in which I teach. In this search, my intention was to work for understanding the objective of students going to school and to English classes in the mentioned school. The present research was developed within the areas of Contemporary Applied Linguistics (RAJAGOPALAN, 2006) and Exploratory Practice (ALLWRIGHT, 1991-2006) and illustrates the importance of daily classroom practices for the development of practitioner research conducted collaboratively by me and my students. Within this framework, the Appraisal System (MARTIN and WHITE, 2005) also plays an important role in the process of analyzing the data generated during the focus group (ANGROSINO, 2009), discussion. On this occasion I managed to revisit data which had been previously generated, thus enabling the process of reflection about emotions and beliefs lived two years ago. The analyzed data are the students responses to two Potentially Exploitable Reflexive Activities in which I asked them, in a semi-structured interview with the focus group, the purpose of going to school and attending English classes. The discourse shows a high degree of affect in the relationship between students and between students and the teacher, as well as evaluations of affect, judgment and appreciation that permeate my discourse as a teacher-moderator and the students’ discourse during the focus group meeting.

You can scroll but you can't hide : En kvalitativ studie över tre åldersgruppers kritik och motstånd mot sponsrade inlägg på Instagram / You can scroll but you can't hide : A qualitive study of three age groups critique and resistance against sponsored posts on Instagram

Pettersson, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
”You can scroll but you can’t hide - a qualitive study of three age groups critique and resistance against sponsored posts on Instagram” Author: Sofia PetterssonCourse: Applied strategic communications The aim of this study is to investigate and try to make sense of the critical thinking and following resistance by three age groups against sponsored posts on Instagram. The theoretical background of the study includes Stuart Halls model of encoding/decoding, and Michel Foucaults abstract theories of power/knowledge. The investigative method through which the empirical materials have been gathered is three focus group interviews with three different age groups — 12-16 years old, 19-29 years old and 30-55 years old. To analyze the statements gathered in the focus group interviews, the method of discourse psychology have been applied to the material. The aim of this was to bring forth the repertoars which the groups use to construct reality according to them, and to try and understand how they construct their own identities, both within the group but also the individual.The results were somewhat inconclusive. The study shows that though the older the more consequential the groups think, the method for resistance varied a lot. The youngest group showed some critical thinking and shows tendencies to avoid the advertisements by leaving Instagram. The problem with this group is that they don’t really know why they do this. And they don’t display any deeper understanding as to why they think the way they do. The group 19-29 years showed a more complex understanding of consequences and their critical thinking is more well rounded. In spite of this, this group doesn't show much resisting behavior. The oldest group was the most critical, and talked about more consequential subjects and problems with this kind of advertising. Furthermore, the oldest group had the most knowledge about the technical structures that the sponsored posts are made of and therefore has the best position for resisting the marketing techniques in place. The study is 42 pages long.

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