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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation into the relationship between screen time, consumption of advertised foods, and physical activity among Texas 4th grade elementary school children.

Agurcia-Parker, Carolyn A. Hoelscher, Deanna M., January 2009 (has links)
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 70-03, Section: B, page: 1619. Advisers: Steven H. Kelder; Ross Shegog. Includes bibliographical references.


Sigmon, Bonnie S 01 January 2014 (has links)
The annual Sigmon Farm Tour was started in 1992 as an agricultural education program where students could experience being on a farm with the goal of increasing the agricultural literacy levels of the participants. Every year the entire 4th grade student population of Rockcastle County spends the day touring the farm and participating in experiential mini lessons given by the cooperating farm service and health agencies. The program has continued for 20+ years without an evaluation as to whether it is achieving its objectives. This evaluation will also exhibit the programs strengths and weakness so it can continue to improve. This study utilized the pretest, posttest and delayed posttest to ascertain the agricultural literacy level of the student before the fieldtrip, after participating in the field trip and again 90 days later.

Matematiska färdigheter hos elever med lässvårigheter i årskurs 4 / Mathematical Skills in Students with Reading Difficulties in Fourth grade

Kvarnryd, Erica, Morén, Emilia January 2014 (has links)
Reading difficulties is the most common learning difficulty in the western world and it is common that people with reading disabilities also exhibit arithmetic difficulties. Different theories about the cause of the relationship exists, one theory describes the importance of good phonological ability in reading as well as in arithmetic, while another theory describes the importance of a reliable number system and that only a subgroup of students with reading disabilities also have difficulties with arithmetic. The purpose of this study is to investigate how students with reading difficulties (RD), without any known mathematical difficulties, perform on mathematical tasks relative to a control group. The study was theoretically grounded on the Triple code model (Dehaene, 1992), which is a model for numerical information processing that describes how various numerical and arithmetic tasks are processed through three distinct representation systems in the brain, a verbal and a visual representation system and a quantity system. Reading skills, phonological skills, arithmetic skills and number processing skills were examined in 61 students through a variety of tests. After examination of reading ability, the participants were split into two groups, students with RD and a control group. Statistical comparisons were calculated by one-way analysis of variance between the two groups on each task, and for some tasks one-way analysis of covariance were used. The results provided partial support for the present hypotheses. The main findings showed that students with RD have difficulties within the verbal and visual representation system but exhibit an intact quantity system. Within the verbal representation system, students with RD performed significantly worse in retrieval of arithmetic facts (addition, subtraction and multiplication), they retrieved fewer established answers from long-term memory on all of the three arithmetic operations compared to the control group. The students with RD also made more errors regarding subtraction and multiplication and within the visual representation system they had significantly fewer answers that were correct on written arithmetic calculation and was significantly slower in symbolic number comparison, compared with the control group. It is discussed whether a connection difficulty, namely difficulties in linking a particular symbol with a semantic content, is the cause of the exhibited arithmetic difficulties in students with RD. / Lässvårigheter är den vanligaste inlärningssvårigheten i västvärlden och det är vanligt att personer med lässvårigheter även uppvisar aritmetiska svårigheter. Skilda teorier kring orsaken till sambandet finns och en teori beskriver vikten av god fonologisk förmåga vid läsning såväl som vid räkning. En annan teori beskriver vikten av ett tillförlitligt antalsystem och att endast en undergrupp av elever med lässvårigheter också har svårigheter med aritmetik. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka hur elever med lässvårigheter (LS) utan kända matematiksvårigheter presterar på matematiska uppgifter i förhållande till en kontrollgrupp. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är Trippel-kod-modellen (Dehaene, 1992), vilket är en modell för numerisk informationsbearbetning som beskriver hur olika numeriska och aritmetiska uppgifter antas bearbetas genom tre representationssystem i hjärnan, det vill säga verbalt och visuellt representationssystem samt kvantitetssystem. Läsfärdighet, fonologisk förmåga, aritmetisk färdighet samt antalsuppfattning undersöktes hos 61 elever genom ett flertal test. Efter undersökning av läsfärdighet delades deltagarna upp i två grupper, elever med LS och en kontrollgrupp. Statistiska jämförelser beräknades genom envägs variansanalys mellan grupperna på respektive uppgift och för vissa uppgifter beräknades även envägs kovariansanalys. Resultatet gav delvis stöd för de uppsatta hypoteserna då huvudfyndet visade att elever med LS har svårigheter inom både verbalt och visuellt representationssystem men uppvisar ett intakt kvantitetssystem. Inom verbalt representationssystem presterade eleverna med LS signifikant sämre än kontrollgruppen på uppgiften framplockning av aritmetiska talfakta inom addition, subtraktion och multiplikation då de hade färre svar att plocka fram från minnet på alla tre räknesätt. Eleverna med LS hade också fler fel gällande subtraktion och multiplikation. Inom visuellt representationssystem uppvisade de signifikant färre rätt på skriftlig aritmetisk kalkylering samt var signifikant långsammare gällande symbolisk antalsuppfattning jämfört med kontrollgruppen. Utifrån resultaten diskuteras huruvida en kopplingsproblematik, det vill säga svårigheter att koppla en bestämd symbol med ett semantiskt innehåll, ligger till grund för de uppvisade aritmetiska svårigheterna hos elever med LS.

The Effects of Writing-to-learn Tasks on Achievement and Attitude in Mathematics

Millican, Beverly Robinson 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine the effects of implementing writing-to-learn tasks in mathematics instruction on fourth grade students' achievement and attitude toward mathematics. Also addressed in this study is whether or not achievement and attitude measures of female students and low achieving students are effected by the use of writing in mathematics.

Parläsning i helklass på mellanstadiet : En undervisningsdesign för strukturerad avkodningsträning i RtI-modellens lager 1

Hökenklo, Angelica, Gustafsson, Anna January 2023 (has links)
Läsförmågan hos elever i svenska skolan sjunker och alla elever som kommer till mellanstadiet har inte utvecklat en automatiserad avkodningsförmåga. En begränsad avkodningsförmåga som kvarstår ända upp till mellanstadiet kan leda till svårigheter att inhämta kunskaper i skolans samtliga ämnen eftersom läsningen behövs för attlära genom läsning. Elever på mellanstadiet behöver därför erbjudas strukturerad avkodningsträning, något som inte alltid görs delvis på grund av avsaknad avspecialpedagogiska resurser, träningstid och kompetensbrist. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om en undervisningsdesign som erbjuder strukturerad avkodningsträning i RtI-modellens lager 1 på mellanstadiet kan ge positiv effekt på samtliga elevers avkodningsförmåga. Eftersom studier visat att en förbättrad avkodningsförmåga även kan förbättra läsförståelsen mäts även denna förmåga. I studien, som omfattade 16 strukturerade träningspass i par under fyra veckor, ingick 62 elever i interventionsgruppen och 18 elever i jämförelsegruppen. Studien hade en mixed-methods design där effekten av avkodningsträningen i interventionen analyserades kvantitativt och de deltagande lärarnas upplevelser analyserades kvalitativt. Resultaten har visat att undervisningsdesignen Parläsning i helklass på mellanstadiet haft positiv effekt på avkodning och att den är användbar. Studien visade även att undervisningsdesignen kräver pre-test och post-test för att upptäcka och erbjuda elever med misstänkta läs- och skrivsvårigheter insatser enligt RtI-modellens olika lager.


Casteloes, Sylvia 01 September 2018 (has links)
This project’s goal is to promote and improve the mathematical literacy of fourth-grade Hispanic/Latino and English learners through the use of a graphic mathematical mediated structure. Current California Common Core data finds fourth-grade Hispanic/Latino and English learners significantly behind White and Asian students in mathematics, especially in understanding written word problems. Research supports the assumption that as a tool, a graphic mathematical mediated structure could: 1) foster conceptual understanding; 2) build content terminology; 3) allow students opportunities to justify their solutions; 4) integrate writing in math; and 5) provide a platform for discourse. This innovative pedagogical project specifically focused on how fourth-grade Hispanic/Latino and English learners could navigate through a graphic math organizer in order to understand how to add and subtract fractions in word problems. The work presents six teacher models of graphic mathematical mediated structures. Each model provides a fourth-grade word problem related to fractions. Respectively, teacher and student templates, lists of content vocabulary, and suggestions to teach each problem-solving exercise using the graphic mathematical mediated structures that were created and developed are included. Struggling Hispanic/Latino and English learners’ need a pedagogical structure and process to succeed in solving math word problems. Hence, the need for a graphic mathematical mediated structure to diminish the groups’ prevalent mathematical achievement gap and to increase their achievement in mathematics.

Language ideologies in a bilingual fourth grade classroom : a research proposal and reflections

Kehoe, Shannon Kimberly 22 April 2014 (has links)
In order to illustrate, I begin this report with an account of some of my experiences as a bilingual teacher, instructing curriculum designed to elicit student reflections their language ideologies and engaging praxis. The data includes student responses to a writing prompt and interview which elicited their language ideologies. Some of the student comments were striking due to their recognition of the higher status of English. The student-collected data aided me in evaluating my curriculum and instruction and inform my future practice. My report ends with a proposal to investigate these issues more deeply by conducting a study on student language ideologies. / text

Digitala verktyg i skolan : en kvalitativ analys av förutsättningar och användning hos elever i fjärde klass / Digital tools in schools : a qualitative analysis of prerequisites and use among students in fourth grade

Davidsson, Emma, Hotaki, Mirwais, Storberg, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
Sverige har en ambition om att bli bäst i världen på att tillvarata digitaliseringens möjligheter, en central del i detta är att tidigt säkerställa digital kompetens hos unga. Därav att det görs satsningar på att barn ska ha tillgång till digitala verktyg av olika slag i skolmiljö. Av intresse är därmed att erhålla förståelse för hur de använder sig av de tillhandahållna digitala verktygen och vad deras åsikter kring det är, vilket är vad denna studie ämnar undersöka. Datainsamlingen har gjorts i form av fyra observationstillfällen som fördelats på två klasser tillhörande årskurs fyra. Fördelat på dessa skedde ett urplock av sex respondenter som det genomfördes intervjuer med, det användes även av informanter i form av deras klassföreståndare och en lärare/IT-samordnare. I arbetet med att analysera datan gjordes en innehållsanalys i vilken kategorier tillämpbara både för observation och intervju fastställdes. Resultatet visade att digitala verktyg var något som användes i hög grad och att det finns ett spektrum av vilka som förekom. Överlag har det konstaterats att eleverna huvudsakligen ser fördelar med det, men har en medvetenhet om baksidan med detta också. Det framkom bland annat att en vanlig uppgift var att skriva texter, något som uppskattades att göra på datorn då det inte framkallade smärta i handen likt användandet av papper och penna kunde göra. För att kunna dra slutsatser om detta fördes en diskussion kring tidigare forskning i relation till erhållet resultat. / Sweden has an ambition to become the best in the world in making use of the opportunities of digitalization, a central part of this is to ensure early digital competence among young people. Therefore, investments are being made to ensure that children have access to digital tools of various kinds in the school environment. It is therefore of interest to gain an understanding of how they use the digital tools provided and what their opinions are about it, which is what this study intends to investigate. The data collection has been done in the form of four observation sessions which are distributed between two classes belonging to year four. Distributed among these, a selection of six respondents took place with whom interviews were conducted, informants in the form of their class teachers and a teacher/IT coordinator were also interviewed. In the work of analyzing the data, a content analysis was made in which categories applicable to both observations and interviews were established. The result showed that digital tools were something that was used to a high degree and that there is a spectrum of which tools occurred. Overall, it has been found that students mainly see advantages to it, but have an awareness of the downside of this as well. Among other things, it emerged that a common task was to write texts, something that was appreciated to be done on the computer as it did not cause pain in the hand like the use of paper and pencil could. In order to be able to draw conclusions about this, a discussion was held about previous research in relation to the results obtained.

The Relationship Between Students’ Performance On The Cognitive Abilities Test (Cogat) And The Fourth And Fifth Grade Reading And Math Achievement Tests In Ohio

Warnimont, Chad 10 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Využití interaktivní tabule v hodinách literární výchovy na 1.stupni ZŠ / Use of the Interactive White Board in Literary education in the First Grade of Primary School

Šebková, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is mapping options of the use of the interactive whiteboard in the introductory part of Literature lesson called the evocation, based on formulated findings of needs and interests of the prepubescent reader summarized in the theoretical part. The practical part consists in comparison of teaching with and without the use of the interactive whiteboard, while the lesson plans are conceived in E-U-R model. The undertaken research shows that work with the interactive whiteboard in Literary lessons increase pupils'motivation to predict, makes modelling of reading literacy methods easier, improve vizualization of problematic places in the text and offers unconventional effective way of sharing pupils'ideas and artefacts. The benefit of this work is finding effective ways of the use of the interactive whiteboard in Literature lessons especially in the evocation part of lesson.

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