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Manejo de lianas em bordas de floresta estacional semidecidual e de cerradão, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP / Management of lianas in semideciduous forest and cerradão edges, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SPSônia Maria Schaefer Jordão 03 February 2010 (has links)
No Estado de São Paulo, dentro de uma mesma zona climática, a floresta estacional semidecidual e o cerradão são comumente encontrados dividindo o espaço. Atualmente, essas duas formações encontram-se reduzidas a pequenos fragmentos florestais, em estágio avançado de perturbação. Com a fragmentação da floresta, há um aumento da luminosidade nas bordas dos remanescentes florestais e lianas heliófitas podem aumentar suas populações e competir vigorosamente com as espécies arbustivo-arbóreas. O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar o efeito do manejo das lianas sobre o processo de restauração florestal em bordas perturbadas de floresta estacional semidecidual e de cerradão. Também foi analisada a influência do tipo de vizinhança sobre a borda florestal e sobre os resultados do manejo. O experimento foi instalado na região de Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, em bordas de floresta estacional semidecidual, com vizinhanças de cana-de-açúcar e rodovia e em bordas de cerradão, com vizinhanças de eucalipto, cana-deaçúcar e rodovia. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, com parcelas de 100m2 e 3 repetições. Nas bordas de floresta estacional semidecidual foram testadas 3 técnicas de manejo: corte de lianas (C), corte de lianas + revolvimento do solo (CR) e corte de lianas + plantio de espécies arbóreas nativas (CP). Nas bordas de cerradão foram testadas 2 técnicas de manejo: corte de lianas (C) e corte de lianas + revolvimento do solo (CR). Para análise do processo de restauração florestal, foram avaliados o crescimento médio em altura e diâmetro das espécies arbustivoarbóreas, a mortalidade média e o número médio de indivíduos ingressantes no estrato arbustivoarbóreo, a chuva de sementes e a mortalidade média e o número médio de indivíduos ingressantes no estrato da regeneração. Nas duas formações florestais, verificou-se uma diminuição na riqueza de espécies arbustivo-arbóreas e no número de árvores de maior porte, no sentido das bordas com vizinhança de eucalipto, para as bordas com vizinhanças de cana-de-açúcar e rodovia, respectivamente. Tanto nas bordas de floresta estacional semidecidual, quanto de cerradão, os resultados do manejo das lianas foram influenciados pelo grau de infestação por lianas, pela estrutura da vegetação recém manejada, pelas espécies presentes e pela vizinhança do fragmento florestal. Embora na maioria dos casos as diferenças não tenham sido significativas, efeitos positivos do corte das lianas foram observados para o crescimento médio em altura ou diâmetro dos indivíduos, principalmente nas áreas mais infestadas. No entanto, nas bordas com vizinhança de rodovia, o corte das lianas pode intensificar os efeitos de borda, a ponto de prejudicar o ingresso das espécies arbustivo-arbóreas no estrato da regeneração. Nas bordas de floresta estacional semidecidual, o corte das lianas não será suficiente para promover a recuperação da fisionomia florestal, pois os indivíduos presentes sob as lianas correspondem a espécies de subbosque, sendo necessário o enriquecimento das bordas com espécies de dossel. Nas duas formações florestais, o revolvimento superficial do solo não favoreceu a regeneração das espécies arbustivo-arbóreas. / In São Paulo state, throughout the same climatic zone, semideciduous forests and cerradão patches commonly share the same geographic area. Currently, these two formations are reduced to small fragments, in advanced stage of disturbance. Along with the fragmentation of the forest, there is an increase in ligth incidence at the edges and lianas generally increase their populations, competing vigorously with trees and shrubs species. The objective of this study was to verify the effect of management of lianas on the processe of restoration of forest physionomy in disturbed edges of semideciduous forest and cerradão. It was also analyzed the influence of matrix on the edge of forests and the results of liana removal management. The experiment was installed in Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, on the edges of semideciduous forest fragments surrounded by sugar cane and roads, and cerradão fragments bordered by eucalyptus plantations, sugar cane and roads. The experimental design was randomized with blocks of plots of 100m2 and 3 replications. At the edges of semideciduous forest three techniques of management were tested: cutting of lianas (C), cutting of lianas + revolving surface soil (CR) and cutting of lianas + planting of native tree species (CP). On the edges of cerradão two management alternatives were tested: cutting of lianas (C) and cutting of lianas + revolving surface soil (CR). To analyze the process of restoration of forest physionomy, we assessed the average growth in height and diameter of tree and shrub species, the average mortality and average number of individuals entering the tree stratum, the rain seed, the average mortality and the average number of individuals entering the stratum of regeneration. In both forests, there was a decrease in the richness of tree and shrub species and the number of larger trees from areas surrounded by eucalyptus to areas in a matrix of sugar cane and road. The results of lianas management, both on semideciduous forest and cerradão, were influenced by the degree of infestation, by the structure of vegetation recently managed, by the species composition and by the nature of surrounding matrix. Although in most cases the differences were not significant, positive effects of cutting lianas were observed on the average growth in height or diameter of the individual, mainly in the most infested areas. However, when the edges are contiguous to roads, lianas removal may intensify edge effects, as to disturb the number of individuals entering the stratum of regeneration. On semideciduous forests, cutting the lianas on the edges alone will not be enough to promote the recovery of the forest structure, because individuals providing support for lianas are understory species, being necessary the enrichment of the edges with the tree canopy species. In both forests, the revolving surface soil did not favor the regeneration of arbustive-arboreal species.
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Microbiota cutânea e secreções dérmicas de Proceratophrys boiei (Amphibia, Anura) em fragmentos de Floresta Atlântica / Cutaneous Microbiota and Skin Secretions on Proceratophrys boiei (Amphibia, Anura) in Atlantic Forest FragmentsAnanda Brito de Assis 01 December 2015 (has links)
A pele dos anfíbios atua como primeira barreira de proteção contra microorganismos invasores. Além dos componentes mecânicos, essa proteção deve incluir mecanismos bioquímicos e biológicos derivados tanto da comunidade microbiana ali residente quanto da secreção de moléculas bioativas a partir de glândulas dérmicas. Os objetivos gerais deste estudo foram: caracterizar a comunidade microbiana hospedada pela espécie Proceratophrys boiei e analisar a sua relação com comunidades microbianas ambientais; avaliar se nessa espécie a microbiota e a secreção cutâneas podem ser entendidas como um componente de proteção; avaliar a estabilidade de tais componentes a partir de diferentes populações em fragmentos florestais. Especificamente, as seguintes hipóteses foram testadas: 1. A composição da microbiota ambiental varia entre os fragmentos e micro-hábitats de Floresta Atlântica amostrados e tem relação com alguns parâmetros ambientais analisados; 2. A diversidade da microbiota cutânea de P. boiei é relacionada à diversidade da microbiota nos ambientes que ocupa. Ademais, em termos de composição, a microbiota cutânea é um subconjunto da microbiota ambiental que ocorre nos seus micro-hábitats; 3. A riqueza e abundância de bactérias da microbiota cutânea de P. boiei varia entre os diferentes remanescentes de Floresta Atlântica; 4. A riqueza e a abundância de bactérias presente na pele de P. boiei com atividade antimicrobiana varia entre populações ou locais de amostragem; 5. Existe efeito antimicrobiano das secreções sobre alguns patógenos e os perfis das secreções cutâneas diferem entre populações de P. boiei. Os resultados mostraram que a microbiota cutânea de P. boiei apresenta variações entre indivíduos e populações. Além disso, a qualidade do hábitat pode ser importante para a composição de bactérias hospedadas. Existe um compartilhamento de bactérias entre a microbiota cutânea de P. boiei e os micro-hábitats solo e água, ocupados por essa espécie, porém as comunidades dérmicas compõem-se principalmente por bactérias não detectadas nas amostras ambientais analisadas. Foi observada certa estabilidade na estrutura da microbiota cutânea de P. boiei quando analisadas populações distintas, mas variações na distribuição de morfotipos bacterianos em uma mesma localidade ocorre. Microbiota cutânea e secreções dérmicas de P. boiei podem prevenir infecções na pele, dada a atividade antimicrobiana demonstrada nesta pesquisa. Contudo, variações nos espectros de ação foram observadas em ambos os componentes, assim como, diferenças populacionais nas abundâncias e percentuais de bactérias produtoras de antimicrobianos. O estudo também demonstrou que certas características independem do contexto ambiental ocupado pelas populações, uma evidência de que o microambiente da pele dessa espécie oferece condições e certa estabilidade para a colonização de comunidades bacterianas específicas. A sustentabilidade de populações dessa espécie pode estar relacionada às interações entre hospedeiro, microrganismos e ambiente. / The skin of amphibians acts as first barrier of protection against invading microorganisms. Besides the mechanical components, this protection probably include biochemical and biological mechanisms derived from both the resident microbial community and the secretion of bioactive molecules from dermal glands. The aims of this study were to characterize the microbial community hosted by Proceratophrys boiei and analyse its relationship with environmental microbial communities; evaluate whether microbiota and skin secretion of this species can be understood as a protection component; evaluate the stability of these components through different populations in forest fragments. Specifically, the following hypotheses have guided this research: 1. The composition of environmental microbiota varies among microhabitats and fragments of Atlantic Forest and relates to some environmental parameters; 2. The diversity of skin microbiota of P. boiei relates to the diversity of microbes in the environment it occupies. Furthermore, in terms of composition, the skin microbiota is a subset of environmental microbes that occurs in its microhabitat; 3. The richness and abundance of bacteria from the skin microbiota of P. boiei varies between different remnants of Atlantic Forest; 4. The richness and abundance of bacteria present on the skin P. boiei with antimicrobial activity varies between populations or sampling sites; 5. There is antimicrobial activity of the skin secretions against some pathogens and its profiles differ between populations of P. boiei. The results showed variations on the microbial skin of P. boiei between individuals and populations and the quality of habitats could be important for the composition of hosted community. There is a sharing of bacteria between the skin microbiota of P. boiei and the microbial communities of microhabitats soil and water. However, mainly bacteria not detected in environmental samples composes the dermal communities. We observed some stability in the structure of the skin microbiota when analysed different populations, but variations in the distribution of bacterial morphotypes occurs in all sites. Skin microbiota and dermal secretions of P. boiei can prevent infection through the skin, according to the antimicrobial activity demonstrated in this study. There were variations in the action spectrum for both components, but population differences were mainly in abundance and percentage of bacteria producing antibiotics. This research showed the importance of the microbiota and skin secretion of P. boiei as components of protection and the importance of the environment for the composition of these associated communities. At the same time, we have shown that certain characteristics are independent of the environmental context occupied by the population, evidence that the microenvironment of the skin provides a certain stability for the colonization of specific bacterial communities. The sustainability of populations of this species may relates to interactions between host organisms and the environment.
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Enganos, enganadores e enganados no mito e na tragédia da Eurípides / Deceptions, deceivers and deceived in Myth and Euripides tragedyWilson Alves Ribeiro Junior 05 August 2011 (has links)
O engano, enquanto reflexo da realidade, está representado em diversos gêneros literários e na literatura de várias épocas. Este trabalho analisa, primariamente, os antecedentes míticos, o léxico e a estrutura dramática dos enganos mencionados ou encenados em todas as tragédias conhecidas de Eurípides, completas ou fragmentárias. Precede a análise um breve estudo da teoria comportamental do engano e de sua presença na literatura antiga, notadamente a da Grécia (dos poemas homéricos até o fim do século -V), e um excurso sobre o engano na poesia pré-euripidiana e sua influência na tragédia grega. A última parte do estudo compreende uma sistematização da estrutura do engano euripidiano e de seu léxico. / Deception, as a reflex of our reality, can be found in many literary genres and literary compositions of all times. This work deals primarily with the mythical antecedents and with lexical and dramatical structure of deceits briefly described or staged in all known Euripides complete or fragmentary tragedies. A study on behavioral deception theory and its presence in ancient literature, specially in Greece from homeric poems until the fifth century B.C., with an excursus on deception in pre-euripidean poetry and its influence in Greek tragedy precedes the analysis. A systemization of lexical and structural characteristics of euripidean deception completes the study.
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Aspectos reprodutivos de uma comunidade de Bromeliaceae em um fragmento urbano de Floresta Atlântica do Sudeste do BrasilTagliati, Marcela Cezar 04 April 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-06-01T15:15:54Z
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Previous issue date: 2012-04-04 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Bromeliaceae figura como a quarta família de Angiospermas com maior riqueza de espécies
do domínio Atlântico. Neste bioma, atua como uma das principais famílias responsáveis pela
oferta e manutenção de recursos alimentares ao longo do ano para uma diversificada fauna de
polinizadores, em especial beija-flores. Apesar da elevada importância ecológica, ainda existe
pouco conhecimento sobre muitos aspectos da biologia reprodutiva da maioria das espécies de
bromélias. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação está estruturada em dois capítulos, onde os
estudos foram conduzidos em um remanescente de Floresta Atlântica localizado no município
de Juiz de Fora (MG), sudeste do Brasil. O Capítulo I teve como objetivos caracterizar o
padrão fenológico reprodutivo e levantar aspectos da biologia floral e polinização de nove
espécies de Bromeliaceae. O padrão de floração seqüencial das espécies na comunidade e a
assincronia de floração entre os indivíduos dentro da população, não apenas garantem a oferta
de recursos alimentares aos visitantes florais ao longo ano, como também sugerem tratar-se de
estratégias para evitar a competição inter e intraespecífica por polinizadores. Pólen foi o
principal recurso floral oferecido e néctar apenas não foi produzido por duas espécies. Nove
espécies de polinizadores foram registradas, sendo quatro de beija-flores, uma de morcego,
três de lepidópteros e uma de himenóptero, onde o beija-flor Phaethornis pretrei parece atuar
como “polinizador-chave” dentro da comunidade estudada. O Capítulo II teve como
objetivos investigar os sistemas de cruzamento e sucesso reprodutivo de Portea petropolitana
e Billbergia horrida, duas espécies endêmicas da Floresta Atlântica brasileira cujas
populações naturais vêm sendo ameaçadas pela ação antrópica, especialmente pela
fragmentação de habitats. Ambas as espécies são autoincompatíveis e alógamas, dependentes
de polinizadores para formação de frutos e sementes, e na área de estudo, apresentam alta taxa
de frutificação sob condições naturais. Portea petropolitana é polinizada efetivamente por
beija-flores. Já B. horrida apresenta um sistema de polinização mais generalista, envolvendo
morcegos, mariposas e beija-flores. Em suma, este trabalho ampliou o conhecimento sobre
aspectos da biologia reprodutiva da família Bromeliaceae, e gerou dados importantes para
subsidiar o desenvolvimento de estratégias para a conservação de habitats naturais afetados
por processos de fragmentação e das espécies estudadas.
Palavras-chave: biologia reprodutiva; Bromeliaceae; Floresta Atlântica; fragmentos
florestais urbanos. / Bromeliaceae is considered the fourth family of Angiosperms with the largest species richness
of the Atlantic domain. In this biome, acts as one of the main families responsible for
providing and maintaining food resources throughout the year for a diverse fauna of
pollinators, especially hummingbirds. Despite the high ecological importance, there is still
little knowledge about many aspects of reproductive biology of most species of bromeliads. In
this context, this paper is structured in two chapters, where the studies were conducted in an
Atlantic Forest remnant in the city of Juiz de Fora (MG), southeastern Brazil. Chapter I
aimed to characterize the phenological pattern of breeding and investigate aspects of floral
biology and pollination of nine species of Bromeliaceae. The sequential flowering of the
species in the community and flowering asynchrony among individuals within the population,
not only ensure the availability of food resources to flower visitors throughout the year, but
also suggest to be strategies to avoid inter and intraspecific competition for pollinators. Pollen
was the main floral resource offered and nectar was not produced by only two species. Nine
species of pollinators were recorded, four of hummingbirds, one bat, three of Lepidoptera and
one hymenopteran, where the hummingbird Phaethornis pretrei seems to act as "pollinatorkey"
within the community studied. Chapter II aimed to investigate the breeding systems and
reproductive success of Portea petropolitana and Billbergia horrida, two endemic species of
the Brazilian Atlantic Forest whose natural populations are being threatened by human
activity, especially by habitat fragmentation. Both species are allogamous and
autoincompatible, and dependent of pollinators for fruit and seed formation, and in the study
area, have a high rate of fruit set under natural conditions. Portea petropolitana is effectively
pollinated by hummingbirds. B. horrida, on the other hand, has a generalist pollination system
involving bats, moths and hummingbirds. In summary, this study extended the knowledge
about aspects of the reproductive biology of Bromeliaceae, and generated important data to
support the development of strategies for the conservation of natural habitats affected by
fragmentation processes and the species studied.
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Identifiering av svenska fragment : har kontexten någon betydelse? / Identifying Swedish Fragments : Does the Context have any Meaning?Mårtensson, Kajsa January 2017 (has links)
Tidigare forskning om identifiering av fragment och ordigenkänning visar att resultaten ökar om deltagare har sett orden de ska identifiera tidigare eller om ordfragmenten presenteras i sin rätta kontext. I den här studien undersöktes påverkan av kontexten vid identifiering av svenska fragment genom att använda primingparadigm. Svenska talare blev indelade i två grupper, Priming och Kontroll och testades med online-enkäter. I Priming fick deltagarna läsa en text och sedan fylla i fragment från texten medans deltagarna i Kontroll endast fyllde i fragmenten. Resultaten visade motsatsen till tidigare forskning. Deltagarna i kontrollgruppen presterade bättre och lyckades identifiera fler korrekta fragment än de deltagare som fick läsa orden i en komplett text innan de blev ombedda att fullfölja fragmenten. En möjlig orsak till detta kan vara att texten var för lång vilket ledde till en frustration hos deltagarna som hämmade dem från att få ett bra resultat. Resultaten visade även att män, överlag lyckades identifiera fler korrekta fragment än vad kvinnor kunde. Detta kan bero på faktorer som koncentration eller förmåga att komma ihåg detaljer. Vid identifiering av verb och substantiv visade det sig vara enklare att identifiera verb när de presenterades i isolation och substantiv när de presenterades i sin rätta kontext. Detta stämmer överrens med tidigare forskning som visade att verb och substantiv är representerade på olika platser i hjärnan och påverkas därför annorlunda vid processning. Vidare forskning med fler deltagare uppmuntras för att kunna undersöka ytterligare aspekter som kan ha påverkat resultatet. / Previous research on identification of fragments and word recognition showed that results increased if participants had seen the words that they were supposed to identify previously, or if the fragments were presented in their accurate context. In this study, the influence of context was investigated in identification of Swedish fragments by using priming paradigm. Swedish speakers were divided into two groups, Priming and Kontroll and were tested with online surveys. In Priming the participants read a text and then filled in fragments to create words, whilst the participants in Kontroll only filled in the fragments. The results in this study contrast with previous research on context priming. Participants in the control group performed better and were able to identify more accurate fragments then the participants that read the words in their right context before they were asked to complete the fragments. A possible reason for this could be that the text they read was simply too long which lead to frustration among the participants which had an inhibitory effect. The results also showed that men were able to identify more accurate fragments than women, over all. Factors like concentration or the ability to remember details could be a reason for this. Identification of verbs and nouns showed that it was easier to identify verbs when they were presented in isolation and nouns when they were presented in their right context. This corresponds with previous research that showed that verbs and nouns are presented in different places in the brain and hence, affected differently when processed. Further research, with more participants is encouraged in order to investigate additional aspects that could have influenced the results.
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Days Ending in WhyMartin, Julia January 2015 (has links)
In DAYS ENDING IN WHY, interdisciplinary artist Julia Martin identifies the schism of her autobiographical practice: deep melancholia and absurd irony. The fragmentation of the works presented knowingly resist cohesion, instead, through their arrangements and the potentials of space between them, they carry on conversations with one another. Rooted in the personal narrative, the works span across multiple mediums; photography, film, installation/sculpture, and literature. Martin emphasizes both the tragic and the comedic, pacing the show as a play between the two. Also, there are cats.
So many cats.
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Genetic engineering of recombinant anti-mycolic acid antibody fragments for use in tuberculosis diagnosticsSchoombie, Johannes Loubser 17 January 2013 (has links)
Mycolic acids are long chain lipids from the cell walls of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The Nkuku phage display library was previously used to obtain monoclonal antibody binders to mycolic acids. In total 11 binders were obtained of which one was selected (MAC10) for further investigation by genetic engineering as presented in this dissertation. The antibodies of the Nkuku phage display library are in the format of single chain variable fragments (scFv). ScFv’s constitute only the epitope binding domains of an antibody consisting of the VH and VL domains fused into a single chain by a flexible linker protein. The selected anti-mycolic acid scFv is referred to as mycolic acid clone 10 (MAC10). Genes encoding the scFv’s of the Nkuku phage display library were cloned into the plasmid pHEN-1, a phage display vector. This vector is not commercially available or ideally suited for expression of scFv proteins. Therefore two vectors were investigated as possible targets for subcloning. The plasmids pGE20 and pAK400 were previously used for the expression of scFv antibody proteins. Subcloning into plasmid pAK400 proved to be the more efficient of the two investigated for subcloning. This subcloning yielded the recombinant plasmid pAKJS. Following the subcloning scFv protein expression was attempted using the plasmids pMAC10 (derived from pHEN-1) and pAKJS (derived from pAK400). Expression of MAC10 using plasmid pMAC10 in both Escherichia coli TG-1 and HB2151 was constitutive. This demonstrates that plasmid pHEN-1 is a non ideal vector as expression should not occur unless induced. Expression of MAC10 did not occur when pAKJS and Escherichia coli HB2151 were used. This was due to both the vector and expression host producing inhibitor protein for the Lac Z promoter controlling expression of the scFv. The MAC10 gene was subsequently randomized using the directed evolution method, error prone PCR. Sequence analysis of the five selected mutants indicated an average mutation rate of 8.6 mutations per 1000 base pairs. From the combined total of all five mutants, transversions made up the majority of substitutions. The majority of transversion mutations occurred at A-T base pairs. Transition substation mutations that made up the minority of total mutations occurred mostly at G-C base pairs. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Biochemistry / unrestricted
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Total Synthesis of Zwitterionic Bacterial Polysaccharide (PS A1) Antigen Fragments from B. fragilis ATCC 25285/NCTC 9343 with Alternating Charges on Adjacent MonosaccharidesEradi, Pradheep 28 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Derivation of the angular momentum of primary fission fragments from isomeric yield ratio by TALYS using PythonBagher Nori, Mohammad January 2021 (has links)
The general fission process is well known and is applied in nuclear power plants all over the world. However many properties of fission fragments are still not well understood. The angular momentum distribution of fission fragments is an important property to gain a better understanding of the fission process, and that can be derived indirectly from isomeric yield ratios. The goal of this project has been to develop a script in Python that runs the nuclear reaction code TALYS with the Total Monte Carlo method to calculate the isomeric yield ratio. The script generates a matrix consisting of excitation energies and angular momenta that is provided to TALYS. One matrix corresponds to one calculation of the isomeric ratio. Thus, the dependency of the isomeric yield ratio on these matrices can be observed. After looking into the matrices, the dependencies of the isomeric yield ratios on the excitation energies and the angular momentum distribution are observed. In this project, the calculated isomeric yield ratios are compared with the experimental value obtained from an experiment conducted in August of 2019 at the IGISOL-JYFLTRAP facility in Jyväskylä, Finland. It is worth mentioning that, fission system is of Uranium-238 which was induced by a proton beam at an energy of 25 MeV. The dependency of the isomeric yield ratio (IYR) on the angular momentum and the excitation energy has been investigated. However, it has proved more difficult than expected, to deduce an estimation for the angular momentum distribution. Another finding of this project is that the two codes used, GEF and TALYS sometimes produce inconstant results.
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A collection of fragmentsHavdell, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
This paper presents how I came to create this collection of jewellery that is intimately tied to memories and fragments. How I have conducted my research about collections, museums, jewellery, and artists. Incorporating those findings into the workshop and the way the pieces came to be. Made in silver, zinc and iron, and with use of the techniques casting and etching. And conclusively how a collection took form with this idea to give a sense of treasures or a language from an unknown world or place. Somewhere where time has passed and the individual pieces convey the notion that they are fragments of a greater whole, part of a story or memory that we can sense but not quite reckon, not to be fully understood.
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