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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det varumärkesrättsliga förväxlingsriskskyddet för varuformer med funktionella inslag : Varuutstyrselmärket som grund för invändning mot tredje mans EU-varumärkesansökan

Gierlöff, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
All three shape marks-exclusions in EUTMR art. 7 e) can be avoided by adding an essential element to a shape, which is not attributable to the conditions set out in the exclusions, such as a distinctive nonfunctional element. A valid shape mark registration gives the rights holder the right to prevent other trade mark registrations of identical or similar signs for identical or similar goods if there exists a likelihood of confusion on the part of the public, as well as to initiate infringement proceedings against anyone who uses such a sign in their line of business. Under the test for likelihood of confusion, it is assessed to what extent the average consumer remembers a distinctive sign, which is not limited to its distinctive elements. Since the average consumer is capable to remember other elements than distinctive elements, only negligible elements are excluded from the average consumer’s overall perception of the sign. Non-distinctive elements are not necessarily deemed negligible, depending on their size and/or position within the mark. So, while functional elements are usually perceived as merely functional or ornamental, and thus non-distinctive, they may still be deemed non-negligible due to their size and/or position within the mark. Case law shows that a likelihood of confusion may therefore follow as a result of two marks only sharing an element deemed non-distinctive on its own. The CJEU has also expressed that the public interest behind the test for likelihood of confusion is to secure the rights holder’s interests and not to secure the competitors’ need for a free access to signs and elements. The need to keep certain signs and elements free is therefore not considered a relevant factor in the test for likelihood of confusion. So, while it may seem logical that a sign, which is registrable only due to incorporating a distinctive element as a part of a complex mark, would have a scope of protection limited only to that distinctive element, case law shows that such a conclusion is not necessarily true. In this thesis it is argued that if the average consumer does not even perceive that a functional element constitutes a part of a complex decorated shape mark, consisting of both e.g. a functional naked shape and the added distinctive element, the functional element is negligible and will not be remembered by the average consumer. But if the average consumer is able to perceive a functional naked shape or element as its own indication of origin, or at least as an element of such a complex mark, its size and position alone in the complex mark could be enough to be able to establish a similarity of signs with another resembling shape, even if the latter lacks the inclusion of the same distinctive element. If the other shape does not deviate enough from the visual appearance of the functional naked shape or element in the registered complex mark, the similarity of the signs could be enough to cause a likelihood of confusion.

Konst som förenar : Ett sätt att förändra världen? / The collective artwork : A way to change the world?

Göth Nilsson, Annika January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis aims to investigate participatory art with focus on socially engaged art. The study is based on  Hannah Arendt’s theories of plurality, the public space and the work of art as a ”thought-thing” where the sensory experiences are central. The human’s social life is based on appearances, and individuals appear in front of each other. These appearances are based on a variety of perspectives. The purpose of the essay is to understand what vulnerability means for the art form, and how we as viewers can approach the artwork. By taking a theoretical point of view, the process draws support from Arendt's claim about the work of art as a ”thought-thing”. This is also the method for the thesis where the thought and it’s exploration have a central place and contribute to an organic process. This process follows the events that occur in the outside world like a ”train of thoughts” that connects and develops as a chain.          During this process there have been two great world events that have affected peoples freedom and ability to meet: the pandemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine. This led to the study being influenced by art initiatives linked to Ukraine.           The study begins with identifying the roles and perspectives in the artwork and then continues to discuss how to approach the analysis. This led to see the artwork as several parts that form a whole with the conclusion that the hermeneutic circle would form an appropriate method. The spectator’s pre-understanding is the starting point of the interpretation and helps to reach a deeper understanding of the subject. Finally the analysis results in an interpretation of the French artist JR’s work The Resilience of Ukraine that takes place in Liviv in March 2022. This participatory artwork illustrates the Ukrainian people’s situation in the war between Russia and their country.           The conclusion of the study is that it is important to see whose vulnerability it is that shapes the artwork and that vulnerability is an aesthetic perspective that enables a deeper understanding of the world. The spectator is an active agent that takes part in the appearances even when not formally invited to join the event. With it’s pre-understanding and ability to interpret, the role activates and the spectator gains a deeper understanding of the situation or the artwork. It is the ability to gain deeper understanding that is central for the spectator.

Lärplattan spelar roll för elever i grundsärskolan

Talén, Jimmy, Jensen, Benny January 2015 (has links)
AbstractProblemområdeFlertalet elever med diagnos utvecklingsstörning som är mottagna i grundsärskolan är i behov av stöd i lärande och kommunikationen med andra människor. Hjälpmedlen kan vara av olika slag bland annat i form av en lärplatta. Hur upplever elever, tolv till femton års ålder, i grundsärskolan interaktionen i mötet och sitt lärande vid teknikanvändning av lärplattor med mobila applikationer i klassrummet?SyfteStudiens syfte är att delge tankar och erfarenheter ur ett elevperspektiv gällande interaktionen i mötet samt elevens uppfattning om lärande vid användande av mobila applikationer i sin lärplatta. Frågeställningarna var följande:När används mobila applikationer av eleven i klassrummet?På vilket sätt upplever eleven mötet med klasskamrater vid användning av lärplattans mobila applikationer i klassrummet?På vilket sätt upplever eleven lärande i klassrummet i det digitala mötet vid användning av lärplattans mobila applikationer?Teoretisk ramStudien utgår från både Erving Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv på social interaktion och Lev S. Vygotskys sociokulturella perspektiv på idéer om mänsklig utveckling. Inom den sociokulturella teoriramen diskuteras artefaktens betydelse för människans lärande. Utifrån Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv diskuteras intagande av roller och agerande i gruppen.MetodStudien bygger på en kvalitativ fallstudie med rötter i etnografi i vilken metodtriangulering används. Metoderna som används är en kombination av observationer, fältanteckningar och halvstrukturerade intervjuer inkluderat stimulated recall teknik.ResultatGenom ovan nämnda metoder framkommer det att studiens deltagande elever finner arbetet i skolan mer lustfyllt när de använder sin lärplatta. Det framkommer även att eleverna tycker att ett lärande infinner sig vid användandet av mobila applikationer. De har svårigheter i att sätta ord på sitt lärande och sin utveckling och har en tendens att jämföra lärande med görande. Eleverna som observeras och intervjuas använder sig av mobila applikationer för att underlätta mötet med andra elever. Dessa möten kan vara av olika karaktär men alla möten är av betydelse för eleverna.ImplikationerElever med diagnos utvecklingsstörning kan behöva stöd i såväl skolarbete som i mötet med andra människor. Lärare måste finna de sätt som individuellt fungerar bäst. För den aktuella undersökningsgruppen visar det sig att bland annat mobila applikationerna ger dem det stödet. Eleverna berättar i denna studie att användandet av mobila applikationerna gör lärandet mer lustfyllt och att möten i olika former underlättas.SlutsatsStudien visar att urvalet tycker skolarbetet är mer lustfyllt då de använder sig av lärplattans mobila applikationer. Andra synpunkter från eleverna är att de använder lärplattan som en artefakt både som hjälpmedel och i interaktionen med andra människor. I dessa påpekanden finns en samsyn hos eleverna.Nyckelordappropriering, artefakter, elevperspektiv, främre och bakre regioner, interaktion, mediering, performance (framträdande) och rollgestaltningar.

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