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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mot Svensksund utan ära, utkomst eller tranqvilitet : Social ställning bland 1788–1790 års båtsmän för Söderhamn och Hudiksvall

Johanna, Sundstedt January 2014 (has links)
This paper investigates the social standing of båtsmän – Swedish navy seamen in the allotment system – who participated in the naval war against Russia in 1788–1790. The study examines the socioeconomic attainment and the social mobility among båtsmän recruited from two towns, Söderhamn and Hudiksvall. The main purpose of the study is to compare the image of the båtsmän presented by both representatives of the town council in Gävle (magistraten) and admiral Carl August Ehrenswärd, with the actual social position of the båtsmän from Söderhamn and Hudiksvall during the war 1788–1790. A number of sources are used. Achival records from the navy and the parishes are used to track the båtsmän and define their civilian social position before and after the war. The method is a demographic study based on family reconstruction. A comparison of the social structure of the båtsmän and the social structure of their parent generation is conducted, in order to discover any social mobility. A comparison between the inborn townsmen, the migrators born in the county, and the migrators born outside the county limit, is also conducted to detect any relationship between migration and social position. To answer the overarching question, why båtsmän are described as peasants and vagabonds by authorities, archival records from the parishes, the Office of the Chancellor of Justice, and the Krigskollegiet are used. The method is close reading of the documents, with a theoretical perspective based on Foucault’s theories of power and discipline The results of the study show a mismatch between the image presented by the authorities, and the social structure among the båtsmän. The majority of the 45 båtsmän had employment in the towns before they where enrolled. One third of the båtsmän where sailors before the war, a fact not noted in the General munster roll for 1788. There where also a number of manual workers and craftsmen, as well as some members of the bourgeoisie, who were enrolled. In this study, the social mobility between the båtsmän and the prior generation is strong. Half of a cohort of 35 båtsmän had a lower social position in comparison to their fathers, at the time of the war. Peasant’s sons with temporary jobs in towns were a clear example of social decline. The båtsmän that survived the war did not improve their occupational position when they returned to their civilian lives. Participating in the great victory at sea – the battle of Svensksund – 1790 did not benefit the båtsmän's occupational position. The image of the båtsmän as peasants and vagrants is based on the words of the navy and the bourgoise that has survived in the archives. It is the words of those in power, using the label of vagrancy as a tool to solve problems. This image represents a power structure and the struggle for power.

"Ett sällskap på torget ingen vill ha" : En undersökning av hur Sverigedemokraterna återgavs i åtta landsortstidningar kring valet -06

Flamm, Adam January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är dels att undersöka hur Sverigedemokraterna återgavs i landsortspressen kring valet september 2006 och dels att undersöka vilka faktorer som ligger till grund för hur partiet framställs. De åtta tidningar jag valt att studera är dels indelade efter politisk färg och dels efter vilka län de sprids i; två län där partiet har haft kommunala mandat från 2002 respektive två län där partiet inte haft det. Partiet gick i valet -06 fram i alla fyra län. Tidningarna har analyserats både kvantitativt och kvalitativt. Jag har dessutom intervjuat företrädare för tidningarna samt lokala företrädare för Sverigedemokraterna. Undersökningen visar att partiet framställs som någonting avvikande och hotande. Detta kan delvis förklaras av partiets kopplingar till rasistiska rörelser, men även av en allmän tendens hos medier att reproducera skiljelinjer mellan det normala, etablerade och det avvikande, hotande. I Blekinge, som är det län där partiet haft flest kommunala mandat redan innan 2006 och där partiet vuxit mest, tyder mycket på att tidningarnas bild av partiet alltmer börjar likna den övriga politiska rapporteringen. Ju mer partiet växer, desto mindre kommer det att framställas som avvikande.

The Freemium Business Model in Gävleborg’s Open Source Software Industry : a Case Study on ArcMage AB

Mai, Liwen, Zhang, Zhimei January 2011 (has links)
Aim:  The aim of this study is to investigate how the “Freemium”                business model works in ArcMage AB and explore what challenges will ArcMage AB as an open-source software industry face when running the “Freemium” business model. Method: A case study was adopted, and a qualitative research and face-to-face interview were used to collect the fundamental data. We use simple sentence and lots of figures to show what the “Freemium” is and what we are find to make the readers’ understanding easier. Result & Conclusions: The results exhibit that ArcMage AB is run following all 9 blocks of the “Freemium” business model. The value proposition and customer relationship are the most challenging for the open-source software industry. Suggestions for future research: Only adopting one case and one interview in the research is the main limitation. Moreover, the limited sample size limited the research in some generalisations. It is difficult to use only one case to represent the whole situation of the open-source software industry. Furthermore, a larger sample size adopted in the research can increase the reliability of the researcher’s generalization. Contribution of the thesis: This research can be regarded as a guideline to the businessman who wants to build an open-source software company in order to avoid the weakness and threats, and take the opportunities.

Hedningahällan : Landskap, platsval och fenomenologi / Hedningahällan : Landscape, location choice and phenomenology

Lust, Jennie January 2021 (has links)
The Neolithic site Hedningahällan has, with its large amount of mixed ceramics and unique location on top of a steep rock face, been subject to a number of studies. This paper explores factors that may have motivated the location choice based on the landscape features. To investigate Hedningahällan from a landscape perspective could assist to provide a base for more directed and broader research questions alike. The main focuses of location choice factors that are the advantages of an elevated position. This is examined via Individual Distance Viewshed analysis which measures the ability to recognise and identify humans in a given topography, potential overview and availability of game animals and fish found. The study recreating the plausible past environment as well as the phenomenological experience of the landscape in combination with viewshed-analysis. The outcomes of the GIS-results are compared to four other Neolithic coastal settlements with finds of ceramics. Hedningahällan was located on a headland in a small, protected archipelago. The environment was likely an excellent habitat for many marine animals and fish as well as some land animals, however the elevated location of Hedningahällans does not seem primarily got get a good overview of game habitat. It does on the other hand provide a good overview of the surrounding landscape, especially towards the ocean, and that could have facilitated to identify humans that was closing in from the sea. Several Neolithic coastal settlements occur in connection to distinct rock formation such as erratic blocks or eye-catching cliffs, and although Hedningahällan is located upon exposed bedrock, its appearance is like that of a large erratic block. The area included in its viewshed also contains several impressive cobble fields. Phenomenological, contemporary, and ethnological analogies show that distinct rock features can hold emotional, mythological, and practical meanings.

Teater i samhällets tjänst : Ett tjänstedesignprojekt vid Folkteatern Gävleborg

Melin, Marcus, Espegren, Lovisa January 2023 (has links)
Folkteatern Gävleborg har sedan 80-talet haft som uppdrag att samverka tillsammans med länets befolkning. Och, som regionalt finansierad länsteater arbetar Folkteatern Gävleborg för att nå ut till den breda publiken och indirekt stärka den sociala hållbarheten. Alla ska kunna ta del av verksamhetens aktiviteter. Samtidigt har verksamheten haft svårt att knyta till sig den ovana teaterpubliken. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur vi kan arbeta för att stärka Folkteatern Gävleborgs roll i samhället genom att knyta till sig nya och oinvigda teaterbesökare, på besökarnas villkor, samtidigt som teatern tillåts att utöva sin specifika konstform. Arbetet inkluderar tjänstedesign som ses ur ett tvärvetenskapligt perspektiv och involverar beteendevetenskap. Genom intervjuer, enkäter och litteraturstudier kunde vi se att den ovana publiken såg teater som någonting spännande och lyxigt, men i vissa fall även tidskrävande och kostsamt. En välarbetad föreställning skulle inte ge den presumtiva besökaren relevans nog att köpa biljett. Det blev därför tydligt att den ovana besökarens preferenser behövde implementeras tidigt i idéarbetet. Eftersom konstnärlig frihet var grunden och motivationen hos verksamheten, samtidigt som debatten om ”en armlängds avstånd” i det politiska styret diskuterades flitigt, var det av största vikt att detta arbete kom att resultera i ett verktyg som Folkteatern Gävleborg kunde styra och vidareutveckla själva. Resultatet: en förenklad och skräddarsydd tjänstedesignprocess baserad på vår primärdata, kombinerad med beteendevetenskapens Cognitive bias. Detta presenterat i åtta diskussionskort som väcker tankar om den ovana besökarens perspektiv och människans tendens att ta beslut och agera.

Solar cells to counter rising electricity prices : Self-consumption and profitability of solar cells for a SME in price area 2 in Sweden.

Bergdahl, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Increases in electricity prices in Sweden during the second half of 2021 have created a great deal of concern among companies in Sweden. Some companies report that they have stopped their production temporarily when electricity prices have been high. Several of the companies also report that future investments have been stopped and some of the companies also state that they have or are planning to move their production abroad. One of the companies that has been affected by the increased electricity prices is an SME (Small Medium Enterprise) company located in electricity area 2 in Sweden. This has caused the company to evaluate different alternatives to be able to lower their costs linked to their electricity consumption. One of the options that is being evaluated is to invest in a solar (photo voltaic) cell, a technology that has become significantly cheaper over time and solar cells installations have increased a lot in Sweden recent years. The purpose of this study is to help the company evaluate whether it is a good option or not to install a solar cells system. The perception within the company is that the price for purchasing electricity is higher than what they would earn from selling the electricity. Therefore, the company wants to install a solar cells system which has a high proportion of self-consumption. But is that view true and, if so, to what extent and how could a solar cells system be designed to optimize self-consumption? The result shows that by tilting and turning the solar cell panels, it is possible to change the time for production and the amount of electricity produced from a solar power system. In the current case for this study, electrical consumption is at its highest during working hours 07.00-16.00. It is also during this time of the day the solar radiation is at its most intense and the solar cells system can produce as efficiently as possible. Results showed that it was not profitable to increase self-consumption by turning and tilting the solar panels so that they produced less during the holiday season and more during other parts of the year. The view that self-consumption would increase profitability proved correct and it turned out that a smaller solar plant system is more profitable until the point that the installed power per SEK increased. The conclusion of the work is based on the results of the best-designed solar cells system based on installation costs, previous electricity consumption, forecasted electricity prices and current STIBOR rate. The pay-off time for this solar cell system would be 8.6 years and 15.6 years discounted pay-off time. Which may certainly seem like a bad investment and therefore, one might wonder why so many solar cell plants are installed in Sweden. This can largely be explained that from 2020 there are no subsidies for the installation to apply for companies. The company is also not entitled to a tax reduction that gives 0.60 SEK for each kWh sold. This is because their main fuse exceeds the limit of 100A, which is above the limit according to one of the Swedish tax agency requirements for obtaining the tax reduction.

Komplexa utmaningar vid vindkraftsetableringar : En undersökning av Gävleborgs län

Asplin, Joel, Norinder, Terese January 2024 (has links)
Den pågående trenden att investera i fossilfri el kan betraktas ur olika perspektiv.Debatten gällande vindkraft är väl känd. Högskolan i Gävle engagerar sig i projektet "Förankrad i med och motvind (FIMM)" tillsammans med organisationen Hela Sverige ska leva. FIMM syftar till att öka kunskapen om lokala vindkraftsetableringar och fungera som stöd för bygder med fokus på lokal delaktighet. Denna rapport syftar till att undersöka hur komplexa utmaningar i form av lokala vindkraftsetableringar bör angripas ur ett lokalt perspektiv i Gävleborgs län. Arbetet angriper frågorna genom systematiska litteraturöversikter, geografisk kartläggning, statistikfördelning, beräkningar samt intervjuer med lokala aktörer.Resultaten påvisar en komplexitet i etableringen med anledning av olika lokala behov. Vidare påvisas att Gävleborg har stor potential att bidra till både regional och nationell energiförsörjning. En av de främsta tekniska utmaningarna har påvisats varaatt utpekade vindkraftsområden inte reflekterar de senaste tekniska framstegen. Inställningen till vindkraft i länet varierar mellan de undersökta aktörerna och kunskapsnivå har inte kunnat påvisas påverka inställningen. Politikerna och företagarna tenderar att vara mer positiva och allmänhetens inställning är mer blandad. Inblandning av allmänheten och förmedling av kunskap ska enligt resultatet ske av opartisk förmedlare, där tidig inblandning i processen påvisats vara avgörande för inställningen till etablering. Även kompensation har setts som positiv för etableringen, förslagsvis ekonomisk men inte nödvändigtvis. Vindkraften anses ha en viktig roll i Gävleborgs framtid och kan ge betydande bidrag av fossilfri energi. Brist på fortsatt utveckling kan ha negativa konsekvenser för lokalt näringsliv och välstånd. Slutsatserna är att ett ökat systemperspektiv och en ökad kunskapsbredd anses vara fördelaktig för samtliga inblandade aktörer i processen om den kommer från pålitlig förmedlare. Vidare föreslås att allmänheten engageras tidigt i processen, gärna redan under planeringsprocessen av mark för kommunen eller dokument för riktlinjer gällande vindkraft. Ytterligare förslag är att vindkraftsområden och riksintressen revideras med avseende av de tekniska framstegen med tätare intervall för att bättre återspegla de aktuella förutsättningarna. Eventuell ekonomisk kompensation föreslås regleras nationellt eller regionalt men bör anpassas efter lokala behov. Vidare föreslås att den kommunala tillstyrkan görs om till en avstyrkan. Slutligen rekommenderas att både scenarier med och utan vindkraftsetablering ska presenteras av opartisk förmedlare ur ett lokalt perspektiv gärna med aktuella empiriska data och goda exempel. / The ongoing trend to invest in fossil-free electricity can be viewed from different perspectives. The debate regarding wind power is well known. The University of Gävle is involved in the project “Förankrad i med och motvind (FIMM)” together with the organization “Hela Sverige ska leva”. FIMM aims to increase knowledge about local wind power establishments and act as support for the community with a focus on local participation. This report aims to investigate how complex challenges in the form of local wind power establishments should be addressed from a local perspective in Gävleborg County. The work addresses the issues through systematic literature reviews, geographical mapping, statistical distribution, calculations and interviews with local actors. The results show a complexity in the establishment due to different local needs. Furthermore, it is shown that Gävleborg has great potential to contribute to both regional and national energy supply. One of the main technical challenges has been shown to be that designated wind power areas do not reflect the latest technological advances. The attitude towards wind power in the county varies between the investigated actors and the level of knowledge has not been shown to affect the attitude. Politicians and business owners tend to be more positive and public attitudes are more mixed. Involvement of the public and dissemination of knowledge should, according to the results, be done by impartial intermediaries, where early involvement in the process has been shown to be decisive for the attitude towards establishment. Compensation has also been seen as positive for establishment, preferably financial but not necessarily. Wind power is considered to have an important role in the future of Gävleborg and can make a significant contribution to fossil-free energy. Lack of further development can have negative consequences for local business and prosperity. The conclusions are that an increased systemic perspective and breadth of knowledge will be beneficial for all actors involved in the process if it comes from a reliable intermediary. Furthermore, it is suggested that the public be involved early in the process, preferably already during the planning process of land for the municipality or documents for guidelines regarding wind power. A further suggestion is that wind energy areas and national interests are revised with regard to technical progress at more frequent intervals to better reflect the current conditions. Any financial compensation is proposed to be regulated nationally or regionally but should be adapted to local needs. Furthermore, it is proposed that the municipal endorsement be changed to a rejection. Finally, it is recommended that both scenarios with and without wind power establishment should be presented by impartial intermediaries from a local perspective, preferably with current empirical data and good examples.

Att skapa eller möta efterfrågan? : organisation och verksamhet i ett regionalt bibliotekssystem : en attitydutvärdering av Bibliotek Gävleborg / Creating or meeting demands . an evaluation of Bibliotek Gävleborg : a regional library system´s organization and activities

Dahlström, Mats January 1995 (has links)
This evaluational study has been initiated by the County Council of Gävleborg (LandstingetGävleborg), politically responsible (and the main economical) authority of BibliotekGävleborg, the regional library institution in the county of Gävleborg, Sweden.The aim of the study is threefolded:1. to evaluate the organization of Bibliotek Gävleborg during the 1990's as we11 as theeffects of a reorganization carried out in 1990, and, through the use of interviews and a questionnaire, to ascertain the attitudes of Bibliotek Gävleborg's branch users (mainlythe municipal libraries in the county) towards the organizational development.2. to evaluate and compare regional library activities in Gävleborg prior to and duringthe 1990's, and to investigate the attitudes of the afore-mentioned branch users towardsBibliotek Gävleborg's activities.3. to investigate and discuss possible future directions of regional library development in Sweden in general, and in Gävleborg in particular.The closing, debating chapter in the study also'contains a few suggestions of measures to enhance regional library activity in Gävleborg.

Eftersöka, utveckla och vårda : när nyckelkompetensen går på två ben / Seek, develop and take care of : when key competence walk on two legs

Claesson, Stefan, Claesson, Christina January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Att studera hur relationen mellan arbetsgivaren och den enskilde arbetstagaren påverkar offentlig verksamhets möjlighet att attrahera, rekrytera samt behålla nyckelkompetens inom organisationen.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Metod</strong>: Studien har utgått från en kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod genom intervjuer med respondenter ur Landstinget Gävleborg. Materialet från de genomförda intervjuerna har därefter sammanförts och ställts mot olika sekundära informationskällor, vidare har respondenternas svar analyserats med tillämplig litteratur för att därefter utmynna i våra slutsatser.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Resultat & slutsats: </strong>Verksamheten är idag allt för fokuserad på mätning av nyckeltal för att se vad som produceras per skattekrona, och ser inte vilken påverkan som ett ineffektivt kompetensförsörjningssystem av nyckelkompetenser har. Ett vidgat synsätt och omhändertagande av kompetensförsörjningen i allmänhet och kompetensutvecklingen i synnerhet gör att dessa kostnader kommer att betala sig, inkompetensen kostar mer i flera perspektiv.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Förslag till fortsatt forskning:</strong> Framtida studier skulle kunna inrikta sig mot att studera hur kompetensförsörjningssystemet ser ut i dag och hur en tänkbar utveckling kan se ut. Den högsta ledningen lägger stort fokus och ansvar på "chefen". Vilken chefs- och ledarskapsutveckling bedrivs idag, vilka brister finns och vad skulle kunna göras för att utveckla den. Vilka kompetensåtgärder genomförs till vilken kostnad och hur påverkar det verksamhetens möjlighet till resurseffektiv verksamhet.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Uppsatsens bidrag: </strong>En lyckad och väl fungerande kompetensförsörjning av nyckel-kompetenser kräver ett engagemang från högsta ledningen, som genomsyrar hela organisationen. Arbetsgivarens roll samt hur organisationen är uppbyggnad är en viktig del i om företaget ska ha en framgångsrik och effektiv kompetensförsörjning eller inte. Kom-petensförsörjning omfattar alla påverkansfaktorer och därför kan delområden inte behandlas var för sig utan måste ingå i en helhet, en kompetensförsörjningsprocess.</p> / <p><strong>Aim:</strong> To study how the relation between the employer and the employee influence public sectors possibility to attract, recruit and keep key competence within the organisation.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Method:</strong> The study is founded on a qualitative method for collection of data through interviews with personnel attached to "Landstinget Gävleborg"[1]. The material gathered during the interviews has then been brought together and compared with different secondary sources, further on the respondents replies has been analyzed in comparison to applicable literature and thereafter derive our conclusions.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Result & Conclusions:</strong> The activity today is all too focused on business ratio and to see what is produced for received tax revenues, and don´t reflect on which implications a ineffective system for developing key competences have. A broader perspective and caring for developing competences in general and key competences in particular will make invest-ments worth while, incompetence are more costly in a variety of perspectives.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Suggestions for future research:</strong> Future studies could e.g. look further into how a conceivable development of the exciting system for development of competences could look like in the future. Top management have a large focus on and give the director vast responsibility. What director- and leadership development is conducted and what flaws can be seen, and what could be done to eliminate these flaws and develop the system concerning key competences. What measures regarding competences is conducted and to what cost, and how does this inflict on the organisations opportunity to perform a resource effective activity.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Contribution of the thesis:</strong> A successful and well functioning competence development of key competences demands a commitment from the top management which permeate the entire organisation. The directors´ role and how the organisation is structured are important parts if the organisation shall have a successful and efficient competence supply, or not. Supplying competence to an organisation includes all factors that have influence on the process, so for that reason can single areas or matters not be managed separately but be part in a solution as a whole, in a competence supplying process.</p><p>[1] County council, politically elected body representing a number of municipalities regarding issues concerning e.g. health- and medical service, education and social care.</p>

Eftersöka, utveckla och vårda : när nyckelkompetensen går på två ben / Seek, develop and take care of : when key competence walk on two legs

Claesson, Stefan, Claesson, Christina January 2009 (has links)
Syfte: Att studera hur relationen mellan arbetsgivaren och den enskilde arbetstagaren påverkar offentlig verksamhets möjlighet att attrahera, rekrytera samt behålla nyckelkompetens inom organisationen.   Metod: Studien har utgått från en kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod genom intervjuer med respondenter ur Landstinget Gävleborg. Materialet från de genomförda intervjuerna har därefter sammanförts och ställts mot olika sekundära informationskällor, vidare har respondenternas svar analyserats med tillämplig litteratur för att därefter utmynna i våra slutsatser.   Resultat &amp; slutsats: Verksamheten är idag allt för fokuserad på mätning av nyckeltal för att se vad som produceras per skattekrona, och ser inte vilken påverkan som ett ineffektivt kompetensförsörjningssystem av nyckelkompetenser har. Ett vidgat synsätt och omhändertagande av kompetensförsörjningen i allmänhet och kompetensutvecklingen i synnerhet gör att dessa kostnader kommer att betala sig, inkompetensen kostar mer i flera perspektiv.   Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Framtida studier skulle kunna inrikta sig mot att studera hur kompetensförsörjningssystemet ser ut i dag och hur en tänkbar utveckling kan se ut. Den högsta ledningen lägger stort fokus och ansvar på "chefen". Vilken chefs- och ledarskapsutveckling bedrivs idag, vilka brister finns och vad skulle kunna göras för att utveckla den. Vilka kompetensåtgärder genomförs till vilken kostnad och hur påverkar det verksamhetens möjlighet till resurseffektiv verksamhet.   Uppsatsens bidrag: En lyckad och väl fungerande kompetensförsörjning av nyckel-kompetenser kräver ett engagemang från högsta ledningen, som genomsyrar hela organisationen. Arbetsgivarens roll samt hur organisationen är uppbyggnad är en viktig del i om företaget ska ha en framgångsrik och effektiv kompetensförsörjning eller inte. Kom-petensförsörjning omfattar alla påverkansfaktorer och därför kan delområden inte behandlas var för sig utan måste ingå i en helhet, en kompetensförsörjningsprocess. / Aim: To study how the relation between the employer and the employee influence public sectors possibility to attract, recruit and keep key competence within the organisation.   Method: The study is founded on a qualitative method for collection of data through interviews with personnel attached to "Landstinget Gävleborg"[1]. The material gathered during the interviews has then been brought together and compared with different secondary sources, further on the respondents replies has been analyzed in comparison to applicable literature and thereafter derive our conclusions.   Result &amp; Conclusions: The activity today is all too focused on business ratio and to see what is produced for received tax revenues, and don´t reflect on which implications a ineffective system for developing key competences have. A broader perspective and caring for developing competences in general and key competences in particular will make invest-ments worth while, incompetence are more costly in a variety of perspectives.   Suggestions for future research: Future studies could e.g. look further into how a conceivable development of the exciting system for development of competences could look like in the future. Top management have a large focus on and give the director vast responsibility. What director- and leadership development is conducted and what flaws can be seen, and what could be done to eliminate these flaws and develop the system concerning key competences. What measures regarding competences is conducted and to what cost, and how does this inflict on the organisations opportunity to perform a resource effective activity.   Contribution of the thesis: A successful and well functioning competence development of key competences demands a commitment from the top management which permeate the entire organisation. The directors´ role and how the organisation is structured are important parts if the organisation shall have a successful and efficient competence supply, or not. Supplying competence to an organisation includes all factors that have influence on the process, so for that reason can single areas or matters not be managed separately but be part in a solution as a whole, in a competence supplying process. [1] County council, politically elected body representing a number of municipalities regarding issues concerning e.g. health- and medical service, education and social care.

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