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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Generation Z Consumers' Attitudes towards Body Diversity in Fashion Advertisements : A quantitative study on the effect of consumers' own body size to their attitude

Hallberg, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
This thesis is investigating how consumers’ attitudes on fashion advertisements are affected by the models featured in the advertisements, with the consumers’ own body size being taken into consideration. The topic for the thesis was formed when conducting a thorough literature search, which revealed a gap in research. My study considers consumer behavior in marketing, specifically in digital advertising, which in this case is Instagram. My study aims to identify which model body size is the most suitable and effective one when seeking to target plus-size versus skinny consumers, focusing on the female Generation Z of Finland. Ultimately, my thesis strives to help companies in attracting their desired customer base by creating positive attitudes within the consumers, which can consequently lead to increased purchase intentions. This thesis features the characteristics of a deductive, quantitative, explanatory and cross-sectional study. The data is gathered from 82 female respondents in Finland, within the age range of 18 to 27. A survey is designed to measure their attitudes towards advertisements that feature plus-size models, versus advertisements that feature skinny models. Respondents rate their attitudes towards various Instagram advertisements, and additionally choose whether they identify themselves more with a skinny or plus-size body. The results are analyzed through the Interaction term on Repeated measures ANOVA. With significance found, I proceeded to analyze it further with Post Hoc, which then revealed six new hypotheses to examine. The results of the analysis showed some significant changes between the attitudes of skinny respondents and plus-size respondents. Plus-size respondents showed more positive attitudes towards plus-size models than they did towards skinny models. Equivalently the skinny respondents had a more positive attitude towards skinny models than they did towards plus-size models. This is consistent with previous literature regarding perceived similarity and women wanting to see female portrayals in advertisements that they can personally relate to. Additionally, skinny models caused more negative attitudes in plus-size consumers, and plus-size models caused more negative attitudes in skinny consumers. Fashion industry has received a lot of criticism for their use of thin and highly attractive models, but these results give some evidence and understanding to the statement that skinny models are still effective in advertising. However, this seems to only be the case when marketing for skinny consumers. When considering the plus-size consumers, their attitude was more positive towards plus-size models. That being the case, my study suggests that fashion companies should firstly determine their main target group, and whether it is skinny consumers, or plus-size consumers. Secondly, their marketing strategies should be planned accordingly, by casting the models suitable for the target group.


Christopher Andrew Biddix (17282914) 26 October 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Gen Z public school teachers in Indiana were surveyed concerning their perceptions of power used by their principal and their satisfaction with their principal’s supervision. One hundred and forty-five teachers responded to survey items regarding whether they have worked under one or more principals, the community type (rural, urban, suburban) where they teach, the Rahim Leader Power Inventory (RLPI) to measure perceptions of principal’s use of six different available power bases (coercive, reward, legitimate, information, expert, referent) and the abridged Job Descriptive Index (aJDI) to measure satisfaction. Reward power was the most perceived power base and referent power the least. Two statistically significant findings were revealed. First, the more participants perceived their principal using expert (F(6,138) = 55.12, p < .001) and referent power (t(6) = -5.32, p < .001) bases, the less satisfied with supervision they were. Secondly, Gen Z teachers who had one principal perceived their principal to access more legitimate power than Gen Z teachers who have had more than principal (t(143) = 2.16, p =.032). To effectively influence this influential generation, educational leaders should consider autonomy, personalized growth, tactful integrity, and aligned expectations. Gen Z teachers value trust and transparency, and clashes with traditional leadership methods can lead to dissatisfaction. Meeting their expectations for integrity and authenticity is key to enhancing their satisfaction with supervision.</p>

Ledarskap över generationsgränser : En studie om att leda olika generationer

Heiaas, Denzel, Olofsson, Isac January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund - Generationer är grupper av människor födda under specifika tidsperioder medgemensamma erfarenheter och värderingar. Ledare behöver vara medvetna omgenerationsskillnader och vara flexibla i sitt ledarskap för att främja produktivitet ochmotivation på arbetsplatsen. Ledarskapets utveckling har gått från auktoritära till merinkluderande och deltagande stilar. Ledarskap innefattar egenskaper som kommunikation,beslutsfattande, empati och konflikthantering, och kan utövas av personer på olika nivåer i enorganisation. Ledarskap är en dynamisk process som kräver anpassning till olika situationeroch människor. Syfte - Studiens syfte är att ta reda på och öka förståelsen kring hur ledare agerar för att ledagenerationsöverskridande grupper av medarbetare. Metod - Studien är gjord med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av semistruktureradedjupintervjuer. Studien baseras på tidigare forskning och 12 respondenter frånsemistrukturerade djupintervjuer. En tematisk analys har använts för att skriva analysen. Empiri - Studiens empiri bygger på tre områden, ledarskap, motivation och anpassning tillgenerationer. Empirin synliggör att ledarskap och motivationsmetoder påverkargenerationerna olika, vilket reflekterar att ett anpassat ledarskap för generationer kan geväntat bättre resultat i form av motivation och engagemang hos medarbetare. Vidarepresenterar studiens empiri svårigheter att anpassa sitt ledarskap strikt eftergenerationstillhörighet när det är generationsöverskridande grupper, där agerar ledare frånolika generationer annorlunda. Begränsningar - Antalet respondenter i studien var 12 ledare vilket utgjorde ett större behovav generalisering i studien. Även tidigare litteratur om generation Z på arbetsmarknaden varbristfällig vilket påverkade vår förmåga att analysera. Originalitet/värde - Studien bidrar till ökad förståelse för hur ledare från olika generationerkan hantera och leda generationsöverskridande grupper. Ledare bör vara medvetna omgenerationsskillnader, vara flexibla i sitt ledarskap och kunna identifiera närgenerationstillhörighet inte överensstämmer med individuell identitet, vilket kan främjaproduktivitet, motivation och harmoni på arbetsplatsen. Begrepp - Generation X; Generation Y; Generation Z; Ledarskap; Motivation; Generationellaskillnader; Generationsöverskridande grupper; Transaktionellt ledarskap; Utvecklandeledarskap; Visionärt ledarskap. Uppsatstyp - Magisteruppsats

Tech Savvy Shoppers : A quantitative study of how Generation Z perceive self-service technology in the fashion retail sector

Kraft, Olivia, Jansson, Felicia, Appelquist, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
Fashion retail stores are one of the settings where technology innovation is implemented to make the in-store experience more efficient than before. One of the innovations that are becoming increasingly common is self-service checkouts. Generation Z is the upcoming and new buying force for the retailers to target and this is what has been the foundation for the orientation of this thesis. The purpose of the research has been to examine factors that influence Generation Z usage of self-service checkouts in fashion retail stores in Sweden. In order to investigate this, the authors developed six hypotheses from previous research about convenience, time efficiency, attitude towards technology, subjective norms, interaction avoidance and fear of failure. The primary data presented in the chapter for empirical findings were gained through a questionnaire where 384 respondents participated. The data was analyzed in the statistical software program SPSS in order to test the hypotheses. The findings were presented in the analysis chapter where it also was discussed with the literature to be able to identify if there were any similarities or differences. The conclusion of this thesis shows that there are different factors that are influencing Generation Z to use self-service checkouts in fashion retail stores. Convenience emerges as the strongest influencing factor, while fear of failure holds the least influence on Generation Z's intention to utilize self-service checkouts. These findings aim to assist fashion retail companies in understanding the critical considerations when implementing self-service checkouts in-store.

Attracting talent : Understanding Generation Z Job Seekers

Bazatova, Petra, Nilsson, Rebecka January 2024 (has links)
Purpose – To explore what Generation Z finds attractive when seeking for jobs. Design/methodology/approach – A qualitative research utilising semi-structured interviews with a total of 11 university graduates of Generation Z aged 21 to 29 seeking employment in Dalarna County, Sweden. The interviews were thematically analysed based on previouslyexisting literature. Findings – The findings indicate that Generation Z places high value on digital engagement, organizational transparency, and alignment with personal values such as sustainability and inclusivity. They prioritize job satisfaction aspects like career growth, work-life balance, and personalized feedback, although they have not yet fully developed specific expectations from employers. These insights suggest that organisations must adapt their recruitment strategies to align with these preferences, values and expectations, ensuring a transparent, values-driven, and engaging approach to effectively attract and retain Generation Z talent. Originality/value – This paper contributes to the under-research field of exploring what attracts Generation Z in the job market.

Youths' Experiences and Perceptions of Gender Equality in Cambodia

Sok, Phany January 2024 (has links)
Cambodia's future rests on its young generation, particularly university students and recent graduates. Yet, traditional gender roles and societal norms, such as Chbab Srei, persist, hindering true gender equality. This thesis investigates the experiences and perceptions of Cambodian youths of gender equality in the context of university students and new graduates. The research aims to understand to what extent Chbab Srei (women’s code of conduct) plays a role in shaping the participants’ world. It examines how their experiences and perceptions intersect with different factors such as gender, and how these young people’s agency contributes to the reproduction or transformation of the existing gender equality. This thesis draws upon a theoretical framework informed by three key concepts. The first two, habitus and capital, stem from Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of Practice, and the third concept, intersectionality, is central to contemporary social theories of gender. A qualitative method was employed through focus group discussions, with the support of a short survey. The data was collected from 24 participants with 14 females, nine males, and one LBGTQ+.   The results show that Chbab Srei still has a strong influence on the lives of female participants. Female participants’ mobility is strictly restricted, they are expected to be close to home, responsible for housework, and get married at a young age. Such expectations impact their education, networking opportunities, career development, and leadership advancement. The lack of female leaders made most youths perceive women as incapable of leadership roles and masculine traits as desirable traits for leaders. The knowledge of participants on gender equality is low, reflecting the habitus of the social world of these participants, a low-gender-equality-index Cambodia. Symbolic capital was found to be the social force for the participants’ agency in social reconstruction and transformation. While participants’ experiences intersected with their gender, their perceptions seemed to be uniform regardless of their gender. Place(s) was found to be another aspect that influenced participants’ experiences and perceptions. Participants’ actions for social change were mainly at micro and meso levels.

Att vägleda för livet : En kvalitativ studie om det livslånga lärandet inom gymnasieskolans vägledningsarbete / Counselling for Life : A Qualitative Study about Lifelong Learning in Upper Secondary School Career Counselling

Gabrielsson, Julia, Trevik, Cajsa January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur vägledare arbetar för att ge elever stöd i deras livslånga lärande samt att identifiera vilka färdigheter som de upplever behövs för att stärka personlig utveckling och därmed förmågan att hantera vår föränderliga omvärld. Med de samhällsförändringar som skett under senare decennier har människors livsvillkor förändrats; vilket lett till att det numera ställs högre krav på att enskilda individer tar ansvar för sina liv men också på att vägledning bedrivs på ett sådant sätt att den tillhandahåller individer stöd. Med detta som bakgrund avser studien att undersöka tre frågeställningar vilka handlar om hur vägledare på gymnasienivå upplever elevers behov av livslångt lärande, hur de arbetar för att stärka detta samt vilka färdigheter som de anser att elever behöver för att stärka det livslånga lärandet. Denna studie antar en kvalitativ metod samt analyserar empiriskt material genom en innehållsanalys som har sin utgångspunkt i två socialkonstruktivistiska perspektiv vilka är Life-design och Planned Happenstance. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom intervjuer och urvalet bestod av sex utbildade vägledare som arbetade inom gymnasieskolans verksamhet. I studiens resultat framkom det att vägledarna upplevde att elever hade ett ökat behov av vägledning - som tillhandahöll stöd i det livslånga lärandet - men också att det fanns ett samband mellan personlig utveckling och lärande genom hela livet. Således handlade det ökade behovet om att elever behöver utvecklas personligen för att hantera vår omvärld men också att det kunde bli svårt att uppnå på grund av vägledningens förutsättningar.

Perceived Credibility in Green Marketing : Exploring Generation Z's Perspective in Sweden post-implementation of the EU Green Claims Directive 2023 / Trovärdighetsuppfattning av Grön Marknadsföring : En studie om Generation Zs perspektiv i Sverige efter implementeringen av EU Green Claims Directive 2023

Hammarvid, Linn, Larsson, Tilda January 2024 (has links)
Background: Alongside the emergence of green marketing initiatives, consumers began questioning the authenticity and transparency of firms utilising such marketing practices, which consequently led to a low level of perceived credibility. Although green marketing has been a topic of research for many years, a gap in academia remains regarding the impact of legislative instruments on consumers' perceptions. As of 2023, the European Union introduced the EU Green Claims Directive, a legal framework that aims to ensure that all environmental claims are accurate and prevent the exploitation of misleading marketing practices. Purpose: The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate the impact of the new EU Green Claims Directive on the credibility of green marketing from a consumer perspective. Specifically, this study aims to examine how the regulatory standards introduced by the EU on March 22, 2023, challenge previous notions of misleading green claims and their influence on consumer perceptions of environmental credibility. Method: The research follows an abductive approach, using qualitative methods to gather and investigate the empirical data. To address the purpose of this research, two focus groups were used, one identified as the control group and the other as the treatment group, allowing for an experimental design to test the impact on consumer perceptions. An expert interview was used to complement the information gathered about the EU Green Claims Directive, as the frame of reference only yields one source (the actual legislative instrument). A thematic analysis was used for identifying and retrieving any relevant data found in the empirical investigation. Conclusion: The results indicate that consumers remain sceptical towards green marketing even after the implementation of the new EU Directive, and the level of perceived credibility is still low. In conclusion, regulatory implementation seems important to consumers, however, the new EU Directive will not be enough to change previous notions of green claims from a consumer perspective.

Medarbetarmotivation i virtuella arbetsmiljöer : En studie från ett generationsperspektiv / Employee motivation in virtual work environments - A study from agenerational perspective

Bergman, Nicole, Sjöö, Martina January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka motivation inom virtuella arbetsmiljöer. Vidaresyftar studien även till att jämföra skillnader mellan olika generationer gällande motivation ivirtuella arbetsmiljöer.Metod: I denna studie har en kvantitativ metod applicerats med hjälp av enwebbenkätundersökning. Studien är hypotetisk-deduktiv där hypoteser härleds från denteoretiska referensramen. Den data som samlats in består av 84 svar, vilka bearbetades iprogrammet SPSS där oberoende t-test och medelvärdesanalys genomfördes.Resultat &amp; slutsats: Av de motivationsfaktorer som studerats motiveras den äldregenerationen av flexibilitet och självstyre och bra ledarskap, samt delvis av teknologiskbekvämlighet. Den yngre generationen motiveras av flexibilitet och självstyre, teknologiskbekvämlighet och bra ledarskap, samt ledarskap kopplat till social närvaro. Studien har ävenfunnit att de faktorer som leder till motivation, också kan leda till amotivation inom virtuellaarbetsmiljöer om de hanteras oaktsamt.Bidrag: Studiens praktiska bidrag är en ökad förståelse för olika generationers motivationhos medarbetare inom virtuella arbetsmiljöer, vilket kan underlätta ledararbete ochHR-processer. Studiens teoretiska bidrag ger framför allt en indikation på motivationsfaktoreroch amotivationsfaktorer inom virtuella arbetsmiljöer genom de teoretiska modeller somutvecklats. Vidare bidrar studien även med teoretiska förslag på nya perspektiv på Herzbergstvåfaktorteori och Hawthornestudien. / Aim: The purpose of the study is to investigate motivation in virtual work environments.Furthermore, the study also aims to compare differences between different generationsregarding motivation in virtual work environments.Method: In this study, a quantitative method has been applied using a web based survey. Thestudy is hypothetical-deductive where hypotheses are derived from the theoreticalframework. The data collected consists of 84 responses, which were processed in the programSPSS where independent t-tests and mean value analyses were performed.Results and conclusions: The older generation was found to be motivated by flexibility andself-management and good leadership, as well as in part by technological comfort. Theyounger generation is motivated by flexibility and self-management, technological comfortand good leadership, as well as leadership linked to social presence. The study additionallyfound that the factors which lead to motivation also can lead to amotivation in virtual workenvironments if they are handled negligently.Contribution: The study's practical contribution is an increased understanding of differentgenerations' motivation among employees in virtual work environments, which can facilitateleadership work and HR processes. The study's theoretical contribution primarily provides anindication of motivational factors and amotivational factors within virtual work environmentsthrough the theoretical models that were developed. Furthermore, the study also contributeswith theoretical proposals for new perspectives on Herzberg's two-factor theory and theHawthorne study.

Användbarhet och användarvänlighet av smarta enheter i den egna bostaden hos unga konsumenter / Usefulness and ease of use of smart devices in the private home amongst young consumers

Nurmi, Sarah, Görander, Clara January 2023 (has links)
This thesis is written within the topic of Internet of Things (IoT) and smart homes among young adults in Sweden. Smart homes are taking up more and more space on the housing market and aim to make consumers' everyday lives easier. Factors behind buying a smart home present a gap of knowledge about who the potential buyers are among young adults. The essay is written with the aim of reviewing generation Y and Z’s ownership and regular use of smart home devices in their households in terms of usefulness and ease of use. The aim is also to gain an insight into the willingness of generation Y and Z to buy and pay for a smart home. By using previous research combined with a quantitative study in the form of a web survey, an analysis was formed from the consumers' responses. The result shows that young consumers have a broad knowledge of what IoT means with a majority having at least one smart device in their household. The willingness to buy and pay for smart homes is proving to be varied, with young consumers not yet convinced on the issue. The outcome of the thesis contributes to an interesting discussion about IoT and smart homes from different perspectives and gives you as a reader knowledge about smart home devices and their potential in the housing market.

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