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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Google-generationen : En kvantitativ studie i hur generation Z skiljer sig från äldre generationer ur ett börspsykologiskt perspektiv / The Google Generation

Elfstrand, Simon, Persson, Philip January 2022 (has links)
Generation Z har under sin korta tid som investerare på den finansiella marknaden varit med om en säregen börskrasch till följd av coronapandemin 2020. Börskraschen 2020 var unik i förhållande till tidigare börskrascher såsom IT-kraschen 2000 och finanskrisen 2008 eftersom marknaden återhämtade sig och nådde nya rekordnivåer inom ett halvår. Samtidigt stod svenska investerare under de första månaderna av 2022 inför ett nytt ras där den genomsnittliga aktien på Stockholmsbörsen sjunkit med ungefär 36% från dess högsta nivå under perioden 2020–2022 till följd av en hög inflationstakt samt Rysslands invasion av Ukraina. Forskningen kring den yngsta gruppen investerare, generation Z, som saknar erfarenhet av långvariga osäkra marknadsförhållanden är bristfällig och ger därmed upphov till en ny grupp investerare att studera. Studiens syfte är att studera hur riskbenägenhet samvarierar med börspsykologiska bias, kognitiv reflektionsförmåga och erfarenhet från tidigare finansiella kriser samt hur dessa faktorer skiljer sig mellan generation Z och tidigare generationer. Studien finner att generation Z till större del faller för samtliga börspsykologiska bias förutom överreaktion och visar på ett flertal signifikanta skillnader mellan generation Z och äldre generationer. Resultatet visar även att anchoring och konfirmeringsbiassamvarierar signifikant med riskbenägenhet och att den största skillnaden mellan generation Z och äldre generationer kan hänföras till börspsykologiska bias. / Generation Z has during their short time as investors experienced a market crash due to the covid-pandemic in 2020 but also a quick recovery in the same year where the market reached a new all-time high. The market crash in 2020 was unique compared to the crash following the burst of the Dot-com bubble in 2000 and the financial crisis in 2008 because of the quick recovery of the stock market that led to new all-time highs. However, during the first months of 2022, Swedish investors were once again experiencing a market crash where the average stock on the Stockholm stock exchange had lost more than 36% of its value since their peak between 2020-2022 due to high inflation and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The youngest group of investors, generation Z, lacks experience from long-lasting uncertainties in the stock market. Research regarding generation Z is insufficient which gives rise to a new group of investors to study. The purpose of the thesis is to study the relationship between risk tolerance and psychological biases, cognitive reflection and experience from previous stock market crashes and how these factors differ between generation Z and older generations. The thesis finds that generation Z is indicated to be more affected by every psychological bias except overreaction and finds several significant differences between generation Z and the older generations. The result also shows that confirmation bias and anchoring have a significant relationship to risk tolerance and that the largest differences between generation Z and older generations are derived from psychological biases.

Generation Z:s investeringsbeteende i ingången av en lågkonjunktur : En kvantitativ studie om börspsykologiska faktorers påverkan på generation Z:s investeringsbeslut / Generation Z’s investment behavior at the onset of a recession : A quantitative study on the influence of psychological factors ongeneration Z’s investment decision

Boström, Hanna, Dahlström, Samuel January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Efter många år av högkonjunktur är den svenska ekonomin prognostiserad att föras in i en lågkonjunktur under 2023. Hög inflation hanteras med stigande räntor vilket påverkar investerare på flera sätt, men det finns också en rad börspsykologiska faktorer som kan ha en inverkan på investerare och deras beslut. En åldersgrupp som aldrig investerat under en lågkonjunktur är generation Z. Det är därför intressant att undersöka hur börspsykologiska faktorer påverkar generation Z:s investeringsbeslut under ingången av en lågkonjunktur. Syfte: Syftet med arbetet är därför att undersöka och åskådliggöra vilka börspsykologiska faktorer som har en påverkan på generation Z:s beslutsfattande i ingången av en lågkonjunktur.  Metod: Studien har antagit en kvantitativ insamlingsmetod med en deduktiv ansats, detta genom en genomgripande litteraturstudie följt av en enkätundersökning. Analysen har antagit ett deskriptivt förhållningssätt men har också bestått av enkel linjär regression. Slutsats: Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det finns tendenser av samtliga börspsykologiska biaser i generation Z. Av regressionsanalysen att döma går det dock endast att utläsa signifikanta samband mellan biaserna overconfidence, herding behaviour och anchoring bias mot generation Z:s investeringsbeslut under ingången av en lågkonjunktur.

Den föränderliga bilden av attraktivt arbete: En kvalitativ studie om Generation Y och Z : Hur organisationer kan arbeta för att behålla medarbetare i de yngre generationerna / The changing image of attractive work: A qualitative study on generation Y and Z

Sörensen, Alexandra, Edwall, Lovisa January 2023 (has links)
Konkurrensen på arbetsmarknaden är idag hög och det blir allt viktigare för organisationer att vara attraktiva arbetsgivare för att kunna attrahera och behålla personal. De olika generationerna som idag är yrkesverksamma har enligt forskning olika förväntningar och idéer om vad som identifierar en attraktiv arbetsgivare. Det är därför viktigt för organisationer att ta hänsyn till generationernas olika förväntningar och anpassa sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke därefter. I denna studie undersöker vi en organisation som upplever svårigheter att behålla medarbetare i generation Y och Z. Vi vill därmed identifiera vad dessa personer anser är attraktivt arbete, hur organisationen arbetar för att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare och hur anställda och tidigare anställda inom generation Y & Z upplever att organisationen kan utvecklas. Denna studie bygger på en kvalitativ metod, datainsamlingen har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer samt information från avvecklingssamtal. Tillsammans med teorin och datainsamlingen indikerar studien att generation Y och Z lägger stor vikt vid bland annat feedback, flexibilitet och utveckling på arbetsplatsen. Andra identifierade faktorer har också visat sig ha betydelse, bland annat lön, relationer och ledarskap. Slutligen diskuteras förbättringsförslag till organisationen som kan bidra till att behålla medarbetare i generation Y och Z i framtiden. / In today’s labor market the competition is high and it is becoming increasingly important for organizations to be attractive employers in order to attract and retain employees. According to research, the different generations that are currently active in the labor market have different expectations and ideas about what identifies an attractive employer. It is therefore important for organizations to consider the different expectations and adapt their employer brand to the generations they recruit accordingly. In this study, we are examining an organization that is experiencing difficulties in retaining employees in the Y and Z generation. Thus, we want to identify what these people consider attractive work, how the organization today works to be an attractive employer. As well as how employees and former employees within generation Y and Z believe that the organization can be developed. A qualitative method has been used, data collection has taken place through semi-structured interviews and information from exit interviews. Together with the theory and data collection, the study shows that generation Y and Z attaches great importance to factors such as feedback, flexibility, and development in the workplace. Other identified factors have also been found to be important, including salary, relationships in the workplace and leadership. Finally, suggestions for improvements to the organization that can help to retain employees ingeneration Y and Z in the future are discussed.

Ålderns påverkan på ledarskapspreferenser : En granskning av sambandet mellan ålder och ledarskapspreferenser bland HR-anställda i Sverige. / The influence of age on leadership preferences : An examination of the relationship between age and leadership preferences among HR employees in Sweden.

Atle, Ebba January 2024 (has links)
Ledarskapsteori är ett viktigt ämne inom forskning, för att göra det möjligt att optimera prestation och trivsel hos medarbetare i organisationer. Det skapar även möjligheter för ledare att anpassa sig efter sina medarbetare och skapa trivsamma och produktiva arbetsplatser.   Denna studie undersöker sambandet mellan ålder och ledarskapspreferenser hos HR-anställda i Sverige. HR-anställda ansågs vara relevanta att studera då de har stor påverkan på hälsan hos alla anställda på en arbetsplats. Studien utfördes i form av en enkät som besvarades av 221 respondenter, där 21 frågor från instrumentet Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, MLQ, besvarades. Frågorna mätte ledarstilarna Transformativt ledarskap, Transaktionellt ledarskap samt Laissez faire-ledarskap. Dessutom togs hänsyn till fyra olika generationsindelningar i studien; Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y och Generation Z. Dessa representerar åldern på den arbetskraft som befinner sig på arbetsmarknaden idag.   Resultatet visade på ett negativt samband mellan ålder och preferens för transformativt ledarskap, vilket indikerar att yngre personer föredrar ledare som är mer transformativa i sitt ledarskap. Det fanns även samband mellan preferens för olika ledarstilar, vilket tyder på att en ökad preferens för en av ledarstilarna indikerar en högre preferens för ytterligare en ledarstil. Studien ställer sig kritisk till generationsindelningar, då det inte fanns några signifikanta skillnader mellan preferenserna hos individer från olika generationer. / Leadership theory is an important subject within research, to create information and knowledge of how leadership preferences can differ between individuals. It also creates an opportunity for leaders to adapt their leadership to different co-workers and create healthy workplaces.   The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between age and leadership preference in HR-employees in Sweden. HR-employees was considered to be relevant since they are accountable for the health of all employees at a workplace. A survey was conduced, where the 221 respondents answered 21 questions from the questionnaire Multifactor Leadership Questionnare, MLQ. The questions measured the leadership types Transformative leadership, Transactional leadership and Laissez-faire leadership. Four generations were also considered; Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z, which represent the age of the workforce in Sweden at the time the study was conducted.   The study found a negative correlation between age and preference for Transformative leadership, which indicated that younger people prefer leaders who are transformative in their leadership. There were also correlations between preferences for different leadership types, where a higher preference for one leadership type also indicated a higher preference for another leadership type. The study is critical to dividing and judging people based on generation, since there were no differences between the preferences in individuals from different generations.

Fashion Killa : A study on teenager’s attitudes towards luxury fashion clothing brands.

Säterö, Martin, Winter, Albert January 2019 (has links)
Title: Fashion Killa: A study on teenager’s attitudes towards luxury fashion clothing brands. Bachelor Thesis 15HP in Business Economics (Marketing) Halmstad University School of Business, Engineering and Science  Supervisor: Thomas Helgesson Examiner: Venilton Reinert Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to examine the underlying factors that affect teenager’s attitudes towards luxury fashion clothing brands. Research question: What are the underlying factors that affects the attitudes of teenager ́s towards luxury fashion clothing brands? Literature review: The literature review introduces the theories and previous findings regarding the underlying factors that can be connected to our research question and explanation on the chosen generations as this study is supposed to relate to. Frame of reference: In these sections, our main investigation topic will be explained briefly what literatures explain and approach this matter. Our investigation topic “attitudes” have a meaningful role in this paper and it is defined in these sections as well is our choice of model. In the end of this chapter, we present our hypothesis which is based on our chosen model. Method: Based on the literature review and frame of reference a quantitative study was created where 408 Swedish respondents within the generation Z participated. Empirical findings: The survey consisted of 25 statements and questions as regard to our theories and could easily be connected to our chosen model. A Likert-scale from 1-5 was used so the respondents easy could fill in on what level they agreed or disagreed to. Conclusion: The conclusion on this study is that affect which are one of the three components that builds up attitudes. It is the component that positively influence teenagers the most. We can also see that social media have a great positive impact on their attitudes followed by luxury marketing and psychological benefits.

Generation Z's Positive and Negative Attributes and the Impact on Empathy After a Community-Based Learning Experience

Moscrip, Amanda Nicole 01 January 2019 (has links)
Generation Z, also known as the iGeneration, iGenners, GenZ, and Generation Now, consists of those born in the mid-1990s through the late 2010s. Historical events important for this generation have influenced their perception of safety as well as how they interact with others. As compared to previous generations, technological advances (i.e., Smartphones, social media) changed how GenZ communicates, socializes, and receives information. Unique experiences and attributes influenced Generation Z’s empathy because living through these events and seeing their impact changes how they can understand and take the perspective of others. The relation between three factors was examined across University students who are members of Generation Z; intensity of the CBL activity (high versus low), sex, and empathy (empathy assessment index, basic empathy scale, ethnocultural empathy scale). It is hypothesized that freshmen students would exhibit higher gains in empathy due to their developmental period. As hypothesized, there was a consistent main effect for sex in multiple subscales across the Honors Colloquium and Interdisciplinary late-teen sample indicating that females were higher in initial pretest scores and remained higher on post-scores on empathy as compared to males. These findings hold implication for instructors aiming to provide effective CBL experience for their students. Faculty may consider how students may be differentially receptive to CBL experiences on multiple demographic and personality variables, and while this study only examined sex and intensity of experience, it provides a good representation of the diversity of outcomes that can be evidenced.

Like Me: Generation Z, Instagram, and Self-Branding Practices

Longley, Emily 01 January 2018 (has links)
The newest generation, raised and immersed in today's hyper-consumer culture, has learned to define the self within a neoliberal and capitalist framework in which self-branding and ascribing to hegemonic principles appears imperative to one’s personal success.

The Gender Gap and Generational Differences in Ohio's Political Bellwether

Aaron, Evelyn E. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Marca empleadora en redes sociales para atraer a la generación Z de Lima

Carbajal Cribillero, Meredhit Alexandra, Javier Niño, Gabriela Angélica 27 November 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo identificar cómo debe comunicar el sector alimentación su marca empleadora en redes sociales para atraer talento de la generación Z de Lima. Específicamente, se busca explicar los motivos de los centennials para postular a una organización, descubrir cuáles son las redes sociales preferidas para obtener información sobre la compañía y determinar el contenido más atractivo. El enfoque del estudio es cualitativo, el nivel es descriptivo, el diseño es documental y fenomenológico. Las técnicas utilizadas fueron análisis de contenido, en el cual se revisaron las redes sociales de 3 empresas del sector; y entrevistas semiestructuradas a los responsables de la gestión de marca empleadora y, por otro lado, 20 estudiantes y egresados con experiencia laboral de las facultades de Negocios e Ingeniería. La información se comparó y analizó en base a la escala del atractivo del empleador (EmpAt). Los resultados muestran que las motivaciones de los entrevistados se relacionan con las dimensiones económica, social y desarrollo. Las redes sociales más alineadas a este objetivo son LinkedIn e Instagram. Finalmente, el contenido de interés en estas plataformas son la propuesta de valor al empleado (atributos), cultura, clima, testimonios de trabajadores, información realista del puesto y habilidades blandas que esperan de ellos. Asimismo, los formatos deben ser dinámicos, imágenes de calidad y videos cortos, así como texto reducido y uso de slogans o hashtags llamativos. / This research aims to identify how the food sector should communicate its employer brand on social media to attract talent from generation Z in Lima. Specifically, it seeks to explain the reasons of centennials to apply to an organization, discover which are the preferred social networks to obtain information about the company and determine the most attractive content. The focus of the study is qualitative, the level is descriptive, the design is documentary and phenomenological. The techniques used were content analysis, in which the social networks of 3 companies in the sector were reviewed; and semi-structured interviews with those responsible for managing the employer brand and, on the other hand, 20 students and graduates with work experience from the Business and Engineering faculties. Information was compared and analyzed based on the Employer Attractiveness Scale (EmpAt). The results show that the motivations of the interviewees are related to the economic, social and development dimensions. The social networks most aligned to this objective are LinkedIn and Instagram. Finally, the content of interest in these platforms are the value proposition to the employee (attributes), culture, climate, employee testimonials, realistic information of the position and soft skills expected of them. Likewise, the formats should be dynamic, quality images and short videos, as well as reduced text and the use of striking slogans or hashtags. / Tesis

Investigation of GenerationZs' perception of Green Homes and Green Home Features

Bhavya Rathna Kota (11022585) 23 July 2021 (has links)
In recent years, there has been an increase in environmental awareness in the United States leading to steady growth in environmentally conscious consumerism. These changes have come in response to issues such as the energy crisis, climate change, exponential population growth, and rapid urbanization. This fact is further supported by environmental campaigns and the green movement. Looking to the future of green home marketing, understanding the green consumer behavior of Generation Z (GenZ) is important for environmental and business reasons. The purpose of this research is to better understand the perception of GenZ on Green Homes (GHs). The study uses the lenses of dual inheritance and normative motivation theory to explain the influence of benefits and norms related to environmentalism and sustainability on GenZ consumers’ green behavior. This study seeks to evaluate 1) GenZ’s preferences related to Green Home Features (GHFs), 3) the extent of the influence of certain barriers on the adoption of GHFs, and 3) the types of motivation (intrinsic, instrumental and non-normative) influencing GenZ towards green home consumerism. Data was collected using an online survey questionnaire exclusively at Purdue University during March – April of 2021 (IRB 2020-1414). One hundred sixteen GenZ participants responded to the survey.The findings show that these GenZ consumers prefer a certain type of GHFs over others. Additionally, based on descriptive tests of GHFs, energy-related features were the most prized features, while the least preferred was water-efficient features. Descriptive tests on barriers suggest that GenZ consumers perceive the lack of choice in selecting GHFs in their homes to be a top barrier, followed by a lack of information and the perceived effort to analyze GHFs. Inferential tests for the same indicated that GenZ consumers perceive these barriers differently. Lastly, for GenZ consumers, intrinsic and non-normative motivations significantly affect their willingness to buy GHs. The findings concur with previous studies on green consumer behavior, yet they provide a new benchmark for understanding GenZ consumer behavior on GHs and an updated view of what GHFs they prefer. This research can be used by home marketers and policy makers to study future home trends, attract more potential homeowners to GHs, and help create a sustainable environment for future generations.

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