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Durable Housing Inequalities / How do urban poor cope with displacement (pressures)?Facius, Sascha 26 April 2018 (has links)
Wie gehen die städtischen Armen mit Wohnraumverdrängung um? Welche Strategien entwickeln sie? Und welche Elemente bestimmen, welche Strategien die städtischen Armen einsetzen? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, entpacke ich die Idee von ‚Strategien zur Bewältigung von Bedrohung durch Verdrängung‘, um zu soziologischen Konzeptualisierungen eben dieser Strategien zu gelangen. Dazu nutze ich einige der Konzepte in Bourdieus [1986] Kapitalbegriff sowie die Anwendung von Tillys [1999] Theorie der dauerhaften Ungleichheit als Rahmenkonzept. Empirisch identifiziere und analysiere ich die Anti-Verdrängungs-Strategien der städtischen Armen in den komplexen Wohnsituationen von São Paulo und Istanbul.
Der Analyse zufolge wirken sich die ermittelten Strategien zur Vermeidung von Verdrängung oder zur Verbesserung der Wohnsituation langfristig auf die Betroffenen oder den Wohnungsmarkt nicht positiv aus. Im zweiten Schritt der Analyse argumentiere ich, dass die Mehrheit der Strategien mit den Ursachen und Verstärkungsmechanismen der dauerhaften Ungleichheiten übereinstimmt, welche Tilly identifiziert hat. Dadurch entsteht, wie ich in der Arbeit darlege, zwangsläufig der Prozess der andauernden Wohnungsungleichheit, der trotz der Bemühungen der städtischen Armen wenig Aussicht auf Veränderung zeigt.
Das heißt nicht, dass die städtischen Armen keine Kämpfe gewonnen haben oder dass sich nicht individuell ihre Situationen verbessert haben, sondern, dass das größere Bild der Ungleichheiten in der Wohnungswirtschaft wenig erfolgsversprechend ist. Selbst wenn einige Menschen beispielsweise Vermögenswerte in Form von ökonomischem Kapital schaffen, scheinen die städtischen Armen dem zukünftigen Verdrängungsdruck nicht zu entkommen. Obwohl die Anti-Verdrängungs-Strategien somit den Verdrängungsdruck teilweise vorübergehend mildern können, untergraben die dauerhaften Ungleichheiten auf dem Wohnungsmarkt eine substanzielle und nachhaltige Veränderung im Interesse der städtischen Armen. / How do the urban poor cope with housing displacement? What kinds of strategies do the urban poor develop? And what elements shape which strategies they deploy? To answer these questions, I unpack the idea of strategies for “coping” with the threat or uncertainty of displacement to arrive at sociological conceptualizations of these strategies – ones anchored in Bourdieu’s [1986] concept of capital as well as the application of Tilly’s [1999] theory of durable inequalities to housing. Empirically, I identify and analyze the anti-displacement strategies of the urban poor within the complex housing contexts of São Paulo and Istanbul by breaking down the housing market into sub-housing markets (housing forms) as they are used by the urban poor in each local context. Combining existing analytic frameworks with my original data, I also speculate about the effects of the identified strategies for the urban poor in terms of durable housing inequalities.
According to the analysis, the identified strategies to avoid displacement or improve housing are not positively impacting the urban poor or the housing environment in the long run. To account for this, in the second step of the analysis I argue that the majority of strategies align with the causes and reinforcement mechanisms of durable inequalities that Tilly identified.
This is not to say no battles have been won or that no individual situations have improved, but to say that the larger picture of housing inequalities warrants little optimism. Even when some new housing forms create assets in form of economic capital (e.g., land titles), the urban poor don’t seem to escape future displacement pressures. Therefore, although the anti-displacement strategies may temporarily ease displacement pressure, the durable inequalities of the housing market undermine substantial and sustainable change in the interest of the urban poor.
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Local agency, adaptation, and planning betwixt and between urban risks and climate change in Panorama, ColombiaLajoie, Steffen 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse explore l'adaptation urbaine au changement climatique dans les quartiers informels du Sud Global. Ce sont des lieux de grands défis et de réponses innovantes. Le contexte mondial d’exclusion postcoloniale et capitaliste entraîne la vulnérabilité et le risque supplémentaire du changement climatique augmente ces aléas contextuels. Des chercheurs ont critiqué les réponses traditionnelles en matière de planification de l’adaptation, les jugeant trop prescriptives, technologiquement dépendantes et manquant les besoins locaux. L’adaptation communautaire peut être trop isolée et axée sur les besoins des individus et des élites face à la diversité des défis locaux. Ni l’un ni l’autre ne prennent en compte les dimensions politiques de la planification de l’adaptation. En réponse, les spécialistes critiques de l’adaptation urbaine ont appelé à une meilleure compréhension des expériences locales afin de comprendre comment les gens priorisent, négocient et réagissent à une multiplicité de risques.
En réponse à ces appels, ce projet cherche à mieux comprendre comment les gens perçoivent et répondent à ces défis à travers une étude de cas unique et exploratoire. Grâce à l’étude de cas qualitative dans le quartier de Panorama, situé dans la municipalité de Yumbo, en banlieue de Cali en Colombie, le projet cherche à comprendre comment l'identité et le pouvoir influencent l'accès aux ressources et aux institutions nécessaires pour s'adapter. Le projet se concentre sur deux sites de Panorama : un comité local d'aménagement soucieux de la sécurité foncière et une fondation écologique travaillant sur la conservation des espaces verts.
Les résultats mettent en évidence des règles du jeu inégales où les habitants les plus vulnérables empruntent des voies parfois illégales pour accéder à la terre et au logement. Plus les résidents sont établis, plus ils bénéficient d'avantages et d'expérience pour jouer le système. Les dirigeants et les experts travaillent dur pour négocier entre les formalités. Cependant, l’absence d’un processus de planification transparent laisse divers intérêts se disputer les ressources, ce qui conduit parfois à des conflits et met fin à la créativité. Les résultats de la recherche suggèrent que la planification de l’adaptation urbaine dans les contextes informels des pays du Sud doit continuer à s’appuyer sur des recherches et des pratiques qui tiennent compte de la diversité et des conflits afin de mieux faciliter une réponse juste et équitable à la crise climatique. / This thesis explores urban adaptation to climate change in informal settlements of the Global South. These are the sites of great challenges and innovative responses. The global context of post-colonial and capitalist exclusion drives vulnerability and the added risk of climate change augments these contextual hazards. Researchers have criticized mainstream adaptation planning responses for being too prescriptive, technologically dependent, and missing local needs. Community-based adaptation can be too isolated and focused on individual and elite needs over the diversity of local challenges. Both fail to account for the political dimensions of adaptation planning. In response, critical urban adaptation scholars have called for a better understanding of local experiences to comprehend how people prioritize, negotiate, and respond to a multiplicity of risks.
In answer to these calls, this project seeks to better understand how people perceive and respond to these challenges through a single exploratory case study. Through qualitative field research in Panorama, Yumbo, Colombia, the research looks to apprehend how identity and power influences access to resources and institutions needed to adapt. The project was hosted by a local research laboratory at the Universidad del Valle and focuses on two sites in Panorama: a local-planning committee concerned with land tenure security and an Ecological Foundation working on greenspace conservation.
The results point to an uneven playing field where the most vulnerable inhabitants navigate sometimes illegal avenues to gain access to land and housing. The more established residents enjoy more advantages and experience in playing the system. The leaders and experts work hard to broker between formalities. However, the absence of a transparent planning process leaves diverse local interests to compete for resources, sometimes leading to conflict that closes down on creativity. The research findings suggest that urban adaptation planning in informal contexts of the Global South must continue to build on research and practice that accounts for diversity and conflict to better facilitate a just and equitable response to the climate crisis.
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Self-understanding and understanding othersSöyler, Tamer 01 September 2015 (has links)
Die universalistische Fixierung auf Wahrheit hat lange Zeit das Verständnis des In-Der-Welt-Seins dominiert und vorstrukturiert. Der Aufstieg des globalen Südens jedoch hat die Vorherrschaft allgemeingültiger Deutungsweisen herausgefordert. Diese Veränderung hat die Bedeutung verschiedener Interpretationsweisen des In-der-Welt-Seins deutlich gemacht. Ein einschneidender Wandel zeichnet sich ab. Die Chance für gegenhegemoniale Ansätze steigt. Diese Untersuchung betrachtet die Grenzen des Verstehens und deren Verschiebungen. Sie diskutiert die Schwierigkeiten, die mit einem Wandel des Denkens verbunden sind, das Ausmaß, in dem Denken vorstrukturiert ist, und die Unabweisbarkeit von Momenten des Wandels. In Übereinstimmung damit sieht die Studie einen Zusammenhang zwischen Verstehen und Emanzipation. Zum Schluss wird die Rolle der Universitäten als Hüter und Verbreiter des Denkens hinterfragt, insbesondere für die gegenwärtige Bewegung, sich für ein Verständnis des In-der-Welt-Seins von den Beschränkungen des hegemonialen Denkens zu befreien. / Universalist fixation on truth has long dominated and pre-structured the analyst’s understanding of being in the world. The emergence of the Global South has given rise to a challenge to the hegemony of one-size-fits-all approaches. The ontological shift has revealed the relevance of different ways of understanding being in the world. A threshold of change has become visible. The potentiality for counter-hegemonic approaches is increasing. This study looks at the limits of understanding, and how those limits can be, and are being, overcome. It discusses the difficulties associated with transformation in thinking, the degree to which thought is pre-structured, and the irrefutability of moments of change. It establishes a link between understanding and emancipation. Finally, it questions the role of the universities as guardians and purveyors of thinking in the present emancipatory movement of understanding being in the world beyond the boundaries set by hegemonic thinking.
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This thesis examines the discourses surrounding the subject of climate change, with particular emphasis on the discourse(s) of the emerging social movement for climate justice. Positioned within the social constructivist and critical research paradigms, the methodology involves a Foucauldian-inspired discourse analysis in which discourse is defined as a historically-situated, materially-embodied, and power-imbued set of statements and rules that comprise a unique and coherent representation of the world. A review of the climate change-related literature reveals four primary discourses on the phenomenon of rising greenhouse gas emissions: early scientific, climate modernization, climate change denial, and climate justice. The statements and rules of these four discourses, as well as the theoretical trends and sociopolitical, economic, and ecological factors affecting their historical development are described. A deeper analysis using 26 primary documents representing every major climate justice organization reveals that rather than a single coherent discourse, the climate justice movement encompasses four individual sub-discourses: global, peasant-oriented, Indigenous, and civil rights. Focussed on climate-related inequities in developing countries of the Southern Hemisphere, the global discourse constructs climate change as a problem of the structures and logic of the globalized capitalist economy. The peasant-oriented discourse emphasizes inequities to peasant farmers, and represents climate change as largely the result of industrialized agriculture and food systems. With specific concern for the wellbeing of Indigenous communities, the Indigenous discourse locates the cause of climate change in the “violation of the sacred” and the loss of harmony with Mother Earth. The United States-based civil rights discourse primarily emphasizes the rights and interests of African American communities and constructs climate change as a problem of externalized ecological costs and failure to incent a “green” economy. The relations of power between the four climate justice sub-discourses and the prevailing climate modernization discourse are tentatively explored on the basis of three indicators of strength (internal coherence, material foundations, and adaptive capacity), on which basis several questions related to discursive resistance are proposed as possible avenues of future research. / Thesis (Master, Environmental Studies) -- Queen's University, 2012-10-11 09:45:29.397
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全球五旬節運動視野下的真耶穌教會 / The formation of the true Jesus church : a perspective from the global pentecostal movement葉先秦 Unknown Date (has links)
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O decrescimento: leituras a partir do Sul global / Degrowth: perspectives from the global SouthTrettel-Silva, Gabriel 30 October 2017 (has links)
O debate sobre o decrescimento constitui uma crítica ao sistema socioeconômico baseado na lógica do crescimento ilimitado e no imperativo cultural do desenvolvimento. O decrescimento propõe a redução da escala biofísica e a reestruturação da economia global, fundamentalmente nos países do Norte cuja pegada ecológica excede os limites ecológicos. O Sul aparece com menos evidência na literatura decrescentista, porém, está inevitavelmente implicado nessa discussão. Buscando contribuir para compreender as implicações do decrescimento para o Sul, esta dissertação teve por objetivo analisar como o Sul global está representado no debate acadêmico internacional sobre o decrescimento. Para cumpri-lo, foi realizado um mapeamento e uma revisão sistemática da literatura internacional sobre o tema. Para o mapeamento, foi considerada a base de dados Scopus e foram utilizados termos de busca em inglês (degrowth e de-growth). A análise das características bibliométricas dos documentos identificados mostrou a prevalência de autores de instituições de países do Norte e baixa participação do Sul global. A revisão sistemática da literatura identificou cinco eixos temáticos na abordagem do Sul pelo decrescimento. Três deles abordam Sul de maneira explícita: (i) a perspectiva biofísica, relacionada à economia ecológica, sustenta que o decrescimento no Norte deve abrir espaço ecológico para o aumento do uso de recursos no Sul sem ultrapassar os limites ecológicos globais; (ii) os aspectos políticos dos fluxos internacionais de recursos denunciam as injustiças ambientais e socioeconômicas associadas ao comércio de commodities da perspectiva da ecologia política; e (iii) o eixo das alternativas ao desenvolvimento vê convergências entre o decrescimento e cosmovisões oriundas de contextos culturais do Sul como o bem viver andino. Por outro lado, outros dois eixos identificados abordam o Sul de maneira implícita ou indireta: (iv) no eixo que trata de aspectos demográficos, o decrescimento busca se afastar de concepções malthusianas autoritárias e se aproximar de abordagens de controle populacional voluntário, sem nomear explicitamente o Sul, mas responsabilizando indiretamente as populações mais numerosas; (v) no último eixo, se argumenta que a diminuição do consumo permitiria o decrescimento do tempo de trabalho dos trabalhadores do Norte global, sem relacionar esse tipo de decrescimento aos países do Sul, onde o efeito poderia ser o oposto se houvesse aumento do consumo. Observou-se que o decrescimento do consumo da escala biofísica da economia não é recomendado ao Sul. O decrescimento da jornada de trabalho tampouco, ao passo que o decrescimento populacional pode ser associado a esse grupo de países. Tanto no Sul quanto no Norte são desejáveis alternativas autóctones ao desenvolvimento. Porém, nos cinco eixos identificados na abordagem do Sul, pouco se explora a relocalização, um processo estratégico para o decrescimento em seu sentido amplo e também para o objetivo de estabelecer relações justas entre Sul e Norte. Recomenda-se que estudos futuros considerem a relocalização ao abordar a divisão Norte-Sul no contexto do decrescimento. Sugere-se ainda que correntes do pensamento latinoamericano, que apesar de orientadas pela ideia de desenvolvimento se debruçaram sobre as relações político-econômicas entre países, podem também contribuir para discutir o decrescimento de uma perspectiva do Sul global. / Degrowth is a critique of a society based on the logic of limitless gowth and on the cultural imperative of development. Degrowth proposes reduction of the biophysical scale and restructuring of the global economy, notably, in the global North whose ecological footprint have overshot ecological limits. The global South appears with less evidence in the degrowth literature, however, it is unavoidably implicated in this discussion. Seeking to understand the implications of degrowth for the South, this dissertation aimed to analyze how the global South is represented in the international academic debate on degrowth. To accomplish this goal, the international literature on the subject was mapped and systematically reviewed. The database Scopus was selected for the mapping procedure and search terms were defined in English (degrowth and de-growth). The mapping showed the prevalence of authors from institutions of the North and low participation of the South. The review identified five thematic axes in the approach to the South by degrowth. Three of them approach the South in an explicit way: (i) the biophysical perspective, related to ecological economics, holds that degrowth in the North may open \"ecological space\" for growth in resources use in the South without exceeding global ecological limits; (ii) the political aspects of international resource flows denounce environmental and socio-economic injustices associated with commodity trade from the perspective of political ecology; and (iii) the axis on alternatives to development sees convergences between degrowth and cosmovisions coming from cultural contexts of the South as the Andean buen vivir. On the other hand, two other identified axes approach the South in an implicit or indirect way: (iv) in the axis that deals with demographic aspects, degrowth attempts to move away from authoritarian Malthusian conceptions and get closer to voluntary population control approaches without naming the South explicitly, but indirectly charging larger populations independently of their per capita impact; and (V) in the last axis, it is argued that lower consumption would allow work-time degrowth in the North. However, this type of degrowth is not mentioned to be desired for the South, where the effect could be the opposite if there were an increase in consumption. It was observed that degrowth in consumption and of the biophysical scale of the economy is not recommended for the South. Work-time degrowth is not recommended either, while populational contraction is not associated to any of the groups of countries. Both in the South and in the North autochthonous development alternatives are desirable. It is recommended that future studies consider relocalization when addressing the North-South divide in the context of degrowth. It is also suggested that streams of Latin American thought, which although oriented by the idea of development focused on the political-economic relations between countries, may also contribute to discuss degrowth from a global South perspective.
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Bridge the gap!Ginzel, Beate 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis identifies four modes of action and cooperation of transnational networks of GROs by taking the Tanzania Urban Poor Federation (TUPF), a sub-network of Shack Slum Dweller International
(SDI), as an example. Based on the understanding of “interpretive network analysis” (Schindler 2006: pp. 100-101), qualitative and quantitative methodologies of data collection and analysis (expert interviews, member survey, on-site visits of projects, review of TUPF and SDI reports) have been applied in the course of field research. Analysis took place based on a set of criteria regarding the current state of knowledge of typologies, structures, processes, dynamics and preconditions for stable, effective networks.
Furthermore, mechanisms for network governance are also taken into account. The selected cases represent a range of issues, applied instruments, different modes of cooperation and scopes of action. Based on the set of criteria, the examination is intended to address questions concerning the relevance of local embeddedness and the capability of the local communities of the TUPF to enter into cross-sectoral and cross-level cooperation. Based on these insights, effects for the scope of action, the empowerment of the actors involved and the development of marginalized settlements are indentified. The case-study research on the basis of the TUPF and SDI verifies the potential of networks for the dissemination of knowledge and the creation of social capital and multidimensional cooperation. However, the analysed modes of action and cooperation develop different degrees of capacities regarding these issues. In this context, the assumed interrelation between the degree of extension of the scope of action
and the capability to create multidimensional cooperation in the course of networking activities becomes clear. The cases of the TUPF and SDI show that transnational networks of GROs are able to develop cooperation structures and development strategies involving features of integrated approaches which are spatially and socially embedded in local communities and also benefit from transnational and crosssectoral
cooperation. The aspects highlighted above represent a range of potentials and preconditions which turned out to be relevant and important for the activities and processes of local communities within
the network. These final results are intended to provide guidance for the development of beneficial structures by governmental actors and development organizations. Furthermore, they should be integrated into
a reconsideration of cooperation strategies in the course of urban management processes and development approaches to reduce urban poverty.
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Kulturellt relevant socialt arbete? : En fältstudie i en SOS-barnby, SwazilandEkström, Sarah, Persson, Magdalena January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how SOS Children's Villages as an organization in Swaziland is affected by, and takes into account, the cultural, organizational and societal context in which it acts. Material was gathered through a field study during one month in one of the three SOS Children's Villages in Swaziland. The study has a qualitative approach and is based on the result from 12 semi-structured interviews with village mothers and other representatives from the organization. The other representatives were: social worker, program director, child and youth development coordinator, board member and educational manager. Since this study is both characterized by a specific historical, cultural and organizational context, we decided to connect the postcolonial perspective with an organization theory with focus on the concepts of culture, power and a children’s right perspective. The result from the study showed that SOS Children's village is affected by and takes into account the cultural and societal context in Swaziland in several ways. They do so, mainly by inlvolving the children in cultural values and activites. The result also showed that the village is influenced by the organizational field, because the SOS-Children´s village is in need of creating legitimacy. However, it becomes thus a dilemma how much the social work should be built upon, adapted, or should take into account the cultural, organizational and societal contexts to not maintain colonial worldviews.
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Psychological well-being, maternal-foetal bonding and experiences of Indian surrogatesLamba, Nishtha January 2018 (has links)
Over the past two decades, India has become an international hub of cross-border surrogacy. The extreme economic and cultural differences between international couples seeking surrogacy and the surrogates themselves, clinics compromising health of surrogates for profit, the stigmatisation of surrogacy in India, and the constant surveillance of these women living in a ‘surrogate house’, have raised concerns regarding the potentially negative psychological impact of surrogacy on Indian surrogates. The primary aims of the thesis were (i) to conduct a longitudinal assessment of surrogates’ psychological problems (anxiety, depression and stress) from pregnancy until several months after relinquishing the baby to the intended parents, (ii) to examine the nature of the bond formed between surrogates and the unborn baby and establish whether this prenatal bond contributes to their psychological problems, and (iii) to explore the experiences of surrogates during and post-surrogacy. Fifty surrogates were compared with a matched group of 69 expectant mothers during pregnancy. Of these, 45 surrogates and 49 compairson group of mothers were followed up 4-6 months after the birth. All surrogates were hosting pregnancies for international intended parents and had at least one child of their own. Data were obtained using standardised questionnaires and in-depth interviews and were analysed using quantitative and qualitative methods. Indian surrogates were found to be more depressed than the comparison group of mothers, both during pregnancy and after the birth. However, giving up the newborn did not appear to add to surrogates’ levels of depression. There were no differences between the surrogates and the expectant mothers in anxiety or stress during either phase of the study. The examination of risk factors for psychological problems among the surrogates showed that anticipation of stigma, experiences of social humiliation and receiving insufficient support during pregnancy were associated with higher levels of depression following the birth. With respect to bonding with the unborn child, surrogates experienced lower levels of emotional bonding (e.g. they interacted less, and wondered less about, the foetus), but exhibited higher levels of instrumental bonding (e.g. they adopted better eating habits and avoided unhealthy practices during pregnancy), than women who were carrying their own babies. Contrary to concerns, greater bonding with the unborn child was not associated with increased psychological problems post-relinquishment. All surrogates were able to give up the child. Meeting the intended parents after the birth positively contributed towards surrogates’ satisfaction with relinquishment whereas meeting the baby did not. The qualitative findings on surrogates’ experiences showed that the majority lacked basic medical information regarding surrogacy pregnancy; hid surrogacy from most people; felt positive and supported at the surrogate house; lived in uncertainty regarding whether or not they would be allowed to meet the intended parents and the baby; and did not actually get to meet them. These findings have important implications for policy and practice on surrogacy in the Global South.
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O decrescimento: leituras a partir do Sul global / Degrowth: perspectives from the global SouthGabriel Trettel-Silva 30 October 2017 (has links)
O debate sobre o decrescimento constitui uma crítica ao sistema socioeconômico baseado na lógica do crescimento ilimitado e no imperativo cultural do desenvolvimento. O decrescimento propõe a redução da escala biofísica e a reestruturação da economia global, fundamentalmente nos países do Norte cuja pegada ecológica excede os limites ecológicos. O Sul aparece com menos evidência na literatura decrescentista, porém, está inevitavelmente implicado nessa discussão. Buscando contribuir para compreender as implicações do decrescimento para o Sul, esta dissertação teve por objetivo analisar como o Sul global está representado no debate acadêmico internacional sobre o decrescimento. Para cumpri-lo, foi realizado um mapeamento e uma revisão sistemática da literatura internacional sobre o tema. Para o mapeamento, foi considerada a base de dados Scopus e foram utilizados termos de busca em inglês (degrowth e de-growth). A análise das características bibliométricas dos documentos identificados mostrou a prevalência de autores de instituições de países do Norte e baixa participação do Sul global. A revisão sistemática da literatura identificou cinco eixos temáticos na abordagem do Sul pelo decrescimento. Três deles abordam Sul de maneira explícita: (i) a perspectiva biofísica, relacionada à economia ecológica, sustenta que o decrescimento no Norte deve abrir espaço ecológico para o aumento do uso de recursos no Sul sem ultrapassar os limites ecológicos globais; (ii) os aspectos políticos dos fluxos internacionais de recursos denunciam as injustiças ambientais e socioeconômicas associadas ao comércio de commodities da perspectiva da ecologia política; e (iii) o eixo das alternativas ao desenvolvimento vê convergências entre o decrescimento e cosmovisões oriundas de contextos culturais do Sul como o bem viver andino. Por outro lado, outros dois eixos identificados abordam o Sul de maneira implícita ou indireta: (iv) no eixo que trata de aspectos demográficos, o decrescimento busca se afastar de concepções malthusianas autoritárias e se aproximar de abordagens de controle populacional voluntário, sem nomear explicitamente o Sul, mas responsabilizando indiretamente as populações mais numerosas; (v) no último eixo, se argumenta que a diminuição do consumo permitiria o decrescimento do tempo de trabalho dos trabalhadores do Norte global, sem relacionar esse tipo de decrescimento aos países do Sul, onde o efeito poderia ser o oposto se houvesse aumento do consumo. Observou-se que o decrescimento do consumo da escala biofísica da economia não é recomendado ao Sul. O decrescimento da jornada de trabalho tampouco, ao passo que o decrescimento populacional pode ser associado a esse grupo de países. Tanto no Sul quanto no Norte são desejáveis alternativas autóctones ao desenvolvimento. Porém, nos cinco eixos identificados na abordagem do Sul, pouco se explora a relocalização, um processo estratégico para o decrescimento em seu sentido amplo e também para o objetivo de estabelecer relações justas entre Sul e Norte. Recomenda-se que estudos futuros considerem a relocalização ao abordar a divisão Norte-Sul no contexto do decrescimento. Sugere-se ainda que correntes do pensamento latinoamericano, que apesar de orientadas pela ideia de desenvolvimento se debruçaram sobre as relações político-econômicas entre países, podem também contribuir para discutir o decrescimento de uma perspectiva do Sul global. / Degrowth is a critique of a society based on the logic of limitless gowth and on the cultural imperative of development. Degrowth proposes reduction of the biophysical scale and restructuring of the global economy, notably, in the global North whose ecological footprint have overshot ecological limits. The global South appears with less evidence in the degrowth literature, however, it is unavoidably implicated in this discussion. Seeking to understand the implications of degrowth for the South, this dissertation aimed to analyze how the global South is represented in the international academic debate on degrowth. To accomplish this goal, the international literature on the subject was mapped and systematically reviewed. The database Scopus was selected for the mapping procedure and search terms were defined in English (degrowth and de-growth). The mapping showed the prevalence of authors from institutions of the North and low participation of the South. The review identified five thematic axes in the approach to the South by degrowth. Three of them approach the South in an explicit way: (i) the biophysical perspective, related to ecological economics, holds that degrowth in the North may open \"ecological space\" for growth in resources use in the South without exceeding global ecological limits; (ii) the political aspects of international resource flows denounce environmental and socio-economic injustices associated with commodity trade from the perspective of political ecology; and (iii) the axis on alternatives to development sees convergences between degrowth and cosmovisions coming from cultural contexts of the South as the Andean buen vivir. On the other hand, two other identified axes approach the South in an implicit or indirect way: (iv) in the axis that deals with demographic aspects, degrowth attempts to move away from authoritarian Malthusian conceptions and get closer to voluntary population control approaches without naming the South explicitly, but indirectly charging larger populations independently of their per capita impact; and (V) in the last axis, it is argued that lower consumption would allow work-time degrowth in the North. However, this type of degrowth is not mentioned to be desired for the South, where the effect could be the opposite if there were an increase in consumption. It was observed that degrowth in consumption and of the biophysical scale of the economy is not recommended for the South. Work-time degrowth is not recommended either, while populational contraction is not associated to any of the groups of countries. Both in the South and in the North autochthonous development alternatives are desirable. It is recommended that future studies consider relocalization when addressing the North-South divide in the context of degrowth. It is also suggested that streams of Latin American thought, which although oriented by the idea of development focused on the political-economic relations between countries, may also contribute to discuss degrowth from a global South perspective.
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