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Sustainable health financing for progress towards universal health coverage in low- and middle-income countries / Financement soutenable de la santé pour le progrès vers la couverture universelle en santé dans les pays à revenus faible et IntermédiaireTapsoba, Palingwindé Yann 22 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux questions de soutenabilité dans le financement de la santé au sein des pays à revenus faible et intermédiaire. Elle est articulée autour de quatre chapitres. Les deux premiers chapitres proposent respectivement d’explorer les déterminants de l’efficience technique des dépenses de santé et de leur niveau par habitant dans les pays à revenus faible et intermédiaire. Le premier chapitre analyse l’effet de l’ouverture commerciale sur l’efficience technique des dépenses de santé. Le second chapitre étudie l’effet de la pollution de l’air sur les dépenses de santé. Dans les deux derniers chapitres, nous nous focalisons sur les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. Le troisième chapitre étudie le rôle que joue le financement prépayé de la santé pour l’amélioration de la santé dans les ménages tandis que le quatrième chapitre se fixe pour objectif d’analyser les déterminants des dépenses prépayées de santé en se focalisant plus particulièrement sur l’instabilité politique. / This thesis focuses on the sustainability issues in health financing in low-and middle –income countries. It is articulated around four chapters. The two first chapters propose to respectively explore the determinants of technical efficiency of health expenditures and their level per capita in low-and middle –income countries. The first chapter analyzes trade openness effect on the technical efficiency of health expenditures. The second chapter investigates air pollution effect on health expenditures. In the two last chapters, we focus on Sub-Saharan African countries. The third chapter studies the role that plays prepayment health financing for health improvement in households whereas the fourth one sets the goal to analyze the determinants of prepayment health expenditures, by particularly focusing on political instability.
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Activités et efficicience des établissements de santé dans le contexte de la couverture universelle de santé : études sur données d'enquêtes au Cambodge et en Chine / Activities and efficiency of health care facilities in the context of universal health coverage : study from survey data in Cambodia and ChinaPélissier, Aurore 23 November 2012 (has links)
La couverture universelle de santé est aujourd’hui au coeur du financement de la santé. Dans ce contexte, le développement des mécanismes d’assurance et l’amélioration de l’efficience constituent des enjeux majeurs pour garantir l’équité dans l’accès et le financement des services de santé. La transition vers la couverture universelle de santé s’appuie sur la combinaison des fonds d’équité de santé et de l’assurance santé communautaire au Cambodge et sur le développement de l’assurance santé communautaire en Chine avec le Nouveau Système de Coopératives Médicales Rurales. Alors que les modalités du financement de la santé changent, l’utilisation des ressources devient un enjeu central et on doit alors s’interroger sur leur efficience dans le contexte de la couverture universelle de santé. C’est l’objet de cette thèse qui s’articule autour de quatre chapitres. Le chapitre I analyse les enjeux du financement de la santé dans les pays en développement dans le contexte de la couverture universelle de santé, montrant pourquoi la problématique de l’efficience en constitue l’une des interrogations centrales. La thèse se concentre alors sur l’étude de l’efficience des établissements de santé au travers de trois chapitres. Le chapitre II porte sur la mesure de l’efficience technique via l’analyse d’enveloppement des données. Les chapitres III et IV présentent des études de cas portant respectivement sur l’activité et l’efficience des centres de santé de la province de Takéo au Cambodge et des hôpitaux municipaux de la préfecture de Weifang en Chine dans le contexte des réformes orientées vers la couverture universelle de santé. / Universal health coverage is at the heart of health financing. In such context, the development of insurance mechanisms and the improvement of efficiency are major stakes to insure equity in access and financing of health care services. In Cambodia, the transition to universal health coverage relies on a combination of health equity funds and community-based health insurance while in China it relies on the development of community-based health insurance with the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme. The composition of health financing evolves and thus, the utilization of resources becomes a central issue. So, as it proposed in this thesis, we have to examine the efficiency in the context of universal health coverage. The chapter I analyses the issues of health financing in developing countries in the context of universal health coverage and underlines why the efficiency is the central issue. The thesis then concentrates on the study of efficiency through three chapters. Chapter II details the data envelopment analysis to estimate technical efficiency. Chapters III and IV respectively study the activity and efficiency of health centers of Takeo province in Cambodia and townships hospitals of Weifang prefecture in China, in the context of reforms oriented to universal health coverage.
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Toward Universal Health Coverage : Assessing Health Financing Reforms in Low and Middle Income Countries.Barroy, Hélène 15 December 2014 (has links)
La Couverture Santé Universelle (CSU) vise permettre à chaque individu d’utiliser les services de santé dont il a besoin sans risque de ruine financière ou d’appauvrissement. Bien que le concept de CSU offre un cadre directeur important pour une nation, tous les pays, quel que soit leur niveau de revenu, sont aux prises avec la réalisation ou le maintien de la couverture universelle. Dans ce contexte, générer des preuves sur les expériences des pays et partager les leçons sur les principales contraintes et les choix stratégiques utilisés pour surmonter les barrières techniques serait susceptible de permettre aux pays à revenus faibles ou intermédiaires d’aller de l'avant et de progresser plus rapidement vers la CSU. La thèse propose une analyse comparative de plusieurs instruments politiques, utilisés par cinq cas pays (Niger, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Gabon, France), pour étendre la couverture sanitaire et la protection financière. L’analyse montre que les interventions simples, comme la suppression des frais des utilisateurs (Niger) ou de l'assurance santé à base communautaire (Bangladesh), peuvent accroître l'utilisation des services pour les groupes les plus défavorisés, mais font face à de fortes limitations dans l’atteinte de plus grandes ambitions. Des réformes plus articulées ont démontré des gains importants dans le développement de la couverture santé, mais font également face à des défis pour trouver l'espace budgétaire suffisant (Gabon) et améliorer l’efficience et l'équité du système (Vietnam). Enfin, la thèse analyse les effets de différentes réformes utilisées pour maintenir les gains de la CSU dans des systèmes de santé mûrs, tel que la France. Dans l'ensemble, la thèse a démontré que le menu des réformes vers la couverture universelle est vaste, complexe et perpétuel mais que certains chemins peuvent conduire au succès. / Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is to ensure that everyone can use the health services they need without risk of financial ruin or impoverishment. While the UHC concept offers a powerful framework for a nation, all countries, irrespective of their income level, are struggling with achieving or sustaining universal coverage. In this context, generating evidence about countries’ experiences and sharing lessons on key constraints and strategic choices used to overcome technical barriers would likely enable low-and-middle countries to move forward and make faster progress toward UHC. The thesis provides a comparative analysis of policy instruments used by five selected country cases (Niger, Vietnam,Bangladesh, Gabon and France), to expand health coverage and financial coverage. Analysis shows that single interventions, like user fee removal (Niger) or community-based insurance (Bangladesh), can increase service utilization for the most disadvantaged groups but face strong limitations toward greater ambitions. More articulated reforms have demonstrated significant gains in expanding health coverage but also face challenges in finding the adequate fiscal space (Gabon) and in strengthening system’s efficiency and equity (Vietnam). Finally, the thesis analyzed the effects of different reforms used to sustain gains of UHC in mature health systems, like France. Overall, the thesis demonstrated that the reform agenda for universal coverage is large, complex and perpetual but that certain pathways can ensure success.
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The role of social health insurance in health financing system : a global look and a case study for ChinaHuang, Xiao Xian 09 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
It has been widely recognized that poor health is an important cause of poverty, especiallyamong the low- and middle- income countries. One of the reasons is the absence of publicfinancial protection against the medical consumption risk in these countries. This Phd dissertationis dedicated to discern the role that health insurance could play in the organization of healthfinancial protection system. The dissertation is composed of two parts. The first part discusses theproblems linking to the financing to medical consumption from a global point of view. Chapter 1brings theoretical discussions on three topics: 1) the specialties of medical consumption risks andthe difficulties in using private health insurance to manage medical consumption risks. 2) Therole of government and market in the distribution of health resources. 3) The options for theorganization of health financing system. Chapter 2 conducts a statistical comparison on theperformance of health financing systems in the countries of different social-economic background.The discussion is carried out around three aspects of health financing: the availability of resources,the organization of health financing, and the coverage of financial protection. The second part ofthe dissertation studies the evolution of heath financing system in a specific country: China. Threechapters are assigned to this part. Chapter 3 introduces the history of Chinese health financingsystem since 1950s. It helps us to understand the challenges in health financing brought byeconomic reform. Chapter 4 carries out an empirical study on the distribution of health financingburden in China in the 1990s. It illustrates the direct results of the decline of public financing andincrease of direct payment. Chapter 5 presents health insurance reform that launched by thegovernment since the end of 1990s. An impact analysis is conducted on an original dataset of 24township hospitals in Weifang prefecture in the north of the China. The objective is to estimatethe impact of the implementation of New Rural Medical Cooperation System (NRMCS) on theactivities and financial structure of township hospitals. At last, we conclude that social healthinsurance (SHI) permits a sharing of health financial responsibilities between the service provider,the patient-consumer, and the service purchaser. It can not only involve both public and privateagents into the collection of funds for health financing system, but also make each party moreaccountable due to the risks they bear from the result of medical consumption. Meanwhile it isnecessary to note that SHI is just one option among others to organize health financing system.The implementation of SHI requires a certain level of social-economic development. SHI does notsystematically bring better performance on health financing if it is not accompanied by thereforms on provider payment or on service delivery system. Government commitment andinstitutional capacity are also key factors for the good function of the system.
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Em busca de recursos para a saúde: a implantação da Emenda Constitucional nº 29Costa, Luiz Renato Lima da 17 April 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-04-17T00:00:00Z / Since the National Health System (SUS) was created by Brazilian 1988 Constitution, one of its goals has been the stability and sufficiency of its financing model. The financing crisis that took place as early as from the years 1990 generated new proposals related to SUS financing. These initiatives led to the approval of Constitutional Ammendment no 29 (EC 29), in september 2000, which established resource ear-marking for the three governmental levels. However, the implementation of this new financing model has been characterized by controversial interpretations of what EC 29 really said. Using the theory from Fiscal Federalism, this thesis aims to study the implementation of resource ear-marking for health, through documental annalysis regarding the National Health Council (CNS) and Audit Offices at the federal, state and municipal levels. Data bases from the National Treasure and Health Public Budget Information Systems (SIOPS), from the Ministry of Health were used to gather data regarding revenues and expenses from federate units. In conclusion, it can be said that EC 29 was an advancement in SUS financing. Nevertheless, some issues are not yet solved. How to treat inequities, how to redistribute resources among different federate units are still unresolved issues, without a strong association with performance goals and responsibility sharing. The forecast of periodical revisions of EC 29´s legal text offers an uncommon opportunity for improving the financing model. / Desde sua criação, pela Constituição de 1988, o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) perseguiu a estabilidade e suficiência em seu financiamento. A crise de financiamento que se estabeleceu, já a partir do início dos anos 1990, levou ao surgimento de propostas relativas ao financiamento do SUS. Essas iniciativas culminaram com a aprovação da Emenda Constitucional no 29 (EC 29), em setembro de 2000, estabelecendo a vinculação de recursos para as três esferas de governo. A implantação do novo modelo de financiamento, no entanto, tem sido marcada por controvérsias na interpretação das disposições da EC 29. Este trabalho procurou, utilizando o referencial teórico proporcionado pelos estudos de Federalismo Fiscal, estudar o processo de implantação da vinculação de recursos para a saúde a partir da análise documental desenvolvida a partir, principalmente, do Conselho Nacional de Saúde e dos Tribunais de Contas da União, estados e municípios. Para os dados de receita e despesa das unidades da federação foram utilizadas as bases de dados da Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional e do Sistema de Informações sobre Orçamentos Públicos em Saúde (SIOPS), do Ministério da Saúde. Concluiu-se que a EC 29 constituiu um avanço no financiamento do SUS. Algumas questões, todavia, permaneceram pendentes. O tratamento a ser dado à desigualdades e os mecanismos de redistribuição de recursos, entre as diversas unidades da federação, permaneciam em aberto, sem uma associação mais forte com o estabelecimento de metas de desempenho e divisão de responsabilidades. A previsão de revisão periódica das disposições da EC 29, todavia, oferece uma rara oportunidade de aperfeiçoamento do modelo de financiamento.
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Financiamento do SUS na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro nos anos 2000 / Financing of the SUS in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro in the 2000sRodrigo Pucci de Sá e Benevides 11 March 2010 (has links)
A vinculação de receitas de impostos para aplicação em ações e serviços públicos de saúde, aprovada em setembro de 2000 através da Emenda Constitucional n 29, (EC 29) modificou profundamente as relações intergovernamentais na área da saúde, inaugurando o comprometimento orçamentário das três esferas de governo com a política de saúde. Na última década, estados e municípios aumentaram sua participação no financiamento do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), enquanto a União manteve o valor da despesa como proporção do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB). A criação do Sistema de Informações sobre Orçamentos Públicos em Saúde (SIOPS) no âmbito do Ministério da Saúde (MS) permite o acompanhamento da execução orçamentária de estados e municípios a partir de um sistema informatizado com dados disponíveis na internet. O objetivo dessa dissertação é estudar as fontes de informação sobre o financiamento do SUS no período de 2000 a 2008 a partir da sistematização de dados do SIOPS sobre as receitas de impostos e as despesas com ações e serviços de saúde e do Fundo Nacional de Saúde (FNS/MS) sobre as transferências de recursos para estados e municípios na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro (RM do RJ). A partir de uma análise dos dados coletados, buscou-se traçar um perfil sobre o financiamento do SUS no território compreendido na RM do RJ, de forma a se avaliar as possibilidades e os limites das diversas fontes de informações sobre o financiamento do SUS nas três esferas de governo. / The binding of public revenues to investment in public health services and activities, approved in September 2000 by the Constitutional Amendment 29, has profoundly changed intergovernmental relations in the health sector. In the last decade, states and municipalities raised their share in the financing of the Unified Health System (SUS), while the Union spent the same amount as a percentage of the National Grosso Product (GDP). The Public Health Budget Information System (SIOPS), created and managed by the Ministry of Health, monitors the budgets performance in states and municipalities through the use of an software available in the internet. The objective of this dissertation is to study the data sources on financing of the Unified Health System (SUS) in the period 2000 to 2008. The study is based on the systematization of data on public revenue and expenditure with health services from the Public Health Budget Information System (SIOPS/Ministry of Health), and on the data related to the transfer of resources from the National Health Fund (FNS//Ministry of Health) to the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro. The analysis of the collected data allowed to the author to draw a profile of SUS financing in the territory of the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro. It also permitted the evaluation of the possibilities and limitations of the different information sources on SUS financing in all levels of government.
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Crise e oportunidade: O caso dos hospitais filantrópicos da região centro sul fluminense do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. / Crisis and opportunity: the case of charitable hospitals in the central region of the southern state of Rio de Janeiro.Izabel Aparecida Mendonça Ferreira 23 September 2013 (has links)
De acordo com dados do DATASUS, o setor filantrópico no país possui cerca de 2.100 estabelecimentos hospitalares, com mais de 155.000 leitos, o que representa 31% do total de leitos do país. Ou seja, 1/3 dos leitos existentes no país são filantrópicos, caracterizando o setor como importante prestador de serviços ao Sistema Único de Saúde, assim como à saúde suplementar. Estes números demonstram a importância do setor filantrópico para o país, mas também para muitas regiões, como a região centro sul fluminense do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A enorme complexidade e diversidade da rede hospitalar filantrópica traz muitos e variados desafios, tanto para a operação hospitalar, como para as políticas governamentais de manutenção do setor saúde. Além da defasagem da tabela do SUS, outros problemas também são enfrentados por estes hospitais como os tetos financeiros, que levam ao pagamento menor do que é efetivamente produzido, atrasos de pagamentos, que dificultam o planejamento e o equilíbrio financeiro, fechamento de linhas de créditos, dificuldades nas negociações com gestores, entre muitos outros. Todas essas dificuldades têm reflexos críticos na gestão dessas organizações que passam por crises financeiras, necessidade de qualificação profissional e de adequações em suas instalações e equipamentos. Esta pesquisa propõe-se a estudar a situação dos hospitais filantrópicos da região Centro-Sul Fluminense do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no âmbito financeiro, assim como conhecer a percepção dos gestores sobre as dificuldades do setor, suas perspectivas e propostas de possíveis soluções. A metodologia utilizada foi de natureza exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, com estudo de casos múltiplos, utilizando-se de diversas fontes para coleta de dados, como fontes primárias, secundárias e entrevista semi-estruturada. Os resultados demonstraram a importância dos hospitais filantrópicos na produção de serviços de saúde para o SUS e a necessidade da formulação de políticas especificas para a manutenção do setor filantrópico conveniado ao SUS. Na região centro sul fluminense há uma complementaridade entre a rede pública e a rede filantrópica. Embora seja reconhecida a importância histórica e estratégica desses hospitais na prestação de serviços ao SUS, mantidas as condições atuais nos âmbitos de capacidade instalada, organizacional ou financeira, não há dúvidas de que o futuro dessas instituições será incerto com riscos importantes para a continuidade dos serviços prestados e da própria sobrevivência dos hospitais.Existe a necessidade urgente de que os gestores públicos busquem a implantação de modelos flexíveis de gestão, visando o estabelecimento de um relacionamento de parceria com os hospitais filantrópicos e suas ações sejam definidas por metas tangíveis e alcançáveis. / According to DATASUS data, the Brazilianphilanthropic sector comprise about 2,100 hospitals with over 155,000 bed, which represents 31 % of total beds in the country. With one third of the hospital beds in the country, the philanthropic sector feature as an important provider ofthe SUS, as well as to the health insurance sub-system. These figures demonstrate the importance of the philanthropic sector nationally and in several regions, such as south central region of the state of Rio de Janeiro. The huge complexity and diversity of the philanthropic hospital network brings many and varied challenges, both for hospital operation, and for government policies to maintain the health sector. In addition to the low value in the SUSpayoff table, these hospitalsare also facing other problems, such as financial ceilings, that lead to lower payment than what is actually produced, late payments, hampering planning and financial balance, closure of bank credit lines, difficulties in negotiations with managers, among many others. All these difficulties have critical consequences in the management of these organizations that are under financial crises, in need of professional qualifications and improvement in their facilities and equipment. This research proposes to study the situation of philanthropic hospitals in the Central-South Fluminense State of Rio de Janeiro in the area of financial, as well as the perception of managers on the difficulties of the sector, its prospects and proposals for possible solutions. It was used an exploratory methodology, with qualitative and quantitative approach, with multiple case studies, using different sources for data collection, primary sources, secondary and semi-structured interview. The results demonstrated the importance of the philanthropic hospitals in the production of health services to the heath-unified system (SUS) and the need to formulate specific policies to maintain them as SUS-related. In the central southern of the state of Rio de Janeiro, there is a complementarity between public and philanthropic network. Although it is recognized the historic and strategic importance of these hospitals to provide services to the SUS, continuing the current conditions in the areas of capacity, organizational or financial, there is no doubt that the future of these institutions will be uncertain with significant risks to continuity of services provided and the very survival of hospitals. There is urgent need for public managers to seek and implement flexible management models, aiming at establishing a partnership with the philanthropic hospitals and to define their actions by tangible and achievable goals.
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Crise e oportunidade: O caso dos hospitais filantrópicos da região centro sul fluminense do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. / Crisis and opportunity: the case of charitable hospitals in the central region of the southern state of Rio de Janeiro.Izabel Aparecida Mendonça Ferreira 23 September 2013 (has links)
De acordo com dados do DATASUS, o setor filantrópico no país possui cerca de 2.100 estabelecimentos hospitalares, com mais de 155.000 leitos, o que representa 31% do total de leitos do país. Ou seja, 1/3 dos leitos existentes no país são filantrópicos, caracterizando o setor como importante prestador de serviços ao Sistema Único de Saúde, assim como à saúde suplementar. Estes números demonstram a importância do setor filantrópico para o país, mas também para muitas regiões, como a região centro sul fluminense do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A enorme complexidade e diversidade da rede hospitalar filantrópica traz muitos e variados desafios, tanto para a operação hospitalar, como para as políticas governamentais de manutenção do setor saúde. Além da defasagem da tabela do SUS, outros problemas também são enfrentados por estes hospitais como os tetos financeiros, que levam ao pagamento menor do que é efetivamente produzido, atrasos de pagamentos, que dificultam o planejamento e o equilíbrio financeiro, fechamento de linhas de créditos, dificuldades nas negociações com gestores, entre muitos outros. Todas essas dificuldades têm reflexos críticos na gestão dessas organizações que passam por crises financeiras, necessidade de qualificação profissional e de adequações em suas instalações e equipamentos. Esta pesquisa propõe-se a estudar a situação dos hospitais filantrópicos da região Centro-Sul Fluminense do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no âmbito financeiro, assim como conhecer a percepção dos gestores sobre as dificuldades do setor, suas perspectivas e propostas de possíveis soluções. A metodologia utilizada foi de natureza exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, com estudo de casos múltiplos, utilizando-se de diversas fontes para coleta de dados, como fontes primárias, secundárias e entrevista semi-estruturada. Os resultados demonstraram a importância dos hospitais filantrópicos na produção de serviços de saúde para o SUS e a necessidade da formulação de políticas especificas para a manutenção do setor filantrópico conveniado ao SUS. Na região centro sul fluminense há uma complementaridade entre a rede pública e a rede filantrópica. Embora seja reconhecida a importância histórica e estratégica desses hospitais na prestação de serviços ao SUS, mantidas as condições atuais nos âmbitos de capacidade instalada, organizacional ou financeira, não há dúvidas de que o futuro dessas instituições será incerto com riscos importantes para a continuidade dos serviços prestados e da própria sobrevivência dos hospitais.Existe a necessidade urgente de que os gestores públicos busquem a implantação de modelos flexíveis de gestão, visando o estabelecimento de um relacionamento de parceria com os hospitais filantrópicos e suas ações sejam definidas por metas tangíveis e alcançáveis. / According to DATASUS data, the Brazilianphilanthropic sector comprise about 2,100 hospitals with over 155,000 bed, which represents 31 % of total beds in the country. With one third of the hospital beds in the country, the philanthropic sector feature as an important provider ofthe SUS, as well as to the health insurance sub-system. These figures demonstrate the importance of the philanthropic sector nationally and in several regions, such as south central region of the state of Rio de Janeiro. The huge complexity and diversity of the philanthropic hospital network brings many and varied challenges, both for hospital operation, and for government policies to maintain the health sector. In addition to the low value in the SUSpayoff table, these hospitalsare also facing other problems, such as financial ceilings, that lead to lower payment than what is actually produced, late payments, hampering planning and financial balance, closure of bank credit lines, difficulties in negotiations with managers, among many others. All these difficulties have critical consequences in the management of these organizations that are under financial crises, in need of professional qualifications and improvement in their facilities and equipment. This research proposes to study the situation of philanthropic hospitals in the Central-South Fluminense State of Rio de Janeiro in the area of financial, as well as the perception of managers on the difficulties of the sector, its prospects and proposals for possible solutions. It was used an exploratory methodology, with qualitative and quantitative approach, with multiple case studies, using different sources for data collection, primary sources, secondary and semi-structured interview. The results demonstrated the importance of the philanthropic hospitals in the production of health services to the heath-unified system (SUS) and the need to formulate specific policies to maintain them as SUS-related. In the central southern of the state of Rio de Janeiro, there is a complementarity between public and philanthropic network. Although it is recognized the historic and strategic importance of these hospitals to provide services to the SUS, continuing the current conditions in the areas of capacity, organizational or financial, there is no doubt that the future of these institutions will be uncertain with significant risks to continuity of services provided and the very survival of hospitals. There is urgent need for public managers to seek and implement flexible management models, aiming at establishing a partnership with the philanthropic hospitals and to define their actions by tangible and achievable goals.
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Financiamento do SUS na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro nos anos 2000 / Financing of the SUS in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro in the 2000sRodrigo Pucci de Sá e Benevides 11 March 2010 (has links)
A vinculação de receitas de impostos para aplicação em ações e serviços públicos de saúde, aprovada em setembro de 2000 através da Emenda Constitucional n 29, (EC 29) modificou profundamente as relações intergovernamentais na área da saúde, inaugurando o comprometimento orçamentário das três esferas de governo com a política de saúde. Na última década, estados e municípios aumentaram sua participação no financiamento do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), enquanto a União manteve o valor da despesa como proporção do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB). A criação do Sistema de Informações sobre Orçamentos Públicos em Saúde (SIOPS) no âmbito do Ministério da Saúde (MS) permite o acompanhamento da execução orçamentária de estados e municípios a partir de um sistema informatizado com dados disponíveis na internet. O objetivo dessa dissertação é estudar as fontes de informação sobre o financiamento do SUS no período de 2000 a 2008 a partir da sistematização de dados do SIOPS sobre as receitas de impostos e as despesas com ações e serviços de saúde e do Fundo Nacional de Saúde (FNS/MS) sobre as transferências de recursos para estados e municípios na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro (RM do RJ). A partir de uma análise dos dados coletados, buscou-se traçar um perfil sobre o financiamento do SUS no território compreendido na RM do RJ, de forma a se avaliar as possibilidades e os limites das diversas fontes de informações sobre o financiamento do SUS nas três esferas de governo. / The binding of public revenues to investment in public health services and activities, approved in September 2000 by the Constitutional Amendment 29, has profoundly changed intergovernmental relations in the health sector. In the last decade, states and municipalities raised their share in the financing of the Unified Health System (SUS), while the Union spent the same amount as a percentage of the National Grosso Product (GDP). The Public Health Budget Information System (SIOPS), created and managed by the Ministry of Health, monitors the budgets performance in states and municipalities through the use of an software available in the internet. The objective of this dissertation is to study the data sources on financing of the Unified Health System (SUS) in the period 2000 to 2008. The study is based on the systematization of data on public revenue and expenditure with health services from the Public Health Budget Information System (SIOPS/Ministry of Health), and on the data related to the transfer of resources from the National Health Fund (FNS//Ministry of Health) to the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro. The analysis of the collected data allowed to the author to draw a profile of SUS financing in the territory of the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro. It also permitted the evaluation of the possibilities and limitations of the different information sources on SUS financing in all levels of government.
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Crise do Estado Nacional desenvolvimentista e ajuste liberal : a dificil trajetoria de consolidação do Sistema Unico de Saude - SUS (1988/2007) / The crisis of the Brazilian Developmental State and the liberal adjust : the hard way of the consolidation of Unified National Health System (SUS) (1988/2007)Mesquita, Ana Cleusa Serra 26 February 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Eduardo Fagnani / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T00:19:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: A conquista do direito à saúde no Brasil representou um avanço expressivo no campo da proteção social do país. Contudo, apesar da importante vitória associada à construção jurídico-legal do SUS, a implementação do novo sistema encontra uma série de obstáculos, revelando a dificuldade para consolidar um sistema de saúde universal de fato, e não apenas de direito. Esse descompasso está relacionado ao momento histórico da construção do SUS: os avanços na universalidade da cobertura na saúde coincidem com a crise do Estado Nacional Desenvolvimentista no Brasil. Segue-se então uma etapa de crise econômica, baixo crescimento e ênfase na reforma do Estado visando o ajuste fiscal. Este contexto é agravado ainda pela rearticulação das forças conservadoras a partir de 1990 e pelo ressurgimento vigoroso do ideário liberal. Coloca-se assim, um cenário hostil (pós 1988) para a consolidação de um sistema de saúde universal e redistributivo. Heranças do passado redobram seu fôlego. O estreitamento das bases de financiamento e as dificuldades de superar interesses privatistas poderosos, arraigados na política de saúde desde o final dos anos 1960, colocam sérios obstáculos para a consolidação plena do SUS / Abstract: The acquisition of the right to the health in Brazil represented an expressive progress in the field of the social protection of the country. However, in spite of the important victory associated to the juridical-legal construction of Unified National Health System, or SUS, the implementation of the new system finds a series of obstacles, revealing the difficulty in fact to consolidate a system of universal health, and not just of right. That disconnection is related to the historical moment of the construction of SUS: the progresses in the universality of the covering in the health coincide with the crisis of the ¿Brazilian Developmental State¿. Start, then, a stage of crisis economical, low growth and emphasis in the reform of the State seeking the fiscal adjustment. This context is still worsened by the rearticulation of the conservative forces starting from 1990 and for the vigorous resurgence of the liberal thought. Thus, appear a hostile context (starting from 1988) for the consolidation of a universal and redistributive health system. The narrowing of the financing bases and the difficulties of overcoming privates interests, present in the politics of health from the end of the years 1960, they put serious obstacles for the full consolidation of SUS / Mestrado / Economia Social e do Trabalho / Mestre em Desenvolvimento Econômico
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