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Individualisering : Att kliva ur och vara i gemenskapLindkvist, Margareta January 2003 (has links)
Traditionally the nation of individualization is being used to signify a pedagogical method, where teachers differentiate tasks and work load among students, based on their interests and abilities. Such conceptions, turning individualization into a matter of instruction adapted to individual students, however, provide a very narrow and restricting perspective. In this thesis I therefore approach the issue of individualization from quite a different angle. In my view, arriving at a more basic conception of individualization implies that you have to pose the general questions of what is an individual and what kind of change processes increased individualization would refer to. At the background of this ambition, the thesis contains two sections taking on the charader of conceptual investigation, and one section where the results of the theoretical work is confronted with empirical material based on classroom observations. In the first section I take a point of departure in the works of Norbert Elias and Lorentz Lyttkens, providing an extensive historical account of how people, from the Middle Ages to the Industrial Society, have become increasingly individualized in various respects. I conclude my analysis in this section by proposing a definition of what is an individualized person, pointing at the capacity of individuals to conceive of themselves as autonomous subjects with the ability to consciously reflect on their interaction with their environment. Individualization in such a context refers to people transcending their immediate circumstances, extending their horizon of understanding and action repertoire, etc. In a sense they thus both step out of and remain in their community. In the second section I return to the school context by connecting the above conclusions to the itleas of John Dewey and Lev Vygotskij. As a result a model recognising differendeacher-student relations that might contribute to individualization, is suggested. Finally this model is applied to four case studies of classroom practices. As it appears, the conceptual framework developed is helpful in identifying different kinds of structures and processes that further the students experiences of themselves as individualized persons.
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"HUR ska jag göra det?" : pedagogers syn på och utformning av individanpassad undervisning i skolår 3 / "HOW am I supposed to do that?" : an illustration of how pedagogues view and design individually based education in schoolyear 3Johansson, Maria, Musslinder, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
<p>I dagens skola är individen och dennes behov i fokus. Detta uttrycks i skolans läroplan,<em> Lpo 94</em>. Läroplanens intention är att undervisningen skall individanpassas utifrån varje elevs behov och förutsättningar. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur pedagoger individanpassar undervisningen. Vidare är studiens syfte att belysa pedagogers syn på individanpassad undervisning och vad det är som styr deras utformning av den.</p><p>Antalet respondenter i studien har varit fyra pedagoger, som alla är verksamma i skolår 3. Studien utgörs av en fallstudie med observationer och intervjuer, vilka har analyserats och tolkats.</p><p>Resultatet visar att pedagoger använder sig av ett varierande arbetssätt för att möta varje enskild elev. De använder planeringsbok, arbetsschema eller beting i arbetet med att individanpassa undervisningen, vilket innebär att eleverna arbetar självständigt och att uppgifterna ofta är självinstruerande. Pedagogerna anser det enklare att individanpassa i matematik och svenska än i idrott, engelska och de natur- och samhällsorienterande ämnena. Studiens resultat visar att en av fördelarna med individanpassad undervisning är att den utgår just från den enskilde eleven. När undervisningen anpassas efter elevens förmåga och behov, leder det till att eleven känner glädje och en känsla av att den kan. Pedagogerna synliggör i detta sammanhang också möjligheten som ges att kunna utmana de duktiga eleverna. Studiens resultat visar att pedagoger vill arbeta mer individanpassat än vad de gör idag, men ser de yttre faktorerna som hinder för detta.</p> / <p>In the school of today, the individual's needs are the focus. This is expressed in Lpo 94. The intention of the curriculum (Lpo 94) is that education should be adjusted to the needs and conditions of every pupil. The purpose of the study is to examine how pedagogues adjust education to the individual. Furthermore, the purpose is to illustrate pedagogues' view on individually based education, and what dictates how it is carried out.</p><p>Four pedagogues, all working in school year 3, responded to the study. This case study used observations and interviews, which have been analysed.</p><p>The result shows that pedagogues use a variety of ways to meet the needs of every single pupil. They use planning books, working schedules and/or assignments as learning tools. This implies that the pupils work independently, and that work is often self-instructive. The pedagogues state that it is easier to adjust to the individual's needs in mathematics and Swedish than in physical education, foreign languages, social studies and science. All pedagogues see from a pupil's perspective when talking about the advantages with individually based teaching. They emphasize that the advantage is the possibility to adjust to the abilities and needs of each individual pupil, which leads to a more positive pupil and sense of accomplishment. Individually based teaching also gives the pedagogues the possibility to challenge high achieving pupils. All pedagogues want to work more individually based, but see external factors as impediments.</p>
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"Förhoppningsvis når man alla någon gång" : - en kvalitativ studie om individanpassad undervisningAndersson, Kajsa-Stina, Karlström, Pernilla January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Litteratur som berör begreppet individanpassad undervisning framhåller både positiva samt negativa aspekter, vad beträffar detta arbetssätt. Med denna bakgrund fann vi det intressant att undersöka hur verksamma pedagoger i grundskolans tidiga år, uttrycker sig om individanpassad undervisning. För att studera hur det ser ut i verksamheten, valde vi att använda oss av en kvalitativ metod med intervjuer som teknik för insamlande av data. Det material som samlats in har analyserats och beskrivits med hjälp av teorianknytning. Resultatet visade att tidsrelaterad individualisering är den form som tillämpas mest i undervisningen, men respondenterna poängterar också betydelsen av att anpassa undervisningen till den nivå där eleven befinner sig, det vill säga svårighetsrelaterad individualisering. Respondenterna vidhöll även att denna arbetsform är till fördel för de svagpresterande eleverna, något som skiljer sig från den forskning som framkommit inom området. En annan intressant aspekt som vi kunde urskilja utifrån resultatet, var att det fanns motsättningar mellan pedagoger och forskare huruvida individanpassad undervisning, är en illusion eller verklighet. Ett hinder som respondenterna lyfter fram är att det i dagens skola förekommer stora klasser med bara en pedagog, vilket innebär att det kan vara svårt att få tiden att räcka till för att organisera en individanpassad undervisning.</p><p> </p> / <p>Literature that contains the concept individual tailored education show both positive and negative aspects, regarding this method. With this background, we found it interesting to examine how active teachers, in the compulsory school, express about individual tailored education. In order to study how it is in the reality, we have chosen to use us of a qualitative method, with interviews for collecting of information. The information that was gathered have then been analyzed and described with the aid of theory connection. The result showed that timerelated individualization is the most common type that teachers applies in their education, but the respondents also points out the importens to adapt the education on the basis of each individual, in another word difficultrelated individualization. The respondents maintained also that this work form is to advantage for the pupils who have difficulties, something that distinguish from research within the area. The study also showed another interesting aspect, namely that there were contradictions between teachers and researchers, whether individual tailored education is an illusion or if it is reality. An obstacle that the respondents points out is that the school of today has big classes with only one teacher, which means that it, according to time, can be difficult to organize individual tailored education.</p>
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Sous les avions, la “piste” : sociologie des ouvriers de l’assistance aéroportuaire confrontés à la modernisation du travail / Underneath the planes lies the « ramp » : sociology of the ground handling workers confronted with the rationalization of workBrugière, Fabien 11 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche se propose d’analyser, à partir du cas des ouvriers de l’assistance aéroportuaire en piste en Île-de-France, le processus de modernisation du travail qui transforme les régulations du travail et de l’emploi dans deux directions apparemment opposées: 1/ un mouvement de dérégulation, initié par les politiques de libéralisation du transport aérien, provoque la fragmentation des structures économiques par l’externalisation des activités d’assistance au sol et la déstabilisation des groupes professionnels. Au niveau des sociétés d’assistance en piste, la diffusion de l’emploi précaire et la gestion concurrentielle du personnel segmente le groupe ouvrier et en déstabilise les régulations informelles. 2/ un retour des régulations, en premier lieu de contrôle suivant des orientations sécuritaire dans une logique de prévention des risques et de discipline des salariés et industrielle selon un principe de flux tendu et une démarche qualité. Au niveau informel, se développent arrangements et loyautés entre personnels d’exécution et d’encadrement, en réponse à l’intensification du travail et à la précarisation de l’emploi. De nouvelles formes de solidarité entre ouvriers, de nature ethnique, générationnelle ou statutaire tendent à se substituer à la solidarité de métier défaillante. Nous défendrons alors la thèse suivante : dans le cadre du secteur libéralisé et sous-traité de l’assistance en piste, les sociétés soumettent leurs salariés à un régime concurrentiel traduisant des logiques de marché, en rupture avec la régulation précédente. Afin d’éviter les effets contre-productifs de cette gestion du personnel et de garantir aux compagnies clientes une certaine « qualité de services », le management redéfinit une régulation de contrôle du travail plus contraignante fondée sur la responsabilité individuelle. Dans ce contexte, les ouvriers de piste parviennent à tenir au travail par le biais de défenses, de solidarités ethniques et d’arrangements informels avec l’encadrement, mais au prix de souffrances individuelles et de la fragmentation du collectif de travail et de la régulation autonome dont il est le support. / This research aims at analyzing, based on the case of the ramp handling workers on Paris airports, the process of work rationalization which transforms work and employment regulations in two, apparently opposed, directions:1/ a deregulating motion, initiated by air transport liberalization policies, fragments the market structures through outsourcing ground handling services and destabilizes professional groups. The progress of insecure employment and competitive workforce management within ramp handling firms divides the work group and undermine its informal regulations. 2/ a regulatory fallout, first defined by the increase of the managerial control on work on security issues, to ensure risk prevention and workers discipline, and on industrial issues, to implement just in time production and quality management. Informal agreements and loyalties are formed between workers and supervisors to compensate work intensification and job insecurity. New models of solidarities at work of ethnic, generational and positional natures emerged in the context of the decline of the traditional professional culture. We will then defend the following argument: in the liberalized and outsourced sector of ground handling services, the management of the workforce evolved towards a higher degree of competition between employees reflecting the market pressure. So as to prevent the counter-productive effects of this human resources model and to ensure good service quality to the airline companies, managers redefine a more constraining set of work rules based on individual responsibility. Within this context, ramp agents manage to hold on at work by means of psychological defenses, ethnic bonding and informal loyalties with the supervisory staff, but at the price of individual sufferings and the fragmentation of the work group and its regulations.
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SFI-Individanpassad? : En kvalitativ studie över elever som kombinerar SFI och arbete.Kurti, Liridona, Bengtsson, Annie January 2018 (has links)
Abstract Title: SFI- individualized? A qualitative study on students who combine SFI with work. A report published by the Government regarding the individualization of the education of Swedish For Immigrants (SFI) has shown that the individualization of SFI studies is essential for students who combine their studies with work. The report also arises a problem, namely that there are largely SFI students working in parallel with their studies that choose to cancel their SFI studies. This became the starting point for our study. What is requested in the SOU report is individual adaptation to a greater extent, especially when the working SFI students are able to complete the education. With our study we aim to understand how these working students experience individualization and the ability to combine work and study effectively, the starting point being that individualization is necessary for students. To gather empirical material for our study we have done a qualitative research including 14 interviews with SFI students who combine their studies with work. After gathering our empirical material from our interviews, we then presented the results and analyzed them with the help of our theories. The theories used in this study are Herbert Blumer's “symbolic interactionism” and Magnus Persson’s “educational resources”. Based on the study results it appears from several students that most SFI students feel that individualization is needed, but that it is currently inadequate and perceived as problematic by the students. The lack of individualization is made visible in everyday teaching, where the experiences and the consequences of it mean the following; Through the study we have found that in the SFI classes there are major differences among students' knowledge in the Swedish language and their conditions for learning. Nevertheless, these students are put in the same class and have the same school information to solve, which indicates that an individualization of the studies is missing. We have also come to understand that SFI students family situation has a major influence on how they choose to conduct their SFI studies. However, what influences students more in how they feel that the studies are individualized to their needs, are the SFI students earlier educational resources which becomes an important part in this study.
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Flexibilitetens paradox En studie om tjänstemäns upplevelser och hantering av det flexibla arbetetDorwarth, Sebastian, Gunnarsson, Henrik January 2018 (has links)
Många arbetsplatser på dagens arbetsmarknad präglas alltmer av ett flexibelt arbete. Detta har inom sociologin beskrivits som ett gränslöst arbete där individens gränsdragning mellan arbete och fritid blir svårare att hantera. Friheten inom det flexibla arbetssättet innebär också att det blir upp till individen att sätta gränser mellan till exempel arbete och fritid. Det faktum att arbetsbeskrivningar inom vissa branscher har blivit allt flexiblare bidrar också till att ett större ansvar åläggs individen att organisera och strukturera det egna arbetet. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur det flexibla arbetet upplevs av anställda inom tjänstemannasektorn samt hur de hanterar sin situation. Den tidigare forskningen fokuserar på innebörden av det flexibla arbetet och hur det upplevs och hanteras av individen. Studien undersöker individernas upplevelser med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer i en organisation inom energibranschen. Denna studie visar på att upplevelsen av det flexibla arbete är övervägande positivt men att det också finns baksidor som individen själv förväntas lära sig hantera. Det konstateras även att det är en viktig förutsättning för att kunna bedriva sitt arbete. Följaktligen visar studien att upplevelsen och graden av flexibilitet i arbetet verkar variera beroende på vilket yrke vederbörande har. / Many workplaces today on the labor market is characterized by a flexible work. This have been theorized in sociology as a situation of boundaryless work for the individual were the limit between work and leisure becomes difficult to handle. The freedom that flexible work makes possible moves the responsible to the individual to set limits between work and leisure. The fact that the terms of employment has become vaguer has led to that the responsibility to organize and structure work more and more lies on the individual. The aim of this study is to investigate how the flexible work is perceived by white color workers and how they handle their situation. Previous research focus on the meaning of flexible work and how the individual perceive and handle it. This study focus on the meaning of flexible work by using qualitative interviews with white color employee in an organization in the energy-industry. The result of the study shows that the flexible work is percieved as predominant positive but that it also can consist of negative aspects that the individual needs to handle. It is also found that the flexibility is important in order to do this kind of work. The result also shows that the percieved degree of flexibility seems to differ depending on occupational status.
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Mito, história e individuação do feminino no candomblé: as imagens arquetípicas da guerreira, da amante e da mãeSouza, Larissa Fernandes Caldas 12 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2016-02-17T11:16:31Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-06-12 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation aims to address the women in Candomblé according to a rescue archetypal and mythic as the framework for the study and analysis of individuation in the yard of women. Taking as a methodology fieldwork, nine women were interviewed whose "orixá head" three female deities: Iansã, Oxum and Yemanja. In semi-structured interviews, we seek to address three key aspects: the myths of deities, the history of women in Candomblé and the journey of the women interviewed in the process before, during and after the making. It analyzes the importance of mythical narratives, the archetypal traits and how the process of individuation is presented in the trajectory of speeches from the moment of making up their own daily experiences of the interviewees. As a theoretical framework, we seek to Jung and Eliade to dialogue with the composition of the rites in Candomblé, the plot of myths and influence of archetypal images of deities studied as warriors, lovers and mothers. This study investigates the hypothesis of a mythical and archetypal influence of deities in the process of individuation of the interviewees after making process in Candomblé as relevance highlight these female deities present in Candomblé as archetypal and integrating figures that inspire and reflect the roots of our Brazilian society. This study is important to highlight these female deities present in Candomblé as archetypal and integrating figures that inspire and reflect the roots of our own Brazilian society. Because in their religion these women find their "inner goddess" in her head Orisha. / Essa dissertação tem por objetivo abordar o feminino no candomblé segundo um resgate arquetípico e mítico como estrutura para o estudo e análise da individuação nas mulheres de terreiro. Tomando como metodologia o trabalho de campo, foram entrevistadas nove mulheres que têm como “orixá de cabeça” três orixás femininos: Iansã, Oxum e Iemanjá. Nas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, busca-se abordar três aspectos chaves: os mitos dos orixás, a história das mulheres no candomblé e a jornada das mulheres entrevistadas no processo antes, durante e depois da feitura. São analisadas a importância das narrativas míticas, os traços arquetípicos e como o processo de individuação se apresenta nos discursos de trajetória desde o momento da feitura até as próprias vivências diárias das entrevistadas. Como fundamentação teórica, busca-se Jung e Eliade para dialogar com a composição dos ritos no candomblé, o enredo dos mitos e influência das imagens arquetípicas dos orixás estudados enquanto guerreiras, amantes e mães. Este estudo investiga a hipótese da existência de uma influência mítica e arquetípica dos orixás no processo de individuação das entrevistadas após a feitura no candomblé. Este estudo tem como relevância destacar essas deidades femininas presentes no candomblé como figuras arquetípicas e integradoras que inspiram e refletem as raízes da nossa própria sociedade brasileira, pois em sua religiosidade estas mulheres encontram sua "deusa interior" em seu orixá de cabeça.
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O processo inclusivo de alunos com deficiência sob o olhar das educadoras: um estudo de caso com aproximações EliasianasBrito , Rayssa Maria Anselmo de 22 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Leonardo Cavalcante (leo.ocavalcante@gmail.com) on 2018-05-11T13:53:00Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-22 / Like society, school in a very specific way has been changing over time in terms of the public and conceptions, becoming more and more comprehensive in the present day, the disabled person has not only conquered Its participation in this social space, but also has generated new figurations. Thus, we present the study that is characterized as our master's dissertation, being this a qualitative research whose methodology is established in a case study (Yin, 1994). We are confronting here the school that announces inclusive in relation to the school that is evident in the practice, aiming, mainly, to analyze the discourse of the professionals of the education of a school on public network in the city of Bayeux - PB on the inclusive education, in the concepts of German sociologist Norbert Elias: Individualization, Socialization and Figuration. We execute our research in three different moments: initial considerations, which we place our look as a researcher, indicating the place where we speak as well as fundamental concepts that will be deepened throughout the term paper. In a second moment, we established our methodological decisions guiding the research, presenting from the characteristics of our subjects and the field of research, until the analysis of content proposed by Bardin (2011) as a propulsive methodology to analyze the data collected as qualitative form. Then, we study a theoretical-analytical chapter that we discuss the conceptions related to special education, from the perspective of inclusive education and the process of individualization / socialization of the disabled person, approaching the concepts presented by Norbert Elias (1994, 2000, 2006, 2011, 2012) and also through the theoretical contributions, to analyze the statements collected in the semi-structured interviews. Among the authors who base our discussion, we emphasize the researchers of inclusive education: Sassaki (2006), Mantoan (2015), Santos (2002), Campbell (2009); Eliasian researchers such as Quintaneiro (2010) and Xavier and Sarat (2012), as well as Sobrinho and Alves (2013), as well as authors of the field of Education Cultural Studies, such as Silva (2000) and Hall (2000). Finally, we observe that the data collected in our research point to a school in the process of change, whose conceptions and practices still need to be rethought and reflected if we really want to build an inclusive school. / Assim como a sociedade, a escola de modo bastante específico vem se modificando ao longo do tempo, no tocante ao público e às concepções, tornando-se cada vez mais abrangente, de modo que nos dias atuais, a pessoa com deficiência não apenas tem conquistado sua participação neste espaço social, como também tem gerado novas figurações. Desse modo, apresentamos o estudo que se caracteriza como nossa dissertação de mestrado, sendo este uma pesquisa qualitativa cuja metodologia firma-se em um estudo de caso (Yin, 1994). Confrontamos aqui a escola que se anuncia inclusiva em relação à escola que se evidencia na prática, objetivando, sobretudo, analisar o discurso dos profissionais da educação de uma escola da rede pública do município de Bayeux – PB sobre a educação inclusiva, à luz dos conceitos do sociólogo alemão Norbert Elias: Individualização, Socialização e Figuração. Estruturamos nossa pesquisa em três momentos distintos, sendo eles: as considerações iniciais, na qual situamos nosso olhar enquanto pesquisadora, apresentando o lugar de onde se fala, bem como conceitos fundamentais que serão aprofundados ao longo do trabalho. Num segundo momento, firmamos as nossas decisões metodológicas norteadoras da pesquisa, apresentando desde as características de nossos sujeitos e o campo da pesquisa, até chegar à análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin (2011) como metodologia propulsora para analisar os dados coletados qualitativamente. Em seguida, adentramos em um capítulo teórico-analítico no qual discutimos as concepções relacionadas à educação especial, na perspectiva da educação inclusiva e ao processo de individualização/socialização da pessoa com deficiência, nos aproximando dos conceitos apresentados por Norbert Elias (1994, 2000, 2006, 2011, 2012), além de, por meio das contribuições teóricas, analisar as falas coletadas nas entrevistas semiestruturadas. Entre os autores que ancoram nossa discussão, ressaltamos os pesquisadores da educação inclusiva: Sassaki (2006), Mantoan (2015), Santos (2002), Campbell (2009); pesquisadores eliasianos como Quintaneiro (2010), Xavier e Sarat (2012), assim como Sobrinho e Alves (2013), além de autores do campo dos Estudos Culturais da Educação, tais como Silva (2000) e Hall (2000). Por fim, observamos que os dados coletados em nossa pesquisa apontam para uma escola em processo de mudança e cujas concepções e práticas ainda precisam ser repensadas e refletidas se de fato quisermos construir uma escola inclusiva.
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O processo de individualização do sujeito no discurso publicitário /Silva,Walkiria Aparecida David. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: José Horta Nunes / Banca: Cristiane Dias / Banca: Maria Onice Payer / Resumo: Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise do processo de individualização do sujeito no discurso publicitário a partir da perspectiva teórica da Análise de Discurso. Nosso corpus constitui-se de algumas páginas publicitárias da Revista Veja do período de Maio a Julho de 2008. A partir dessas propagandas procuramos depreender as regularidades do funcionamento do discurso propagandístico, bem como delimitar as marcas lingüísticas e nãolinguísticas do processo de individualização do sujeito presentes no discurso em questão. A publicidade exerce papel fundamental na sociedade contemporânea, explicitando a relação do sujeito com o conjunto social, em determinada conjuntura histórica. O texto publicitário influencia a constituição de sentidos junto aos leitores, interpelando os mesmos enquanto sujeitos. O discurso publicitário tem um funcionamento que lhe é próprio e que, portanto, lhe dá especificidade. Assim sendo, esse discurso se particulariza, remetendo-nos às formações imaginárias e ideológicas ali presentes. Baseando-se na relação linguagem e contexto, a Análise de Discurso busca explicitar como, em seu funcionamento, o texto produz sentidos, sempre observando as condições de produção. Visa-se, ainda, à compreensão da historicidade dos sentidos e dos sujeitos. No que se refere às regularidades encontradas no funcionamento do discurso propagandístico, percebemos a relação estabelecida entre o sonho, o desejo e a ideologia; a sustentação dos dizeres dos anúncios pela forma-sujeito histórica da atualidade; o atravessamento (tanto no verbal quanto no não-verbal) do discurso publicitário por outros discursos como o ecológico, sobre a beleza, sobre a mulher, da globalização. Quanto às marcas lingüísticas da individualização, apontamos a pronominalização (seu, sua), que individualiza por marcar um certo tipo de abordagem junto... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This dissertation presents an analysis of the individualization process in the advertising discourse, based on the theoretical perspective of Discourse Analysis. The corpus consists of some advertising pages of Veja Magazine from May to July of 2008. Based on the advertisings, this research looked for describe some regularities of advertising discourse working, as well as set out some linguistic and non-linguistic marks of the individualization process in this discourse. Advertising plays a fundamental role in the contemporary society, expliciting the relation between subject and the social set, in certain historical period. Advertising texts influence the construction of meanings , interpellating readers. Advertising discourse has a proper working that particularizes it. So, this discourse is very specific, and reveal the imaginary and ideological formations. Based on the relation between language and context, Analysis Discourse points out, how in its working, text creates some meanings, always observing the production conditions. The aim, even, is to understand the historicity of subjects and meanings. Regarding to the regularities that were found in the advertising discourse there are the relation among dream, desire and ideology; statements of advertising are supported by the historical form-subject; the "crossing" of advertisings by other discourses like environmental, about beauty, about women and globalization discourse. Referring to the linguistic marks of individualization process, there are the pronominalization (your) which individualizes due to a certain kind of reader's approach; the use of some adjectives (exclusive, personalized) which refers to the reader named as "you"; imperative mood that establishes identification between to say and to do. In the enunciation, there are collectivization the shows the company's position as an organized group... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Žákovské portfolio / Pupil's portfolioHrubanová, Alžběta January 2018 (has links)
The thesis entitled Pupil's Portfolio is divided into a theoretical and research sections. The theoretical section describes the pupil's portfolio in a wider context and deals with the analysis and concept of portfolio at primary school. It focuses on the importance of the portfolio for both pupils and teachers. It presents the goals of portfolio. It provides various advantages and disadvantages of the pupil's portfolio. It proposes phases of how to work with the pupil's portfolio. In the theoretical section, the link between the portfolio and the teacher - student - parent is also stated. In the context of the pupil's portfolio, the work is devoted to assessment and learning. Furthermore, the work identifies the pupil's portfolio as a tool of self-assessment and shows how to guide pupils to self-assessment. The thesis examines the possibilities and limits of different types and concepts of pupil's portfolio at primary school. The research section describes and analyzes a specific concept of a representative portfolio in the 5th year of primary school by a teacher V. The conclusion of the research section assesses the viability of the pupil's portfolio and the main benefits of working with it in learning and evaluating pupils at the end of the primary school. The research work also describes the...
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