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Vinna och försvinna? : Drivkrafter bakom ungdomars utflyttning från mindre orter / Where do the winners go? : Driving forces behind youth leaving smaller localitiesSvensson, Lotta January 2006 (has links)
Starting in the everyday life of Söderhamn’s youth, this thesis presents the driving forces that affect youth as they make decisions to stay in or to leave their home region. The research has been done with an interactive approach in close collaboration with youth and adults, and a number of different methods have been used. Based on the interviews, essays, questionnaires, conversations and meetings that underlie this work, the ambition has been to participate and contribute to the formation of knowledge in dialog with the youth and the adults who surround them. The dissertation (thesis) shows that society’s basic structures have great influence on youth’s decision whether to stay or leave. Important factors are actual circumstances, such as the access that youth have to resources – economical, social, and cultural. Society’s gender order has a big impact on the question whether to move or stay. Likewise, the tension between center and periphery plays an essential role – where the power to define what is “right” and “natural” coincides with values on how youth “are” and “should be”. The dissertation (thesis) shows that the interplay between these factors appears different for different individuals and groups, and that the interplay has significance both for the move/stay –decision and for the youth’s desire and possibility to participate in and have influence over society’s development in the region. / Med utgångspunkt i Söderhamnsungdomarnas vardag visar denna avhandling vilka drivkrafter som påverkar ungdomar i de beslut de fattar om att stanna kvar i, eller flytta ifrån, hemregionen. Forskningen har skett utifrån en interaktiv ansats i nära samverkan med ungdomar och vuxna, och flera olika metoder har använts. Utifrån de intervjuer, uppsatser, enkäter, samtal och möten som ligger till grund för arbetet har ambitionen med avhandlings-arbetet varit att delta i och bidra till ett kunskapsbildande i dialog med ungdomarna och de vuxna i deras närhet. Avhandlingen visar att samhällets grundstrukturer har ett stort inflytande på ungdomarnas flytta/stanna-beslut. Viktiga faktorer är de faktiska förhållandena i samhället där unga har olika tillgång till resurser, såväl ekonomiskt, socialt som kulturellt. I flytta/stanna-frågan har den samhälleliga genusordningen har stor genomslagskraft. Likaså spelar spänningen mellan centrum och periferi en väsentlig roll – där makten att definiera vad som är ”rätt” och ”naturligt” sammanfaller med värderingar av hur ungdomar ”är” och ”ska vara”. Avhandlingen visar att samspelet mellan dessa faktorer ser olika ut för olika individer/grupper och att utfallet av samspelet spelar en väsentlig roll dels för de ungas flytta/stanna- beslut, men också för de ungas vilja och deras möjlighet att delta i och ha inflytande över samhällsutvecklingen i regionen.
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Verksamhetsutveckling i socialt arbete : konstruktion och utprovning av en interaktiv modell / Activity development in social work practicePerdahl, Anna-Lena January 2009 (has links)
The main focus of this thesis has been the activity development of social work practice. The thesis presents the construction of a theoretical frame for developing social work practice; namely, Interactive Activity-Documentation model (IAD), and includes the process of testing and reviewing the model. The thesis was based on an interactive research design, which involved the researcher and the practitioners in the development and testing of the model. The researcher constructed the IAD model based on theoretical considerations concerning the characteristics of social work, the practice’s knowledge requirements, learning processes, reflexivity in relation to actions, the systematic documentation of actions and reflections and the need for an interactive process to enhance the usage of the model. The setting in which the testing and the development of the model took place was a family centre, an organization in which a social worker, a midwife, paediatric nurses and preschool staff work together to coordinate services for families with children. The material that was used during the testing and for the review of the model consisted of descriptions of the family center’s aims, goals and objectives in a foundation document, continuous descriptions and reflections of the practitioners’ actions, descriptions and reflections of how the families understand the practice, documents in which the content of the foundation document and the continuous descriptions and reflections from the practitioners and families are compared and notes from the practitioners’ discussions about the comparison. The study showed that the use of a model for activity development in social work practice provides the practitioners with the possibility to systematize their documentation and the tools that they use in the development process. Another finding in the study was the importance of dealing with explicit assumptions in the construction process. Explicit assumptions provide the opportunity to discuss the possibilities of the model and potential problems. The staff’s critical discussions concerning the resources of the organization revealed that, for example, time spent together with other staff members had a positive impact on the development process. The review also shows that development achieved by learning through reflection enhances critical thinking in social work practice.
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Lärare i en ny tid : Om grundskollärares förhandlingar av professionella identiteter / Teacher in a New Era : On Compulsory School Teachers' Negotiations of Professional IdentitiesGustafson, Niklas January 2010 (has links)
In the past two decades the Swedish compulsory school for students aged 7 to 16 has undergone major processes of reform and change. On a structural level these have ushered in a new era with a fundamentally changed assignment for the schools and its teachers. In this thesis, however, it is assumed that the teachers as individual actors and as groups have agency to accomplish change and alter structures. The thesis has been written within a several years’ interactive research project with teachers from three compulsory schools. Based on data created in the project on how new and changing groups and working groups within teachers’ work lead to an extended assignment, the study focuses teachers’ negotiation of professional identities regarding the entire work situation. Etienne Wenger’s (1998) social theory on identity, entitled “Communities of Practice”, is used to deepen the understanding of the data. In the framework of an interactive research project the overall aim of the thesis is to describe and analyze how teachers negotiate professional identities in compulsory school. The aim is also to describe and analyze teachers’ learning and development of knowledge in the project. The central research question is: How and about what do teachers negotiate professional identities in different communities of practice? By using the interactive research approach the goal has been to develop a democratic dialogue and learning processes together with the participating teachers. One ambition is to enhance the knowledge of teachers as co-researchers within research projects and as teacher-researchers at work in school. The fora of the interactive project were informal talks, dialogues for learning, individual interviews and focus groups. The results of the study show that teachers negotiate professional identities in a flexible expanding multimembership of communities of practice. As brokers of information and knowledge between and within communities of practice at school, and from various identity positions, the teachers negotiate overlapping identities. Memberships in communities for adults only are growing in relation to teachers’ work regarding the entire work situation. The study’s main conclusion is that teachers in the new era negotiate identities within a web of tensions between fragmentation and coherence of the complexity of the work in its entirety through the multimembership in communities of practice. The thesis proposes that an awareness of complexity is fundamental, and that such an understanding can be enhanced by the teachers by developing themselves as brokers and by their reification of boundary objects within a complex multimembership. Analysis of data shows that teachers in the interactive project have had the opportunity to further develop competences to negotiate identities as teacher-researchers at work in school. Data from the project are moreover analyzed within the context of globalized and diversified structural changes such as decentralization, economic transformations, cultural standardization, the individualized knowledge society and the reflective society. A conclusion is that teachers seem to operate within an increasing globalization of the teaching profession and towards identities as globalized teachers. / Lärare i en ny tid: Om kunskapsbildning mellan lärare och forskare
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Mot en ny vuxenutbildningspolitik? : Regional utveckling som policy och praktik / Towards a New Adult Education Policy? : Regional development as policy and practiceJakobsson, Erik January 2007 (has links)
Avhandlingen beskriver och analyserar ett regionalt utvecklingsinitiativ i nätverksform, genom vilket de kommunala lärcentrumen i Örebro län samverkar för att utveckla en gemensam infrastruktur för vuxnas lärande. Detta innebär, exempelvis, att utveckla former för samverkan mellan olika regionala aktörer inom området, öka samordningen och samverkan inom den kommunala vuxenutbildningen och utveckla metoder för lärande med fokus på arbetet och arbetsplatsen. Den övergripande forskningsfrågan kan formuleras på följande sätt: Vilka är förutsättningarna för att genom regional samverkan, med en horisontell organisering i nätverksform, utveckla politiken, planeringen och organiseringen för vuxnas lärande, och med vilka teoretiska och metodologiska perspektiv kan vi förstå såväl problem som möjligheter? Två övergripande teoretiska perspektiv presenteras i avhandlingen, som relateras till det studerade fallet. Det gäller å ena sidan ett traditionellt planeringsperspektiv och å andra sidan ett evolutionärt lärandeperspektiv. Dessa perspektiv utgör både kontraster och komplement till varandra. Planeringsperspektivet har ’policysändaren’ som utgångspunkt, medan lärandeperspektivet har ’policymottagaren’ som utgångspunkt. Diskussionen i avhandlingen behandlar också de möjligheter som finns att kombinera de båda övergripande perspektiven, både som analytiska och strategiska perspektiv. Sammantaget kan studien av nätverket beskrivas som en kvalitativt inriktad fallstudie, där mitt kontinuerliga deltagande över tid i nätverkets sammankomster är ett centralt inslag. Intervjuer, en enkätundersökning, diskussioner och dokumentstudier utgör också material till studien. En interaktiv forskningsansats har tillämpats, som syftar till en gemensam kunskapsbildning och lärprocess mellan deltagarna och forskaren. Metodologiskt hämtar studien inspiration från den vetenskapsfilosofiska inriktning som kallas kritisk realism. En hastig överblick över studiens resultat ger vid handen att mycket av det som diskuterats i nätverket har stannat vid intentioner och har inte blivit omsatt i en praktik. Nätverket har också förblivit ganska internt, med en krets av lärcentrum- och vuxenutbildningschefer. Lite tillspetsat kan man säga att nätverket varken arbetat sig ’nedåt’ i respektive lokal organisation eller ’uppåt’ mot den politiska sfären, eller ’utåt’ mot det omgivande samhället och arbetslivet. Nätverket har onekligen ändå skapat nya och bättre förutsättningar för samarbete mellan lärcentrumen. Det finns nu betydligt mer av en gemensam förståelse och någonting att bygga vidare på, regionalt och lokalt. Det är också hoppfullt att se att nätverket fortsätter sitt arbete trots att det inte längre har externt stöd. Nätverket har, förefaller det, etablerat sig som en gemensam utvecklingsorganisation för deltagarna, och har nått ett stadium där mer konkreta och påtagliga former av samverkan börjar äga rum. / The thesis describes and analyses a regional development initiative in network form, through which the municipal learning centres in the County of Örebro are collaborating in order to develop a common infrastructure for adult learning. This involves, for example, developing forms for collaboration between various regional players in the field, increasing co-ordination and collaboration in municipal adult education and developing learning methods with a focus on work and the workplace. The overriding research question can be expressed as follows: What is the potential for developing adult learning policies, planning and organisation by means of regional collaboration entailing a horizontal organisation in network form, and what theoretical and methodological perspectives can we apply to understand both the problems and the opportunities? Two overriding theoretical perspectives are presented in the thesis and are related to the case studied. These are, on the one hand, a traditional planning perspective and on the other an evolutional learning perspective. These perspectives both contrast and complement each other. The staring point for the planning perspective is the ’policy transmitter’, while the starting point for the learning perspective is the ’policy receiver’. The discussion in this thesis also addresses the opportunities that exist to combine the two overriding perspectives, both as analytical and strategic perspectives. Overall, the study of the network can be described as a qualitatively-oriented case study, in which ongoing participation in the meetings of the network over a period of time is a central element.Interviews, a questionnaire, discussions and studies of documentation also form part of the material for the study. An interactive research approach has been used, that aims to establish a joint knowledgeacquisition and learning process between the participants and the researcher. Methodologically the study takes inspiration from the philosophical concept of critical realism. A brief review of the results of the study suggests that many of the ideas and proposals discussed in the network have come to nothing but good intentions. The network has also remained rather internal, consisting of a circle of learning-centre and adult-education managers. The network has neither worked much ’downwards’ in the respective local organisations, nor ’upwards’ towards the political sphere, nor ’outwards’ towards society and working life at large. Still, the network has undoubtedly created new and better conditions for collaboration between the learning centres. Mutual understanding has increased significantly and a base for further efforts, both regionally and locally, has been created. It also inspires hope to see that the network is continuing its work even though it no longer has external support. It appears that the network has established itself as a joint development organisation for the participants, and has reached a stage where more concrete and tangible forms of collaboration are beginning to take place.
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Designing for the Circular Consumer : A design tool for clothing companies to engage consumers in the circular textiles economyThunstedt, Erika, Obernosterer, Ina January 2021 (has links)
The current prevailing take-make-waste economy has caused the global climate crisis, operating outside the Planetary Boundaries of our planet (Rockström et al., 2009), disrupting nature's balance and affecting all life on earth (WWF and Global Footprint Network, 2019). Both the European Commission and the European Environmental Agency (EEA) sees the transition to a circular economy (CE) within the product category: textiles, apparel and fabrics as a priority to address the climate impact of the textile and clothing industry (Manshoven et al., 2019). Even though there is much research done on how design and products can help companies transition to a CE, there is still an unexplored dimension of the role that consumers play in this transition. Thus, this master thesis aims to fill this research gap by exploring consumer behaviour in different consumption phases as well as the role of consumers in the circular textiles economy and investigate how sustainable clothing companies can design to engage consumers in a circular behaviour and role. By doing so, it is hoped to contribute to a better understanding of the dimension of the consumer in the circular textiles economy and to identify ways to fulfill the CE principle - keep products and materials in use. The study was conducted through a novel implementation of Research through Design in combination with Interactive Research by using the Design Thinking framework as a research process. The research was executed in close collaboration with the Swedish outdoor clothing company Houdini Sportswear. The results show that a number of Circular Consumer Behaviours are desired to be acted out in four identified phases of a Circular Clothing Consumption Process: Lifestyle Creation, Product Acquisition, Product Use and Product Dispossession. Furthermore, it was found that the role of the Circular Consumer is very complex and consists of various sub-roles on four layers: Functional, Emotional, Life Changing and Social Impact. On the basis of this knowledge, the theoretical concept of Design for Circular Consumers was developed. On the basis of this theory, the Design for Circular Consumers Tool was created as the key contribution of this thesis. This tool facilitates the design of experiences that engage consumers in the circular textiles system and subsequently support clothing companies in their transition to circular business models as a way to address the climate impact of the textiles industry.
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Forskarstött förändringsarbete i själva verket : Att förbättra arbetssituationen för 15 000 brevbärare / Researcher support for change in real service : Improving the work situation of 15,000 postmenKarltun Erlandsson, Anette January 2007 (has links)
Denna avhandling belyser forskarstött förändringsarbete, inom ”Servicenätet Posten”, den division inom Posten Sverige AB som ansvarar för postdistribution till kunderna. Förändringsarbetet har handlat om att förbättra arbetssituationen för 15 000 brevbärare. Den teoretiska grunden utgörs av ett systemtänkande där konceptet ”Människa-Teknik-Organisation” (MTO), används för att granska interventionsprocessen. Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling är att bidra till kunskapsutveckling-en om forskarstött förändringsarbete utifrån följande delsyften: 1) att illustrera hur ett systemtänkande i förändringsarbete påverkar förståelsen för hur systemkomponenterna Människa, Teknik och Organisation (MTO) interagerar i praktiken, 2) att exemplifiera hur den kunskapen kan omsättas i praktiken genom utveckling och implementering av MTO-anpassade lösningar i samverkan mellan forskare och praktiker, 3) att empiriskt exemplifiera hur former för participation kan bidra till framgångsrikt förändringsarbete genom analys och syntes av process och resultat. Forskningsprojektet har bedrivits med en interaktiv ansats. Den interaktiva ansatsen har gjort det möjligt att belysa samverkan mellan forskare och praktiker på ett verklig-hetsnära och realistiskt sätt under fyra projektfaser fördelade över en femårsperiod. Den inledande projektfasen innebar en diagnostisering av problematiken. Ett antal åtgärdsförslag presenterades av forskargruppen och ledde vidare till ett forskarstött ut-vecklingsarbete under en andra projektfas då ett underlag till olika förbättringsåtgärder arbetades fram. Detta inbegrep utveckling av såväl teknisk som arbetsorganisatorisk ka-raktär för att åstadkomma effektiva och hälsosamma arbetsprocesser för brevbärare inom postutdelningsverksamheten. I en tredje projektfas testades och utvärderades hela åtgärdspaketet genom implementering på ett pilotkontor. I en fjärde och sista projektfas implementerades förbättringsåtgärderna på samtliga 602 postutdelningskontor i landet och forskarna gjorde en utvärdering. Resultaten visar hur man genom att anlägga ett MTO-perspektiv i förändringsarbete ökar möjligheterna att få klarhet i vilka faktorer som påverkar effektiviteten i ett pro-duktionssystem i sin helhet. Den tvärvetenskapliga forskningssatsningen i kombination med samverkan forskare/praktiker visade sig vara en förutsättning för att skapa förståel-se för interaktionen mellan M-T-O-komponenterna. Avhandlingen visar vidare hur olika former för participation i praktiken kan bidra till framgångsrikt förändringsarbete både vad gäller process och resultat. Den utförliga redogörelsen för interventionsprocessen, forskarrollens skiftande karaktär samt hindrande och främjande faktorer för forskarstött förändringsarbete, utgör andra viktiga kunskapsbidrag. / This dissertation illuminates researcher-supported work for change within the “Postal Service Network”, the division within Posten Sverige AB with responsibility for mail distribution to customers. The intervention has been concerned with improving the work situation of 15,000 postmen. The theoretical foundation consists in a form of systems thinking in which the con-cept of Man-Technology-Organisation (MTO) is employed to scrutinise the intervention process. The overall aim of this dissertation is to contribute to the development of know-ledge in the arena of researcher-supported work for change. It proceeds on the basis of the following objectives 1) to illustrate how systems thinking in the change process influences understanding of how the system’s Man-Technology-Organisation (MTO) components interact in practice, 2) to exemplify how this knowledge can be transformed in practice through the development and implementation of MTO-adapted solutions into collaboration between researchers and practitioners, 3) to exemplify empirically how forms for participation can contribute to a successful change process through the analy-sis and synthesis of both process and results. The research project has been conducted interactively. The interactive approach has made it possible to illuminate collaboration between researchers and practitioners in a down-to-earth and realistic manner during four project phases spread over a five-year period. The introductory project phase involved diagnosis of the problem. A number of proposals for action were presented by the research team, which led on to researcher-supported developmental work during a second project phase when a basis for various improvement measures was created. This involved development of both a technical and work-organisational nature to achieve efficient and healthy work processes for postmen in mail distribution. At a third project phase the entire package of measures was tested and evaluated through implementation in a pilot office. At the fourth and final phase of the project the improvements were implemented in all 602 postal distribution offices in Sweden, and the researchers performed an evaluation. The results show how adopting an MTO perspective on work for change increases opportunities to obtain clarity with regard to which factors influence efficiency in a pro-duction system as a whole. The cross-disciplinary research approach, in combination with researcher/practitioner collaboration, proved to be a prerequisite for creating un-derstanding of the interaction between the MTO components. Further, the dissertation shows how different forms of participation in practice can contribute to successful work for change with regard to both process and results. The extensive reporting of the inter-vention process and accounts of the shifting nature of the researcher’s role and of hin-dering and promoting factors in researcher-supported work for change constitute other important contributions to knowledge.
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