Spelling suggestions: "subject:"puissance.""
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De la "jouissance" au "wanting" dans une population de fumeurs: Etude empirique sur les tenants des assuétudes à l’interface des approches cliniques et expérimentalesDetandt, Sandrine 15 December 2016 (has links)
La jouissance est un des champs dont la psychanalyse fait usage pour rendre compte de ce qui pourrait expliquer le boitement structurel de la condition humaine, son paradoxe fondamental. Partant d'une épistémologie transcendantale, nous envisageons que, bien que le corps et la psyché ne revêtent pas les mêmes réalités, ils ont certains points d'accroche dont fait partie la jouissance et, bien que le corps ne détermine pas le psychisme, il le contraint. Il est alors proposé ici une hypothèse neuropsychanalytique de la jouissance, l'articulant autour du corps et de l'histoire. La jouissance serait la marque de ce qui a fait événement pour le sujet. Cette description permet de relier ce concept à la neurophysiologie des circuits dopaminergiques qui marquent physiologiquement tant la dimension pulsionnelle, que la dimension événementielle et donc historique.À partir de cette conceptualisation, un paradigme expérimental a été constitué afin d'investiguer cette possibilité d'une accroche entre le psychique et le biologique chez des sujets dépendants, lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à leur objet d'addiction. Concrètement, nous 'osons' l'hypothèse que plus un sujet manifeste d'indices repérables d'une mobilisation pulsionnelle dans son discours libre amorcé par l’objet addictif (dans ce cas-ci, la cigarette pour des fumeurs), plus il aura le geste rapide et sûr pour l’attraper ou des difficultés à inhiber son appétence vers cet objet. Ceci est investigué à travers un outil constitué à partir de la théorie psychanalytique d’une part, et à travers deux tâches de type Go-NoGo (évaluées par des mesures comportementales –temps de réaction et erreurs- et électrophysiologiques -la N2 et la P3, deux marqueurs considérés comme reflétant la signature des processus attentionnels et des biais d’inhibition-, d’autre part. La particularité du paradigme, outre cet usage d’outils issus de champs distincts, réside dans le fait que, à aucun moment, ce n’est le sens du discours des sujets, qui est investigué. L’outil psychanalytique évalue effectivement la façon dont les sujets s’expriment, et ce sont des juges naïfs (à l’égard de l’étude et de la psychanalyse) qui évaluent leur discours. Nos résultats mettent en évidence que les personnes dépendantes manifestent une tendance à l’impulsivité de façon générale. Mais, lorsque leur objet d’addiction est en place de support attentionnel, les sujets démontrent une augmentation significative de leurs performances et de l’amplitude de la P3, signe d’un investissement attentionnel. Les résultats des associations libres révèlent que la forme du discours des fumeurs est évaluée comme plus transgressive (comparativement aux non-fumeurs). Enfin, on retrouve une corrélation entre les indices psychiques (la transgression) et neurophysiologiques (la latence de la NoGo-N2). En conclusion, il semble que l’addiction dépasse la simple réalité pharmacologique de l’effet du toxique puisqu’il est repéré ici que l’effet de stimulant cognitif (manifeste par l’amélioration des performances) est induit par la simple représentation de la cigarette et non par la consommation de celle-ci. Ensuite, au regard de notre proposition épistémologique, nous semblons avoir réussi, sur base d’une lecture rapprochée des séminaires de Lacan, à construire un outil qui distingue de façon cohérente, consistante et valide une dimension pulsionnelle d’une dimension affective (valencée) dans ce qui peut s’entendre. Grâce à cet outil, nous avons trouvé des corrélations entre certains de ces marqueurs psychiques et certains paramètres physiologiques - les paramètres corrélant étant précisément des plus probants et la corrélation s’avérant être dans le sens prédit par notre construction hypothétique. Sur ce 'succès’, nous osons une conclusion épistémologique plus large qui propose que si l’univers du représentationnel, c'est-à-dire, du mental, est bien accroché au niveau de repères physiologiques, ceci n’est démontrable sur un plan mental que si l’on se borne à la forme des contenus mentaux – et, qui plus est, et de façon spéculative, en évitant toute hérméneutique au niveau des contenus mentaux. / Doctorat en Sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Pulsions et destins du concept de pulsion de Freud au dernier enseignement de Lacan : l'émergence, la disparition et le retour discret de la pulsion freudienne comme sinthome / Drives and the fate of the concept of the drive from Freud to the later Lacan : the emergence, the disappearance and the discreet return of the Freudian drive as sinthomeGrontoft, Stein Fossgard 27 November 2015 (has links)
La pulsion, concept fondamental de la psychanalyse, doit-elle être conceptualisée en termes dualistes ou monistes ? À partir de deux principes premiers essentiellement irréductibles et antagonistes, Freud cherchait toujours à conceptualiser la pulsion en termes dualistes : pulsion d’autoconservation vs pulsion sexuelle partielle, libido de moi vs libido d’objet, pulsion de vie vs pulsion de mort. Interprétation biologique de la pulsion de mort, compulsion de répétition comme tendance restitutive, et dualisme pulsionnel – je propose que ces choix théoriques de Freud soient en effet liés.Quant à Lacan, mon hypothèse est qu’il était propulsé par un « pousse-à-l’unarisme » ; à partir de la topologie et le modèle de ratage, son intuition fondamentale était que la pulsion doit être conceptualisée en termes monistes. Lacan parvient ainsi à injecter non seulement plaisir, mais jouissance, cette satisfaction paradoxale qui fait souffrir, dans la structure fondamentale – dans le but – de la pulsion. Ceci implique que la pulsion de mort ainsi que le masochisme sont des aspects de chaque pulsion.Pendant un certain temps, le concept de pulsion sera pourtant éclipsé par le concept de répétition, répétition de jouissance en tant que plus-de-jouir. Or la pulsion moniste fait finalement un retour discret lorsque la question du symptôme se met en avant dans le dernier enseignement de Lacan. Je propose qu’un monisme pulsionnel soit une condition de possibilité pour le sinthome, et qu’à partir d’une revalorisation du versant de la pulsion de vie du point de vue de l’Un discret, le sinthome comporte une homéostasie supérieure, c’est-à-dire une satisfaction qui inclut ce qui la dérange. / Should the drive, which is fundamental concept of psychoanalysis, be conceptualized in monistic or dualistic terms? With two essentially irreconcilable and antagonistic principles as his point of departure, Freud always sought to conceptualize the drive in dualistic terms: drives of self-preservation vs. partial sexual drives, ego-libido vs. object-libido, life drive vs. death drive. A biological interpretation of the death drive, the repetition compulsion conceptualized as a restitutive tendency, and a drive dualism – I propose that these theoretical choices of Freud are in fact related.As for Lacan, my hypothesis is that he is driven by a “push-to-unarisme”; with topology and the model of misfiring / failure as his point of departure, his fundamental intuition is that the drive ought to be conceptualized in monistic terms. Lacan is thereby able to inject not only pleasure, but jouissance, this paradoxical satisfaction which entails suffering, in the basic structure – in the aim – of the drive. This implies that the death drive as well as masochism are aspects of each drive.For a time, the concept of the drive will however be overshadowed by the concept of repetition, repetition of jouissance qua plus-de-jouir. Yet the drive qua monism finally makes a discreet return when the question of the symptom comes to the fore in Lacan’s later teaching. I propose that a drive monism is a condition of possibility for the lacanian sinthome, and that on the basis of a reassessment of the different aspects of the life drive from the point of view of the One discrete, the sinthome entails a second-order homeostasis, that is to say a satisfaction that includes what unsettles it.
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Le sujet et son rapport au manque chez Freud, Lacan et Maître Eckhart / Position of the subject in front of lackGalvis Quiceno, Luis Gonzaga 13 July 2015 (has links)
Chaque sujet doit composer avec le manque en tant que "parlêtre" et "sujet du désir". Le symptôme qui révèle le manque a son lot de souffrances. Celles-ci submergent parfois le sujet dans le trou du réel en le déstabilisant. Comment aider à donner du sens au manque dévoilé par la souffrance dans le symptôme ? Existe-t-il une façon optimale de se positionner face au manque ? Que faire avec le réel ? Le modèle psychanalytique, avec l'expérience du transfert/contre-transfert, donne une réponse et une possibilité de sortie. Dans cette thèse nous soumettrons des pistes pour faire face au manque et au réel inhérent. Lacan nous dit qu'à la fin de l'analyse il peut y avoir un lien inédit avec le symptôme, lien qui consiste à admette le "jouis" qui fonde le "suis", c’est-à-dire à assumer le fait d'avoir un manque qui rendra le sinthome pur. Le sujet se positionnera autrement. Il continuera à aller de l'avant, singulièrement inséré dans son environnement avec une nouvelle conscience, en établissant un maximum de liens optimaux avec les autres et son milieu. Un certain nombre d'études concluent que l'homme n'a pas de but extérieur à lui-même : il serait son propre but. Or le positionnement féminin propose une autre sortie qui ouvre le sujet à l'infini impossible à saisir mais toujours possible à entrevoir. Maître Eckhart l'a illustré en voyant le manque comme une voie de liberté et de réalisation dans cet impossible. Le sujet, libre de sa castration tentera de cerner un bout du réel, encore et encore, mais sans jamais s'en débarrasser. / Each individual has to face its dependence towards the "parlêtre" and the "subject of desire". The symptom that reveals its dependence is painful, and can sometimes overwhelms the subject by projecting him in an abysm of destabilizing reality. How can we help people finding meaning to this dependence now revealed and its painful symptom? Is there an ideal way to take action towards this dependence? What can be done with this reality? The psychoanalytic model, with the transfer/against transfer experience, gives an answer and a possible way to overcome the issue. In this thesis, clues will be given so that one can overcome the dependence and its inherent reality. Lacan tells us that at the end of the analyses, it can be a new link with the symptom, link which consists of admitting the "enjoy" which found the "be", that is to say to assume the fact that the dependence exists which makes the symptom pure. The individual will have a different opinion. He will continue on going forward, well established in his environment with a new consciousness. Some studies suggest that human being has not external goal in relation to himself: he would be his own goal. However the female positioning may open a new way offering the subject to the elusive infinity that we are always able to glimpse but not to grasp. Maître Eckhart illustrates it, showing the lack as a way of freedom and achievement in the suffering situation. The subject, free from his own castration will try again and again to catch a piece of real without ever getting rid of it.
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Le malaise dans la jouissance : De l’incommodité du Sujet entre Droit et psychanalyse / Discontent in jouissance : Of the inconvenience of the Subject between Law and psychoanalysisDay, Terence 26 November 2016 (has links)
L’individu est abordé, et même défini, par des théories sous-tendues de postulats philosophiques construisant le monde : l’individu est théorisé. Une vision plus ou moins spécifique de cet individu est proposée par chaque théorisation. Celui-ci peut être considéré seul, individuellement, ou en relation avec les autres, collectivement. La psychanalyse tend à s’orienter selon la subjectivité de l’individualité, produisant son Sujet. Le Droit tend à s’orienter selon l’objectivité de la collectivité, produisant son sujet. Pour l’individu, la prise dans ces édifices théoriques est fatalement enclavante. Nous focalisons sur le terme jouissance, champ lacanien pour la psychanalyse et prérogative de la propriété pour le Droit. Foulant la terre lacanienne, la jouissance est impossibilité là où dans l’enceinte juridique elle est possibilité. Très certainement infructueuse pour le Sujet mais tout spécialement fructueuse pour le sujet. Très abstraite, elle est insoumise et abusive chez Lacan, à s’y méprendre. Très concrète, elle est soumise et conditionnée dans le Code civil, à s’y comptabiliser financièrement. Dans un effort paradoxal de fixation sur des jouissances dissemblables bien qu’essentiellement philosophiquement décrétées, c’est le champ lacanien qui se superpose aux prérogatives de la propriété juridique. Ce faisant, les turbulences de la psychopathologie de la postmodernité quotidienne s’éclairent, l’attitude de la psychanalyse vis-à-vis de son Sujet se révèle, l’absolue relativité de l’abord de l’individu lorsqu’assujetti à une théorie se rappelle. Ceci devant la constatation d’un abus radicalement hors la propriété juridique, à situer davantage du côté de la psychanalyse qu’à déposer sur les épaules de son culpabilisé Sujet, atteint du malaise dans la jouissance. / The individual is broached, and even defined, by theories underpinned by world-building philosophical assumptions: he is theorized. A more or less specific view of this individual is proposed by each theorization. He can be considered alone, individually, or in relation to others, collectively. Psychoanalysis tends to be oriented towards the subjectivity of individuality, producing its Subject. The Law tends to be oriented towards the objectivity of the community, producing its subject. For the individual, being caught in theses theoretical structures is inevitably ensnaring. We will focus on the term of jouissance, Lacanian field for psychoanalysis, and prerogative of property for the Law. Treading the Lacanian grounds, jouissance is impossibility, while she is possibility wherein the juridical precinct; most certainly unfruitful for the Subject, but especially fruitful for the subject; very abstruse, she is unruly and abusive for Lacan, uncannily; very practical, she is obedient and conditioned in the french Civil Code, for financial profitability. In a paradoxical effort to fixate on dissimilar, although essentially philosophically decreed, jouissances, the Lacanian field superimposes itself onto the juridical property prerogatives. Thus, the turbulences of the psychopathology of everyday postmodernity are enlightened, the attitude of psychoanalysis vis-à-vis its Subject reveals itself, the absolute relativity at the outset of the individual when liable to a theory is recalled. This being brought before the finding of an abuse, radically apart from juridical property, to place more towards psychoanalysis than to lay upon the shoulders of its guilty Subject, affected by discontent in jouissance.
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A Question of Taste : Psychoanalytic Explorations of Aesthetic Dislike and Bourdieu’s DistinctionRep, Marco January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation approaches the question of taste and aesthetic dislike from a combined sociological and psychoanalytic perspective. Building on Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology of art (most notably La distinction from 1979), I attempt to reconcile a view of aesthetic judgments as acts of distinction with a legitimate subjective dimension of aesthetic enjoyment. I make a parallel between taste and the psychoanalytic conception of the symptom and analyse the way they both transform the repressed content of the unconscious drives into a manifest one with the use of Freud’s theory of the dream. I relate the question of pleasure and displeasure in art with the dichotomy Eros/Death Drive (Freud) and argue that both aesthetic like and dislike arrive from a combination of these two drives, as in Lacan’s jouissance. I argue that the love of art can, as any love, be understood as a transference, the repetition of unconscious desires projected onto an other. In the conclusion, I refer to Sándor Ferenczi’s work and argue that one should relate to one’s aesthetic judgments with the same elasticity (Elastizität) that the analyst should show towards the resistance of the analysand in order to understand her symptom. Finally, I reject a mystifying view of art and the sublime and argue that the very nature of art should instead be conceived as the objet a (Lacan) of our desires, i.e. that which cannot ever be fully obtained from the other but which at the same time structures our desires.
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Ludics for a Ludic society : the art and politics of playJahrmann, Margarete January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation provides an analysis of, and critical commentary on, the practice of playfulness as persistent phenomenon in the arts, technology and theory. Its aim is to introduce political reflections on agency through the study of playful technological artefacts, which were largely ignored in the recent discussions on game and play. Following the critical analysis of historic discourses and actual studies of play under differing auspices, and in order to understand play as inherently political agency, this thesis’ research question addresses the immersive effects of playful agency in symbolic exchange systems and in the material consciousness of the player. This thesis conducts an analysis of material cultures, in order to categorise play as technique of an inherent critique of technological culture. It traces the development of contemporary technological objects and their materiality in relation to the application of the concept of affordance in design theory. The author consequently proposes a new category of ‘play affordances’ in order to describe these new requirements of play found in consumer technologies. The structure of the analysis in the distinct chapters is informed by a stringent historic, theoretical and arts analysis and an alternating arts practice. The convergence of these elements leads to insights on further uses, options and perspectives of the research problems discussed, in particular in relation to the requirements of playful interaction in contemporary technologies, which increasingly radicalises the importance of play. The thesis’ hypothesis states that playful practices in arts and technologies provide models for political agency, like the strategic use of Con-Dividualities (Jahrmann 2000). This term describes the concept of shared identities in society or social media consumer technologies, as discussed in historic case studies and the author’s own arts practice, related to the modification of technologies as methodology of arts research. In this way the arts practice and theory of playfulness informs the emergence of a new methodology of research, intervention and participation in society through the arts of play, which is coined as Ludics, as an original outcome of this thesis.
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Le corps entre langage et jouissance / El cuerpo entre lenguaje y goce / The body between language and enjoymentPérez Monge, José Manuel 27 September 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le concept du corps qui est élaboré depuis la découverte de la psychanalyse par Freud et continué par le développement que Jacques Lacan fait tout au long de son enseignement. Nous nous demandons quels sont les éléments qui définissent sa structure et quelle est sa relation avec la langue. Pour pouvoir répondre à cette question, nous nous placerons dans le moment où Freud fait le changement du champ d’étude depuis le corps biologique, avec sa formation de neurologue, jusqu’à un corps qui est fait de représentations qui fonctionnent par les lois du langage. Nous développerons comment le registre symbolique et le registre imaginaire se construisent en relation à ce corps et le développement que Jacques Lacan fait pour établir un savoir qui puisse cerner le concept. Finalement, nous étudierons un extrait de l’œuvre de James Joyce Portrait de l’artiste en jeune homme, en lui appliquant l’approche méthodologique de la psychose ordinaire à partir de l’enseignement de J.-A. Miller, et l’analyse du discours depuis la psychologie narrative. Cette double perspective nous permettra d’établir le fonctionnement du langage en relation au corps depuis différentes optiques. / This thesis talks about the body concept which has been elaborated since the psychoanalysis ́ discovery by Freud, followed by Jacques Lacan teaching development. The aim of this thesis is to develop the concept of body. We will ask what are the elements that define it and what is its relationship with language.
In order to answer this question, we will study Freud's change from the study of the biological body to the discovery of a body constructed from representations articulated by the laws of language. We will research the relationship of the symbolic and imaginary register with the biological body. We will explore the development that Jacques Lacan carries out to delimit this concept from different moments of his teaching. Finally, we will study an extract from James Joyce's novel A portrait of the artist as a young man.
This study will be based on two methodological perspectives: The one developed from the investigations carried out about ordinary psychosis from the teaching of J.-A. Miller, and the one developed from the discourse analysis in the narrative psychology. This double study will allow us to establish the functioning of language in relation to the body concept from different perspectives. / La presente tesis hace referencia al concepto del cuerpo que es elaborado desde el descubrimiento del psicoanálisis por Freud, seguido por el desarrollo que Jacques Lacan hace a lo largo de su enseñanza. Nos preguntamos cuáles son los elementos que definen su estructura y cuál es su relación con el lenguaje. Para poder responder a esta cuestión, nos situaremos en el momento en que Freud hace el cambio de campo de estudio desde el cuerpo biológico, con su formación de neurólogo, hasta un cuerpo que se construye a partir de representaciones que funcionan por las leyes lingüísticas. A partir de aquí, desarrollaremos cómo el lenguaje y la imagen se construyen en relación a este cuerpo, y el desarrollo que Jacques Lacan hace para establecer un conocimiento que pueda delimitar este concepto. Por último, estudiaremos un extracto de la obra de James Joyce Retrato del artista adolescente , a partir de la perspectiva metodológica desarrollada por la psicosis ordinaria y el análisis del discurso como metodología dentro de un contexto narrativo. Esta doble perspectiva nos permitirá establecer el funcionamiento del lenguaje en relación al cuerpo desde distintas ópticas.
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Alfabestização: perspectivas da articulação sujeito e escrita / Alfabestização: perspectives of the articulation of the subject and writing.Fragelli, Ilana Katz Zagury 13 May 2011 (has links)
Os acontecimentos que perturbam a relação da criança com a escrita não estão exclusivamente circunscritos pelos processos linguísticos, cognitivos e pedagógicos implicados na aquisição. Esta pesquisa pretendeu problematizar as concepções pretensamente científicas que enquadram os problemas na escrita das crianças como manifestações de dislexia. A clínica psicanalítica dá o testemunho de que há uma articulação entre este fenômeno e o sujeito que se institui na escrita. Este trabalho fez um caminho pela psicanálise de orientação lacaniana, através de sua teoria e de sua clínica, para discutir qual é o estatuto deste fenômeno que se dá a ver na escrita da criança. A idéia de sujeito que permite esta leitura não é a de sujeito epistêmico, aquele que conhece. Será aquela formulada pela psicanálise: o sujeito é entendido como resposta do real, não é mais produto exclusivo do funcionamento simbólico, é assim que o sujeito efeito (e não causa) do jogo significante, e situado fora da cadeia que sustenta o funcionamento simbólico- foi considerado nessa pesquisa. Estudou-se ainda as construções conceituais de sintoma e escrita na psicanálise. Este caminho apresentou a articulação do gozo na produção de escrita e foi preciso explicar as relações entre significante e letra, noções em psicanálise que não se confundem com a letra alfabética, o caractere, nem com o escrever referido a produção de texto, mas que exatamente por não se confundirem, são importantes para que se decida um modo de abordagem da escrita que inclua o sujeito como elemento da discussão. Se o desligamento do significante mostra o gozo na escrita, os fenômenos clínicos ali presentes são tecidos também como dinâmica gozosa, e portanto, em relação à economia de gozo do falasser. Para abordar a escrita da criança em tempos de aquisição é preciso ter clara a idéia de que esta não é representação da fala, mas que, entre elas, a articulação é moebiana. Há gozo na escrita, o que o gozo aí engendra e também o que o engendra aí a clínica vai responder. Será preciso dar tratamento ao que resta. É nesse sentido que os impasses aos quais um sujeito se submete e que perturbam sua escrita são matéria para o psicanalista. / The events that disturb the relationship of a child with writing are not exclusively limited to the linguistic, cognitive and pedagogical processes implied in the acquisition of this skill. This study aimed at problematizing the supposedly scientific concepts that frame the problems of children´s writing, such as dyslexia. Clinical psychoanalytical data show that there is an articulation between this phenomenon and the subject that is being written about. This study made its way using Lacanian-oriented psychoanalysis, through its theory and its clinic, to discuss the statute of this phenomenon that can be seen in the writing of a child. The idea of subject that permits this reading is not that of an epistemological subject, the one that knows. It is the one formulated by psychoanalysis: the subject as an answer of the real, it is no longer the exclusive product of symbolic functioning, this is how the subject - effect (and not cause) of the meaningful game, and situated outside the chain that sustains the symbolic functioning was considered in this study. Also studied were the conceptual constructions of symptom and writing in psychoanalysis. This path presented the articulation of satisfaction from the production of writing and it was necessary to explain the relationship between meaning and letter, notions that in psychoanalysis are not to be confused with the letter of the alphabet, the character, nor even with the writing referring to the production of the text, but which precisely because they are not to be confused, are important to deciding on the approach to be used in writing, which includes the subject as an element of the discussion. If the detachment of meaning shows the jouissance in writing, the clinical phenomena that are present are also woven as the dynamic of jouissance and, therefore, in relation to the frugality of jouissance of the falasser. To broach the writing of the child in times of acquisition it is necessary to clearly understand that this is not a representation of speech, but rather that between them, the articulation is moebian. There is jouissance in writing, what the satisfaction engenders there, and also what engenders it there will be answered by the clinic. It will be necessary to treat what remains. It is in this sense that the impasses to which a person submits himself and which disturb his writing are material for the psychoanalyst.
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A criação da criança: letra e gozo nos primórdios do psiquismo / Child raising: letter and jouissance in the earliest roots of the psychismJerusalinsky, Julieta 26 June 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-06-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis approaches the production of the inscriptions that constitute the psychism in mother-baby ties. The text is present within the field of fundamental psychopathology and theoretical-clinical psychoanalysis. The author posits that the inscription of the letter a concept employed by Jacques Lacan to situate psychic inscriptions depends on the mother's involvement in the baby's economy of jouissance. The transmission of the inscription does not take place through the direct presence of a code, but rather through a succession of enigmatic effects on the baby's ties with his mother. She is an embodied mOther, in view of which the subject must emerge on the border between jouissance and knowledge, body and language. On the basis of the given-to-be-seen on the baby's body, the mother formulates the supposition of the knowledge of which the baby is a tributary. It is knowledge of the mother's desire and is enigmatic to the mother herself, but the baby becomes involved in it. The givento- be-seen on the baby's body takes on the character of a formation of the unconscious. The mother's psychism operates there as an initially prosthetic psychic apparatus for the baby to function physically. The baby s economy of jouissance is thus bound to its mother's knowing. The earliest roots of psychic constitution thus reveal the lack of correspondence between body and subject. Through her care, the mother "embroiders" the letter on the baby's body as she occupies herself with his economy of jouissance, by being affected by what affects him. She thus links the baby's physical functioning to a language structure by which he inadvertently becomes involved in the tie with the mOther. From then on, the tie is indispensable in his circuit of satisfaction. For this reason, the baby is also affected by the sounds and lalangue through which the mother's jouissance emerges in the act of enunciation. When the baby becomes emotionally involved in the games that constitute the subject, the mother attributes their authorship to him, and the knowledge of this playing permanently transits with him through the positions of object and subject. She presumes that he is the subject that knows about playing. At the same time, when she makes the baby an object of jouissance, she herself obtains jouissance by transitively identifying with the jouissance of the baby's passivity. Therefore, the jouissance involved in the tie between mother and baby is not reduced to either the anxiety of insufficiency nor to the measure of phallic strength, nor even to the masochistic jouissance of the mater dolorosa. Through jouissance located beyond the phallic, a creation can be produced, a child can be raised. The raising of the child indicates the transitivist dimension of the earliest roots of the tie between mother and baby. If motherhood can make room for an act that, for a woman, is creative, the child, in turn, has a way to be creative when playing. The relationship between mother and baby is limited neither to phallic jouissance nor to the search for complementarity with the jouissance of the mOther, but it can open the way to an Other jouissance, a supplementary creation, which, even if it makes use of the paternal function, does not stop at the Oedipus complex. In view of the mental suffering involved when a baby painfully gives-to-be-seen on his body, the clinician intervenes, not by observing but by reading, which can decipher. Operating on the basis of the key to the code, the letter, which insists on symptomatic repetition, the clinician opens the way to supplementary creations / A tese aborda a produção das inscrições constituintes do psiquismo no laço mãe-bebê
sob o marco acadêmico de pesquisa em Psicopatologia Fundamental e teórico-clínico da
psicanálise. Considera que a inscrição da letra conceito utilizado por Jacques Lacan para
situar as inscrições psíquicas depende da implicação materna na economia de gozo do
bebê. Sua transmissão não ocorre pela via direta de um código, mas por uma sucessão de
efeitos enigmáticos no laço com a mãe, enquanto Outro encarnado, diante dos quais o
sujeito precisará advir, no litoral entre gozo e saber, corpo e linguagem.
A partir do dado a ver no corpo do bebê, a mãe formula a suposição de um saber do
qual este seria tributário: saber sobre o desejo materno que, à própria mãe, resulta
enigmático, mas em relação ao qual o bebê fica implicado. Assim, o dado a ver no corpo
do bebê assume o caráter de formação do inconsciente. O psiquismo materno opera aí
como um aparelho psíquico inicialmente protético para o funcionamento corporal do bebê,
que passa a ter sua economia de gozo atrelada ao saber materno. Os primórdios da
constituição psíquica, portanto, deixam em relevo a não correspondência entre corpo e
A mãe realiza em seus cuidados o "bordado" da letra ao corpo do bebê, ao ocupar-se
de sua economia de gozo, ao afetar-se pelo que o afeta. Assim, parasita o funcionamento
corporal do bebê com uma estrutura "linguageira" pela qual este, inadvertidamente, se
engaja no laço com o Outro a partir daí imprescindível em seu circuito de satisfação. Por
isso o bebê também é afetado pela prosódia e alíngua pelas quais comparece o gozo
materno no ato da enunciação.
Quando o bebê se engaja "gozozamente" nos jogos constituintes do sujeito, a mãe
passa a atribuir-lhe a autoria, o saber, sobre esse brincar, transitando permanentemente
com ele pelas posições de objeto e sujeito. Ela o supõe sujeito que sabe do brincar; ao
mesmo tempo, quando o faz objeto de gozo, goza identificando-se transitivamente ao gozo
da passividade do bebê.
Portanto, o gozo implicado no laço mãe-bebê não está reduzido nem à angústia da
insuficiência nem à medida da potencia fálica. Tampouco ao gozo masoquista da mater
dolorosa. Por meio de um gozo situado para além do fálico, pode-se produzir uma criação:
a criação da criança aponta a dimensão transitivista dos primórdios do laço mãe-bebê.
Se a maternidade pode dar lugar a um ato criativo para uma mulher, por sua vez, a
criança tem aí uma brecha para vir a ser criadora no brincar. A relação mãe-bebê não se
limita nem ao gozo fálico nem à busca da complementaridade com o gozo do Outro, mas
pode dar acesso a um gozo Outro, a uma criação suplementar, que, mesmo se servindo da
função paterna, não se detém no complexo de Édipo.
Diante do pathos que o bebê em sofrimento dá a ver em seu corpo, o clínico
intervém, não por uma observação, mas por uma leitura que possibilita uma decifração.
Operando a partir da cifra, da letra que insiste na repetição sintomática, abre lugar para
criações suplementares
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Amor e perversão / Love and perversionSouza, Maria Regina Tavares de Mello e 11 November 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-11-11 / This dissertation aims to connect the most significant ethics that persisted
throughout our culture to sexuality, here regarded as a human formation that goes beyond
biological scope to become the foundation of subjectivity. By regarding man as subject of
desire, Freud recognizes him as having a perverted orientation, and comes to the conclusion
that, because of his aggressive nature, man tends to, before loving his neighbor, take him as
object (also sexual) for his enjoyment. As a thinker of the culture, Freud states that the great
human ideals are nothing but reactive formations. They are constructed to avoid
aggressiveness, since men understood that together they could tame the forces of nature, in
order to guarantee their survival. Lacan, attentive commentator of the ethics that feed and
move our culture, emphasizes the importance of Aristotle s Nicomachean Ethics , focused
on the ideal of the Supreme Good . This Ethic persisted throughout two thousand years,
coming to an end with the decline of the relationship Master/Slave, which cleared the path
to two new ethics devoted to the ideal of the common good: the Kantian ethics, in which,
for Lacan, the highlight is the Critique of Practical Reason , and the utilitarian approach,
which highest moment is Jeremy Bentham s Theory of Fictions . On the turn of the 18th
to the 19th century, Sade, Kant s contemporary, following the Libertine movement born
with the decadence of French aristocracy, takes the subject of Happiness in Evil to its
maximum level. Lacan writes a text in which he compares Kant with Sade, where we can
see he makes progress in his theory about the perversions. After examining the ethics, the
present dissertation focuses on the study of sexual perversions, using the theoretical
framework of Freud and Lacan as foundation. The above-mentioned text by Lacan is used,
in this dissertation, as a means to articulate an ethic of the perversion / Esta dissertação visa articular as éticas mais significativas que atravessaram
nossa cultura, com a sexualidade, aqui entendida como uma formação humana que
ultrapassa o âmbito do biológico, para se tornar a base da subjetividade. Ao tomar o homem
como sujeito do desejo, Freud se dá conta da orientação perversa do mesmo, concluindo
que, por sua natureza agressiva, o homem tende a, antes de amar seu próximo, tomá-lo
como objeto, inclusive sexual, para seu gozo. Como pensador da cultura, Freud afirma que
os grandes ideais humanos não passam de formações reativas. São construídos para
contornarem a agressividade, já que os homens compreenderam que unidos poderiam
dominar as forças da natureza, garantindo sua sobrevivência. Lacan, atento comentador das
éticas que alimentam e movem nossa cultura, destaca a importância da Ética a Nicômaco ,
de Aristóteles, voltada para o ideal do Soberano Bem . Esta Ética atravessa dois mil
anos, tendo seu fim com o declínio da relação Senhor/Escravo, que enseja o aparecimento
de duas novas éticas voltadas para o ideal do bem comum: a kantiana, cujo destaque maior,
para Lacan, é a Crítica da razão prática e a corrente utilitarista, que tem seu ponto
máximo na Teoria das ficções , de Jeremy Bentham. Na passagem do século XVIII para o
XIX, Sade, contemporâneo de Kant, acompanhando o movimento dos libertinos surgido
com a decadência da aristocracia, eleva ao seu ponto máximo o tema da Felicidade no Mal.
Lacan elabora um texto onde compara Kant com Sade, do qual vemos aparecer um avanço
em sua teoria sobre as perversões. Depois de um primeiro momento em que as éticas são
estudadas, o eixo desta dissertação se volta para o estudo das perversões sexuais, tendo
como fundamento o arcabouço teórico de Freud e Lacan. Este texto de Lacan transformase,
nesta dissertação, em meio de articular uma ética da perversão
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