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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beam Search e inserção de ociosidade no problema de programação de uma máquina em ambiente do tipo JIT. / Beam Search and idle time insertion in the single-machine scheduling problem in a JIT environment.

Colin, Emerson Carlos 14 October 1997 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta procedimentos que podem ser utilizados na programação da produção em um ambiente JIT. Esses procedimentos deveriam ser utilizados em sistemas clássicos de programação, onde a utilização do sistema kanban é inviável. O caso estudado se baseia em uma única máquina, com datas de entrega múltiplas e com penalidades distintas de adiantamento e de atraso para cada ordem. O objetivo a ser alcançado é a minimização do custo total. Para isso, é utilizado um procedimento de busca denominado beam search, para gerar as seqüências, e um algoritmo de inserção de ociosidade, para definir os programas. O algoritmo utilizado é uma generalização do algoritmo de GAREY et al. (1988) onde as penalidades são distintas para adiantamento e para atraso. O procedimento e o algoritmo são testados em várias condições sendo comparados com regras de despacho e com a função EXP-ET. Quando a função EXP-ET é utilizada com a possibilidade de inserção de ociosidade, o período de ociosidade ótimo é determinado. Assume-se que a dificuldade de solução do problema é dependente de dois parâmetros clássicos: fator de atraso médio e amplitude relativa das datas de entrega. Testes empíricos comparativos são realizados através de simulação computacional, onde se mede o tempo de solução e o valor alcançado pela função objetivo. Os resultados indicam que o desempenho dos vários procedimentos testados é altamente dependente dos dois parâmetros, mostrando que para a escolha de um procedimento apropriado, deve-se primeiramente conhecer o valor dos parâmetros. São fornecidos os resultados encontrados e os códigos computacionais utilizados no estudo. / This work presents some procedures which can be used in production scheduling problems in JIT environments. These procedures may be used in cases of classical production scheduling where the use of the kanban system is infeasible. The case studied is based on a single machine, with multiple due dates, and distinct earliness and tardiness penalties for each job. The objective function is to minimize total cost. A heuristic search procedure known as beam search is used to construct sequences of jobs, and an idleness insertion algorithm is used to obtain schedules. The algorithm used is a generalization of the GAREY et al. (1988) algorithm, where penalties are distinct for earliness and tardiness. The procedure and algorithm are tested in many conditions involving comparisons with dispatching rules and the EXP-ET function. When EXP-ET function is applied with possibility of idleness insertion, the optimal idleness period is provided. It was assumed that problem hardness is dependent on two classical parameters: average tardiness factor and relative range of due dates. Empirical comparative tests are conducted with computational simulation, where computational solution time and objective function value are evaluated. Results indicate that procedures performance is highly dependent on both parameters, showing that is necessary to know parameters values before choosing an appropriate procedure. The detailed results and computational code used in this study are also provided.

Sambandet mellan säkerhetskrav och höga lagernivåer inom läkemedelsbranschen : En fallstudie på Fresenius Kabi

Frykfors, Alexis, Strand, Philip January 2017 (has links)
Background: An organization's ability to control bound material can be the difference between success or failure. Organizations that effectively work with supply chain management has strengthened their positions and increase their competitive edge on the global market. Organizations is the pharmaceutical industry has a major social responsibility by ensuring a continuous flow of medicines as well as pharmaceutical equipment. The industry is controlled by the strict regulations. The stringent security requirements for delivery reliability and delivery precision combined with extensive production regulations have resulted in these organizations having difficulty in maintaining even inventory levels.   Purpose: The study aims to investigating the correlation between high level of safety requirements in the pharmaceutical industry and high inventory levels with the help of a case study. The study wants to investigate consequences of such connection as well investigate potential solution in which organizations can reduce their inventory levels without jeopardizing the delivery precision and delivery safety of pharmaceutical organizations.   A case study has been conducted at the pharmaceutical company Fresenius Kabi who is a global market leader in the production of intravenous nutritional solutions.   Finding: Findings of the study indicates that safety requirements controlling the pharmaceutical industry have a major impact on the organization's production planning and storage. The consequences of the high security requirements results in in uneven production patterns and tied capital in high inventory levels. The consequences also indicated on a Bullwhip-effect. Lean management enables organizations in the pharmaceutical industry to establish even production patterns and reduce their inventory levels.   The study presents a new factor that prevents organizations in the pharmaceutical industry to reduce the number of articles. The new factor has a strong link to why organizations in the pharmaceutical industry have high inventory levels. / Bakgrund: Hantering av lager och uppbundet material kan vara avgörande för en organisations framgång eller misslyckande. En ökad globalisering av dagens marknad har lett till att organisationer som effektivt arbetar med supply chain management stärker sina positioner och ökar sina konkurrensfördelar. En bransch på den globala marknaden som verkar under håra regleringar är läkemedelsbranschen. Branchen har ett stort samhällsansvar genom att säkerställa ett kontinuerligt flöde av läkemedel samt läkemedelsutrustning. De hårda säkerhetskraven på leveranssäkerhet och leveransprecision i kombination med omfattande produktionsregleringar har resulterat i att dessa organisationer har svårt att upprätthålla jämna lagernivåer. Syfte: Med hjälp av en fallstudie vill studien undersöka hur sambandet mellan höga säkerhetskrav och höga lagernivåer inom läkemedelsbranschen ser ut. Studien vill undersöka hur sambandet påverkar organisationer inom läkemedelsbranschen samt analysera hur man medhjälp av olika åtgärder kan minska lagernivåer utan att äventyra organisationernas leveransprecision och leveranssäkerhet. Fallstudien är baserad på läkemedelsorganisationen Fresenius Kabi. Fresenius Kabi är en global aktör som är marknadsledande inom produktion av intravenösa näringslösningar. Studien har undersökt produkten smofkabvien som produceras i Uppsala i syfte till att besvara studiens frågeställning. Med hjälp av intervjuer och insamlad sekundärdata besvaras studiens syfte. Slutsats: Studienkonstaterar att säkerhetskraven som reglerar läkemedelsbranschen har en stor inverkan på organisationens produktionsplanering och lagerhållning. Resultatet av de höga säkerhetskraven resulterar i ojämna beställning-och produktionsmönster vilket resulterar i hög kapitalbindning samt indikerar på en potentiell Bullwhip-effekt inom försörjningskedjan. Med hjälp av Lean management, heijunka och just-in-time kan organisationer inom läkemedelsbranschen upprätta jämna produktion-och beställningsmönster samt reducera sina lagernivåer. Studien presenterar en ny faktor vilken förhindrar organisationer inom läkemedelsbranschen möjlighet att reducera antalet artiklar. Den nya faktorn har en stark koppling till varför organisationer inom läkemedelsbranschen höga lagernivåer.

Estudo do consumo de materiais de um centro cirúrgico após a implementação de um sistema de gestão informatizado / Study on the use of hospital medical materials of a surgical center after the implementation of an automated management system

Paschoal, Maria Lúcia Habib 27 March 2009 (has links)
Neste estudo, foi comparada a eficácia de dois modelos de gestão de materiais: o primeiro foi o modelo tradicional, com controle manual e com reposição de estoque baseado em cotas preestabelecidas, adotado pelo Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo (HU-USP), desde 1981; e o segundo modelo, implementado em 2008, com gestão informatizada e reposição de estoque segundo os princípios do just in time. Assim, os objetivos específicos foram comparar a quantidade e o custo dos materiais médico-hospitalares consumidos e em estoque antes e após a implantação do Sistema de Gestão de Materiais informatizado (SGM) e, identificar o consumo dos kits cirúrgicos e anestésicos após a implantação do novo sistema. Trata-se de um estudo comparativo com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido no Centro Cirúrgico do HU-USP. Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizados quatro instrumentos: planilha de movimento cirúrgico e a caracterização do paciente; planilha de consumo do material; planilha de kits cirúrgicos e anestésicos; e a planilha de dados sobre estoque de materiais. A população foi constituída por 400 itens de materiais médico-hospitalares do setor de Centro Cirúrgico, no período de fevereiro a maio de 2007 e fevereiro a maio de 2008. Os resultados mostraram que o consumo de materiais do Centro Cirúrgico em 2008 reduziu 8,13% em relação ao ano de 2007 e o custo total dos materiais consumidos tiveram um acréscimo de 2,20%, não tendo representação estatística significativa. Quanto aos kits de procedimentos cirúrgicos e anestésicos, nos quatro meses estudados no ano de 2008, 64,7% do consumo de materiais fizeram parte do kit e 35,3% foram materiais avulsos consumidos durante a cirurgia. Foram utilizados 81tipos de kits sendo que, 54 (66,6%) apresentaram um consumo de material abaixo de 51,9%. Houve uma redução de materiais em estoque no Centro Cirúrgico em 2008 de 26,22% em relação ao ano de 2007 e uma redução de 12,46% do custo / This study involved the comparison of the efficiency of two models of management of hospital medical materials: the first was the traditional model, manually controlled and with stock reposition based on pre-determined quotas adopted by the Hospital Universitário of the University of São Paulo (HU-USP) since 1981; the second model, implemented in 2008, was under an automated management and stock reposition system following the just-in-time parameters. The specific objectives of the study were thus (1) to compare the volume and the cost of the hospital medical materials used with the ones remained in stock before and after the implementation of the automated System of Management of Materials (SGM-Sistema de Gestão de Materiais); and (2) to determine the use of surgical kits and anesthetics also after the implementation of the new system. It also focused on a quantitative approach adopted in the Surgical Center of HU-USP. To achieve a comprehensive result, four types of Control Sheets were used to assemble the data: the surgical activity and the status of the patient; the volume of the material used; the surgical kits and anesthetics; and on the data of the stock of materials. The analysis involved 400 items of hospital medical materials of the Surgical Center sector in the month-periods of February to May of 2007 and of 2008. The results indicated an 8.13% reduction in the use of materials in the Surgical Center in 2008 as compared to 2007, and an increase of 2.20% in the total cost of material, the latter considered to be of no statistical significance. As far as the kits of surgical procedures and anesthetics are concerned, in the four-month period of 2008, 64.7% of the use of materials was out of the kit, and 35.3% represented other assorted materials used during the surgeries. 81 types of kits were used of which 54 (66.6%) decreased 51.9% in the use of kit-related materials. In 2008 there was a 26.22% stock reduction of materials in the Surgical Center as compared to 2007 and a 12.46% cost reduction

Inköpsprocess och transportstrategi / Purchasing process and transport strategy

Sadllah, Stapheen, Muhammad, Mazen Riadh January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to identify how to implement a purchasing process in a small company and to investigate which means of transport is most suitable to use at the different delivery distances. The goal was divided into two research questions: • Research question 1: Which purchasing process and purchasing role should the company follow? • Research question 2: Which means of transport are most suitable to use in accordance with the needs of the company? The research method used to answer the goal and the research questions was a literature study and a case study. A literature review was made to understand the subject in a broader context and to gather a case study for empirical results. The case study was conducted at a small company in the construction industry in Södermanland in Sweden, which currently does not have a purchasing process. Based on collected empirical data, the company has encountered some problems. The first problem is that there was no purchasing process to be able to start after which it leads to the company buying in products and testing them if they are customizable and if they do or do not fit, the goods are saved in a containment unit. The second problem is regarding the choice of transportation method for purchased goods in relation to the distance and their needs. Students has, through literature studies, scientific articles and interviews with the company, produced an overview of how to structure and systematize purchasing work, and which means of transport are suitable for the company to be able to collect goods. / Syftet med studien var att identifiera hur man kan implementera en inköpsprocess i ett litet företag samt att undersöka vilket transportmedel som är lämpligt att använda i olika leveransavstånd. Målet var indelat i två forskningsfrågor: • Forskningsfråga 1: Vilken inköpsprocess och inköpsroll ska företaget följa? • Forskningsfråga 2: Vilket transportmedel är mest lämpligt för att använda för transport utefter företagets behov? Forskningsmetoden som används för att besvara på målet och forskningsfrågorna var en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie. Det gjordes en litteraturgranskning för att förstå ämnet i ett bredare sammanhang samt genomfördes en fallstudie för att insamla empiriska data. Fallstudien gjordes hos ett litet företag i byggbranschen i Södermanland i Sverige som inte har en strukturerad inköpsprocess. Utifrån uppsamlad empiri är det känt att företaget stött på några problem. Först och främst finns det ingen inköpsprocess att kunna utgå ifrån, vilket det leder till att företaget för tillfället köper in produkter och testar deras anpassbarhet, och ifall de inte kommer till användning så förvaras de undan. Det andra problemet angår vilket transportmedel som är lönsammast utefter deras behov och transportsträcka. Studenterna har genom litteraturstudier, vetenskapliga artiklar och intervjuer med företaget frambringat en överblick av hur man kan strukturera och systematisera inköpsarbete, samt vilka transportmedel som lämpar sig för företagets behov.

Materialflödeseffektivisering mellan godsmottagning och montering : en kartläggning av aktiviteter mellan godsmottagning och montering / Streamlining the material flow between goods receiving and assembly line : a mapping of activities between goods receiving and assembly line

Andersson, Ellen, Klingspor, Charlotte January 2019 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med studien är att undersöka förbättringsmöjligheter i materialflödet mellan godsmottagning och montering. Syftet har brutits ner i tre frågeställningar: Vilka aktiviteter påverkar materialflödet mellan godsmottagning och montering? Hur påverkar aktiviteterna materialflödet mellan godsmottagning och montering? Hur kan materialflödet mellan godsmottagning och montering effektiviseras? Metod – En förstudie genomfördes för att definiera en problemformulering, vilket låg till grund för utformandet av studiens syfte och frågeställningar. En litteraturgenomgång och fallstudie har utförts parallellt med varandra. Datainsamlingen gjordes genom metoderna observation, dokumentstudie och intervjuer. Litteraturgenomgången genomfördes för att skapa det teoretiska ramverket. Syftet och frågeställningarna besvarades genom empirisk data och teorier. Resultat – Flera problem identifierades under studien som direkt påverkar materialflödet. I Icke värdeskapande aktiviteter, exempelvis hanterings- och lagerpunkter, påverkar ett materialflöde då det binds kapital och kräver resurser. En korrekt informationsdelning och ett nära samarbete mellan avdelningar anses vara en viktig faktor för materialflödets effektivitet. Genom att använda line back-principen kan aktiviteter som inte skapar värde för materialflödet förflytttas uppströms i försörjningskedjan för att möjliggöra en implementation av just in sequence. Implikationer – Då det redan existerar mycket teori inom problemområdet har ingen ny forskning etablerats. Däremot har studien belyst en ny synvinkel inom redan befintlig teori, där förhållandet mellan just in sequence och line back-principen belysts. Studien kan även användas som ett diskussionsunderlag för att kartlägga och effektivisera verksamheters materialflöde mellan godsmottagning och montering. Begränsningar – Studiens generaliserbarhet kan ifrågasättas då den endast involverar ett fallföretag. Då fallföretagets materialflöde ständigt är i rörelse försvårades datainsamlingen. Detta kan ha påverkat studiens resultat. / Purpose – The purpose of the thesis is to explore potential enhancements for the material flow between the goods receiving and the assembly line. The purpose has been broken down to three research questions: What activities affect the material flow between the goods receiving and the assembly line? How does the activities affect the material flow between the goods receiving and the assembly line? How can the material flow between the goods receiving and the assembly line be more efficient? Method – A pilot study was conducted to define a problem, which the purpose and research questions of the thesis was based on. A review of literature was carried out alongside a case study. Observations, document studies and interviews were the methods of choosing for the collection of data. To establish the theoretical framework a literature review was carried out. A comparison between the findings of the case study and theoretical framework answered the study’s research questions. Findings – The study identified several problems with an immediate impact on the material flow. Non-value adding operations such as material handling and stock locations ties capital and requires resources. To correctly share information and to have a close cooperation between departments is considered as an important factor for the material flow’s efficiency. By using line back principle non-value adding operations can be pushed upstream in the supply chain to enable an implementation of just in sequence. Implications – The studied area consists of already existing theories therefor no additional research has been contributed. However, a new aspect of already existing theory has enlightened the relationship between just in sequence and line back principle. Organizations can use the case study as a basis of discussion for a mapping and improvements of the material flow between the goods receiving and the assembly lines. Limitations – The thesis ability to generalize can be questioned since it consists of only one case company. The material flow was constantly in motion which complicated the collection of data. Therefor the findings of the study can be affected by this.

Att handskas med trender inom Logistik : Supply Chain Management

Blomgren, Björn, Andersson, Stefan January 2011 (has links)
Logistikens vikt för företag blir allt större. En mängd faktorer i företagens omvärld tvingar företag att följa med i utvecklingen för att behålla sin konkurrenskraft. Den ständiga förändringen som sker inom logistikområdet präglas av en mängd tidstypiska trender. Företag med en betydande logistik tvingas därför ta ställning till dessa trender, som på olika sätt sätter avtryck i organisationer då de väljer att implementera tillhörande arbetssätt och metoder från trenderna. Studien undersöker hur företag påverkas av logistiska trender. Detta sker genom att beskriva hur de ser på utvecklingen inom logistik och de trender som utvecklas inom området, samt att se till hur trenderna har satt spår i företagens verksamheter. Supply Chain Management spelar en central roll för uppsatsen, då den statuerar exempel på en logistisk trend, tillsammans med Lean Production och Just-In-Time. Studien är genomförd genom tio semistrukturerade intervjuer hos företag som ser logistik som viktig för deras verksamhet, antingen ur en kostnadssynpunkt eller ur en konkurrenssynpunkt. Den intervjuade representanten för respektive företag är antingen ansvarig för verksamhetens logistik eller en logistikfunktion. Studiens slutsatser är att de företag som intervjuats alla kommer i kontakt med trender inom logistik. Sättet en trend förs in i organisationen sker främst genom nyanställningar av personal med teoretisk eller praktisk bakgrund från andra verksamheter, eller genom att inspireras av andra företag. För att det ska vara aktuellt för företag att införa delar av en trend som Just-In-Time, Lean Production eller Supply Chain Management krävs det att dessa genererar en effektivisering av verksamheten, främst genom ekonomiska besparingar. Supply Chain Management har gjort avtryck hos studiens företag i det avseendet att det finns ett stort fokus på att utveckla samarbetet med sina leverantörer samt att det finns en strävan efter att öka företagets kundfokus och därmed sätta kunden i centrum för verksamheten. / The importance of logistics to companies is growing. A number of factors in business environment forces companies to keep up with changes to remain competitive. The constant changes that occur in the logistics area are characterized by a variety of contemporary trends. Companies with a major logistics are therefore forced to consider these trends, which in various ways puts a mark on the organizations where they choose to implement the related procedures and methods of trends. This study examines how businesses are affected by logistical trends. This is done by describing how they view the developments in logistics and the trends that develop in the area, and to see how trends have left traces in the activities of businesses. Supply Chain Management plays a central role for the study, as it sets an example of a logistic trend, along with Lean Production and Just-In-Time. The study was conducted by ten semi-structured interviews with companies who see logistics as important to their business, either from a cost perspective or from a competitive standpoint. The interviewed representative of the respective companies are either responsible for the businesses logistics or a logistics function. The conclusions of the study are that the companies interviewed all come in contact with trends in logistics. The way a trend is brought into the organization is done primarily through the hiring of staff with practical or theoretical background from other activities, or to be inspired by other companies. For it to be appropriate for companies to implement the elements of a trend such as Just-In-Time, Lean Production or Supply Chain Management, it is required that they generate corporate efficiency, mainly through financial savings. Supply Chain Management has made an important impact in the study’s companies in the sense that there is a major focus on developing cooperation with its suppliers and that there is a desire to increase its customer focus and thus put the customer at the center of activity.

Problemanalys vid Aros Quality Group Enclosure Systems AB

Stjärndahl, Rickard, Aronsson, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this report is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the problems within the production at AQ Enclosure systems, and thereby achieve a more stable flow throughout the whole process, a better working environment and better competition advantages. The internal flow along with the external cooperation is very important for the company, because it views flexibility and short leadtime as it is the most important competitive means. The part of AQ production that’s been investigated is the manufacturing of ATM-machines, where the costumer is Banqit. This company is a rater small company with about 4 % of the world market of ATM-machines. In order to achieve the aim of the report extensive interviews have been carried out with employees at AQ. Employees in both the administrative part as well as the manufacturing part has been interviewed. The interviews have been conducted in a way were the respondents have had the opportunity to study the questions in advance. The survey has given a result which indicates problem over a wide scale. A lot of the company problems do not lie in a particular department; they rather include the whole company. The picture of their problems became more complex whereas different respondents look at the same problems in different ways. One big difference in views was clearly identified between office staff and the producing staff. The problems that emerged were not related to lack of machine capability, the problems were rather linked to the managing of production and organization. One example of this problem is the producing personnel’s lack of knowledge and commitment to the company philosophy. The problems concerning management also reflect in a rather strong feeling that divides the company in two, us and them. This feeling affects the whole production line. The producing personnel feels that the office lack understanding of their everyday work and don’t encourage suggestions concerning process evolvement. One other big problem concerning AQ’s production is that some of their key suppliers are either single source or locked from their costumer Banqit. The conclusions of the report shows several areas in which AQ can improve. One measure that the company can implement is introducing a more foreseeable and visual handling of their pallets within the factory. The company management ought to find ways to better mediate the production philosophy throughout the entire organization. Furthermore, the company management should increase the will to see potential ways of improving and increase the inclination of expressing those suggestions. The suggestions should not only concern the personnel’s own workplace but rather span over the entire process. The report also identifies possible areas of improvement concerning the internal and external team cooperation. The different teams ought to see each other as costumers and produce an equally good result regardless of if the item is produced for an internal department or an external costumer.

Problemanalys vid Aros Quality Group Enclosure Systems AB

Stjärndahl, Rickard, Aronsson, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this report is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the problems within the production at AQ Enclosure systems, and thereby achieve a more stable flow throughout the whole process, a better working environment and better competition advantages. The internal flow along with the external cooperation is very important for the company, because it views flexibility and short leadtime as it is the most important competitive means. The part of AQ production that’s been investigated is the manufacturing of ATM-machines, where the costumer is Banqit. This company is a rater small company with about 4 % of the world market of ATM-machines.</p><p>In order to achieve the aim of the report extensive interviews have been carried out with employees at AQ. Employees in both the administrative part as well as the manufacturing part has been interviewed. The interviews have been conducted in a way were the respondents have had the opportunity to study the questions in advance.</p><p>The survey has given a result which indicates problem over a wide scale. A lot of the company problems do not lie in a particular department; they rather include the whole company. The picture of their problems became more complex whereas different respondents look at the same problems in different ways. One big difference in views was clearly identified between office staff and the producing staff. The problems that emerged were not related to lack of machine capability, the problems were rather linked to the managing of production and organization. One example of this problem is the producing personnel’s lack of knowledge and commitment to the company philosophy. The problems concerning management also reflect in a rather strong feeling that divides the company in two, us and them. This feeling affects the whole production line. The producing personnel feels that the office lack understanding of their everyday work and don’t encourage suggestions concerning process evolvement. One other big problem concerning AQ’s production is that some of their key suppliers are either single source or locked from their costumer Banqit.</p><p>The conclusions of the report shows several areas in which AQ can improve. One measure that the company can implement is introducing a more foreseeable and visual handling of their pallets within the factory. The company management ought to find ways to better mediate the production philosophy throughout the entire organization. Furthermore, the company management should increase the will to see potential ways of improving and increase the inclination of expressing those suggestions. The suggestions should not only concern the personnel’s own workplace but rather span over the entire process. The report also identifies possible areas of improvement concerning the internal and external team cooperation. The different teams ought to see each other as costumers and produce an equally good result regardless of if the item is produced for an internal department or an external costumer.</p>

Vėluojančių užsakymų mažinimas UAB „Baltoji juosta“ / Minimization of late orders at JSC „Baltoji juosta“

Turminas, Edvardas 20 March 2009 (has links)
UAB „Baltoji juosta“ yra didžiausia kasos juostų gamybos įmonė Lietuvoje. Šiuolaikiniame verslo pasaulyje siekiant įgyti ar išlaikyti konkurencinį pranašumą yra būtina kaip įmanoma efektyviau valdyti visus įmonėje vykstančius procesus. Įmonėje esantys vėluojantys užsakymai yra veiklos neefektyvumo rodiklis, todėl jį būtina likviduoti. Pirmoje darbo dalyje buvo atlikta išorinė ir vidinė įmonės aplinkos analizė. Buvo identifikuota rinka ir aprašytos jos tendencijos. Rinkos tendencijoms nustatyti buvo naudojama Lietuvos statistikos departamento (2006) pateikta mažmeninės prekybos įmonių apyvarta (2003-2006) ir nagrinėjamos rinkos ekspertų vertinimai. Nustatyta, kad rinka yra auganti, tačiau augimo tempai mažėja. Šioje dalyje taip pat buvo atliktas rinkos segmentų išskyrimas, kuris atskleidė įmonei prioritetinius segmentus. Įmonės vidinės situacijos analizės metu buvo atlikta SWOT analizė, kuri padėjo identifikuoti vėluojančių užsakymų problemą. Antroje dalyje buvo atliekama įmonės dokumentų analizė, kurios metu buvo identifikuotos pagrindinės vėluojančių užsakymų atsiradimo priežastys – netinkamas skubių užsakymų valdymo būdas, o taip pat operatyvinės veiklos ir atsargų valdymo proceso problemos. Analizuojant duomenis buvo nustatytos atsargų valdymo proceso neefektyvumo sritys. Taip pat nustatyta, kad net 43% visų įmonės užsakymų vėluoja. Interpretuojant duomenų analizės metu gautus rezultatus buvo apibrėžtos sritys, kurioms reikalingas patobulinimas siekiant sumažinti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / JSC „Baltoji juosta“ is the biggest cash register rolls producer in Lithuania. In nowadays business world to gain and sustain competitive advantage you should control all company‘s processes with a highest degree of efficiency. Late orders in a company represent inefficiency and therefore they need to be vanished. In the first part of the paper company‘s internal and external environmental analysis have been done. Under external analysis the market has been identified and tendencies have been overlooked. For this analysis data from Lithuanian department of statistics about retailer‘s sales (2003-2006) was used. Together with field expert‘s comments this data leaded to findings that the market sizes of cash register rolls in Lithuania is growing, however the growth is slowing down. Also segmentation of the market was done and SWOT analysis performed. SWOT analysis helped to identify the importance of late order‘s problem. In the second part company‘s documents were analyzed. Analysis helped to identify main reasons that lead to late order‘s appearance – inappropriate management of urgent orders in the company as well as operational problems and weak inventory management system. Analyzing company‘s data weak areas of inventory system were found. Also there were calculated that overall company‘s late orders rate is 43% which is a lot. By interpreting findings of data analysis areas that require revision and improvement in order to reduce the number of late orders were identified... [to full text]

Išlaidų apskaitos sistemos / Systems of cost accouting

Purlytė, Justina 25 May 2005 (has links)
The object of research - absorption, variable, activity-based and backflush cost accounting systems. The aim of research – after the comparison of cost accounting systems will be performed, with reference to data received from questionnaires, to reveal the appliance of cost accounting systems in Lithuania, evaluate company’s using traditional and modern cost calculation systems, products cost of goods sold decreasing possibilities, possibilities of more effectively recourses managing. The objectives of the work – after the theoretical managerial cost accounting systems have been studied up, to identify the absorption, variable, activity-based and backflush cost accounting systems differences, advantages and disadvantages; to compare cost accounting systems; to substantiate appliance of Just-In-Time expediency. These methods were used while writing the work: Lithuanian and foreign authors work on cost accounting systems literature collection, analysis, graphic, comparison, descriptive, questionairing, and generalization of research results. After the absorption, variable cost systems have been analyzed, it came to conclusion that absorption cost calculation is expedient for long term and variable for short term business decisions. Activity based costing (ABC) allows to assign indirect manufacturing costs by accounting them by activities and applying specific cost calculation unit – cost driver. Just-in-Time philosophy (JIT) considers the possibility to reduce the indirect... [to full text]

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