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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uttrycksformernas potential : En intervjustudie om hur multimodala arbetssätt kan differentiera lågstadieundervisningen / The potential of expressions : An interview study about how multimodal practices can differentiate instruction in primary school

Gabrielsson, Joanna January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande intervjustudie undersöker kopplingen mellan multimodala arbetssätt och differentierad undervisning, för att utreda huruvida multimodala arbetssätt kan användas för att möta alla elever i läs- och skrivundervisningen utan att exkludera. Syftet är att bidra med kunskap om multimodal differentierad läs- och skrivundervisning som möjliggör att alla elever möts, kan lära samt utveckla kunskap. Frågeställningarna som besvaras är: Hur beskriver lärare att differentierad undervisning möjliggörs? Vilka möjligheter och hinder för elevernas språk- och kunskapsutveckling identifierar lärarna i den beskriva undervisningen? Det teoretiska ramverket grundas i forskningsområdet kring multimodalitet, differentierad undervisning samt språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt. Dessutom nyttjas en teoretisk modell avseende läspraktiker för att diskutera studiens resultat. Materialet samlades in genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserades genom tematisk analys. Resultatet indikerar att möjligheterna med multimodala arbetssätt är att begripliggöra innehåll och bearbeta samt fördjupa innehåll för att stötta språk- och kunskapsutveckling i gemensamma sammanhang. Det senare kan medföra att den tidiga läs- och skrivundervisningen blir differentierad, eftersom fler elever får möjlighet att förstå, lära och delta. Samtidigt framkommer hinder i form av att undervisningen eventuellt upplevs oregelbunden, blir för intrycksrik för en del elever, förlorar sammanhanget eller kan få elever att undvika utmaningar ifall de själva får välja vilken uttrycksform de ska använda. / This interview study examines the relation between multimodal practices and differentiated instruction, to investigate if multimodal practices could offer a way to meet all students, without exclusion during literacy instruction. The aim is to contribute with knowledge about multimodal differentiated literacy instruction which meets all students, helps them to learn and develop knowledge. The research questions that will be answered are: How do teachers describe that differentiated instruction is made possible? What possibilities and obstacles for students’ language and knowledge development are identified by the teachers? The theoretical frame is based on the research area of multimodality, differentiated instruction, and to scaffold language and knowledge development. Moreover, a theoretical model about reading practices is used to discuss the result of the study. The material was gathered through qualitative semi-structured interviews and the analyzed through thematic analysis. The result shows that possibilities with multimodal practice include making teaching content more understandable together with opportunities of processing and deepening it to support language and knowledge development within a context. The later can contribute to make early literacy instruction differentiated, because more students get a chance to understand, learn and participate. Although, obstacles appear since instruction might come across as irregular, contain too much stimulus, lose context or students might avoid challenges if they choose what form of expression to use.

Are second-home owners a hidden recruitment resource for rural and peripheral areas?

Hägglund, Markus January 2020 (has links)
Skilled and educated workers are somewhat of a rarity for many rural and peripheral communities. The global migration trend where younger residents of these communities tend to leave for more populated areas leaves the communities with an older population that struggles to find new employees to replace those who retire. However, this does not mean that rural and peripheral communities are unattractive areas. Second-home owners verifies how these areas are attractive for certain individuals for various periods. More importantly, previous research show how second-home owners are often highly educated within their fields, they invest time in their host community, and they can potentially become permanent members of the society. Thus, this study aims to explore second-home owners potential of acting as a recruitment resource for the local labour market of the host community. This is done by using Vilhelmina municipality in Västerbotten county, Sweden, as an example. By using quantitative methods, the findings of this study suggest that the occupational background of second-home owners causes them to be a potential recruitment resource for the local labour market. However, the findings for the study suggest that the willingness to contribute to the local labour market is a mixed bag. Nevertheless, this study contributes to the current understandings of labour recruitment in rural and peripheral areas by confirming the possibility for extension of second-home owners as a resource. / Part of a research project at the Department of Geography at Umeå University called: Is the temporary population a resource?

Melodisk koordination : progressionens belöning i koordinationens intrinsikala skeende

Sjöström, Christer January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur musikhögskolestuderande med trummor som huvudinstrument uppfattar hur melodisk koordination påverkar deras lärande. Övningarna är specifikt konstruerade för trumset för att fungera som ett verktyg till att öppna upp den musikaliska lyhördheten och periodkänslan samt vara en effektiv övning för koordination och balans. I denna studie deltog fem informanter under utbildning på Kungl. Musikhögskolan i Stockholm. Metoden som användes var att genom loggböcker från informanterna analysera deras beskrivningar av min frågeställning. För att få fram underlag för analys av undersökningen har informanterna fått fem frågor att besvaras under den 10 veckors period då de arbetade med övningarna. I resultatet beskrev informanterna hur de uppfattade sin progression och hur de verkade förändra sin medvetenhet om denna mellan tillfällena. Resultaten visar att informanterna upplevde att deras rytmiska gehör samt musikaliska periodkänsla förbättrats. De erfor även att övningarna förstärkte deras timing och inspirerade till nytt melodiskt synsätt. I kapitlet diskussion ligger betoningen på den ifrågasättande aspekten: Vad är resultatet av denna studie och har forskningsfrågorna besvarats. / The purpose of this study was to investigate how music students, playing the drums, interpret melodic coordination in aspects of learning. In this study five students from the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm participated. The students were given exercises, specifically designed for drums. These exercises are to be used as keys to unlock and further develop the musical awareness and the awareness of musical periods. Furthermore are these exercises an efficient way to train the coordination and balance. To be able to get material for the analysis of this study, journals have been used. These journals were given to the students who during a 10-week period of time used the exercises and answered the five theses. In the result the students described their progression and their awareness of progression during the ten weeks. The results show that the students experienced an improvement of their rhytmical pitch and their periodicity in musical performance . Further state that the exercises improved their timing and inspired a new melodic point of view. Finally I discuss the purpose of this study, the result and whether or not the theses have been answered.

Låt den som undervisar utan omsorg kasta första stenen! : En hermeneutisk studie av examensförordningens betydelse för professionalisering i svensk grundsärskola

Randau, Ola January 2017 (has links)
Fem år har passerat sedan Läroplan för grundsärskolan 2011, LGRSÄR11 (Skolverket, 2016), infördes. Denna läroplan innebar ett tydligt fokusskifte från att som tidigare ha en något mer omsorgsorienterad verksamhet till att istället arbeta på ett mer kunskapsinriktat sätt. Ungefär lika lång tid har gått sedan examensförordningen (SFS2011:688) trädde i kraft och förändrade behörighetskraven för undervisande personal i grundsärskolan. Grundsärskolan får ofta kritik för att fortfarande vara en alltför omsorgsinriktad verksamhet där kunskapsutveckling får stå tillbaka. En viktig fråga torde i sammanhanget vara att utröna vad omsorg är? Är det en term vars innebörd har förändrats i takt med verksamhetens utveckling över tid? Syftet med studien är dels att genom en historisk återblick påvisa en utveckling från en starkt omsorgsorienterad verksamhet till en modernare kunskapsutvecklande dito. Dels att genom intervjuer med tre speciallärare verksamma på grundsärskolor beskriva om och i så fall hur den nya examensförordningen från 2011 har påverkat och påverkar den svenska grundsärskolans verksamhet. Som teoretiskt ramverk har relationell pedagogik (Östlund, 2012) och Vygotskijs (2001) teorier om ett sociokulturellt perspektiv använts. Arbetet tar sin början med en historisk återblick, både för att synliggöra framväxt och utveckling och för att kunna reflektera över det perspektivskifte som är synligt idag. I beskrivningen av vad en speciallärare med inriktning mot utvecklingsstörning förväntas arbeta med omnämns inte ordet omsorg alls. Det nämns bara i styrdokument som rör alla skolformer, skollagen (SFS 2010:800) och LGRSÄR11 (Skolverket, 2016), vilket för tankarna till att omsorg inte är signifikant för grundsärskola. Studien undersöker genom intervjuer vilka effekter examensförordningen och därmed införandet av speciallärarexamen har för professionalisering, beträffande personalens behörighetsgrad och arbetssätt. Resultat och analys visar dels att termen omsorg kan behöva en modernare definition men också att studiens teoretiska ramverk verkar utgöra hörnpelare för ett gynnsamt arbetssätt i den svenska grundsärskolan.

Kunskapsbildning mellan träindustri och akademi - en studie av dess förutsättningar och möjligheter / Knowledge development between the wood & timber industry and academia: A study of the prospects, basic conditions and opportunities

Palm, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>Small and medium-sized enterprises badly need new knowledge. Their need is constantly increasing due to the market demand for custom-designed products, which means companies must be more flexible. Wood processing companies are having difficulty establishing contact with academia in order to meet this need.</p><p>In investigating the form and content of research collaboration, nine situations have been studied with the aid of participatory observation to determine what characterises situations where learning occurs. Situations where researchers collaborate with operators and production managers have been selected because of the key role that those in such positions play when research findings are to be applied in the wood & timber industry. Analytical tools of a pedagogic/didactic nature have been used when interpreting the material.</p><p>The results show what is needed if research collaboration is to succeed. Both parties must have room for reflection, and must give due consideration to the basic assumptions and problem areas they have in common. Enterprises must be sophisticated enough to collaborate with academia. In approaching their task, researchers must emphasise dialogue, equal standing and respect, and they must seek to ensure that collaboration proceeds in the right direction. In the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, a link between the researcher and the company is often required.</p> / <p>Små och medelstora företag har ett stort behov av ny kunskap. Behovet ökar kontinuerligt pga. marknadens krav på kundanpassning vilket medför krav på större flexibilitet hos företagen. De träbearbetande företagen har svårigheter att komma i kontakt med akademin för att tillgodose detta behov.</p><p>För att undersöka former och innehåll vid forskningssamverkan har nio situationer studerats med hjälp av deltagande observation för att utreda vad som kännetecknar de situationer där lärande uppstår. Situationer där forskare samverkar med operatörer och med produktionschefer har valts ut på grund av dessa yrkesgruppers nyckelposition när det gäller tillämpning av forskningsresultat i träindustrin. Analysverktyg med pedagogisk/didaktisk anknytning har använts vid tolkningen av materialet.</p><p>Resultaten visar förutsättningar och villkor för en lyckad forskningssamverkan. Det måste finnas ett utrymme för reflektion för de som samverkar liksom att gemensamma utgångspunkter och problemområden måste uppmärksammas i samverkan. Det måste finnas en mogenhet hos företag för att kunna samverka med akademin. Forskarens arbetssätt måste präglas av dialog, jämbördighet och respekt och forskaren har ett ansvar för att samverkansprocessen går i rätt riktning. För små och medelstora företag är en länk mellan forskningen och företaget ofta nödvändig.</p>

Knowledge and Information Communication Technology : perceptions of staff from selected Namibian banking institutions

Gandanhamo, Joseph Fungayi January 2016 (has links)
The integration of Information Communication Technology (ICT) into contemporary society and business operations is observed as a clear reality in Namibia. While Namibia faces one of the typical hurdles of developing nations, lack of a skilled knowledge workforce, literature presents a contrasting face of ICT investment in the country, in particular the financial services sector. This sector is considered a critical sector in the Namibian economy, embracing global trends while boasting world class ICT infrastructure. This is despite the sector struggling with a shortage of expertise. The situation in Namibia’s financial sector thus warrants a critical review of knowledge development practices as research shows. As literature explains, the financial institutions in Namibia are dependent on expertise from parent companies in the South African financial sector. The result is a need to identify means to develop the knowledge of Namibia’s workforce in the banking sector. Although there is evidence from literature to suggest that ICT can be used to create a skilled and knowledge based workforce mainly due to the promise of cost savings, and convenience, there exists a critical gap in literature on the adoption of ICT for knowledge development in the Namibian financial sector. This gap in knowledge as well as the high investment in ICTs in the banking sector pose a problem that the research aimed to address. This study explored the adoption of ICTs for knowledge development activities in the banking sector of Namibia identifying the perceptions and factors influencing its adoption for knowledge development purposes. Although adoption of ICT is influenced by various factors, this study focused on a specific factor, namely the impact of perceptions on ICT adoption. ICT adoption models such as the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) or the Technology Adoption Model (TAM) and more recently the Unified Theory of Adoption and Use of Technology (UTAUT) argue that the perceptions of users are fundamental determinants for the adoption of the ICT. Driving, thus, the need to understand the views of users of the ICTs in banks in order to understand the potential it may yield in knowledge development. The study adopts the Activity Theory (AT) as the means to uncover and clearly interpret the perceptions of banking staff, through its theoretic underpinnings of naturalistic investigation and beliefs of “intentional human-action”. This study thus set out to explore the perceptions of banking staff on the use of ICTs in knowledge development and identify the critical factors in their adoption of ICTs in the process. Drawing from the Activity Theory the investigation used a multi-case qualitative study that used semi-structured interviews that were administered on twenty-three respondents from three of the biggest banks in Namibia (cases). The respondents comprised of managerial and nonmanagerial staff with the three cases chosen based on their ties with South African banks. The findings show that all three Namibian banks have advanced ICT infrastructure which they have managed to adopt for knowledge development purposes. The Management of the banks in all three cases were of the belief that the use of ICT supports knowledge development. Nonmanagerial bank staff in all three cases likewise have a positive perception about the use of ICT for knowledge development purposes. However, key concerns about the development of ICT driven knowledge development initiatives which could affect adoption of the ICTs were expressed by the non-managerial staff. These included, management support, consultation in the development phase of the knowledge development initiatives, integration of knowledge development strategies into the staff processes and increasing awareness activities among the staff. The recommendations indicate a need for the institutions to drive knowledge management in general in the institution, which will in turn help foster knowledge development initiatives fully. Another recommendation concerning the design of knowledge development initiatives is the need to involve the targeted staff more fully. Yet another strong recommendation was the need to blend knowledge development initiatives into the work processes of staff and ensure active support by management. / Computing / M.A. (Computing)

Kunskapsbildning mellan träindustri och akademi : en studie av dess förutsättningar och möjligheter / Knowledge development between the wood &amp; timber industry and academia : A study of the prospects, basic conditions and opportunities

Palm, Johan January 2007 (has links)
Small and medium-sized enterprises badly need new knowledge. Their need is constantly increasing due to the market demand for custom-designed products, which means companies must be more flexible. Wood processing companies are having difficulty establishing contact with academia in order to meet this need. In investigating the form and content of research collaboration, nine situations have been studied with the aid of participatory observation to determine what characterises situations where learning occurs. Situations where researchers collaborate with operators and production managers have been selected because of the key role that those in such positions play when research findings are to be applied in the wood &amp; timber industry. Analytical tools of a pedagogic/didactic nature have been used when interpreting the material. The results show what is needed if research collaboration is to succeed. Both parties must have room for reflection, and must give due consideration to the basic assumptions and problem areas they have in common. Enterprises must be sophisticated enough to collaborate with academia. In approaching their task, researchers must emphasise dialogue, equal standing and respect, and they must seek to ensure that collaboration proceeds in the right direction. In the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, a link between the researcher and the company is often required. / Små och medelstora företag har ett stort behov av ny kunskap. Behovet ökar kontinuerligt pga. marknadens krav på kundanpassning vilket medför krav på större flexibilitet hos företagen. De träbearbetande företagen har svårigheter att komma i kontakt med akademin för att tillgodose detta behov. För att undersöka former och innehåll vid forskningssamverkan har nio situationer studerats med hjälp av deltagande observation för att utreda vad som kännetecknar de situationer där lärande uppstår. Situationer där forskare samverkar med operatörer och med produktionschefer har valts ut på grund av dessa yrkesgruppers nyckelposition när det gäller tillämpning av forskningsresultat i träindustrin. Analysverktyg med pedagogisk/didaktisk anknytning har använts vid tolkningen av materialet. Resultaten visar förutsättningar och villkor för en lyckad forskningssamverkan. Det måste finnas ett utrymme för reflektion för de som samverkar liksom att gemensamma utgångspunkter och problemområden måste uppmärksammas i samverkan. Det måste finnas en mogenhet hos företag för att kunna samverka med akademin. Forskarens arbetssätt måste präglas av dialog, jämbördighet och respekt och forskaren har ett ansvar för att samverkansprocessen går i rätt riktning. För små och medelstora företag är en länk mellan forskningen och företaget ofta nödvändig.

Utmaningar och möjligheter för revisorer till följd av Covid-19 pandemin : En kvalitativ studie om ökat distansarbete och dess inverkan på revisionskvalité

Johanna, Dahlgren, Olivia, Kenneman January 2022 (has links)
Covid-19 pandemin har orsakat dödsfall, risk för människors hälsa och en världsekonomisk nedgång vilket resulterade i att restriktioner infördes för att minska smittspridningen. Restriktioner i form av fysisk distansering till följd av Covid-19 pandemin har skapat både utmaningar och möjligheter för olika branscher i världen. Ett flertal arbetsplatser fick drastiskt omstrukturera arbetssätt och införa ett distansarbete. Revisionsbranschen har inte varit ett undantag utan genomfört en drastisk implementering av distansarbete. Utvecklingen av digitala verktyg inom revisionsbranschen har varit ett pågående arbete under en längre period. Detta för att realisera ett ökat distansanpassat arbetssätt i framtiden, vilket påskyndades till följd av Covid-19. Trots teknologiska förberedelser har det inneburit utmaningar samt givit möjligheter inom revisionsbranschen vilket kan medföra inverkan på revisionskvalitén. Eftersom detta område i skrivande stund är outforskat, är syftet med studien att bidra med kunskap om hur distansarbetet under Covid-19 har inneburit utmaningar och möjligheter inom revisionsbranschen samt skapa förståelse om balansen mellan revisionskvalitet och oberoende och objektivitet.    Studien berör revisionsprocessens förändrade arbetssätt till följd av ökat distansarbete och dess inverkan på revisionskvaliténs slutprodukt. I studien presenteras centrala faktorer vilka vid införandet av distansarbete kan inverka på revisionskvaliteten. Via tio kvalitativa intervjuer med revisionsmedarbetare, vilka har varierande erfarenhet, har individuella-, organisatoriska-, privata- och teknologiska faktorer inom distansarbete ansetts betydelsefulla. Vidare har även input-, process- och output faktorer inom revisionskvalitén samt revisionsprocessens samtliga faser ansetts betydelsefulla. Ytterligare kvalitativ datainsamling har skett genom textanalys av tio företags revisionsberättelser för år 2019, 2020, samt 2021. Majoriteten av respondenterna i studien tillhör Big Four-byråer resterande fyra respondenter tillhör medelstora revisionsbyråer. Samtliga av respondenterna arbetar aktivt med K3-regelverket och är lokaliserade på kontor i olika delar av Sverige.    Studien bidrar med kunskap om vilka möjligheter och utmaningar revisionsbranschen har mött i samband med den drastiska implementeringen av distansarbete. Vidare utfördes en analys angående om revisionskvalitén har påverkats på grund av de identifierade utmaningarna och möjligheterna. Tillvägagångssättet för studien var att undersöka distansarbetets inverkan på revisionskvalitetens dimensioner bestående av input-, process-, och outputfaktorer. Studien visade på att distansarbetet har medfört kommunikativa utmaningar och svårigheter att upprätthålla kunskapsutveckling. Distansarbetet har även medfört möjligheter för ökad effektivitet. En slutsats av studien var att distansarbetet inte påverkat den slutliga produktens kvalité och därmed uppfattades ingen inverkan på revisionskvaliteten i dagsläget. Vidare uppmärksammas gränsdragningen mellan revisorers oberoende och objektivitet i förhållande till kundrelationerna. Studien uppmärksammar även att om implementering av hybrid-arbetssätt fortsätter bör revisionsbranschen se över kunskapsförsörjningen hos revisionsmedarbetare. / The Covid-19 pandemic causes death, risk to human health and a world economic downturn. The pandemic led to the establishment of restrictions to reduce the spread of the infection and physical distancing have both brought challenges and opportunities for various industries in the world. Several workplaces had to drastically restructure their working methods and implement teleworking. The auditing industry has not been an exception to this, and a drastic implementation of teleworking took place in the line of business. The development of digital tools in the auditing industry has been an ongoing work for a long period. This is to implement an extended teleworking method in the future, which has been accelerated as a result of Covid-19. Despite technological preparations, it has posed challenges and provided opportunities in the auditing industry, which can have an impact on auditing quality. Based on this unexplored field at the time of writing, the purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge about how teleworking during Covid-19 has entailed challenges and opportunities in the auditing industry and to create an understanding of the balance between auditing quality and independence and objectivity   The study refers to the changed working methods regarding the audit process as a result of increased telework and its impact on the audit quality in the final product. The study presents key factors which, when introducing telework, can affect the quality of auditing. Through ten qualitative interviews with audit staff, with varying experience, has individual, organizational, private and technological factors in teleworking been considered significant. Furthermore, input, process and output factors within the audit quality and all phases of the audit process have also been considered significant. Further, qualitative data collection has taken place through text analysis of ten companies' audit reports for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The majority of the respondents in the study belong to Big Four-agencies, the remaining four respondents belong to medium-sized audit firms. All the respondents work actively with the K3 regulations and are located in offices in different parts of Sweden.    The study contributes with knowledge of the opportunities and challenges the auditing industry has faced in connection with the drastic implementation of teleworking. Furthermore, an analysis was performed regarding whether the audit quality has been affected due to the identified challenges and opportunities. The approach for the study was to investigate the impact of telework on the dimensions of audit quality consisting of input, process, and output factors. The study showed that teleworking has led to communicative challenges and challenges in maintaining knowledge development. The telework has also led to opportunities for increased efficiency. One conclusion of the study was that the telework did not affect the quality of the final product and thus no impact on the audit quality was perceived at present. Furthermore, attention is drawn to the demarcation between auditors' independence and objectivity in relation to customer relationships. The study also draws attention to the fact that if the implementation of hybrid working methods continues, the auditing industry should review the supply of knowledge among audit staff.

Jigsaw co-operative learning strategy integrated with Geogebra : a tool for content knowledge development of intermediate Calculus for first year undergraduate learners of two public universities in Ethiopia

Sirak Tsegaye Yimer 08 1900 (has links)
Intermediate calculus bridges secondary school and advanced university mathematics courses. Most mathematics education research literatures indicated that the conceptual knowledge in intermediate calculus has challenged first year undergraduate mathematics and science learners to a great extent through the lecture method. The content knowledge attained by them has been tremendously decreasing. Negative attitude exhibited by students toward calculus was highly influenced by the lecture method used. Generally, students have not looked at the learning of all mathematics courses offered in universities as normal as other courses. Due to this lack of background conceptual knowledge in learners, they have been highly frustrated by the learning of advanced mathematics courses. Taking the understanding of teaching and learning challenge of conceptual knowledge of calculus into consideration, Ethiopian public universities have been encouraging instructors to devise and implement active learning methods through any professional development training opportunity. The training was aimed to enhance learners’ content knowledge and attitude towards calculus. This is one of the main reasons for the motivation of this study that experimental group learners were allowed to be nurtured by the lecture method in their mainstream class, and then also the active learning intervention method integrated with GeoGebra in the mathematics laboratory class. Only conventional lecture method was used to teach the comparison group in both the mainstream and mathematics laboratory class. The purpose of the study was to explore the Gambari and Yusuf (2016) stimulus of the jigsaw co-operative learning method combined with GeoGebra (JCLGS) on statistics and chemistry learners’ content knowledge improvement and change of their attitude towards calculus. The post-positivism mixed methods tactic was used in a non-equivalent pre- and post-test comparison group quasi-experimental design. The population of the study was the whole freshman mathematics and science degree program learners of two public universities in Ethiopia in 2017. Samples of the size 150 in both the experimental and comparison groups were drawn utilizing two-stage random sampling technique. A questionnaire using a Likert-scale on attitudes and an achievement test were sources used for data collection. Data analysis employed descriptive statistics conducting an independent samples t-test and a Two Way ANOVA for repeated measures using SPSS23. Each of the findings on content knowledge, conceptual knowledge, and procedural knowledge development produced through the TWO-Way ANOVA, respectively as F(1,148)=80.917; 𝜂2=.353; p<.01, F(1,148)=106.913; 𝜂2=.419; p<.01, and F(1,148)=7.328; 𝜂2=.047; p<.01, revealed a statistically significant difference between the treatment and comparison groups from pre-test to post-test. These findings show that the experimental group participants were highly beneficial in developing their content knowledge and conceptual knowledge through the active learning approach and technology-based learning strategy using Vygotsky’s socio-cultural learning theory. The JCLGS learning environment representing Vygotsky’s socio-cultural learning theory modestly influenced the procedural knowledge learning of the experimental group learners’. Although the lecture method affected the comparison group students’ knowledge development in calculus during the academic semester, the impact was not comparable to that of the active learning approach and technology-based learning strategy. The major reason for this was the attention and care given to the active learning intervention integrated with GeoGebra by the researcher, data collectors, and research participants. Overall findings showed that the active learning intervention allowed the experimental group students to considerably enhance their conceptual knowledge and content knowledge in calculus. Learners also positively changed their opinion towards calculus and GeoGebra. The intervention was a group interactive environment that allowed students’ to be reflective, share prior experience and knowledge, and independent learners. As a matter of fact, educators are advised to model such a combination of active learning approach and technology-based learning strategy in their classroom instructional setting and practices. Consequently, their learners will adequately benefit to understand the subject matter and positively change their opinion towards university mathematics. / Mathematics Education / Ph. D. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education)

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