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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den nätverkande bibliotekarien : Professionella kontakter i yrkesvardagen / The Networking Librarian : Professional Connections in Everyday Work Life

Hahne, David, Ågren, Karin January 2021 (has links)
In this master's thesis, we investigate the meaning and significance of professional networking to Swedish librarians in their everyday professional practices. In addition, we explore the relationship between librarians' networking needs and the needs or expectations presented by their institutional context (i.e. the workings of their specific library organization or, more broadly, the library sector and work life). The study consisted of 1) a pre-study through an online survey directed to librarians at seven public libraries and four research libraries in Sweden 2) qualitative interviews with 21 public and research librarians recruited through the pre-study survey and 3) an additional interview with the chair of the Swedish national library association (Svensk Biblioteksförening). Overall, participants in the study rated the importance of their professional networks highly. When asked the significance of professional networks to everyday professional practice, the responses given by the interviewed librarians favored explanations in terms of 1) knowledge provision and learning, 2) interlinkage of library organizations with the goal of raising the standards of library service and 3) as a means of providing both professional and organisational support. Many of the study's participants also reported an expectation that they should network, citing either a direct expectation from library management or general trends in contemporary Swedish work life. Librarians' professional networking needs were related by respondents to characteristics of their institutional context, where some librarians pointed to factors such as sparse staffing or budget constraints as creating a need for professional support networks. This is a two years master's thesis in Library and information science.

Organizational resilience to radical change : A qualitative case study

Ögren Nätfalk, Emma, Elvin, Nicklas January 2021 (has links)
The abrupt transition to remote work caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has put considerable pressure on both companies and their employees. With no means to avoid the crisis, many companies have transitioned to remote work, conducting their business predominantly on digital platforms. This has created a situation where the employees are disconnected from the collective of the office at the same time as they face a completely new situation. To our attention, research is lacking in the area of organizational resilience in remote settings. Thus, we have conducted a qualitative case study where we have examined how organizational and individual resilience has influenced a company during the change to remote work and how adequate communication can facilitate a strengthened resilience. Our findings suggest that the social aspects of a sustainable resilience are hard to replicate in a digital environment and that communication might be the primary driver of organizational resilience in all resilience streams.

Kunskapsdelning vid påtvingat distansarbete : En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie om hur kunskapsdelning på den digitala arbetsplatsen påverkas av de anställdas vilja att arbeta på distans / Knowledge sharing when telework is involuntary : A quantitative cross-sectional study of how teleworker knowledge sharing is affected by the employees' willingness to telework

Molnár, Kevin, Alouch, William January 2021 (has links)
På grund av covid-19 har många organisationer tvingats implementera distansarbete i syfte att minska smittspridningen. Givet den snabba omställningen till distansarbete och de utmaningar som arbetssättet har på kunskapsdelning, ämnar denna kvantitativa tvärsnittsstudie undersöka hur viljan att arbeta på distans påverkar kunskapsdelning hos distansarbetande anställda. Kunskapsdelning operationaliseras genom de relationella faktorerna förtroende, sociala relationer samt organisatorisk förpliktelse. Studiens analysmodell baseras på fyra hypoteser som formulerats utifrån tidigare forskning. Respondenter samlades in via en webbenkät där den insamlade datan analyserades genom hierarkisk linjär regression. Resultaten från 170 distansarbetande anställda visade att viljan att arbeta på distans modererar effekten av förtroende på kunskapsdelning. För individer som har lågt förtroende till sina kollegor agerar viljan att arbeta på distans som en facilitator för kunskapsdelning. Därutöver bör organisationer ta hänsyn till de anställdas vilja att arbeta på distans eftersom resultaten från studien indikerar att viljan påverkar kunskapsdelning på den digitala arbetsplatsen. / Due to the COVID-19 pandemic many organizations have been forced to implement telework in an effort to reduce the spread of the virus. Following the quick transition to telework and challenges associated with organizational knowledge sharing, this quantitative cross-sectional study aims to investigate how the willingness to telework impacts knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing is operationalized through the relational factors trust, interpersonal bonds and organizational commitment. The study’s model of analysis is based on four hypotheses formulated from earlier research within the field. Data was gathered through an online survey where the collected data was analyzed through hierarchical linear regression. Results from 170 teleworkers show that the impact of trust on knowledge sharing is moderated by willingness to telework. For individuals with low levels of trust in their coworkers the willingness to teleworks acts as a facilitator for knowledge sharing. An implication for organizations is that employees’ willingness to telework needs to be considered as our results indicate that it affects knowledge sharing in a digital work environment.

Bjuder din organisation in till att arbeta med sociala medier som ett verktyg för kunskapsdelning? : Uppfattningar kring sociala mediers möjligheter till kunskapsdelning i en organisation / Does your organization afford social media as a knowledge sharing tool?

Niemi, Mimmi, Kalén, Klara January 2021 (has links)
Användningen av sociala medier i organisationer har ökat och bland annat kan det unika verktyget användas för att supporta kunskapsdelning mellan individer inom och bortanför organisationens gränser. En förståelse av individens upplevelse av sociala medier är kritiskt för såväl informatikforskningen samt för organisationer som kan dra lärdom av det vid införande av sociala medier i verksamheten. Därför är studiens syfte att beskriva och söka förståelse för vad individer i en organisation uppfattar att sociala medier kan bidra med till deras kunskapsdelning och utöka kunskapsområdet för hur teknik uppfattas ur ett affordance-perspektiv. Syftet besvaras genom en fallstudie och sju kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer. Det transkriberade materialet har hanterats individuellt och tolkats utifrån tidigare forskning samt analyserats utifrån den teoretiska modell som studien tar fram. Resultatet visar att kontexten har mångfaldig inverkan på hur individen uppfattar sociala medier och hur artefakten kan användas. Kunskapsdelning på sociala medier kan öka möjligheten till att identifiera expertis, skapa en kunskapskarta och bredda sitt sociala nätverk men leda till för mycket information och en kritisk syn på innehållet. Studien stödjer den forskning som visar på att explicit kunskap kan spridas på sociala medier och framför allt genom att den kombineras med annan explicit kunskap. / The use of social media in organizations has increased and among other things the unique tool can be used to support knowledge sharing between individuals within and beyond organization boundaries. An understanding of the individual's experience of social media is critical for both informatics research and organizations that can learn from it when introducing social media in businesses. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe and seek understanding of what individuals in an organization perceive that social media can contribute to their knowledge sharing and expand the research area for how technology is perceived from an affordance perspective. The purpose is achieved by a case study and seven qualitative research interviews. The transcribed material has been processed individually and interpreted in accordance with previous research and analyzed on the basis of the theoretical model that this study elaborated. The results show that context has multiple impacts on how an individual perceives social media and its area of use. Knowledge sharing on social media can increase the opportunity to identify expertise, create a knowledge map and broaden one's social network, but can also produce too much information and a judgemental view of the content. The study supports previous research that shows that explicit knowledge can be shared on social media foremost by combining it with other’s explicit knowledge.

"Utvecklas man inte, så avvecklas man" : En kvalitativ fallstudie om hur ett företag inom detaljhandeln arbetar med digital kompetensutveckling hos sina medarbetare

Lindhé, Julia, Selvani, Benjamin January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Marknadens ökade dynamik resulterar i att allt fler företag genomgår digitala transformationer för att kunna utnyttja de teknologiska möjligheter som uppstår. Samtidigt resulterar en digital transformation i att företaget möts av förändrade kompetenskrav där digitala kompetenser blir allt viktigare för företags långsiktiga överlevnad. Denna dynamiska marknad har visat sig speciellt tydligt hos detaljhandelsbranschen och behoven av digitala kompetenser har ökat kraftigt. Men hur utvecklar ett detaljhandelsföretag dessa digitala kompetenser? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att bidra med en ökad förståelse för hur ett detaljhandelsföretag arbetar med digital kompetensutveckling hos sina medarbetare. Genomförande: Denna studie har sin vetenskapliga utgångspunk i det hermeneutiska perspektivet med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Empiriinsamlingen har genomförts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex respondenter från ett fallföretag. Respondenterna har både varit från chef- och medarbetarnivå. Slutsats: Trots utmaningar i att identifiera vad för digitala kompetenser som saknades utifrån ett subjektivt synsätt så var det förmågan att ha ett flexibelt och utvecklande förhållningssätt och digital kunskap som bristen på digital kompetens bestod av. Dessa utvecklades genom tre tillvägagångssätt. Cheferna anställde dels nya medarbetare som skulle hjälpa de gamla att utvecklas. De anställda som fick vara kvar i företaget utbildades, både formellt och informellt varav den informella utbildningen var mest effektiv och använd. Cheferna tog även in konsulter och partners för att sprida vidare den digitala kunskapen till medarbetarna. Utöver detta visar sig företagskulturen och medarbetarnas inställning till förändrings viktig för hur effektiv den digitala kompetensutvecklingen blev. / Background: Dynamic markets result in more and more companies having to digital transform their business in able to use the technological benefits that occur. At the same time a digital transformation will result in demand for new competencies where digital competencies is the most important for the companies long term survival. This rapidly changing market has been particular present in the retail industry and the demand for new digital competencies has been growing. But how does a retail company develop these digital competencies? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how a retail company work with the development of digital competence with their employees. Completion: This study has a qualitative methodology with a hermeneutic perspective and an interative approach. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews with six respondents from one retail company. The respondents have been both from the management level and the employee level. Conclusion: Despite challenges in identifying what digital competence were lacking from a subjective point of view, it was the ability to have a flexible and evolving approach and digital knowledge that the lack of digital competence consisted of. These were developed through three approaches. The managers hired new employees to help the existing ones develop. The employees who were allowed to remain in the company were trained, both formally and informally, of which the informal training was most effective and most used. The managers also brought in consultants and partners to pass on the digital knowledge to the employees. In addition, the corporate culture and employees' attitude to change proved to be important for how effective the digital competence development became.

Exploring Knowledge Management Models on Information Technology Projects

Foote, Alan Richard 01 January 2016 (has links)
One way an organization manages the knowledge of its people is in information technology (IT) projects. Organizations develop IT projects for many socially responsible reasons, including improved health care services and better community services. IT projects do not always achieve the goals of the organization when the knowledge of the stakeholders is not managed for these objectives. For this study the purpose was to address the use of knowledge management (KM) in project management (PM) to improve the success of IT projects in achieving the organizational goals. The research questions were based on KM including its tools and techniques to improve the success rate for IT projects. The conceptual framework included the project knowledge management (PKM) model, which helped identify the knowledge sharing in IT software projects for a local insurance company in Baltimore, Maryland. Interview data were collected from 26 IT project stakeholders about KM in PM. Analysis revealed 4 themes of managing knowledge in the requirement process, code development process, testing process, and the helpdesk process for the success of the IT project. Each of the 4 processes used different KM repositories and face-to-face tools. Improving the rate of successful IT projects benefits organizations and society with better products and services for lower costs. This study may affect social change by providing information for managers of other organizations about achieving success of their IT projects.

Comparative Analysis Of Programming Approaches In Software Development. : An Empirical Study Of Solo, Pair, And Mob Programming

Manos, Andreas, Wang, Yibo January 2023 (has links)
This research study makes a comparison of solo programming, pair programming, and mob programming on collaboration, knowledge sharing, stress levels, productivity, and efficiency. The study draws insights from the analysis of data from other research papers and articles, and an experiment, which was conducted simulating a real life developing environment for each programming approach. The findings reveal that pair and mob programming are more effective in promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing than solo programming, with the latter having an edge over the former. Mob programming stands out in terms of teamwork, problem-solving, and celebrating team achievements. In contrast, solo programming is characterized by low levels of active participation and collaborative problem-solving. While solo programmers may also exchange knowledge, pair and mob programming are better suited for fostering knowledge sharing. Regarding stress, the experiment shows that solo programmers feel more stressed by accumulating difficulties. Mob programmers experience stress in task management, while pair programmers report lower stress levels. Productivity and efficiency vary across programming practices, with mob programming displaying high quality and efficiency and solo programming achieving higher scores but with lower efficiency. These findings underscore the significance of taking into account task nature, desired outcomes, and team dynamics in selecting programming practices. Additional research is imperative to explore the lasting implications, effectiveness in diverse environments, and impact on productivity and wellbeing in the technology domain.

The Influence of Agile Project Management on Knowledge Sharing in a Team : A Study Conducted at an Engineering Consultancy Firm / Påverkan av agil projektledning på kunskapsdelning i ett team : En studie utförd hos ett tekniskt konsultföretag

Gabrielsson, Linnea, Hasan, Zanwer January 2019 (has links)
Several studies have been conducted regarding the importance of knowledge managementwithin an organization. Furthermore, due to the successful outcome of the implementation ofagile project management approaches within the IT-sector, they have been implemented inother sectors as well. The purpose of this master thesis is to examine how agile projectmanagement influences knowledge sharing within a project team in an engineeringconsultancy firm.The study was conducted through a qualitative approach at a Swedish engineeringconsultancy firm. Data was gathered from observations of project meetings and interviewswith consultants involved in projects that have implemented agile methods. Moreover,interviews were conducted with external experts with expertise in agile project managementin order to obtain additional perspective. Semi-structured interviews were conducted withmodified questions for consultants and agile experts. Thereafter, the empirical findings wereinterpreted by the theoretical concepts in order to sum up the report with conclusions.Firstly, the study confirmed that the implemented agile methods influence explicit knowledgesharing whereas the tacit knowledge sharing is not enabled sufficiently within a project team.Secondly, it could be concluded that the implemented agile methods influence projecttransparency, team-collaboration and communication. This positive influence enablesknowledge sharing within a project team. Lastly, the conducted research concluded that agilemethods influence consultants to share knowledge due to the nature of required inputs inthese methods. Since tacit and explicit knowledge sharing and its documentation is equallyimportant for the success of a project and the consultancy company subsequently, thisresearch has concluded that a hybrid of traditional management approaches and agile methodsis essential to share and document both types of knowledge for alike consultancy firms.Consequently, the research findings resulted in recommendations which aim to improve theprocess of creating and implementing a hybrid of management approaches. / Flera studier har genomförts avseende betydelsen av kunskapshantering inom en organisation.Som en följd av flera framgångsrika resultat av implementerade metoder inom agilaprojektledning inom IT-sektorn har dessa metoder även börjat implementeras i andra sektorerSyftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur agil projektledning påverkarkunskapsdelning i ett projektteam i ett tekniskt konsultföretag.Studien genomfördes med ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt vid ett tekniskt konsultföretag iSverige. Data samlades genom observationer av projektmöten och intervjuer med konsultersom deltar i projekt där agila metoder har implementerats. Dessutom genomfördes intervjuermed externa experter med kompetens inom agil projektledning för att få ytterligareperspektiv. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med modifierade frågor för konsulteroch agila experter. Därefter tolkades de empiriska resultaten med de teoretiska koncepten föratt sammanfatta studien med slutsatser.För det första konstaterade studien att de implementerade agila metoderna påverkar denexplicita eller uttalade kunskapen medan den underförstådda eller tysta kunskapsdelningeninte påverkas tillräckligt inom ett projektteam. För det andra kan det konstateras att deimplementerade agila metoderna påverkar ett projekts transparens, samarbetet i ett team ochkommunikation. Detta positiva inflytande möjliggör en kunskapsdelning inom ettprojektteam. Slutligen konstaterade studien att agila metoder påverkar konsulternas vilja attdela med sig av kunskap på grund av metodernas karaktärer vilka fordrar input. Eftersom tystoch explicit kunskapsdelning är lika viktiga för ett projekts framgång har den härundersökningen dragit slutsatsen att en hybrid av traditionell projektledning och agila metoderär avgörande för att upprätthålla båda typerna av kunskapsdelning för konsultföretag avlikadant slag. Forskningsresultaten resulterade följaktligen i rekommendationer som syftar tillatt förbättra processen att skapa och genomföra en hybrid av projektledningsmetoder.

Knowledge sharing and relational processes in global, virtual teams : A qualitative case study in a global organisation

Martinsson Broström, Sofia, Skoglund, Nathalie January 2023 (has links)
Title: Knowledge sharing and relational processes in global, virtual teams – A qualitative casestudy in a global organisation Level: Thesis for master’s degree in international business administration & management Authors: Sofia Martinsson Broström & Nathalie Skoglund Supervisor: Carina Holmgren Date: June 2, 2023 Aim: The aim of this study is to explore the opportunities and challenges in knowledge sharing in virtual global teams. Method: In this case study, a qualitative method has been applied using semi-structured interviews. The study is based on an abductive approach and has been analysed thematically. Results and conclusions: The results of the study show that feedback and inclusion are aspects that emerge as central, and that this is also where focus is needed. Recommendations based on this study are focused on relationship-building processes, where mainly inclusion and openness need to be lifted. Contribution: The theoretical contribution this study conveys is of a strengthening nature. This means that the results of the study do not clearly differ from previous research and that this study makes a strengthening contribution in relation to others research in the field. The practical contribution this study makes can help other organisations that do not have the same experience of the global, virtual work environment; and to see the case study as a guide, where many good aspects are lifted from previous research, and which are connected to the current case.

Offene Wissensteilung von Wissenschaftlern mittels Social Software

Kalb, Hendrik 05 September 2013 (has links)
Die Dissertation untersucht, welche individuellen Einflussfaktoren Wissenschaftler zur Wissensteilung mittels Social Software motivieren. Dazu werden universitäre Wissenschaftler, ihre Stakeholder und typische Karrierewege sowie die Bereiche Open Science und Open Educational Resources beleuchtet. Im Anschluss wird die Anwendbarkeit existierender Theorien der Technologieakzeptanz und der Wissensteilung (insbesondere in virtuellen Communities) auf die Wissensteilung von Wissenschaftlern mittels Social Software untersucht. Darauf aufbauend werden potentielle Einflussfaktoren identifiziert und ein spezifisches Erklärungsmodell abgeleitet. Dieses wird mittels Online-Umfragen empirisch überprüft und verfeinert.

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