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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att dela eller inte dela - kunskap : En jämförande fallstudie om kunskapsdelning i ljuset av personalomsättning på Försäkringskassan inom avdelningarna för sjukpenning och internationell vård / To share or not to share - knowledge : A comparative case study about knowledge sharing through the perspective of staff turnoverrate within the Swedish social health insurance agency within the unit for sickness benefits and the unit for international healthcare

Berglund, Catarina January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the Swedish socialhealth insurance agency is working with knowledge management within two units, and how this could be related to staff turnover. The characters of the two different units is that one has the lowestrate of staff turnover within the organization while the other hasthe highest rate. The study has the character of a qualitative, comparative case study to illustrate similarities and dissimilarities within the two units and how six case officers are working with knowledge. Knowledge is said to be the most important resource of a knowledge intensive organization, which makes the matter of keeping the co-workers within the organisation an important subject. The result shows that both units are sharing knowledge mostly through conversation and shadowing more experienced colleagues, but there is a difference within the different organisational cultures where one has a high degree of trust, sense of belonging and identification with the organization and the other had significantly lower degree of these previous mentioned parameters.

Lev som du lär! : En fallstudie om intern kunskapsdelning inom försäkringsbranschen / Practice what you preach! : A study of internal knowledge sharing in the insurance industry

Gollbo, Therese, Ström, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
Problematisering: Inom försäkringsbranschen har en omfattande förändring nyligen skett genom införlivandet av en ny lag som ställer högre krav på hur kunskap hanteras och delas. Kunskapsdelning är en av de svåraste utmaningarna i modern tid och något som företag ofta misslyckas med. Trots detta tenderar företag att se intern kunskapsdelning som en enkel process när den i själva verket är omfattande och komplicerad och kräver mycket tid och resurser. Tidigare forskning visar på att kunskap resulterar från sociala konstruktioner och är föränderlig, snarare än statisk, samt inriktad på processer och visar på att kunskap är beroende av kontext. Det saknas dock forskning kring processerna för kunskapsdelning och även hur det går till i praktiken och denna studie ämnar att fylla den kunskapsluckan och därmed bidra med en djupare förståelse för intern kunskapsdelning i praktiken, från ett processperspektiv. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att bidra med ökad förståelse av hur ett bank- och försäkringsbolag hanterar intern kunskapsdelning efter en förändring. Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär med starka inslag från hermeneutiken och har inspirerats av en induktiv ansats med en iterativ process. Nordic Safe Insurances1 har agerat som fallföretag till studien, vilket innebär att företaget har utgjort det enskilda fallet. Detta har utgjort studiens empiri efter att fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med chefer och medarbetare med ansvar för utbildning och utveckling på fallföretaget genomförts, vilka presenteras i separata och detaljrika berättelser. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar på att kunskap delas både formellt och informellt där de formella samspelen utgör grunden för medarbetarnas beteende och syn på verksamheten och är av hög relevans för att interaktioner som sker vid de informella samspelen ska främja kunskapsdelning. Vidare visar resultatet på att ett stort ansvar för kunskapsdelning ligger hos cheferna då ett engagerat och uppmuntrande ledarskap skapar förutsättningar för att medarbetarna ska dela sin kunskap. Interaktioner spelar en övergripande och central roll för att kunskapsdelning ska kunna ske och skapandet av forum som möjliggör detta är därmed av högsta relevans. / Background: In the insurance industry, a change has recently occurred through the incorporation of a new law that has resulted in higher demands on how knowledge is managed and shared. Knowledge sharing is one of the most difficult challenges of modern times and something that companies often fail to address. Despite this, companies tend to see internal knowledge sharing as a simple process when in fact it is extensive and complicated and requires a great amount of time and resources. Previous research shows that knowledge results from social constructs and is changeable, rather than static, and focuses on processes and shows that knowledge is dependent on context. Research on knowledge sharing processes and how it is shared in practice is lacking and this study aims to fill that knowledge gap and thus contribute with a deeper understanding of internal knowledge sharing in practice, from a process perspective. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute with an increased understanding of how an insurance company handles internal knowledge sharing after a change. Methodology: The study is of a qualitative nature with strong elements from the hermeneutic perspective and has been inspired by an inductive approach with an iterative process. Nordic Safe Insurances2 has acted as a case company for the study, which means that the company constitutes the individual case. This constitutes the empirical study after five semi-structured interviews with managers and employees responsible for training and development at Nordic Safe Insurances, which are presented in separate and detailed stories. Conclusion: The study’s result show that knowledge is shared both formally and informally, where formal interplay form the basis for employees’ behavior and views of the business and are of high relevance for interactions that occur at informal interplay to promote knowledge sharing. Furthermore, the result shows that a great responsibility for knowledge sharing lies with the managers as a committed and encouraging leadership creates the conditions for employees to share their knowledge. Interactions play an overall and central role for knowledge sharing to take place and the creation of forums that enables is are of utmost relevance.

Hassela Skåne : upplevelser inifrån / Hassela Skåne : experiences from within

Marante Ferreira, Pierre January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how coworkers at Hassela Skåne experience their workplace through the following information management perspectives; Internal communication, knowledge sharing, leadership and organizational culture. It is conducted as a qualitative study with a semi structured interview method and from a phenomenological perspective. The conclusions I made from analyzing the interviews and interpreting the experiences shared by the coworkers were, the knowledge sharing at Hassela Skåne works well, although it has been better, it has become much harder due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The internal communication at Hassela Skåne is extensive, constantly ongoing and can at times be stressful for the coworkers. The constant demand for availability from the coworkers blurs the balance between private life and working life. This availability demand complicates the workplace situation in regard to knowledge sharing and internal communication. The organizational culture is perceived as very strong, collective and something everyone can gather around. The sum of the experiences being shared is that the organizational culture is linked to the individuals working at Hassela Skåne. Both spontaneous and planned leadership situations are experienced at Hassela Skåne. The planned leadership activities take place in the form of coaching during special guiding sessions, in regard to the work itself and the spontaneous leadership is conducted in the form that there is always a leader who is available.

Det livslånga lärandet på arbetsplatsen : En studie om hur det livslånga lärandet kan främjas på arbetsplatsen / Lifelong learning in the workplace : A study of how lifelong learning can be promoted in the workplace

Tonelid, Sanna January 2022 (has links)
I dagens globaliserade, tekniska och föränderliga samhälle är livslångt lärande på arbetsplatsen betydelsefullt för både organisationer och anställda. Forskning visar hur lärande på arbetsplatsen är en process som pågår dagligen, både formellt och informellt. En god lärmiljö främjar de anställdas välbefinnande och personliga utveckling, samt organisationers konkurrenskraft. Syftet med den här studien var att öka förståelsen kring vilka faktorer som främjar en lärande arbetsplats, med fokus på kompetens-överföring, organisationskultur, förändringsprocesser och ledarskap. Studien designades som en fallstudie inom en offentlig organisation, där sex medarbetare och deras chef intervjuades. Det empiriska materialet analyserades genom en tematisk analys, med utgångspunkt i Ellströms (2004) teoretiska ramverk om lärandets villkor. Vidare diskuterades resultatet i relation till tidigare forskning. Studien skildrar olika faktorer som främjar och hämmar lärandets möjligheter på arbetsplatsen. Generös kunskapsdelning, ett öppet arbetsklimat, förmåga till nytänkande, delaktighet och hög grad av handlingsutrymme är några av de faktorer som visar sig vara av stor betydelse. Studien synliggör att med rätt verktyg, strategier och inställning kan organisatoriska utmaningar väcka nyfikenhet och framåtanda snarare än motstånd. / <p>Godkänt 2022-06-03.</p>

Ett överflöd av kunskap : en studie om hinder till kunskapsdelning i en kunskapsintensiv ideell organisation / An excess of knowledge : a study on the barriers to knowledge sharing in a knowledge intensive organization

Kreslins, Justine, Momqvist, Ulrica January 2023 (has links)
Knowledge sharing is assumed to be challenging for most organizations. Most of the knowledge management research has hitherto focused on profit driven organizations, leaving the NGO context less attended to. This thesis intends to contribute to science by addressing the barriers to knowledge sharing in a knowledge intensive NGO, where volunteer engagement is confirmed. It applies the practical approach to knowledge sharing, implying that knowledge only can be shared in human interactions. By asking how individual and organizational barriers prevent knowledge sharing and how these affect overall knowledge sharing in the organization, this thesis seeks to deepen the understanding on knowledge sharing in NGOs and knowledge intensive organizations. The thesis uses a qualitative case study, illustrated by the NGO Engineers Without Borders Sweden. Six interviews were conducted, and the results analyzed with a thematic analysis. The analysis resulted in four overarching themes identified as barriers to knowledge sharing: lack of time, lack of internal network structures, lack of leadership and handover challenges. Lack of time, lack of internal network structures and lack of leadership have previously been identified as barriers to knowledge sharing, but this study highlighted new dimensions of the themes. For the theme of time, no correlation was found to trust. Both lack of internal network structures and lack of leadership opened up a question of quality. The newfound theme was handover challenges, which proves a challenge in the volatile volunteer environment, especially if knowledge is only tied to its carrier and impossible to document.

Organizational learning through knowledge sharing: : A study regarding influential factors of knowledge sharing between developers of an IT-consultant organization. / Organisatoriskt lärande genom kunskapsdelning: : En studie kring främjande faktorer av kunskapsdelning mellan utvecklare på ett IT-konsultföretag.

Hill Eriksson, Axel January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to understand the knowledge sharing process between developers within an IT-consultant organization. As with today’s fast-paced and knowledge-driven society, there’s been a growing interest within organizations to manage their collective knowledge. Thus, this study doesn’t merely focus on what’s currently going on in a specific setting, but also what can be done to further influence the process of knowledge sharing. Previous research within the field of knowledge sharing has been studied, mainly based upon the theoretical framework developed by Minu Ipe (2003). This study has been further divided into several influential factors regarding the process of knowledge sharing. We, therefore, strive to understand where the act of sharing knowledge occurs, how the employees learn from one another and what motivates them to participate in the process. This was done through qualitative methods, where several employees and a few representatives of the management of a certain organization were interviewed. The results gathered were further analyzed and conclusions were made regarding future improvements to the knowledge sharing process. Social and communicational aspects were determined to be core influential factors of knowledge sharing. / Studiens mål är att undersöka och förstå kunskapsdelningsprocessen mellan utvecklarna på ett IT-konsultföretag. I och med dagens snabbt växande och kunskapsdrivna samhälle har intresset för att effektivt hantera den kollektiva kunskap som företag besitter märkbart ökat. Således strävar inte studien enbart att undersöka hur kunskapsdelningsprocessen ser ut idag, utan även vad som kan göras för att främja processen ytterligare. Tidigare forskning inom området kunskapsdelning har studerats, i huvudsak baserat på det teoretiska ramverk utformat av Minu Ipe (2003). Studien har vidare delats in i flertalet faktorer som anses influera och främja kunskapsdelningsprocessen. Vi strävar efter att förstå vart kunskapsdelningen sker, hur de anställda lär av varandra och vad som motiverar dem att delta i processen. Detta gjordes genom kvalitativa metoder, där flertalet anställda och ett fåtal personer från ledningen av ett IT-konsultföretag intervjuades. De erhållna resultaten analyserades, för att vidare generera framtida förbättringar tänkt att främja kunskapsdelningsprocessen inom företaget. Sociala och kommunikativa aspekter ansågs vara de centrala faktorer för främjandet av kunskapsdelning.

"Det blir på riktigt när man träffas" : En kvalitativ studie av hur kunskap skapas och delas i en kommunal hemtjänstgrupp

Rönnqvist Sidi, Ingrid January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen syfte är att undersöka hur kunskap skapas och delas i en hemtjänstgrupp där en stor del av arbetet är ensamarbete och det inte är självklart att träffa sina arbetskamrater eller de sjuksköterskor man samarbetar med under arbetsdagen. Som metod för undersökningen valdes observationer och semistrukturerade intervjuer med hemtjänstpersonal, sjuksköterskor och hemtjänstchefen. En tematisk analys av datamaterialet resulterade i fyra teman; tillit, insikt, informationshantering och hinder. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att mötet ansikte mot ansikte är avgörande för kunskapsbildning, kunskapsdelning och skapande av förtroense i arbetsgruppen. Undersökningen visar också att både för lite och för mycket information ökar risken för att viktig information missas samt att det finns en tydlig kunskapshierarki i organisationen som hindrar kunskapsprocessen att fortplanta sig genom organisationen.

Kunskapsdelning mellan virtuella volontärer i en ideell organisation / Knowledge sharing between virtual volunteers in a non-profit organisation

Axelsson, Nilla, Haasum, Ylva, Nejderås, Karin January 2024 (has links)
In this case study, we investigate knowledge sharing between virtual volunteers, i.e. volunteers who work remotely by telephone or chat, in a specific non-profit organisation running a helpline. Previous research suggests that knowledge sharing may increase efficiency and continuity in organisations. This can be a challenge for organisations with limited fundings. Also, knowledge sharing between virtual volunteers is an understudied topic. We therefore strive to fill this knowledge gap by exploring how knowledge is shared between virtual volunteers in the selected organisation, and which factors are of importance for knowledge sharing between the volunteers.  We conducted qualitative semi structured interviews to collect empirical data, which was analysed through thematic analysis and the knowledge theories SECI model and the Concept Ba. From the thematic analysis six themes have emerged: organisational structure, commitment, information and communication technology, education, experience and relationships. These themes are the most important factors influencing knowledge sharing in the investigated organisation. Our results show that virtual volunteers share knowledge both physically and virtually. However, technical and organisational difficulties such as outdated documents and the volunteers' different possibilities to share knowledge with each other, were identified as challenges. We believe challenges with knowledge sharing in the organisation can be addressed by a Knowledge Management initiative adapted to the organisation including technical solutions facilitating flexible meetings, document management and a contact list of all volunteers and their role in the organisation. We suggest that implementation of a mentorship program would be beneficial for the organisation when new volunteers are introduced.

Kunskapsdelning i en internationell humanitär utvecklingsorganisation : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur medarbetare upplever den interna kunskapsdelningen / Knowledge sharing within an international humanitarian development organization : A qualitative interview study on how employees experience the internal knowledge sharing

Forslund, Johanna, Rastborg, Linnéa January 2024 (has links)
Despite knowledge being recognised as a valuable resource for organizations, there is limited research on knowledge management and knowledge sharing in the humanitarian- and development sector. Trying to fill this gap, this study aimed to examine how employees in an international Non-Governmental Organization in the humanitarian- and development sector, experienced the internal knowledge sharing, within their working organization. As well as aspects that affect knowledge sharing, what difficulties and opportunities there are, and the role of tacit and explicit knowledge for their knowledge sharing. The study was conducted as a hybrid of a cross sectional study and a case study with a qualitative approach and was based on the theoretical framework of the SECI-model, its processes and ba. Empirical data was generated through qualitative interviews with seven employees from a humanitarian- and development organization called organization X, in the context of a developing country in sub-Saharan Africa. Qualitative thematic analysis was used for analysing the empirical data based on research and the SECI-model. The result demonstrates that explicit knowledge is prominent in organization X because the employees are governed by documents and other explicit sources. The result also showed that the employees experience that there is trust and willingness to share knowledge, but that there is a lack of knowledge management strategy which affects knowledge sharing processes.

Barrärer mot kunskapsdelning i en nätverksorganisation : Aktörers perspektiv på kunskapsdelning i en nätverksorganisation / Barriers against knowledge sharing in a network organization : Actors perspective on knowledge sharing in a network organization

Andersson, Philip January 2023 (has links)
This study focuses on Knowledge management and knowledge sharing. The purpose is to examine potential barriers for knowledge sharing in a specific organization. The barriers will be from the perspective of actors in a specific network. Strategic knowledge sharing is based on knowledge management and organizational theory, the theoretical framework is created with this in mind. The research questions are the following: How is knowledge shared in a network organization? What barriers exist to knowledge sharing in a network organization? To investigate these research questions, a qualitative approach was taken through the use of qualitative content analysis. The study looks toward a specific network organization that in turn focuses on sharing information and inspiration to create a more sustainable future. Semi-instructed interview with different actors in the network was conducted. The result shows that without an established relationship between actors in a network, the actors themselves need to establish the connection. At the same time, a lack of communication channels creates a barrier for actors to establish contact with each other.

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