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Vad sägs om kvalitet? Olika synsätt på litterär kvalitet i två bibliotekstidskrifter. / What about quality? Different views on literary quality in two library journals.Åkerlind, Johan January 2008 (has links)
In this master thesis I investigate different views on literary quality in two quite different library journals; Biblioteksbladet and Bibliotek i Samhälle. One aim of the study is to see whether the ambiguity of the term literary quality is considered. Since there is no universally accepted definition of literary quality to be found the analysis is inspired by discourse analysis. This theoretical frame work starts off in the assumption that our views of the world are much dependent the way we describe it. The work of Finnish scholar Sanna Talja is presented and the results of this thesis are compared with the three perspectives on music culture that are presented in her book. The results of the thesis show that it is quite common to regard official definitions of quality as valid. Further, the collection of the library is also considered to be a good measure of quality. There is little regard for the opinions of the library user on the matter. Results also show that there isn’t much overall consideration of the complexity of the term. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Att erbjuda sanningens ögonblick : En undersökning av bokförlaget Novellix kommunikation och koncept / To offer the moment of truth : A concept and communication study of the publishing company NovellixSahlin, Björn January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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”… kulturrådsböckerna är ju inte sådana som det står 10 människor i kö på.” : en undersökning av filialbibliotekariers förhållningssätt till litteraturstödda titlar / The books distributed by the Swedish Arts council are not the kind of books that 10 people will stand in a queue for : a study of branch librarians approach towards literature with state supported distributionElg, Emelie, Lundegård, Anna January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to explore branch librarians’ ideals for mediating fiction and their view on the literature that are distributed by the Swedish Arts council. The study is based on the following questions: How do branch librarians reflect about mediating fiction? How do they express their view and their work with literature that are distributed by the Swedish Arts council? And which ideals of mediating can be distinguished from these expressions? To answer these questions a qualitative examination based on interviews with four branch librarians where used. The empiric material where then analysed by Jofrid Karner Smidt’s theory about different ideals for mediating fiction. Smidt’s theory is published in her doctor’s dissertation Mellom elite og publikum. Following conclusions are drawn from the study: we saw that there are multiple ideals regarding how to mediate fiction and that these ideals often co-operate side by side of each other but conflicts do occur in some cases. The librarians have a positive view on the literature that is distributed by the Swedish Arts council and believes that the books contribute to a broad and high quality library collection. The librarians express a wish to increase the loans for these books by mediating or market them. We believe that a solution could be that the Swedish Arts council contributed not only with books but also with some marketing assistance to the libraries.
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Det blir liksom öststat va! : Om litteraturstödda titlar, förvärv och förmedling av skönlitteratur på 5 folkbibliotek / It is like the Eastern states! : About governmentally supported books, acquisition and mediation of fiction in 5 public librariesJonasson, Maria January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate librarians’ opinions about books supported by the government and delivered for free to the main public libraries in every community. The study is also investigating how the governmentally supported books affect the process of buying books for the public libraries and how the librarians think about quality and mediation in the acquisition. The analysis is based upon interviews with six librarians that are responsible for the purchasing at five main libraries in small communities in the South of Sweden. The results from the interviews are discussed and analyzed from the perspective of mediation. Two authors who focus on this theory are the Norwegians Jofrid Karner Smidt and Åse Kristine Tveit. Smidt has done her own investigation among the staff at Norwegian libraries and Tveit is presenting a model with four types of intermediary. Some of these types have been found in the results of this investigation. The interviews show that the librarians have very different opinions concerning the governmentally supported books, but no one is all positive or all negative. None of the respondents are very anxious to mediate a certain book or a certain type of books; their main concern is that people read in the first place. The main things that are affecting the decisions in the process of buying books are inquiries from the borrowers and the governmentally supported books are having very little influence in the process. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Skönlitteratur på svenska folkbibliotek : En diskursanalys / Fiction in the Swedish public library system : a discourse analysisSundell, Jonny January 2008 (has links)
The view on which kind of fiction that should be mediated to the public through the Swedish public library system has since the late 60´s been dominated by what in this Master’s thesis is called: ´the discourse on quality of literary fiction´. The aim of this thesis is to examine to which extent this discourse still plays an active role in the Swedish public library system or if that discourse has been replaced by a more market-led, demand responsive view, where the features of ´quality´ and ´culture´ have been downplayed and replaced by a ´customer’s service view´ on how and why fiction should be mediated to the public. The methodological and theoretical perspective in this thesis is led by the understanding of the discourse analysis in Michel Foucault’s ´The Archaeology of Knowledge´. The material of analysis has been the Swedish Government reports: (SOU) concerning the issues of mediating fiction. Another source of empirical material used in the study is a survey distributed to librarians throughout the country .The conclusion which I have been able to draw from the analysis of the textual material and the survey is that the discourse on mediating fiction has changed from the 70´s and 80´s ´quality view´ on how and why a non commercial cultural institution like the public library should mediate fiction, to a market-led ´customer’s service view´ on the public libraries functions, where the customer’s demand should be met even at the expense of the quality features of the fiction mediated. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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”Jag är en av de få som blir lycklig...” : bibliotekariers attityder och förhållningssätt på fem folkbibliotek till statens distributionsstödda titlar. / “I am one of the few that becomes happy...” : attitudes and standpoints amongst librarians at five public libraries towards literature with state supported distribution.Granlund, Joakim, Stål, Jonas January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to study attitudes and standpoints among a few librarians towards literature with state supported distribution provided by the Swedish Arts Council. By qualitative interviews with librarians at five different public libraries, the thesis examines which attitudes that flourish concerning the titles, how the circular of books is treated, where the titles belong on the literature map and if the system is producing a standardisation of this literature and if the conception of quality is relevant. We also study how the librarians relate to intentions of the Swedish Art Council with the distributed titles and how they regard their availability. Our theoretical framework is based on Hans Hertel’s model of five literary circulations and Theodor W. Adorno’s thesis about the cultural industry and the standardisation of culture. The theories were used to put the state supported titles and the system in a larger context. Our conclusion is that it is a complex question with mixed emotions among the involved librarians. The attitudes are both positive and negative, and the incorporation of the distributed titles in the libraries collection of literature depends on which attitude they take. The state supported distribution system is also losing some of its legitimacy because of a broader selection of literature. The interviewed librarians mean that the selection made by the Swedish Arts Council is taken both from popular and quality literature. The librarians ask for more guidance from the Swedish Arts Council, publishing houses and authors in their work with those titles. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Svenska ljudboksälskares passioner och frustrationer : en möjlighet för smalare kvalitetslitteratur i de digitala strömningstjänsterna?Johnsson, Niklas January 2023 (has links)
I den allmänna debatten framförs ofta åsikten att ljudbokens popularitet i kombination med de digitala strömningstjänsternas kommersiella genomslag leder till en förflackning av vår litteraturkonsumtion och hotar den smalare, kvalitativa, litteraturens position och existens. Deckare, feelgood och romance dominerar idag lyssningen i strömningstjänsterna, men beror skillnaden i konsumtionsmönster på ljudboken som modalt format eller finns det andra förklaringsmodeller? Är denna form av litteraturkonsumtion ett substitut för läsning av tryckta böcker, eller är den primärt inkrementell? Kan det i själva verket finnas ett positivt motnarrativ där ljudbokens materialitet öppnar upp möjligheter till nya litterära uttryck och sätt att konsumera litteratur som kan bidra till att både bredda och fördjupa det litterära fältet? I denna framställning diskuteras dessa frågar med hjälp av en tvärvetenskaplig ansats, där tidigare forskning och teoretiska perspektiv kombineras med empiriskt material: en enkätundersökning i Facebookgruppen ”Vi som älskar ljudböcker” som genomfördes i februari 2023 samt aktuella exempel från de ledande svenska strömningstjänsterna. Med utgångspunkt i enkätsvaren visas hur ljudboken i större utsträckning än idag kan fungera som en viktig pusselbit i det litterära framtidsnarrativet, både för smalare kvalitetslitteratur och olika former av populärlitteratur och hur det ekosystem som producerar och tillgängliggör ljudböcker, framför allt de digitala strömningstjänsterna, genom kreativ affärsutveckling och användning av ny teknik som artificiell intelligens, metadata och personalisering, kan bidra till denna utveckling.
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Kulturarv, underhållning eller personlig utveckling : En kvalitativ undersökning om gymnasielärares syn på syftet med att läsa skönlitteratur inom svenskämnet / Culture, Entertainment or Personal Development : An investigation of upper secondary school teachers’ view on the purpose of reading fiction in the Swedish subjectEriksson, Karin January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka ett antal svensklärares syn på syftet med läsning av skönlitteratur, urval av texter, populärlitteratur och kvalitetslitteratur samt bedömningar inför betygsättning. Undersökningen berör den skönlitterära läsningen i ämnet svenska i gymnasieskolan och är inriktad på skillnader mellan yrkesförberedande respektive teoretiska program. Undersökningen består av kvalitativa, halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet har delats in i fyra kategorier, nämligen Syftet med att läsa skönlitteratur, Urval, Populärlitteratur och kvalitetslitteratur samt Bedömning. Då avgränsningen av materialet färdigställts, genomfördes en analys av materialet där informanternas uttalanden jämfördes med tidigare forskning samt Kursplanen i svenska. Gällande de flesta frågeställningar som diskuteras i undersökningen, märks inga större skillnader mellan de informanter som representerar teoretiska program och de som representerar yrkesförberedande program. Skillnader märks dock då man jämför hur informanterna behandlar läsning av populärlitteratur samt läsning av äldre litteratur. Ett flertal informanter uttryckte uppfattningar som överensstämmer med tidigare forskning, men resultatet visar på stora variationer, vilket sannolikt får konsekvenser för undervisningen.
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"Utan läsande urartar demokratin" : Det kulturpolitiska arbetet med litteraturförmedling och läsfrämjande för den vuxna läsaren mellan 2011 och 2021 / "Without reading, democracy degenerates" : The cultural policy work with literature dissemination and reading promotion for the adult reader between 2011 and 2021Nilsson, Emilia January 2022 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen undersöks den vuxna icke-läsarens plats i det kulturpolitiska arbetet rörande litteraturförmedling och läsfrämjande under åren 2011-2021. Läsforskningen och kulturpolitikens arbete med litteratur och läsning fokuserar idag till stora delar på gruppen barn och unga. För att bredda perspektiven på området riktas här därför fokus om mot en vuxen målgrupp, särskilt den grupp av vuxna som av olika skäl idag inte är aktiva läsare. För undersökningen har ett ramverk plockats ihop av verktyg från litteraturdidaktiken utanför skolforskningen, axiologin och litteratursociologin. Detta gör att uppsatsen angränsar till samtliga dessa forskningsområden. I uppsatsen undersöks dokument från de tidiga leden av de kulturpolitiska lagstiftningskedjorna. Dokumenten kommer ifrån Litteraturutredningen, arbetet med den nya bibliotekslagen samt Läsdelegationens arbete. Inledningsvis undersöks vilka värden man i dokumenten tillskriver litteratur och -läsning. Till exempel undersöks detta utifrån vilka argument för läsning som lyfts fram, samt hur man motiverar att kulturpolitiskt ägna sig åt befolkningens läsvanor med hänvisning till de värden litteraturen anses bidra med. Vidare undersöks vilka idéer och insatser för läsfrämjande arbete som beskrivs, med fokus på vuxna icke-läsare. Detta följs av en undersökning av vilka samhällsarenor och politiska områden som lyfts fram som relevanta för det litteraturförmedlande arbetet, vilket till delar hänger samman med det läsfärmjande arbetet. Sammanfattningsvis konstateras att den vuxna icke-läsaren till stor del saknas i det undersökta materialet. Huvudsakligen lyfts den vuxna fram som en viktig läsande förebild för barn och unga. Utifrån resultatet av undersökningen diskuteras i avslutningen avsaknaden av perspektiv på lässituationen och en tydligare bro mellan forskarsamhället och kulturpolitiken på detta område.
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Kliché, original(itet) och prestige : En analys av bokomslag med konstmotiv till samtida kvalitetslitteratur / Cliché, original(ity) and prestige : An analysis of book covers with art motifs on contemporary literary fictionAnehill, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to examine book covers consisting of art reproductions as a contemporary book cover tendency for literary fiction. Since the ”art cover” does not recur to the same extent on popular fiction the study focuses on its functions in the packaging of literary fiction. The theoretical framework is based on concepts such as ”paratext”, ”duomedial dialogues” and ”cultural capital”. Earlier studies on literary fiction, book covers and classical artforms are moreover central aspects to the conclusions made in this essay. The method used is a mix of a quantitative mapping of the book cover tendency and a qualitative analysis of the selected material. The material, consisting of nine contemporary literary fiction novels, are analyzed through their intermedial connections to the artworks displayed on their book covers. While the quantitative mapping showed that most art covers reproduce non-contemporary artworks, the qualitative analysis demonstrated that the motifs are depicted differently in the selected novels. Whereas the artwork in some novels seem meaningful to the plot, other novels only mention the artwork briefly or not at all. Consequently, the art cover is discussed as a marketing tool developed by publishing companies in order to address the right audience. In its displaying of historical or classical art, the book cover tendency resembles classical aesthetics and cultural ideals that are mainly learned through institutions that legitimizes cultural capital. Thus, the novel’s intermedial connection to the art cover is not equally comprehensible to all readers but firmly to a cultural privileged one. Furthermore, this essay demonstrates that the art cover conveys prestige and cultural value in a similar way to literary fiction. As a result, literary fiction continues to distance itself from popular fiction on the contemporary book market.
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